The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, January 10, 1882, Image 3

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Sit? Sniltj &striini.
TUESDAY 4. JA'. 10. lSte2
fMoadoy Excepted).
runusiiEss ai Vkoviuktobs.
.lfrtm BiiUdi.vj, Can Sheet.
Terms of Subscription :
jeiTed by Uamor. per week. iS Cents
-int by mail, fourraontks,
lent hr mall, one year.,
Frs? of Poalaze to dub'crlbern.
- Adrortiscaoats inserted by the year at
5e rate of SI JO per square per month.
Transient adrertisini:. by the day or week,
Ifty cents per aguare for each Insertion.
The Daily Astoiiian toll be tent by
mailatlScenUaynonth.frccnfiKistagc. Head
ers ttho eimtcmplateabsencefrom the elty can
hope The Astokian follow them, Daily
it Weekly editions toanyjort-ofieevnlh-oit
additional expense. Addresses may be
enanacd as often as desired. Leave orders at
tlif counting room.
Tho Glaalyn is ready for sea.
Dusty and dry are the highways
of Primeville.
The Norwegian bark Carl Haas
ted, has arrived in.
0. S. Hulbert, O. S. Southard,
and Indiana arc down.
Tho Jennie Landless and County
of Argylo went up stream yesterday.
Notice is given of a meeting of
Washington Territory Pilot Commis
sioners. Chas. Wright Junior won tho
piano cover at the raffle last Sunday
The Union Packing company's
machinery, boiler, etc., came up on
tho Oregon.
The fir3t trial under the Sunday
law in Washington territory resulted
in an acquittal.
The jury In the Robeson case
were around yesterday afternoon view
ing various premises.
Hblden advertises that on next
Saturday he will sell some valuable
real estate of the city halL
Notice is given in this mornings
paper that Gov. Thayer will bo peti
tioned for a pardon for Alfred Ros
sandcr. The Board of Puget Sound Pilot
Commissioners' has revoked all licen
ses, canceled all bonds and gone out
of business.
The funeral of the late Aaron
Morton was attended last Sunday by
the various societies of which he was
in life a member.
Tho immense trestle built by the
S. P. R. R. Co. across Lake Pen
d'Oreille, is said to be a gigantic work
of the rarest mechanical skill.
The Astoria Transportation com
pany is contemplating tho building of
a steel-hull steamboat to ply between
Astoria ind points on the upper Wil
lamette, Mrs. Turner, who was severely
burned at Westport, some timo ago,
died yesterday at St. Mary's Hospital,
from an ulcer resulting from tho bunt.
She will bo buried to-day.
Mrs. Matilda Barrows, an old
and rcpocted resident of this county,
died yesterday at hor residence on
Lewis and Clarke's. She will be
buried at Clatsop to-morrow.
The "Glad Tidings," the Gospel
ship, being built at Seattlo by Judge
Green and others, will be ready for
sen-ice in a few weeks. Tho comman
der has not been selected yet.
Tho sailing of the Vesuvius for
Puget Sound is attributable to prim
arily to just one cause, and that is tho
same cause tha detains the present
fleet inside insufficiency of water on
"the bar.
A San Francisco dispatch says
that Charles Henry, formerly editor of
a Scandinavian journal, has been en
gaged by Henry Villard to bring five
or ten thousand Scandinavians to en
gage in construction of tho Northern
Pacific railroad. Inducements ' will
be offered these emigrants to settle on
the line of the road.
Several of our exchanges aro sug
gestmg that their debtors pay up
what they owe. What a funny idea;
when everyone knows that newspaper
men have no need of money; the
compositors never have any use for it
and as for the parties a newspaper
gets its supplies from; pajr manu
facturers, type founders, wood dealers,
oil merchants, etc., why they wouldn't
think of asking for a settlement abmit
New Years.
"Get your legal blanks at The
Astoriax office. A full line of over
two hundred styles.
j Xotlcc. I liOSt.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will please settle at tho
store of J. W. Gearhart or with inc. by
the 15th hist. Otherwise i shall place
the accounts in tho hands of au attorney
for collection. lri:nr Miiusmax.
The Difference.
The steamships Columbia and Ore
gon wero delayed outside tho entrance
to San Francisco many hours by a
densa fog overhanging Golden Gate.
That however is not considered wor
thy of mention by San Francisco
papers. Just let a steamer or sailing
vessel be detained by fog at Columbia
gateway, and the fact is heralded as
one of the-great dangers of Columbia
bar. While all the misrepresentations
and injustice heaped by Californians
upon the Gateway, the statu aud
people, we have grown to be their ri
vals and are rapidly leaving their
sun-baked clime far in our wake. We
are so situated now as to smile at
them and say "Howl'on Brothers."
P. J. of C.
The Chehalis.
This vessel which was launched last
Saturday at 2 p. f., was built for tho
Shoalwater Bay Transportation com
pany by Johnston Bros. Shu h a
stern-wheeler, 05 feet in length over
all, 17 feet beam, o feet depth of
hold aud about 150 tons register. Her
timbers aud planking aro nf Oregon
fir, the houso of cedar. Her keel was
laid on the 8th of October la-st, conse
quently she was just throe months in
course of construction. Tho Favor
ite towed her to Portland yesterday,
where she will havo her machinery
placoS in her by tho Willammotte
Iron Works. She will have two en
gines 12 inches in diemeter, by 3 foot
stroke. Sho is one of tho most sub
stantial boats on the river, and a
credit to the Astoria yards.
Resolutions of Condolence.
Hall or Rescue Co. No. 2, i
Astoria, Jan. 8, 1882. J
Whereas, The source of lifo and
death in its mysterious power and wis
dom has deemed it proper to remove
our esteemed friend and fellow fire
man, Aaron Morion, from the ropes of
his company, therefore, be it
Resolved, That in tho removal of
our brother fireman, in tho morning
of his life and in the prido of his
strength, we recognize tho necessity of
always keeping our record fair aud
fellowship good, so that wo may be
able to enter into that company be
yond with a full confidence of a glori
ous welcome.
Resolved, That wis sympathise with
those of his friouds and relatives who,
in his removal, experience the pain of
broken ties of affection never again to
be re-united beneath the sun, and wo
join them in the wish that ho who will
over be found absent when the roll
call is'rcad, or the reward of honor for
faithful duties is given in our com
pany, will answer here, at roll call in
the company of the blessed.
Resohed, That these resolutions be
engrossed upon tho records of tho
company, a copy sent to the rclativos
of the doceasod, and to The Astorian
for publication.
B. S. Wokslkv,
James Hare,
E. R. Howes,
In the Circuit Court yesterday
witnesses wore being examined in the
Robeson case. Messrs. Bowlby, Spex
arth, Mcintosh, Taylor and others,
but owing to request wo do not pub
lish tho testimony, as it is desired that
publicity be not given tho proceedings.
Last evening Mr. Spexarth was under
cross examination, nnd 'tis thought
that by this afternoon the defence will
The Oregon Railway and Naviga
tion company have put on a force of
eight hundred men between East Port
land and Rooster Rock, and will keep
them there during the winter. Pro
gress will bo slow on account of rains,
but work will be pushed as fast as the
weather will permit. Two of tho piers
of Sandy bridge are completed, andM
tho remaining two arg above danger
from high water. The bridge will
consist of three spans, each 155 feet
long. Oregcmian.
A Port Townsend dispatch of the
8th says: "Tho bark Vesuvius, Cap
tain F. W. Call, arrived this morning,
195 days from Philadelphia. She was
bound for the Columbia river, but
after lying off the bar twenty-three
days, getting short of water, fresh pro
visions and some of her crew develop
ing scurvy, tho captain headed toward
the sound and in three days found an
chorago at Port Townsend. Tho tow
boats at the mouth of Columbia river
came within a quarter of a mile of her
at a most favorable time, but would
pay no attention to her. signals. Bar
Pilot Olsen is on board tho vessel.
Warrantee The Abtoriax
A bundle, of mail matter between here j
and upper town, last evening. The
finder will pleap deliver it to Win.'
Edgar. .1. O. Haxthokx & Co. '
There, will be no skating this even
inc on account of the hall lieinu occu
pied by court. Gr.o. l!o.
Current Literature.
The leading article in the North
American Review for January, con-,
tains the judgments of rHe nf tho'
most distinguished American anthoii- j
ties open '"The Moral Responsibility
of the Insane." Jnst at piesent this j
subject occupies n vcrv nromineiit
place in the minds of tho American ,
people; but-quite apart from its mo
mentary interest, as connected with
tho extraordinary trial now in pro
gress in Washington, the problem of
determining the fact of insanity, and
fixing the limits of responsibility of
the insano, is oho that in itself pos
sesses an irresistible attraction for
every generous mind. ' The wreck and
ruin of intellect appenls at once to our
highest sympathies, and to whatever
is noblest in human cmiosity. The
authors selected for the discussion of
this subject arc, Drs. Beard and
SeguinP New York, Dr. Elwell, of
Cleveland, Dr. Jewell, of Chicago, nnd
Dr. Folsom, of Boston. The other
articles in the January number of tho
Review are as follews: "The New
Political .Machine," by Win. Martin
Dickson; "Shall Wiomeii Practice
Medicine?" by Dr. Mary Putnam
Jacobi; "Tho Geneva Award and tho
Insurance Companies," by (5. B. Colo;
and "A Chapter of Confederate His
tory," by F. G. Ruflin.
Tho announcement is made that tho
February number of the Reviaw, to
be issued January 15th, will contain
Part HI. of tho "Christian Religion"
series of articles, and that it is to be a
very able defence of tho Christian
While sitting in Liberty lull last
Friday evening enjoying the match
less acting of Sheridan as tho wily
cardinal, v. e thought how much more
enjoyable that acting could be mado
had the actor better accessories; a
better stage, auditorium, scenery,
lights, etc. One of the wants of As
toria is a good theater. It needn't
be very largo, nor very elaborate; but
should be comfortable, and better
adapted to the requirements and
actual necessities of theatrical com
panies than the present one is. We
all like to seo good acting and cele
brated actors; we would all have a
much better opportunity if there were
an attractive theatre here. "But a
new theater would cost a good deal of
money," vcry true; it would also
make a good deal of money for its
owners. No manager would give this
city the go by, nor object to paying a
good price if he knew there was a
theater here that was first class in its
appointments. The question "Will
it pay 1" easily admits of a answer in
tho affirmative. A. building such as
we speak of would cost i?8,000 or
10,000. It would pay ten per cent,
on the investment, would be an orna
ment to the city, and would tend, in
directly, as all new buildings do in
any place, to make Astoria more at
tractive and dcsirablo as an abiding
Long Beach.
Mir. Ediier:
The Bohemian Bandhaie laid out
a town at H. U. Tinke's place on the
upland facing the ocoan, said place is
two and a half miles from llnaco.
The name of tho town is called Long
Beach. It consists of 38 lots, of
which all are taken by W H. Moor,
Win. Underbill, Judge C. B. Bellin
ger, Mrs. A. K. Colburn, J. C. Ne
lock, E. O. Doud, Mrs. C. Eglin, J.
M. Sliker, Win. Dent, Dr. J. E
Josephis, 31rs. J. C. Hawthon, M.
Stokes, Mrs. A. E: Trnsh, Mrs. L.
Ausmus, J. O. Malone, Albert Ross,
Willber Kerns, C. W. Bochen, Frank
Payn, N. Meritt, J. S. Cochrean,
Mary L. Kenworthy, Dave Cole, Jack
Knott, Levy Knott, C. H. Mussdorf
for, N. Clinton, Dr. Davo Raffity.
They contemplate building houses of
ono design. Thero i3 joining this
town on the south Tinker's addition
which is laid off and a number of lots
Union Prayer Meeting.
Union Prayer meeting to-night at
the Y. M, C. A. rooms at 7 o'clock.
A cordial welcome to all.
Mrs. Twilight and Mrs. Illsley have
taken charge of the Pioneer Restaurant,
which has been thoroughly renovated
and refitted. Mrs. Illsley has chargo of
the cuisine. Good coffee a specialty.
For handsome holiday presents,
such as toilet cases, cologne sets, per
fumery cases, fine soaps, etc, go to
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
'ilio price of subscription to Tun
Weeklt AsTOBiATias been reduced
to S2 per annum when paid in advance.
If not paid in advance the old price of
83 will be charged.
Attention! Attention!
All those indebted to the Central 31ar
:et will please call and pay their account-
heiore the 15th of .lanuarv, IMS.
IJyo doing thoy will oblige ami sae
coils. Those that do not comply with
this request, their accounts will be
closed. J. Iini:i:s.
Good Evidence
Mark Twain thusly prefaces
new boek: "I havo set down a tale
as, it was told to me bv one who
bad it of his father, which latterl
had it of his father, thiv last hav
ing had it of his father, and so on,
back and. still back, thiau hundred
years and more, the fathois tntiis
mitting it to the bone, and so pre
serving it. It may be histoiy, it
may be only a legem!, a. tradition.
It may not have happened; but it
could have happened. It may be
that the wise and the learned be
lieved it in the old days; it may
be that only the unlearned and
simple loved and ci edited it.
The Salt Lake Mormon Taber
nacle, beiin in 185."), is htill build
ing. It is of jynmite, the walls
aro nine feet thick; is, circular and
two hundred and fifty feet m
diameter; when completed will
seat 12,000 persons. It K said to
be a perfect whispering- gallery,
the slightest noise, such as the
dropping of a pin or the rustle of
n dress, being heard from one side
to the other with startling dis
tinctness. Old Gray.
Old Gray, the big horse who
was at ono time employed to haul
the hose cart which is kept at the
Corporation house, was genuinely
enthusiastic in his business, fie
was always on time. This charac
teristic was encouraged by the lire
boys. Old Gray was trained rog;
uiarly every day, and lie soon
came to know as much as anybody
about what he ought to do. Hard
work and rheumatism finally re
tired old Grav to a furniture, w:s
on. Three days after his retiie
ment lie was in frbnt of Chime's
auction store, ffitched to an express1
wagon loaded with furniture. All
at once an alarm of fire was sound
ed. Old Gray waited 'about the"
length of timo lie thought it should
take to hitch him to the lios cart,
and then he started. The furni
ture was scattered from one etui of
the street to the other, but old
Gray reached the fire before the
opposition cart, and with a self
satisfied air backed up to the hy
drant. Next day he wiis returned
to the department. Virginia City
Death of Capt Metzger.
Captain William Metger, an
old and favorably-known steam
ship commander, died in San Fian
cisco on the 1st inst., of pneumo
nia, after A lingering illness.. He
was fifty-five years of age, and had
followed the. sea from early life.
Xearly all of his experience" has
been as commander, and in this
capacity his genial disposition, his
skill as a mariner, and hi good
judgment and prudence, made him
exceedingly popular with the trav
eling community, ab ell as among
steamship companies, in 1-S.j." he
brought the bark Kmily Miner
around Cape Horn to San Fran
cisco, after that was engaged in
navigating on this coast, lie had
several 'sailing vessels after the
Emily Miner. In 1S3!) lie became
engaged as a pilot at this mouth of
the Columbia river, and followed
this employment until ho was
placed in command of the steam
ship Pacific. Subsequently he-was
master of the following steamers
censecutively: John L. Stevens,
Orizaba, Ajax, Montana, Idaho,
Moses Taylor, Sierra Nevada, Ori
ilamme, Continental, California,
and for the last eight years tho
Ncwbern, in which he made ono
hundred voyages to the Gulf of
California. If he had Iiveil, he
was to have had command of tho
steamship Mexico, now building
for the same trade, and which was
to have taken the place of the
Newbeni. He never lost a vessel
nor met with a serious accident.
The Peruvian syrup has cured thou
sands who were suffering from dyspep
sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu
mors, female complaints, etc. Pamuh-
lets free to any address. - Setu W. Fowlf
& Sons, Boston.
'I?ousH on .Rats."
The thing. ilceirctllouud at last. Ask
DrugiiMs "lor "Hough on Hats." It
eleaiN nut rat, mire. loaches, Hies, bod
hues. fASc. l)Ow.
Shersunn l.ror. Ilxrirc-
' Will i-,nfiif i. litis? o tlif. ctrtf.i F 1
W. Case for upper Astoria or anv other ,
part of the city, Leave your orders on i
the -late and thev will honrompth at-!
I A few moi chance j ct to Iu taken 1
fJ ,"' ,hu' raPlm-cope at the City
bo'bk .-ton-.
Ma. WajtwrV. ban Fraucix-o Na-'
tional breweij beei can't be bent.
Another of tro- lino A. B. Cha-e !
organs at theCitv Bookstore.
frank i'alire lias oysters in eery
stjle. .Stew and pan roasts a specialty j
Alien lot of fur Ii niimi ti". nil ml-'
ors, .below ban FianciMio prices, justl
rfi-i'iH'u ;'i mi: i-.ij oiure.
For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
urn have a printed miarautce on uerj
bottle of Sjiiiloli"- YitalUcr. It never
fails to cuie. Sold by W. K. Dement.
- Sjhilohs Catanli Remedy a posi
tiie cure for Catauh, Dipllicria and
Canker Month. Sold by W. K. Dement.
Smr.ou's Crr.r. will immediately
rt'liee Croup, whooping cough anil
Bronchitis. Sold by W. K. Dement.
Call and examine the Union pump
at John A. Montgomery's, cheap and of
superior pattern and quality.
Hot, cold and shower baths at tho
Occident hair dressing saloon, twenty
live cent1-.
Whip?, curry-combs, brushes; new
slock; first-clas good-, cheap for cash.
S. Gr.vv.
Avoid a galloping consumption by
the timely use oi Hale's IIoxey or
lloKEimra i ami Pike's Tooth
ache Disors cure in one minute.
-A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of ShilohV. Catarrh. Remedy.
Price .") cent. Sold by W, R. Dement.
The Rev. Geo. II. Thayer, of Boui
bwi, link, says: "Both myself aud wife
o e om-Ii es to Siiii.oit's Coxsumitiox
Ci;it!:." Sold by W. E. Dement.
For tho genuine J. 11. Cutter old
Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors
and San Franeisco beer, call atthcuem,
opposite the hell tower, and seo Camp
bell. jOi.ii: Liebig's Liquid Beek
axs) Toxic Invioeratoi: imparts
strength to bodv and mind. Take no
other. Of druggists.
Those w riling desks at the City book
store are the best in the city. They are
something nice and durable, and just
what mot young ladies would appreci
ate from the. giver.
Uiace Church school. Miss Hewett
principal, will reopen Jan. fltli, 1882
Tlie select natuie of this school makes
it deservedly popular with parents.
A mother and sun killed by King of
the Blood ! The mother was Dyspepsia,
the son Geneial Unhapplnes, See ad
vertisement. Mr. John tlogers of the Central Mar
kethas made airangemcnls to keep al
the finest flesh fish. etc.. in their season
I. Goodman, on Cheinunus street,
uas iusi reecucu me latest ami most
fashionable .t!e "f gents and ladies
hoot-, shoe-, rle.
Clint. .stv mis and Sou have a slock
of mouldings and moulders tools which
can be bought cheap for cash to close
out that branch nt the business.
I lae just received thefiiiest assoit
inent of fancy goods in my line ever
bioiiglit to Astoria, consisting of per
fumery cases, toilet sets, toilet cases
fine peifumeiies, fancy soaps, combsl
brushes, hand glasses, and toilet articles
of all kinds .plewlid presents for the
holidajs. Call and eamlne goods and
prices before purchasing elsewhere, at
J. W. Cojuf.s drug store, opposite Occi-dcnt-llolel,
Astoria. Oregon.
Sheriff's Notice.
JL NchooITaxei lor tlic jearissi.are now
it lie and cm he paid id my offlco at tlieCourt
House. . A. M. TWOMBIA",
diwtf Sheriff and Tax Collector.
School Tax Notice.
JL District X". I. Clatsop county, Oregon :
You are herein untitled that tlic assessment
roll for the school tax in district N'o. I for the
yearlSM, is i ompleted 'and will lie in my
hands at my office at lSrow n & Co's dock for
the net sitvdas from date hereof. Pav
onr taxes hi time and s,ue costs.
Clerk of School District No. 1.
Astoria, Orepin, Dee. 10. 1SS1.
phi: fjkm of paok & allkx is this
L day iitssohed by mutual consent; the
business hereafter vdl be continued bvA. Y.
Allen All persons indented to said firm
arc hereby notified to sett e their accounts
without delay. . C. II. PAKE.
Astoria. Oregon, Jan. 1 , 18S2.
AVu are constant) reeeiv in new additions
to our stock and lune the finest nnd'rst assortment of variety
Hoods In tho city.
Combs, Brushes,
Stationery, Frames
Celluloid Goods.
All our goods ire maikcd In plain figures
Call and examine quality and note prices.
At Capt. Holers old stand, comer of Cas
and Court Strocts. 9
Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing:.
AVasons made and repaired.
Warranty deoli, quit claim deeds
and iaortgages,.for salo at this office.
2 5
I S1
x nsho
Buy 3'our Children and Friends something
that will be -of service to them
I have received a large consignment of
Which I will sell at wholesale rates.
Buyers will save money by
- purchasing of me.
I X L Store, near Parker House, Astoria.
TheSossCoffee and Tea Pot
, - ti - " T.y s?- - .,
Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors,
Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings,
Complete tu every branch.
SP3ECIAI, .3SsT3?J-CTJ3Kr03S3VgE33Sra?.
Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Cation
Bottled Beer, - - - Si SO per Dozen
KB"Speclal attention paid to onlers from l'ublic Houses and Farailles."W
ex-Orders lelt at the GERMANIA BEER J1AJ.L will he promptly attended t.-R
Washington Market) !
Main Street. - Astoria Oreaon .
tion of the publio to tho fact that the '
flKnva Tivtat will nlirnva Kn ertnnllnsl ur!Vi d '
- ,nr
Which Trill be sold at lowcit rates, wholesale
and retail. Special attention given to jnpplj
A, Ft
ANo, Ajrent for the celebrated
WiS, ,
wak is ixmrei without
jtbthkb XOT1CK
And no terms of peace until
c cry man In Astoria has a new
suit oi ciotiies
Look at the prices i
Pants to order from - - - $8e
P.ints, Genuine French Casslmere - taw
Suits from - -- .. 25 oo
The finest line of samples on the coast to
select from. p. J. MEANY,
Main street, opposite Paiker House. Astona.
I nfiP
r u '..
. -