mSs7 CI) sn 1 "-" -&&?' .- Vol. xvi. Astoria, Oregon, Tuesday Morning;, January 17. 1882 ISTo. 90. T3gsmpm!iT -" mis tofte . ft- 16 ADJUSTING SHIPS' COM PASSES. Delicate 'Work in Which, few Men are Experts-Stolen Ameri- can Ideas. "There are plenty of British ships supplied with American com passes, but I never heard of an American ship fitted with a British compass," said an ancient mariner to a Sun reporter. "It is a curious fact," he continued, "that although you can bu a first-rate comp:iKs for 845, it sometimes costs S100 to adjust it to a ship. " This ha be come a very difficult opetation since the introduction of iron ships which at first played the dcuco with all the compasses. The British Admiralty paid a good deal of attention to the subject, and their manual is a standard work. But the business of adjusting com passes is confiued-toarvcryfew experts, who get their own price1!. The late Captain Comstock was a famous adjuster of cbmpasses, and Captain Fry is now thft leading man employed in New York. The precise method of adjusting is a secret that has been well kept. ueneraiiv, it consists in niacin? various magnets near tho compass, so as to counteract the influence of adjacent masses of iron. To do this the ship must bo taken to some point where there are land marks at known points of the com pass. The vessel is swung to each point and the deviations of the compass are noted and corrected. "There is a difference between the variation of a compass and the deviation. The variation is the result of natural causes mainly variation of position on the earth's surface. The variations of tho com pass at the different distances and directions from the poles are care fully noted and every capable nav igator makes allowances for them in lavinsr his course. The devia tions'are caused by local ;nflu-' ences. If a vessel is lyinj at the dock where there are large quanti ties of iron, the compasses will de diatc. But they will come all right when the ship sails away from tho dock. Sometimes iron in the cargo will play the deuce with compasses and risk the loss of a ship. A cargo of petroleum in tin cans has been known to deviate compasses. "While the mariner's compass is of ancient origin, and the Chinese made compasses long before the time of Christ, by floating a mag netized needle in a vessel of water, there are some modern improve ments of marked value of Ameri can invention. One of these is a device to counteract the deviation 1 of compasses caused by motion of the ship. In rough weather this motien is apt to set the needle wabbling. In some cases" the nee die may stagger or 'fly" six or ight points. Then it is difficult to tell which way the ship is going, To obviate this-difficulty, an Ainer-i ican inventor, Mr. E.S. Ritchie, of! oosion, lnveniea a nquiu coinp.iss. The needle is completely surround-J ed with alcohol. This does not! affect its magnetic power, but pre- vents unsteady motion. It is as impossible for'the needle card to ' wabble in the alcohol as it is for you to run in the water. Some times the liquid compasses have been known to freeze in very cold weather. To obviate this, another American invention, the Baker compass, has been introduced. This can't be frozen at anv tcm- peraturo. The liquid us-d is a transparent preparation of petro- . r 1 r j leuui. "A verv incenius device is used in liquid compasses to provide against the danger of cracking the glass by expansion of the liquid. There is an elastic chamber which keeps the space surrounding tho needle alwavs filled with liquid, and takes off the strain of expan sion. The best way to mount a needle in compasses has been found to be to place a jewel in the needle card with a little depres sion, which fits over a brass point on which the needle swings. Al though this is never oiled, it has been found impossible to detect the least friction. Occasionally the bras point needs renewing. Sometimes compasBes get lazy from los.- of magnetic powef. About once a year the needle must be reniagnetized. 5As the safety and ijuick pas age of :i ship depend in a great measuie on the tyrrectness of the compass, it is a common thing for a ship to carry three or more com passes. One is a steering com pass, another is a standard com pass, and in iron ships they have adopted the device of putting the compass at the mast head, so as to get as far as possible away from the influence of the iron in the ves sel. Big ships cany what is called an azimuth compass. This is rig ged with sight vanes, so that by tikinsr observations of the sun a navigator may ascertain iiis bear ings and correct his-compass. Men who can adjust compasses are ex ceedingly jealous of their skill. They must be men of education and practical knowledge of navi- iration. ' course the demand for sucti sei vices are limned, arm tno opportunities to acquire tho requi- . 1...1 , J , I kite skill aie infrequent. The pay is proportionately large. Some-, times a man will get 100 for ad- justing a compass, though it ro - quires only a few hours of his time. Of course each compass must be J adjusted for the ship it is an, and must be readjusted if it is used in another vessel. The superiority of American compasses is now so far recognized that British manuf.ic- turers are paying us the compli ment of stealing our ideas. But their work is of acknowledged in fcrioritv." A7. I". Sun. A Judge'a Charge- The following comes from Geor gia, and its accuracy is vouched for by the stenographer who took it dewn: Judge was noted for the way he got mixed in his charges to the jury. On one oc casion a case was tried before him,. the points of which may be briefly stated thus: Smith brought suit against Jdnes upon a promisory note given for a horse. Jones' de fense was failure of consideration, he averring that at the time of the purchase the horse had the gland ers, of which lie died, and that Smith knew it. Smith replied that the horse did not have the glanders, but had the distemper, and that Jones knew it when he ' bought. The Judge charged the jury: "Gentlemen of the jury, pay attention to the chatge of the Court. Tou have already made ""- "" "" you d"l not pay attention to the charge of the Court, and I don't want you to do it again. I intend to make-ft so clear to you this time that you cannot possibly make mistake. This suit is upon , . 1. ' . . . a note given lor a promisory iiorse. I hope you understand that. Now, if you find at the time of the sale, Smith had the glanders, and Jones knew it Jones cannot recover. That is clear, gentlemen. I will state it again. If you find that at tue time of the sale, Jones had the I j- i. j c 1 distemper, and Smith knew it, 1 uiuii 1111111 uiiiiuuk possioiy re- cover. But, gentlemen, I will btate it a third time, so that you cannot posiibly make any mistake. If at the time of the sale Smith had the glanders and Jones had the distemper, and the horse knew it, then neither Smith, Jones nor the horse can recover. Let the ' record be given to the jury." J Mdrj.e.i's Magazine. A wealthy old deacon in Maine has done his best to enforce total abstinence among his grandchil-' dren. He has left in trust for them a large sum of money on the sole condition that they abstain from strong drink, tobacco, betting and gambling. The first offense is to cut thpm off from six months' income from the invested fund. The second offense deprives them of a year's income. For subse quent offenses the penalty becomes more severe, amounting in due course to the total low of the benefits of the bequest. The ex periment of this kind of suasion is not often tried, but it does not often work well when it is tried. It has been found in some in stances that the appetite of the legatees for forbidden things is so consuming as to lead to the poor fellows to risk the loss of their property in yielding to the temp tation. It is a grvat thing to begin a v?-. thrt has ncthins ominous a'' ui it. It is alo a great ihing to ho e pa-'ed t!rough a year whLti i., . o-ood deal was omiiiou- .:bout it. Though the f . ' l jvo .hecy regarding 1SS1 7 s ru. vet ttut uite was uu- eVi: ,iy om, ;n w;.ich two ei-hls k tL.j ,, a!siius,. ..acll cther al)d , fl , , A ,. , onc(J in 110 veais t,mt thJ, &;nIster jju - f8p0 - ;tion of numerals happens, and when jt does happen it won. es asmaller or larger portion of the human "race. Besides, looking at this 1881 again, l'Trom &is-7, and 8 less 1 is 7 two conjunctions of 7,'a fatalistic number. But now that the year has passed, and the world still exists, and none of he twelvemonth's numerous comets pitched into our planet, and even its great ovents the Czar's death, the Irish rebellion, the conquest of Peru, the multitudinous disasters on lane and sea, and the murder of Garfield have not jogged this terrestrial ball ot -ours a hairs bieadth out of its orbit, we can J trust the old globe more implicitly hereafter to go its ways. The figuses 1882 have nothing mysteri ous about them, and no twisting can make them suspicious. Yet may not their events eclipse in magnitude even those of 1881? It is remarked upon as a singu lar coincidence, in view of their long protracted hostility to each other, that Messrs. Coukling and Blaine, who seven months ago held two of the' proudest positions in the land, are both at present out of public life. No yearn tho history of our country ha sur- , passeu m ..raiuauc v nun situations the year 3881; none in time of peace has equaled it. f f . King of the Blood Is: o5?''' t ' a b'coii-uirirc and Icz i. znf vcCreo'-"ai po'mn. esvs ter.' c ' -.-o e e ."on r 'rt 1 s ln . r- -.-,- -j-iier.. I: -'jr.n bv 1" c nt r- e- ,-" ji,:J.M -ica. Ic,-.o "-'cc.-". s "-3 "- "v't icii-" r " ot t'r . v -"' " 'c il erdr. lui'.sn .lv or trc-'-1. LrMroBff- 'a. cT'..i'i , JL :(' V Wt.'V yi.'c.-.'Xc.-xi.r'TU-it.C- JI "-;. t.rclcchz,( .t' 7tcC 1 . " . .' LI " e, V.v Ky. Kidrtu r ' air. I' ".4.i"'e,.iiii!.Ararc,7J ut r, ir- r.-z-" 31, (;.. .1, Sc.-o ', s..m 1 r, : 1 P. .!. Vhers. Uirelhr'it, &t.. Ct. is -i-s o t -e e 0011 (r.rri!.s na c- - - - ' -J.-; I e v e Iauiy oil - . C-CiU si d "iv-'c iuc V.'.siir jj;eo'i e and e.V. ert pa- . !i e"- os." '. ' Ii-'P.b;-I,ikS C1 rlo. e. S;oTc .Iiro"!. !"u rircc-tlons.f-,.;n- ai-U-'c .-T c.".l ot the u C3.I "' wianii.-il around each bottle. 0.l;AoOM. SON S Co.,lTops. i!uiidio,x.. -A Nasal Injector free with eaeh bottle of. Shlloh'8 Catarrh. Remedy. Price 50 cent Sold by W, E. Dement. FnnUHi.ti Room in J.c At Mrs. Munson's lodging hmiM. Xotlee. I Ju-it loceived per steamer Columbia, i ;.a .;:., .! i, ;: ."r; i"J ' SSnSwKrt wSb clas's'ftat I-! nna irt fT oirani ii-T.i-o hinh i f eoe. Of-cident block. Take Nolle.-. On after this date an p.ddiiional 10 cents per cord wilt be charged on all orders for sawed wood not accompanied by the cash, at Grays uood yard. Julv 1st, 1881. Skinny Men. Well-.' Health Renewer. Absolute cure for ntrvous deUllitj and weakness of thegenerative funrtious. fcl, at drug gist Oregon Depot, DAVIS & t'O., Portland. Or. otiri. Fioui this date James il. lioeke: 1- tic only person authorized to contract debts or order goods in myiiami' foriiseatthe Knapptou Cannery. Josr.en Hrir. Astoria. Jan. 3, 1SRZ. "Rnrhnpaiba;' New, quick, complete cure 4 da-, urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difheuit urination, kldner diseases. SI. at druggists. Oregon Depot, DAV1 & CO., Portland. Or. - , To Live Meu. The Astoiuax litis now readied :i circulation which places it at the head of the list of Oregon iUilics, and insures to advertisers thereof more benefit for the amount paid than ina be secured elsewhere. To those who ish to leach the largest number of readers at the smallest epene, wo oiler tho columns of an attract'ue dally, the succe-s of which from the ery -start has' been far beyond the expectations of the movt sanguine. BirjtXKTTV COCOA I.VK. Unlike all Other llulr Drex-Un-n. Is the best for promoting tho growth of and baautifylng tho hair, and rendering it dark and glossy. The Cocoaine holds, in a liquid form, a large proportion of deodorized rocoanut oil, prepared ex pressly lor this purpose. o othercom pound po-esses the peculiar proptities which no exactly suit the arious condi tions of the human hair'. Tho superiority oL1!ui:xktt's Flav 01:1x0 Extracts 'consists In their pei fect purity and great strength. Slothers! Mother!! Mot her :! : Are ou disturbed alight and broken. or-your Test bya sics ciutd swrrring; andcrjing with tho pxcrucialiug pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's iwotlnnir Syrup, It w ill relieve tho poor littlo suf ferer immediately depend upon it; there Is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth v. ho has eer used it, who will not t"II jou at onee that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the moiher, and relief and health to the child.opcrating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use In all ease-. and pleasant to the taste, anil U the pre scription of ono ot the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the 1 uiuieu oiaies. ."sojii eerjwiiere. i-ji cents a bottle. I'crnvian Bittern. Cinchona Itabro The Count Cinchon was the Viceroy in Peru In 1030. The Counts, his wife, was prostrated by an intermit tent fever, from hieh she was freed by the use of the natlvo remedj . tho IViu ianbark. or. ns it was called in the language of the country, 'Qaiuqiiina."' Grateful for her reco ery, on her return to Europe In l&'iU, she introduced the remedy ui Spain, where it was known under various names, until Linnusus called it Cinchona, in honor of the lady who had brought them that which wai more precious than the gold of the Incas. To this day, after a lapc of two hun dred and fifty years, science has siveh us nothing lo take its place. It effectu ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants, by restoring the natural tone of the stomach. It attacks exoesshe love of liquor as it does Ji fe er. and detroj s bothalike. The powerful tonic irtiie of the Cinchona is preened in the Perm ian Hitters, w hieh are a.-. enVclh o against malarial feer to-da. as thev were in the dajs of the old Spanish Viceroys. We guarantee the ingredi ents of these bitters lo ho absolutely pure, and of the best known iiuUtj. A trial will satisfy ou that this is the best bitter In the world. "The piooi of the pudding is in tho eating," mid we willingly abide this test. 'orsalc by all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers. Order it. r,. ! Warrantee deeds at Tin: Astohi w i office. j -Rlants, Promissory notet, bouds ( lor aeea, quit oiaun neeiK uioiteases ; nnu warrantv ueeus, at tins ouice. For the genuine .1. II. Culler old i Bourbon, and the best of w Ines, rjijuois -iuu oiiii rium-iM-u ihit, v.i 1 1 m uieuem. opposite tin bell lower, niid --pf'.int-befi. ' Circuit Court lilauks, Clniiit Court 'IJlauks. Justice C011U Utjnks. Shipping lllflnks Miseellam-fms uinnks, Deetls. Mortgages, ete for -Julcnt Tiih. AsTom.w othee. J3?T here is not now an j better ne v paper, nor ono more consistently de voted to tho building up of the country than The Astoiuajt. At the pi ice. of Two Dollars per yiar it is the cheapest as well as tho best. With your aid and encouragement we shall be able to make further improvements ro cnlunce its field of usefulness. t3T"AIl citizens of Oregon w ho desire to inform their friends In the states of thecondition and progress of this state, can have no more complete and compre hensive olume of facts to send them than by subscribing for this Journal, and having us mail it weekly to their friends. We mail it as directed. For 5 00 In advance, we mall three copies of .The Weeki.y ASToniANone year. , n Kostern 0aters. Another fine lot of Eastern 0sters I lust received nt Eoscoes, per steamer I Oregon. Ocehfent block. Choice Fruit. .. .... All ofthe choicest Kinds of apples in the largest jinxes for sale at J. H. D. urays. Ari-laonl Lodging Hoajtr, land, -Orrscoo. Port- New house ami first class in its ap pointments. Third street, in R. It Thompson's block, opposite Capt. Ains worth. lloonis ly the day, Yeek or month. Mns. 11 Aumcoxi. Xotire to the Ladle a. Switches, curls and frizzes made from combings or cut hair. Call on or ad dress 'm. Uiileniiart, Occident hall dreeing saloon, Astoiia, Oregou. Tlir WreM) Vlorian ili a mammoth sheet, nearly double llrt' size of Hie Daily. It is just the pa per for the fiieside, containing in addi tion to idl' the ciineut news, elioice inis- cfiiany, ugncuiiunu uiauer, uiarnet report-., etc. It N tin niohed to single sub eriher ar hi 00 per year in advance. Buy the IVeeUlj. Tm: Weekly Astoiuan for this .!- i- 4..11 t do. mini. iHfn.mnfinu llkUUlVl'? IU1I IL JU3I SUUI IHlUllllUllUll and news of the country as your friends ; in the east want to sec. It has very tew au ertisements, ana is cnocs to tnc muzzle of information that no family can successfully squeeze along without. Two dollars will buy the whole wad for a j ear, cl flu for six inonths.or ten cents per copy. lVilllaniNport Property. Great bareains are now offered in the city of Willianisport for any persons wishing to locate from one lot to five acres. It is well adapted for gardens, dairy ranches or pleasant homes; well elevated, situated one -mile south of Astoria on Youngs bay, with a good graded road to the place. For further information call at my residenco near the eemetery. Johx Williamson.' HallS Vix.ktaule Sicilian Hah: I'EXEwnn is n scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agent-, in the egetable kingdom. It re stores gray hair to its original color. It makes the scalp whito and clean. It cures dandruff'and humors, and falling- out of the hair. It furnishes the nutri- 1 live principle hj which the hair is nour ' I ished and snpiorted. It makes the hair t moist, soft anil closs. and is-unsur- nasseu as a nairuress tie. it is memos t isjimnmleal preparation .ever offered to time, making on l an occasional appli cation necessary. It is recommended and used by eminent medical men, and officially endorse! by tho State Assajer of Jlassachusctts. The popularity of Hails Hair Renew cr has lucrersed with the Ubl of many jears, both In this countrj and in foreign lands, and it is now l;mn and ued in all the civilized commies of the world. Fon S u.i: r.v all Deai.kiss. ine puunc, as us eueius remain a long ieer no siionuinc without cou suiting the adertising columns of The Astokiav. They will tell you where the best bargains are to be had, andoust .rlint iiin.nlinntl 'Mia ..It. n A.wl iIaihi. attiiai tuuruiitiiu nil .111-c uiiu uuillf; )usines. Uf-CKl.LANEOUS. HOLMAN'S PAD. FOR THE STOMA-GH, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS. TKAUE MASK. In all ruses or hllllousness and malaria In .e erj foi rn, a pf e entatn e and cure of chills, fc er and duuih asue. Dr. Holman's Pad Is a lcrlcrt succest. And for Uyspepsu. sick heailaohe and nenoiis prostration, ai the pad ii applied aot the pit of the stomach, the great nervous annihilates tho ilise.iscat onee. It resulatcs the hf rand siomuchso se cefnllj that digestion Incomes perfect. Prof. 1). A. 1.001ms sajs : "It is nearer a imh ersal panacea than an) thing In medl elne." Tms U done oft the principle of ab sorption, of which Dr. HotaianS I'M Is the onlv true exjioiieiit. Tor all kidney troubles, use lr. llohnan's Renal or Kldne.v l"mt, the best remedy in the world ami recommended by the medical faculty. Beware of Bogus Fads. Kara genuine Ilohaan's rad bears Ihe pri vate rovenui'sUinip of the Holman Pad Co., witn tin- alinTe iraile mark printed in green, liny nuc without il. For Sale by all Druggists. Ir. Iltflman's advice ts free. Full trcatiso wnt freo oa application. Address : HOUIAN TAP CO Til IJroadway, New York. P.O.lKiieili Painter and RuflEher, OLXKY, - - - OREGON MILL HEAD PAPER, 01' EVERY (1KADE AND COLOKPKIX el or plain, nt loirert rates, at fHE A8T0EU3 Of&Oe - SHIPPING TAGS THE BEST QUALITY, WILL BE SOLD by the hundred, or by the box, printed or plain, to suit customer?, at -, . -Tsr Astoxum office. MISCELLANEOUS. S. AUNDT & FERCHEN. ASrOKIA. - OHEGON. The Pioneer MachineMShop. BLACKSMITH SHOP J &?3m$mm, sy r."SSEB.rd Boiler Shop ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK l'niinptly .Utt-nded to. A specialty made or repairing CANNERY DIES, KOOT Or LArAVCTTE STREKT. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BlWTOVSTBKKT, N'EAll I'AIIKKB HOUSK, ASTORIA. - OKKGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANHiMARINE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. Wass, l'rcsliieut. J. G. nusTLKR, becrctary. I. AV. C vtF, Treiturcr. Jonx Fox, Superintendent WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Main snd Chenamm Ptroet. ASTORIA - .- OKKCON. 1 CIGARS AND T8BACC0, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCkll i'SONS . GENUINE ENGUSH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENU0LM and other English Cutlery. STATIONERY S FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine deershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of Wntene and Jewelr.r. flnzr.ln mid llreech Loadlnc Shot Guns and HlflPM, HevoUern, 1'lHtolH, and Ammuultlou GIiASHKS. ALSO A FISK Assortment of .Une SPECTACLES and EYE uLiAoans. for Sale. PerJBrltUh bars "Wanlock" due at Astoria March 1st. 100 Tons' No. 1 Glencarnock Scotch Pig Iron, 40 Tons-English Foundry Coke, 350 Tons Best Hard Steam Coal. Apply to AGK.C. KINNEY. Astoria, Oregon. I lElMAfllA illiJiK 11A1A. 1 VJ AND BOTTLE BEEK DKI'O'l. CuK.tiin's StncKT. AstokIi. The ltebl 0 Lager 5 Cts. a Glass ! Orders for the Gdehatei ColnmMa Brewery r"53-53!El J.eft ai this nlace will lie nroinntlr attend- ed to. s . tpZTXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at. this place ,. ,. .. I nil. BOClv. Proprietor. 1 yM. hoive, BOAT BUILDER, .VTTIIK OLD STAND, GRAY'S BUJ LI) lKGi 1 FiKST CLASS WOP.K A SPECIALTY. MINT SALOON, OPPOSITE O.T.. & N. COMPANYS DOCK None buEUjcjSwt Uquorsjnd ciRars passed ocrthebar. - W.SCUULDr. 1 I I. "W..OASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RK- ' TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Comer Chenaraos and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON s8un&&y. 7 SSWbiaffa im-rSsmt.-i - r All kinds ot KRi BUSINESS CAJRDS. E. C. UOLI1K.V, 'GTAEY PUBLIC. AUCTIONEER. COMJIISSION AND SUUANCE AGEJfT. T) A. aicISiTOSH. t MERCHANT TAILOR. Occident HoMl Building. ASTOKIA - - - OREGON ",1 I. WINTO.V, Attorney and Counselor at law, Office In C. 1 Parker's buildlni 2. on Bentou steeet, opposite Custom lloase. ASTOIMA, ouEao. fAY TKTTIiR 31. . I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Office Over the White House Store. Rksidkxok At 3Irs. Munson'a boarding house, Cbeuainus street, Astoria, Oregon. "P CRAXCJ. 31. 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Itooui Xo. a. Astorlan Hulltllnt:. (ir STAIES.) , I.kaidknlk Corner of Iienton jnd Court streets, Astoria, Oregon. Xjl P. IIICKK. DENTIST, A3T0WA, - - - OHEGUN. itooms hi Allen's building up st.urj, corm of Cas :uid bciemocqhc streets. I Q. A. KOWLr.Y. ATTOJiNEY AT LAW. Clienamus Street. ASTOKIA. OKKUON Q II. B.1IX & CO.. ORALEn IN lloors. WindovH, Rllndj. Traa noiuh, Lumber, Etc. All kinds of Oafc Lumber, Class, Boat Ma terial, etc. MenmMill ner.r IVeston hotel. Cor. Gu e a and Astor streets. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer in. ALL KIXDS OFFEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. OenenU storage and Wharfage on reasoa aWef tenns;-J-VHit-oSJnton street,. Astoriaj Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large Imoico of HAKItELS AND HALF BAlWtELS of the best quality, rcadv to suoDlvButi And t now ready to supply Butchers Can- nencs and all others, cheap for cash. AZIELS. DE.VLEII IX New and Choice m 1 l l 1 n:e R Y, Desires to call the attention ot the Ladles ot Astoria to the fact that she has received a larse as3ortmont of the LATEST STYIiKS OF Hats. Bonnets, Trimmings, FAiarcir goods. Corner Main and Squcmoq.he Streets. niLL'S VARIETIES. nco.nn.u -' chas. kohlei:, - - rp.opp.iETon - STARK MATCACHP. Ojirn nil Ihe lrnr. l'erraraiancc Kvrrjr M2I1I. Entire Cnaose or -Vre-sromnie Oner a Week. Comprising all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. the. theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have itnessed tno entertainment pro- nounce it to be eonal to any Riven elsewhere. Mr. lllll as a caterer for the public. 1 itllllU aiJVii p WtiUOMIH.IsUlll fc. -J"vZvC sec snarklliie wit and beauty without YidJfei$-J .. tl,lnl. r. nfuinil a nlonrtinl Ovmttirk timt J- nV. .parity, should Improve tlmopportimlty aniljl . , . ,w,,r,n,"V 'ZSg-tSi- Open air concert every eveiuiij:; irfwm-'.Bga- 1 "-. j? kjt- k.2 ancecomnicncmmai sr entrance' 10 incaM-oi,-,- onBentnn street: orKate rxjxes on CSewt-axi mm street Jf't Mvs. P. M. Williamson" DKALKii IX t- 1-viicc mTTill"fTVH! -' T' iJjArc j jxxiUiiLJi.i;. &i All kind of fr' IWOOLS, ZEPHYRSr LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC. Comer of Gass and Jefferson streets, Astoria "Stamping and Dress Making done to order. i?SI i3?jS? r&$ 63P zzmm :Sm c -MX3&-- -! l Sl vr-' -?- r" j- a J . , .-. C.'rfJj-" Jj4ljfiawJUrfa7we s " fl 1