CO P 1 iS J 0 IPXinflflk ygMifW Vol. xvi. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, February 28, 188.2. No. 126. s s l !,; IN SOLITARY COHPTKI3MSNT. -Taking a pencil he drew a rough sketch of the interior of the prisou. "It looks like a well when you stand in the center," continued he when he had concluded his drawing. The guard who stands in the center there can see everything that's going on down every one of the galleries. Every one of those double marks is for a gallery with cells along each side and a man with a loaded gun at oach end. They keep twenty-four blood hounds all the time in one of the halls. Every one of tho halls ruus into the center circlo. So a man has no chance. You can't find out how" tho place is fixed when you get into It, because you've got your head all tied up in the black cap. I got more accustomed to it after I had been there a year or so, but it was terrible not to have any one to talk to and to go on from day to day in the same cell. It breaks the best man down. The brain goes first. It always affects the brain. When a man is broken down so that ho will die in a little while if something is not done for him, they take him to the hospital and let him stay there until he gets strong enough to stand it a while longer. I worked at the trade of bottoming chairs; some 'of them mako shoes and some ci gars. They are glad to work at anything when they are shut up by themselves. There is no talking allowed; no whistling; no unneces sary noise of any kind. If the rule is violated two guards come to the cell; they drag you out; you have to hold your hav? SBSF vour head. Thev catch ,ou by tho shoulders and throw you down. Then they heat you with their black Jacks. They are clubs with ropes to them. There is no beat ing allowed but they do it any how. Then yjou are put in tho cooler.' It is the deepest dungeon in the place, with scarcely any light in it. You get exactly three ounces of bread a day and a quart of water while you aro there, and you stay twenty-ono days. 'Is that tho onlv nunishment?' No, they have a tight box they put you in. It has water in it which strikes you just under the arm-pits, and tbero is more water running in all the time. Tou have to pump with your hands and feet as hard as you can to keep the water from getting over your head. I have seen men who were left until they were bro ken down and wore nearly drowned. I was 'ducked' twice. That's what tbey call it. "I was buried for nino years, and I nearly forgot how to talk. Mv throat and tongue got so I couldn't use them. "When all but my last year was up thoy let me out of my cell to carry water to tho other prisoners. I had a wife and child when I went in. One day in 187G the keeper and another man came to my cell. They read me a notice that my wife had mar ried again. Before they got through, the keeper looked at me and stopped. He pulled tho other man away. 'Stop,' said he, 'he's hurt enough.' Ho was right, but I have lived through it. Every day the keeper would come, open tho trap in tho door of my cell, put in my food, talk to me for a minute or two and go away. It was the same thing for ten years, day after day. The grand jury would come into the prison occa sionally and before they camo everything would be fixed up. But they didn't see everything. We could count time that way. Once every month, too, we got a bath. At last the day came for me to get out. It was December 24th last, the day before Christ mas. They took me to the door and told me to go. I stepped out and the fresh air struck me. 1 trembled like a leaf. A bootblack was standing across the street. He saw me coming and said 'Welcome out.' I had hard work to keep from crying. I wandered around the city hunting work. I was re solved to die sooner than go back." St. Louis Republican. The Making ot Dreams. Says J. Mortimer Granville: Dreams aro night-thoughts, un checked by the judgment and un controlled by the will. It is not true that we do not reason in dreams, that the exercise of the judgment is wholly suspended, and that the will is entirely power less or ceases to act. These diffi culties aro not altogether in abey ance, but thoy doze while the subordinate powers of the mind those which play the part of picture-carriers and record-finders ransack the treasures of memory and mingle together in the direst confusion old things and new. Imagination is not active, but it remains just enough awake to supply the connecting links which give seeming continuity to those parts of the phantasmagoria which we chance to remember on recov ering porfoct self-consciousness, and which, being remembered, wo call "dreams.'' No one remembers more than one dream, unless he has roused from sleep more than once. Tins experience lias leu to tlw inference that dreams only occur at the moment orJn the act of awakeaiiip There arc dreams .which" tako placo in the process of returning to consciousness for ex ample, those instantaneous scenes and spectacles which are suggested by the sound or feeling that rouses the dreamer; but, in result of a long and close study of the subject with a view to discover the nature of dreams, and tho laws of dream ing, for medical purposes, in con nection with tho treatment of sleeplessness, I am persuadod that dreams occur in the course of sleep, and aro wholly forgotten. That they do not and can not tako placo in deep sleep is probable, because deep sleep is general sleep; and when this state prevails tho subordinate faculties are sleep ing, and the pictures and records which compose dreams aro not dis turbed. To understand dreams wo must understand sleep, and it is because tho two phenomena have not hitherto been studied to gether that so little is generally known about either. Popular Science Monthly. The Mohammsdan Leadership. The insurrection in Arabia agaiust the rule ol the Sultan of Turkey is a movement of import ance, even if it should not prove entirely sucoessiui. It began in Yemen, the most fertile of the Arabian provinces, and has already made such head that the forces of tho insurgents are moving north ward to attack Mecca. No expla nation has been made ns to the whereabouts of the Turkish garri sons m iemen whioh were not long ago reported to have an ag gregate of 20,000 men: The hold of Turkcj' has never been stong in Arabia. North of the Yemen they occupy two seaports on the Red Sea, one of them being Jcd dali, tho principal landing-place of Meccan pilgrims from the north and west. They also have garri sons in the interior, at Mecca, Me dina and TeyefF, to the last of which Eidhat Pasha was sont a few months Sgo for complicity in the murder of Abdul Aziz. Soon after Midhat's banishment it was reported that the Arabs intended to set him at liberty and elevate! him to the Caliphate, which was improbable, since if they -nade a change in tho headship of their religion they would naturally de sire to choose from the race of the Prophet. Theio is no religion which has such a hold on its professors as the Mohammedan. Although it ad mits of some liberty of expression, heresy is almost unknown to it. One of its peculiarities is to unite, if possible, all believers under one leader, who shall be both civil and religious ruler the true successor of the Prophet, for that is tho meaning of the term Caliph. Mo hammed was the civil and religious head of his followers, and so were the four "who came after him, whose united rule lasted for forty years. When tho administration of tho last of these ended, Mohammedan ism had subdued all Northern Africa, Syria, Persia and Turke stan, and was thundering at the gates of Constantinople. Its power had grown too large to bo nil ministered from the Arabian ties crts, therefore the Caliph estab lished himself at Damascus, which continued the capital for ninety years. The "Calipluto was then, with a brief delay at Cufah, trans ferred to JBagdad, whose riches and splendor dazzled the world for several hundred years, until it was overturned by the Turkish hordes from Central Asia in the year 1258. During this time, and for some hundreds of years later, a separate Caliphate was main tained by the Moors in Spain. After the destruction of Bagdad, another line of Caliphs was estab lished at Cairo, and flourished there until Egypt was taken in 1517, by the Sultan of Constanti nople, who, at tho same time, captured tho Caliphate. Since that time, the Sultans of Turkey have been Caliphs without tho title, lords of Arabia, and protec tors of tho pilgrims to the holy shrines of Mecca and Medina. As a compensation for tho appropria tion of the religious leadership, the Chcrif or Governor of Mecca and Medina is selected from tho tribe which had tho .honor of pro ducing tho Prophet, the Sultan giving his appioval. The propriety of having the spiritual head of their faith at tho city made sacred by tho venerated founder of their religion, has al ways been obvious to Mohamme dans. While the Sultan was the bulwark between them and Chris tendom this did not seem so im portant, but when he was defeated, stripped of his territory, and spurned by European nations, thoy lost their respect for him, and tho bolder among them dared to think of supplanting him by a true Arab. That is the meaning of tho pres ent movement. Beginning in the month of the annual pilgrimago to Mecca, the seeds of the" trouble are likely to be borne into all the countrios where Mohammed is ro vored, and where reasons for dis content already exist. Northern Africa is ripo for any movement, ajrainst the cursed Giaour. Turkey ! still has an army and navy, and may have European assistance in the coming struggle. The Arabs, J A. Fable for a Cent A Lamb one day entered a Saloon to quench his thirst with a glass of Lager, and -whilo quaffing tho Beverage ho noticed a Wolf playing Soven-TJp at !a table in one corner of the Room. "Wh- do you throw Snow-Billi at me?" demanded the Lamb, as he sat down his glass-. "I beg to remind you that this is Midsummer," humbly replied the Wolf, "and I could not tlirow Snow-Balls even if I desired." "That may alt bo," continued the Lamb, "but you lipd about me to the Hares." I bog your pardon, Mr. Lamb, but no man con remember w hen the Wolves and the Hares were on speaking terms." N "And that may b6 truo, also!" shouted the enraged Lamb, "but you have been cheating at Cards!" asterp Oysters, Another fine lot of Eastern Oysters lust received at Roscoes, per steamer Wrcsjon. Occident block. n Week! .txtonnn is a mammoth sheet, nearly double the size of the Daily. It Is just the pa per for tho ureslde containing in addi tion to all the current new9, choice mis etillany. agricultural matter, market re ports etc It I f u i nished to single sub rilwrs at S2 00 per year In advance. War! "War! War! Vntr front offered frco to any iwrson that will build a saw mill in the city of williamsport. Lumber we must nave to build this citv. We have one store in nipniiiR order at present. Quite a num ber have nlreadv located nomas in tins cirv, mul yd there is room. Sold on tlnin to .suit miri'lmsers. Located one mile south of Astoria, on the sunny side of tha hi!!, on Young's bay. ' J Williamson", Sr. MISCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH svop'Mmm .Vothlnii Short of Unmistakable XteneCIa Conferred upon tens of Jlioujaiuls of sufterers eoula originate and maintain the reputatiou which Avers Saksapa uh.i..v enjoys. It is a compound of the best vegetable alteratives, with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most effectual of all remedies for ,.T , i , .i. t .i r i, i iscroiuious.niercunm.oruiouuuisuruera. "I will leave that to the Jackal, 'uniformly successful, and cerUln in Its remedial euecis, it prouuees rapiu ana who has just won my last Nickel." "Then u you have no Cash you J have no business in here!" howled the Aggressor, and luj fell upon the poor Wolf and Lambed him until ho could hardly orawl. mebal: Domestic .economy ia buying two-dollar shoes for your wife and twenty-cent cigars for yourself. complete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Bolls, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Dis eases and all disorders rising from im purity or tne Diooa. uy its invigorating Don't Die tn thP.Honatv Ask drugRistsfor"KonKhohi:ati." It clears out rats, mice, beebuss, .roaches, vermin, flics, ants, insect. 15c per bo. Catarrh of the Bladder. ? St'hging, smarting, lfritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. $1. at druggists. Oregon Depot, DA VIS 4 CO.. Portland, Oregon. t Brain and Xftx. 7ells' Health ReneWfe greatest rem edy on earth for Impotence, leanness, sexual debility, ctc-JSI, at druggists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS COM Portland, Oregon. Notice to toe l'Bblie. Lhrer Comnlalnts. Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, and Is a potent re- newcr of vitalltv. For nurllvlne t blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves the health, and imnarts vigor and energy. For forty years it has been In extensive use. and is to-day the most available medicine for the suffering sick, any whoro. Fon Saw: by all Dealers. :.T.?3?frs Boiler Shop "WW All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, Axn STEAMBOAT WORK I'roicptly attended to. A specialty made of reprjriirg CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STEEET. BUSJQJESS.;CARDS. "CI C. HOLDE5, NOTARY PUBLIC, ArCTIONEEK, COMMISSION AND SUEAKjff. AGENT. '. T A. 3JcIKT09II. MKRCHAHT TAILOR, Oa'MiMlL Hotel Building, ASTOUIA - - - OBEGOU Attorney and Counselor at Law. OITlce in C. U Parker's building, on 'Benton House, OREGON. stepet, opposite-Custom l ASTOUIA, Mother! Mothers!! MotUerMfl! I and crying witi oi cuttin; lhave opened a now boot and shoe store on tho roadway, and am prepared to do first class work in my line. I. J. Anvou). Opposite O. It. & X. Co's dock. Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bra sick child suffering ; witu tho excruciating pain ft teetir? 11 so. eo at once anu . . .ci - - .... ' w . .. . . get a bottle ot Mrs. winsiows sootinng Syrup, It will relieve tho poor little suf ferer Immediately depend upon It; there Is uo mistake about It. There Is not a motlier on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell you at once ttiat t will rcsrulate the bowels, and gue rest to me motner, anu reuei anu health to the child, operating like magic 1CW perfectly sare to use in an cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scription of one ot the oldest and best female physicians -and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere- -25 cents a bottle. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BS-TOS STBECT, NEA11 I'AKKER H0tMI.' AS10RIA. - OREGON. GENERAL 0 MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND ilURINB BRftlHBS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. 'Was.s, President. J. . IlusTLF.n, Secretary. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Jons l'o. Superintendent TAY TBTTLR, 31. . PHYSICIAN AND SUBQEOJJ, Okfice Over the White Honso Store. llEsmKKCK At Mrs. Munson's boarding house. Chenanius street, Astoria, Oregon. 5, CB.1XO, 31. JK. '' 'PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON, Itoom Xo. 3. Astorlon BnUdlog. yjP ST.UBS.) ItKsiDKiCE Corner of Bestoa and Conn streets, Astoria, Oregon. F.p IUCES, nENfrST, ASTOKIA. OUKOOM. 3 Have W istar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, In fluenza, consumption, and ail throat and jung conrplalnts. 50 cents andSl a bottle. Siotlee. Just received per steamer Columbia, a fine lot of eastern oysters, which will bo served up In first class stylo at Itos coes, Occident block. Hherman Bros. ExprH Will receive orders at the store of 1. W. Case for upper Astoria or any other part of the city. Leave yoar orders on the slate and" thoy wilt bo promptly at tended to. Uuy the Weekly. Ger your legal blanks at Thk A'BToniAf office. A full lino of over two hundred styles. - 3r"Ali citizens of Oregon who desire to inform their friends In tho states of tbe condition and Droaress of this state. can have uo more complete andcompre lumsivo volume of facte to send them tliaubv subscribing for this Journal, and having us mail it weekly to their friends. We mail It as directed. For 5 00 In advance, wo mall three copies of TnK Wkf.kt.y AsTORiANone year. WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Jlnin and Cbonamua Streets, ASTOUIA OKEOOJ.. UX.1LEX IS CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH nODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE WOSTENHOLM and othor English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine ISeershaum Pipes, etc. A Que stork of Wateltei mid Jewlrj 3Ittzz!e nnii Breech lioaillnsr Stsot Gans nnrt ItlfleH, UevclverH. Pistol. and Ammunition 3i,vi:i:vF. SJuAHHKS ltoonu in Allen's building qd stairs, corar ol Cassandiemocqbe streets. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY"" AT iATV. Chonamus Street. - ASTOUIA, ORKGOI q n. bak & co., DEALEBXX Doors, IVIndoTVB, Blinda. Tran soms, jtamber, Etc. All Kinds ot Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Geo evil o and Astor streets. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hay, Gats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General storase and Wharfage on reason ib!5 terms, loot of Benton streot. Astoria Orccoit. - 2U:es.j3. xejdei:b-s-, DEALER XS Tuk Weekly- Astomaj for this week U full of just such information and news of the country as jour friends in the east want to see. It has very few advertisements, and is chock to tho muzzle of Information that no family can successfully squeeze along without. Two dollars will buy the whole wad for a year, SI 25 for six months, or ten cents per copy. ' " A large consignment of the best brand Bed Cross coal oil just received t J no. Kodgers, Central .Market. Mr. John Rogers of the Central .Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep! nl tho finest fresh fish, etc., In their season Another of those fine A. B. Chose organs at the Oily Book Store. 1 have Just received thefinct awbrt incnt of fancy goods' fn my lino ever broucht to Astoria, consulting of pei- fumerv eases, toilet sets, toilet cases- fine perfumeries, fancy soaps, coabsl brushes, band glasses, and toilet articles of all kinds splendid presents for .the holidays. Call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occi dent llolel, Astoria, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. HOSPITAL, ASTOBIA. - - OKEGON THIS INSTITUTION UNDER CAKE OF the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for Prlvate' rooms for the accommodation of any desiring them. Patlfntsadmlttei 'o physician has excluslv PatlentsadmlttedataUbours.dsyornlght. Vn nhT!(lin hus eicluslvo Htrht. everv patient Is free to and has the privilege of wnplnjlng any physician they prefer. Culteil KtntoH Mnrlmi; Seamen who nay Hospital Dues, aro outl- Ued to Free care and Attendance at thisllos- n !il riurtnr'("klltS. ivrmiLs musi DO oo- talued for United states Miirlnes at the Cu ALSO A PINE Assortment of :flne SPECTACLES and KYE GLASSES. I. W. CASE, LMl'ORTKH AND WHOLESALE AND lit TAIL DEALER IK GENERAL MERCHAKI Corner Chenamus and Cass streats. ASTORIA - - - OREGON tpm House. SlSTKKS OF CBAHITY- however, are formidable in their! deserts, and once organized, unitodj and aided by their breth ren elsewhere, tlioy might set in I train causes that would lead to the dethronement of the Sultan, when tbey would be allowed to retire to their barren regions, elect their own leaders, and worship at their holy shrines unheeded by t,he rest ot the civilized world. Bulletin. lfffti1 MAGNUS C. CROSBY, IS!ew and Choice MILLINERY, Desires to call the attention of the Ladles of Astoria to the fact that she has received a laree assortment of tho LATEST STFI.CS OF Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, AND AJXCTS" QOODS. Corner Slain and Squemoqho Streets. Dealer In King of the Blood Sbiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold bv us on cuarantce. It cures consumption, Sold by W.E. De ment. Is not a "cure all." it is a blood-uUrificrand tonic. Impuntv of the blood poisons thesys tew, deranges tho. circulation, and thus In duces many disorders, known by different names to distinguish tuem according tu ef fects, but being really branches orphssfrsof that great generic disorder. Impurity or aucn arc uyrpcuna, tnuwwfncrx, Dtotvcni Xfrcr Complaint, CoiuHpatfoii. tftrcvus DU- Blood. orders. Headache. Backache, atncrcl ircak new. Jfearf Disease, Drojui, JCldncy Dicac, ruci, itneumawmyaiafrn. acroruia, awn ic. Kins of thfe'BIood prevents and cures these Dy"atiscKnijrTnHTSiusc, impurity of tbo blood. CbemlSM arid'ptn.iidacs agree in camng It "tnbTrioil gftraitle and efficient preparation Mr thepurpdsi.'l v'Sold by Drus gUtu,l per boU!e.8ee teStlnloclals,dlrec- flAn, .(,, -Taralfe1t:TrAfttJlnn''TVe44eaa Ot oos,&c.,lniBphltp''TreatisonT)lse95es t thn Blood," wrappwtaround'eacU feotAa D.BA$TOT!,80N&Co..rroM I Dress Making. Mai. W. O. KOSS, & MISS ELLA LOGAN. The third house wast of tha Congregational Church. NICE SUITS FOR LADIES Mane rr frem $fi to $10, H.B. PARKER, Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement'and Sand. Wood Delivered to Order. Dmying, Teaming 2nd Expre&s Business. Hor3C3 and Carriages for Hire. DE4LFBIX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Painter and Rnflther, OEALEB3 IK Pllin-a, HARDI ABE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, E. Detriek & Co., Sole cgents on the Pacific Coast for Tower's celebrated OILED CLOTHING, (Send for price list.) Impoiters, manufacturers and dealers In Twines, Tents, Hose, Cotton Sail Duck, Belting, WaterproofTar- paulins, Waterproof Covers Patent Solid Cotton Belting. Nos 5,7aiid9Caironila,and loS.UOandlii Market streets, 8AK riSANClKCO. - CAIFOItKTA. dim Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEEBIROJWTIHFAHIPCOPPER, z. . g-- saxxxa. Importer and Wholesale dealer In Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc, Etc., The largest and finest stock of Meerschaum and Amber goods in the city. Particular at tention paid to ordrrs from the country and vesseN. Ihrnamns ".Ircet, Astoria, Oregon. THEO. BUACKEn, Manager- KrldLNBY, OBEGOS Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON. TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. Xonobutflret cla.v workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand CLEANING and REPAIRING NKAT. CHEAP ANT) QUICK. BY ;r.onur. loyktt. Main Stwct, opposite X. Inch's. ' D. KELMAN. MARBLE AND STONE WORKER Monuments and Head Stones, Or anything in the line of Stone. SLATE CAN SEAMEKS alivays. on hand. First class york and satisfaction guaranteed.. Shop opposite C. L. Parker's residence. Chenamus Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. fcH ; i i i tiMei'ikiiC-iu.aiAS. E&jJ &-"js&