"jngMjiyowa c's?i"''''J--is' --584 rKS?5!?J5 PJ k ASTORIA, OREGONt SATURDAY FEB. n, 1SS2 ISSUED EVBRY MORNING (Monday Eiccptod), J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, PtrBLiancRS and lT.orttiirroiw. 4yorviii Building, Cat ftrfst. Terms of Subscription . jotted by Carrier. jwr WBCJv..ii cnu r1tby&ail, four moatit..,. ...53 03 Sect by mall, cue year .... 9 Cj Free of Ptatano toSubserihcri". " AdvertUoiEents inserted by tho year nt a rata of SI 50 pemquarepor month. Transient advortiiinr, by tho day or wcok. Sfty ceata per aqnaro for each insertion. THEOITY. . The Daily astosxak will U. tt hj raailatl&cenU a month, frceuf poslaQC. llcaa en Klio contemplate absence fmn the city can have The astobxax- allow them, Datlx or Weekly editions toanutot-oficcicith-out additional expense. Addretst mayiic tnanged an often a neutral, locate order at the counting room. S. EIraoro arrived by tho State. Tito Charlsrood camo donn yes terday. The Emily Stephens went to sea yesterday afternoon. C. Leinenwober went below yes terday by tho Oregon. The Oregon came down ut 12 o'clock yesterday and went out at 4. Tho City of Chester came in with a big load of freight yesterday morn ing. Work has been begun on tho 0. E. & N. Co. 'a dry dock below Albina. Carl Adler and bride wero oil the Oregon, outward bound, yesterday afternoon. Tho latest canard i3 that Presi dent Arthur will pardon Guiteau. He won't dare to. Dan Swaggart shot and killed Jas. Coylo, in a Centerrillo saloon, last Wednesday. Prayer meeting in tho,Young Men's rooms this evening at 7 o'clock. All cordially invited. Tho State of California got in at nine yosterday morning. The passen gers report a rough trip. Tho first comet of '82 is "an nounced. It has been seen in Sacra mento. Look out for it. The County Court adjourned yes' terdy to the next regular term, the first Wednesday in April. ' The two most important things in this lower world both begin with the letter M money and myself. Tho Bellona cleared for Queeus toim yesterday. Sho has 60,142 bushels of wheat, worth 64,942. Hendricks and Black havo been suggested as Presidential candidates for '84. A sort of Tom-and-Jerry ticket. The niau that went into tho Asto ria foundry yesterday and asked the boss to cast a shadow, has not been seen since. There are only 300 out of tho 306 jrho voted for Grant at the Chicago convention that want office. The other six must bo dead. The seventy-third anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln will be celebrated by tho First Philosophical Society of Portland, to-morrow. Capt. Hustler tells us that the school taxes are coming in very slowly. There but remains a few days more, and then they will be do-link-wont. Captain Gregory goes down to tho north channel with the Shubrick this morning to put down a buoy,and take soundings, that is if tho weather per mits. Tho funeral services of tho late C. J., H. Lindoren will bo at tho Metho dist church this morning. Tho ser mon will bo preached by tho Roy. J. Parsons. R. M. Wooden reports rough weather on the Nehalem; ho says tho wind loveled fences and blew down an immense lot of timber. There is two feet of snow this side of tho summit. All Thursday night "tho beauti ful" camo gently down, and yesterday morning it was as mushy and slushy under foot as it woll could be. A good freeze would make excellent coasting. The Olympic Club met last Thurs day evening and olocted a full board of directors for the ensuing yoar. Tho initiation feo was placed at five dol lars, whioh covers in full all the dues for the year. "t ..jAaawBateW Jrr . What Wan It? Tho glittering sun had sunk to rest, ia a golden Hood in tho gleaming treat. The glimmering twilight, cold and gray,, and uu3k and darktiee3 took place of day. The sanctum was empty tho growing uii;lit sent the printers home to supper and light. Tho task of tho day was nearly dono, and ere the dawn of another sun, the silvery stare that gleam o'er vast Orion, would shino upon The Daily Astobiax left at tho door' of its friends and readers, who scan o'er the items and read all "the leaders. Yet the wea ry typo stood at hi3 case, and slowly he toiled as the hours grew apace. No sound was heard save tho musical click of the little types as they fell in his stick. A low, dim knock at tho office door and a soulful youth stood out on the dour, nith a sad sweet smile, and a tearful eye, like one whoso thoughts did dv.ell on high. His smile was pretty, and soft, and bland; with dimpling face ho extended his hand. "My name," said he, "is Fearful risko; I've just come up from San Francisce: minstrels, funny men, gags and jokes I'll bring to pleas9 your As toria folks." We gazed upon this advance agent, as if it were a phantom pageant, and then in truthful tniiPi replied: "If ymi'vo got a show that in't snide; it here the men can sing, and the boys can dance, why, tho town will go and pay in advance.. But don't suppose that a lot of 'supes,' tho frag ments of dead and buried troupes, can swing around a3 a first-class show, and make a success such tricks don't g". With a stilled sigh and a moistened eye, he ionk his card, and whispered, "I am woil awaro that men there are, who long to rank a3 an A. 1 but tho tronbador3 that I represent will please the beys: on that they're bent. We're coming, we're coming, you'll sec us soen: we'll show at the Hall ere another moon." Ho turned away, and as he van ished, wo theught: "If all 'snide' shows were banished, what a blessing 'twould be to buyers of Beats, who justly dislike to patronize beats." Police Court. Feb. 10th. Ah Kit, Leo Fone, Sep Kee and Leo, on motion of city attorney tlie complaints against the abovo namod defendant were dismissed. The de fendants were discharged from custody and tho bondsmen wero exonerated. Ah Sam, plea not guilty; taken under advisement until Feb. 11th, at ihe liutto county, Ua!., papers have accounts of tho finding of gold in tho crops of chickens. Tho fowls do not survive tho discovory. Tickets for the masquerado ball of No. l's next Tuesday aro selling fast. Tho boys deservo and ought to have, a good response from the citi zdns. A California min boasts thai he has attended church for fifty years, at an aggregate annual oxpense of 81. Ho probably takes tho beyond for a dollar store. A New York school teacher has a new device for punishing unruly and recalcitrant pupils. She places mus tard plasters upon tho stomachs of the littlo darlings. Lieut. Schwatka was a passenger on tho Oregon yestorday, and while she lay at Astoria, having business at tho Cape he was taken down by tho Canby aud boarded tho Oregon ns sho went out At Portland, in the church mis siou, Rev. J. W. Sail wood furnished information on tho kiiotty point of why thero aro four gospels instead of one. Tho argument iras that four aro better than nno, and a very good ar gument it is. A prominent member of the cotn uiitteo cm Pacific railroads says tho Pacific road committeo will not act on tho mattor until alter tho judiciary committee has docidod upon tho power which was vested in the respective railroads by the issue of land grants. Villard talks of having elevators built at prominent places in the North west to facilitate tho handling of grain. There is no such place as Astoria on hi3 map, aud, tho probability is that such busy centers as Ventror and Kal; atna will be favored with those modern conveniences. Tho regular Eastern yarn of the old gentleman ninety-two years of ago who chopped half a cord of wood be fore breakfast, has at last arrived. It was duo on the 1st. Tho next in or der is relative to tha female idiot whu gets up and has all her washing out on tho line by 5 a, at. a ; -4 v Mi w. Xotlce. F. H. Swanwicb is in no way con nected with tho Portlaml Cnmmnrc.ial Reporter and Journal of Commerce, of wiucn mo puouc win take aue notice. W. H. Boone, Proprietor Commercial Reporter. Sui Generis. Tho first number of tho "Bullion Scorcher" is received. It is published in the Wood River country, Idaho, and if thero wero two other papers like it iu existence there would then be three of a kind. The editor strikes out in plain Saxon, and in his saluta tory says: "The editor of this paper has served for years in the school of journalism. Independence and un bridled liberality shall be his motto in all things. No inangy toadyism or shoddy worship shall bo indulged in; no pandering to the whimsical desire of capitalists; no whiten ash to be uaed iu behalf of hypocrites or criminals. No public or pnrate apologies i bo made; no advertising on jawbone shall or will be dono whilo the present edi tor breathes tho rarified atmosphere of this Alpine region. Cabbagenias and forty-rod no consideration for n co! nmn puff." Favorable Report, it is reported that the house com mittee on territories will report favor ably the bill for admission of Wash ington Territory or a State. There aro certain propositions about which the committee is not agreed. They are amendments to prohibit the sale of school lands except for educational purposes, and to limit the power of the new State to issue bonds. Some opposition is made to this on the ground that Congress has no right to thus interfere with tho prerogatives of a State. The main proposition to ad mit th Stato, however, has been partially agreed upon. We congratu late our friends across tho river "on their probable accession to the privi leges of state rights. Modern Trojans. Tho important news is telegraphed from Troy, New York, that tho mother-in-law of Ryan, the defeated pugi list, says aho can "lick" Sullivan her self. If she can whip him, and ho can whip Ryan, tho latter individual has our profound sympathy when ho gets back home. He is having h tough time of it, poor fellow. Prises. The first prize for the best sustained lady'a character at the uiasquorade, next Tuesday, will be a handsome dressing case, the second prize a per fume case, cut glass bottles, the third prize trill bo for gentlemen a dressing case; the prizo for the best sustained character a largo album. Road district No. 1 has been ex tended to Olney, and No. 10 now in cludes the military road, making the prospect of a road from Mishawaka and Jewell to Astoria favorable. P. Britt, of Jacksonville, has an orange tree in full bloom at his con servatory, on which are also about thirty oranges of good size and quality that will ripen in due time. This is thought to bo tho only tree of the kind growing successfully in Oregon. The Ne.w York Hour calls atten tion to the fact that greater care is taken of young fish than of children in that city. For whilo more than half the children die beforo the age of fivo, the Fish Commissioners say that only about two per cent, of the Bpawn of shad or salmon aro destroyed. It is suggested that this is owing to the fact that so many New Yorkers like shad or salmon much better than they liku children. A bill was introduced in the sen ate by Senator Qrover f er- tho organ ization of Southeastern Alaska and establishment of a civil government therefor. It provides for the appoint ment of a U. S. district attorney with oxclusivo powera over the district. Tho bill extends tho general laws of Oregan over tho district, so far as they may bo niado applicable and not conflict with the provisions of tho bill, and provides for the election of a delegate" to Congress in Septembe'r, 1882. About 2:30 yesterday morning tho police noticed foot prints in tho newly mado snow loading suspiciously from ono to another of tho business places and residences along tho streets. It was supposed to bo the track of a burglar. It was carefully measured and all the points noted down with photographic accuracy. With all the vigor incited by tho hope of a capture tho trail was hotly pursuod jvith many a turn, till it finally brought up at Tub Astosiax office. There the object of the search was discovered filling his capper sack with a supply of dailies. The first prize Is sure to most anv one who gets his mask suit of M. D: Kant. ' - -S, jb.j". 'JttfewMK. .XJ-rt-isrX. '.r Wanted. More ship carpenters and caulkers arel Anyone who wants a nicely furnished wanted on tho Barce. Armlv to4.!r,w,m i i.,.,co i,nt,. -., u. racquet, on tho grounds. Grand Raffle! Tt.. ..i..f Am,l,. -.i.i .. -!. I 1 worth 8150, tho chances having all been taken, will bo raffled foi at 8 o'clock r.t m. Saturday, February 12, 18S2, at the' rarker uouse. ah interested wm i please take notice. Mask suits for ladies and gent, varying from 50 cents to Sio, can be rented of M. 1). Kant. A new lot of fur trimming, all col ors, below San Francisco price;;, Jusi reeeh ed at the VLL Store. Another of those line A. O. Chase organs at the City Bookstore. Before going to the ball next Tues day stop in nt Adler's and get one of thoe masks he has for sale. Hurry up for the masquerade ball qpd get your mask suit of M. D. Kant. M. D. Kant ha the best lot of mask suits ever brought to Astoria. Any one wanting rope, suitable for sails, or in need of counter scales can get thero from Capt. Berry. The "Always Handy" stovepipe shelve'" at John A. Montgomery's. For handsome holiday pivseiiU, such as toilet cases, cologne .sets, per fumery casfs, line soap-', etix, go to Conn' drug store, opposite- Occlilvnt u.o:ci. Don't trlflo witli tluoat and lung af fections. Tako Hai.s's Ho,-i:y of IloiiKHorM) and TAR. IIki.S Ti-otij- ache Dnors euro In one minute. "Ilackiuetaek," a lastlnz and fra- diant perfume. Price 23 and 30 -nts. hold by V. . Dement. Whv will vou couch when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price lOctsSOctsand?!. Sold by W.E. De ment. SniLOH'fl Cunn will immediately relieve Croun. whooDlns coueli nnd Bronchitis. Sold by W. K Dement The Bev. Geo. H. Thaver. of Bour bon, Ind., says: '"Both mysolf and wife owe our lives toSini.on's Consumption- CL-nK." Sold by W. E. Dement. -A Xasal Iniector free with eaeh bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy. Price SO cent. Sold tiy W, E. Dement. Despondency Ls sometimes called "the blues," because the later term des cribes at once the color and effects of imnure blood. Change it to "rose-col ored health" by using King ot the Blood. See advertisement. not. cold and shower baths at the Occident linir dressing saloon, twenty five cents. Whins. .curry-combs, brushes: new stock; first-class goods, cheap for cash. A fow more chances yet to be taken for that fine graphoscopo nt tho City book store. Frank Fabrc has oysters in every style. Stew and pan roasts a specialty Just look at the "valentines in Ad ler's window to-day, "and make up )our mina wnicti ono you win seua. You should call iit Adlort for jour vaieuune before tney aro an goin. The finest and choicest assortment of valentines at Adler s. . Chas. Stevens and Sou havo a .stock of mouldings and moulder) tools which can be bought cheap for cash to close out mar nrancii or tno.i)usincs.. For the Genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, ana the bc-t of wines, liquors h ana san rranrisco beer, call at tno uem, opposite the bell tower, and sec Camp bell. Hereafter tha skating rink vill be open Wednesday afternoon for ladles only, and Saturday afternoon for ladies and gentlemen. Call and examine the Union pump at John A. Montgomcr's, cheap and of superior partem and quality. Have Wistar's balsam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in fluenza, consumption, and all throat and lung complaints, w cents onu i a oor- tie. A Iru4rrinrr lirYiian tt-WIi 1o P-ftT lt. uated In the best business part of town, for sale or to rent The house Is doing a good paying business at present, and is in goon running oruer. Appiy to Dew Dbop l.vx. A large consignment ot the best brand Ked Cross coal oil just received t J no. Kougers, central Market , . l J. Goodman, on Chenamus street, has just received the latest ana most nlMUUlluuiu i)jt; ui Ki'iua unu muira noots, snoes, LHC. The Westnort Shinsle Mutmfactur ing Company are now prepared to fur nlsh A 1 sawed cedar shinnies: A ddress all orders to them at Westport, Oregon. Physicians prescribe Coi.fKN's Lir:-1 BIG'3 liiqniD UEEf AM) TOXIC tNVIG- or Atok for the weak, worn and dyspep tic Takenoothor. ' I have juet received the fluent assort ment of fancy goods iu my line ever brought to Astoria, consisting of jkt fumcry cases, toilet sots, toilet cases line perfumeries, fancy soans, combsl brushes, hand glasses, and toilet articles of all kinds splendid prc-sents for the holidays. Call and examine god3 and Jrices before purchasing elsewhere, nt I. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occi dent Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale. HOMESTEAD OF JAS. SIATEK. ONE mile from Elk Creek, Clatsop countv. 160 acres, 15 cleared and fenced, house and bam. A good cattle ranch. Inquire of dwtf JOHN ,HODSOX. $500 Reward; JT ncss we cannot Liver 11113. wlu noninllod trim. Thev ai and never Jail to b'vo satisfaction. Sugar; coated. Largo boxes, containing so Pills, 23 ; cents. ForsAlobynllDruKgfciti. Ecwareot! eonnteneiu anu minimum, iuo genuine nmnulactured only by Joasf a West & Co., "The U Maker." 1S1 and 183 TV. Madison St., Chicago, free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt or a 3 cent stamp. TV. K. Dement, agent .' . ..sfccaSfef Booms to Beat. Icommodated at Mrs. Denny Curran's, near tho Congregational church. niinira'unrai. A house, or part of a house, for small family. Enquire at this office. : ., . ,. i Bmin nnd ."Verve. Wells' Health Bcnewer, greatest rem edy on oarth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, etc., 1. at druggists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO.. Portland, Oregon. -tWe have Just opened our stock of Valentines at the City Book Store. For box and fancy they are the best ever opened in this city, nnd range from 23 rents to S5 00. I'on't Die In tlu Jlonse. AkdiuggiUfor"Roueh on Bats." It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs, roaches, vermin, flies, ante, luspcts. ice per box. Catarrh of tlio Bladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary Dusages, diseased discharges, eureu uy rsuciiunaioa. l, at druggists mp; . I). urexon l. )epoL DAVIS&CO Portland. Oregon. New Stock- On tlit: next steamer Carl Adler will lenvo for the East, from where he will send direct from the manufacturers' room. several fine pianos and cabinet organ of Urn mo-t approved stylo and finish, together with a largo assortment of minor musical instruments. It is likewise his intention to order a large stock of iMKiks, the late-t and freshest, nnd all the norelties in stationery. He will get from Seth Thomas' celebrated clock works, fifteen hundred clonks in every conceivable style and at all prices. WJU -1I11UJ1U1 UIUUUIIU U 1UTCU MUU& Ul fancy ccods that will he selected under his personal supervision. His long experience justifies him In the belief that what he brings back with him will meet with the general approbation of his patrons. Special orders will bo promptly attended to. . , . MISCELLANEOUS. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEALEES IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WKOOHBT AND CUT OALVAN1ZED . SPIKES. NnilM4 Cupper Kails and Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, ri.oim xn Jiiix fiikik j Agents for riale?t Flourim; Mills. Vmnfr Ckmuicua and Hamilton Street A.vroiiU.iKKJiON. HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. IK U., - - - rKOl'KIKTOE WAI.TKR PARKS, - STARE MANAOKK Qpra all the Year, rcrfnrmance Kvrrr MeM. Entire hange of Pro- xraiuioe Wnee a Week. Comprising alt the latent SONCS, DANCES AND AOTS. lhe theatre 13 crowded nightly, and all who hac witnessed tne entertainment pro nounce It to be eouil to any rH en eUewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody cubing to spend a pleasant eeulng and see spurklliitf wit and beauty without ul garitv, Rliould Improve the opportunity and come". The company eoroprl-es the following well Knonn Artists : JiiSf) Tanmr Walton. StlSS 1.0CISK t'OOK. MISS MOLI.1G tJHWSTV, 'Mil. CIHIU.E3 Kohlei:, Mn. Tnos; Cnnisrv, Mb. Joii.v Cook. Mk. Milton-Johjison, Mn. .Tosfph Petty, Mn. Walteu Parks. All oi whlci vlll appear nlshlly In their dlf- lorem speemmes. Anpn nr wnrprt PVrtrv ft vpnm nprfoml. tonce commencm at s ; entrance to theatre ou uenlon sireec ; pm:.:o ooies on uuena inns street. SELECT MASQUERADE BALL To be Kh en by Astoria Engine Co. No. I , Ou Srf. Valentines Kveulus. TUESDAY, FEB. 14th, 1882. ADMISSION. I Gents Masker. - - - - 1 50 Lady Maskers. ----- Free 'Genu spectators. - - - - 61 00 Lady spectators, ----- 30 invitation coMMrrrKic C. J.Trencbard. L. E. Sellg, B. 1?. Stoveus. J. G. Charters. FLOOi: fOMllITTEE, J. StraiiNS, J O. Charter. i F. A. Ilhrr. 1SE.-.T10.TINO COMMITTIX. Chas. S. "Wright, A. MePharliuj, Jas. AV. Welch. A.l tarues a DfHWnne in niasici will do obliged to raise thir mask to the hiYCstlgat- lug coininltteo (or IdcDtlQcatlon Ma&er UcktU can be prooured ot C. A. May and L. E. Selig. Spectator tlcteU at Dement's and Cormj drug store, viso at J. O, Charters. a$l C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. ttniiimtiusiciiKnuasMsinttiHii to -iiittraHisnsJuiunusmnimimmmmnsnHi iiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiMiieiiiiiiniiiisimiiniumuiuNinnBiiamcfMMnH ! I X L STORE uunucuuKKsiMnxaiiiiiiiiniMuusixsuuiiuiiHiu FOR YOUE- oumi ASM ""- nrmrriiiiiinmiiiiii immiiml ! PRESENTS! Buy your Children and Friends something that will be of service to them I have received a large consignment of Genuine Gold Jewelry Which I will sell at wholesale rates. Buyers will save money by purchasing of me. O. H. COOPERy I XL Store, near Parker Souse. Astoria. Jom A, Montgomery, istircrssoit to jackins & montgomeev.) BrffiiJL L ' " C'OJI.K OK .lIAIX'AMi ASTORIA, CHAS- HEILBORIVf, MANUFAGTTJBKR OF FURNITURE SS BEDDING AND DEALER IU Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper,. Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames art MwWiUfi, WINDOW CORNICES AND CDRTATN POLES Complete la even branch. ASTORIA 1W. MEYER ASTORIA, spsozAXi .A.3xr3arcTT:pgro3EiM:;Hnwg. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARRELOF 30 G&LLON& LARGE ORDEES IN MKK PKOPORTIOK. - Less Quantities, -! - 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - SIESO per Dozen drSpwlal attention paid to order from Public Houses and FaffllH. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS SUl'HUlOl. TO MOST, AND IS JOHN HAHN, - CHENAMUS STREET, E-Ordcts left at the GEItilANIA BKEi: 3 .t) 33 5: 2j(R C 33 1 i 5 ITS9 Wet u&aa 333? '23j &3 :3 5gs X , J the: & TgB DKAUlES'iN' Tin, Sheet Iron anc(, Capper Ware: v Uerul Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOOD. Ants Jar Mugue Stoves and IfoBges 'i tic 1U-4 la the- marker. 1'iuniluiu soocU ut ttU kinds on' hand. Job u otk iloni" In a workmanlike mica. JKKFKBHOX STHKTS,' BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. KXCKU - hD I1Y -SONE ON THIS COAKl PROPRIETOR. ASTORIA, -OREGON. ILVL3. will ha promptly attended to.' -3 H.rtSS'tOr Kf l 'm -41 l J vCl l .at I