"-t&gmpr asgr i.nJ,' "F .tv-ia 3Si?rVir-ff'ait"' --JS yW--t k 03 i pt" r " -?- Yol. XVI. Astoria, Oregon, Friday Morning, February 10, 1.882 l$o 111. & I 9) at hi Statirctati. TE LAST POLITICAL SENSATION. i these powers into friendly rela- j tions." The political sensation of the! This . i day is the reversal, by Fralinghuy sen, of the South American policy - devised tiy Blaine. It is not pos sible with the facts in our posses sion to distinctly outline what that policy was. All that is apparent to us on this coast, is this: There is a strip of land lying between Peru, Bolivia and Chile, rich in niter and guano. The total value of the deposits has been set at an almost fabulous amount. War broke out between these repub lics Chile against Peru and Bolivia. The allies were defeated, and Peru now lies helpless in the grasp of the conqueror. "We were represented in Chile by Kilpat rick, since deceased, and in Peru by Hurlbut, who seemed to have become rather tho partisans of than tho ministers to the repub lics to which they were sent. Such confusion followed that Trescott and Walker Blaine, in tho early days of Arthur's administration, were dispatched on a mission to South Americ to assure all of the friendship of tho-United States and act as mediators, if allowed, between these jarring communi ties. But almost before the country had timo to digest this information, which was only made public by piecemeal, a grand explosion takes place. Tho Trescott mission is wound up. We are told that if the Blaine policy were carried out If "would involve the country in war. The immediate cause of the explosion appears to havo been a dispatch from Trescott, published in the -Eastern journals, setting the whole error of forth that Chile is willing to admit the mediation of the United States on the basis that Peru is to cede to that republic the entire province of Tarapaca, and agree to pay 120,000,000 in sixteen years, dur ing which period Arica is to bo occupied by the Chileans. If this sum is not paid within tho period stated this place is also to revert to Chile. In addition, Chile ap- Sropriates the guano of the Lobus slands. It is quite evident, therefore, says tho San Francisco Bulletin, that the mediation programme has not been successful in the shape given to it. The United States, instead of mediating, is made the ally of Chile in the very onerous terms set forth. Thero i3 hero an error of policy, and perhaps that is all that needs consideration at this time. It is urged by over-zealous administration men for the ad ministration itself does not appear to bo moving, that if Blaine's pol icy had been followed out it would have involved the country in a useless war. Blaine, on the other hand, asserts that it is not to be regarded as exclusively Ins policy; that President Arthur was fully cognizant of tho instructions to Trescott, and made some amend ments to them; further, that ho made mention of the matter in bis message to Congress. Referring to that document we find that what President Arthur said was as fol fel fol eows: "As in the present excited condition of popular feeling in these countries (i. p., Chile, Peru and Bolivia,) there have been seri ous misapprehensions of tho action of the United States, as separate diplomatic intercourse with each through independent ministers is sometimes subject, owing to the want of prompt reciprocal commu nication, to causo temporary mis understanding, I have deemed it judicious at the present time to send a special envoy, accredited to all and each of them and furnished with general instructions, which Will, I trust, enable him to bring aoncars to be sc there lias been an policy, but not a very grave one, for the proposed mediation lias failed. Who is to be held re sponsible for it? But just here ap parently come in some new ele ments. Exaggeration of the con sequences seems their purpose. One of the men who is prominent in running down Blaine is cx Governor Shephard of Washing iuton, whose administration of that city was so bad that Congress legislated him, some years ago, out of office. But he was a firm adherent of Genoral Grant, who had the had taste to nominate for the new Government of tho Dis trict of Columbia the man whom Congress had just expelled. Shep hard was an advocate not only of the third term consecutively, but afterward at Chicago was one of Grant's lieutenants. Ono of the papers likewise which is leading in the assaults on Blaine was an earnest supporter of tho nomina tion of Grant on tho occasion stated, though it was a strong op ponent of a third term immedi ately following a second. Everything is said to bo fair in politics, as in war. If the Grant men nave got uinuie in a tigm place, the rule is to pummel him. Tho Bl.iine men would do the samo if thev had a chance. Upon tho merits of the controversy we will not undertake to pronounce, for the reason that the facts in de tail aro not before us. But there is an historical illustration that ought not to boylost sight of in the passion of the moment." The as sailants of Blaine havo dangerous allies. It is not easv to determine' whether the London Times or the New York Times is "pitching into him" with tho greater severity. That is a .sort of combination which has not often been attended with success. Quite a large num ber of instances of that kind can bo quoted. Tho imbecility of Buchanan at the commencement of the rebellion was extolled as statesmanship of the highest order on the other side of tho Atlantic. Enemies have done moro good to some men than their friends. If Blaine should ever be reduced to the position of tho under dog in a fight of this kind, he will be likely to be endowed with more potential energy than ho has at present. rela-1 and rode away; and when the surgeon, having completed the re arrangement of the wounded organ, returned to piacc u in position, ne j Fnralshpd Booms to I.ct At 5r. Munion's lodging hoaxs- Xotlcc. Eastern O.vstcra. Another flue lot of Eastern Oystow Just received at Roscoes, per steamer Oregon. Occident block. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESScOABDS. 5a$ " Cholrcr Fruit. I,' i , ' ' .luit "received ier steamer polunibia.r oc ocffinicnrwl ir Tirtrl tnn nitinnt I A (inn ln( n( ..ninm nrefaiv vt'MMi will 1 """ " -""" " l""M:fcl""V" "i2"A"t -I..- V'."'r o "' 1 AllnFtlmnhirimtkimlsnf nnnlos in eoe, Occident blocl. jGra " b"5-Pstor salc at J' D 1Vfr Vntlpp ' w ..-.. . . , B mw - Arrtsoni fcousms Junf. run- missing. At that moment Ins at tention was attracted by the sound j of galloping hoofs, and looking around his surprise was intensified on beholding-the Colonel riding to the front as gayly as if nothing had happened. "Hi, Colonel! ho, Colonel I" shouted tho surgeon pursuing-him. "Stop. You are forgetting your brains!" "Never mind about them," roared the hero, clapping the spurs to his horse. "I don't want thom I have just been breveted Brig adier General." JTarper's Maga- mc. On after this date an additional 10 cents per cord will be charged on all oraers ior saweu woou not accoiupuuieu by the cash, at Grays wood yard. July 1st, 1881. , Notice. From this date James B. Booker is the ftnlv nprann nnthnrWwl fn pnntrfltilehtSt or order Roods in my name for iiwjit they JVIiappiuu iaiiiu!ry. ou"r.i-u iiu.ur., Astoria, Jan. 3, 1882. Notice. The rechilar annual meeting of Pro-. gresslve Land and Building association win ne neia in ijioeny nan, iviona, Clatsop county, Oregon, on tho llth day, w m. jicKwAx, .ecy. of February, 1882. Jan. lo.itstf.'. To live Ken. Immigration Statistics We are indebted to the Hon. Joseph Nimmo Jr., chief of tho Bureau of Statistics for tho follow ing immigration statistics: During the month of December, there arrived in the customs dis tricts of Baltimore, Boston, De troit, Huron, Minnesota,, New Or leans, New York, Passamaquoddy, Philadelphia, and San Francisco, 40,540 passengers of whom 37,- 037 were immigrants, 2,587 citizens of the United States returned home from abroad and 921 aliens not 'intending to remain in the United States. Of this total number of immi grants, there arrived from England and Wales, 4,374; Ireland, 2,011; Scotland, 807; Austria, 923; Bel gium, 147; Denmark, 387; France, 484; Germany, 11,413; Hungary, 1,060; Italy, 3,430; Netherlands, 235; Norway, 455; Poland, 383; Russia, 1,401; Sweden, 1,650; Switzerland, 623; Dominion of Canada, 4,704; China, 2,300; and all other countries, 184. The total number of immigrants arrived during tho year onded December 31st, 1881, as far as re-! ported, was 716,868. Of this num ber, there arrived from Germany, 248,323; England and Wains, 77, 750; Ireland, 70,890; Scotland, 16,441; Dominion of Canada, 94, 159; Austria, 19,667; Norway, 26,824; Sweden, 55,805; China, 20,628; all other countries, 86,375. It is probable that returns yet to bo received will show the total number of immigrants arrived dur ing the last calendar year to have been about 719,000. The Astobiax has now reached a circulation which places It at the head of tho list of Oreuon dailies, and Insures to advertisers thereof more benefit for land. Oregon. New house and first class in Its ap pointments, liiira street, in n. u Thompson's block, opposite Capt. Ains worth. Hoonxs by tlio day, week or month. Mils. E. Aebiooxi. Thr Weekly Astonnn Is a mammoth sheet, nearly double the slue of the Dally. It Is Just the pa- "perfortbe fireside, containing In addi tion to all the eurrent news, choice mis cellany, agricultural matter, market re ports, etc. It Is furnished to single sub- -rlbers at Si 00 per year in advance. Bny tho Weekly. Tub Wekktat Astoriax for this week is full of just such information and news of the country as your friends in the cast want to see. It has very few advertisements, and is chock to the muzzle of Information that no family ran suceessfullv sauecze alone without. 1 Two dollars will buy the whole wad for . x S.ARNDT & FER(3HEN,!E.CJiIO,:Bfxr:', NOTA1RT' -mjBLlC ASTOTilA. - OHEGOX. , ij AUCTIOST.EE, GOMStlsaiOK ASH Thp. Pinnp.ftr Maohinp.yShnn surace:lvc.est. w awxvwi wa w w 'fc 3$ a Tt y.fm. o ja j-riiA 3 Boiler WW sss2sar;a&-rs r22RS3j55 Shop -SHP All kluds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORE rrompUy attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAfAYETTE STKKET. the amount paid than may bo secured -;a year, SI 20 for si months,or ten cents elsewhere, to thoso who wish to reneh r por copy. the largest number of. readers at the j smallest expense, we offer tho columns j ihermao Bros. ftpri of an attractive daily, tho success of! which from the very start has been far Will receive orders at the store of 1. byond the expectations of the most y. Case for upper Astoria or any other orai sanguine. War! War! War! i nart of the city. ; the slate and tliey will lenniHi hj. iters en Leave yo be promptly nt- Water front offered free to anj person -t U1UL Will UU11U it -u mill 111 mi; Ulljr Ul i Williamsport. Liumner we must nave to build this city. We hat e one store in running order at present. Quite n num ber have already located homes In this city, and yet. thero is room. Sold on time to suit purchasers. Located one mile south of Astoria, on the s"unny side of the hill, on Young's Jiay. J Williamson. So. Xotice. Astokia, Or., February 1, 1&32. All persons Indebted to tho late Dr. M. D. Jennings will please settle tin same with mf without delay. B. B. Franklin. .Wosquerndi- Costumes for Bent. PcrnTian Bittern. CificbOBA Robrl ope. i r.lni ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Benton Storet, Niun I'arkkk House, ASTORIA. - OREOON. T A. McIXTOHH. MF.RCflAK-T TAILOB, Oiyideat Hotel Building. ASTORIA - 'V- OftEGOH CI D. WIMTOS, Attorniy and Counselor at Law. Office In C. L. Parker's boili steeet, opposite Custes) A3TOHIA, - - - ob Beaton OEKGON. JAY TUTTUC M. . r PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEOMi Office Ore r the YQilte.Hqw.Stoi.. Kkshwxcd At Mrs..Mun36BSboa-illB house, Chenaious gtreet.-Aatorla..OregOB. GENERAL $ MACHINISTS BOILER MAKERS. AND P CKAXO, 3L. D "prrysioiAiTAKD surgeon, Itoora Xa. S. Afttoriaa Mil4Um- ( STAIB8.) Kesidkn'ce Corner ot Benton and Conit streets, Astoria, Oregon. -p r. hicks. !ENTIST, ASTOIUA. - - - otiaxir. toms in Allen's building up stain, eofK ot Oas? and Soemocqlie streets. , . zlflne selection of San "Francisco mask suits for ladies and gents will be on exhibition and for rent one week before '.. . .. - . WW It , M. me mast. nan, at ji.-u. natus mercnant The Count CInchon was the Spanish tailoring establishment. Any special Viceroy In Peru in lea). The Counters, suit will be ordered by telegraph at the his wJfeV was prostrated by au Intermit- Jowe4 rates, tent fever, from which she was f rewl by : the useotthe native reraedv.Uie 1-eru-. Bjr rnir(.rHal Accord. viaii-bark, or. as it was called in theJ lan-rua-raor me eouniry, -quinquina. a. yers Cathaktic Fills are tho best Grateful for her recovery, ouHier return 0j a pUrg8tives or family use. They to Europe, iu 1632, she Introduced the nre he nroduct of lone, laborious, and UNDiUlMIHGH Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. WAbS, President. J. O. Hustles, Secretary. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Jon.N" Fox, Superintendent remedy In Spain, where It. wto known under various, nanu-a until lilnnceus called it Cinchona, in honor of the lady wbo naa brouant tnem tnat wnicn was moro precious than the gold of the Indus. To this day, after a lapse or two nun rtmil unrt nftv rears. sclence"ha.s Given us nothing to tako its places It effectu- nuv cures a morula nnncuia ior sumu- llants, by rcstorinc tho natural tone of; inu suiuuicii. lfc tuuiui t:.i.7.ivi ii'tu if linuor fi-i It does aiever. and destrovs both alike. The powerful tonic virtue I ni ine -viincuona j nreserviMi in we-i rerurian Uitters, which are as ctioctive A Remniscence of the War. During the civil war there was, rightly or wrongly, a lamentable prejudice entertained against bre vet rank and Brigadier Generals. against malarial fever lo-day S3 they wore in tho days of tho old Spanish Viceroys. Wc guarantee tho ingredi ents of these bitters to bo absolutely pure, and of tho best kuown nnallty. A trial will Ratlsfv vou that this U tho best bitter in tho world. "Tho woof of tho pudding is in. the catiug," and wo willingly abldo thla test. , Eor sale by all druggists, grocers and li-juor dealers. Ufcierit. successful chemlcAl investigation, and their extensive use by physlelans In their practice, and by all civilized na tions, proves tnem me nest ana most ei fectual purgative Till tliat medical sci ence ran devise. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other Pills can be compared with, thom.and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ Ibcru, when .needed. They keep tho SysWin In perfect order, and maintain in hnalthv action the whole machinery of llfo SrlM imnrhlnrr finrl PlTpptnn!. thov tare especially adapted to tho needs of tue uigesine appnraiud, ucrauuuiuuis of which they prevent and cure, If titnuly taken. They aro tho best and safest nhvsiu t cmnlovfor children and rweakeud constitutions, where a mild and offi-ctual cathartic Is required. For, SLE BY ALL DEALERS. A cough, cold or soro throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently results In an incurable lung diaeascor' consump tion. Brown's Uronchtal troches do hot dlsorder.tlw stomach like fcoogh-syrups and balsams, but act direct! v.on the in . . r.T . auaying irritation, give flamed 'Darts, relief Fn asthma i,tfiMl!l& IVI1CI III UIU14i u&u,.bu.t.n, vwuft,, ratarrh, aud tho throat troubles which coughs, Hurtful Inactivity. ' singers and publie.speaker.s tre subject tn. For tnirtv vears urowns nroncniai 1 troches have been recommended by Lincoln's estimate of the compara tive value of the mules and Briga diers gobbled up by a Confederate raider the army mule was affec tionately known as a "brovet horse" is known to most readers; but there is another story, scarcely less complimentary, and much less familiar. Accordnig to the anony mous libeler, during an active en gagement, a Colonel, while bravely leading on his men, received a terrible blow on tho head from the fragment of a shell, which com pletely exposod the brain.. He was carried to tho rear, and in trusted to the care of a surgeon, who at once resolved upon heroic treatment, and removed the brain bodily to repair tho lacerations. AVliile he was absorbed in tins delicate oueratioil. an aido-de- camp, unconscious of tho severity of the officer's wound, rode up with a message that Col. Blank was wanted immediately at head quarters. Mechanically, like the brainless pigeon in tho interesting surgical experiment, tho gallant officer clambered into the saddle The rapid worker has not time to get disgusted with his work it is out of his hands long before it becomes wearisome. Disgust is the product of dawdlinc effort. If physicians, and "always give pcrtect satisfaction. Having been tested, by wide and constant use foe .nearly au en tire eeneration. tbey have attained well- merited rank among the, few staple .-join at 'js cents a s Uei jour legal blanks at The Am-oniAM oflicc. A full lmo of over two hundred btyles. WILLIAM ED GAB, Corner Main and ChcasmM Streets. ASTOBIA OBEOON. . CEAlEIt IK CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE IV08TENH0LU and other Kncluh Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Eleershanm Pipes, etc. A flnc btock of ; Watt-he and .Tuwolry. 31arzl and Itreeeh r.oadine Nhot Guiih nnd Rifle-, Revolvers. IMstolB, nnd. Ammnnitlon JtAItl.VK I..AHHKH. J Q. A. 310WLBY. ATTOKNEYAT liAW. Chcnamas Street. - ASTOBIA, OKSUO& q n. BAIX & CO., . n KALES IN Doorn. Windows, BVm4m, Tt itotan, X.BJBber, Ktc AU kinds ot Oak Lumber, Qbii, Boat Ma terial, etc. ---rr , r Steam MU1 near Weston hotel. Cor. Urn etlveandAstor streets. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retell dtStt taT tSTAIl citizens of Oregon who desire to inform their friends in tho states of the condition and progress of this state, can nave no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to send them than by subscribing for this journal, andhaini7 us mall it weeklvto their friends, we tnall it as directed. For ion In advance, we mall three coDles ears Brown's bronchlaliof Tub Wkkkt.y Astekia: one year. ABa. ALSO A FINK Assortment of .duo Sl'ECTACLES and F.YE U LASSES. JUSCELLANEOUS. I the work bo somewhat varied, the pleasure iu connection with its completion is variod too. Hence, perhaps, the reason why the total and midden givingupf work is often attended with evil results. The transition from a life full of activity and rich in the enjoyment of successful labor, to a life of utter idleness, with no suoh vivid enjoyment, has. often provod fatal. There is too little activity in the new life and too littlo of tho pleas ure of activity. Idleness without the excitement and pleasure of work, becomes depressing. The vital forces droop and decay. On. the other hand, to the busy worker rest and recreation have a double relish. No holiday is so refreshing as that in winch no runs away from his labors, nnd enjoys himself in-aquite a different sense. If his life were a succession of holidays it would soon grow burdensome remedies of the age. oos everywhere. - 51.1). Kant's Sau Franiisco mask suits will bo on this steamer. There will be a great rush for tlicra, for they I are the nices.1.101 ever uounu ior .Asto ria. Call at once and secure yours. For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you havo a printed guarantee on every bottlo of Shlloh's. Vltallzor. It never falls to cure. Sold by W.-K. Dement. a coit- lorla aud 1 O. LJU.Vl'JfWKnER. H. BROW.-. KMAUUKURD l&A Shlloh's Catarrh Kfemedy atarrn. jj ntn Sold by V;E. Dement. tlvo cure for Catarrh Canker iloulh. May. Wagner's San Francisco Xa-i tlonal brewery uecr cam DB.Deai. Leinenweber & Co., ASTORIA. OREGON, TAHMS AND CMBIEBS, .Manufacturer nnd Importers oil A LI. KINDS OI AND FINDINGS Wholesale Pealeis lu OIL AND TALLOW. wllteni-st cash price paid Ior Hids and Taaw. I. W. CASE, IMPORTEU ANO WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IU GEHEBAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenantus and dm streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. ALL KlNDiOF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, f Mi," Etc. Oeueral storage and WaaM-fc nan able terms. KoolrotBeBtwlreet.AfSoi Oregon. V -" f' " . ASorta Take tfotic. John Rogers, CtRtral IMtiC, c.j, , 3.419 Has received atarce Invoice of r.ARRFJ.B AND HALF BAXRT518 ot tho bert tiMlty. "K And la now ready to supply Bntehers Ctw norles and all others, cheap tor eaah. DKAUCB ITT MAGOTS C. CROSBY, Dealer In New and Choice MILLINERY, De-lrc- to call the attention of the LadlM C A-torla to UiQfact that she harecdrel afartseii-Bortinontof the latkst ft-rruw r Hats, Bonnets, ' Triraraifrfli, AND Corner Main and Squecdoqbe Sto&fe. Mrs. P. M. WiHUmsdn, DRALEB IN The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep sla, debility, ller complaint, bolls, hu mors, female complaints, etc, lets ixce to any aaere: & Sons, Boston, -i. .4 - i . Pamnli. Seth V.Fo.wU King of0 the Blood Is nota "tun all," It w a blood-punner and tonic Impurity of the blood poisons the sjs tem. derangw the drcuhiUon, and tails In duces many disorder known by different names to dtsUnjculsli tnem nccordlnsto ef- lecis, ,AArf tii,rFr refMl Littr Complaint. VontlipaHon. A crtyiji,'- not. Heart Dlea. Dropsv,KtotupicareJ Piles, lineumanrm, mjwtii, ocrmuuij or.m Kiordtn, Pimple. Vleert. Sictttlnas, At.. &iTtUbk of the Blood prornnts nnd cures theso byattajjetas the rauw, Impurity ot the blood. ChenWt'aha-physidarisatrriM In caUlae It "tho most genuhie and offlclent proparatlon forM6piUTiso," "Sold byDrug I cists, -SI per bottla, iSee testimonials, dlrec- i uons. sct.rai i ot ttJft Blood, G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Cr.tt. Ilogcrs old stand, corner of Ca-3 and Court Street. Ship and.Ciunery worfe. Horseshoeing. Wat-ons cuule and repaired, (lood work (-uarantced. HARDWARE, DHO, STEEL, Iron Pipe 'and Fittings, Pluffllers and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, . SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRONS TIN ANDSCOPPER, DRESS TRIMMINGS, AUtilwlsof iWOOLS, ZEPHYRS LADIES UNDERWEAR,' ETC. Corner of Cass and Jefferson streets, Astoria .CT-atampln- and Dress Making dons to order. --u inn. A.-inTiirmrhlBt;"-TreatloaiiDlW!isM a the tunn,i "-uraotwd around rseh. bottle J .ViAm. Aik.Z. wi ':-' ' U. 'KAvot Ji. nuuv . i S7;I?!iSI!0'',"J Ho; HEADQUAIHT-RS DKVARTMBNT OF the Columbia, Vancouver Barraclss, W. T.,Not.M, ISSI. . . . Written proposals wui be received dv ino underpinned, at Vancovver Barracks, W.T., untu March SIM. 1882, for tho right of exclu sive selnlnc on the Fort Stevens. (Point Adanu) Military Reservation, during the nest fishing season. The right to reject any or all bids. As may be deemed best. Is re served by the onderslj-ned. . J. U. UAU.4U,. UaJ.-aad AsH Atrt, General, Brevet Brtga dlerG8MnSl.Army. dS Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IBON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispalcli. NoncbutllMt class workmen emilo)ed. A laiRo assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand E.Detrick&Co., Sole asents on the raclUc Coast for Towert celebrated OILED CLOTHING, (Send for price list,) Importers, mauufaetarcrs and dealers la Twines, TentB, Hose, Cottta Salt DucJe, Beltinu, Water-wwTrar- paulins, Waterproof .Covers. Patent Solid Cotto It Belting. , ' Nos o, 7 and u C.ilfonila, and urt, 1W and 112 Market 8treetn, SAN FllAXCISCO. dim CAIFORJilA-- LETTER HEAD PAPXK. 0f. XaiBSB Araiui(. P SUITED OR FliAjDJ, qtmlltyat ta mx M Mi SI -a -Is G m -"Ml V .52 -iftJlno-3-i r-t- -' cri- Cv, " sttn A, .-"-? jf j . . -Cr5