" . w v suummuumjun MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. gfcc gaits &sicreiim: ASTORIA. OREGON : WE PNESDAY JAN. 18. 1882 J. F. IIAIXOUJA Elltor. A Very Plain Hatter. An article in the Oregonian of j the ICth, entitled "A plain word I or two about a plain matter," sounds in substance a good deal Jike Villard's speefch in Portland last fall, when he told the folks to the tune of "great applause," that the j could build warehouses and buy and sell wheat on the Sound. It seems an affirmative echo of his adrice, where the Oregonian says: "If for the purpose of illustration it be conceded that Portland can not be a place of actual shipment, and that the vessels which carry our grain to market must load elsewhere, her commercial status will not bo affected appreciably." The invidious word "our" tends to mislead the reader and misinter pret the "facts. Yet upon reading the article in question, in refer ence to places of loading ships, it is no point of objection from our standpoint that it should think so, or that Portland should continue in tho speculating in wheat, while we take the shipping, stevedoring, etc. Besides carrying the grain to Astoria it is probable that some of the buying and selling can be done here also, but at best the sys tem of grain and charter specula tion in Oregon is only a substitute for the stock gambling of San Francisco, with its puts and calls, its bulls and bears, its shorts and margins, it being a business as risky for loss as the stock business without the corre sponding opportunity to make. The Oregonian's article further instances the fact that though many vessels load at Benicia and other points above S.m Francisco, yet to the merchants of the me tropolis directly accrue the profits This is not entirely so. "We are oogntBant of several instances wherein vessels were chartered to load at Benicia and coming there wero loaded with no more refer ence, to San Francisco thau bad that city not existed. But whor ever parallels or analogies may be drawn, Portland papers can hardly institute successful comparisons in the case of San Francisco. That city may compare itself to Sacra mento. A little over one hundred miles down the Sacramento is the natural entrepot for the buying, selling and handling of grain; a little over one hundred miles down the Columbia from Portland is the coming rendezvous for the ship ping business of the NoithWest. This may be more than our con temporary will be willing to ad mit, but we speak of it simply in this manner that it is a patent fact, a fact that would exist whether discussed or not, and one that cannot bo prevented any more readily than it can be hastened; events and their inexorable logic being the producing cause in both instances. NEW TO-DAY. E. Detrick & Co., Sole agents 0:1 tlio Pacific Coast (or Tower' celebrated OILED CLOTHING, (Send for price list.) Importers, mauufactnrers and dealers In Twines, Tents, Hose, Cotton Sail Duck, Belting, Waterproof Tar paulins, Waterproof Covers, , Patent Solid Cotton Belting. Ss. 5, 7 and 9 Cairomla, and 10S, UO and 112 .uaiKei streets. SAN FRANCISCO, dim CAIFOUNIA. THE OREGON MEAT MARKET, H. HUMBEL. & CO. K. (Successors to J. F.Nowlen.) 11 Tho belt ot JIEAT8 nd BB.all varieties of SAUSAGE f sept constantly on band and K' fresh from air experienced tt sausage maker. Mr. Humbel Is well known being a resi dent of this county for 17 years, and deserres a share of tte patronage. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass and fwruemoqlw strecb. ASTOKIA. - - OREGON D&AXEB VS WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. OITY BOOK STORE. We are constantly recelv lug new additions to our stock and have the finest and largest assortment ot variety goods in the city. Combs, Brushes, Stationery, Frames, Celluloid Goods. All our goods arc marked In plain figures Call and examine quality and note prices. CIIAS. STEVENS . SON' Wilson & Fisher, SHIS CHANDLERS. DKAT.KKB I.N Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors'; Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, WROUGHT AND COT GALVANIZED SPZSES, XoUs, Copper Ifnlls nad Burrs, Shelf Hardware, Faints and Oils Rubber and Hemp Packing of all Kinds. PROVISIONS, FLOUR AND MUX FEED. Agents fot Salem Flouring Mills. Cornor Chcnamus and Hamilton Strms ASTORIA.. OREGON. JZJ 13 co b LU g 0 s O H o SPS to f I I.DL.S 3 a l.o i a 02 s 0 0 a ' 5 I a Cw S3 - . DC 1 0 1 U4 o co ASTORIA MARBLE. WORKS, D. KELMAN. Monuments, Head Stoma, Mantle Pieces., First class wort ; satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Slate cannery Reamers always on hand. Opposlle G. L. Parker's residence. ?'; fizz- "' x. ,5Sl5e2S2SaSK EPS r EaEHSE2E INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN, AH3 THE AFFLTCTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijosa of appetite.WauBea.bowela costive. PsinintheHeed.witha"dullengationin fhe bacV part, ain under tho SouTder- oian e. luun exa after rati! Hlinition to exertion of iodV or minH. trrltabOitr of temper.Jjow spirits. Lois Cf ZnedOrT.TTitb&fAAlinipnf hivlnvn.0. fecfed ftomo duty, weariness, DltSneas, fluttering oftho Heart. DoU befora tha gyes. yellow Skin. Beadaohe, etlaei cesa at night, bjgbjyjcolorett Urine. t? iHEsswAairnros abs tohkbded, SRIOUS DISEASES WlUSOOK 6E DEVELOPED. TTJrrS FILLS re epecUlly mdapted to inch caes,oDe dole effect snehachktige of feeling ai to astonish the sufferer. Ther InrraiM Urn AlBtltj(. tnd fr.nu.tt. body to Take on Fleali. tbas tbe tynnn Is DoarlUipd.andbytlielrToateAetleBoatbs D1bsUt Organs. Regular a tools era pm- irgan iS cc auccd. Fries & cents. S. 331 IBuitstSU K.I TUTT'S HAIR DYE "3nvr Hits or 'Wtnsxra changed tOkftr.r -Dlahc by a tingle uppllcaUon of this T .' 1 iuprts a nstntal color, acts Iastiats&sn tolCbjDrugiHntifnlbj jprs on 111' " f. OfTtco, 30 Murray 8t., New YorV. C Dr. ttm BUICiL T ftlMSW IxftratM nl a BW vm tr ajpfa rass iffaaUm.f B E3 ft $&un e s. GrJE.&rzr ! MAKES Ur FIRST CLA8S STOCK E.TO Harness' and Saddles, .vcd win nt you out in better -.tyio and cheap-! nr rates than an v other ruau In Orccon. 1 or rates tban any other man in Oregon. i X (nil lint' of WhipN, Curry Combn, etc., 011 Iiam!. yjRS. A. RAPPLEYEA, Formerly of Nev York, wishes to an-J nounce to the ladles cf Astoria that sJielinoT I preparen 10 ao DRESS MAKING In all the latest stt leu. A sliare of our nat- ronage Is respectfully solicited. ltooms opposite liberty Hall, Cheuainu? street. WAB IS IJECLAJtBD WITHOUT PCRTHEB 30T1CK And no terms of peace until every man In Astoria has a new suit of clotlvM MADK BY MKAS V. Look at the prices : rants to order from - - S 00 l'ants. (Ruiulue French Casslinere - 12 CO Suits from - -- -- -2300 The finest line of Mwrnles on the coast to select from. P. J. MKANY. Main street, opposite rarkor House, Astona. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Copt. Itogcw old stand, corner of Cnss and Court Streets. Ship- and Cannery work, norseshcelnfr. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. 50 TONS LITKUPOOI. riSHEKY S.VI.T For sale cheap. Apply to J. G. HUSTLKE. Astoria, Dec. 29, 1SS1. dtf Wanted. 100 SMALL ANCHORS. Any one luv- lnz a auanniT 01 smau aiiinors. weighing IS to 30 pounds to sell will please notify CJ.TKENcnAltD. $500 Reward. We wlllpay tho above reward for any case ofLher Complaint, Dyspepsia, faiek Hej.d arhc. indigestion. Constipation or Costlve ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable liter Pills, when the dlrectioas are strictly eonmlieJ wltli. lhcvare nurelv Veectable. and net er fall to ghe satisfaction. Sugar coated. Larce boxes, contaliilnc sn Pills. 5 tents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of coumeneiis ana imitations, ine genumo manufactured only by Jons C. West & Co., "The rill Maker' 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trill package sent by mail prepaid on receipt 01 & 3 cent stamp. AY. E. Dement, agent. Free to Everybody! A Beautiful Book for the Asking B apph inrf personail v at the nearest office of THE SHiGEIt MANOFACTUtilNO CO.. (or by postal card if at a distance), and adult person wilt bo presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a ew Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, on TltE Story of tie Sewing MacMne. Containing a handsome and costly steel on ;ra ing frontispiece ; also, 38 finely engraved wood cuts, and bound In an elaborate blue and gold llthosrapned ioer. 2o charge whatever Is mado for this handsome book, which can be obtained only by application at the branch and subordinate offices ot The Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co.- Principal Ofnco, 31 Union Square. NETT YORE. Washington Harket, Alain Street, - Astoria Oregon HERGMAN C JiEBRT RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of.the nubile to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY DFiJT QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will be sold at loirost rates, wholesale andretaiL 8peelal attention siren to fupplj nc ihiDS. Notice to Contractors. OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- r ici.cu ai ma uiucc vi uic Auuuur auu flavl. . l,n lit.. .. .n.Al . .1 11.J.1.... January 20th, at 2 o'clock p. si., for the Im- HIYiVAmAnt tt tlia Amuelni rt Wflct.QUi ttnA water streets. In Shlvel) 's Astoria, said f ros- vmty f. tn l.a hull. ... I.b ..1l .l.l.t ! nn. "IUA . 'D Willi, .u 1.3 lull nill.U. OlALJ ICC. (UO), by removing all defective piles, stnn uers, caps, or other timbers, and substltu- ""s .ucrciur uew anu souna pues, sinn sers, caps, or other timbers, and by the re moval ot all detective plank on said crossing, and substituting therefor new and sound TM?inV rlAt IOCS IhflH (All IliAfinn tn tlilii1Hiu.n . wj UU AUU. uviica 111 irlltUsVllCSS. JlPh hlrt tMliQt Via nAKAtnntntsd fl1 ...n. w ww itvv,wiupiuiit.u nuu a j;uai- auteo signed by two responsible tax payers to tne effect that if such contract be awarded rut.u uluuur ii uo wm wumn loriy euht hours after notice of such award enter into contract therefor with cood and suffl- the work. The right to reject any and all -".-',"v.;t'""u. ay oruer oi me common Council. ROBT. CARRUTnERS, I. W. CASE. C.S WRIOIIT. . .. 9f"2-on Streets and Public Ways. Attest : F. C. Nonms. Auditor and Clerk, ftd-ltw School Tax Notice. TO THE TAX PAYERS OF SCHOOL DWrlct No. 1. Clatson couutv. Orcpon ? ou are hereby notified that the assessment roll for the school tax in district No. l for the ..UVlCI.1 la MM.n1.tu1 mh.I ...II, .. ! - j- w ,-wiiip.cc-i. uiiu win ue in my hands at my office at Brown & Co's dock for the neTt aiTtv riav. fmin Hit. h.uif n.. your taxes in time and save costs. Clerk of School District No. 1. Astoria, Oregon, Dec 16, 18S1. Notice. rpHE FIRM OF PAGE & ALLEN IS, this J. day dissolved by mutual con-wnt: the business hereafter v. ill be continued bv A. V. Allen. All persons Indebted to said firm are hereby notified to sett.o their accounts without delay. C. H. PAGE, .4stoda,0reon, Jan.1, 1882. ' A. V. 9 (krn.ui!, P41D . . ,. , IWCt ,,-sol. TO P40I! i, tU ) WNotesaleaud tetaJI tim-vr f& ?&8ke?y Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAI AXD DOMI-STK; FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TogothPr wlih Wines, LipreJotolCi&are The largest and most coinplfto moc'c of good9 In their lino to be found In li'o elty. Corner of Cass and flquemccqhc Htrt-c tt, ASTORL, OKEOON. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton .Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS .111 Market Street, Man Franel.sco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Manager -ASK FOR- UNI0N INDIA RUBBER CO'S Pure rant t.uia Crack Proof Rubber Boots and Coats. BEWARK OF IMITATION ! Be sure tho Boots aro stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and have tho PURE uuju xrxiaua on tne toot ana instep, which prevents their cracking or brcakluK. They will last twice as long as any others manufactured. FOB SALE BY ALL DKALEU3. ALL KINDS RUBBER BELTING, PACK ING. HOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R.IL PEASE, Jr. 8.M.RU.NYON, Agents, San Fjanclsco. Notice. NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR CONSI neesof the Muriel will be responsibio for any debts contracted by the crew, dlw Kodofp.9, Mkyek & Co. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMET OF the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks, Y. T.. Nor. 26, 1881. , Written proposals will be receiied bvthe undersigned, at Vancovver Barracks, W.T until March 31st, 1882, for the right of exclu sive seining on the Fort Stevens. (Point Adams) Military Reservation, during the next fishing season. Tha right to reject any or all bids, as may be deemed best, is re served by the undersigned. . O.D.GREEN. Mai. and Ass't Act, General, Brevet Briga dier General U. S. Army. dtf To Builders and Contractors. QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KE- vJ celved by the undersigned until noon. January 23, 1882, for the furnishing of mate rials, erecting and completing a Church edifice on Main, between Jefferson and As tor Streets, in tni city. Plans and specifica tions can be examined at iny office, on and alter Saturday, 7th Inst. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. E. q. HOLDEN. Secretary of Board of Trustees, First Presby terian Church of Astoria. d-td Health Is Wealth. Dr. E. tJ. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment: a specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental De pression, iioss 01 memory, opcrmatoriiioca, Impotency. Involuntary Emissions. Prema ture Old Age, caused by over-exertion, self abuse, or over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Eaeh box contains one months treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars : sent bv mall nrenaid on re ceipt of price. We guarantee Mx boxes to cure any case. With each order received by U3 for ax boxes, accompanied with fit 0 dol lars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money If the treat ment does not effect a cure. Guarantees is sued only by W. E. Dement, dmgglst, As- iuna, uregon. uracrs ny mail at regular prices. Dissolution of Copartnership. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing between C. Lelnenweber and A. A. Conn is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business Will h,M.fl.. a j,.m.4..I..Ar. Mo ..!. .... der the firm name of Lelnenweber & Co. C. LEINENWEBER. . . , . A.A.C0HN. Astoria, Jan. 12, uas. dajd Geo.We Hume jWholesale and Rotail Dealer IGROCEEIBS. jProdsions, Lumber. I ETC., ETC.. j ETC. Fishermens and Camierv SiUPJPLIES A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOE THE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND THE Sail Francisco Ghemical WORKS, ASTOKIA - - - OREGON. CHICAGO BREWERY, .1. STJJAUSS, AttEM1. Is now ready to supply the public with the Celebrated Chicago Beer. In any quantity to suit. I hae Also this Celebrated Cblcn-o Veer In Iloltlc. Which 13 now crj popular among 'Tall fami nes anu saloons." Please send In your onlers and they will hate my best attention. J. STRAUSS, Astoria, Oregon. Axent for Oregon and Wash. Ter. Piles! Piles! Piles! A Sure Care round at Xnst S Xo One IVecd Suffer! A sure Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerate 1 Piles has been discoeredby ur. Williams, (an inuian Kemeui), caiieu Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or so years standing. No one need suffer live minutes alter applying tuis wonuenui soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and electuaries do n.ore tijisia than good. Wil liam's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allajs tne intense ltciung, (particularly at night at terccttinc warm 111 bed). acts as a noultlce. gives instant relief, and Is prepared only fur Piles, itching of tho private parts, and for nothing elsu. lteaa what the Hon. J M. Cofflnburrv of Ue eland, sajs about Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment : lhae used scores of Pile Cure, and It affords mo pleasure to say that I hae never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on re ceipt of price, SI 00. UttXrrV &, CO., Prop's. Cleveland, O. Hodge. Dais &. Co.. Wholcsalo Agents, Fortland, Oregon. T EC 3E3 S TJ KT . NEW YORK, 18S2. The Sun farrsS2 will make its fifteenth animal revolution under the present man agement, shining, as alwajs, for all, big and little, mean and gracious, contented and un happy, Republican and Democratic de praved and inuous. intelligent and obtuse. Tun hun 's light is for mankind and worn ui kind of every sert: but Its general warmth Is for the good, ulnle It pours hot discomfort on the blistering backs of theperLitentIy wicked. The bu.v of 1803 was a ncn spaper of s new kind. It discarded many of tne forms, and n multitude of the superfluous words and phrases of ancient journalism. It under took to report In a fresh, succinct, uncon lentlona! nay all the nens of the world, omitting no event of human interest, and commenting upon affairs niththn fearless ness of absolute independence. The suc cess of this experiment was tho success of Tne So. 'It effected a permanent change In the style of American newspapers. Every Important journal established in this country' in the dozen years past has been modelled after Tbk Sun. Every Important journal ant-ady cxLstlng has been modified and bettered by the force of The bus's example; Inr.hUN of 1S82 will be the same outspok en, trutbttlling, and Interesting newspaper. By a liberal use of the means which an abundant prosperity affords, wo shall mako It better than ever before. We shall print all the news, putting It into readable shape, and mcasurlngits Import ance, not by the traditional anMIck. but by Its real interest to the people. Distance from Printing llou-e Square Is not the first consideration with The Sun. Whenever anything happens worth reporting we get tho DarticuUrs. whether It hamiens in lirool;- 1 nor In Bukhara. In nolltics we have decided ODlnlons : and are accustomed to express them in language that can be understood. We say what wo think about men and events. That habit is the only secretof The faUN'a political course. The Weewly SUN cathcrs Into eieht nacres tho best matter of the seven dallv Is sues. An Agricultural Department of un equalled merit, tun mantec reports, ana a liberal proportion of literary, .scientific, and domestic Intelligence complete The Week ly bus, and make It the best newspaper for me lanners uouseuoia matwas everpnntea. Who does not know and read and llko The Sunday Sun, each number of whli h Is a Golcondaof Interesting literature, with the best poetry of the day, prose, every line worth readliiE.news. humor matter euouzh to fill a good-sired book, and Infinitely more -varied and entertaining than any book, big or little? If our Idea of what a newspaper should be pleases you, send for The Sun. Our terms are as follows : For the daily Sun. a four-page sheet of twenty-eight columns, tho prico by mall, post patd. Is S3 cents a month, or SO M a year; or, 'ncludlng the Sunday paper, an rlght-pago sheet of fifty-six columns, tho price Is 65 cents per month, or 7 JO a year, postage paid. The Sunday edition of The Sun b also furnished separately at 81 20 a year post age paid. The price of the Wfekly Sun, eight pages, fiftv-slx columns. Is $1 a year, post age paid. For clubs of ten sending $10 we will send an extra copy free. Address: I.W.ENGLAND. Publisher of TnE Sun. New York City BLANK JOOKS )RINTED AND BOUND TO ANx BIZiJ and ruled to any order, at Tbs AsToBtut offlee (screnssou to jaokins & Montgomery. 1 "SSI t. COKAKR OF MAIX A3TD waSTOEtE. - KT"t- flZAi ,.mt Till mi "" -"lirl F"3wil2jif' ?tl5l SaS-al I0B THE ASTORIAN STEAM PEINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AND BEST PRESSES, AND TYPE OF THE LATEST STYLES. efff W purchasH Paper, Cards, Ink, and other materials of the manufacture n -Ski Iiowest Oas2iB.atea, .Vnd can therefore alfoidjto nso, as we alwaj cjdo. the bet aitlcles, while charging OUSTX.-S- S.C33E33EIlT72S3 F3EIXOZ3S. o Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heals. THE KVERT DAY WANTS OP THE COUNTING BOOM AND THB WORKSHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT RUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE ASTOEIAN, ' (DAILY AND WEEKLY) TS RESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL.FORZITS - Impartiality, Ability, v THE PAPER 1X)R THE FOR THE FARMER, " "" FOR THE MERCHANT. DA1XY ASTORIAS TEXIMS: BY 3IUL. (KHTAQK VHER TO ALL BUBSCKIBEIW.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR..7Z7. 9 DALLY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS !. 3 H7-Sample copies of cither edition 10 cents. Address : j r. jsXhLORXS 4k. Co. Publishers', Astoria, Oregon swFostmasters are authorized to aet as agents far The Amobxaw. I1IUIE1H IN Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A (.ci eral Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. J gents for Magee Stoves and Ranges Ttte Best In the market. P.umblng goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. JEFFKRSOXJSTEEETS. OREGON. TPI Tixrch Fairness and Reliability COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, ;FOR EVERY PERSON Srartev Nl U e -sT"1" J5T" s &"- t," v' - T . -r