!? ' Jr"!i "neKyvfKOK-iinrf. lliptaBMil y-t.y. . .-p. - ... 3 r-yssr -We 5PBssr-'P5?sfc' ".T,-. sWr P, - CO nwiijffiMi.i Vol. XYI. rlstoria, Oregon, Sunday Morning, March 19, 188 o No143. u. Pat Iff fk A. It'll-' 5 A NEW HOME FOR THE POPE. A. Proposition to Remove the Vati can to Quebec Letter from the Pope. Quebec, Feb. 24. Negotiation:, have been pending for some months between the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church in Quebec and the Vatican. The persons admitted to the secret are not many, and arc said to include only "the Archbishop of the Prov ince of Quebec and two discreet Bishops of the same diocese. The Hon. Sir Hector Louis Langevin, Minister of Public Works for Canada; the Hon. M. Chapleau, leader of the Quebec Government; the Honorable John O'Connor, representative of the Irish Catho lic people of Quebec, and two or three others. The negotiations have been conducted with the ut most secrecy, and not a word of the subject has found its way into the official organ of the Archbishop. The scheme under consideration is no less than a proposal to estab lish the Pope in Quebec, ami to remove the. Vatican, which has wider. That France, which from time immemorial had been the Church's champion, and which through Pepin had endowed the spiritual arm of the Church with a temporal power benefitting its dig nit', and which through Charle magne ratified that conferment, and which, in 1S49, though harass ed by internal dissensions, struck the sceptre from ihc hands of G.irib.Uli and Mizzini, h.is now grown cold, closed her religious schools, driven nut her pri;sts, and given her jjovermn-nt and the regulation of her educational sys .tem into the hands of infidels anil impious men. That, therefore, no help is to beexpeet.'d from Fia ice; that Spain, though faithful, is powerless, and that no matter how zealous a Catholic the King of Italy may be, he is entirely in im pious hands. Mcinwhile. he says, the head of the Church is a prison er in his own palace; his person and his officers are exposed to the insults of the ungodly, and have been reviled and assailed m the verv streets of Rome. The Pope. .stood on the banks of the Tiber tnereiore, minus me uma ior .c for nearly nineteen centuries, to moral has come, but here to es- tlie shores of the St. Lawrence. The negotiating parties on this side of tne ocean propose to bind themselves to secure a grant from the province of Quebec of 4,000, 000 toward the construction of a habitation suitable for the wearer 6 the tiara. It is alto proposed that Sir Hector Langevin, on behalf of the Roman Catholics of French origin, and the Hon. John O'Connor, on behalf of the Irish Catholics, should also ask for a conjoint grant of $1,000,000 from the Canadian Parliament, .to be v iTtfyian-'irfei imtmmm v k ,h' uat'u lur me sauiu purpose. in this latter part of the proposal Sit-Hector Langevin.jvho is a lay Jesuit, is not favorable, as he be lieves that the Protestants of Canada may take alarm at such a request, and that the line between free trade and protection in such tablish the imperial city is the per plexing question. Had faithful Ireland control of her own affairs, the Pupal court would be estab lished in Dublin; but that, under the circumstances, is impossible. In South America the spirit of dis cord is too rampant, .else Lima or Santiaso might afford a refuge. He next points to the United States. That country, he says, has always been liberal to the church, undis- criminating as to creed, the Catho lics faring as. well in the distribu tion of officers as the dissenters. , i !--?: xn Trirfr5e?' : oiui, lie suys, iiiu uimuu ouiius is a protestant country, her Chief Magistrate and her - customs are Protestant, and her statutes ignore the sacred church festivals. For these and other reasons, he has been unable to give consent to the solicitations of one court cardinal, a case, would fade away, and giveana' of 60mc of t,1c worthy pro place to a break between the Pre lates of the United States, to fix t . . .. . . ... - testants and the Catholics. The! his anode in the Kepublic. lie Hon. Mr. O'Connor 13 in favor of! then discusses the feasibility of openly advocating the measure at the Quebec project. He points the present session of the Domin ion Parliament; but his desires will unquestionably be overruled. Sir Hector takes the cautious view of the question and says it will be better to strengthen the Pope's position here by other mjans, by carrying out the. gigan tic scheme of colonization in the northwest, proposed by .their Grace3 Archbishops Lynch, Tache and others, by getting possession of a large share of Territory which is estimated to be capable of main taining 90,000,000 of people. Sir Hector has further contended that, while it is seemly for Quebec, with its Catholic Governor and Government, to make a grant in nurelv denominational benevo lence,, it would be unseemly, even in Catholic eyes, for a Pio testaut province or State to make such a grant. Premier M. Chap leau is as cautious as Sir Hector, yet he is willing to go to France to undertake another loan to raise the proposed sum for the erection of a Canadian Vatican. The only probable bar to the proceedings will be the final atti tude of the Sovereign Pontiff him self. He has received several propositions from the Quebec con clave, and his second reply, which clearly defines his position, sets "forth that the subject of most en grossing care at present with him self and his advisers is another residence for the" head of the church. That, instead of the breach made between the tempo ral and the spiritual powers in 1848 closing1, it is every day growing out that the province is small, and necessarily poor; that in the whole Dominion -there are less than 2,OU0,0Q0 of the faithful; that. while its propect3 of development are good, it is yet only in its in fancy. He does not fail to remind those interested in his pastoral welfare that the expense for main taining his court, including the cardinals, who share his palace I with him, would be very great; that wherever he g.ies he is com pelled to give audience, receive deputations and incur other heavy outlays, and that the exterior, dig nity of the papal seat should ac cord with the spiritual supremacy of the church. He laid stress, also, on the Catholic colonization scheme, and hinted that in tho event of the Papal See being re moved to Canada, immigration from Italy would be encouraged. He concluded a long and search ing letter with a blessirg on those who remembered the Holy Father in his extremity, and asked for further information on the subjects mentioned only briefly in the Quebec letters. This communica tion from the Pope sharpened the zeal of the Quebec Bishops and their fellow-workers. They re solved to put themselves in com munication with the Bishops of the United States, with the Archbish ops of Dublin, Cashel, and other dioceses in Ireland, inviting their cooperation and advice in the furtherance of the project. If the Pope should decide to mako the change a subscription would at once bo opened, and the whole Catholic world would be asked to contribute. A Novel and Successful Speculation. A letter from Frederick, Md., to the New York Sun, says": Yesterday about 2,000 of the suits instituted by Dr. Harrison Wagner, tho professional litigant, against citizens of this county, were settled, the defendants being compelled to pay various sums, ranging from S50 to 75 in each case. The operations of Wagner are without a parallel in the United States. About two years ao he was generally considered to be harmlessly insane. His actions were calculated to confirm this theory, and his eccentricities were regarded with indifference by every one who knew him. In the fall of 1879 Wagner caused much amuse ment by going before an obscure country magistrate, and entering several hundred suits for damages against leading citizens, chosen at random from all parts of the county, who had ever seen or had any dealings with him. The amount of damages sued for in each case was betwpen 90 and 100, the limits for which suits can be brought in this state. No attention was paid to the supposed lunatic's suits, and the cases were soon forgotten, but were several times recalled to memory by notices of hundreds of other suits being brought by Wag ner, who frequently entered as high as one hundred claims against one person. Early in 1880 "Wagner disap peared from public notice, but in the fall of that year the entire! community was thrown into a furore of excitement when it was iearnep that Wagne.r had commenced pro ceedings tqenforce judgment in 1,800 of tho suits. It was learned for the first time that the persons sued, having failed to appear he- fore the magistrate to answer, judgments had been entered in each case for the amount named in the complaint. "Wagner made no effort to collect the judgments un til a year had expired, when by law the power of appeal .had lapsed. In November last, there fore, he was possessed of 1,800 judgments, averaging $75 each, against 300 county residents and corporations. Each judgment was indorsed, "By default" and "No appeal taken," and of course they amounted te a lien on any prop erty owned by the defendants. During Wagner's absence sev eral persons against whom he had ohtdined judgments died, and his Legal ; now is. The proceedings against his victims hare been carried on I At Mra. Mnnson'a lodging house. by counsel here,and the settlement made iu nearly all the cases yester day, it is thought, will net him nearly 810,000. He does not pre tend that he ever had any legal claim for damages in any of the cases, yet he has succeeded in ob taining considerable portions of the estates of several deceased residents of the countv, besides mulcting hundre'ds of farmers of hard-earned money. A late number of the St. Paul Pioneer-Press contains an inter view with Mf. Ed. Stone, land ajrent of the Northern Pacific, with headquarters at Helena, Montana. He said: On the east side of Lake Pen d' Oreille grading has been done to the extent of twenty miles. From there to Mullen tunnel men. aro cettin out ties and timbef Furiilnlicrt Knoms to Let Hhernian tiros. Express Will receive orders at the store of I. W. Case for upper Astoria or any other part of tiie city. JLeavo your orders em the slate and they will be promptly at tended to. "Jlnchupaibti."' New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney diseases'. SI. at druggists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO., Portland, Or. .Vol lee. .lust received per steamer Columbia", a fine lot of eastern oysters, which will be served up in first class style at Ro coes, Occident block. Arrlsoui f.odslns Ilouxe, land, Oregon. Port- K New house and first class In its a nomtments. Third street, in H. AMUMllJ'HJU 3 MLUUlv, U14IUSUC ValL. iklllS worth. Rooms by the day, week or month. Jilts. E. Arrigoxi. The Weekly Anlonan is a mamirtoth sheet, nearly double iheaizcof the Daily. It is just the pa nerfortha fireside, containing in addi- very rapidly, tho wood beinjj red tion to all the current news, choice mis- VW.....J, .p,..lu.l. ...... ......,., ...... .... .v. fir and pine. E. L. Bonner & Co. of Missoula, have tho contract, and arc working 200 men, and have five saw mills in operation. The stuff is taken from the country on portions of the line, and some has to be hauled from other points. The country is better toe timber and tics than anywhere on this side of the Rocky mountains. ports, etc. It is furnished to single sub- icruters at 52 oo per year in advance. War! "War! War! Water front offered 'free to any person that will build a saw mill in the city of Williamsport. Lumber we must have to build tliis city. We have one store in running order at present. Quite a nuni- oer nave already iokuou names in tins city, and yet there is room. Sold on time to suit purchasers. Located one mile south of Astoria, on the sunny side of the hill, on Young's bay. J Williamson, Sn. MISCELLANEOUS. S.ARNDT&FERCHEN. ASTORIA. - 015EGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH 'SSfcajS8& .'J5tS. JWVrVT w -. -. i'lirsvi ,m.i r-v; uufiu -'7,'f?sya73 A.T Boiler Shop .TfA-v-ali -v-"' 'rasr?2. All kinds of sm ENGINE, CANNERY, AMD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. The powers of human endurance have seldom received a severer test than in the case of Rowell, a plucky little Englishman, in a recent walk ing match in New York. His first .day's tramp is something wonder ful, and were the score not a mat ter of indisputable record, it would not readily be accepted as true. At the end of thjJtenth Hour he had ffot ahead of Jsffie record, and at four 6'cl6ck4rrlho afternoon he told his trainer that if he wished him to do so ho would mako a rec ord of 155 miles in tho first twenty four hours. In the first 22J hours he walked 150 miles, thus averag ing 6 J miles per hour. Nothing in the History of athletics is more suggestive than this of the physical capabilities of man. "KoukIi on ICatH." Tho thins desired found at last Ask Druggists for "Hough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bed bugs. 15c. boxes. In the AVhole. Ilislury of Medicine Koomit to Bent. Anyone who wants a nicely furnished room in a pleasant locality can be ac commodated at Mrs. Denny Curran's, near the Congregational church. No preparation has ever performed such marvelous cures, or maintained so wide a reputation, as Ayer's Cuerrv Pectoral, which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs. Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all climates has made it universally known as a f afe and reliable agent to employ. Against ordinary colds, which are the forerun ners of more serious disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always relieving suuenng, anu oiten saving lite. Tin protection it affords, by its timely us in throat and sliest disorders, makes it an invaluable remedy to be kept always on hand in every home. No rjcrson can afford to be without it, and those who have once used it never will. From their knowledge of its composition and effects, physicians use tho Cherry Pectoral extensively in their practice, rtnd clergymen recommend it. It is absolutely certain in Its remedial effects, and will always cure whero cures are possible. for sale by all dealers. net your legal blanks at Tim Astoriak office. A full line of over two hundred styles. ST-AII citi7.ens or Oregon who desire to inform their friends In the states of the condition and progress of this state, can have no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to send them than by subscribing for this journal, and having us mail it wepkly to their friends. We mall it as directed. For 5 00 In advance, we. mail three coDies of The Weekly Astorianour year. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BrcfTOX Street, Near Parkkr IIorsE. ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. URDlHlHISE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. OfalJ Descriptions mndi to Order at Nhort Satire. A. D. Wass. rreident. J. (. Hustleic, Secretary. I. W. Case, Treasurer. Johx Fox, Superintendent BUSINESS CARDS. J C. HOLDES, XPTARY PUBLIC, .VCCTIONEEI?, COMMISSION AND BURANCE. AGENT. r .v. jicixtosu. MERCHANT TAILOB, Ooeldent Hotel Building, STORIA ... OREGON JA31I. -WIHTTEMOBE, M. J., PHVSICIAX AND SIRCEOX. Office with Dr. Jay Tuttle. Evidence at Mrs. Rogers. jyt. J. C. SHAFTED, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. (DEUT8C1TEB ABIT.) Diseases of the Thromt a Specialty. Office over Conn's Drue Store. )R. C. C. CLASS, PHYSICIAN AND SOKGBON. Otnee o cr A. V. Allen's Store, ASTOltIA, -.OREGON. P . WINTOS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Omcc In C. !. Parker's building steeet, opposite Custom I ASTOP.IA, - - - ton Benton ouse. OREGO Peruvian Bittern. Cinchona Rubra, Tho Count Cinchon was the Spanish Viceroy In Peru in 1630. The Countess, his wife, was pros rated by an intermit tent fever, from whicli she was freed by c. ... o . Kl., ,1,0, ,U,mm. "! u.,'e .1 lUB Da"v.e remeuy, iiie i eru mot uiu.c .. iw ...n k.. jm... r vian DarK. or. in the Orphans' Court as claims against the estate. Martin Sbank, one of his victims, hail died and left an etate valued at 8,500 to his wife and threo small children. WasfHer filed judgments against the estate amounting to $6,200,and the Orphans' Court was compelled to postpone the hearing of the claims several times in order to a void the necessity of admitting their validity. At length several citizens employed counsel for Mrs. Shank, who filed an application for arrest of judgment on the ground of fraud. The same policy wa3 pursued hy all the other victims, MISCELLANEOUS. and since that time the cases have been dragging along in the courts, tlifl indications pointing to Wagner being eventually successful in all of them. Tho courts ruled that the failure of the victims to contest the suits was in law a virtual ac knowledgement of the justice of the claims, while the further failure to take un appeal fiom the magis trate within the period prescribed by law placed them beyond tho remedy. After ho had begun to enforce the judgments Wagner found tho county too hot to hold him, and went to New York City, where ho as it was called in the language of the country, 'Quinquina.' Grateful for her recovery, on her return to Euro'ie in 1812, sho introduced the remedv in Spr.1.1. where it w?s known under v :ous r mes, vniil Linnaeus called it C'uchon-. Li I'onor o" the lady who i. oei'th: w'ani that which was rao -e -et'oi'.s thrn t e jjold of thelncas. Toi'i. ''rv.afier a I." ie of two hun dred rad li y years, su'eiuo has Riven us po . ' j to tr'.e '.s place. It euectu allvc'M auorb'tl rppet'tefor stlmu Ian,'jy .estcriug ti.e uaaiva! loo of t're staan cj. Ut'."' s- exce-s'vo lovo o'Toro ss it 'C2 r fever. p iu estroy3 boui al!':e. TVe powerful ionic viitue of tho C:nchoua is irsscrv:d in the Peruvian B;lter?, wj'ch aie rs e&u"ive against iiri'l-jria' fevrv to-: v ps they were, in tue days of t'je o'd Spanish Vicerov-?. We Ruavapleo tUe ingredl enis o the 0 'litters 'o cj .absolutely puri?, rr' ol the best known quality. A i,iil wii'TlS v vnu that this is tho besi-b..-er in irn vorlU. "The proof of the .pudding is jn tho eating," and we willingly abide this te3t. Forsalo by all driics'ists, grocers and liquor dealers. Order it, iooDiKUO.,aiTenisior Astoria. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenataus Streets, UsTOU lA okeoo:. DKitfrr. K CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS Gimmt ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE . WOSTENHOLlt and other English Catlory. STATIC SiFEEOT I FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A lino stock ol Wntrhcf nnd Jewelry, Sluzxle aim Breech lioadinc Shot GunH and Rifles, itevolvcrf. FJntoIrt. anil Ammunition .MAKIXE GLAKSE8 TAX TUTTI.K, 3H. 1. rnYSICIANAND SURGEON, OFFicE-QTer the White House Btoro. Kssidkxck At Sirs. Mumon'g boarding siousc, unenamus street, Asiona, uregon. 5 CUAXU, . ., 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Room Xo. 8. Astbriaa Balldlnc (UP STAIBS.) ItEsiDKNCK Comer of Eenton ar.d Court Erects, Astoria, Oregon. also a rrxr Assortment of .fine SPECTACLES aud El'! GLASSES. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - . ' OREGON mHlS INSTITUTION. UNDER CARE OF X tho sister of Cluirity, is uow ready for the reception of puticnts. ravine rooms tor U'.e accommooauon 01 any desiring them. Patient admitted at all honrs.day or night. No physician ha.s exclusive right, every patient Is free to and has the privilege of emploj ins any physician they prefer. United Ntalus Unrlncj Seamen who pay Hosp'ltal Dues, are enti tled to Free core and attendance at this Uos pltal during sickne3. Vermlts must De ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. SisTKitR or Charity. Dress Making. MK3.W.C. ROSS, & MISS ELLA LOGAN, The third bouse west ol the Congregational Church. NICE SUITS FOR LADIES Made for from SO to $10. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sia.de"iility. liver complaint, bolts, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free 10 any address. Seth W.Fowlr & Sons. Boston. A cough .-cold or soie throat should be I sujppeu. vesica liequcnuy results in an incurable Inn; disease or consump tion. Brown'r Bionchial irocl-es o not disorder the s.o.n."cli like, corjjb syrups and balsam1', bat pet dVectly on tbo in flamed parv. rllayinp; irritauc jrivo relief iu asilima, bronchitis, couchs, nata rn, anu uie. inroas iiouuies which sineis and nublic"spoake-s aro subject' to. For thirty years Brown's bronchial troches havo been recommended bv physicians, and always give 'perfect satisfaction. Having been tested bv wide and constant use for nearly r.n en tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the ago. Sold at 25 cents a oox everywhere. I.. X. G. SMITH, Importer and Wholesale dealer iu Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, flaying Cards, cut lery, Etc, Etc , The larceit and tinest stock of Meerschaum audAmDcr goods in tnoclty. r jrticuiar at tention p.dd to orders from the country and vessels. "Chenamuii street, Astoria, Oregon. THEO.BRACKER, Manager. I. "W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND HE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE p P. HICKS, PENTIST, iSTOKIA, --. - OREGON. Rooms In Allen's buudlng up stain, corner if Cass aud Sqeniocqhc streets. j Q. A. BOWLBY, ATTORNEYAT LATY. Thenamus Street. - ASTORIA. OBEGO Q II. BAKF 4k CO., OKALSK XM " Door. Windows,'' Blinds, Ttwm aoraa, linmbni1. Etc All kinds of Oak Lumber, Wass, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Oes vlve and Astor streets. J. H. D. GRAY, Wnolesale and retail dealer In. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc General storae and Wharfage on reason, tble terms, foot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Corner Chcnamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - OREGON. MAGJOJS (J. CROSBY, Dealer In HARDWARE, ffiOfl, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Plmaters and Steam Fitters - Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, OEALZTt JX .New and Choice MILLINERY, Desires to call the attention of the Ladles of Astoria to the fact that she has recelred a large auortmont of the LATEST STYLES OX Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Aim FANCY GOODS. Corner Main and Squemoqhe Streets. Health is Wealth. Dr. a a West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment: a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness. Convulsions, Nervous Headache.Mental De pression, Loss ol Memory, Sncrmator.hoca. Iiiipoteiicy. Involuntary Emissions, Prema ture Old Age, caused by over-exertion, sell able, or ovcr-indulsence. which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Kaehbox contains one months treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes fDr five dollars ; sent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case. "With cica order received by us for mx boxes, accompanied with Ave dol lars, wo will send tho nurchaser our written miaranton to return the money if the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guawnttes 15- miert oniv bv v. E. Dement, amcist. As tona, Oreson. Orders by mail at regular prices. Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON. TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly oa bud B.IB.PARS1 OEALXBIX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and SaN. "Wood Delivered to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses and Carriages for Hire. DF.AUCR IN WINES, LIQUORS AMD CIGARS. GOLDEN SHOE STORE. . I have opened a. NEW BOOT and SHOE ST0M5. On the Roadway, Opposite the O. B. &. tf Company's Dock. I am prepared lj do FIRST CLASS WORK la r H, My stock Is larce and new and very ntee ; Of any style you all shall have your cbetee. II on the shelves you find none that will o. You can have them MADBat the GoldeaSkM I. JT ARVOLD. Nfl 3 -: i'&3&&