fvS T-v-i " r-"--"Pi "-.'.c-rzi'V'misr - r o:' - -- .- ! v-'i?e'-r '"" " ";.'-' .z '-s. -a i .' ' ' s Vol. XVI. Astoria, Oregon. Thursday Horiring, March 9, 188 $o. 134, - i' NEW IDEAS ABOUT PARTIES, j President wn ever stronger with Doca a Prospective Break-ap Es-i the opposition ; and a condition of plain Arthur's Hesitation. ; readiness, admitting of interesting .Wa9iungtox, Feb. 31. A gen- j probabilities, exists which no poli tleman, as profound m politics as i tician will overlook." in legal learning, in a conversation How generally nro these ideas about Arthur's slowness in com- of Arthur's purposes shared by pleting his Cabinet, expressed Stalwart leaders? some rather singular views: "When Garfield was nominated, "What is complained ot pro ceeds neither from indecision nor indolence. It is not a new nor an unnatural idea that a new forma tion ol" parties is at hand. Blaine early set out with it, and has pro ceeded confidently on that hy pothesis. Few sagacious politi cians will he found to declare that they expect party lines to hold as they have done for more than twenty years. In the Republican as well as the Democratic party warring elements exist, and per sonal elements become distracting. It is against the lessons of history that the life of the Republican party should bo much longer pro tracted. Arthur holds steady for the present to see how these things will develop. He evidently is hus banding with extraordinary pru dence a heavy fund of resources, to be used according to circum stances. And this is all that his alledijed slowness amounts to." Do you mean to say that Ar thur is fully convinced that there is going to be a break-up, and that the next President will bo elected on other than an old-fashioned party struggle? "Not convinced yet; neverthe less he probably considers a break up possible, and means to have something handsome in hand. You ce, besides his Cabinet offices, -there arc some of the best- foreign appointments at his disposal, with out doinjr anvthinor violent. A considerable proportion of the local offices- aro held in abeyance. In tho South, where the change or break-up is actually, in one sense, in progress, tho machinory moves quito freely, and appointments aro making on .the plan of a break-up at least so as to promote it every way possible." Still, I ask. Does Arthur desire to see a break-up, except in the South, where the Republicans aro buried, and any chatige would be advantageous? "Probably Arthur would not do anything to cause a disruption of the Republican organization in the North. Blaine and, say what you will, he has a powerful follow ing when it comes to practical work does, and" he is doing, his utmost to bring about the disor- ganization, the demoralization rather, of parties everywhere. It is no trifling matter. Blaine's wish is to thrust in new issues, raise new questions, and create confu sion, -in tho belief that ho will be ablo to gather to himself most of tho fragments. Others besides Arthur- think there is too much in this tendency to disregard it; any way, like an astute pla3'er, Arthur does not intend to bo with out something in his hands should there bo an occasion for taking tricks." There is a natural indisposition to beliove that a fusion of Blaine and Bourbon Doraocrats is more than a ridiculous piece of imagina tion. What are the facts about it? "Not all imagination. You know it is a saying that nothing is "so certain as tho unexpected. Go into Georgia and tho adjacent States, and already you will find people talking up Blaine and Brown. Brown is full of it. Just hero is a suggestion which has not been lost on Arthur. You will see hero In Congress, and nearly everywhere among tho Democratic leaders, no special disposition to antagonize Arthur; Probably no Conkling believed the time had come. It took them all to bring Conkling into line; had he not come, there would have been 1:0 fight in the last Presidential can vass, except such sis Blaine and a few of them who had been snowed under in Maine and elsewhere could make. The canvass would have resembled that of Pierce and Scott, the latter standing for Gar field. Garfield pleaded with Conk ling's intimates to persuade him to save him. And how ho made promises of what he would ilo! Had he possessed a kingdom, he would have pledged it to be saved. Two things, extraordinaiy and never to be forgotten, are peculiar tn tliiit, nnrinrl. I moan the war flfonf liniinnr.M fnnvnivl IYt fr:lt; field, and then ConklingV refusal, till Grant overcame him. lie de clared he would have nothing to do with the man, simply because ho believed he was 'Blaine's shadow.' That was the phrase he used. ''He will forsake you as sure as you save mm, saiu vonic- ling. But Conkling yielded, and tojrether the Stniwart chiefs saved Garfield. But he went back on them, because, as Conkling said, he was Blaine's shadow. This is a digression, but not altogether aside from the present .subject the re organization of parties. As I was saying, Conkling believes there will be a break-up. Grant is about the stiflest party man there is. He connects his career with the Re publican party, and holds fast to it. Nevertheless he is not otfri ous to the philosophy of time and events. Ho will not object to a new deal, since it is Blaine who proposes. Logan ha9 somo ad vanced ideas. Like Blaine, he believes in a now era, and is net averse to it any time, nor disin clined to bclievo it may ccmc sooner than some think. Som'e curious complications as to this may be disclosed before long.' But for the present Logan is not disposed to pooh-pooh the idea of a new deal, albeit he is not exactly en rapport with Arthur in some important respects." Whose influence dominates Ar thur? "Well, it would not bo right to say any one's does; but Conkling's counsel is soonest listened to. Between the two friends thero is an indissoluble bond. 'Go ahead and do as well as you can,' said Conkling to Arthur, a few days after Arthur had taken the oath. 'You havo a hard task before you. I know you would prefer yourself back in quiet life in New York, but there is no escape. All the good I can do you shall be ren dered; but leave mo out of your list entirely. I can tako nothing. Lot that bo considered settled.' So it was, and baa been ever bince. Conkling, as I have said, believes thero is going to be a ohangc, if not a break-up. You see some evidences of it in New York oven now. Small streams produco great rivers. Right hero in Congress evideucois not wanting that what has been predicted may prove true. At present Arthur has tho Re publicans solid, but ho has the spoils; and let mo remind you thoso who would run away after they obtained them, will not get them. To make suro of this takes a good deal of Arthur's time." UlanEs. Promissory notes, bonds for deed, quit claim deeds, mortgage and warranty deeds, at this offlee. Draw Poker as a Disease. Draw poker is a most fascinating" yet deceiving game One nf the peculiarities of tho game is that the beginner, as soon as he finds out that one certain kind of hand beats another, and that a bluff, if successful, beats anv hand, thinks ho can play the irama better than any mil.. If he holds a poor hand ' once, and bets big on it, and ' scares out an old veteran, whon he ' rakes in the money he cocks ids hat on one side and thinks how rich he might have been if ho had learned to play poker before. Ho wonders" why everybody does not givo up business and play poker and get rich .As he counts over tho chips ho has won so easily by a simple display of nerve, ha says to himself: "This game, is good enough for yours truly. Hence forth hard work and me will dis solve partnership." He keep3 on playing. When ho wins his hat is cocked on ono side, and when he loses ho wears it" straight. At first it is on ono side the most of the time, then he gets to wearing it straight pretty frequent, until finally he loses every dollar ho "has ijotand jjoes out and olubs htm self. Countrymen who think they can play a pretty good game of poker, find themselves in largo cities, and thoy are not contented till they get into a game, and nine times in ten they get so everlast ingly scooped that they can't tell their own namo till they look at it pasted on the inside of their hat. However good a man plays, there is always somebody that plays better, and they are always laying for tho fellow that can't play as well as tliey can, while tho coun tryman is always laying for some one who can play better. There is no gamo better calculated to take the conceit out of a man than poker. Wo have had it taken out of us S75 worth bv a cuss that didn't scorn to know as much as we did. A man has to have tho conceit taken out of him about eleven times before it will stay out, but after he has once got it eradicated from the system he never catches it again. He can live right amongit it, where all around him are down with it, and he will not tako it, not if he knows himself. It is as though he had been vaccinated, and very Hkely he has. If you have an idea that you are a good poker player, there is no help for you till you get tho conceit worked out of you, and the sooner you get it out the better. Some can get it out by losing a few hundred dollars, others have to lose a farm or house and lot. fn some cases it takes years to get it out, and in other cases it can be got out in one evening. Do not deiay hav ing it taKon eiu, as lonet as vour S3'stem is in the condition to re tain the seeds of the disease, but hunt for games that you can get into till you loso enough, then call yoursolf a monumoutal, colos sal, diabolical, enigmatical ass, and jump the game. You will nover think as much of yourself ;after it is over as you-did before, but yon will bo worth moro to society. Hudson Register. Washington as a Voter. Washington voted at alt tbo Fairfax elections until tlio oloso of. his life, uniformly supporting tho Federal candidates. Although liv ing some distance from the Court House at the Alexandria market, ho generally voted early. Tho polls wero reached " by a flight of stops outsido, which in 1799 had become old and shaky. When the General reached, tho steps he placed ono foot upon thorn; and shook the. crazy. aecont as if to try its strength. -Instantly twenty I brawny arms, ono above the otlior grasped the Stairway, and-a dozen; men's shoulders braced it. Nor.; mo" a man move unm mo veuor- able chief deposited his vote and ,.i , . , , ,,i returned. "I s-iw his last bow,"; ymnf tfc.,m hir oontiirvl a century j afterward; "it. was more than kingly." Skinny Men. Wells' Health Renuwer. Absolute- rare l'nr nervous dcbilltv s'.ml weakness I of thcKeucratlvn function!?. SI. at drug-! glsti. Oregon Depot, DAY us & CO.,- I'ovtiami, ur. Take A'otlrc. On altar tliU datti an additional 10. cents per cord will be charged on all orders for sawed wood not ueMninanled by the cash, at Grays wood yard. July! ISt, 1HMJ. "KoukU on KatH." Th thing dc.-ired found at last. Ask Druggist? fr "Rough on Rata." It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bed buss. 13c. boxes. . Arrlsonl Lodging ' Monae, land, Oregon. Port- .Sow house and first class in lta ap pointments. Third street, in It. it Thompson's block, opposite Capt. Alns worth. Uooms by the day, week or month. Mns.KAnr.rooM. Buy the Weekly. Tub Wekkly AstouIan for this week is full of Just stjcH information and news of the country a your friends in the ca3t want to .see. it nas very few advertisements, and is chock to the muzzle of information that no familv ean successfully squeeze along without. Two dollars will buy the whole wad for a year, 51 23 ror six 1r.m1ifts.or ten conu per copy. , 31others i Mothers ! ! Xot hei ! ! i Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by. a sick child suffering and crying with tho excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so, go at once and Byrup, It will relieve the poor llttl su1 lerer iinmcaiaieiy aepena upon it; there is uo mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tll vou at once that it will regulate tho bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and in icalth to the child. onerntinc like mairlc. It Is perfectly safe to 'use in all caos. and pleasant to the taste, and is tho pro scription of one ot tho oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold ovcrywheri 23 cents a nottie. Peruvian DIttert. Cicoboaa Bnbr. The Ctiiiut Cincuon was ih .Spanish Viceroy in Peru In 1630. , The Countce, langusgo of the country, "Quinquina." urarciui ior ncr recover '. on nerreuirn to Europe In 1CS2, she introduced tho remedy In Spain, where it was known under Various names, until Llniwus called it Cinchona. In honor ot the lady who had brought them that which Was more precious than t be sold of the.Incas. To this day. after a lapse of two hun dred and fifty years, science has avcn us nothing to tako its place.. It effectu ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants by restoring-the natural tone of the storoaeij.- It attacks excessive love of liquor as it Uoes.'affiVer. a"nd destroys both alike. The powerful tonic virtu's of the Cinchona is preserved In the Peruvian Bitters, which are as effective against malarial fever to-dar as thev were In the days of tho old SpahUh Viceroys. We guarantee the Ingredi ents 01 thewi . bitten to' b absolutely pure, and of tho" best' fcuosvn, quality. A trial will satisfy you that this W tho best bitter In tho world. "The'proof of , the pudding is In the eating." and w willingly abido thU test. Forsaln hi' all druggists, grocers and liqtmr dealers. Order it Loeb &Cn agents for Astoria. A few more chances yet to bo taken for that fine graphoscopo at Uh City boik storey ' -For Dyspepsia andLiyer Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Snlloh's . vltallzor. It never fails to cure." old by W. E. Dement. Have vi'lstar'sbalsam of wild cherry alvays at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whoopinglcough. croup", in fluenza, consumption, and all throat mid mug complaints. wOeutaandSl :i bot tle. King of the Blood rs not "two i?!l," It h a blood-pnnfler sod tonic Impunty of the blood poisons theys. tem, deringeotaerlrculatloD, and thus In duces manv'dlsordors, tnown by different names to rflstlpguWi thcm.accordlnc to ef fects, but being really, branches or phases of that great senirlc. disorder, lraprBrlty:oT Blood. Such are Imtvcptia, uiUloutn'et', Unr Complaint, Oohrtipalton, Ncrrvuz ZK ordii. IlMdAtncrSaehacht, Qcnerfll 1K?j;.v ncMilltarVDliC&tCiDriSpi!)!. Kidr.cu DiKiK, Ptlts. -RKevmattsm. Catarrh. Seirmlcr,'Sh;ii Dlsonfer. nttrpttsJ'mUfA StcclUnnSs if.." &t. Illngr otvtheJllKiod-prcvrnls and of this Wood. Chemists and physicians asTto incse Dy-auacKiaA-wiu-nxuv. jmparr.T In caliins lv '-ttiemost genulne.-and efft preparauonfot Jtonfottaejmgx : reeb:;-iHftw la pimpblet.'. e.jairiiowr'!- Soid-by riroK- ent LtlH.Bl on8,-&c SfldB lesumoiuan, mrc. 'Ircatiso on D vitaes ot'thn Bl(d."ntippedaroqnde3chiatU0- bfSBS WWI.-BO, 1 ins wiut, waaproMnuea uy uu inicrraii-t;o lniarmiflfjr xrtenus-in. mo states Cl ient fover, from which she was freed' by ! tno'c'on'dltion and progress of this state, tho uac of the native remedy, the lVni- eatt have riffovH'e complete and compre I vian bark. or. as it was called in Mm heiiaTviy volunfo of facts to send them tirnlluHl Kooms to. tft At Mrs. Hanson's lodging hoaso. Xotiec to tii runiie. ltovo , a nQW lwot amUhoej store on the roadway, and am prepared to itn first clans work In my line, - I.j.Arvold. Opposite 0. It. & N. Co's dock. IlMPhupalbn.' Now, quick, complete euro I ,days, urinary affections, smarting, frequent ir difficult urination, kidney diseases. 91. at druggist. Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO- 1'ortland, Or. J he fftfUr Astonan it a mammoth shout, nearly double ; flie .! ot tho Dally. It i3 just tho pa- per tor the fhvsld?, containing in addi- ttior. laail th.i current nows, choice ids- rcliany. ajcncultur.il matter, market re portM. ot. li la luniNlied to sinslo sub scriber m .?:! oo pT yinr in advance. Wax! War! War! Water front offered free to.any person Uiat will build a saw mill in the city of Williamsport. Lumber we must have to build this city. Wo have one store in running order at present. Quite a num ber have already located homes In this city, and yet there is room. Sold on time to suit' purchasers. Located one mile south of Astoria, on tho sunny side of tho hill, on Young's bay. J Williamson, Sn, VariouH CanncR Advancing years, care, sickness, dis appointment, and hereditary predisposi tion all operate to turn.the hair gray, and cither of them inclines it to shed prematurely. Att.es Hair Yicon will restore, faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may bfl desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving It a healthy action. It re moves and cures dandruff and humors. Uy its uw falling hair is checked, and anew growth will be produced in all cases where the follicles are not de stroyed or the gland3 decayed. Its ef fects are beautifully shown on brashv. weak, orsiekly hair, on which a few ap plications win produce mo gioss ana frhn;.s nf vnuth. Hnrmlpca nnrt snrrt In its operation, it is incomparable .13 a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it im parts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil or color white cambric ; yot it lasts long on the hair, and keeps It fresh and vigorous. Fok Salj: Br all Dealers. Get your Jpgsl Wanks at Thk .Astojuax ofllce, A full line of over two hundred style. The Kev. Ueo. U.Thayer. of Bour bon, Ind., says; Bolh myself and wife owe our lives toSniLOn's Coxsumition Ccnii." Sold by W. E. Dement. Am voti Tharta misprahln hr fnili- i gostiou, Constipation", Dizziness, "Loss of iiwnctlfci. Yellow Skin? ShiloVs Vital- ; i?er is a positive cute, iorsaicoy w, tj. ljoraeci. J2j?li eitueas nf Oregon who desire than by fubMribing for' this Journal, anu naving as- man u weesiy 10 mcir friends. Jve-'mai! It a3 directed, i'or 3 00 in adrnc we mall three copies of Tm: WKufcr.v AstoniANone year. MISCELLANEOUS. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OP.EQON TQVi INBTUXTiON, UNDER CARE OF the iUatM of Cljarity.U now ready for tbs recepllonof ptiUenls. hrlrate room for the acxminodtlon ot any ds!rlng thcRi. rctieaUadmlttrJ at llt:oiu,J,ilav ornlftht. No phvsiciHU ba9 etclosive right, everv pauont 14 fr lo and has the privilege of Mrtplo) In any physician they profer. VnltPrt MtntPH ainrlne nM Dv lhinnltitl Ilii.n: ifenf n t;o pay lhpliitl Dues, are enti- tied 10 Krtitcure sad attendance at tuh Hos pital nurtnu talnM lor f ton Uouse. riUftl durlr.irsU.'kiios. lVrmlW miktbe ob ialnM lor l olted rt;t ilarlnes lit the Cus- Hiteh8 or CnABiTv DvvtHH Making. U53. W.O. R03S, & MIS8 ELLA LOGAN. Tbo thiid bocvi "(Kt of the Cousregatlonal Church. NICE SUITS FOR LADIES Jlndc for from .$ to $10. Hotel ior Sale. TUE ROOD WILL AND FIXTURES OF .a. hotfl now running and doing a good business In the city of Astoria. Centrally located. A Drnt claw bar room attached. Ill hfialth on the part of the proprietor Is the only reatonfor soiling, inquire at Aetoki ANOffiec.or address Lock Box "S3, Astoria, Oregott Health is Wealth. Tr. E. n. U'mI's Ncrvo and Kraln Treat. rmenti a sieciac for Hysteria, Dizziness. Com tu?ion8, nervous ueauacne,.cuiai ue- I pressloo, Loi ot Memory, snennaior.uoea. tlmpoteucy. Involuntary Emissions, Frema- abuse, pr o-cr-lndulgeiicc, which leads to misery, decay and death. Ono box will cure. tmvoid Aire. eanca. uv over-eieruon. sen- recent raaw. liion box contalnt; ono months treatment. One. dollar a box, or six boxes for flvf (Inllrira : scat bv mall nrenald on re ceipt of price. Wcjmarantee six boxes to cure any.rsss. with each order received by us for ss boxes, accompanied with five dol lars, wo will send tho purchaser our written gnarantee to return tho money If the treat ment does uot'fitlect a cure. Guarantees is sued only hy v. K. Dement, dmgglst, As toria, Oregon. Orders by mail at regular prices. Proposals for Piling. BIDS WILL UK IiECEIVED UP TO noou on Friday, March 10,1 882, for fur nishing, driving and cupping the piles for Uic buHdiDs of the O. F. Il & It. Association of Astoria, at the office of I. IV. Case, whero tlio plans and specifications can be seen. Tnorlgbt to reject any and all bids is ro seryed. .. GREED. rrcsldat. -jX.J, aiEOLSB, EMtttary. Furnhhwi Kooi MISCELLANEOUS. S. AKNDT & FEROHEN, ASTORLA. - OltnGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop .Ajsrs. ISHUKWUIM SHO P Boiler Shop Alt Kinds nf ENGINE, CANNEEY, -AND STEAMBOAT WOEK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFA'V.ETTK 8TKT.ET. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bestox Stp.eet. Kr-vn r.itsiui Hocse, A9TOBIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LMDMARINK BKQINR8 Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. "Wass. rrcsldent. J. G. Hustler, Secretary, L W. Case. Treasurer. John Fox, Superintendent WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner M oia and Chenacus Stiseti, ABTORU OREaON. PliLRJV n CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SOH8 GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTEHHOLK and Cihcr RncU'h Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PEWS Genuine Heershaum Pipes, etc. A fine Ftoek of WnteJitN mod Jewelry, 3luz.lo and nreceii Loadlnc Nbot GaiiM xiid itlQes, Cevolvor, PJMtolM," and Aiumunlllon MAJtlXK. also a rise Asoonment orpine SPECTACLES and FA'E GL.VUSES. . I. W. CASE, LMPORTEK AND WHOLES ALU ANU KB TAIL l)R:IiKn IN GENERAL MCHAMSE Corner Cuenama and Caa slreetsi. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. MAGNUS (J. CROSBY, IH-lJ'T 1.T HAfiDf ABE, nun. STEEL, Iron Pips and Fittings, Pliita and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IROH TIN AND COPPER. I Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBINQ IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER ptuiUBIHG and BTEAU FITTING Done with neatnsas and dispatch. I None hut Urn class workmen eroplojvd. A largo awortmeot of SCALE'S Constantly on hand jiefeft -iJ-'VIB'J J. . I 'Ttwm ri iiY '" BUSIKE33 CAKDS.1 --. :.,. ."-i4rtH Mjtti: E- " lWaE.' SOTABY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION' AND SUBANCErAOENT. T) A. MvIXTOSH: MERCHANT TAILOR, OccM'.T.t JTote Ttalldsag. ASTORL1 . - ORBGOH C.VMt. tVHITTEHOBK, M... ravMic ia Asa gCRcces. OStcc with Dr. Jay Tuttle. Itesldcaee-11: Mr. Koeers. J)R. C. C. GLASS, rilYSICIAN AND SCIH3EON, Ofiioe ovtr A. V. AUen's Store, ASTORIA, - OREGON. i "CI D. WISTOK, Attorney and Countsor at Law. Otnee in C-L. rarkrrt bunding, on Benton .stewt, opposite Custom House, ASTORfA, .... OREGON. TAX ITTTLE, X. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEdN, OrFiCE-Over too "White House 8iore, RERiDiwcR-At Mrs. MumodM boarding house, Cbenamu.1 street, Astoria, Oregon. ip CUAXO, M. .. 'PHYSICIAN AND 8DKOEON, Boom Jfo. a. Astorlaa Boildins. rr BTAins.) KEMiiExcfc-Oorner of Benton and Court streets, Astorta.'OK'gon, F. . HICKS. TiENTIST, ASTORIA. - - ;- . OAJBOOR. Rooms In Allen's- bunding up stain, eorw of Cass and Bqtniosqlio-streets' " ,. I Q. A. BOWEBY. ATTORNEAT LAW. Chenamns Street. . - ASTORIA. OKKGO Q H. BAl?f & CO., Door. Window BUate. N- MM,- LlBhtf, . An kinds of Oak Lumber, Olaa, Boat Sv tcrial, etc. Steam Mill near Weaton botL Cot., Oeo eylve and Astor streets. J. W. P. GRAY, Wtioleaole ood retail daalr liv ALL KIfI)8 OF TEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wottf, Etc. General ptorageaad Wharfaco 00 reason- notomu. root ot senton street. Anomi Oreewi,- RPtl DBRBY, Tew and Choice MILLINERY, Desire) to call tho attention of the ladles of Astoria to' the tact that she has .received. a lawn assortmout of the tATEMT HTYUaa OF Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, AXB FAWfCY QOOD1. Corner Mala and Bqucmoqhe Btreets. E. Betrick & Co., Soto agents on tho racinc Coast for ToirrrN celebrated OILED GLOTEmG, (Send for price list.) Importers, manufacturers and dealers la Twines, Tents, Hose, Cotton Soil Duck, Belting:, Waterproofl'ar- panlins, Waterproof Covers, Patent Solid Cotton Belting. Nw C, 7 and 0 CiUomis. and lOS.lW and lie Market Streets, 8AS FItANCISCO, dim CAIFOBNIA- rAxx.oztxsra. CLEAWINQ and RE?ADUJCG- NTCiT. CHEAr AKO QUICK. BY; ;F.OIH9K lyOVKTT. MiUntret, opposh X. toebV, Cannery Supplies- Imported and forsaleby, -MTIVX. HXTMB, ASTOKIA. - - - - - - OEEQON.. jEap Copper, rirefpool glt, FaM Oars, etc. Agent for llarlocfe' Soldering Machloo; Johnston's lmproyed Soldering apparatus; rotary table fur soldering fieaats; Blood's j. nt Soatsi -l M & jr ta'-. -cVT 2 -5&Z f. . t..l ftfHi &?i&Zi j- i- - t s