V i s w gfts gnilQ Qsiaxtem. ASTOKIA- OREGON: SATURDAY.. JAN. 7,1882 COMMERCE AND TRADE. PORT OP ASTORIA. HEADY FOR SUA. Oimara. Br h.l3M tons. Simp-on. Qaeenoloxn UAH 6 Almira Bobinsoa Am bfc Qoeenstown Jn 3 Dttnsrd.Brbk.Pide Qatenstovn Jan 2 Thunderbolt Br bk LiTpnwl Tni Emm T Croweli bk 1IJ7 tons Qneenatown Dec 59 Ancio.-onnan.Br tfc, Qaeenjtown Dec B, Ja A Wright Cm bk Qneesstown Dec 21 Annie Main. Brbk. Qneenstotrs Dee 21 Aleoa Bar Krsh 11J0 QneenstonnDeoSl Woodhall Br bk Qaeenstovn Dec 20 c Kirkwood Br sU Slnott Qaeenstown Dee 30 Wealthy Pendleton Qoeenstown Dec 19 Peebleshire Br bk W6 Reed. Qoeenstown Dec IT JUinbow.Sr Dk Queenstown Dec IT Llndores Abbey Br bk Liverpool Dc 15 Diana Br bk T15 Qoeenstown Dec T Loch Fergus W Qoeenstown Dec T lleecroft. Br sh. Christie, Liverpool Dee 5 SAILED. Antarctic. Br bk. Qoeenstown, Dec SI Santon Br bk Rogers Quocustown Dec !l su S.f California, m 80 tons, Debnev. s F Oitr of Chester. S if Dec 29 Chipman Br sh Qoeenstown Dec 4 Trafalgar Br BhSSMJonnstone Qoeenstown Tc Steinvora Br sh'McIntosh Qoeenstown Dee 4 Oracle. Br sh 1550 tons. Morieon. O K Dec 4 Saranae Am bk lusi tons Shaw Qoeenstown Dec 3 Harry Morse Am. eh Brooks, Qoeeostown, Dec 3 Crummock Water Br bk Qoeenstown Dee 2 Berwickshire Br bk Qneestown Dee 1 Atracan Brbk 97S Paice Adelaide Xov 2! Langstone Br sh Qoeenstown Not'21 Lyttelton Br sh Otago Strang Liverpool. Nov 23 Glengaber Br bk Liverpool Xov 23 Chas. Worsley Brsh ll Morgan U K Xov 55 ARRIVALS FROSI SKA. Nelson Br sh Watkinds Valparaiso Jan 5 Coooty of Areyle Br bk Jan 4 Ballocbmyle Brsh Table Bay Jan 4 Corsica, Brbk.BooooR Ayro. Jan 4 Parknook Br bk Gnaymas Jan 4 City Camp Br bk Buenos Ayres Jan 4 Helen Marion Jan 2 Alert Jan 2 Hterlingshire Jan 2 Portland bktn S F Jan 2 Arctic, Br bk Austin Caldera Jan 2 Jurat Jan 2 Carnegie, Br bk San Dieco Jan 2 Prince Patrick Br bk 10.'i9 Callao Jan 2 Columbia, ss. 1721 tons Bolles, S F, Jan I linrcka str 674 Carroll Sitka Dec 23 Muriel Br bk 859 Goyaqoil Dec2S Esmeralda. Fr bk, Montevideo, Dec 27 Castle Head. Brbk. Valparaiso Dee 2T Duke of Connanght, Br sh. Cape of Good Hope Doon. Brbk 677 tons. Grange, Brisbane Dee 7S Frith of Ty. Brbk. W6 Auckland Dec 24 lUver Ganges, Br bk. G62 Maazanillo. Dec 3. Dochra Br bk. 866. Sydney. Dec. 20. Bellona Br bk Warren Kio Dec. 20. Corina. bk.SJO Stewart N S W Dec 12 Glenpadam Br bk ldfi) Dec 5 Merwanjee Framjee, Br sh I0Ta Bidwell Liverpoo Dec 3 Seringpatam Br sh 1123 Carrey Nov 2 C. i- nurlburt. bk. 1100 toes Jf V.Nov SS Olive S SouthardAm sh Philadelphia Nov 21 Indiana, ship, l3 tons Morrison N Y Oct 21 Shubrick. U S Light-house str. Everson, onv OetT Belle of Oregon bk 1169 tons Merryman N oct 6 VKSSKLS OA TUF. WA Y. From American Ports. Arcadian Brsh Londonderry Annie 11, Smith 1501 BartleU VhUa. E TG Br bk Williams Liverpool Oct 15 Great Admiral 1576 Thompson Phila Oerten.sh. Philadelphia, Jan 13 India l.'ifi Patten Philadelphia Oct Ida Lily 7S7 Eastman Phila. Ivy, sh. New York, bent B Jane Fish. sh. New York, Sept. Levi P. Burgess, sh, Philadelphia, Any 1 Lamoi bk Philadelphia loading Monnt Washington, sh. 1217 tons. N Y Sep 17. Orient, brig. 312 tons. Williams, S F Sept 1 Pactolus 14)1 Burnam Philadelphia Sept II Philip Fitzpat rick. Am sn. Philadelphia, Oct iii Reporter, sh. 1350 tons Wilson NY .Tnne2S Sonoma UC3 Ne berry Phila, Santa Clara, sh. New York. Sept. Sparrow sch S 1' March 10 Vesuvius bk 813 ton Call X Y loading Western Belle 1135 Fish N. Y. From Foreign lortM. Amphitnle Dutch sh 1810 Newcastle Jnly 3 Abbey "owper, Br bk.6W Queensland AdolU Swe. bk. (25 tons. Itinsmansion. Gotten, burg, Oct IS Bolden, Br bk Liverpool Co. of Inverness Br sh IG36 Capetown Oct 1 Cbiloc. br bk. 437 tons. May 21 City of Manchester, brbk 786 tons Rio Kdderside. br k, Liverpool to Astoria direct, Fnrness Abbey, bk. luSJ. Libby, Yokohama. Geo. t'Muntz German bk&.'S Hong Kong Manitoba. Br sh Buenos Ayres Sept 11 Lynton. Br bk. Montevideo. Sept IT Malacca "br bk 594 tons Japan Monarch Br. str. Barrow. Eng. Aug. 30. NaTigatorelt bk 60 Shields July 31 Peter Stuart Br sh 1417 Victoria Sept 9 River ames br bk 501 tons Christie IouiquI nan Stefano. Br sh, St Nazaire Scotia. Br bk Buenos Ayres. Sept 5 Torbeckc. Dutch sh. .Newcastle, via Soirabaya. Jons 8 Valparaiso, br bk Liverpool, Sept 1 Wanlock.br bk.T40 tons. Liverpool to Astoria di rect. Oct 4 Wm Hales. Am bk, Hongkong In addition to the above lKt the following easels are known to be on the way to this pert: Names. Tons. Where from. Jennie Landless . 1,357 Cape (Jood Hope Mary Graham . ti7ti..... Hull Huke of Abcrcon.. 1,130 Liverpoo Clydebank scs caille TIDE TABLE FORASTOEIA From tables or United States Coast Survey. High Water. Lovf Water. Date. a.m. r.M. a.M. p.m. . 1 59 1 Oil 7 23 S 30 6 2 2i 1 38 8 01 9 00 7 2 4G 2 141 8 3C 9 27 8 3 23 2 52 0 13 9 52 0 3 46 3 36 10 00 10 14 10 4 U 4 281 10 00 10 43 11. 4 5.' 5 2 11 42 U 18 12. u 36 6 271 o 05 13 0 20 7 32 o 06JZL 1 31 H 8 22 8.401 1 03.. 2 SI Painter and Rnflher, DEALERS IN 'OLNEY, - - - OREGON G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Eogcrs old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Colnaliia River Exports. EHirMEKTB FOHElGy. KECArrrULATION BT MONTHS, JSSL JANTJARY. 4 Cargoes value s 167,425 FEBRUARY. 7 Cargoes value .T71.299 MARCn. 0 Cargoes value 202,541 AI-RIL. 4 Cargoes value 242.1M RECArmjLATION, MAY. Flour, 49339 bbls, value S22-L910 Wheat, 25333 ctls, ' 548,544 Salmon, 12,400 cs, " .-.8,280 Total values, 14 cargoes, S3i.7."4 RECAPITULATION JPNK. Flour, 30,137 bbls, value. . ..'... . .SU4,8S2 Wheat, 107344 ctls, " 32,r4X) Salmon, GG.413 cs, " , 278,10 Total C cargoes $.4f'iAi7 RECAPITULATION JULY. Flour, 28442' bbls, value Sl.itft! Wheat, 81333 ctls, u 1U.!H5 Salmon. 8386 cs, " .soi,"8 Fruit, COOcs. " 2,400 Total 8 cargoes. ... ..57ri2,745 RECAPITULATION AUG UVT. Flour, 13348 bbls.. value. ....... .$ ,-.2,-)7C Wheat, 222332 ctls.. " 327,072 Salmon, 59,403 CS., 297,013 Total, 11 cargoes Sti7G,6S3 RECAPITULATION SEPTEMREn. Flour, 41,023'bblsvaluo S184r3 Wheat, 243,(721 CtlS " .181,113 Salmon, 52JW0c ' 3123.' Lumber1 819,543 ft., " 7,!7G Lath, 141300 ft, " 293 IMcki'K48r.bdls., 170 Total WVI1 KECAwrur-VTiox ocTonKi:. AVheat.aJSJKl -tls., value Sc04ja Flour. 9,4M bbls.. " 47,170 Salmon, 36,761 cs. 1S3.S05 Total, 10 cargoes- er,.t77 RFX3APITUL.VTI0N, KOVEMRhR. C13J93 centals he.it. .$9Sl.iKH 44,039 barrcLs flour ;23.l!i C814 cases salmon 3l.u70 1.018 cases dried fruit n.ooo Total 21 cargoes . . M.2KVK3 DECEMBER. 1 To Qaecnstoicn per Steinrora. From Portland 26,323 ctls w heat ... " Astoria 13,031 " .., ...J42.TS0 .. 21 X Totals 39,400 n,03r. 2 To Qucemtoim per Trafalgar. From Portland 40.035 ctls w heat ... .OUO " Astoria 17,035 " " 20,200 Totals 5T.100 tiSX) 5 To Qucenstown.pcr Bcrcnift. From Portland 10,091 ctls wheat $1B,4V) 13.300 bbls flour. ... 0MG1 From Astoria 9,233 bbls flour .... 4SJ?j3 Total S12T.1TG 7 To QueoMitani per Diana. From Tortland 21,233 ctls wheat S.",031 A-StoriU 2!8S " ... 3,790 Total 23,521 $JS. 7 To OucfnoicniKTlnMrcic. From Portland 1S.740 ctls wheat .S.SO.G00 " Astoria 291 " " . 4021 Total 21,131 S3I.C21 7 To Qucentoim per Lnch Fcrgu. From Portland 22,916 ctls wheat SS9.837 " Astoria 5,613 " " 13,000 Total,.. .28,559 $52,937 8 To Quecnstmmiitr Santon, From Portland.1621 ells wheat $27,125 15 To Liverpool per Llndores A bbcy. From Portland 0.159 ctls wheat- 310,009 7,716 bbls flour........ 39.180 rrom Astoria 3,671 ' 18.R22 Total .1br 021 17 To Qucenstown per Ilalnljow. From Portland 18,097 ctls wheat S29,0o " Asoria 7jCO " 11,520 Totals 5fi02 $14,028 17 To Quecnstoicn per I'ceblethirc. From Portland 25,ai3 ctls wheat SI V5oo " Astoria -fiCC " ' 12,8t Totals .32.59J $36362 19 To Queenttmrn per H'ealUiu Pendleton. From Portland 17.744 ctls wheat 930,161 Astoria 8.0S0 " " . 12,736 Totals 2524 iifioi) 20 To Quecmtoumper Kirhuvod. From Portland 23.744 ctls wheat .. $39,177 "' Astori.l 15311 " " . 24.822 Totals 33,6B3 $C!,') 20 To Quremtmcn per irootWiaH. From Portlaad 16,123 ctls wheat ..$7.ouo " Astoria 7331 " ' .. 13,030 ToULs 24371 40,030 22 To QueenstownperAlgoa liay. From Portland 43,694 bus wheat-.. fs,vtt " Astoria 22,427 " . 22,127 Totals 08,121 fG7,S01 21 To Quccns&vn per Annie Main. From Portland 23,029 bus wheat Smo 21 To Queemtown per Jas. A. Wright. From Portland 28,099 bus wheat . S23.41B ' Astoria 2000 " . "203OO Toals 48,599" $wa:s 22 To Qucenstoicn per Anglo-Norman. From Portland 59.249 bus wheat ...Sys5il Astoria 4,ia! t,)i Totals 13,385 f 13.150 20 To Qveetiitoim vcr E. T. Crowell. From rortlanil31.8G0 bn wheat SSO.COO A-stona fiin " " ..... 23,5 Totals . 56,439 S51.19G 30 To Llrcvrpool per Thunderbolt. From Tortland 8.C19 bbls flour 3S.920 ' " 509 bus wheat 5,101 " Astoria ClOObbk flour 23,145 ". " 2.C90 bus wheat 2.412 " " G.qpo cs salmon 15,000 Total.. . SfvSGSR JAXUABV. 2 To Quecnstoim per Dunard. From Portland 42,341 bus . ...Slo,5o 2 To Qitr7WtotwipcrlImfra ItoWtuonr From Portland 29,037 bus wheat......$2T,940 " Astoria 30.G31 '? M .. 2S,ViO - Totals 59,703 $55,500 C To Qutenstflwnpcr dimara. From Portland 29,601 ctls wheat $13,940 " Astoria 14,1182 - " 21,90 Totals... .4143 .J7330 Common Councu. Regular meetings teeond and fourth Tuc4 day aTenings of each month. Bt VA o'clock " Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by theCounell. at any regular meetine must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday eTening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meetings. F. C. XOIMM3, Auditor and Clprk. Astoria Lodge No. 40, 1. 0. G.l. Regular Meeting e'ery Tuesday Evening at7H" o'clook, at Good Templar's Hall. Cbe namns Street, Astoria, over C L. Parker's Store Members of the Order, in good stand ng, are Invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st Monday each month. By order ll'.CT. . TempleXiOd4Te.no. 7 A. P. A.M. Kegular Cornmunlcations first third Saturday in each month, at Irst endVV .lui. .. M.u. ir.it t -. i- Member! of the Order, in good standing, are Invited to attend. Br erde: of the W.M. THE MARKETS. Financial. SuVor, at par. Cora exchange on San Franctjco Ji per cent premium. Coin exchange on New York buying par; tflling.JJtol percent. Legal Tcndors par. Telegraphic transfers on Now ork I per cdnt. premium. Atinrlit Jliirnoi-. RETAIL. FLoon. SuperDne SI 7,": Extra 55 23 ; Corn Ileal 1 cwt. $3 50: Iluckwheat ? cwt 3 00. BcTicn Choica roll, 35 to 37ii eb. V CHKKSE.-Clat.oi' dairy IRc. Koos. . to 35 cts V doz. Chicken, i 1 00. Fresh Meats. Choice cuts. I.amb. 10c; Deef 8310: Pork 10; Mutton S.4I0. "By the carcase 8c. lIn.vTi Iireakfiut bacon ll)5l per tt,; iides 13J'3UMc; hams IVt&XOr, shouIdcrB 10r2e; smoked beef 133 16ic: corned beef JlftSU bbl.; corned pork' 10c? lb. 1JKAN-S. 3Q5 cts. Ltr.D. In tins and cuddies 17.jlSc- V "v noxEV. In frames We : in gltta 50c. Drier rnuiTS. Illnckicrriei23c: Prunes i2;&aicc. JIill Fr.t.n. Brnn 51SSi20 ton : chop food S2K325 ; Shoits 52327 30 ; IJav f2(X?a ?22 V ton. Oats. According to quality, prices range from 81 73 to $1 Po per cwt. VrBt.TAr.Li-s. Potatoes l'J et. v ; Onions 3c V lb. San Francisco 4Miotn(ioiiH. RV SIAII. ANR lEtEORWII.l Wheat Xo. 1 . ?1 ; i )cr cental ; Oats gi 50(tfi arr . Wode Oregon, Vnllf sng:u cts. ? Bb. Eastern Oregon, 20ii2ii. Hides Heavy saltc.l lo'c; light, do OKffilOe; salted calf. !)(' 10c. Family Proviiox. liacon.ir.i.-.K cts: clear Oregon .sides, l31.1Hc: hams. 17fel9cts. Barley Coast fecd.i 4-'l45f ( tl. UrcwingM 501 00 tf ctl. Kc.os California. Sii233 V doz; Orc Son,22(323c) Uoz. Flour Oregon exfra, 85 00: Suncr fine. S3 75. Butter axii Chklsi: Etra fancy Butter, 43 cts ? lb; Krcsli roll, rood to choice, XirTc 40cts,) lb. Seers Flav, 22'c lb; Canarj, :!?: c : Al falfa, Willie ; Timothy, H 19R f Bl. Baos Wool sacks, 44C650e; potato uunnics, 1;iJHc; standard grain nom inal. Frults Dried ai)iilfs,5Vfficts. fl Hi forqis.; .7Kt! for sliced; Pears, HifliOc; PIiuiLs.; 3, pitted i."ki5: Peaches, im I3c; peeled, 1720. Sai.mox. Colnmhia liver fish aro oiiotable at SI 30 rf do?. 1-tb linson the spot; on the river, l 25 ", doz. Sac ramento .-si .t)((l U5' Sit.ai: IJelinerv. terms net c.isli Cube, bands, Ki.e: Crushed, isifc; Extra Powdered, bbls.. iirc; Fine Crushed, bbls., i:iifrDry Craiiulatcd, bbls., 13c; Exlra Oraimlated. bbls. viic iiomen u. inns., li'jc; l). bins, or S. I. kejrs. lie: Extra, O. bbls. ll'.'c: Half. bbls.'c more, and bs. ie more for llll K1I1HS. DOMESTIC EM'OUIS. Tlie receipts in San Trancisco. of ccr- tain articles of Oregon produce fiom January tsr, isi, to j;ec. lsl, sive. have been as follows:. Flour, nrsks.., Wheat. ctU Oats, ells . ... Salmon, libls HI bbls .. :. cs ineln- .315.1M) .409 J29 .ISO.TSfi . 1,77;: . VOl 222,00:! Ijrs . 335 Apples, ripe, bxs ... Jltitteri pkKs ... Potatoes, sks , Wool, bales Hides, No Tallow, pkRS . Iieef,bbls.. Beef, canned, is Fruit, dried, pkgs ... Leather, nktrs . 20,437 . Ill . 93.S2S . 27,1:17 . 72,(27 . 2,721 27 lus ! '210 51 SO . 1.173 2.011 '. 12,101 30 o, tyir '. "Sswi 7s"i 203 I jrd, cs , ISacon, cs -Meal, sks. Hops, bales Hams, likes Uran, ks . Cheese, cs ..... Klax Seed, sks Canned Roods, cs.. .. Barley, ctls . Shorts, sks BANKING AND INSURANCE. BANKING, ANDJNSURANCE. BROKER, BANKER INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOKIA, - - OREGON OFFICEllbuitS: FliOM 8 O'CLOCK A." M. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Intnal Insurance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. R Houghton.. ....President Gko. L. Stouv. Ateiit for 0ran' Capital paid up in U. S. gold coin COO 000 00 1. IV. CASK, Agent, Chcnamus street, Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOtrON AND " GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART- FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a caritil of $07,000,000. -v. VAX DUSUK. Agent. The Lion Insurance Company OF LONDON, ENGLAND. The ScottishUBlonanflNational INSURANCE CO. OF EDINBURGH, " - - SCOTLAND. WM. LOEB, AGENT, - ASTOEIA. mSCELLAKEOUS. Vitalizes and Enrlclies the lSlood, Tonei up tho System, Makes tlie tV'-aU Strong, Builds op the Broker down, Invigorates thv liraln, nnc! "CURES Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Gen eral Debility, Neuralgia, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, 3ropsy, Humors, Temale Com plaints, liver Com plaint, Remittent Fever, and MX DISEASES ORIGINATING Ytl A DAD STATi OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BV DEBILITY OS A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. RUVIAN SY Supplies the Llocd with it? Vital Piiiirlple, n Lilo Ulcment, IKON, iufminR Sln-nirtli Visor and New I.lfo iatn nil parts of lire sum BEING FREE FROM ALCOHOL. ia e'erps iS cficcts are not followed by torcspond'. xc-ic ion, but are pcrmaaent. SETII W. rOWLE & SONS, rro:.rictor, O tlarrisOD Avmua. Etcc. SoIJ by all I Tiggisa Stephans Varieties ! GRAND OPENING. llaca lien lion Imp; allev. tliolarscst and rest ui iowii. AumuMiicp ir.-r. W ASTOItlA. ok2:i:o.v w DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATEMT HEDICIHES, ETC tSTresenptions carefully coinponndedSJt an nuurs. i2?Hoineopathic Tiiietines ami I'cllels, anil Humplirej 's Speciflcs aNo kept. CLEANING and REPAIRIETG MI.VT. CIIEAl AN'1 QUICK. BY (iKOKKE I.OVKTT. Jlain Street, opiiosite N. IjicIiV. 3 CD If f Hi i a Ql , I ? i Gig i O h Z l S 1 LL ! Si $p 1 7? 1 - 3 I Ol O I B. B. FBANKLTN, UNDERTAKER, Comer Cass and Squeiiimilip streets, ASTOIUA. - - - - (UtKUON DK.VT.Ri: IN WALL PAPER AJfD AINDOAV SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. niLL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL, - - , - I'KOl'ltlETOK CHAS. KOHLEK, - STAGE SIANAGER Opru all the Year, Performance I'. ry Xlslit. Entire Cliansc or Pro. sraimne Once n Werk. Comprising an the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. TI10 theatre is crowded nichtly, and all who have -nitneised the entertainment pro nounce it to be eaual to any glv en risen here. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybodv wishing to spend a pleasant evening and Qfft lt l.l'llni .,(. nn,l l.nmit.- ivtlltnut ...,1- ganty, should improve Hie opportunity and Open air concert every evening : perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street : private boxes on Chena mus street. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A. J. MKGLEl:. c. H. WCIOIIT OCCtDEKT HOTKI.. MEGLEK VKIGHT. Proprietors. Astoria, Oregon. The ri:opi:iEToi:s ake iuits to announce that the above hetel has been repainted and refurnished, adding greatly to the comfort of its guests and is now the best hotel north of San Francisco. Fair Wind Coffee Saloon AMI CHOP HOUSE, watkk sti:eet. Astoria. Net door to Dr. Kinder''1. CuflVu. Tea and Chocolate, lth Cake. IO Cpnto. " Chops i'ookeil to Order, Fine AVines, l,ItinrS and Cigars Of the best brands, SC-tf KOAED & KVANKON. PARKER HOUSE, 11. i:. IMIIKF.lt. I'rop ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST GLASS HOTEL. Aid. MODEKN UIl'UOVUMavrS. HOT AND COLD BATKS. 6'oorf Billicud Table, and Frst Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. IMJ-KIIKK COACJI TO THE HOr.SE.-Sfl Gampi's Restaurant, American and Italian Style. I h.ive taken chnrg ot this -Popular Restaurant, And will serve all patrons in a FIRST CLASS MANNER. All tlie inirket alfoni-. served neatly and LUIOI SEKRA. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, ks. CHKXAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. mHE U'XDERStC.XED IS PLEASED TO JL announce to the Lad ss and Gentlemen of this City Dial je is now prepared to furnish for them. in iipji class styic, anu every siyie. OY.sTEUS, HOT COFFEE TEA, ETC. AT TIIK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CIIEXAMUS STREET. I'leasc gtv e me a call. ROSCOE DIXOX, l'roprietor I). K. W AKRKS. T. W. Eatc.i Astoria Market ! 1 COR. CHEXAMUS AXI) HAMILTON STS. ASTORIA. - - OREOOX. WARltKX A KATOX. Proprietors, (Suecracft 10 Warren : SlcGuircl Whulesalo and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A full hue of FAMILY GROCERIES, 1'ljOUK, l'EEH HAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. car Butter, Eggs. Chooso, ote. conttantly on hand. 8- Ships auppliod at the lowest rates. CENTRAL MARKET. (lencral assortment of table stock constantly on nand. sudi as Canned Emits anil Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, i:0JS,TJl)TTEK, CnKESE. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Fisn. roiririrv akt .ime In- the "easo!i. :IG VKS X7iV TOBACCO. Bi-st ol'.WlXES XSl r.IQUOKS. All cheap for CASH. Ooods sold on com mission. Opposite I. W. Cae's store. J. RODOERS. PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHIHCHONA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA " GRAPE BRANDY, THE GltEATJSST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. See; our local columns lor particular, and ai you VALUE HEALTH, READ ! . may be found on file at Geo. P. BmvjxL & Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street ),w here adver- NEWYORK. tbln: contracts may be made for It In SHIPPING NOTICES. FK03I Astoria to South Bend. Woodwards Landing, Tokes Point, Bay Center, Oysterville, Light House Cove, and all Voints en Shoalwatcr Bay, where Business Calls. Tlie new Meamer - SOUTH BEND, S3-i AL. STREAM. MASTER Vv'lll connect a-egularlv at tlie iieml of the Bay with llenness staje line from Ilivjico, on Tuesday and Friday OF EVERY WEEK. S-rasseiigers from Astoria ailf thusbo able to mnKc the tnrougiit trip m one iiay. K9Returnini!r. lho steamer South Bend will connect at the head of Shoalwater Bay with lIellnc'-,, stages for Ilwaco, on Tues ilavs and Fridaj a, making the through trip to Astoria iront Smith Bend and intermedi- atciiolnts on the same day. tSThis steamer lias never jet missed a input making ncr connections ariuo neau of the Bay. All sttti mci.ts to the contrary are i.use. ZSfYor I reiglit or parage apply on board oratiiipoiiiceni .10HX WOOD S. CO.. South lli-nd, raclfie Co.. AV. T. Tin: xkvv sTKwini: Clara Parker, EBEX 1". PAItKElt, - - JIASTER Is now ready for business. tor frehiht or charter, apply to the Cap tain on hoard, or to il. E, PARKER. For Yaqulna Bay, Tillamook and Gray's Harbor. Direct. Tlie new Coasting steamer YAQUINA, JAMES E. DEXXY, - - MASTER Will leave Astoria for the above potts Due notice will bo. given of day ot sailing. 'or freight or passage apply at the office dock. C. .1. TREXCHARD, Agent. on STEAMER MAGNET, Jl. Vi. .UUI,Ar, JtASTHK. fftybcst Cliaiise or Time After Iee. ICtli. A"dl run to Klaslcanie on SATUBDAY'S nisieau ot t riuay s. Having a largo COVERED SCOAV I am Drenaicd to bn.it li:u .mi.l uh.nrfo.-il. :ui.l keep ill the DRY. ANo, will boat wood on snort notice. Always ready and ever will ing, give ineacaii. iicrui at iiusuers (lock. SAIKT JSfiC.a..-s-'s HOSPITAL, ASTOIUA, OREGON This jNsrrruTiox, uxder care of the Sisters of Chant j is now ready for the reception of patients, l'rivate rooms for the accommodation of :iuy uciinuj; mem. Patients admitted at all hours, day or night. Xo llllVklelnit !l!14 vMiltiT'0 i-t-rhf- dfom. patient is free to and has the privilege of t-iiipui mg any pnysician iney preicr. United States rtlarine Seamen who pay Hospital Uues.an- cuti tied to Free care and attendance at thisllos- ,11.. i,u.ln aitiviic.. lt-llllll, Jllliai, UC UU- tained for United States Marines at the Cus tom House. SiSTKiss ok Charity TJIMUti: i- Hajr, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand, Wooil Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses and Carriages for Hire. WLALrj! IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. 1882. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. jt,t,x.. o iW,iW nanui t. iuu JlCilU UJ imannmi lllnetitiI ... 1.1. i its unnartisan position hi politics, its admir able illustrations. Its carefully chosen serials. """' "-i. -snrLL-iiC9, itliu. jiucnu, couinu- uicu v uir iuiiur anisisana auinorsoi Inn ilit' if- Aov!ni lui-tnini..n .i ..- mTl In IIinilJinrla rf mnp.Ann lirvm ns It will always be the aim of the publishers anil attractive family ncrts'paper In the HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pcr Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY t 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR j nn The THREE above publications... 10 00 Any x v u aoove namea ... ....... 7 00 HARPER'S YOUXG PEOPLE. 1 a, HARPER'S JIAGAZIXE 1 HARPER'S YOUXG PEOPLE! " HARPER'S FRAXKI.IN SQUARE LI- iuuuii,uuc lciirwiiiiinuers; 10 00 Pontane-Frce to all miltarrltimt in TTnt- ted Slate or Canada. The Volumes of the WpeIclrlinn.ithti.A nrst Xumber for January of each jear When no time Ls mentlnnprl. It win h n' derstooil that the subscriber wishes to com mence With the S umber next'after the re ceiptor order. uneiast Twelve Annual volvmesof irAK- bo sent by mail, postage paid, or by express Irce of expense (provided the freipht does not exceed one dollar per volume), for S7 00 each. Bloth Cases for each volurao, -suitable, for blndimr, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on' receipt of Si 00 each. Remittances should bo made by Pott-Of-nce Money "Order or Draft, to avoid piiina of loss. eicspapcni are not ti copy this advertise ment icithotitthc express order of Harwje &BnoTHEns. Address: HARPER &.BROTHERS, XewYork. TKAKSPORTATION LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPAVY. OCE.4K DIY1SIOX. Between San Francisco & Portland. LK.VVK3 SAX KltAX. LEAVES rORTLAJTD. AT 12 :03 A. 31. AT 10 .V. M. a E.cc Jan 4 .1.111 !l Jan it Jan 20 Feb 13 Jan 8 Jan 10 Jan IS Jan 30 FebH Mch 1 MenlG .Ian 19 Jan 21 Jan 20 Feb i' Jan 23 Feb 0 Feb 3 Feb IS Feb 8 Feb 23 MchlO Feb 281 Feb 10 Mch.Gj Feb 21 Mch 0; Jlen 15 Mch 11 Leaving Portland at l2.o.i a. m. instpnd or 3 A. Ji. TVfin linticn trill lin m.,n r r .1 change. Right is reserved to change steamers or sailing days. THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the pruv cipal cities in the United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Rivers FEBRUARY 1, 1881. Leave l'ort-l " " 1 land for Mon Tu. We. Tim. Frl. Sat. Dalles. Wat- In VVnlla. Umatilla, and up riv er pom'?.- Jam ;aji jam ;ah tam ;am Astona. Iva lama. Taco vJS'n'SKew SAM AM 6AM 8AM fiAM SAM West'mstr GAJI .. fAM Oathlaraet. hAM Bay View. Brook. . West port, 0 1 i ft on. Knappa. 6AM SAM CAM Davton ..... 7AJI TAM JAM balem. and intermedi- atepomU. Gam fim Points on Snalo River 5am ... 5am GENERAL Orricra Coier Front and D Streets. Portland. J. McCRAKEX & Co.. Agents fetatc of California, A.UMAXWEU.. JOH-X MUIR. '""'"' i.cneral relght and Passenger agent. C.H. PRESCOTT. Manager Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co "WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, Il waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Unlil farther notice the Ilwaco l Steam Navigation Co's steamer GENEKAL CA2JEY. W. P. WniTCOMB MASTER Anil leave Astona On Tuesdays, Thvrsdays and Saturdays At 8 A.M.. for 1'ort Stevens Fort Cnnbj-, and Ilvvnco. A rrlv-iii'; at Fort Canby at 10 A. M. and touch ius at Ilwaco for passengers and mall. Eo turninfr.vviil leave lort Canby at 11 a.m.. arriving at Astoria at 1 v. 11. Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on those Days. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. 1Q fftrmPTlv nftl lutlnn nnnAnn.1 ....(..I.. schedule time. Fare to Fort Stevens. Canby and Ilwaco!! . BOcts .$100 tfETS-lliropn frnlfylit Tir tht inn In In ... 0110 ton or over, 2 00 per ton. so ror aicKeu, iowage or unarter spplr either at the office of tne Company, Gray'i tvnnrf. ffut nf Ttnnlnn alronf n n ih H..I.I. on board. J. H.D. OKAY, Ant. Oregon & California R.RXo On an after Oct. 11, 1SS0. trains will ran as fol lows, DAILY (Except Sundays), KASTSIDE DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURC. ain. TEira LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland.w...7,a A. M.IRoseburB7AT0P. M Rosoburs5:00A.M.Portland.455P M ALBANY EXPRES8 TRAIN. LTIAVK. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.Lebftnon9.20 P. M Lebanon 4:13 A. M.Portland10:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portln-I. 0:13 A. M.I Junction 6:00 P. M Junction 5: 15 A.' M.lPortland 5:25 P. M Thnrirnimn ond rallfornift Railroad i errv makes connection with ail Resular Trains on hastside Division. WESTSIDC D1VI3I0X. From Portland to Corvallis. MAIL TUB" T.T3AVR. ARRIVE. T .1 .1 C.nA ,1 TLt irnwnli;a 5-rtlP. At Corvallis 8:00 A. M.lPortland 3:20 P.IM Closo connections aro made at ROSEBURQ with tho Stases of tho Oregon and California Stago Company. . , BOiiCKOts tor saio to an me principal vuuiu In California and tho East, at tho Company' Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will be charged on freight remain' nc atCompanvs Warehouse over21 hours. Freight will not bo received for shipment after 5 o'clock IV M. on cither tho East or West side Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'l Snp't. E.P.H0QERS. , , . Ocn'l Freieht and Pawenjer Arent 1: . KOCHLER, Manager LOO KH ERE! CBINAMENMUST GO Washlns JIadc Ensj b3" tho Use or National Washing Powders, For washing clothes without rubbine or boil- nig, oaves iiuur.oafca ,,..,u. v "ba dcrs and find them as recommended. Mrs. A. C. Gibbs. Mrs. J. V nolph, Mrs. Dr. McKinnel, Mrs. Geo. Ham. Mrs. AV. P. Olds, Slrs.S. A-bedlak,- Mrs. IJchtcnthaler. Mrs. Capt. L Sanbum, Mrs. E. A. Hellion. ... v 1.1 T7a Tnclnrirl 1LTta airs. ur. .loscpiu, ! , "",? T"V Capt. W.H. West. East rortland ; Mrs. J. V . Sefivvood. East .Pertland: Mrs Kirk Shel- an, East 1'orj ana : . .i""Wi. Mrs. i.yman v;oon, jui.i. u.. "--Mlnnvifle: Mrs., A. G. lrspns Mis. J. A. Edwards, uavton ; jjus. .1. o. ""i. -"" S. M. Keity, Lafayette ; Mrs. GeUwIck. Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. Vincent, Corvallis : Mrs. CaDt. Annerson. Mrs. AVm. ElUot, Oregon "l"' n m.,rAipo 9. urna nwr rop's and Manufacturers, cor. C. and 2d sts. 4 . Portland. Oregon. Hr For salo at all the Grocery Stores. M 1-4 A