ty. "."zf-yg t ,- - - a. is -'sSfSfcsvi , f f d) U i i f I w ASTORIA. OREGON TUESDAY JAN. 10. 1S82 J. T. IIAIXOB.U Editor. Too Trae. 'Tub St. Louis Republican states tho case accurately, whore, sptuk ing of improvemeut bills before Congress, it says: "The plan upon which the river and harbor bills are habitually constructed, fully illustrates the evil to be avoided. Those advocating appropriations for a really needed and justifiable improvement, have found that the easiest way to "procure votes for it is to virtually buy them with the public money, i. e., to vote aid to districts not entitled to it in return for the votes of those districts. And Congressmen, in numerous instances, refuse to furnish their votes unless they are paid for in this way. The result is that the river and harbor appropriation bill is an annual disgrace to Congress." That is one of tho factors in the problem of delay always apparent in committee action on the im provement bills relative to this coast. Fortunately tho urgent need of the aid asked for in the matter of the Columbia river bar, and the presence on the committee of two Pacific coast Congressmen may hasten favorable action in this matter beyond former years. It is not in talking "buncombe'" on the floor of the House that a Congress man secures an appropriation. It is work in the committee room that has the greatest effect. 'ot si Trcsenl Tarty isinc. The State, a Democratic paper published in Richmond, Va., says that "the Republican party has Free Traders but it is largely composed of Protectionists, and its policy is thoroughly protective. The Democratic party, on the other hand, has Protectionists, but it is largely composed of Free Traders, and its policy is thoroughly free." There is a good deal of truth in that, and yet to one familiar with the political Shibboleths of the last quarter of a century, 'tis evi dent that free trade or protection in that time never assumed any prominent part in political tenets. The Democratic party has tho credit of being a "free trade'' party, because years and years ago, while yet the -country was in its infancy, tho cry "'free trade and sailors' rights," found favor with Democratic leaders. "When the irrepressible and inevitable war fare does come between protective ruination and free trade preserva tion, it will be as in all similar cases intelligence and sober good sense on one side; tricks and job bery on the other; and the free trade advocates will deservedly win. Shameful. The German and Ktissian ner- iocutioii of the Jews shows that though tliu world moves, yet in some places it moves very slowly. "Tis a disgrace to the Government that cannot crush such unfair action. Any sincere form of re ligious worship is to be respected, and if it is so that "by their fruit yc shall know them," tho class that hold their ancient Hebrew faith are to be respected rather than reviled. Throngh centuries ot persecution" and wrong, of trials and chastenings, of plunder, con fiscation, slaughtering and disper sion, they have held to their tenets of belief, have clung to what they believe is right, have in all coun tries, and at all times made good, law abiding, tax-paying citizens, and in this afternoon of the nine teenth Qentury it illy becomes any nation callinj; itself civilized to attempt any revival of the troubl ous times when the followers of Abraham were in daily peril of their lives. 'Tis claimed that Georgia and Louisiana are eager to break away and join Virginia in the effort to ridlhe south of the baneful "solid ity" that was the boast of Watter .son in 1870. The Gnilcnu Case. The prosecution in the Guitcau trial was opened by Davidge, who read and then elaborated the pray ers of the Government, which ask the judge to instruct the jury that if prisoner knew at the time of the I shooting the difference between right and wrong he was at that time sane and responsible. Dav idge with the prayers in his hand, said in low but distinct tones and measured language, "and that they consisted, first of the" above defini tion of sanity; second, of the de claration that if prisoner possessed ability to so distinguish between right and wrong, no irresistible! passion or impulse, no uncontrolla ble desire, no moral depravity, would excuse his act; third, a de claration that the standard of in sanity must be that of law; fourth, that no delusions, ability to dis tinguish between right and wrong being preserved, would excuse prisoner. Davidge thought tho prayers of defense bearing on points contained in" the prayers of prosecution ought not to be enter tained for a moment. He said that the law drew the lino of responsibility for crime soinewhei'o. It had not been defined until the judges of England of 184o, at the request of the house of lords, laid down a legal rule defining respon sibility. This rule was the good old right and wrong test, the rule of common sense. There were" infinite degrees of intelligence. Think of the illustrious victim of this prisoner on one hand and this assassin on the other. The law drew no line between low degree of intelligence on one hand and the highest on the other in respect of resposibility for crime. This prisoner had a keen portrait of an imbecile unt 1 he went upon the stand and tore him self into shreds and atoms. A man might be. peculiar, and might even be partially insane, but if he arose to the point of intelligence which enabled him to know the difference between right and wrong and that w.hat he was doing was wrong, then he was responsible for the wrong. Davis then stated the Magnatum case, in. which five questions on the subject of insanity had been submitted to the judges of Eng land. Three of these questions had direct bearing on this case. The first question was as to the responsibility of a person for an act when at the time of committing the act he knew he was acting contrary to law but did the act complained of with a view that he was under the influence of an insane delusion of redressing a supposed injury or of producing some supposed'public benefit. The answer of all the judges excepting Chief Justice -Moil was that they were of the opinion that, notwith standing the party accused diil act with the view that he was under the insane delusion of redressing some supposed injury or of pro ducing some supposed public ben efit, he was nevertheless punisha ble according to tho nature of the crime committed, if he knew at the time of committing such crime that he was acting contrary to law. Riqiiard Henry Dana, Jr., who died last Saturday was born in Massachusetts in 1815. He was bred to the law, but in conse quence ol ill health ho went to sea, the voyage resulting in a' work "Two Years Before the Mnst," which has been read by hundreds of thousands. In S11 he published other works on sea manship. He was one of the leaders of tho free soil party-nnd for nearly a third of a century played a prominent part in Massa chusetts politics. vfjf answer to Blaine's letter on ...- .j... .... ..v..v, ... London press respectfully ask Americans to remember that Eng land owns half of North America. Feom one millicn to one million' and a half dcJilars each will he the cost of ibe steamers of the pro posed express line between New Yoril and London. . DIED. At Lewis and Olnrkcs, Jan. Mli, Mrs. MntiMsi Ttnrrius.:i nn iinf KVntiiekv. aged 81 J ear. Funeral on the 11th at I 12 o'clock. NEW TO-DAY. REAL ESTATE; AT AUC75QK. Iiiitriu-ti'il lij the agent fur tin- pmtwrij. I j Kill tl! on SATURDAY, JAB. 14, AT II A.M.I At i)i auction lounn. In tln Iiljtlie -it bldd.'r. that alniMe LotTtvoiUiiiiSJlccli HJry-onMtJX). Olnej's .Woria. This eligible Int MKNiO U keatetl In the business center ot the !l j , on the 5011th side ot Squemoeiiua ttieel. being the Next Lot East of the City Malt. Title iicrfci-t. Term at sale. I'oraiiyfm- llier Information apply t' E.C.1IOLDEN, Audio! Notice. . ,i pirrfriox foe Tin: pardon of -ia. Allied Eossandcr will be presented to V. V. Tliajer.Covwnnr of Oregon, on the Kill of January, lRsi llv Meeting of Pilot Commissioners. A MEETING OK TIIK AVASniNf!TO." i3t Territory Hoard of Mint Ceinn Uslonrrs. for the Columbia river and bar. will lie lield at JCalama, W. T.t on Wednesday, ,l.;nu:ir XX 1&&2. .1. 1. STOET. d-::t Chairman. E. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Comer Cass and ftniciiioqlie Mrr-ets, ASTORIA. oeecon nr.Ai.rn ix WALL PAPEft AND WINDOW SHAXE AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. 02 . I Hi & & & o 4 n r"' 2 n . tf 2 F Z H J . i! rr f O f " - Zr - -' o co A G3 iHDORSED 3Y. PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AHD THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE, I I IMMII1H I llll ! SYMPTOMS OF A Loss of gpjetlte.K'augea.bowols costive, PfliumtheHeRdAnthndiiU sensation in tho Sack part, yem ugder"the Ehoulder Elade. fullness alter eatfog.witha disin clination to exertion of body or nund Inntability of tempsr. Lowspints. Iiois of memory, witHa feeling oThavlng neg lected some duty, weariness, Dizzinesa, E'hitterinK ofttia Heart7t)otB boforo tho eyes, yellow ijSh, Headache, It ostless ness et night, bistiiy colored Urine. fJTHESE-w-AEHISGSAEETrh'HEEDEn, SERIOUS DISEASES WIUS00N BE DEVELOPED. TIUTS PUIS are especially adapted to men cases, one dose effects snclinchauge ot feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase IJie Appetite, and cause tha body to Take on Flesti. thus the system is nourished, and by thelrTonlc Acttonon thQ Dismtf re Oiirans, Secular fftools are pro duced. Price 15 cents. 23 Hurray SU, a. Y. TOTT K WE & miu Tray Hair orWitiSKEHs changed to aGt&SoY Black by a slnsle application of this Dye. It apart a natural color. i;cts Instanicneouj! y. Suld tJ0ruggiU,cr eut by xres on receipt of$l. Office, 35 Murray St., How York. . Dr. TITTS JUS CI I. f TnluiM.. Ifrm.llct d rul Ki!U U1 lit iculHt FUX tnUtMUaa-fl 50 TONS nrEitpooT. fis3iz:rv salt For sale elteap. .iiplyto J. G. IICSTLCR. iVstorb, Dec. 23, 1&J1. dtf To Builders and Contractors. QEAT.ED I'ltOrOSALS WILL RE KE k. ceited bv tlie linilerslgned until noon, January 23. 18S2, lor tlie furnishing of mate rials, crcctlnu and coinpletlnj; a Cliurcli edifice on SW.'i, between Jelterson uml As tor Streets. lniUs clt j . Hans anil sjieciflKi tlons can be examined at my olUce, on and alter Saturday, 7th inst. The light to inject any aniliUl bids b reserved. E. C- HOLDEX. Secretary of ltnsnl of Tt ustcei. First Pi rsiiv-. tetl.in Church ol Astoria. d-td" Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, )izziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Sbjloh' s Tital izer is a positive cure. For sale by TV. E. Dement. 5IISCELLANEOUS. A. . Allen, (jtrrciMsuK to r-AOF. A- u.t f.S ) Wtiotrs.lla-Mlil Il-tSt! lH'.lVr Hi -Provisions; ' Glass and Plated Ware. TROPICA! AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. ToKi'Uiei wilU Wiues.Lipors.TflteccolCiprs Tlie l.irjtest unit most nunplcli s(n.-k of goods lti ttieir line to be found in tlie city. Corner of Cass and Siieiiioeqlie litieets. ASTOUIA. OEEOON. t s iiiisii !'!, ix niwm Salmon 2Tet Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines (ftade to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, . Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS .11 1 3Iarlcct Street. San Frniirlsco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Manageis. ASK FOK- UNiON INDIA RUBBER CO'S Pure Tara istim Rubber Boots and Coats. IinWARi: OF IMITATION ! I'.e sure tho Coots are stamped CRACK rjcuut onine neeis, ami navetuo ruiiu GUM SPRINGS on the foot and Instep, which nrevpiits their crackinc orbreaklnir. They ill last twice as Ions as any others inauiii.iciiireu. FOR SALE RY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER UELTIXG, PACK INT:, HOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. II. PEASE, Jr. S.M.EliNYOX. Agents, San Francisco. HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL, -CIIAS. KOHLER, - 1'UOPEIErOE STAGE MANAGER Open nil the Year, l'crfurniuniv t'.v r.v is!it. Entire Cliauge of I'm- sraninie Onec u rl.. Comprising ail the Litest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. The theatre is crowded nightly, and all whohavo witnessed tuc entertainment pro nounce it to bo equal to any given elsewhere. Mr. nill as a caterer lor tho public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling w it and beauty without Mil garity, should Improve the opportunity and come. Open air concert every euin? ; perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private boxes on Chenn mus street. Notice. NEITHER THE CAPTAIN NOR CONST. nees of tho Muriel will be responsible for any debts contracted by tho crew. dlW RODGEKS, MEYKIt & CO. ff;ADQUAETERS DEPARTMENT OF the Columbia, Vancouver Barracks, AV. T., Nov. 20, 1881. AVrittcn proposals will be received by the undersigned, at Vancower Barracks. AY. T., until March31sr,18S2,fortue riglitof exclu sive seining on the Fort Stevens. (Point Adams) Military Reservation, during the next fishing season. The right to reject any or ail bids, as may be deemed best, is re served by the undersigned. O.D.GREEN. Mai. and Ass't Agf. General, Brevet Briga- Ull Iter General U. S. Army. dtt Notice to Cannerymcn. . IOlt THIRTY DAYS FROM THIS date -l 1 will contract to make fish boxes of sat isfactory quality, in any quantity at the fol lowing prices : boxes in tho shuck 12tf cents each ; nailed boxes My, cents each, deliv ered at tho West Shore Mills. , . . J.O.TRULLINGER. Astoria, Dec. 10, 188L d-ira MISCELLANEOUS. Geo. W. Hume Wholesale and Retail Dealer IS GROCERIES, r Provisions, Lumber, ETC., ETC.. ETC. Pislienucns and Cannery SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOR TIIK San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND TIIK San Francisco Chemical wa:Ks. ASTOUIA OREGON. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. The iinilprsiKncd respectlully notiiles. the iiumic mat n;ivini; ueen appoinieu asciu ior me NEW IPtl PROVED SINGER, He is now prepared to offer these unrivalled Sewim; Machines on sueh terms as rannot Lid to meet the wants ot cverbo(lviu need of this indispensable article of hoasehold lunilllllt. Liuurm uimtuiiui iuiiuu tyi ca-tii sales. To those desiring it I will sell on the instalment plan. FIte dollars a month, 17 cents a day, (less than it costs a smoker for cigars), will soon puichasej our wifca Singer, The Best Sewing Machln'o Ever Put-Together. Old Sewing Machines taken in exchange. Attachments. Needles, Cotton, Oil. etc., al ways on hand. Call and cxaminfe tho Stager Sewing Machine and the variety of work it can perform at 1- C. HOLD EN'S. Agent Singer Man. Co. CHICAGO BREWERY, si. STltAUSS. - - AEST. Is now ready to .supply the public with -the Celebrated Chicago Beer In any quantity to suit. I have also this Celebrated Chicago i:ecr In Hollies, 'Which is now cry popular among "all fami lies and saloons." Please send in your orders and they w ill hat o my best attention. J. STRAUSS, Astoria. Oregon. Agent for Oregon and Wash. Ter. MAKES UP FIRST CLASS STOCK INTO Harness and Saddles, And will lit you outinbctterstjleand cheap er rates than any other man in Oregon. A full lino of WhipH, Curry Combs, etc., on baud. Piles! Piles! Piles! A Sure Cure Found at J.it ! 5o One ZVcctl Suffer' A sure Cure for mind, .Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been dlseocredby Dr. Williams, (an Indian Remedy), called Dr. AVilliam's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or so years standing. No ono need suffer fle minutes after applylug this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. AVil liam's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night af ter getting warm in bed), acts as a poultico, su os instant relief, and Is prepared only for Piles, itching of the privato parts, ami for nothing else. Read what the Hon. J. M. Cofflnburry of Cle eland, says about Dr. William's Indian l'do Ointment : I have used scores of lllo Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gavo such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed ou re ceipt of price. SI 00. IIEXAV & CO., Prop's; Cleveland, O. Hodge. Davis & Co., AVholcsale Agents, rortlaiid, Oregon. JRS. A. RAPPLEYEA, Formerly of New York, wishes to an nounce to the ladies of Astoria that she Is nctf prepared to do w DRESS MAKING In all the latest styles. A share of j our pat ronage ts respectfully-solicited. Rooms opposite Liberty Hall, Chenamus street. For Sale. HOMESTEAD OF JAS. SLATER. ONE mile from Elk Creek. Clatsop county. 1B0 acres, 15 cleared and lenceu, nouse aim barn. A good cattle ranch. Inquire of dwtf JOHN1IOBSON. BUY IT. THE WEEKLY ASTORIAH TQ-53ATT. earThiee weeks'for Twenty-five' Cents Single copy 10 cents. One year for $2 09 Cash In advance. ' ' I iSUrCESSOK TO .TACKINS & MONTGOMERY 'lM''54lfJ!j!'; con.r.K or maix axi .STOEti:, - W Et 1 If - -THE ASTORIAE" STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS FASTEST AjSTI) JiEST PRESSES, AJVJ TYPE B- AVe purchase Paper, Cards, Ink, and aut XiOX7-ejsrt And can thetefoie affonljto use, as we ODsrxa-s- :&2:o:d-e::o..a.,3?:e3 fxucoiess. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, TUB EVKRY DAY WANTS OP THE COUNTING BOOM AND 'THE WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT TRICES WHICH CAN NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE ASTOSUN, (l)AILV T S RESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FORJITS Impartiality, Ability, THE PAPER FOP. THE FOR THE FARMER, " - FOR THE MERCHANT, -IAIT,Y ASTOIUAX TERMS: BY MAIT.;- (rOSTAOE HIEETO ALT. SUTSSCEinKlW.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR..ZT: ,' : S9 00 DALLY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS '. - 3 "Sample copies of either edition 10 cents. Address : . 3.V. HAUOIIAN Cl. " . - Publishers, Astoria, Oregon B3Postmasters are authorized to act as agents for The Astoeias; fAlBIH l Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A GcLeral .Vortmciit of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Apents for Aiagee Stoves nid Kanges The Best in the market. Plumbing goods ol all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. jp.prEsox stuef.ts, UKEGOW. TISTIO I Bf 0 THE OF TUE LATEST STYLES. other materials of the manufacturers OjaslxZELa-tes, alwaytilo, the host articles, while charging Bill Heads and Letter Hearts. AND WKEKIA") Fairness and Reliability COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, . JFOR EVERY PERSON " 'ci,"-- it -'.X'm s"..'- i