&5 S5W!r:l --' i--' CZJ UN1IH-4 LJl-U,m.. yjigmaoetagy f.i-mjjjara'; It'- Eftc gfcils jstaviaou , ASTORIA-OK EON: FBIDAY. ......... TEtt. 24. 1S2 jr. r. HAIXOEAN . -KdUur. The Jewish rersccntioii. The present- persecution or the Jews in Russia anil Germany seem9 to Je a continuation of the old robber cry of the middle ages which virtually said. to ..the .Israel-, ite, "Yo,ur money or your life." It seems hardly possible that this is the nineteenth century, to read accounts of the nlurder of men. the outrage of women and the slaughter of children, because these people see fit to worship God in their own way and as they were taught to believe is in ac cordance with a solemn covenant made with God four thousand years ago. It is a sliame that any where on the globe should be pre sented such spirit ol religious in tolerance as is daily shown in those districts across the sea where stupidity, brutality, covctousness, lust and murder combine to wreak ruin upon unotTending and upright members of society. Not the least shameful of these facts is the indifference of the Russian govern ment. It shows in some places an apathy, and in others an avowed intention to aid the persecutors of those who profess the sublime faith of Judaism. In the abstract, the descendant of Abraham cannot be subdued nor destroyed, Ho is smart, shrewd, sagacious and up with the times. He is always abreast of his competitors in business; he is rarely found in prisons or alms houses, and in any department of trade that he enters he leads. He shows a wonderful adaptability for our modern civilization, and, in general it can be said that -whatever helps civilization along helps him along too. How few Jewish paupers there are: they take care of their own, earn their own.living; pay their debts, ae always liberal and desirous of im provement, and are in every re spect sober, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. Erom every part of the United States comes a cry of protest against tlie barbarity now being enacted in Southeastern Europe. Optimistic. The struggles of ambitious men for places and power have at all times been the cause of most of the troubles which have afflicted the world. The plots and counter - plots of our American chieftains cause a perpetual tutnuit; we arc in a condition of chronic unrest. Each is trying to tear down the reputation which may have heon established by the other, and each is compelled to appeal to the peo ple for a verdict. It is the first impression of many that the ever lasting political turmoil is detri mental to the country, but the fact appears that it is beneficial. Cor ruption would become "firmly es tablished, and would perpetuate itself were it not for the exposures that commonly come from motives that aro far from praiseworthy. The great whisky frauds would not have been unearthed, had it not been for the efforts of men whose main "purpose was to prove the inefficiency of President Grant. Credit-Mobilier would not have beeomo a common scandal had there not been men in public station who were anxious to break down others who were looked upon as rivals. The jobbery which has fastened itself like a parasite upon the Department of State, would not have been exposed had it not been for the great antipathy that some men have for Blaine. It is resulting like many other investi tions, and mainly smirching the .friends of thoso who raised the alarm. But the fact remains the same that some very - corrupt schemes have been brought to light, and their consummation frus trated. If hated political antago nists can bo injured, no secrets aro so well guarded that they will not be dragged into the light. The quarreling 'and detraction are cer- tainly evils, but they are n'ttcnuVd with compensating benefits. It is better for the country that there should be this activity. It tends to familiarize pecpla with public affairs and the mor-e intelligently to discharge, their political duties. Such a stimulus is needed to keep awake public attention, to prevent unconditional abandonment of the higher interests of the. common wealth to the. few who might take care of them. If we did not have great rival parties", and men in each competing for the leadership, I such a thing as popular liberty would soon become unknown. It is a matter of historic record, and us history has been defined to be 'precept teaching by example," the precept and precedence in this instance is good to follow and ob serve. Another Garfield Honuincnt. Postjiastee-Geneeal Howp ;.. made an appeal to all postnia-:si's throughout the country to sub scribe toward the Garfield monu ment to be built at Washington." He talks as though he expected (.them to come right up to the Cap tain's office and settle, the sums paid, of course, are expected to be in proportion to their respective salaries. Every Government offi cial knows what this appeal means, rathorahan be turued out of oflire or degraded in the estimation of his superiors, most of them will send in their subscriptions and some make it uo hv stealing five times as much from Uncle Samuel. But few postmasters in the United States are overpaid, and a large majority of them, and of Govern ment officers generally, require every dollar they receive as offi cials for their support. When this is trenched upon by contributions to the political "machine," building monuments, or other purposes they must suffer or do something else. This Garfield monument business is being run into the ground. Un til that unsightly pile of stone and mortar, known as "The Washing ton Monument," be completed, these appeals for different monu ments to GarGeld ,should be more concentrated. . The inonoy raised on this coast for a Garfield luotiu, ment at San Francisco, could be more fittingly put into a Gar field Soldiers' Home, where if would not only honor the dead but be of priceless benefit to the poor, homeless, broken-down vet erans uf the war. And there is no doubt vbut that, could hf be consulted in the spirit laud, the dead President would say Anion to the proposition. - Tim Insane Asylum. Cojijientin'g upon the proposed change from a private to a public institution of the State Insane Asylum, the Staudard pays: "Every sossion of tho Legislature there is a gang about it fur the petty offices that body has to give away, and measures aro earned through on promises of position. We know that there is already strife among certain physicians to get the position of. superintend ent, .and when the Legislature meets we shall expect every one incompetent to get a practice on his merits, about the Legislature for a position in the asylum. Our correspondent will find a stronger lobby at Salem next Fall than has ever been there under tho contract system. Besides, lie will find that all kinds of combinations will be made by those who want positions, supply contracts, etc., which will be a disgrace to our state. This will be repeated every time a door keep or any other position is to bo filled. "We hope our fears may not bo realized, but from what we can see at this early date, we ' have reason to apprehend tho people of Oregon will regret the day they made the asylum a state institu tion." Oscae Wilde says if tho news papers don't quit malting fun of him be'll never come lo America again, so Iiq won't. Let those nbtwjoke who never joked before, and those who always joked, now joke the more. Aqythimj to get him to fulfill bis threat. 3JAKK5EI.- In this .fit v, Ki'l). 'JiM, !y Ilt-v..). Par sons. Frankio C; Elliott and C. K.Sor eiisen. NEW TO-DA.Y. Order of Chosen Frionds. A re-mlar meetine of Occident Co neil No. 5. O.C. 1'.. is held every Saturday even n. at tlie iiour 01 .ji 11 ciock, in me una ci wit) A. ". U. W. Ah sojourning members are contiallv invited to attend. Hv older of - C.C. Conesri asicLSbaac i - . .Will Jc glrt-u at Libcrry Hallm ,r Friday Ev'ng", Feb, 24, t$82, Commencing Sit S o'clock, under' the au spice 'of citizens of mid business Drms of Astoria, represented hy Megler & Wright. 1. W.Case. W. E. Dement. . I W.Couu.'Berg iimh & berry. YVanvn ss Eaton, A. Van Du scu & ;o., 1). C. Ireland, and others. Tliis entertainment will ben corapllmeut r.rv benefit tendered to Airs. Vey'scv, wife of Cant. Vey.-ev of the shin "Corsica,'.' lost off CohnnbU Elver liar, February a. lSS!, and' her Infant child who was horn at Aitria durum the stiiv. ot said shin at this port. And wil be under the management of the Oltnmle Club of Astoria. All shin masters !iiHrtand those 'connected with snipping liui'icL arc vuiuiauy muicu m .uai)i. in laakinz this benefit a SUBSTANTIAL suc cuns. Tickets tients SI H rLadiei SO cents. Tickets Sot sale at llcmcnt's and Conn's Drug Stores. Cannery Supplies Imported and for sale by AS'fOItIA, - - - ' " OKEfJON. Bar Coisycr, fl.ivcrp-ool Salt, Pages oars.ole. Agent for Ilaslock'-s Soldering Machine ; Jnuattou'a lumr-ived .Solderinlr aDriaratus ictary table for SJldcnng seams; Blood's noi uoais. . 33. E .& Ei 2S 23 Et. DEALER IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Bricks Cement and Sand. KVodd Xr livcri-A. to Order, Draging, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ami Carriage's for Hire. Dfi.u:ii vs WSHES, LIQUORS AMD CiCARS. CITY BOOK STORE. Wo are constantly recclTlug new additions, to our stock and have the finest and larccst assortment of variety goods la the city. Combs, Brushes, ,.".-. i Stationery, Frames . Celluloid Goods. All our goods areraariicd in plain Djiurcs Call and examine quality and note prices. CIIAS. STEVENS & SON JVTOT1CE IS IIEREHY GIVEN THAT the 1.1 undersigned Committee on Ways and Means of tho Common Council of tho City of A-tona Oregon, will receive sealed propo vil? at tho office of the .uiditor and Clerk of still city, until 12 o'clock noon. of Tuesday, she CSth day of February, lix:, for city bonds, not exceeding sixty in num ber, of tho denomination of fifty dollars Ciich and bearing; interest not exceeding eight percent, per annum, as provided for in ordinance o. 11 or said city. Proposals must state tho number of bonds bid for, the amount they represent, and tno interest to be paid. No bi'iubwill be sold under par. The right to reject any and all bids-is hereby reserved. J-'JtANK .1. TAYI.OB. A. (5 Sl'lCXAKTU, 1. W.CASE, Comndltee on Wavs and STeans. ASloita. 1'ch. 17, 18ii d-td - Annual School Meeting. rglHi: ANNUAL MECTING OK THK legal JL voters of School District No. 1 will be held at thu school house on Main street, m Astoria, Clatsop count v, Oregon, on Mouriny evening, ihircli titli. 1S32. at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of electing one Director for Hire years, and ono Clerk for ono year. Also to levy a tax to support a school for the ensu ing year in ald district ; also a tax to pay interest and incidental expenses of said dis trict and to transact such other business as may propcrlv come before the meeting, lty order of the Uoard of Directors. J. u. HUSTLEK.CJrk. Astoria, Feb. 21, 1F82. ROLMAN'S PAD. FOR THE STOMAGH, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS. TXADE MARK. In all oases of uilliou3ncss and malaria la cvt-ry foiin. a preventative ana cure of chills, fever and ilmnli ague. Dr. llclman'a i'ad Is a perfect success. And for dyspepsia, sick lieauacha and nervous prostration, as the pad is applied over the pit of the stomach, fheiacat nervous ceotci.lt annihilates the disease at onco. It retaliates the liver and stomach so sue ccssf uily that digestion becomes porfect. ' Trof. D. A. Loomis says : "It is nearer a universal panacea than anything in medi cine." This is done on tho principle of ab sorption, of which Dr. Ilolman'a I'ad is tho only true exponent. ' For all kidney troubles, uso Dr. Ilolman's Kenal or Kidney I'ad, the host remedy In the world and recommended by tho medical faculty. -Beware of Bogus Pads. Each genuine Ilolman's Pad bears the pri vate revenue stamp or the HoliKMii Pad Co.. with the above trails mark printed In preen, liuy none without It. For Sale by ail Druggists. Dr. Ilolman's advice Is free. Pull trea'Jso sent free on application. Address : HOLMAN PAD CO. ,. r, k ,",o 7H Broadway, Now York. P.O. box 2112. YV arranty dee J i. quit o lalm deeds and mortgages, for 3il at ttiis office. i w A fLJLf I )'f-jo7it ' v-rr. MISCELLANEOUS. - en, fl(!lWtt TO TAGS & AMiES-) , Wiiottsslp ua rteall dealer In 'G&a ..-PmwMMMi . -. Msitery-! Glass and Plated Wars, -tTKOMCAI. AND-DOMITSTW FR.lliJS AND VEGETABLES. ToðPr with Wines, Lipbrs, ToMcco S Ciprs The largest and most complete stock of goods In their line to bo found In the city. Corner otCasa and'Squemocqho Streets. ASTORIA. OKEGOX. (A - O o w D C n 2 If 43 25 P - .2 o z 0 Mir fi O CO V) H ej ' K -a a B "3 ft 35 9 a o n .2 a - :- O rs & c- - a -5 o . c g - x "- E B I 8 2 ? Z LL. a co co i2 mu& S3 0 1 si V & ! c X ' in So - 3 U. ? --, - Bar)bo!Tp,'s IRISn FLAX THREADS Salmon- Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twinsr Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. . Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing .Tackle, etc. l ' BARBOUR BROTHERS 511 3lnrfaotHtret. Wan FronelM-o HENRY DOYLE & Co.. aiaisasMS. B. B. FRAMOJN, UNDERTAKER, Comer Cass and Squereoqh streets, ASTOEIA. - -. - - nitEOOh - ' DEALEE IK WALL PAPER - : " AND 1FINDOW SHADES AT UNDERTAKERS GOODS. D. KELMAN. MARBLE AND STONE WORKER monuments and Head Stones, Or anyJWng In the line of-Stouo. SLATE CAN SEAMERS always on hand. First class ivoric and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop opposite C L. Parker's residence. Chcnamus.Streor. - - - Astoria, Oregon. Dress Makibg. MRS. W.'G. BOSS, & MISS EI,LA. LOGAK. The third house west -of the -Congregational . Church. NICE SUITS FOR LADIES Hade for from 86 lo 810. . To Whom it-May Concern, v rrUST POSITrVEI,Y'REFD8E '.TO Pi.Y any.btll-contractedbyanyone but nr.V self .or wife, unless a' written order Is pri sented. ' H.M:GUJVL1N. Astoria, Feb. I8.'iag. JIISrELLAXEOUS. Geo A?. Hum Wholesale and Retail Baaier MGfi-OCEEIES, '" . --. !Provisions,.LitLuber, ETC.; ETC.. ETC. Fisheriiiens uud Cannery SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOR TIIE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND THE San Francisco Chemical wastes. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. MAKTIN FOARD. J. J. RTOKHS, EOAED & STOKES, Vholesalo and retail dealera In Wood and Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOUEICN AND DOMESTIC Fruits emel Vegetables, 5 X S3 , 3EKiS3t., COUNTRY PRODUCE. AND General Commission Horchants ARTOE1A, ORECOS. Next to Orrgon-Hallway &Nav. co's Dock. diw HILL'S VA&IBTII8. GEO.niLL, - - I'KOPKIETOE VALTEKPAUKS, - STAGE 5IANAOEK Open all (he Year. 1'cWoruiancc Errry JilSht. Entire kause or Pro- cramuie Oiiee a Weefc. Comprising all tho latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. Tho theatro is crowded niphtly. and all who have witnessed tlie entertaiumeut pro nounce It to be equal to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybodv wishing to spend a pleasant evening and sco sparkling wit and beauty lthout vul garity, should Improve the opportunity and come. Tho company comprises the following well known -Artists : Hiss FAJtstE Yvaltox. Slrsi Louise Cook, 3I1SS MOLUB CHRIST!, MB. ClIAnUES Koiilec. Bin. Titos. CnmsTV, Me. Johk Cook. Me. SIilton. Joiikeon, lie. Joseph Pettv, JIn. Walter Tabes. All of which will appear nightly in their dU forent specialties. , Open air concert every evening ; perform ncocommencln.'at 8; entrance to theatro on Jientnn street ; private boxes ou Chena nuis street. AViViS IS IECLA.BE WITH OCT FirfiTHKB SOT1CE j&p. & And no terms of peace until i?jfHh every man In Astoria has n new 5?f;sulolclou--s m. Sggiia .fcZr. OA5"-: BY aiEASY. TnV nt ihn nH(ms Pants to order .from - - 88 oo Pants. Genuine French Cassimcro - 12 60 Suits from Koo The finr"st line of .samples on the coast to select from. P. J- MEANY, Main street, opposite Parker House. Astoria. ASTOP.IA. OREGON W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. f2"yProscnptlons carefully compounded'at uTbours. -HotneopthIe Tlnctturea and Pellets, and Huinplixey 's Specifics also fctpt. fc Sir Jf?k A f y Oal EOENIA SlOEE! One ETK O Lacking room to store our immense stock we shall dispose of all ' REMNANTS ON HAND. Worsted Bress Goods, at 20 cts. per Yard, comprising Plaids, Brocades, etc., etc., ranging from 5 to 15 yards. Nonpareil Bress Goods, at 10 cts. per Yard. FLANNELS, CLOAKINGS, SERGES, etc,, etc., of all shades and quality. Being impossible to classify , from the fact that our stock is Is A Beyond in quantity and quality anything ever seen in Astoria. We have a large amount of remnants in Xt AGES and EMBROIDERY. 5000 Pair of Ladies' White and Colored Hose, slightly damaged, 10 cts. per pair, usual price 35 cts. Remember our stock of quantity, quality and Price in $gBe sure and call on Postoffice Corner, FV .eBossGoffee and Tea Pot L-rwe- n a.ea TWO DOORS EAST OF OCCIDEr, 3ES -o-i r 'rzrKT1 r 8wT?'-?; BT a TEST A LiTLT. - - - Wt,150,CA 101 i m - itajsiOiyi! J-iSii' m&zixwpy. st &&lrmvr.ML3er &cnSar$s5n2-k"'- -. THE ASTORLOT STEAM PRINTING HOUSE UASTHE FASTEST AND BEST PRESSES, ear Wo purchase Paper, Cards, Ink, and .Li; X-o-west And can therefore afford to use. as wo ' oKTT,V ,---" - &so:DZ3xt..a.-3?:E priohj lo AH ! ! Gents' ware is unsurpassed in this or any other market. the old Reliables. Astoria, Oregon, MAY BE HAD OF MffE.E.HAWES SOLE AGENT. Also, Agent for the celebrated Buck's Patent Cook Store, MEDALLION R'AMK STEAM FITTINGS A SPECIALTY. None but the best workmen employed. All work guaranteed or no charge. WKS, ASTORIA, OREGON Tie sArtfsf-s" tss'it-'k aN . - . JTLZJ-VR. x i it o. 101 AND TYPE OF THE LATEST STYLES. other materials of tho manufacturers Octslx Rates, always do. tho best articles, while cnsrglng f. s .5- I?. o - -SKii t- . J? .-?