psf' - fivufffn.s-. ?p m "?e gfto SaiXg gsiflBiim ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY JA2S. 4, 1882 COMMERCE AND TRADE. PORT OP ASTORIA. . RBADV FOR SEA. C. S1 Iluilbnrt. bk. 11C0 to, Qneenttown Jan SI Helen Marion. Qncenetown Jan 23 Arctic Br bHAustm'C.ildera Jan 21 MenraaJeaTraroJec,ErhlT9Bidwel LiTcrpoo Jan IS Belle of Oregon bl( 1IC9 tons Jlerrrman X V Jon 17 Jarak QaeenstownJair2" i Corina. bit. NO Steimrt Qnecnstawn Jan 13 GlenpaJam l'r bV 10,T Qnewistotrn Jan 12 GUftlro Br bk Quesna to wn Jan T Olmara. Br 8h.l253 tons. Simpson. QueenstGrra dim ) Alalra Robinson Am 'bk. Queenstown, Jan 2 Thunderbolt Br bk Liverpool Dee SO rJmmaTCroKell bkimtana Qucenstotrn Dee 29 Klrktrood Br sh Sinott Qaecnatotrn D.c 2. Diana Br blC715 Qneenstoro Dec 7 ,. V SAILED ' Esmeralda. Fr bk. Jan 23 Uolnmbia. s. 2721 torn Holies. S F. Jan 21 Dnnard, Br bk. Tide Qnoenstown Jan If. Jaa A Wright Bm bk Queonstown Jan IB Hirer Ganges, Br bk. C6J Liverpool Jan IB . Woodhail Br bk Queenstoun Jan 16 Beecroft. Br sh. Christie. Liverpool Jan 1c Portland bktn S F Jan 1 ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Scotia. Br bk Buenos Ayres. Jan 21 Goodwood Br bk Tudor Montevideo Jan 21 Vaqnina str Dcnnr Jan 21 Oregon as. 233) tone, rohlman. S y Jan 21 Levi P. Barges Am eh Philadelphia Jan i) MoNear Tarlor Hong Kong Jan 20 Barefca sir G7I Carroll Sitka Jan 13 Melancthon bCt S V Jan 19 Kmily Stephens, solu Femes Yaqulna Bar ."! K Lynton. Br bk. Montevideo. Jan 9 Abbey rowper,Erbk.6'W Brisbane Jdn !l I'KSSELS OX THE WA Y. o Prom American Ports. Arcadian Br sh Lnndonder-y Annie 11. Smith 1301 Bartletf. Phila. T G Br bk Williams Liverpool Oct 15 Great Admiral 1376 Thompson Phila Philadelphia, Jan 13 India ma Patten Philadelphia Oct Ida Lily 77Jaatman Phila. Ivy. ah. New "Vork. Sent 15 ' Jane Fish. sh. Vow Tork. Sept. Lamoi bk Philadelphia loading Mo-nt Washington, sh. 1217 tons. U Y Sep t7. Philip Fitzpatnck. Am su. Philadelphia, Oct Su" Heporter, sh.l3W tons Wilson X Y Jnno Sonoina IPCS ITewberry Phila. bparnir sch K F March 16 Western Bella 1133 Fish Jf. Y. From ForeJsti l'orts. Amphitrite Dntch sh H10 Newcastle July z Adolt. Swe. bk, 625 tons. Kinsmansson, Gotlen bare. Oct 13 Bolden, Br bk Liverpool Co. of Inverness Brsh 1636 Capetown Oct 1 Chiloe.brbk.457 tons. May 21 City of Manchester, brbk 7S6 tons Itio Kdderside, br k. Liverpool to Astoria direct, Farnes Abbey, bk. Iv63, Libby. Yokohama. Manitoba, Brsh Buenos Ayros hept 11 Malacca br bk-391 tons Japan Navieatore It bk 63 Shield .1 uly 31 Peter Stuart Brsh 1117 Victoria Sept.9 River Thmes br bk Ml tons Christie Iquiqui San Stcfano. Br eh, St Kazaire Torbecke. Dntch sh. Newcastle, via Soirabaya. tons i "Valparaiso, br Lk Liverpool. Sept 1 Wanlock. brbk. "49 Ions, Liverpool In Astoria di- rocu uoi i Wm Halea. Am.bk, Hongkong In addition to the above Ht the fallowing vessels aro known to lie on the wavlotiu-j pert: Names. Tons. Where from. Mary Graham ....... oris Hull Puko of Abercon.. 1,150 ...v. .Liverpool tijucuauiv.... . u 1,11UC TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United States Coast-Survcy. High Water. UofV'aXc Date a. st. r. m. t. M. r. . 19 l tc; o I2 f.:x. T 415 20 1 48 1 0J 7 SS S 24 21 2 23 1 53 R 17. a (K) 22 2 !W 2 421...- !1 07 U 33 23 3 29 3 SO) 9 ST 10 21 24 4 oi i rai io 5i.: 10 11 25 1 42 5 481 11 00 II 23 2S S 40 C .TSI 0 0.1 27 C 42 7 r-SI 0 21 1 IS 23 7 42 t) 17 1 3i :; 02 AsxoitiA. riiiK iki,aj:t.tieht C. J.TREKOHAKI) Chiof F.usineer F. I". iflCKS 1st Awt. Engineer J. O. BOZOimr 2d -V-st. &Kineer BOARD OFDELBG.lTS.-i:tfRiilar niect lnc fourth Monday hi each month, at 7 SO p. M., at hall of Alert HooS and Ladder Company No. l Offkjees. V. J. Tavlor, I'resident ; F. 1. Parker, Secretary ; A. W. Berry, Treasurer. Delkoatfa W. AV. Parker, .1. Strauss, I. Bersman. of Astoria EngineCo. Mo. 1 ; A. A. Cleveland. W.J. Jlarrv, Chas. II. Stockton", of lteseue Enetuc Co.S'o. 2; Ed. Tt. Curtis, A. U. Berry. 1.I. Taylor, of Alert Hook aud ladder Co. No. l. astorij. Exaixn coyri'AxrKu.i- Kegular meeting first Monday In each month. 0ticeb?.-AY. V. P,irkcr. President ; L, E. Sells, Secretarj' : William BorK, Treas urer; B. F.MnteiLx. Forcinan, S. G. Imralls, 1st Asst. Forrman. Jop. (5. Cliarters, 2d Asst. Fortnian. RESCUE EXOINE C03'.l.Vi' A"o. i. Regular meeting fitt Monday In each inonth, Officf-BS. A. AjCIe eland. President : J. A. Montgomcrj, Secretarj-: F. O. Norris. Treasurer; Cha4.IT. .Stockton, Foreman, A. Mclvenile. 1st Asst. Foreman, J. W. Brown, 2d Asst Foreman. . ALERT HOOIC AXn LADDER Co. .Yo. 1 . Regular meeting second Mqnday in each month. OFFICF.3W. J. 0. Bozorth, President ; C. Brown. Secretary; Jay Turtle. Treasurer; J. R. Thomas. Foreman, F. n. Elbersou, 1st Asst. Foreman. F. W. l'crsusun, 2d .Vsst. Foreman. Common Council. llegular meetings fcond and fourth Tues day sTemngs of each month, at V.i o'clock ee Persons deJring to haro matters acted nponljy the Council, at any regular meeting mast present the same to the Auditor and Clert on or beforo the Friday eveninc prior to tho Tuesday on which the Conncil holds its regular meetinss. F. O. NOltltIS, Auditor and Clark. Astoria LiOdero No. 40, L O. G.l. Regular Meotinz every Tn cedar Evening t"H n'clook, atUood Iemplar's Hall. Che natnus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's Store Members of tho Order, in good stand ee, are invited to attend. Decree meeting 1st Monday oaeh month. By order VV. C.T. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. rt andAf , at7JS V- Kesdar Comainnications 6rt third fiatardavr inoach month, at o'clock. p,m.. at'tho Hall in Astoria. Mombors of the Order, inrxod standing, are invited to attend, liy erde: of the W.M. FOR SALE. Tub Binunxo. plant and sup plies' of the BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY, ucarNew Westmin ster, l'raserjtlver.- Apnly to r ' ' sbkj 5&a.J AMES FINLAYSON, WIgqg&twk- sis Front sr.;s. F -la' " Or PrUUnsELL, on the prernls es. Calomlila Rlvor Exports. 8HIT51EITB FOBEIGy. TiECAPmjLATIOX BYMONTnd, VfU . r.ECAPlTUI.ATION JULY. FIouKawM bbls, value Sl.'Bce Wheat, 8133 ctls, ' 114.94.1 balmoii. K!,r,SC cs, " 501,'i93 Fruit, (XXTcs. 2,400 Total S cargoes 5732,743 RECAPITULATION- AUGUST. Flour, i:;.si8 bbls., toIup s ssfiin . Wheat, 222j932ctlsM " 327,072 Salmon, 39,4a3 cs - 297,013 Total, 11 car-roes Sirroxfi:! uncAPiTui.'ATiox snpTn.Mni:ii. Flour, 41.023 hhls value. Wheat, 213;C21 ctis., ' . Salmon, 3200 cs . Lumber' 819.545 lt " . Lath, 141,500 fu " . Pickets, 483 bdls., ' . SlfUiJ.". . :i.ii3 717C 295 170 Total SSSt!,on hecapitclatiox octoekh. Wbeat, S39.H1 -tl?.. value ".. .c04,im Flntir H 45-t hh! 17.170 Salmon, SC,7G1 es. . 183,i03 Total, 13 cargoes.......... 5i,ii,7 KECAPITULATIOX, XOVK3IIIKU. centals wheal -Wl,C2 41.G3) barrels llour.. 2K.105 fM I casQs salmon ....'.''."'. 1.01S cases dried f nut ... 31.070 5.0M Total 21 cargoes . SliW, IiHCKltlSEIt. 1 Ti) Qttccnitomi cr Stclnvora. From Portland 2(1,323 ctis wheal I2,7.S0 " Astoria 13,ol ' 21.23G Totals 33,40c sBlfiSH 2 To Qucenstmcn jKr Trafalgar. From Portland 40.033 ctis wlioat rW.oOO " Astoria 17,03.". ... 2coO Totals 37,100 2.203 ." To Quccnftmcn.pcr Rcecrvft. From Portland 10,001 ctis wheat... SlC,430 13,M0 Mils flour 04,401 From Astoria vpZl bbls Hour 4G.2I.3 Total 127,170 7 To Qumuifotrn xr Diana. From Portland 2133 ctis wheat s-ti.Wl - Astoria 2A-S3 " 3,70u Total....". 23J521 s:s,82l 7 To iifcnsfnmi Kr Antarctic. From Portland 18.740 ctis wheat .i-JO.tKK) " Astoria 2,301 .. 4 021 Total .21,131 il.C21 7 To Quccnatomi tcr Locli I'crjm. From Portland 22,910 ctis wheat....:. iJyi"37 " Astoria . 0,043 " " . ls.ouo Total .2353 0JC7 8 To Quccnstown ;cr SaiUon, From Portland 1G,G21 ctis wheat 27,12", 13 To Lircrpofilpcr Lindens A hhcy. From Portland 0.159 ctis wheat $in,ou!i 7,710 bbls nour. na.i.10 From Astoria 3.C7I ' 18.K22 Total $03,021 17 To Quccnstoirn er Rainboic. From Portland 1S,(07 ctis wheat... ?29,30a " Asona .7.DCG " " HKO Totals 02902 S41.02S 17 To Qucen$toicn per Pccbltitiirc. From Portland 25,013 ctis wheat 84.5,500 " Astoria 7.5GG ' .. 12,S Totals 3222W S3G,3C2 19 To Qtintoirn per Wealthy Pendleton. From Port land 17.744 ctis wli eat. ..... 530.101 Astoria 8.0S0 ' 12,73U Totats 2324 .. 1220 "20 Ta Quccn&ioivn jerKtrkaoocL From Portland 23.741 ctis wheat ..'..!.S39.177 " " Astoria ir,an 21.S22 1 nr Totals 39.CSS ' ' SG32W)' 20 To Quc-cnstojcnper Woodlmll. From Tortlaad 10,423 ctis wheat S27.000 " Astoria 7,s,"rl " " .... 13,030 Totals i.2L27l ?4O,0.3O 22 To Quccnxioicnixr Algoa Bay. Fiom Portland 43.G04 bus wheat- $13,437 Astoria 22,127 22,127 Totals CS.12I $67,861 2 Tu Qicccnsoiri jcr Annie Jfalii. From Portland 23,029 buswheat $27,400 21 To Quecnutoim ver Jas. A. WrUtht. From Portland 2S,ow bus wheat S2S.4I8 Astoria ' ... aijj To-als JSJiW $1S Sis 22 To Qaceiwtoirn f r .lnrIo-A'urniitn. From Portland S022M bus wheat-... ,?3S,R30 .Vstona 4,13'! " 4,ai Totais... 43,383 ?43.1D0 2J To Quccnstoim iicr E. T. Croicell. From Portland 31.S00 bus. wheat s:0,flOO Asiona -i,u.:i - ......... rioo Totals. . 50,430 S54.103 30 To itrerrpool per Thunderbolt. From Portland 8,049 bbls flour S3S.920 ' " 52WJ lms wheat s.loi " Astoiia 0,100 bbk flour. 28,14.3 " 2.CW bus wheat 2.412 " " 3,000 cs salmon 15,000 Total ., JANUARY. 2 To Quecnalotcn perDunard. From Portland 1214 bus .. ?10,C50 2 To Quccnrfown per Almira Rohtnsorr From Portland 20,037 bus wheat .27,!10 " AstorU so.GM ' ., 2S.W) Totals a9,70S ?.V,,7H1 0 To Q:iCfn(oicit per Olnmra. From Portland 29X61 ctis wheat- $43)10 " Astoria 14,082 " -21,-iH) Totals 41,343 S7330 STo QuecKloxcn ixr Glatlyn. From Portlaud 31,457 bus wheat 0t,loo " Astoiia 9,783 " ......" 3,700 Totals 41,210 .B,R(W 12 To Quccndoicn per Gfcnjiadam. From Portland 43,131 bus wheat . S4i,GS0 " Astoria 14,099 " " 14,430 Totals 39,730 539,130 13 To Llternnol. no- Hirer Cannot. From Portland 7.739 bus. -p heat .S7,-33 u,:i oois nour. ....41,714 S492239 lZToOueemtocn. nerCorina. From Portland 42,211 bus. wheat 4l,7ss 12 To Oueenslmm. rwr Jnnah: From Portland 23,881 bus. wheat $23,022 10 To Quoentfoim per Belle of Oivgon, From Portland 19,302 ctis wheat S2C.032 " Astoria 13,777 ' " . 25,213 Totals 352J79 531.275 13 To Liverpool per Mericanjce Framjec "From Portlaund 10,390" bbls flour S13.G80 zsm bus tviieat 5,700 Astoria 3,075 bbls flour. 15,020 4.S0J bus wheat 4,597 Total....r. $71,000 21 To uC7is(oirii wcr Arctic. From Portland 3222C2 bus. wheat. $31,000 " Astoria 3,102 " 3,130 5,421 .. $31,150 23 To Qu)istotm per C. i. llulburt. From Portland 43,411 bus wheat ?4I,lGs Astoria y,sa ......... ,: 532S7 831,700 23 To Quctnsiown. -ner Helen Marlon. From Portland 35,758 bus wheat .. .$3L907 .Anuria z,no 1 - ,. z,G3J 37801- S37.427 THE MARKETS, financial Silver, at rar. . Com eichange on San Francisco i per cent prcminm. Coin axenanse on New York buying par; soiling. ! to 1 percent. Legnl Tenders par. Tolegraphic transfers on New Tork I per cent, premium. Wan J''ranclco OuotatiouM. BY MAIL AND TEMSORAI'II.1 Wiikai-Xo. 1,511) per ceutnl ; Oats SI 301 ",rp ctl. Wool Oregon, Vallc-28::1 cts. ? fii. Eastern Oicoii,20Ct2i;. niT)n. Ili-avy salted lKe; lislit, ilo SJ.Wliie; sailed calf, 9&110e. Family l'noYisiox JJacon, 1515J cts ; clear Or;ou sided, 1313Kc ; hams, I7(fl9ets. ISabctjy Coast feed, Si 42(3145?! ctl. Brewing SI 30l 00 y ctl. Ecg California, i.ivg28? V doz; Ore Ron. 22Q23C "fJ do Flouk Oregon extra. S3 00: Super line, S3 "3. Butteis .ofn Cni:i:SE Extra fancy Butter. 45 ets, p lb; Fresh roll, sood to choice, 'Sii'C 40ets.ft llj. Sr.EU Flax. 2(i'y.c V lb; Canary. ;k?.3 c : Alfalfa. iGtjUTc ; Tlmotli v, S 19c e lb. Baos-WooI sacks, 4430c; potato funnies, l"Kl-!e: sfandard grain, nom inal. Fi'.uith Dried rmples.ftiG cts. "f lb for qrs. : ."Kfl for si iced ; Tears, 8l0c lMuins.Cftii, pitted 1.1ru5; Peaches. 11 I3e; jieeled, 17420. .Sai.mox. Columbia liver fih are quotable at Si SO "ft doz, l-D tins on the spot; on the river, Si 33 "r? doz. Sac ramento Si 20ffcl 25- Srr.An llefinery, terms net cash: Cube. baneK 13fc: Crushed, J4'c: Kxtra Powdered. bbU.. 1.'c; Fine Crushed, bids., ltijc; Dry ranulnted, bbls., ise; Kxtra 5raiiulated.bbls. I2c: (lolrien O.bbls., llrc: I. bbls. or S." I. kess, lie; Extra C," bbls. llc; llalf bbls Jjc more, and bs. fc moro ' for all kinds. AHtonit JHnrkriv. ItRTAII. Flocb. Superfine $4 75; Extra S3 25 : Corn Meal fl cirt. S3 50; Buckwheat V cwt JG00. Bcttes Choico roll, 35 to,37$4 cts. "B tt CnKESR-Clatsop dairy 18c. Eggs. 30 to 33 ct3 m doz. Chickena, 1 00. Fiutsn Meats. Choico cuts. Lamb. 10c Beef 8(310 ; Pork 10 ; Mutton &S10. By the carca3o 8c. i .Meats. Breakfast bacon 14K1 l'er Ih rides UKSHHe: hams 13319c shoulders 10S12O ; smoked bcof 13Q16.Sc; corned beef Sl012tf bbl.; corned pork lOeBt. liKANfl. GJjS ets. " Lied. In tins and caddies 17(alsc riP. IIOX15V. In frames 40c ; in glass 50o. s'ugak. -Crashed, lljf ; Granulated, lb: n.C,9?i; Matlposa.OJi. DitiF.u Fkuits. Blackborries23c; Prune 12V691CC. Mill Fei.o. Bran S18.3S20 V ton : chop food $2f25;.Shntis S2J327M; Hoy t20& 522-9 ton. Ovts. Accordinj to quality, prices range from 51 73 to 21 SO per cwt. Vkqetables. Potatoes lf ct. B Hi; Unions 3c "51 It). UOME.STIC EXrORTS. T.'ic receipts in Sun Francisco. of;r- tain 'articles of Oreson produce' ." from January 1st, 18S2, to Jan. llthr sirc,havo been as follews: - Flonnqrsks....... ..... ,Wieat.ctb i.;...... : inclu- . 9.98S :10,93U Oats. ctis.. . IU,8-H Salmon, bbls. lit bbls cs ......... . .... pkRs , Apples, ripe, bxs Butter, pkRs . Potatoes, slcs Wool, bales Hides, No . Tallow, pkgs . Ileef.bbls Beef, canned, cs Fruit, dried, pkgs ... lather,.pkgs I.ard.cs Bacon, cs . Meal, sks Hops, bales......... ... llams.nkgs 530 1,000 3,9K J7 IBl 830 II 5 jtran, sks . Cheese, cs ...., . llax Seed, sks Canned coods, cs ,. Barley, elU.... Hhorls.slcs BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING ANDJNSURANCE. x. . oasE, BROKER, BANKER , ' INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - " OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROALff O'CLOCK A. 51. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. ii. il InsnranGe Co.; ii, OF CALIFORNIA, J. r. IloumrTo.v. , President CIIAS. It. bTOKV.. .Secretarj Oro. 1 Svroiiv. . AKent for 0-jon Capital paid up in U. S. fjold mm . g S00 000 00 I. IV. CASK, Agent, Chenanius street, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOVOON AND ULOI1E, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE tut" LiUJMUON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART- tUUU, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of 907,000,000. A. VAN DUSEX. Acont. Tlie. Lion Insnrance Company OF LONDON, ENGLAND. 1. ioil In INSURANCE CO. OF EDINBURGH, - - SCOTLAND. WM. LOEB. AGENT, - - .. - -, ASTORIA: A" i.K MKCELLAlN'EOUS. ONE OF THE. OLDEST AND HOST RaiABLl REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE. OF rimorlia C.nAaZTXrryraf-nne'a ww0"w "''' ".WOlOOUCOOj Sore Throat, Bronclutis, Influenza, Asthma, "Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affection or tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, including CONSUMPTION. A YVEU-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES! " It does not dry up a coagh, and have the canst tehind, as is the case with most preparations, bu loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays irritation thus removing the causeof complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bear ug similar names. Ee sure you get t DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, vith the signature of "I. BUTTS" on the wrapper CO Cents and Sl.OO a Bottle. Prepared by SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Dos Qn,Mass. Sold bvtlmsgisss arid dealers renrraS' MAGMJ8 C. CROSBY Dealer iu HARD! ABE, IROH, STEEL Iron Pipe and Fittings. HmntaB ani Steam Fite Goods and Tools. SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON TIN ANT-COPPER. 1. inn DUJUllGu Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness' arid dispatch. " None but first class norkmeneiiiploj eil. A largo assortment of . SCALES Constantly on hand c. leinjcx tVKr.Ei:. ii.'intow:. ESTABLISH RI lSCS. Leinenwebev & Co., ASTORIA, OREGON, TAHEBS AUD CDBBIEBS, Manufacturers and Importers ni A hi KINDS OF Xa33J5La?:ra:iI32. AND FINDINGS Wholosalo Dealers In .OIL AND TALLOW. C3-Highest cash price paid for Hides :uid Tallow. Stephans Varieties ! GRAND 0PEWIMG. A LWXI.V EXTKltTABXSIKXT. na c a now 1ioa ling alley, the largest and best In town. Admittance tree. w e:. ussEflCKsarT1. W ASTOKIA, ORUfiON DRUGS AND CHEfrliGALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT HEDICINES, ET0, "Prescriptions carefully compouudedlat all hours. E3?"nonieopathle Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's Spccincs also kept. CLEANING- and REPAIRING NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BY ' GEOHOE JiOVETT. Main Street, opposite N. Lneb's, i. jx. g-. sikec. Importer and Wholesale dealer In Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut le'ry, Etc., Etc, Tho largest apd. finest stock of Meerschaum and Amber goods In the city. Particular at tention paldi to orders from the country and vessels. Chenamus.street, Astoria,. Oregon. THEO. BRACKEBManager. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A.J.3IE1LKE. C.'s. tVTSlOHT occsiest' iiotks,. MEGTjER & WllKSHT. Proprietor!. Astoria, Ortgon. milK PltOPKIETOltS AKE llAl'PY TO .2. annoimeothar the above hotel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of HsgucstSEiidlsnwtus best hotel north of San 1'raneisco. Fair Wind Coiieo Saloon AMI GG HOUSE, WATnt STP.EEX, ASTORIA. Xexrdoor to Dr. Kinse's." Con'oi-. Tea ami Citocnlnte, lvlth C'nke, IO Cc'niH. Chops Cooked to Oj-dT. Viuc V5ncf, liliiunrn ami Clsnri Oftliebes,t brands. 5C-ti FOARD & KVASSOS. PARKER HOUSE, IJ. R. P.tHIirit. Prop.. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON FIRST (5LASS HOTEL. AI.I. JIODi:it.V IHTltOVESlENTS. H3T AfD COLD BATHS. Good Billiard Table, and Frst Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. era-FKEi: COACH TO THK.1I0USE.-Gn Campi's Restaurant. American and Italian Style. 1 have taken clmrj;e oT tills Popular Restaiorant, And ttltl serve all natrons In a FIRST CLASS MANNER. All the market affords served neatly and quickly. LUIOI SERB A. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. jjR CHEXAMUS STKEET, ASTORIA. THE UXDERSIGXED IH PUUSKU TO nuuouneo to the Lac'2sand Gentlemen of this City Thaf ,ie is now prepared to f urnlslf for them, In first class style, aud every style. OYSTERS, nOT COFFEE TE.V, ETC. AT THK Ladies'' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, GHE'XAJIUS STP.EET. l'le:ise kivo me a call. 1 i. .- R0SCOK DIXON, Proprietor D. K. WAERKS. X.lV.EiTna Astoria, Market ! COR. CIJKSAMUS AND HAMILTON' STS. . ASTOKItt. - . - OREGOXi AVARB11.V . I'VTOX. Propi-ietorw. (Successor 10 Warren i MeGvirel Wbolcjalo and Retail Dealers in Frosh ant? Cured Meats A full lino if FAMII.Y " GROCERIES, FIAJUR. VEEV 1IAV, CAXNHD FRUIT, VEGE TABLES, ETC. ear Butter, Eegsf Cheese, otc. constantly on hand. Ctf- Shipa supplied at tho lowesc rates. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on hand, such as Caim'cd Fruits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, KG OS, MUTTKn. CHEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. POIIITStY AlttR AME In the season.. CKS.UJS ASD TOBACCO. Best or WISHES ATM I.K11TORS. AU chcan for UA.S1I. Ooods sold on com mission. Opposite I.1V". Case's store. .1. KULHiKUS. PERPIM BITTERS. CHINCH0NA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, TKEGliEATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OE THE AGE. See; our local columns lor particulars, .and as you VALUE HEALTH, HEAD! Notice. I WILL GIVE FIFTY DOLLARS RE ward for the-recovery of the body ot my father, Geo. Burchard. senior, who was arownett at uaic romr. j an. ruin. . ' liEu.- u.KUHAtfy,jr W-.M.' SHIPPING NOTICES. Jt'R03I Astoria to.Sontli Bend, Woodwards Landing, Tohes Foint, Bay Center, Oyatcvillc, Light House Cove, and all Points on Shoalwater Bay, where Business Calls. The new steamer SOUTH BEND, fjgJjb AU STREAM. MASTER "Will connect iCKUlarl vat the head of the Bay with llenness' stage line from llvraco, on Tuesday and Friday OF EVERY WEEK. -fassensers from Astoria -v HI thus be abio to make too throught trip In one uay. C8pllptiirn!ni the stenmpr South Bend will connect at the head of Shoalwater Bay with Henness stages for Irtvaco, on Tues days aiuirridajs, makins the through trip lu.iMunairuni oouin iieuu auu iiuvniiTjui ate points on the same day. GThis steamer has never ct missed a trip in niaKins ner connccnons atine neau of tie Bay. AH statements to the contrary are false. ISFdr freight or passage apply on board ur at me ouico 01 JOHN WOOD & CO.. South Benil, Facillc Co.. TF. T. Tin: jfjsv fcTEUtcn Clara Parker, EBEX 1. rARKER, - - MASTER. Is now ready for business. For Ircisht or charter, apply to tho Cap tain on board, or to II. B. PARKER. For Yaqujna Bay, Tillamook and Cray's Harbor. Direct. The new Coasting steamer YAQUSRA, JAMES E. DEXXV, - - MASTER "Will leave Astoria for the above ports Due notice will be given of day of sailing. Tor freight or passage applv at the office on dock-. c J. TREXCIIARD, Agent. STEAMER MAGNET, M. G. MOROAX. MASMlt. iS&Zt yrz. Cliansn of Time After nee. ICtli. illl run to Klasknnic on SATCRDAY'S lnteau of Friday's. Having a large COVEKEIS SCOW I am prepared to boat hav and charcoal, and keep in the DRY. Also, will boat wood on snort notice. Always ready and ever will ing, give mo a can. Jicrm at uusuers uock seejt' s:LEirTs HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGON THIS INSTITUTION, UXOEQ CARE OF tho Sisters or Charity, is now ready for tho reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of anyaesinnginem. Patients admitted at all hours, day or night. No physician has exclusive right, every patient Is free to and has tho privilege ot cuiiHuymx any puysiunn mey prcier. United States 3Inrine Seamen who narllnsnital Tiips-.iro ontl tied to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital uunng sicKness. rermits mast be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. SISTEES or CltAHITY DHALKH I.V Ha)r, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand. IY001I Iellvcrel to Order, Graying, Teaming and Express Business, H&es and Carriages for Hire. ' DEAtnn ix WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. X882. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ITarper's Wechly stands at the head of American Illustrated wccklv Journals. By its uupartlsan position iu politics, its admir able Illustrations, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contrib uted oy the foremost artists and authors of the day, it carries Instruction and entertain ment to thousands of American homes. It will always be tho aim of the publishers to make Harper's Wechly the most popular and attractive family newspaper In the world. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per "sTear: IIARPER'S WEEKLY. . SI CO HARPER'S MAGAZINE .. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 The THREE abovo publications 10 CO Any TWO above, named 7 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOFLE 1 DO HARPER'S MAGAZINE 1 . m HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE " HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LI BRARY, Ono-Year(52Nnmbers) . 10 Co subscriber in the Uni ted States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin w 1th the urn, iumucr lor oanuary 01 eacn year. When no time Is mpntlnnnrl. it m ho . derstood that the subscriber wishes to com mence wuu iiie-isumucr next, after the re ceipt of order. The last Twelve Annual volvmes of nAlt per'3 Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postajro paid, or by express, free, of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for S7 00 each. Bloth Cases for each volume, sultablo for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of SI 00 each. Remittances should bo made by Post-Of-ficerMoney Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. iVricspapm are not t3 copy thii advertise ment without the expret$ order of Habi-ee fc-BRfntEns. Address r HARPER b BROTHERS, New York. feaKia-te.T-,, aJaAiJs TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C'03IAXY. OCEAX DIVISIOX. Between San Fraadsco & Portland. LK.VVESSA3T ITiAy. AT 10 A. SI. I LEAVES rOlCTLASD. AT 12 :05 A.M. C 8. 30 Jan 4 Jan 19 Feb 3 Jan Ian 14 Jan a;jan 10 Jan 20 Jan 25 Feb 4 Feb 0 Jan is Jan so Feb 14 Jan 24 Jan 20 Feb b Feb 23 Mchio i-en 13 Feb 18 Mch C Feb 8 Mch 15 eu i'j teD2t Mch cMchll Mch 1 Mchlc Leanns Portland at 12.05 a. jr. instead of 3 a, t. Due notice utll 1m iFhnn .r nu ...ka. change. ' J Rlebt is rpvprvd tn nl....... f.nAM w sailing days. THROCOH TICKETS sold to ail the prin cipal citUsin the United States and Canada. River and Rail .Division; Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivera FEBRUARY 1, 1SS1. ,cavoPort- 1 land for Mon Tii. We. Tlin. FrLISat. Dillei. Vil la Willi. Umatilla. and up riv er points.. Astoria. K&- :aii 6 AM AM I AM TAM AM lama.Taca ia&.SeMtlej SAM 6 AMI 6 AM CAM SAM CAM Vio na. Aew VVest'mstr Oathlamet. CAM Bay View, Brook-1 Held. Westport, 0 1 1 f t on, Knappa. Davton Salem, and intermedi SAM CAM GAM CAM 0AM SAM AM 7 AM TAM ate points. Points oa Snake River! 6 am 5am am CEXEKAL OFFICES: Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. MCCRAKEN & Co., Agents State of California, A. L. MAXWELL, JOHN MUIR,, aSen.' - & N' -General Freight and Passenger agent. C. H. PRESCOTT. Manager. Ilwaco Steam Navigation Ca WIKTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, Il waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Until farther notice the Iliraco Steam Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL OANBY, W. P. WHITC0MB MASTER Will leavo Astoria On Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays At 8 A.M.. for Kort Stevens, Fort Canby, and llwaeo. Anivin? at Fort Canby at 10 A. ar. and touch ing at Ilwaco for passengers aud maU. Ba turniug, will leave Fort Canby at 11 a, at., arriving at Astoria at l r-. m. Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on those Days. On Mondays, Vedncsdays and Fridays Tho steamer win leave Astoria at 9 a.m. HQ TnmiPrlV lint1 hOlntv AnnflnoH .Ml... schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens.. ... . 60cU .1108 canby and Ilwaco. rK?rMltV'tfrt frA?r.tit hv tKa tnn In lMf A one ton or over, $! oo per ton. ea-For Tickets, Toirace or Charter apply either at the offico of the Company, Gny'j wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Castaia on board. J. H.D.GRAY. Awat. Oregon & -California R.R.Co On an after Oct. 11, 1E8D. trains wlllrun as fol lows, D AIL ST (Except Sundays), eastside nrnsios. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. JIAIL TBAEI LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland .7:30" A. M.Roseburg7:00 P. M Kosoburs5:OOA.M.PortIand 435P M ALBANY EXPRE83 TRAIN. TnAVE. ARRIVE. Portland A:C0P.M.Lebanon-9.20 P.M Lebanon 4:13 A. M.Portland10:03 A.M FREIQHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. PnrtlanA .. ... !lS A. M.IJnnetlon 6:00 P. M Junction 5:15A.M.Portland 5a5P,il Tho Oregon and California Eaflroad Irernr makes connection with all RegnlarTrains on Eastside Division. westside Drnsios. From portlnuU to Corvallla. MAIL I21K . rwntfl 1TJTJTVTP Portland S:00 A. M.ICorvallis 3aT0 P. M t.orvaui3..:JO a. ju.iroruaiiu -;' r. Close connections aro mad at ROSEBTJBQ with the Stages of tho Oregon and California 3 i lCKeuiur io v u" iwi"" km in California and the East, at the Compaaj' UIUCO, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Ctnuiaa mill 1. a tnnoA t paTtrhf tflTnftIft ns atCompanys Warohonso over 21 npttrs. creiKUl will llDtuo iwcnyuivi bmuim.,-. aftor 5" o'clock P. M. on cither tho East or Kostsiue Division.- ...... J. RRANDT, Jr., Uen'ISap't. E. P. ROGERS. , . , Oen'l Freicht and Passenger Arent It. KOCHLER, Manager LOOK HERE! CHINAIENMUST GO. Wnshius aiade Easy by the Vae of National Washing Powders, For washing clothes without rubbing orboil ing. Saves labor. Saves Wear Saves Time. Ve, the undersigned, have used the Pow ders and find them as recommended. Mrs.A.C.Gibbs. Mrs. J. N. Dolph, Mrs. l)r. MeKInnel. Mrs. Geo. Ham. Mrs. W. P. Olds. Mr3.S.A.Sedlal:, Mrs. Lichtcnthalcr, Mrs. Capt. I. Sanimra, Mrs. E. A. Relllon. Mrs. "Dr. Josephl. East Portland ; Ita. Capt. W. H. West. East Portland -Mrs. J. VV. Sellwood, East Portland ; Mrs. Kirk Shel d n. East Portland : Mrs. Judy. Hiltsboro ; Mrs. Lyman Cook, Mrs. U A. Newby. Mc MInnvilla : Mrs. A. G. Parsons, Mrs. J. W. S. M. Kelty, Lafayette : Mrs. Gellwlck, Mrs. Vi'. A. Cummfngs, Independence ; Mrs. O. A. Chapman. Sirs. Vincent, Cervallls: Mrs. Capt. Apperson. Mrs. Y,ra. Elliot, Oregon City. ,., . ,, Jliita. r iuulaj nott Aino. nujj, rop's and Manufacturers, cor. C. and 2d sts. Portland. Oreson. - For sala at all tho Chroesry Stores. aS "w? vdiii- a