- .. I - JP U V) T.ftc gatfg sbndsrtu ABTORIA-OREGON SATURDAY ..JAN. 7,1882 J. F. HALLOK.1A.. Blaine's Statesmanship. t -i j: ... -t .1- -.i r mu"" "-I"-' i iueou,,ofthebarwherotllerowasndcpth says: The general character ofjo t)venty.six feet with the l5de mv v.m. urc , vcimm known. It bears date of the mid- die of November, and was sent by the same steamer which conveyed Trescott and "Walter Blaine. It sets forth at considerable length the attitude of the United States toward other republics upon this and the South American conti nent, affirming that it is our policy to use the good offices of this na tion to establish and ' perpetrate peace between various nations to which notes are addressed. He affirms it is not the desire or policy of the United States to interfere in the domestic concerns of any of those nations, but that the com mercial interests of the United States are deeply interested in tne existence of harmonious relations between the various republics themselves, and between each and the United States. The letter, af ter discussing at great length the mutual interests of the United States and nations addressed, treats of the question of the great influence .of European pow ers upon the two American con tinents, and virtually proposes that the United States and the vari ous other republics to which th circular letter is sent shcnild come to mutual understandings in regard to this matter, and propose mutual guarantees against any interfer ence or supervision from abroad. The letter was prepared with great care, and while the subjects alluded to are fully ilNcusscd, the tone of the letter i said to be eminently conservative. The let ter proposes on behalt of the United States an international conference of the republic -of Mexico and Central and South America to meet at Washington the 30th of next November. Re quest is made that the authorities of each should name two commis sioners to represent their govern ment at the conference, tlm object of which is to discuss questions of mutual interest and promote .friendly feeling?. At the tame time this letter was dispatched a second circular was mailed each of our ministers, setting forth that while it was well understood to he a very delicate matter for one na tion to mention pecuniary matters to another in connection with such invitation as had been extended by the United State?, still our govern ment desires to defray all the ex penses of this conference, and it was therefore in the discretion of each minister to call this fact to the attention of the government to which he is accredited in such way as shall appear to him most fitting. Anoxo the many pleasant little devicesjhat legislative romancers are desirous of bringing before the favorable coilsideration of Congress is srfheme introduced by some New York representa tives to enlarge the Erie canal so that war vessels twenty-live feet wide and drawing twenty feet of water could' pass from the great lakes to the sea in case of a war with England.- A subsidy of S15, 000,000 in bonds is asked, the state of New York to pay the present canal debt before the operations begin. Jx the U. S. Senate last Thurs day Senators Miller and Slater presented a number of petitions from citizens of California and Oregon, praying for leoislation to regulate railroad transportation charges, and Miller presented meiribriuls and resolutions recently adopfed by the San Francisco board of trade, merchants' ex change and produce exchange, urging the" establishment of addi tional signal stations on .the Pacific "coast, and a central signal service office at San Francisco. RKrtmn. from Government sur vcys at the mouth oi the .Missis sippi snow mat cumng uecemoer, 1881, nine hundred and thirty-six soundings were made at that point, Editor. ivtu :i view of ascertaining the lactual depth of water sdeured by ' Earls' jetties. The shallowest watnr .anywhere lound was on the crest nearlv two feet below the average J flood. The system is an admirable I pn'e and could be used to good purpose and satisfactory effect at the mouth of our own Columbia. Tin: quidnuncs whose self imposed duty it is to examine the signs and tokens and oracular ly announce results, are already informing a credulous public who are to be presidental candidates in 'S4. Arthur is put down as a second termer; Grant as being de sirous.of having his name appear before a convention for the fourth time; and, of course, the youthful Tilden is accused of so shaping his course as to be in at the death when the hunt comes off. Tis thought that should the English Govornment refuse to ac cept the modifications of the Clay-ton-Bulwer treaty suggested by Blaine, that the present Secretary of State will announce that the United States intends to abrogate the treaty. Femalk applications for public offices arc said to be more than usually numerous this year; some of the would be officials going so ' high as to ask such an appoint ment as Kegistcr oi the I .a nil office. MISCELLANEOUS. t 3E3: -Ei S TJ 3ST . . NEW YORK. 1RS. The Sux forlSS2 will make its fifteenth annual revolution under the present man agement, shining, as always, for all, his ami little, mean and gracious, contented ami un happy, itepublican and Democratic, de iira ert and virtuous, Intelligent and obtuse. tiik Sun's light is for mankind and woman kind of every sort; hut its general warmth is for the good, while it iours hot discomfort on the blistering backs of the ner-i-ieiilly wicked. The sux of isuwas a newspaper of r. new kind. It discarded many of the forms, and a multitude of the superfluous words and lihrases of ancient ioumalism. It under took to report in a f resli, succincr, uncon ventional way all the news of the world, omitting no event of human interest, and commeuting upon affairs with the fearless ness of absolute independence. The suc cess of tins experiment "was the sucee.-s of The Sux. It effected a permanent change in the style of American newspaiK-rs. Eery Important journal established 111 til's cuuntrv in tho dozen years past has been moneiien atier itik ora. r.iery imporiani I journal already existing lias been modified and bettered by the force of Tiik St ss example. '1 he Su' of 18.S2 will be tiie same iiiiMitik- en. tnitlitelling.and interestuur newsnauer. lsy a liberal use of tin means which an abundant prosperity affords, we shall in'ike it better than ever befoie,. We shall print all the news, putting il into readable shape, and measuring its import ance, not by tho traditional yardstick, but by its real interest to the people. Distsiicp from I'rinting House Square is not tho first consideration with Tun Svx. Ylicneer anything happens worth reporting we get t ho partlcnlars.whcllier it happens in lirook lynorin liokliiira. In politics we have decided opinions ; and are accustomed to express them in language thai can be understood. We savwliatwc think about rr.cv and events. That iiahit is the only secret ot T111: SuVh political course. The Wkkwi.v Sux gathers into eight paces the best matter of the seven dailv is sues. An Agricultural Depanment of "un equalled merit, full market reports, and a liberal proportion of literary, scientific, anil domestic intelligence complete Tin: Wkkk ly Sux, and make it the best new spaper for 1 ue larnier s nouseiioiu inai w as e er primed. Who does not know and read ami like Tiik Huxday Srx, each number of which Is a tiolconilaol interesting literature, with the best Ketryof the day, prose, every line worth readiug.uews, humor matter enough to fill a good-sicd book, and infinitely more varied and entertaining than any book, big or little? If our idea of wlint a ncuspaicr slmuld be pleases you. send for Tun Srx. Our terms are as follows ; For tho daily Sux, a four-page sheet of twenty-eight columns, the price Iiv mail, post paid, is 55 cents a month, or r: no :i jear; or, including the Sunday paper, an right-nagc sheet of fifty-si; columns, the price is 63 cents per mouth, or Jjij :o a year, postage paid. The Sunday edition of Tiik Srx is also furnished separately at $1 20 a vear post age paid. The price of the Weekly Sux, eight pages, fifty-six columns, is I a year, post age paid. For clubs of ten sending Sill we will send an extra copy free. Addrcvst I.W:K."H,AN1 1'ublisher of The Sux. JS'ew York City. KILL'S rillBTIRX. GEO.IIILl -CIIAS. KOHLlirt, - ritoPKiCTon STACK MAXAfSEtt Open all the Year, Performance Kv. ry Mslit. Entire Change of Pro- srainuie Once a Week. Comprising all tho latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. Tim theatre is crowded nightly, and all who have witnessed the entertainment pro nounce it to be eoual to any given elsewhere. Mr. Hill as a caterer for the public's amusement can not be excelled. Anybodv wishing to .spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improve the opportunity and eome. Open air concert every ev cuing ; perform ance commencing at '8 ; entrance. to theatre 011 Benton street ; private boxes ou Clienn mus street. IiETTER HEAD PAPER. "PRETTED OR PLAIS, OF TIJ.E BEST -IL qutuiiy 11 las Astorum office. MAGNUS G. CROSBY, L . Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL,'. iron Pipe and Fittings, Flita and Steam Fitters Goods and Tools. i SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD S ' nurrr irmn vin inMnmin en : dnm nsuri m Anu'uurriin. Cannery aufl Fisliermens Saiiplles Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch,- None but first class woiloiicii employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand & I.FIXKXWKimil. A. A. COIty. X.STAItt.lslir.D 1W". Lei iien weber & Colin, ASTORIA, OREGON, TAfflffiRS MB CURRIERS, Manufacturers anil importers of 4 LI. KINDS OK AND FINDINGS'. Wholesale Dealers iii OIL AND TALLOW. BBHinhest cash once iiafil for Hides and Till low." .. IE, C3. SSiCKXESS Importer and Wholesale dealer in Cigars and Tobacco, Smoker's Ar ticles, Playing Cards, Cut lery, Etc., Etc., 'the largest and finest stock of Meerschaum aim Ainuer goousm 1110 city, r.irticiuar at tention paid to orders from the country and esels. Chenanius sticct. Astoria, Oregon. TIILO. P.I.ACKKl!. Manager. ASTORIA MARBLE WORKS, II. KKiaiAX. Monuments, Head Stones, Mantle Pieces. First class work ; satisfaction guaranteed in all cases, slate cannery senmers always on hand. Opposite C. U l'arkerV residence. To Builders and Contractors. SIUI.F.l) VKOrOSALS WII.I. IIL" ui: eited bv the undersigned 1111I1I noon, Jauuni) ?3. IStsJ. for the fiimi-hing of mate rials, erecting and completing a ("lfurcli edifice on Jlain. between .lellerxm and As tor Streets, in tliiscit. I'lansandsiieeillca tionscaii be examined at my oiliee. on and ytersaliiruay.Ttn 111st. ine right to it'jecr jiiv and all lifsls is reserved. nr.iiOLiiia. Secietary of lloaid of Trustees. F11U J'rebj s tcnau 1 iitiren 01 Aston.i. u-iii Notice. " fKlTIinitTIlK aviTAIN" XOH C0XS1 JLl neesof tiie JInriel will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew, dlw i;onir.i:',ilEKi:XCo. II EAbQUAKTKUS llKl'AimiCXT OF -M.JL. incuomuiDia. ancouver i'arraci:s. . T.. Xov. 2ii, 18S1. Wiitten iroKisals will lie received by the unileisigned, at V.mcovcr ltamicks, Av. T., until Aiaicli.Jlst. 1SS2, for the right or exelu sie seining on the Fort Mevens, (I'olnt Ailams) Jlilitary lieservation, during llio next fishing heason. Tiie liglit to reject any or all bids, as may lie deemed bet. is le seniil bv the nndcrsigaed. o.n.(;i:i:i:x. 5Iaj. an.l Ass'f Agr, ficncnil, l!reet liriga dierOeneral U.S. Army. ' dtf School Tax Notice, rat 9V TIIF. TAX l'AYKKS OF SCHOOL JL District No. 1. I'laKop county, Oregon : You are hereby notified that the assessment roll for the school tax in district Xo. 1 for tho jcarissi, is w-mpletpil and will lie In my haudsat myolllce atl'.rown XCo's dock for tiie next sixtv days from date hereof, l'ay your taxes in time and save eosLs. T.C. IIUSTLF.i;, Clerk of School District Xo. 1. Astoria, Oregon, Dec. l, issi. yjRS. A. RAPPLEYEA, Formerly f Xew York, wishes lo an nounce to Hie ladies of Astoria that she isnow prepared to do DRESS MAKING In all the latest styles. A share of our pat ronage is resueitfnllv solinirnii Itooms opposite Liberty Hall, Chenanms stiuiri. Notice. milF. PAUTXEltSHIP IIEKirrOFOltEcx X isting between C. 11 .lnefcins mul John A. Montgomery under the firm name of lacKins-o: .Montgomery, has been tins day dissolved by niutu-il consent. John A. Montgomery will collect and stltlc all ac counts of said firm. CIIAS. U. JACKIXS, . JXO. A. MOXTGOMBBY. Astoria, Ogn, Dee. 0, lfwi. d-30d For Sale. HOMESTF.A1) OF JAS. SL.VTEH. ONE mile from 1HU Cnck. Clatsop coiintv, 160 acres, 15 cleared and fenced, house arid barn. A good cattle ranch. Inquire of dtttf .101IX 1I01KOX. Notice to Cannerymsn. IJtOR TIIIKTY liAYS FROM THIS date . In 111 contract to make fish boxes of sat isfactory Quality in any quantity at tho fol lowing prices : Imcs in ttio shuck 12Ji cents each ; nailed boxes lti-J cents each, deliv ered at tho Y"e.st Sliore Mills. J. C. TRULLIXGER. Astoria, Dec. 10, ISSI. tt-lm That Hacking Congli can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. AVo guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement. MISCELLANEOUS. (srciiwsna ro i:ar. & alien.) Wholesale and retail U-al.r in Provisions, QrookCFVa I Glass and Plated Ware,! TP.Ol'ICAI. AND DoMKSIIO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wiees.LJpoToteccolGiprs The largest ami most complete stock of goods hilheir line to bo found in tin" city. Corner ot Cass ami Siiuciiiocqhe St reels. ASTOIUA. OP.iX.ON. IRISH PLAX -fUBEJDS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, . Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Mads to Order, Fiax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS SI I Ztlarlcet street. Snii-Kraiioi.Hro HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. . ASIC foi: UNION INDIA RUBBER CO'S I'nre I'am iiiiiu Rubber Boots and Coats. llEWAr.F. OF IM1TATIOX ! . Ik! .sure. the" r.ools are stamped CllACK I'IKiUF on tho heels, and have the l'UHK Oiur SPIllXOS on the foot and instep, which prevents their cracking or breaking. They will last twice as long us :mj other tuanufaetuied. FOP. SALE RY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS HUUREi: RELTIXfi. PACK- lXO, HOSE, SPRIXOS, CI-OTHIXO, ' BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. li:il. PEASE. Jr. S.?.I. RLXYOX. Agents, San Francisco. Notice of Copartnership, TE. THE UNDERSIllXED IIEKEIJY Y1 give notice that wo hav formed aeo partnership under the finn n-inie of Leiucn weber& Colin, to transact the business of tan ning, 111 Astoria, Oregon. C. LEIXKXWEIiEi:. A. A. COHN. Astoria. Oregon. Dee. !, ISsl. il-sod liEssan, " - ta m INDORSED DY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND , THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST HEDICAL TRiUKlPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID SJVgR. Eoss of appetlte.irftngen.bowels costive. lJaiu in theHeftd.with q dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the shoulder- piaue. luuneES miot ettuuK. "uu mem- ilination to exertion of body or mind. trritnb'uTty of temper. Lowr spirits. Iioss of memory, witnateellngot nayingneg. leeted some duty.yearinessTpizginega. Fluttering of the Heart, Dotn before tho ves. Yellow Hkiir. Headache. Restless ness at night, higtuy colored Urine. ?XHESET7AEHIKaSAEEnrTHEIDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WIU.S00N BE DEVELOPED. ToTTSPILLS are especially adapted to inch cuses,one dose effects sachachango or feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase trie Appetite, and cause the body to Tube on Flesh, tbns the system Is nnnri&tifli.Rnd hvthelrTnuIeAetlotson the i:iscstlrcOnrnns.BeztilarStao!aarepro- auced. Price s cents. iS5HarrnTSt,N.V. TUTT'S HAIR 0 "Jn.v v It air or Wkiskkes chaad to a GLOssr Ulavk by a single application of this dvk. It j i parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. l.itl t r Dragglets, or sent by eTjtreu oaretfirtofQl. Office, S5 Murray St., New York. s Dr. icm axsrit. .r tiu. i.r..n.. u- k "SLhW ttcitjU H1 bt ndtt riUI u pflm.ttoa.fl g n H n 'Sis a SP MISCELLANEOUS. !GeoWHume Wholesale and Retail Dealer GHO GEKCEB, l f Provisions, Lumber, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. lisliftrmeiis aiirt Cannery SIUPPL1ES A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOR THE San Jose Fruit Packing Company.- AND THE San Francisco Chemical WOBKS, ASTORIA - - - OREGON. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. The undersigned respectfully notifies the public that baring been appointed agent for the I ...A . ntvj isvirrcuvtu si hulk, lie Is now prepared to olfer these unrivalled Sewing Jlachines on such terms as cannot fail to'meet the wants of ever body in need of tills indispensable article of household furniture. Liberal discount made on cash sales. To those desiring it I will sell on the instalment plan. Five dollars a month. 17 cents a dav, lle-s than it costs a smoker for cigars), w ill soon purchase j our wite a singer. The Best Sewing Machine Ever Put Together. Old Sowing Machines taken in exchange. Attachments. 'eedles, Cotton, Oil. etc. al navson hand. Call and examine the Singer Sewing Machine and the varictv of work It cm perform at E. C. li"OLDENS. Agent Singer Man. Co. OHI0160 BREWERY, !..j. stj:ai;ks, - - auxst. Is now ready to supply the public with the Celebrated Chicgoer1 In any quantity to suit, I haw also this Celebrated t'liirago Itcrr In Hollies, Whiuh U now verj popular among "nil fami lies and saloons." Please scud in jour order, and tlicy w-ill Imp in v best attention. .1. STKAUSS, Astoria, Oregon. Agent for Oregon and Wash. Ter. AlAICliJ I"P FIUST CLASS STOCK INTO Harness and Saddles, And w ill lit ou out inlietterstylcand cheap er rates than any other man in Oregon. A full line or Whips, Curry C'ouilis, etc., on liantl. PilesY Pilej Piles ! A Stii' Cure I'onml t I.nf ! A O110 Aol SiillVr! A sure Cure for Itliml, Weeding, Itching and Ulcerated Tiles has been discovered by Dr. Williams-, (an Indian Keinedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single ho lias cured the worst chronic cases of 25 or SO ears standing. No one need suffer me Minutes niter applying iius nunuenui soothing medicine. Ixitions, instruments and elcetuaries do more harm than good. Wil liam's Ointment alisorbs tho tumors, allays the intense Helling, (particularly at night af ter getting warm 111 bed), acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the prhatc parts, and for nothing else.' Kead what the Hon. J. JL Coffinburry of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian 111c Ointment : 1 hate used scores of Pile Cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anj thing which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on re ceipt of price. SI 00. HEXJIY A CO., rrop'8. Cleveland, O. Hodge. Davis & Co.. Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. Free to Everybody! A Beautiful Book for the Asking By a ijiplvingpersonally at ttav nearest fflco frfrviibit MAvni'Acrruiiiso co.. of Til (or by postal card If at a distance), and adult ierson win oe prcseuu-u ii" ...""", iliistnited copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, Olt TJIE Story of tie SewiBi MacUne. Containing a handsome and costly steel en graving frontispiece-; also, 23 finely engraved wood ruts, and bouifdm an elaborate bluo and gold lithographed cover. o charge wliate-erisiuade for this handsome book, which can be obtained only by-application at the branch and subordinate offices of Hie Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co. Principal Office,"! Union Square, I NEW VOBK. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents-per bottle, bold, by W.E. Dement. is .JLn (surcussei: to jackixs & montomeuy.. ' fBHHH COIUKB OF MA IX AXI M.mwTmT&t JS? - 10 ) hs) w-m ' Xkt J",!Ss5Jli. .c vanij fivxa(jw - aasfeTW'. s? g&&m&s- FRIlVTIffQ. THE ASTOBIAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS FASTEST ANJ) BEST PRESSES, AiVJ) TYPE B"Wc purchase Paper, Ciuils, Ink; and -A-t Iicwesf And can therefore affordfto use, a we Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES "WHICH CAN NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. T HE ASTORIAN, (DAILY T S RESPECTED AND C05IMENDED RY ALL FORJITS Impartiality,. Ability, THE PAPER. FOR. TIDi. COMMERCIAL MAN,. FOR THE FAIRER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, ' :FOR EVERY PER80N 1A1X"V ASXOKIATV TERMS: BY MAIT, (eOSTAOE FREB TO ALT. SUBSCKIBEKS. , DALLY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR . DAILY". ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS .". J-Sample cop!esjf cither edition to Address: ' r 8iBPost'master3 are'authorl7ed to act "KALKRS ljf Tin". Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and .Ranges O ' -"""0- The Best in the market. l'iUiubins Roods of all kinds on hand. Job work done, in a workmanlike manner. .IKFFEKSOXSTItEF.TS. .;, sfta;v& i a.,- rr j-irjtf ,oy" z?A!i!J .4-ii2rC--S-!'?i :I0B dfiiSffL. THE OV THE LATEST STYLES. other materials of the nianiifnrtiire rs ' ' G&.tatx Rates, nlwaysldp. the best articles, while charging -s. Bill Heads and Letter. Heads. THE COUNTING ROOM AND THK AND WEEKLY) Fairness and Reliability S9 00 a oo cents. J. tVHAliliOItAX Co. pabUsheis, Astoria, Oregon as agents for Tiie'Astorias. I . J. .. -. -. tg-ata-triH!Sitta a?u liEb''--?bMir.iJ? thAi cfel