f $ri?W&ft&??mir3-iiF w ASTORI A-.OKEKON : THURSDAY ilAltcn. 0. lx-2 S.V n IIXORAY. Editor. A Matter of Opinion. . "We are in receipt of :i corn jtucication from a country patron asking "What is the main issue bfor tha people of Oregon in the warning dwtion?" 'Tis a hard question to decide. Political is sti.ec dsrira their importance from individual mourss and impulses trbith in th aggregate determine tt flew of ths popular current. Uj polities wa mean not who kail fcaro a federal office, or gov rnaient patronage, or "the inside track" on securing a coveted nomi; atian, (and a subsequent deserved defeat) but that which is upper most in the people's minds and of the most importance to their well feeing as a tate. That ia entirely a matter of opinien: we meet men erery day who maintain that the no thing necessary is prohibition; that if Oregon only had a prohibi tion law, "the same as Kansas," that our State would go ahead in moral and material wealth at a greater rate than heretofore, and that the people would bo infinitely better -off. The3e people make the same mistake that the trainers of the Next Constitution made in California three years ago; they forget that human nature cannot b legislated upon. Bccauso pro kibition "works well" in Vermont and Kansas, is no more than a general argument that it would do well in our own State. It is simply an inference, and has no more ralue thai the evidence of presumptive success. Perhaps if Oregon had just'the same kind of . soil, climate and people that Kan sas has, prohibition could be car ried by a bare majority, and then would a new impetus be given to that peculiar kind of ingenuity tkat alwayp succeeds.in evading and breaking through an obnoxious law. To another class it is manifest that the leading issue- is "Shall nawikxt- rote?" ' That question we eope ATill-one jday be answered thia way'yosJeirtliey want to." There is a certain hind of uncer tain conglomerate, compose'd of long-haired .jncn'-auA short-haired women, who con t kssow exactly what it is they do want, but al ways manage to agree on Spirit ualism and uniyersal-stsuffrage. There is a good deal of sense and healthy sentiment "in the demands f the earnest workers for women suffrage: a great deal of nonsense and bladdery bosh in jhc clFusions f maudlin seiitituentalibis who ee.ra disposed to quarrel with tho Almighty because their opinion wasn't consulted when Nature first rdained what should obtain. Then comes tho "rank and file; an army with banners; Democrats and Republicans, who honestly be lieye in tho perpetuation of party dogma and political decree, and will for all time constitute the rerwhelming majority of tho toters. "What the isuo between the two parties is, no man can tell. The Portland Standard, the lead ing Democratic paper of .the Stato ii so characteristically Democratic that it may be 'accepted as a fair exponent of that ancient creed. A. few weeks ago i.t was blatant against monopoly; now it is apolo gizing for tho shortcomings of the railroad managers and glorifying their better deeds; it can see no jood in anything that is Republi can in its tendencies, and no evil in anything that has the flavor -of Boarbonism about it. Its one great principle seems to be oppo sition. It is "ferninst" tho gov ernment. The Oregonian is just Republi can enough to .servo tho interests f those, who stand in need of its ""political assistance. It nover gives utterance to any unqualified polit ieal sentiment, and though Re publican in its proclivities cannot h counted on us a standard Re publican' journal. I"t'a two great political par im 4ik5tf smeJe to be the filling of cci tain offices next June, and that arcomplished, the usual rVfmt1 f.nm .1... 7nfntwl n A .in. A iiUllI 1IU1I1 llli; UCUlUUU 4llllt HUll of triumph from the victors will give place to regretful explana tions of "how it was done,'' and placid prophecies as to future cam paigns. The great question of tho lime in our own State is the matter of corporate monopolies. It would be manifestly unwise to oppose improvement, because it comes in r ' . , the shape of consolidated capital: r all nTeat-imoroveincnts must come f r. , . . jnthatwav:U would be sillv to ; carp at the actions or the motives of the men who wield the millions that are used in such public werks: it would be ungenerous and im politic to censure then intentions or belittle their effect; but it would be folly to permit them to oppress us when wo ourselves can prevent them. This is the great issue- of I the day. "Shall corporation1- !.- greator than tho power that ated them?" It is a question that has been answered in the affirma tive in Nevada and California; it bids fair to be soon settled in Or egon. It is a question that has nothing to do with Republ canism or Democracy, with too much faith or too little; it is a question that affects the general wealth and individual pi asperity of every res ident of the state: it is :i question that when divested cf all unneces sary verbiage comes right down to a pocket interest. Those who think it will help them to support monopoly will do it: those who sje that they will be injured by the grasping policy of the corpor ation managers will oppose it: it j will go under different name- opposition to monopoly philan thropy public good tho cause of the poor man and so on. It will all amount to simply a matter of opinion; voters that think there's nothing in it; just newspaper talk," will stand in with the party and send their favorite legislator to Salem to vote for a.United States Senator; thoso who believe that corporations shduld be cheeked will demand a gledgo from tho man who ashs for their vote, that when he goes to the State Capital ho will not f.tli dewn before the potent influences gf the sack. A good starter in that would be to get the opinion of a candidate ibout f i ce passo.-. A public oflitvr that will take and use a free pa-s-. from a corporation will bear watch ing. ''Oh, that is too sweeping!"' Well, that is, as all things political are a mutter of opinion. flightier ihau Either. Xi:nr.AdKA boasts of a town called Wahoo, which title ia, of itself, roliickingiv susjsostive of untoward and unseemly action. It seems that in tho pleasant town of M'ahoodoabidecertnin wicked men who are in "office, and that a news paper published there" did make mention of the fact. To Fuch public mention wrathful ly did they their ears incline. After trying to hurt the busineis of the paper and finding that they were bucking against a losing game, they sent soma men hi tho still watches of tho night to "bust up the concern." Now,- though the editor believed with Richelieu, that "beneath the rule of men entirely great, the pen is mightier than the sword," yet he held the revolver in higher esteem than either ai a weapon of self de fense, and did so pepper, perforate, puncture and persistently probe the aforesaid bad men with bullets tint they deferred all action other than preparations for a speedy journey to a silent land. Journalism is not "without it little drawbacks in tho new country of Nebraska. If asitseemsis the intention they establish a pro fessorship of journalism in some of our leading colleges, it is evi dent that daily practice with the revolver, must bo oft the college curriculum for all students who intetul to "go West." Ciremc Court Jihiiiks I rtiintv Court Bl.inUs. Justice Court Rl. nl. Shtnninc llianks. Mlsenil.uiprms tilnnlri usis JioriaaKPS. etc, lor cnicrat llir Astoriax oflicc -. vr. .. .-,--.---..-.-,...... T. Warrantee deeds at The Astorias office. NEW TO-DAY. MISCELLANEOUS, j MISCELLANEOUS.- I Notice. miiE i'autnei s;nr iiekctofoee cx- JL Mins between W. W.Taj lor, and B.1". Stevein is this il.iy diSNOlved by mutual con sent. The business viul be herciftrr con ducted miner ttie Arm n nne of Talor and Jrtutsir.au to whom all accniuiti will i-e pati'.' W. W.TAYI.OK. 11 F. STKV U.S. T AND OFFICE AT OKEOOX CITY, Ore- JLl K0ii,2I.ir.h:i,lSSi. .Vitl-e U licreiiy silver. Ibat the following named settler lias tiled notice of Ins Inten tion to nuke Cnil proof In suppnitof ha cla"m. and that saidjpruof wiilbe-niaile be foie it 1'. SpcJdcn.Counit Clerk, at AstotI i, Clatsop county. Oiegon. on Thursday , April ! cations Xo.sok and 321 for thcN Uof i SW U and lot 7 and SV U cf SV U and lot Sec. 21. T s X, ll o W. He names the fol- lloKjnir tnpis ro EHrtp his continuous :o. ISEJ. iz : i erry inus, noracsicaii appn residence upon ami cultivation of said land.) lz: Thoiuai Vi'alklev, John Turpie. Howell i Lewis. George Wawin, of Astoria, Ciatvjp i 1 LUUUi, ureuuii. I cations Xos. 2217 :uidf3for tlieSJfer SE U and K ', of SW . Sec. 14. T8.N.K3 W. llenyjnesthc following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residency upon and cultiva tion of said land, e: 1 nomas Walklcy. .lo!m Tin pie. Howell Lewis. Ferry Tltui. of Astoria. Clatsop county. Oregon. . 10-w JOJ L. T. ISAP.lX, Register. Alo. .Tnlm I'. AiIjimi. r.nlnpclpfm niimM. The Pioneer Restaurant. MAIN .STWXT, - aVTOKIA, OCX, . ( Foi merly l.ept by 31 rs, AnlRonii Ha Cecil idled ap ami tte-opcuccl j 1IK.S. V. TV. ILLSIXV. 'Xlio tables are kept w-al and clean and aie supplied with the very best tl-e market affords. narl'roinntaiid obliging waltcis are in in tie constant attendance. SOL. SltllTEn. MAKK3 EYBKK. KsaSa TOE TAILORING KTABLISHMEHT. STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING. Shipper & Rybke. - Proprietors, No. ll Oak Street, PORTLAND, ----- OKEGOX. rillCH LIST : l'aiitsnnde to order from - - S COO Oicrcoat-i " " - - - 15 us Mils made " " ' - - - 23 00 Ihcsssmt " " - - - 3-j oo A large assortment of Puttings always on h.iml. ItepalricK done v.ilh .Neatness and dis patch. Cutiicj; dune Free for turchaers SiilK made to Order from $?3 00 :ind Limuruj. Prrfcrf Fit Gnnnintrct! or no Sale: MIMii & UNIT'S -AND- ARE THE BEST. And cast ho more than other brands ; and if tho Mt reliant with whom jou trade does not Keep our Goods.it Is because it pays better to sell a pair of Boots or Shoes every two months than eicry four or live. WE GUAltANTEE EVEKY PAIE WE MAKE All Merchant, lu Reed credit can procure these Goods at our Warehouses lu Tortland or Saa VranUseo. Try our "HERCULES" Patent Boots HECHT BROS. &. CO. City Treasurer's Notice. jWOTICE IS nnitKBY GIN'EN THAT "all lH omsuuding Tiirrants or orders duo by the City of Astoria, will be paid on presen talion to the undersisned at his office. In terest will eeaso on and after tills date. J. G. HU.STLKi:, Treasurer. Astoria, March 7, IS82. Proposals for Sresh ISecl", Glutton mid Flour. SUBSlSTENCn OFFICE. DEPARTMENT of the Columbia, Vancouver Borracks.W. T.. March 1, iSSi Sealed propoaLs; in triplicate, subject to the usiul conditions will he received at this, otliceaud at the oluce"ot the Acting Asslst ani Coininlssancs of aubslstcnee at the fol lowing named iisls(fortIiP supplies needed .it th so nots only) until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday. Anril 12 I;tf2. at which tlmn nnd tilace they will be opened in the presence of bidders for the furnishing and delivery of Frel Beef and Mutton (hiring the ear com mencing July 1. 182 : ioic Barracks. 1. T. : Fort Cuibv, VC. T. ; UortCasnril'Ali'iie.I.T.: Tort Olvllle.W. T. ; Foil Ivkiuutli, Oicgou; Fort Lapwal, I. r. ; Camn .Spokane, W. T. : Fort Townsend. W. T ; aucnuver Barracks, W. T. ; Tort .uia ana, .i. :oei liounds; Koit lit. iieunds: Fort Cohillo. W.T. lV.T..40,TC3pouuds 1!35 pounds ; Fori .in atli. Oicon, yl2 pounds. 1 Samples of tho Flour, (not less' than two poaii(Is) pmtiosedflto be furnished, must be Mibmittrd with the proposals. ThcFIour to he tested by biking bero'c acceptance. Proposals for.quantltles of Flour less than tha whole required will be received. Tho. Kovernment resertes the right to reject any or all proposals. Blank proposals and printed circulars stat ins the kind of Beef. Mutton and flnur . v. ciiurca ni eacu post, anu pving.iuii instrue- ii ions as the manner of blddniir. rnnilitinno ; to be observed by the bidders, and terms of application at this offlce, or the Acting As- i sisian. wouuiiisjaries oi auDSisiQnce at tno .ir!ous cost named ' t.iiKjui'-.uiaiuiuHioiiu3ai snuum on ' ""iked Proposals for at ," and . ;.... An,n.. .t . i- - j . pectlvo Acting Assistant Commissaries of uiiii cssiru iu tut. uuuciiicu unu me res . vvov fITmi ViPaJ" JbF SiJML Also, for mo delivery pi the follonini; am iimts of Flour : Boise .Barracks. I. Tl, Zi;m pounds; Fort Canby. W. T., is,42fi pounds; Tort Cceur d'Almo. I. T.. S3S0S iiinui, ,.j... ju.ioi puuuas: uamp opoKane, N . T., 3.MB7 pounds : Fort Townseiid, W. T., IC.Oil pounds; Vancouver Barracks. W.T.. !a27 tKiunds: Fort WalLi Walln. W. auDusience. BAii'Li r.uublllMi, Captain and C. S., U. S. A. (SUUSKMOK TO i'-iOE &'ilhKH ) Wholesatfciinrt rrtxll avsti-r il SFWSfim . " "" PrQVItil&9 Glass and Plated 'Ware, TUOI'ICAI AND I)OMK.nc FRUITS AND VEGErA8LES. Together with Wines, Lienors, TotaccoSCiprs f The Urgent tnd most coinpictf mx-k vt goods in their line to tw found In tl-.i- city. Corner of Casi and-Squemoeihi SireN. A3TOKU. OKCGdN. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, ".rij Corner Cass and Squcmofjho streets. AHTOUIA. -. - - - OI'EGOX DKALEil I.V WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. Leineneber & Go.,, 0. IRINKX WEIISIt. JI. lijlOWN KSTADUSUfiO 1833. ASTORIA, OREGON, TAHEBS AND CDBBIERS, Manufacturers :ind Tnit-.)rteis o( A 1.1. KINDS OF Xj"F8 A VPttLJkt.' ' AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. eynigbest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. SteBhans Varieties ! GRAND OPENING-. A LIVELY KXTr.RTAISMKXT i Have a new bowling alley; tho largest and best In town. Admlttanco free. vyni. noivE, BOAT BUILDER, ATTUE OLD STAND, GBAY'3 BUILDING FLBST CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. HANSEN BROTHERS, Architects and Builders, All kinds o! House work done at 1 Shortest notirc. Shop cijriijrlif Cass and Astor Street. ASTOKIA, -',--- OREGON r- .G. swits:. . Iipporter and Wholesale dealer In '- Cigars vand 'Tobacco, Smoker's -Articles, Playing Cards, Cut leryEtc., Etc., The largest andifinest stock of Meerschaum and Amber goods In the clt y. Particular at tention paid toordtrs from the country and vesds. ' C'henamus street, Astoria, Oregon. THEaBRACKEK, Manager fainter and Rufiher, DEALERS IN OLXET, - - - . OKEGOX Sheriffs Notice. THE STATE. ; COUNTY. AND STATE School Taxes for tho yearlSSl, aro now due and can be paid at my onice at the Court llouse. - A.M.TWOMBLY, (Uwtf Sheriff and Tax Collector. shippi&Mags THE BEST QOALITT". WILL BE.S0LD by the-hundred, or by ths box, printed or plain, to gait uttmers. at . Tax-AsioaiAS office." 6eo.W-.Hnme i ! Wholesale and Retail Dealer GROCERIES. Provisions, Lumber, ETC.. ETC.. " ETC. FisiiemiPiis and Cannery SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOK THE San Jose Pruit Packing Company, j AND THE. Shu Prauciscn Chemical WORKS, ASTOK1A - - - OEEGOK. Jf ARTIN rOAU. J. J. STOKES, FOARD & STOKES, Wholesale and ictal! dealers in i Wood awl Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Fruits and Vegetables, AND COUNTRY PEOBUCE. AMI General Commission merchants ASTORIA, OIIEOX. Next to Onon l!all:t &Nav. ki'i Dock, dtw KILL'S VAIIBTIES. GEO. HILL, - - - PROrCIEIOU WALTF.lt rAltKrf. - STAGE MANAOER Oiwu nil llic Vear, I'crfoi-nianee i:vrry .Vlslit. Entire tliange of Pro- srammc Once n AVccb. CompriJng all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS Tho theatro Is crowded nightly, and all who hae witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be equal to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill .is a caterer for tho public's amusement ean not be excelled. Aubod willing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit jmdlieauty without vul garity, should improvn tho opportunity and come. Tho company comprises tho following well ,4 Known Artists: Miss Txspni WApxox ?Iis3 l.dci8ir Cook. Jlisa Mqixie ciieistv, Mr. Cuarlis-ICouijer. MiuTHOS. CURtSTY, ; . .Me. John cook. Mn. Miltox Johnson, Mn. Josnrn Petty, Mr. Walti.r Parks. All of which will appear nightly in their dif- lorem hpcciamcs. Open air concert ev ery evening ; porform- on Benton street ; private boxes on Chena mus street. anco coinmcncm ai s; cninincc loineaire WAK IS IECL.Vni".I WITHOUT FITBTHRK XOT1CR it5ftj ArJ no terms of peace until n'pQ cseryman In Astoria hasanew M R sl"t of clctbcs tSfe a.vK i:v an:.VNY. Ixiok at the- prices : Pants to order from - - f 3 Co Pants, Genuine French CaImcro - 12 50 Suits from 2500 Tlicflnpst lino of samples on tho roast to select from. V. J. MEANY, Main street, opposito Parker House. Astoria. $ ASTORIA. OREGON W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. -Prescriptions carefully compoundedjat all hours. " -Homeopathic Tinctures and Pellets, ana uuznpnrey s pciu lunuiupu OKNIA C)li tURftr, v fv s3?gv .? e&&6&K&8&. mjwMmmo rSrir.-finv xr rpsctss ---- j'4'w:v7 -- NT& rssr x 3g Lacking room to store our immense stock we shall dispose of all REMNANTS OjST HAND. j Worsted Dress Goods, j comprising Plaids, litiignig liuiu j lu Honpareil Bress Goods, at 10 ctillll.YarcL FLANNELS, CLOAKINGS, SERGES, etc,, etc., of all shades and quality. Being impossible to classify from the fact that our stock is Beyond in quantity, and quality anything ever" seen in Astoria. ,-; We have a Jarge amount of remnants in IJA.CES and EMBROIDERY. 5000 Pair of ladies' White and Colored Hose, slightly damaged, io cts. per pair, usual price 35 cts. Remember our stock, of Gents' ware is unsurpassed in .quantity, quality and Price in this or any other market. tjigBe sure and call on the old Reliables. ra e &-$"5:&i Postoffice Corner, TheBossOoffee and Tea Pot Cin) TWO DOORS EAST OP OCCIDENT, 3IISCELLANEOUS. LOEB & CO., .tOllEERS IN WINES, liquoks; AND CIGARS. AGENTS FOP. TIIE Bast San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. E2T-AI1 jfoods sold at San Pranchro Prices. ilAIX STIJEET. Opposite Parker llouse, Astoria, Oregon. THE OLYMPIC SALOON Opposite the Parker Iloase. THE FINEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS ami CIGARS lCept comtantly on hand. Xo pains will bo spared to give my custo mers satisfaction. SJGive n a call. E. V. SEDLIN. A. a. STINSON & CO., BLAGKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Hor!e3hoelnjr. Wagons made and repaired. Uood work guaranteed. 8, et" S. Ties - - at 20 cts. per Yard, Brocades, etcetc, jlu varus. 3gg: -f IA TORE, Astoria, Oregon. MAY BE HAD OF E.R.HAWES SOLE AGEOT, Also, Agent for the celebrated liucli's Taf cnt Cook StoTe, MEDALLION RANGE. STEAM FITTIXGS A SPECIALTY. None but the best workmen employed. " ?5S!?g ii-i""2irwty All work guaranteed or no charge. Bowies, "- - ASTOKIA, OREGON MISCELLANEOUS CITY . BOOK STORE. We are constantly receiving -now additions to our stock andhavo tho finest and largest assortment of Tarloty goods In tha city. Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Frames Celluloid Goods. All our goods are marked In plain figures Call and examine quality and nota prices. CHA3. STEVENS & SOK D. KELMAN. MARBLE AND STONE WORKER- Monuments and Head Stones, ' Or anything In the line-of Stone, SL.VTE C.VK SEAMEES alwaj-s oa. hand.r First claw work and satisfaction gnsranteod,' .' Shop opposite C. L. T Chenamu3 Street, - - Shon oiinosito C. L. Parker's residence. T ' I ... . , . Astoria, Oregon, a - s. L. B. ROYAL, t .lRACTICATL AVATCHIAKf5B j , ato jewh-eb, qjSv Having permanently located $j'l hi tho city, would solicit the Sj 3mS general patronage of . the S5iei public. i Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jeivelry A SPECIALTY. CO-ALL WOEE WAnUANTED.-SB On Squcmocqha Street, west of Bell Tower. School Tax, District No. 9. CPPSE ASTOKIA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT School Taxes for tho above District are now due and payable at the oBlce of ths undersigned. Please pay up promptlyand save costs. WM.B.ADAT57 dtd. Oark District No. 9. Z S$ .5f-f viv V? fpf- ?&$. 's - t n - &vii&ys -t'&rsiterti Vf . ,-T'r v -icv.xr W-f jgg&&$5r -v-".;: AEar-?ai:. , .-7-f-'V X-?'"-'ifirZ''-,'iSfr"' ir,v - . :--r'.:-'5' z. . UXSfrj&ir J'KTj ifcsi;i