rap ftjmm ' (i) i '41 Vol. xvi. Astoria, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, March 1, 1882. No. 127. 0& I h m It-' iJS. TUE BAN CISC SUlSJA. O see the young girl, In beauty rare, Sans kink, sans curl Rankin? lier hair. And hear the young man At tho piano tliei e. Hani as he can Banging his air! A youn? mother .standi Oppressed with care. With slipper in hands, Banging her heir. THE DAYS OF " '49." Stories Told at a Hecent Reunion of the Pioneers- Pioneer C's stery: "I went to tho mines early in "48.' I pur chased in San Francisco a wash ing machine, weighing sixty pounds, which I packed on my back, over the hot and arid plain lying' between Stockton and the Mokelumno river. When I got there I dug my first hole and planted my washing-machine by it. It wouldn't work. Pretty soon the 'oddest man in the mines' came along, and says he, 'Stranger, how much d'ye charge for washing shirts?' I told him I was not there to wash shirts, but to wash out gold. Ho burst into a guffaw, which was heard as far as Murphy's Camp. 'Why,' says he, 'that's a contrivance for washing clothes you've got thar. They've taken ye in and done for ye.' It was true. I had been cruelly imposed upon. But I made a small foitune out of that washing-machine. I gave up gold miuing, turned wash erwoman for tho whole camp at Cut-throat Bar, and in six months ma'do $10,000 by washing shirts at 4s5 apiece. Gentlemen, the ser vicosT performed in building and mftking history' for the great state of Califdrnia are among the proud est reflections of my life." Judgo B's stery: "When I ar rived in San Franoisoo there was any amount of hanging going on by the Vigilance Committee. There was a great scarcity of ropo for halters. I happened to havo with me a bale of choice homp. Law business was just then very dull. (I had opened a law office and hung out my shingle.) My ex penses were $50 per day. An in; spiration seized me. I occupied my spare time (which was all my time) in making halters and sell ing them to tho Vigilance Com mittee at $100 each. Somo days I mado 500. A single boiled po- tatoe cost then SI. This was the commencement of my fortune. I regard with shamo the humble part I had in building up the state "of California." Pioneer D's stery: "My "49' house in 'Happy valley' was a hogshead. At night I laid it hori zontally on tho ground and slept as muoh of myself as I could in it. By day I stood tho hogshead on end, top up, and lived in it. I ' started my bar in this hogshead. I cut a hole in the side, tacked a shelf on tho outside, and when a customer appeared, put out my bot tle. Tho bottle held my entire stock In trade. I sold whisky at sovonty-five cents per drink T tintrn Irnnwn men to travel a, auar-. ter of a mile after beinjr struck with that whisky bofore they fell: Those were great times. As things prospered with mo I bought more hogsheads and rented them out at one hundred dollars por weok. Cali fornia is a great state to bring out a man's full strength and charac ter. I should never havo been half the man I am but for my Cali fornia experience. It was my good fortune to have had some share in building up that great and glorious state. I am proud of it. General E's stery: "I landed on the shores of the golden state in '48. Although my stay was but fifteen minutes, I assisted, as a spectator, in hanging two men without judge or jury. There was no delay in justice in those days. 1 1 believe that one of those men Iwas afterwards found innocent. I But he was an awful example to the I guilty party, whoever he was, and who was never no, never dis covered. Our vessel sailed then immediately to China. Although I havo never scon the shores of the glorious states I assisted to find and make history for, still tho humble part it was my glorious privilego to take in elevating her to her present proportions i one of tho proudest, ote." Major F's stery: "During the spring of '49 the Wallop-o-Wogga tribe of Indians used often to at tack our camp at Dirty Blanket Bar. We expected attacks from them nightly, and vcro in the habit of sleeping on our arms. I had no arms then but a pocket pistol that I had brought out from the states. I used to sleep on that. So did my brother. These pocket pistols were full charged every night. They were generally empty in the morning in consequence oi , the repeated and furious attacks j from these Indians and snakes. I It kept one man busy getting them charged next day at tho nearest grocery. They were loaded from a . after Government appointments, barrel. Those were wild old times, the following from the Standard I can tell you. One day two wild correspondent at Washington will Indians chased my brother three prove of interest: miles. Wo saw him being pur- , On tho 19th of May last, tho Sen sued by them. That is, we haw j ato adopted a restoluion calling on him but never saw the Indians. J the Secretaries of State, Treasury, It was the same with snakes, j Interior. War. Navy, the Postmas- but it is a singular fact that no one ( tec General and the Attorney Gen sver saw tho snakes, save thenar- icial for the names of all the officers, ties pursued. People at the East , clerks and other employes borne can never realise the hardships upon their rolls, respectively, jiot and perils endured' by "us "brave, required - to be coufirmed hr the daring California pioneers. It was Senate, and tho salary paid to each, a very dangerous country wh.ee) wo mined. Nearly all our party met their death at the hands of these Indians and snakes. Whisky then was S'20 per gallon. It cost us nearly all our earnings for am munition. But, gentlemen, I am proud that I too, had a hand in making California tho great state she is. iVl Y. Graphic. The Non-Communicative Female. I got into the care and took a scat in juxtaposition to a female. That female's faco was a perfect insurance company it insured her against ever getting married to anybody but a blind man. Her mouth looked like a crack in a dried lemon, and there was no more expression in her face than in a cup of cold custard. She ap peared as though she had beetl through ono famine and had got about two-thirds through another. She was old enough to be a great grandmother to Mary that had the little lamb. She was chawing prize popcorn, and carried a yel low rose, with a band box and a cotton umbrella nestled sweetly by her side, f couldn't guess whether she was ou a mission of charity or going West to start a sawmill. I was full of curiositj' to hear her speak, so I said: "The exigencies of the times j inquire Rreat circumspection inn nerson who is traveling." Says she, "What?" - Says I, "The orb of day-ehincs resplendent in tho vault above." She hitched around uncasy-liko; then she raised her umbrella and said, "I don't want any of your sass get out!" And I go't out. Mark Iwain. A King Asking Pertinent Questions. When tho King of Italy lately visited Naples nine Protestant ministers asked and were granted an interview. Tho King seemed surprised when one was presented to him us aWesleyan Methodist, another as a Baptist, the third as a Presbyterian, the fourth as a Wal- dense, and go on. "I do not un derstand," said King Humbert, "how you" can all be ministers of the same Gospel and yet have so many distinctions,. Pcrjiaps onr of you will be so good as to ex plain to me." One of the number promptly replied: "In your Maj- ; osty's army there are many regi ments wearing different uniforms, and called by different names; nevertheless they are all under one commander-in-chief and follow one flag. In like maimer we Protestants are divided into sev eral denominations,, but we know only one chief Jesus Christ and we follow but one banner, namely, that of tho Gospel of our crucified and risen Lord." It is said that the King listened attentively, and, thanking the speaker for his clear explanation, said: "You wish me to understand that w hile there are differences among you on minor matters, there is unity in all that is essential." Tho Protestant min isters, thanking the King for his courtesy, then withdrew. INJUSTICE TO OREGON. Out of 7.914 Clerks on the Govern-j ment Holla, Oregon Has But Seven. To those who hunger and thirst and whether white or colored The design of tho resolution was to ascertain if certain States and the District of Columbia had not a larger share of appointments in tho Departments than thoir popu lation would warrant, and to form the basis for tho enactment of a law making it obligatory on the head of each Department to givfc each State appointments in their different bureaus according to their population. The Sonators from the Southern States dosirod the passage of tho resolution be causo thoy believed the rolls of the various Departments would show a very meagre nuaiber of col ored employes. Tho requirements of the resolution have been complied with and tho reports printed for tho information of Congress and the country. The rolls of the State Department and Attorney General's office show lot clerks, employes, otc, not one of whom J 1 -1 14. is 110m urciion. in xue nsi 01 over 4,300 furnisbodby tj'o Treas- ury Depaitniont, tho following persons are charged to Oregon. In Second Comptroller's office n ' .nnn Aiary v.. up;uen, sauiry yjuu ir annum. viiik.v. v.k .u -..... .ku...u. Olirltp P firniulill snlarv 8l 400: room Iu a pleasant locality can beic jOiarKe l . oranaaii, salary 3i,-uu, comtBOdatcJ at Mrs. Denny Currant.! j William Newell,, salary ?1,200. near Uio CongTej;a.t)anat chnrch. Office of tho Treasurer of tho United States Miss lizzie M. Burnett, salary SOCO. Among the 1,091 employes in the Interior Department, Oregon has but ono, a messenger, salary $2-10 per annum. There are 1,033 clerks in the War Department, and Oregon has but ono in, tho ' person of Charles E. Illstey at a salary of Sl,200 por annum, whilo nmnnn- iho 4fi emnlovc; of thn among tue -iu empiojc oi tno Navy Department, she has not a single representative. In the p'ost office department, Oregon lias charged- to her two clerks, Joseph W. Drew and W. B. Cudlip. $2, C00 por aunum. Thero are 400 clerks in this department. . It will be seeu'thatout of 7,914 clerks and employes on the rolls Cmwrn Oyatcrn. of the various departments in Another Una lot of Eastern Oysters xt t,: r.,.r, t,,.,. k,. lP3t received of Roseoes. per steamer Washington, Oregon has hut Revnon. Occident block. en, or ono in evorv 1,130; which, " ::....:... A.. . l. l.i i. ( Tlir Meekly .Ulonun IV JlttlVIUW l.7 VV't J JttVJ UlAtM VJ entitled, according to the ratio of population, to about 38. tu c,...a ni,; P..i.. iuu iii.-3. ul vmu, i cuimiiu- nia, kew iorK, .Maryland ami Virginia, and especially the Dis trict of Columbia, havo a larger 1 representation in the departments than their population warrants, hence the reason why other local ities are -cut off without their share. Efforts havo been made to corroct this (inequality of repre sentation time and again, but so far, without success; and unless Congress enacts a- stringent law, making it obligatory to give each State representation in the depart ments according to population, it will never be done. Slightly sarcastic was the clergy- J , .. j i man wuo pausea aim nauressea a man who was coming into chureh after the -eerraon had begun with the remark: "Glad to see you, sir; come in, always glad to see those here la to who can't como early." And decidedly self-possessed was the man thus addressed in the presence of an astonished congregation as ho respended: "Thank you; will you -favor me with the text?" Fuxnlstird Booms to Lot At Mrs. Munson's lodging house. Jon't Die ia the Hoar. AsU druggists for "Roush on Rats." It clears out rats. mice, bedbuzs. roaches. vermin, Ules.'aiits. insects. 13c per box. ;atarrh,or the .Bladder. -iji - i StmRln, smarting, irritation of tho urinary pussaces, diseased discharge.) cured by Buchupalba. 81, atdruRRistsi Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO., Portland, OrcRon. Brain and Ntrve. Wells' Health Rcnewer, greatest romr edy on earth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, etc SI, at dniKSnsts: Orezon Depot, DAVIS & CO., Portland, Oregon. Xottro to thfi inbllP. 1 have opened a new boot and shoo store on tho roadway, and am prepared to do first das'! work in my line. I. J. Arvold. Opposlto O. It. & X. Co's dock. Sotlee. Judl received per steamer Columbia1. a fine lot of eastern oysters, which will be served up in first clas3 stylo at Ros eoes, Occident piocs. Shern X Bros. Kxpre.s WillrecelT"aAlers at tho !toro of J. W. Case for ixfier Astoria orany other part of the city. Leave your orders on the slato and thoy will be promptly at tended to. Arrlconl Lodging IIou.se, land. Oregon. Tort-1 New hoase and first class In Its ap pointments. Third street, in It. K Thompson's block, opposlto Capl. Ains worth. Rooms byl tbo day, week or month. S Mtw.E, ABRlooxt. Take Xotlre. ; 0u after thl3 date an mtdltlonal ia i n..nn xi.ii makI trl 11 Vvi nVioturail rt nil " ly " ."" y" ; ?rdrwcnSm by the cash, at Grays wood yard. July , lsr 1W1, Booms to Rent. ! ElRht rooms to rent, either furnished t or unfurnished Inquire at this effice: Bom to JUcnt. Anyone wiiawankSanicHjinirnumeu room Iu a pleasant locality can bcac - Buy the Weekly'. Thk Weckey AstoitjAn for this tvck Is full nf.1fktt'&uch- information '-nd news ol tho-couutry tr? jour friends in tno cast wa&LttO sec. it nas very i few advertlsements.-ar.d is. choefc to tno i muzzle ot information -mat no ianiuy Twotiollws will Wthewhote wad ft)f a.i. niiAHAaaAillit ortniA nlnnn rt'itlwiitr t a year, SI i foi'six monthor ten cental ; per copy. ' -A largo consignment of : tho best t brand Red Cros3 coal oil just received t Jno. Kaiser's, Central Jfarkct. 1 Mr, John noRdsxttrcCentral-Mar lcet' na'' maae awaaRpinennT'W seep HI tho fluest fresh fish ln tmJr seas0 Another ot those Una A. J). Clw.se orjtan at tho City BoofcStorij. :-''IL,. ' v,' Thoso writing TeKs at the City book store are the best bfcthe-xitiv Xhoy.are something niceiArnirdurabip,- and just whannost-yonnftiladteft would appreci ate from the'giTer.?y r- " - . -i, . rnr-1 l. -, Ctoupi .Whboiilnjt5Conebnd-Br6n ohUirimmedtateIy-"-rlleved by Shlloh's Cure. Sold by W.E. Dement. ! . I . - .. TT -" " -. ' '- i ra- ijjfer for the fireside, containing In audi- """ wu" "'- K" ,c'.'1 "." c' ""- tceuany. agricultural matter, market re- ports, etc. It U furnished to slnsle sub--crlhtrs at 82 00 per year in advance. War! War! War! Water front offered freo to anv person that will huild a saw mill in tho city of Wliliamsport. Lumber wo must havo to build this city. We havo one store in running order at present. Quite a num ber have already located homes In this city, and yet there is room. Sold on time to suit purchasers. Located one mile south of Astoria, on the sunny side of tho hill, oa Young's' bay. J Williamson, Sn. Nothing Hhort or Unmistakable BenpfltK Conferred upon tens of thousands of sufferers coula originate and maintain the reputation vUilclrAYEnsSAnsAPA v.ili.a enjoys. It is a compound of the best vegetable altoratlves, with tho Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the' most effectual of all remedies for scrofulous, nicrcurial.or blood disorders. Uniformly- successful and cerUin in its remedial effects, it produces rapid and complete cures of .Scrofula, Sore-s, Bolls, Humors, I'lmplcs, Eruptions; Skin Dis eases and all disorders rising from im purity of the blood. IJy Its invigorating effects It always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and 13 a potent re- newer of vitality. For purifying tho blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves tho health, and Impairs vigor and energy. For .forty years It has "been in extensive nun ft ml la frvflii flirt mnot i.nlln1i1n iwvi tiuu i n-wj U4L. tuiiv iirctuitui medicine for the suffering sick, any- wuere. For Sae nv all Dealers. The Teruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were sufloring from dyspep- rini sia, debility, liver complaint, bol mint, oous, hu mors, iemaie c lets free to anv mors, female comnlalnts. etc. Pamnh- ! lets free to any address. Seth V. Fowl i& Sons. Boston A cough, cold or sore throat should bo stopped. Neglect frequently results in an incuraoie iuu? uiseaso or consump tion. Brown's Bronchial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but actdirectly on the in flamed parts, allaying irritation. Give Toiler in asthma, bronchitis, couchs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public speakers are suDlect to. For thirty years Brown's bionchial troches have been recommended by physicians, and nlways give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wldo and constant use for nearly an eu tire generation, they have attained well- merited ranic amnm: tue tew siapie remedies of the aee. Sold of 23 cents a nov everywhere. Oct your lezal blanks at Tiie Astoiuan office. A full lino of over two hundred styles. J3FAU citizens of Oregon who deslro to inform thoir friends in tho states of the condition and progress of this state, can have no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to send them than by ubwlbin:i for this Journal, and having ua mall it weekly to their friends. Wt! mail It as directed. For 5 no in advance, we mall three copies of Tmr Weekly AaronrANone year. HISCEIJANEOUS. HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON TKIS INSTITUTION. UNURK CARE OF the SUttrs otfaarity, Is now ready for tli) ifM!ODtlon of o&tlcnts. 1'ilvnlc rooms tor tho accoramodatlou o any aeninag mem. PetlnUadmIttPdAtaUbour3,dayornl!ibt. o plijsiolaa bas cxclushe rlRht. every pitieat U tree to and has the privilege ot emrJoymx any pnysueian mey preier. KulCnd hitctftH Harlup, SranNinhii rovlloiDltal Dnes.aro pntl- UaI to FreRcaitt and iitlendanee at tliiillM' torn houw. aiSTKUH or CUAKITr Dress Making. : -MRS. W.G. ROSS, a MISS ELLA LOQAN. Tlic third houm wet ot tho Congreg.itlonnl Church. "'":1 owi i a rvn t.nwibo ,-., ciii0 rnn ampo Made for front $0 to 810. O. KELMAN. MARBLE AND STONE WORKER Monuments and Head Stones, Or nnj thins Iu tho line of Btono. L.Ti: aK hE.MEES ahray, on hand. rirst class ork nd satisfaction guaranteed. Shop oiH!te C 1.. Talker's residence CUensmus Streot, - - - Astoria, Oregon. $500 Reward. Wo will pay the aboro reward for any casa of Llrer Complaint, Dyspepsia. Slek Head ache, indigestion. Constipation or Coitlve ness n c cannot cure with West's Vegetable liver rois.wtirn the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to slvo satisfaction. Sugar coated. Larse boxen, containing so Pills, 5 centsV Eorilo by all DniCTlsts. Lev.arool couuteYfelts- and imitations. Tho Renuine manufactured only by Johx C. West & Co., "Tno'ruT Maker" 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Freo trial packaso sent by moll -prepaid ou receipt of a 3 cent stamp. "W. E. Dement, agent. Dr. J.-E. XaTForce. Dentist: rooms I over l.W. Case's store. clw L'V?'";"".'" Iwlii i rVi f"". , Tti','u ' MISCELLANEOUS. S. APvNDT & FERCHEN. asiowa. - oitroox. itl. rj:. . nflu: oi ,,,B nu,IBtJI "I"''"" VU) .5- BLACKSMITH SH H 'JlLTSj k-? tz Boiler Shop -' RST1 All Mnd of ENGINE, CANNEEY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. ' A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, foot of LArAvnrrr. stkket. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ISRXTON'SrilERT, NKAU I'AUKEK IIOCSE, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LmillUIHBBNQINBS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. IIcsia.i:n, Secretary. 1. Xf. Cask, Treasurer. Jons Fox, Superintendent WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main and Chenamne Strcstf , A&TOltlA OUMON. DlULKK II CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Tho Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Knsllsh Catlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Idoershaum Pipes, etc, A Quo stock of YVat"he'aud Jeuelry, 3iuzzlu nnl Breech liOndiuir Shot (Juns and ItlilcH, HevolvorH. 1'lxtolM, and Aiuuinuitiou 3IAK1XF. GliANSES. ALSO A FINF. Aisortmcntoltfino HPKCTACLKS and l'.YK OluVSSES. I. W. CASE, IMV0HTKK AND W110bESAI.r. AN1 HE TAIL IKAI.It IN GEMRAL MSCHAPISE L'orctr Cticnaruus and Cass stiots. ASTORIA - - OREGON MAGNUS (;. (1R0SBT, IhMlrr ! HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, . SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN AND COPPER, I Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING -IN SHEET IRON. TIN, COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but first class workmrn cinTloPil. A large assortment of SCALES -Constantly ou hand jZSr'5r -i ,"19J i rfv T ' ? a, k. CARDS.' p C. itOXtDEY. NOTARY PUBLIC. Al'CTIOSKlUt, COMMISSION AM SUItANCE AGENT. - .. xcivro.su. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel BullcllDS, ASTOK1A - - - OREOOK J)R. C. C. CLASS, I'HVSICIAN AND SUEanON. Ottlee over A. V. Allen's Store, ASTOMA, - OREGON. in 1. WIXTOW. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office in C. 1. Parker's building , on Benton stcct, opposite Custom House, ASTORIA. OREGON. TA TUTTIkE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; Office Over the 'Whito IIouso Store. Kksidknce At Mrs. Munson's boarding house, Clienamus street, Astoria, Oregon. P CKAXU, 31. .. 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Itoom 'o. 3, AHtorian Balldlss. (or STAIES.) IiMioiacK-Corner of Benton andCouct streets, Astoria, Oregon. - I. IIICKH, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - OREGON. Rooms In Allen's building up stairs, corw of Cass and Sqeniocqhe streets. j Q. A. BOTVLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chennraus Street. - ASTORIA, OBEQOA Q n. BAIA Oi CO., OK,LEK IK Ooorw. Windows, Blinds, Txam Boms, XinmtMr, Etc All Kinds ol Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma teriaU etc. Rtoam 21111 near Weston hotel. Cor. Gea evivc and Aor streets. I. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer la. ALL KINDS O'F FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storaco and Wharfaffe ou reason able terni Font of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. MRS. IDESH-IBTEr. OKALER IK New and Choice MILLINERY, Desire? to call the attention ot the Ladles ol Astoria to the tact that she has received a lan;e assortmont ot the LATEST STYLES OF Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, AX XV-fluStfCTr GOODS. Corner Main and Squemoqlie-Streeta. E.I)ctrick&CoM Sole agent! on tho Taclfic Coast for Tower's celebrated OILED CLOTHING, (stead for price list.) Iunmrters, manufacturers and dealers In Twines, Tents, Hose, Cotton Sail Duck, Belting, WaterproofTar- paulins, Waterproof Covers, Patent Solid Cotton Belting. Koh 5, 7 and o Calfornla. and MS, llOandm Market streets S.VK FKANOISCO, - CAIFOKNIA dim .. . Gr. aStfXTB, Importer and Wholesale dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc, Etc., The UrctM and flnest stock of Meerschaum andAmhericondsin tnoclty. Particular at tention paiaiooratrsiromino couniryana vessels. 1'henamr.s street. Astoria, Oregon. TIIEOURACKER. Manager. CLEANING and REPAIRING ; xi:.vt. CIIEAr AND quick. r.v ! HOKK 1.0VETT. , Main Mreet, opposite N. Lneb's, Painter and Rnffher, , DiJALlinS IX t FZZiIXG, OliNET, - - - OREGOX BUSINESS til B s Vl -m m 4 s!v3afyia&&$ .V 3?W.3 5S-.rtiJi-f -C&iZ?iSB&&& -"Vj -,