Wfm T'SWSS? w LXlxt ipailtt &ssnftvca. ASTORIA, OREGON J FRIDAY FED. 10, 18S2 I33UED EVERY MORNING. (Monday Excepted), J V. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers ASD 1'EorKiKrons. Attonan Building, Cats tflrett Terms of Subscriptien: served br Carner. per week ......S- Uenu ent by moil, four moathn .S-3 tfy iat by mall, one year...-.. ............ 9 00 free of Posuisa to Subscriber. Adrortuemeats insorted by the year st the rate of SI 30 ierfuaro per month. rranaioai advertising, by the day or week, Sfty cents per squarofor each insertion. THEJ3ITY. Tub Daily asxobiav will lc he-nt 1 nta II at 75 cent a month, free of postage. Head ers who contemplalcabsenecfrom llictttu can nave The Astoriax follow thtm. Daily iit ysTXLV rdiUong to anvpot-o$!cc with out additional erpnwc .Jrfaiwci may be tnanaed as ofn a acsircd. Leave order at the tnuntina ronm. The State of California is due this morning. The Oregon was to leave Portland at midnight. California fears ar dry year tho coming season. Large quantities of ice are being stored up the river. 4 An Episcopal church mission is being held in Portland. Portland visitors conijratulato As torians on the fine weather. What is tho body but a suit of clothes, worn out, and then thrown away. Captain Wulflfe, of tho wrecked bark Ranier, leaves a widow in Port Gamble. Blaine will deliver the euloscy on Garfield in the House of Representa tives on tho 27th inst. The Carnegie cleared for Queens town yesterday with 54,144 busheh of wheat on board, worth $53,629. The Colfax Postmaster in strict compliance with tho Sunday law will aot open the office on the first day of the week. The Weekly Astobian, full of news, in wrappers, ready for mailing, is on the counter, this morning. You need one to send homo. Any of our weokly subscribers who have not got their receipts for the ensuing twelve months can be accom modated, when in town, by calling any time. C. J. H. Lindgren died suddenly of apoplexy yesterday morning. The funeral will tako placo from his late residence at 10 oclock to-morrow morning.' Tho Eastern papers are arguing the same question that Mr. Acton spoke so positively about in his recent lecture here: "Was Grant surprised at Shiloh? When that is settled, the next in erder will be an inquiry as to whether or net he was surprised at Chicago. In the vicinity of Heppner, Umatilla- county, thoro aro over 200,000 sheep. These will average six pounds of wool apiece or 1,200,000 pounds, which at an average prico of twenty cents per pound yields 3240,000 a year. . Dr. Agnew, one of the loading physicians of the country, says that all houses built with a viewto the health of its occupants should be built so as to allow a clean sweep of air and light beneath them. Which the same is correct. See what a low death rate Astoria has. We again call attention to the condition of the buildings dignified by "the name of "school houses." If par ents had'fine blooded colts, that they expected would niako good time and win a purse somo day, they would not allow them to be in such dreary quar ters as tho little folks spend one fourth of their time in. There is said to bo a band of wild cattle ranging over the Chelatchio oountry, W. T., which is yearly aug mented by accessions from the settlers' stock. But a fow years sinco there was a band on tho East Fork, Cowlitz county, but owing to the assidious ef forts of certain public spirited citizens it was slowlybut surely exterminated. On account of bad roads no pro visions could for somo time be sent to the Chinese railroad hands at Yaqnina bay- When "Chinese Charley," their contractor,- appeared among them astride a cayuso sans rice or flour, they immediately lassoed him end strung him np to a tree, where he would havo perished tut for the interf erenoe of some white men. Grand Raffle! Tlio clesant American cold watch, worth S150, tho chances haunxall been taken, will be raffled for at 8 o'cloi-k i. m. Saturday, February 12. 18S2, at the Parker House. All interested will please take notice. Hurtful to Astoria's Interests. Salmou A Chicago dispatch of tho 8th con tains an opinion from A. Booth, in nhlch ho says: "I have no sympathy with the practicn of labeling canned salmon with any label but that of the cannery in which it is packed, as tho large salmon tanning interests of the Pacific const will suffer an immense injury if this illegitimate practice h not suppressed. I unhesitatingly de nounce this practice and see no ex planation for it except a desire to foist inferior goods on the market un der cover of well known brands. I understand that parties on the Pacific coast feel much aggrieved by tho false labeling of these goods, having been thereby obliged to meet unfair and illegitimate competition, and I have bocn informed these parties are in possession of certain facts bearing on what has been said, which they will duly publish." All of which is mani festly correct. . Get out a Pamphlet. We aro in receipt of letters every week asking for information about this section; the foil, climate re sources, population, etc. Now wouldn't it be a good idea for our Astoria Chamber of Commerce to get out a pamphlet with statistics and in formation, and have it sent broadcast. If any one, or two, or threo of them will get it up and bring it along, wo will do our part by putting it into type. Wo aro sending papers .now to nearlv all inquirers, but think it would be better to liavo something in tho way of condensed information to send them. Now, don't say "That's so," and then forget all about it; work it up. Tho Salmon Hatchery- It was decided last night by tho di rectors of the Oregon and Washington Fish Propagating company, who hold a hatchery on tho Clackamas river, to turn the establishment over to the government. Details of the transfer will bo made public at the next meet' ing of tho board of trade, to be held Monday night. Oregonian 0th. DeLong's Party. The following dispatch from Lieut Dancnhower, dated Irkutsh, Feb. 4th, was received at Paris last Wednesday DoLongs party is between stations Buleur-bolonoi and Sisterouck-Usto- leonok, in a narrow wilderness eighty miles long,' devoid of Inhibition and came. J. J. Collins volunteered to stand by the dying seaman, Hans Erickson. We hear of no accident to the shipping yesterd iv, all holding welL Capt. Whitcomb, of the Gon. Canby, reports the storm even more severe than that of Jan. 9th, two years ago- On account of tho blow yesterday tho Emma Hayward lay some time at Oak Point, and the Fleetwood at Skamokawa. Tho road from Ilwaco to tho beach is full of trees and the mail yesterday had to be carried on horseback and by a differont route Just before tho arrival of tho steamer at linacn, yesterday, tho warehouse on tho wharf was blown down and some of tho shingles and sheeting were carried as far as tho hotel, a quarter of a mile away. " Mr. Caso received a telegram yes terday from Lieut. Gooding, stating that his little daughter Edna, had died of typhoid pneumonia. The lit tle girl will be remembered with re grot by those who knew tho family while the Lieutenant was hero on the Corwin. "Gentlemen of tho jury," said a blundering counsel in a suit about a lot of hogs, at Winnemucca, "there were just 30 in the drove. Please re member tho fact 30 in the drove; just thrco times as many as in that jury-box, gentlemen." The Silver Stato says that counsel didn't gain his case. Before going to the ball next Tues day top in at Adlcr's and get one of musa nutans ue uas ior snie. Hurry up for themasquerade ball anu get your mass suit ot si. u. Kant. M. D. Kant has the best lot nf mask suits ever brought to Astoria. Any one wanting rope, suitable for sails, or in need of counter scales can get them from Capt. Berry. The "Alwa.vs Hand" stovepipe shelves at John A. Montcomery's. For handsome holiday-; nrcsents. such as toilet cases, cologne sets, por- fumprv rnSMS. fimiBoaDSj etc- CO to Conn's drug stere,sopposlte" Occident Motet. Where the Compass Needle Really Points. The reason why the needlo points in a northerly direction is that the earth in itself is a magnet, attracting tho magnetic needle as the ordinary mag nets do, and tho earth is a magnet as tho result of certain coamical facts, much affected by the action of tho sun. These laws have periodicities, all of which havo not as yet been de termined. The mhorent and ultimato reason of any fact in nature, as grav ity, light, heat, etc., is not known further than that it is in harmony with all facts in nature. Even an earth quake is in perfect harmony with and the direct resultant of tho action of forces acting under general laws. A condensed explanation in regard to the needle pointing to tho northward and southward is as follews: The magnetic poles of the earth do not coincide with tho geographical pole3. The axis cf rotation makes an angle of about twenty-threo degrees with" the line joining the former. The northorn magnetic pole is at present near tho arctic circle on the meridian of Omaha. Hence the needle does not everywhere point tb the astrono mical north, and is constantly variable within certain limits. At San Fran cisco it points about seventeen degrees to tho east of north, and at Calais, Mo., as much to tho west. At the northern magnetic pole, a balanced needle points with its north end down ward in a plumb line. At San Fran cisco it about dip3 sixty-three degrees, and at tho southern magaotic pole tho south end points directly down. The action of the earth upon a magnetic needle at its surface is of about tho same force as that of a hard steol mag net, forty inches long, strongly mag netized, at a distance) of one foot. Tho foregoing is the accepted explana tion of tho fact that tho needle points to tho northward and southward. Of course, no ultimato reason can be given for this natural fact in nature. Triumph of an Oregon Grass Widow. Jane R. Ramsey, who when a blush ing maiden of 18 summers, married Robert L. Forbes at Plymouth, Michi gan, and after coming out to livo in Oregon in 1863, deserted him the fol lowing year, on which account he ob tained a divorce from her in 1869, has lately obtained $5,000 damages from Wm. P. Ridge way,, at one time clerk of tho Lick House and afterwards a partner in tho Grand Hotel, San Fran cisco, for breach of promise. The San Francisco papers give a full ac count of the trial, and describe tho injured party as a snowy haired lady of regal appearance and 55 years of age. Alter ten long years of mutual admiration and love Ridgeway broke his plighted vows and the court al lowed hor the $5,000 as a healing balm for her wounded heart. Tho Standard is of tho opinion that should she now return to Oregon and bring along the coin acquired at the ex pense of much suffering, she would have no difficulty in finding one to tako tho place of the faithle&s Ridgeway- The Storm. Yesterday morning the winds tthich had been having a regular night of it out at sea, came sweeping landward, and a squall from the southwest struck this peninsula. The rain fell in tor rents, the wind blew in short, sudden blasts, and out in tho bay the whist ling of the wind, through the ringing of tho ships, and the dashing of the waters that were lashed into foam, formed a combination unusual and un pleasant. Through the town signs, windows and chimneys suffered, and ono or two smaller buildings were un roofed. Considerable damage was done in tho matter of smashed glass and other brittle ware, and one or two injuries resulted. In Warren & Eaton's tho glass of tho front window blow in, aud Striking an employe, named Weilor, in the back, cut through his clothes, inflicting an ugly gash. A little girl, whose name wo did not learn, was also blown down and badly hurt. Caso and Conn seemed to have fared the worst in the matter of broken glass. A lodging house with bar-room, sit uated In the best business part of town, for sale or to rent. The house is dolig a good paying business at prosent, and is in good running order. Apply to Dew Drop Ins. A largo consignment of the best brand Red Cross coal oil lust received t J no. Kodger's, Central Market. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus street. has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc. The Westport Shingle Manufactur ing Company are now prepared to fur nlsli Al sawed cedar sblusjles. Address all orders to them at Westport, Oregon. Those writing desks at tho City book storearc the bet In the city. -They-are bomethlng nice and durable, .and Just what most young ladles would appreci ate from the giver. Did Not Organize. It was proposed to organize a sub ordinate lodge of the order of Good Templars of the World last Wodnesday night. Rev. J. T. McCormac had spent a month in worHng up the business, and quite a company met at the Y. M. C. A. hall. A deputy of tho Right Worthy Grand Lodgo of the World was present to install tho officors and organize the lodge. Tho names of all present were taken and a dollar with each name, the offices of the lodgo temporanry tilled, ana all was going on smoothly when a member asked "Can a member of thja order belong to any other order of Good Templars?" This created n little Tiistle, which in creased, when it wns announced as the decision of the R. W. G. T. of the World that he could not. The mem bers of the I. O. of G. T. present rose to depart and others followed suit, It was found that not enough would remain for a quoi nm. Initiation fees were returned and all went home. Wanted- More ship carpenters and caulkers are wanteu on me .Barge. Apply to j Pacquet, on tho grounds. Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar ket, lias made arrangements to keep al the finest fresh fish, etc., in their season You need one of those masks nt idlers for the coming mil. The first prize is sure to mo-.t any one wno gers nis masK suir or ,m. u. Kant. Mask suits for ladles and sents. varying from CO cents to .10, can bit rented of M. I). Kant. Physicians prescribe Colden's Lik- liyslciansp! i Liquid Bi bio's Liquid Beef and Toxic Invnv or.ATon lor the weak, worn and dyspep tic Take no other. Don't trifle with throat and luug af fections. Tako Hale's Honey or Hokehousd and Tab. Pike's Tooth ache Dnors cure In ono minute. "Hackmetack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and CO cents. SoldbyW.E. Dement. Hiy Cure will gl 10 cts 50 cts ive immediate relief. Price and SI. Sold by W.K.DC- nient, Shh.oh'8 Cube will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement. The Rev. Geo. U.Thayor.Df Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives toSna.on's Consumption Cube." Sold by W. E. Dement., -A "Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shlloh'3 Catarrh. Remedy. Price DO cent Sold by W, E. Dement. Despondency is sometimes called "the blues," because the later term des cribes at once the color and effects of Impure blood. Change It to:"r.ose-col-ored health" by using Kingol the Blood. See ad ert Isemcnt. Hot, cold and shower baths at the Occident hair dressing saloon, twenty five cents. - Whins, currv-combs. brushes: non stock; first-class goods, cheap for cash. S. UKAY. A few more chances vet to be taken for that fine graphoscope at tho City dook store. . Frank Kabro has oysters In every style. Stew and pau toasts a specialty Sleepless Ninhts. made miserable bv that terrible coush. Shiloh'aCure 18 the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment. A new lot of fur trimmins. all col ors, below San Francisco pricw, Jiwt received at the IXL Store. Another of those hue A. 1). Chase organs at the City Book Store. Just look at the valentines in Ad ler's window to-dayrand makeup jour mind which one you will send. Tou should call at Adlert for your valentine before they are all gone. The finest and choicest assortment of valentines at Adieus. Chas. Stevens and Son bare a stock of mouldings and moulders tboLs which can be bought cheap for cash to close out that branch of the business. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem. opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. Hereafter the skating rink will be onen-Wednesday afternoon-for ladles only, and Saturday afternoon for ladles and gentlemen. Call and examine the Union iumi at John A. Montcomery's, cheap and of superior pattern and quality. I liavo iust received tho finest as&ort ninntr of fancv coods in my line over brought to Astoria, consisting of per fumery cases, toilet sets, toilet cases fine perfumeries, faucy soaps, combsl brushes, hand classes, and toilet articles of alt kinds splendid presents for tUo Holidays, uau ana oxamino gooas aim prices uororo purcnasing eisew nore, at J. AV. Conn's drug store, opposite Ooel dent Holel, Astoria, Oregon.. MISCELLANEOUS.' For Sale. HOMESTEAD OF JA8. HEATER. ONE mile bom Elk Creek. Clatsop ceunty: 1B0 acres, 15 cleared and fenced, house and bam. A good cattle ranch. Inquire ot dwtf JOHN HUBSON. $500 Reward. pay the above reward for at of Liver Complaint. Djspcpsla. Sick nrtip lndltreatlon. Constinatlon or d lead- ncss we canuot cure with West's Vesetable Liver Pills, whep the directions are strictly eomnliod with. Thev are Durelv Vegetable. and never fall to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large voices, containing su nus, a cents. Vorsalo by all DruKgist8. Beware of counterfeits and-Imitations. The genuine manufactured only by Johji a Wkst & Co., "The 4ni Maker jh and 1S3W. Madison St.. Chicago. Free trial package, sent by mall prepaid on receipt mil ceoi suunp. n, c. ucmeiu, agou. MISCELLANEOUS. Itooms to Kent. Anyone who wants a nlcelv furnished room in a pleasant locality can be ac commodated at Mrs. Denny Curran's, near the Congregational church. ' Wanted To Bent. A house, or part of a houic, for small family. Enquire at this office. Brain and Serve. WollV Health Renewer, greatest rem edy on earth for impotence, leanness, sexual debility, etc, SI. at druggists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO., Portland, Oregon. -We have just opened our stock of Valentines at the City Book Store. For box anil fancy they are tho best ever opened in this citv, and range from 23 cents to J3 00. Don't Die In tlin Hong. Ask druggists for "Hough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, bedbugs, roaches, vermin, llies. ante, insects. ISc per box. Catarrh of the Bladder. bt'nging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. SI, at druggists. Oregon Depot, DAVIS & CO., Portland, Oregon. Now Stock- On the next steamer Carl Adler will leave for the East, from where he will send direct from the manufacturers' rooms, several una pianos and cabinet organs of the most approved style and finish, together with a large assortment of minor musical instruments. It is likewise his intention to order a large stock of books, the latest and freshest, and all the novelties in stationery. He will get from Seth Thomas' celebrated clock works., fifteen hundred clocks in every conceivable style and at all prices. ami uiienas procuring n large stocit. or fancy goods that will be selected under his personal supervision. His iomr experience justifies' him in the belief that what he brings back w ith him will meet w ith the general approbation of his patrons. Special orders will be promptly attended to. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. DEAX.KU3 IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Ghains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT- AND GOT OALVANIZED SPXKE9, Kalis. Copper Nails aad Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packinq of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, txouR xsn iuiix feed. Agents for Salem Flouring MUls. Corner Chenamus and Hamilton Streets ASTOKIA. OKEGON. HILL'S TAaiETIES. GEO. mix, - WAt.TEIlVAKK.S. - PROPRIETOR STAGE MANAGER Own nil tbc irar. Performance Evrry Xlghl. Entire Change of Pro- urouiuic Once, a TTecb. Comprising all the latest SONGS. DANCES AND ACTS. Tho theatrn Is crowded nlztitlv. and all who have witnessed tue entertainment pro nounce it to be equal to any given elsewhere. Sir. HIU as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anrbodv wishing to spend a pleasant eveulng and see sparkling wit and Deauty wunuui vul garity, should .Improve the opportunity and come. The company comprises the following well- ijisa Fjljjnir Waltox. Miss Louise Cook. Miss Mollif. Chbistv. Mil. CH8LE3 Kouleb. Me, Thos. cnmsTV. Mn. John Cook. Mb. Milton Jouxson. Mb. JosKpn Petty, Mb. Walteb Pabks. All ol which will appear nightly In their dlf torent specialties. Open air concert every evening ; pcrlorm ance commencing at 8 ; entrance to theatre on Bnton street ; private boxes on Chena mus treet. SELECT MASQUERADE BALL To be ah en by Astoria Engine Co. No. I, Ou SI. Valentines Kenlu. TUESDAY, FEB. 14th, 1882. ADMIIOV. Gents Jtasken, -Lady'M&skcrs. -Gents spectator). -Lady spectators, - IXVITATIOX COMMITTEE. tl CO Free $100 50 C. J.Tronchard, L. E. hcll, B. F. Stevens, J. G. Charters. ri-OOK COMMITTEE. Irr. Stevens. F. A. Fisher. J.Strauss, J O. Charters. lXVKbTiajLTIKO COMMITTEE. Geo. P. Wheeler. B.F.Stevens. B.B. Franklin, Chas. 8. Wright, A.-McPharlan, Jas. W.Welch. AH patties appearing la masks will be obliged to raise their mask to the Investigat ing committee for identification. Maskers tickets can be procured of C A. Hay and L. E. Sells. Spectator tickets at Dement s and Conn's drug store, also at J. Q. Charters. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. acimitnKiHtuKMiuisxuinnrai i TO cHai;;s;r3igmMWMminmiiBniMimnMiiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit9i!ii23UEtmtitiiisExssi:ituninc 1 1 XL STORE IIMlMIIUIiMMIIIMIUIIliaillUttllimillUtlllUMlUSMSUllUHIM FOR C H R I S AM) w m & rilllllimilHllllIllllll mimm "'"1111111111111 I PKESENTS SiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiMHiiiuiisciiiiiiiuiiiuiiuuiiimuHiin Buy your Children aud Friends something that will be of service to theni I have received a large consignment of Genuine Gold Jewelry Which I will sell at wholesale rates. Buyers will save money by purchasing of me. a E. COOPER, IXL Store, near Parker Sousex Astoria. John An Montgomery, (SUCCESSOR TO JACKINS & MONTQOMEET.) - CORNER OF 3IAIX A. JEFFEHHOS STREKTS, ASTORIA, - ORgqoy. CHAS. HEILBORN, 3IANUFACTUKER OF FURNITURE AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames aikl MmWlm, WINDOW CORNICES AND CDRTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTORtA, - ' - OBEOON. special AararoxTCTCXEiaciEnrcF. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. LAUGE ORDEES IN IJKK PROPORTION. Less Quantities, -! - 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, ... SI 60 per Dozen cvSpeclal attention paid to ordeis from Public Houses and Families.- THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS SUPERIOR TO M0S1. AN1 15 KXCEI.LKD BY SOXZ OK THIS COAaT JOHN HAHN, - - PROPRIETOR, CHENAHUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. B-Orders left at the GEEMANIA BEER HALL will bo promptly attended to.1 nelg CO saga fiTStls8iiiiiia l&fc&!i3illl 5S"-- THE YOUE T W AS DEAXKB3 1X Tin, Sheet Iron ;and Copper Ware. A General Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD-GOODS. Agents- for Magee Stoves and Eaages Thf llest lit the market. IVjmblng goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done la a wottmaaUke manner. S BEDDING as mSRh a-i S C 71 -l.t4 s3 .iii .,OiK BS8RBS il-3j lgREb co lissom M a B " 3 . - ". . J3 t iillsiii !! ? 3 3SCJ !t: am j? M J cr 3 - - J jg jjt, twii ttfcrfC 2.J.-U. ,M&a&;