Tgg&'yy. &y Jv5''4Wpip;yj aSCIHsrf'"'-ri-J'iv- -yj---.r f -riv. - (t) 1. Vrt0fK M fr r SHxr Sails) -ttn&m. ATR1A OKFMiK FRIDAY.. FEB. 10. 12 J.F. HlLLOU-l ..tilllor. Uy and By. The flattering figures of the last United States census -furnish fruit ful field for forecast on tho part of thoughtful men. At a late So ciety"fiffiier""iti the East,-a number of suggestive-speeches were made in comment upon the great increase in our population, and our prob able future. Little that was said was outside the limits, of moderate and justifiable probability. The president of the feast said that there were young men present who would live to see the popula tion of the United States 150,000, 000, and New York tho commer cial center of the world. Likely enough, and yet, when that day does come, what wonderful forces shall have been at work to produce the change. The facts that our country "has a peace policy, that "her mission is one of civilization and not of subjugation; that, hap pily, on new shores the process of assimilation can go on; that air and soil and climate insure to ev ery immigrant it reminder of home and a guarantee of contentment; that there is room for all, and that the latent energy of the old world is manifested in the new, are among the many facts and causes that help to make up the gi eat re sult that will not round to comple tion till the causes that impel it shall have ceased to exist. In the course of his remarks at tho dinner wo speak of, the chairman touched upon another point that must tend to advance the standard of the In dividual intellect as" well as aug ment numbers in general. He said: "Still another lesson i3 that ofinternational fraternity. Nations fortify and sentinel their bounda ries, dwelling a'part; but the hu man racfi',isvono solid army, and human history is one steady march overall the continents, from cen tury to "century. Ihere are no aboriginal. Americans. Wc are all immigrants together. Even the red Indians "came here, as we did, from anothercontinenr. Amer ica is Europe over again, with many differences. Thorold media val civilization is hero granted an other probation. Problems there suggestive of dynamite arc here simply discussed. And long be fore the new continent is crowded we may hope for institutions of which no Christian philosopher will need to 'be ashamed. At Yorktown, the other day, it diil us no harm, and it gave us no offense to be reminded of our early indebt edness to France. Ireland is al most half here already, and Ger many is fast putting herself on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as on both sides of the Rhine." According to a recent authority the total area of settlement in this country in 1880, exclusive of Alaska, was 1,560,370 .square miles. Tho total population being 50, 155,783, tho average number of inhabitants, to the squaiemileof settled area was 32. These and other facts are furnished by a wri ter in the Hast number ot the In ternational Review. In tho first decade, that is from 17'JO to 1880, the increase of settled area was a little over 27 per cent. But this settlement had not then gone be yond the Alleghanics. In the de cade from 1810 to 1820 the gain was 25 per cent. In the next de cade it was only a fraction less. From 1830 to 1S40 the gain was 27 per cent, and from 1840 to 1850 it was 21 per cent. In the decade frotn 1850 to 18G0 200,000 Square miles were nominally added to the settled area of the country. -The nest decade was marked by the civil war, and there was only a small increase of the settled area. In the next dorado the former ratio of grain -was recovered. On the supposition that in the year WOO there will be a popula tion of 100,000,000 in the United States and Territories, something like one-half of this increase may be expected in the area between the -Missouri river and the Pacific Ocean. If population were to de :pend" upon natural increase this gain could not be realized. But there are two kinds of immigra tion which will contribute to this larger result. First, there is tho immigration constantly setting from tho Eastern to the "Western States. It is the same current which found its way to Ohio, Indi ana and Illinois, and later, to Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska. Into this vast area, population is beginning to flow from tlicoldcr states, in a constantly widening current. Only a small proportion of foreign immigration is now arrested in the older states. Tho reason is that by far the greatest number of im migrants want cheap fand. Dur ing the next quarter of a century nearly all the cheap land will be west of tho Missouri river. The outlook for our own state, and tho. entire northwest is very promising. The kind of people that come to Oregon, "come to stay." They are in the main, pro ducers, and of a hearty, sturdy sort that build up a country and add every year to its material pros perity. Aerostatics. This is the ago of statistics. Tabulated information relative to land, . food, immigration, deaths, marnnges, taxes, tariff, and all the other ills of life aro in great vari ety, and now we are favored with somo breezy statistics relative to ,winu. ngnt ana airy aggre gate which is sanctioned by the sreat chief of the weather bureau, "Old Probabilities" himself, shows during the year ending Nov. 30th, 187-1, the quantity of wind meas ured in miles, that passed over the principal cities of the Union. Astoria is singularly left out, though, judging from the past few weeks, the total account to the credit side of the zephyr business would be something handsome. San Francisco has the meekest record in this respect, 31,890 lin eal miles of wind Iiaving swept through the Golden Gate in '74, while Milwaukee, one of the ze nith cities of the unsaltcd seas, Lstands atjtho top ot the heap, or list, with a credit of 00,482 miles of moving air during the same pe riod. makkiew. In Astoria, Feb. 8th, by Rev. J. V. Mlllisan. Mr. W. M. Kjle to Miss Chris tina Bodanijr, all of Astoria. mt-:z. In Astoria, Feb. 0th, IS!2, C. J. II. LindRrcn, aged 1". years. MISCELLANEOUS. HANSEN BRO'S. Architects and Builders, IlOUijE BUILDING A SPECIALTY. "We build Reed boats, and refer to tlmso uhoni wehae lined out forstjle and price. AH work 13 warranted ; as wc guarantee s irMactiou in all caes. omcc and shop on Cass" Street, alove Vstor. D. KELEYJAN. MARBLE AND STONE WORKER, Monuments and Head Stones, Or anything in tho line ot btone. SLATE CAN bEAJIEES alwajs on hand, rirst clas work and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop opposite C. L. Porker's residence. Chenamus Street, - - - Astoria. Oregon. FOK SALE. 3.300 Boxes Tin Plate, jrrailo 13. V. or equal? 05 Tons No. 1 Scotch Pig Iron 5 30 Tons Best foundry Colic; All to arrlc by British bark Wanlock, Hue at'Astoila Teoruar 25th. TCrm,CaCUdC,iVCT0O.C.KINN-EV-. Nc OTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the lmiicrslKTipil Committee on Was and moiiw nt ihp noinimm Council of the City of Astoria Oregon, ulll receue scaled propo sals at the ofllce of the Auditor and Clerk of said tlty, until 12 o'clock noon, of Friday, the 17th day of February, vat. for city bonds, not exceeding two hundred In uuni tfer. of the denomination of fifty dollars each and bearing interest not exceeding eight per cent, per annum, as provided for moriUmnce AO.3of s-ud city. Propos-ols must st ite the number of bonds b!d,for, the amount Ihqy represent, and the Interest to ncpalu jno Donasirui 00 sum uuuci par. Tho right to reject any nnd.all bids is hereby reserved. TEANK J. TAYLOR, A.GSPEXARIH. 1.1V CASE. Committee on Ways and Means. Astoria, lob. C, JBsi a-m School Tax Notice. ri-,0 THE TAX PAYEES OF SCHOOL B. Dl-trict No. 1, Ciat-op comity. Oregon : Yoa are hereby notified that the .(.sscssmcnt roll for the school tax In district Is'o. t for the vear 1SS1, Is completed and will bo In my hands at my ofllce at Drcmn & Co's dock for the next s'.xtv days from date hereof. Pay vour taxes In time and save costs. J.G. Hl'STLEK, Clerk of School District No. 1. Astoria, Oregon. Dec. 16. issl Warrantv dee 13. Quit claim deeds j and mortgages, tor aale at this office. MISCELLANEOUS. B. B. ERANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Conior Cass and bn.ueii:oqbe street ASTORIA, - - OREGON DEALER l WALL PAPEB ; AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. Washington Harket, Slain Street, Astoria Oregon BERGMAN C- BERRY RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the abovo Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supplj nc shiu. 50 TONS T.IVERPOOX. FISHERY SALT for sale cheap. Apply to J.-O. HUSTLER dtf Astoiu, Dec 9, 18SL ASTORIA Brewery Beer Saloon. The Best Beer 5 cts a Glass. Hot Lunch ery Day from 10 to 12 A. M The besi of Liquors and Gears on hand. A dceredly popular place 01 social resort. OHO. HILLEPw VALENTINES! NEW DESIGNS IN Exquisite Sentimental Valentines. (Prices from Sc to AS eat li ) And all tho istest Xo elties iu rftHREE LARGE CASES ELEGANT Val- jl entities Just received per steamer. Convenient Assortments Cantainingthe latest Valentines, of all prices Importer of Stationery. SU- 5. S3-. SBKJTH, Importer and Wholesale dealer In Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc, Etc., The largest and finest stock of Meerschaum ana Amner gooas in tne cttj . particular at tention paid to orders from the country and i-ssels. Chenanius street, Astoria, Oreson. TnEO. BUACKER. Manager. BOOK STORE. Ye aie constantly receh ins new additions to our stock andhaio tho finest and InrRest assortment of " jricty goods in tho city. ' . ' Combs, Brushes, Stationery, FrameSj Celluloid Goods. All our goods are marked In plain ilipires Call and examine quality and note prices. CHAS. STEVENS &. SON vy:r. no we, BOAT BUILDER, AT THE OLD STAND, GRAY'S BUILDING FIRST CLASS WORIC A SPECIALTY. CLEANING and REPAIRING NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY " VEORUE liOVETT, Main Street, orposlte N. Loeb's, " MINT SALOON, OFrOSITE O. R, & N. COMPANYS DOCK. 'H one but the best liquors and cigars passed over the bar. W. SCHULDT. YTAK IS ECLAItr.l WITHOUT Fl'IITIlKR TICK "v ra And no terms of peace until j (rt& every man in Astoria has a new 3slfksu'tof c!oUie Wldti? aiADii KY JIEAXY. Look at the prices: Pants to order from - - - !8 00 Pants, Genuine French Cassunere - 12 B0 Suits from - -- -- -2500 The finest line of samples on the const to sel ect from. P. J. MEANY, Main street, opposite Parker House. Astoria. JIAKES.UP FIRST CLASS STOCK INTO Harness and Saddles, And will fit you out in better style and cheap er rates than any other man In Oregon. , A lull line of Whips, Carry Combs, otc, on band. MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. Alien (PUOCFSSOE TO PAGE & AX.LV.N ) WnoIesAle auu retail dealer iu Qrackepy. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOIE.STIO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together mth Wines, Lipors, Totacco a Ciears The largest and most complete stock of gcjod3 in their Hue to bo found In tnu city. Corner of Cass and Squemocqhe Streets, ASTORIA. OREGON. Barbour's HUSH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine,, Cork and Lead Lines Cotton Netting, ali sizes. Seines Made to Ontetv" . Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Taekje, etc. i3 '.J i " BARBOUR BROTHERS .. 511 aiarket Street. Han xS-auclMco HENRY DOYLE & Co.Managers. g s -- m S 5 "B - o s f; a- .- rk JJ2 s w g 2 " tt 1 t: S o- g b & -5 .0 5 S S f h tf.i.S si all BS.gi4'Sl ,T K ctf '5 "3 o Hm o c s " i m, o S -s - T iZ g. -I g fiOLMAN'S PAD. FOR THE ST0MAGH, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS. TKADS MASC In all cases of billiousness and malaria in eery foim. aDreventatlve and cure of chills. fever and dumb ague, Dr. Uolraan's Pad Is a perfect success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nervous prostration, as the pad Is applied oer the pit of the stomach. uieKreac nervous cemei.u auuiiiuaiu me disease at once. It reculates tho liver and stoiuachso suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. Prof. D. A. Loomls sajs: "It is nearer a universal panacea than anything in medi cine." This is done on the principle of ab sorption, of which Dr. Holman's Pad is the oniy true exponent. For all kldnev troubles, use Dr. Holman Renal or Kidney Pad, the best remedy inthp world and recommended by tho medical iacuity. Beware of Bogus Fads. Each genuine Holman's Pad bears tho pri vate revenue stamp of the Holicau Pad Co.. with the above trade mark printed in green. liuyjiouo wimoni u. For Sale by all' Druggists. Dr. Holman's adviceis free. Eutl treatise sent free on application. Address : HOL3LVN PAD CO 7 Broadway, New York. P.O. box 2112. t 'Administrators Notice. NQTIOE IS HEREBY .GIVEN THAT the undersigned Jias been appointed by the County Court of Clatsop county, Oregon, Administrator of the estatft of Aaron Mnrtnn deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present ias same 10 me unaerswnea at A-srona gon, TOitnin six moutas-ironi tins date, O. Q. SMITH. AdmlnLstratnr. Astoria, Jan. S6.18S2. w.dwd JF sjpAojygf ' MISCELLAKEOrS. v i"S? B aume Wholesale and Retail Scaler in groceries, f ' Provisions, Lumber, ETC., ETC.. ETC. Fislierniens and Cannery SUPPLIES - A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOR THE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND THE Sau Francisco Chemical woass, ASTOKIA - - - OREGON. SIAKTINOARD. J. J. STOKr.3, E0AEB & STOKES, Wholesale and retail dealers in Woocl and Willow-ware, GROCERIES, Tobacco, Cigars, Wines and Liquors FOREIGN AND DOJIESTie Fruits and Vegetables, AM) COUNTRY ' ' PRODUCE. ANl General Commission Merchants A8TOKIA, OKEGOX. Next to Oregon Railway & Nav. co's Dock. dw CHICAGO BREWERY, J. STRAUSS. - - AEXT. Is now ready to supply the public with the Celebrated Chicago Beer In any quantity to salt. I bao also this Celebrated Chicago Cccr la Ilottlr, VnIch is now v cr -popular among "alt fami lies and s Uoous." Please, scud In jour orders and they will have mi bet attention. J. STRAUSS, Astoria, Oregon. Agent for Orejou and ash. Ter. PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHINCH0NA RUBRA; AND CALIFORNIA OR APE BRANDY, THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. ' See; our local columns lor particulars, and a9 you) VALUE HEALTH, READ ! Painter and Bufiher, DEALERS IS E3:x-i:-Krc3-!, OLXEY, - - - - OREGON 'W,. ia BZ.QOD, (Successor to Blood Lee.) CI.ATSKAN1E, COLU3IRIA CO., OREGON. Is no;v prepared to recei e orders for Floats, Huots, Copper Handles, Mal lets, etc. Orders addressed to me will receive prompt attention. fc lw Stephans Varieties ! GRAWD OPENIWa. - A MVEtiY EXTEETAIXMEXT. Have a new bowling allev. the largest and best in town. Admittance free. Warrantee deeds at The Astobian office. 4. TIieBossOoffee (it W TWO POORS EAST OP OCCIDENT, K, M, THE ASTOEIAN STEAif PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AS-jyBEST PRESSES, ANDT YPE OF THE LATEST STYLES. . sftr Wo purchsse Paper, Cards, Inkand Jt Xxo-cvost; And can therefore affordSto use. as we OnSTX.'Sr H2:033353Et.A.T?3E3 FXtXOSIS. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, THE EVERY DAY WANTS OP THE COUNTING BOOM AND THE WORKSHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES TVHIOH CAN NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. . T HE ASTOEIAN, (DAILYAND "WEEKLY) TS RESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FOBIITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness anOeliability THE PAPER TOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT, HAII.Y ASTOKIAX TERJISi BY MAO. (POSTAOi: FBEE TO ALL BCBSCKIMtEa.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR..ZT. DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS .". rs3araple copies of either edition 10 Address : scwostmasters are authorized ta aot and Tea Pot MAY RE HAIT OK gfgSTE.Er.HA.'WES SOLE AGENT. Also, Agent for tho celebrated! Buck's Patent Cook Store, MEDALLION RAtfGE, STEAM FITTINGS A STECIALTY. None but the best workmen employed. All work guaranteed or no charge. HA WES, ASTORIA, .OREGON Tie othermaterials of the manufacturers Gsustlx Hatoi alway5do. the beat articles, while charging Bill Heads and Letter Heals. COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, ?FOR EVERY PERSON SO 00 . 3 cent. ' , J. JF. BAliLORAK A Co. Publishers, Astoria, Oregon as agents for The a&tosxajc LaCUL iff