C) miu.umi, twmmji'iiujjBjivnjjfcwawriii mi im ViS.JBB -sV " -vfltaw'.flWG'" vV V 1 rfsvr II M $ ill & .&3j IJJ .-ja rV Vol. xyil Astoria, Oregon. Thursihiy Morning April 27, 1S32. No. 23. SS ft !si V i& iv JUtt II' JM I s FROZEN ROBINSON CRUSOB5. ' Most desort'island aorelists and nlavwriohts. from Doftw tnCharlpcii Rcadtf, place the scei. of tbeir I heroes' suffering and privation on J tropical iblando, which, if not wholly barren coral reefs, contain enough of vcfjelatable food and fruit to sustain the Hv of the j .,i.: I.-.-1 i t niiniuLT.t:i 111:11 me:.s, ami mo, 1 ' iti'riri 1.....1.. tun imiiiii uiiki '. ......... .. . ..v -" iir...u. .fir.". Uut fact, which is stranger than fiction, has added new distress to the victims of romance and drama, and cast the victims of misfortune in a southern sea upon an island of volcanic peaks covered with snow and icy plains untouched by the sun. They were on the ship Tiinity, from lew London, Connecticut. Petroleum i.avinv ruined the whale oil market, its owners sent it to Heard's island, in the South sea, I after sea elephant oil. Putting four men on oue end of the island, October, 15?0, tiioy sailed to the .-..1 -. ... l.... .. ...tin. .Kef.... t ' a ,., , , A storm came uti which drove the vessel ashore. Tile csew landed ( and took .r :.. i.r. .. nn!r..i ;uiuo in mi; ju-t , ,.,,,, i-ii shantios which had been built by , , previous ciev.s some yer.is"l)eiore. '. , , , A fne was maue, the thermometer ' . . being below freezing, and altei iroezing, hauling a cask or two of provisions ashore, the men lay down to sleep. About midnight three of them arose and walked down to the bay where the ship lay to see if she was going to pieces, for on that depended their chances of landing their food. To their astonishment thoy could not find her. Looking i off, they beheld her riding outtol rr.t ... A ...n.. r . . lin.iu n ., 1 1 ..,. I ca, uub u loan uii tuaiu) utiu dai rying all their provisions with her. Tho tide had risen and floated her away, and, like "The Flying Dutch-, J' , .,,J mon " lm mit fr Qtlll nlllllrf fil'Or man." sue. mav ue sun sailing over the seas at the meroy of wind and tempest. The caplain cheerfully announc ed that they would probably have to stay about a year on their island home, so they set about looking for food. Of a certain iort there was enough wild cabbage, toler able only after long boiling; sea elephants, sea leopards, eight times as large as seals; and penguins, which provided them both with its flesh and its eggs. Although they TTere les3 than twenty miles from their comrades on the other end of the island, a volcano of enormous height, covered with icy steeps and seamed with ravines hundreds of feet deep, cut them as completely off as if a whole continent sepa- ratcd them. The months went by and they employed or amused themselves as oest iiiev couia. me freezing itorms inado outdoor work almost impossible, and two of tho men while in search of food froze to death. How over, the' eletbed themselves in the skins of tho 6ea elephants and leopards; while beds and pillows were made of the feathers of captured birds. The loss which sank most pro foundly into their souls was the loss of their tobacco, and although they came from Connecticut, even tho wild sabbage proved to be only a mocking substitute. Some relig ious boolcs and a dozen copies of Harper's "Weekly, which they had brought with them, were their only literature. The carpenter made them a wooden ball, and a baseball club was formed, the cook acting as umpire, the elephants, leopards and penguins as spec tators. A sun-dial was set up, but from lack of a sun was not of much use, During tho spring and sum mer of last year they killed sea elephants and secured 500 bar rels of oil, which is worth S,000 and "belongs to them. Last De cember their four comrades from the other end of the island made them a viit m a beat built of. boards and wjnipppil with a seal- skin Kill. S lortlv atter tiie unueu . States hip Marion found and ros-1 cued tlioin, landed them at Cape Town, home. whence tliev were spr.t Talss Sentimeataltsm On the nait of certain senti- , ,. . r mentahstx, from wnose ranKs are. recruited tho idiots that go maud lin over niurdeieis, adorn them with flowers and baptize them with tears, theie is some disposi tion to guah ovei Jesse James' "kindness" towaids his wife and children. Just how kind and tender he was only his intimate friends can say. One of his as sassins savs he was kind and indul gent toward his children, and "would get mad at his wife for coirc-cting them." Even if he were tender and good toward them, it was only a trait ho tiad in common with tiger-, and other 1 beasts of prey towards their o!F- Ispriuir. Thib trciKtloesii't go vorv . ' , ... ,, , far toward i cconciling the people of India to the habits of the man- . . . i , l ,' - ':uing ugi-i auc it. iu iu:im; i . , r . ;, -ii ,, raid upon one of liieiV villages, . . :. ... ., , .. f i Sitting Buli and Ihrf Modoc ckioi- i . , , ., , , ,!,; tains weie doubtless kind to tlscir J . , ,, frontiersmen or their wives, or the wives and daughters at the posts and garrisons out west to admlro these warriors anv more because of their paternal affection. The widows and orphans of the conductors and bank officers killed bv Jesse James could not, . o tliinL- lin lifted In rmv nttrrOY- .. .,,c;m n, thlt Mr. James' treatment of his own wife and children. ITa wns esaentijllv ferocious. . .. , TT " .. 'not chivalrous. Ho was a savage ; .... at heart, with a varnish 01 what might pass for chivalry, if his bloody wantonnoss had not wash ed all tho varnish all off. Ho was, when killed, planning a raid on a bank at Piatt City, Ne braska, in which ho had made the most elaborate preparations to kill the cashier, whether it was necessary or not. Ho killed one conduotor because, previous to the robbery, one of his band had sur rendered too easily, aud he wanted all the gang to bo liable for niHr- der, so they would be too desper ate to be caught and "give him away." He never seems to havo hesitated to imperil the lives of his follower? in order to insure his own safotw He recently told an ': aaauaintance that there was auotll- , er of ,,:. gaiff wbom Jie liust j.jj , a3 tl wt)re surrellli(.r;,, t00 fast, ,,i t. ..,,,,1,1 i, ; ,i,1(THr iftliev were pcimittcd to live. There is a& little romance ahout such a creaturo a thero 13 about a panther. Even his courngo may bo doubted. Ho v as so (juick aud sure with hi pistol that ho folt safe, and for this reason did not nnnilii itfnrtn iim I 'Kk n a tniinli n &: iUailV VAUUJU 1413 iitU 411 lUUVd lfi ho aeomod to. However this may be, it vvai a kind of savage and physical courage rather than a high moral bravery. He seldom if ever came to an open fight liko a hero of a battla or tho leader of a clan. This is not the kind of courage that loads forlorn hopes, or does its duty in plague-stricken hospitals. Tho exclamation "Hurrah" is derived from the Slavonic word Hurray, meaning "to Paradise." Tho word was used as a variry under tho belief that every one who died in battle would go to Paradise.- iever so shopping without coa saltius tlie cdvertisins; columns of Tni: Astokiak. They will tell you where the best bargains are to be had, and just what merchants ar alive and dolpg business. A Touch of Nature. la the swing of 1SG3 two great armies were encamped on euuer bide of the Rappahannock, one dressed in folun, tlm other in gray. As twilight fell, the bands on the i r. . . . . , i . ,,Ti, Lmon sido began to play ''The Star Spangled 1'anner and "Hall,' Round tho Flag," and that chal lenge was taken up bv those on 1 ..i .,:.).. .....1 1..,.. .Anr..K.l i llic uliici aiuir, aim buuy iwapuuuv' with "Tho Bonuio Blue Flag" aud "Away Down South in Dixie." It was borne in upon the soul of a single soldier in one of those bands of music to begin n sweeter and more tender air, aud slowly as ho playod it thore joined in a sort of chorus by the instruments on tho Union side, until finally a groat and mighty chorus .swelled up and down our army: "Home, Sweet ITome." When thoy had finished- there was no challenge yonder, for every band upon tho further shore had taken up tho lovely air, so attuned to all that is holiest and dearest, and one great chorus of the two great hosts went up to, Ued: and when thuv had tinisheil, r ..i .1.1 irom me 003 a 111 gray came a c.ia.- lengc: "Three cheers forllome!" and thoy went up, resounding! .1 1 .1 -1 .- - !..! ..!.. iniougu inesKies, 110111 ooui siuea , of tho liver. Something upon the) , . 1 soiuieis cnecKS wasneu ou 1110 stains of powder. Iiiko Unto Paul. Yesterday afternoon an Appeal reporter met J. W. Nilos, an in. telligent colored man, who for sev eral j ears has been engaged in tho woi-kof establishing negro colonies. From him the reporter obtained an interesting account of the Nico demus colony in Kansas. He said : "Nicodcmus contains some I3G5 homos, and is located in Graham county, the distiict being kuown as Solomon's vailey. Thoy have two churches there, one public school, 0110 subscription school, a postoffice and several stores." " What do thoy do for money?" "Well, they raise corn, pump kins and vegetables and meet every Saturday night and exchange com modities. They give vegetables and other productions lor drugs, clothing, etc. I never know before that men could live without money. For three years aftor the colony started there was not a team in it, and tho men worked entirely with picks and spade3, Tho colonists were of tho worst class of negroes from Kentucky. Many of them wont to live easily off tho coin- munity. Now they are transiorm - ed into bard-vvorking farmers, thu showing, as 1 have alwajb claimed, that there was something to be tnado even out of the lowest negro. "What fiOft of government havo thnv?" "A ivgular townsliip govern nicnt, tho principal officer being 11 townahip trustee, who 11 a nngro." .If emphis Appeal. How Men Oat Hooked. Carlylo never made a grimmer sarcasm than tho picture of the perfectly natural way in which tho stripling oditor (in Howoll's now story '"A Modorn Iustanco,'') having a- fori 01 n headache from eating mince pio before going to bed, proposes to the pretty girl who is kind to him next day. How many men have proposed becauso they were blue, and wanted something to coddlo them whou a glass of soltzer and a long nap would havo cleared their spirits, without the risk of some womans' soundness of heart and happiness. .-Circuit Court Blanks, County Court Blanks, Justice Court Blanks, Shipping Blanks, Miscellaneous Blanks, Deeds, Mortgages, etc, for Salo at The Aatobiax office. ItnuJii (u itrnt. J?. t coinnicilateil ex Mrs. Dennv CurrunV. nirthe.o imsronntltmal church. SUrrmtin ttroi. Kir-!. will recive i.riler-. at lh -toio -r I. V. Ca-ip fur upin-r AMmi.t trnn dtlici lh0 oit' ' Umw. , ,WT onltfr, HII the slate ami thoy will tx; luonipt!) at- tenueu to. For Nrnt A ciuar stand: the iKtuivs an- for sale. Inquire of I. II. Fox. Main street. Wanted Six good eariienters and lathi-re can get steady einpiovmi Inquire at this olllcc. ;et steady einplovmcnt and sood wa. Sprlnff Opening. Tliftro will l a spriiijf opoidtu; at t airs. I'erovs oa n eune-iuaj ami imirs day, April Stfli and 27th. Krw and popular stylo-s of hats, bouiiets, triiu inliiS9, etC; "llouith ou Itnis" Thti thlnjj de-.Irx'd found at lat. Ask DrimL'iits for "Rouirh 011 Uats." It clears oat nits, mice, roaches, tlie-j, W-" bui?s. 15c. boxes. Brnln aud Xerve. Wells' Health Kenewer, sreatet icm edv on earth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, ete., SI. at diinjgHt--. Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO.. Portland, Oregon. Catarrh of tho Bladder. t htinufins. Mu.u-tin.r. mltation of the ininnrv trissa&os. diseased diKeb.r.r're.v -- ly- Uucl,l:pHlb.l. , .,t" .msts; Oroson Depot, 1AVIS& CO., Portland, uregon. .IU-1C IOI UJU IJlilllO, UlUili Muic for tho piano, organ, utile, violin, guitar, coract. aecordeon, nanjn, hfe,coiiconina mid Other instalment-., Jut received at Adlers music stole. Treat Your Teeth i Rather than havo them pulled. Let t our dentist save ail he can. You desire 'to have trouble, because J on have not usea bozonoT. v nen properly nxett, then nib on tho Sozodom', and keep them all light for time to come. Airiijoul Lodging Iour. fort. Inml. Oregon. New liouso and first class in it.s a nolntmeiits. Third street.- in- It, Jt Thompson's block, opposltESflPiBKTu?:! worth, ttooms oytno dav, week or month. Mas. E. Ar.iiif.OM. Tako A'otlce. On alter this date an additional 10 cents per cord will bo charged on all orders for sawed wood not accompanied by the cash, at Urais wood iard. Jul lst,ltl. Tim WecUIy tMoriau Is a mammoth sheet, double. t!.o size of tho Daily. It is hut tho pa per for tho fireside, containing in addi tion to ail tho ciuront news, choiee mis collany, agricultural matter, markvt re- poiis, etc. ii is juraisiiea hi single suo scribers at S3 00 per year In advance. War! Warl War! Water front offered freo to any ivi son that will build a sav mill in tho city of Williainsport. lumbei v,-c must have 1 to nullu this city. v e navo oun siore 111 running order atpresent. (Juito i- num ber have already located homos in this city, and jet there is room. Sold on timo to suit purchasers. Located one mil.i south of Astoria, on the sunuv -.idw of tlie hill, on Young's baj. ! 1 IV, 1 , f t w, V t. Soticr. leo cream, iee cream, .it Koseo-A re fresliment snloon, Saluid.-iy and .'iun-l day rveninK'i. Oeriden block, ' llm'forai u,.,ir friends in tho stsu-s 01 luucouuiiiuu aim jmii'si 01 1111s suiie, can iiitv! no more complete luidc-nnpri- hensive volume of fiKts to svml them than b sub-jcrlbisi mi tills iourtii I. audhavtii" us limit it wreki to llur friends, tvu mail it as directed. For i .1 wi 111 iunuu;5, VTti luuii linen copies i 01 HIE IV RKKI.Y ASTi)lll.N(HU Ji,v-r. In the Whole. History oC3!e.tlrnie ! Xo proiaratloii has -vn vorformed such ninrvelnna eurert, or liiuint.iiiu-.l so widoa lcnutation. as AvkuV lui:i:liv 1 rECTOUAL, Which is recognized us the uorld'srenutty tor all diseases ot the. ur.s ,,ms,.:, mtti,i,i,as been the relgnlui; throat and lunss. Its long-continued kpfcits-ror indip-ztimi.djsptiisia, fever and sericsof wonderful cures In all climates air. l-''.s er plivsle.il stamtna, liver cotn- li.o inml. If iinlirnta.llv I'lui.vti k. n .nfn ktl ilt.l flfil AtllPr ltKOnlGlM. lUlll llfLS heeil and , reliable agent' to employ. "AKaTiist ordinal v colds !!?'..f "S.10?11.!: ner.s of moro bcrious disordors. it nets hpccdlly and wurely, r.tvvaja relieving suffering, and often having life. The protection it altoids, by its timely us in throat aud che-st disortlen, makes it an Invaluable, remedy to be kept alwaj 3 on hand In every home. Xo jiersoii can afford to bo without' it, and tho-who have unco uel it never will, from their knowledge of its composition and rilccts, physicians ujo tho Chkkky 1'ECtORAi. estcnslvoly in their practice, and elergvmeji recommend It. It is ab.solute.lv cei tain in its remedial eftecis, and will nlwas can? where ciues p,re JlOiaiblp. pon s ki.v: nv am. dbalsk-i. Acough.coutorsoro throat should be stopiied. Xcglect fuquently resultti in an iucurablo lung disease or consump tion. Brown's JJroneliial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough sjiui, and baUsms. but att dircctlv on the in flamed parts, allajing irritation, give relief in a.sthm3, bronchitis, coughs, catairh, aud the throat troubles which singers ami public speakers aro subject to. For thiity rears Brown's bronchial troches havo been recommended bj physicians, ami always give perfect satisfaction. Ilavinc lieon tested bv wide and constant use for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among tho few staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a oox everywhere. I'm ii-1umI Itoow to' Let At .Mr? .Miiiison'i. ioiiylni couju. Noticp. The AsU-il.i .Shirt una Oil Clettiini: , Kactoiy has nioml next homo to I O'Ki i.'iiN Huti-I. IVrwins wishing ?ood ni! loihi'i-4 in keep th.-in dry will plea-e '.mII. a"- z: .treiit!ni Pis!itiiipii. I's" Xiolioi.t's IJali'i or Ciilonil oil for -oio or chaiipul IisihN. for sale by .Iot ! (J. C'hartui . Title tallies free to nil. I-orthe fmo-.l bitiis m tho city go to tlie Oiient.il lutlilii!! rooni''. opposite UolcIenV ar.rttini -.'ore. let: (K ('irAiiTuiLsProp. To the l.n'.lics. Drert-iiaakinK In all its brandies; ncat and reasonable, at Mis. Dcuny Currans. Cav. street, near Cousrosation.il (hurcli. Win Hemove Mi -.!!. t'oper,of the I. X. L. store has leased the eiitiio lower .tloor of the Knh.'hNof i'jthla-, biilhiing and will remove his stock 011 or about the first of M.tj. linivjc owrstoekccl and wishing In frduru Ins present stock lie will offer js .1 speei.ii indii'Tinent a ery liberal dlst'onnt to all c.isii e.nstoiners buying "oods to amuitut 01 tio or over. Ite- 1 inoiiilier that in p.itiotrizing this s:1h thai iitciiisco'tiit will DO liaiuleil oaeK 111 cull. Have Wisiar's b.ilsun of wild cherry always at hand. It euros coughs, colds, broiuiiilis, wIionpi;igcoui;li, eioup, in mienza, consamptlon, and all throat and liuigcoiuiii.ituls. 0 cent? audl a bot tle. Mnstcnl Instruction. ir,lf. Yrcd. Max or. of Switzerland, is no in tlie city and intend-, organizing acias in 1r.stnune11l.il music. Anyone who eonteino!At es Inkin a emu so of in- stria-lion on'the phnu will llnd this a ire optrorlunity. Piol iH'ii at 5lr-. Twilight's. Pi of. Ma t't may bo lernviHi nUlorw. CmotKbaJlubra. The Count Cilirhon was tho bpatiisb Vieeroy in Pent in 1'JTj). Tlie Countess, hts wite, was pros'raled by an intermit tent level, fiom w liieh sliu was fiettl by tlie us..- of the native, remedy, the Peru vian bark. or. us it was called in tho language of thu country, ''(Juiiiquina." tlnitcful for her iocnpiy,on her return to Kuiope in lixe, slip intioduced the rained in .Spain, whe-re It was known under various name.-, until J.iunicus called it Cinchoiiii.iu honor of the ladv "whoiiaU brought Uiciu that which was nioie priviout. man inegoiiioi iiiemcaa. To tills day. after a lapse of two hun dred and niiy ienis, science lias given us nothing to take i's. place. It effectu ally curp- a morbid uppetlte for stimu lants, by restoring the natural tono of the stoiii.uii. It attacks excessive love ot lupim as it does a fevor.and destrojs Iiotii alike. Tho iKivverlul tonic irtue of tho Cinchona K pa'f-crved in the I'eruv ian Hitlers, which are as eilectivo against malaual feer to-ilay as they wen: in me navh oi mo om panlsn Viceroys. We guarantee thu Ingredi ent, of tbPr-p bitters to bo absolutely pine, and of the best kuown mialit. A tital wiil-iiiU3f jua that this is tlie best bitter in the world, "Tho proof of Ihfi pudding i in the eating," and we willingly abide this test. J?orsale bv all druggists, grocei s and liquor dealers, unit r 1: l,wli & Ci .. ajjen U for Astoria. , ,. ,., ...., otaenainn orniorenostet- j woji :";;!', JtS,?1 rJf?,l'?n!leS ! mauerae.; a reU..,,cy to premature decav, iintsiiNta!ni:i!id comfort-, the need and In firi.i. Tor stile l ..II IiU!;sits iuU Deniers , " Ri'iivmlly Asroiav oi:i:u).s DRUGS AND CHElViiGALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT EIEDICINES, ETC. ay l"r(-seriptlcrs e.irefully wn'ijjoundid nt all Sours. S-TylfMri-iilBitliic lliicturrs and IJUt, ainl Itiimplirev's lelficrUs;!eI.t. A. O. ST1NS0N & CO., BLACKSMITHiNG. At dipt. Roei-, old stand, corner of Casi and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. HorsesUoelnp. Wagons made aud repaired. Good work guaranteed. P W CELEBRATED X f QTOSSJLCK . MIFCELLAXEOU?. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, Aaiuuu, - uiituu. The Pioneer Machine Shop lss ULACKSMIIIt SHOP .... vPSE Boiler Shop sV" All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, X1 STEAMBOAT WOBK TrompUy atlenilwl to. AspeetaKj imuloot risUr!nx CANNERY DIES, rOOT OF UVFAYKTTK STltKliT. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bp.vtov Stukkt, Kcau Pahkei: nocsit. .VSTOKIA. - OBKOON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. URDiHIHISEBNBISBS BoiieV Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. CASTINGS. Or ill 1 DeserlptloiiM made to Order at Mliort Xotiee. .V. I). Wash, rresident. .1. (1. ili'STLKR, Secretary, t. W. C vsk. Trensuror. JOUN' Fox, Supenntcndect DICALKn IK Sew and Choice MILLINERY, Desires to eall U10 attention 01 the Ladta of Astona to the fact that shft litis rceclvcd a larse ajortinout rf the I.ATKHT hTVWJS OF Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, AJ.O Conu-r Mala and So,ucmoilic Streets. Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE ! CORK MB LEAD LIKES, SEINE TiWINES. A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENBY BOYLE & CO., 311 Market (Street. Han Fraiiclxco Sole Agents for tho Parlllo CcaL ,1. H. JD. GMiAY,. Whotonale aaii retail denier in. .J if. KIXDS OF FKKD, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. Oeneral stonize and Vhllfn!;,, "1 renson itile terms. Kmt oi Il'iiton street. Astoria Oregon. FJ1IST CMNH Dress Making. Mrs. T. S. Jewett. Up slalrj, opixHlte Mr1. Koaers IVxirdlng Kouse. Washington "Market, Main Street, - - Astoria Qrrgfm BERGMAy C BEIIRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATrEh. tion of tho public to the fact that the above Market prill always be mpptiod with a FULLVARIITY BEST QUATJTY op FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will basold at lowest rates, wholesale ana l retail. Special attention idrea to iappl) shlDJ. ns grm&' ??Pllsi!L rH2sBif1'fl BCSINESijCARpS. E. c " XOTAP.Y PUBLIC, ALXnONEEH, COMMISSION AND SURANCK AGKKT. TjU. J. C. MIAFTr.Il, PIltSICIt.N ana SIT1CEOX. lOEUTscuEit .vnrr.) IMsenheN ortlie Throat a Speclolt y. Offlco over Conn's Drag Store. J)R. C. C. GLASS, VnYSICIAX AKD SCEQKON, Ofllee oterA. V. Allen's Store, ASTORIA, - OREGON. . "Tl D. WXNTOSi, Attorney and Counselor at Law. Omco In C. U Parker. bunding, on Botoa stesf t, opposite wistotu House, AbTORIA, .... OREGON. TAX TBTTXK, M. D. rnysiciAN and surgeon Office Over the 'White House.Store. ltEstorycE 0?er ElbersonS Bkey, op polt8 BartU & Myers' Saloon. "P p. incss, PBNTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREOON. IUwiiir In Allen'rt building up stain, corner ot Cassnutl Sqvuiocqbe streets. J Q. A. BOWLBY. " ATl-OItNEY-AT LATiV. Cbpuainus Street. ASTORIA. OREOON Q n. KAIX & CO., OEAI.ER nr Doors, U'lndowH, BUndn. Tran Koins, Lumber, Ete. All kinds of Oak-Lumber, Glass, Boat M ttrllil. etc Turning and Bracket Work A SPECIALTY. Stonm Stilt niar Weston hotel. Cor. t!i evl 0 aud Astor streets. vyw. uowh, .BOAT BUILDER, ATTnr. OLD STAND, OKAY'S BCILDING FIKST CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. MAGNUS C. CROSBY, Dealer U HARDWARE, IROM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, PtateK ail Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND'COPPER, Cannery and FishBrmBns Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware andfHouse Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IS SHEET IRON, TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done tyith neatness and dispatch, None but llrst class workmen emplojed. A large assortment of S'CALEP Constantlyron trnnd. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamua Streets, ASTORIA OREGON. DEALSE V CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Tim Celebrated JOSEPH RODCER8 & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W08TENH0LM and other English Cutlery. STATIONERY! FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc, A Una stock ot IVntrtipM oad JeireliT. SlttBzlo aat lirtM-b lMa.Alas Sbot Gnnn and rttllrK, KnvalTcrs, Pistols, uid AmmnnltlOB' MARIXF. GLAMSKH. AUO A TOJ Assortniont of firm 8rECTACLE3 and EYE GLAStsKS. SHIPPING TAGS rpHE BEST qUALTTY, WILL BE SOLD I hv the hnnared. or h? tho hor. nrlntMl or I plain, to suit outoaen. at In Astosiut office. 9ft, j; sc - s fi- ' .