- L3) f TP rt gta giails sstrlmi ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. .DEC.2&. 1K1 ISSUED 3 VERY MORNING. (Monday CxccMod;. J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY. FUliUSIJERS AXO I'nOritlETORS. A&triait. JinVdhvt, Cass Street. Attention! Attention! All those indebted to the Central Mar ket will please call and pay their ac counts beforo 15th of January, 18S2. By j so doing they will oblige and iave cost. j Rescue Jubilee Troupe, t s A c.vv.n. To whom it may concern : It being currently rowrtoil, and we- are some what surprised lo say in some eases be Those that uo not comply v.'ith this re- Hcvcd. that a noted cou yuost. thoir accounts will be closed. j admittance lo the hall of J. ltOGKUs. i News A Pioneer Gone, cornea from Union Out of Service. c: Br COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. county, The chairman of the 6re and water saya the Standard; of tho death of ouo j committee of the Common Council of the oldest pioneers of Oregon, Hon. urtesan gained i .Tnf,nT, n-Ae. who died at Eaclo val- thu buildine; ;, ., ' . ., ,lt - , UIl W1U J-Ulll Ull., Terms of Subscription : oervoil by Carrier, por wpck........... Cents enr by mail. fourinonths............5 00 Sent by mail, one year....... ..... 9 CO rue of Postage to Subscribers. Jr Advertisements Ineerted by tho year at tho rate of 81 50 ;er square per month. Transientadyortislnp; hy the day or wodc. 4fty cents per square for each insertion. THEGIT. Thk Daily astokiax vill be xent by matlatloccnt amonth.frccofjwstagc. Head ers who contcmplatcatecnccfrom the city can have The Astokiax follow them, Daily or Wukkly editions to any pot-offlce with out additional expense. Addretucs may be enangrd as often a. dad red. Leave order at the. counting room. Poor old '8L Court next week. And now begins the swearing off. Puget Sound is full of drift wood. Sheriff Twombly has nearly all his subpoenas sorved. Frank Fabre has oysters in every style. Stew and pan roasts a specialty Whatever you do or don't in '82, keep your promises. Another of those fine A. J. Chase organs at the City Hook Store. Contributions received up to tho hour of going to press. Fresh candy every day at the As toria candy factor-. Monday is a better day than Saturday to receive callers. A large invoice of parlor, cook sto via and ranges at J. A. Montgomery's. The quarterly examination of teaohera for Clatsop connty begins to day. - Max. Wagner's San Francisco Na tional brewery beer can't be beat. A little judicious sweeping would make some of our thoroughfares look nicer. Turkeys, geese Warren and Eaton's. and chickens a Chamber af Commerce. Regular meeting was hold in Judge Eowlby's rooms on Tuesday evening. A petition was ordered to be forward ed to Congress asking that a special appropriation be made for the perma nent improvement of the Columbia river bar. Also for the renewal of the dragging (or harrowing) as a mean1? of immediate relief. Another memorial was ordered to be forwarded to our representatives, ask ing that the Astoria land grant be de clared forfeited unless the railroad company filed bonds conditional on the completion within two years. Other petitions were ordered to bo forwarded, asking for an appropriation of 750,000 for the Cascades canal and locks for a canal connecting Shoal water Day with the Columbia and tho improvement of the Chehalis river. Masonic Installation. The folio wing were installed officers of Temple Lodge No. 7, A. F. and A. M., Tuesday evening: 15. Tan Duseu. W. M.; C. .1. Trenchard, S. W.; F. W. Ferguson, J. W.; L W. Case, Treasurer; E. C. H olden, Secretary; F. W. Baltes, S. D.; F. W. Newell, J. D.; J. K. Mason, S. S.; A. John son, J. S.; L. Hartwig, Tyler. in costume at the recent masquerade : ioj m maw cuuuty ball given by Rescue .Jubilee TroumH after a short but on Monday evening, uec. siu, aim y - this fan! to all who have o currently ceased canio hero Council Proceedings. VAstnrdav nfiic'nllv l.nHfipfl TVFnvnr Ireland that Engint- No. 2 is out of service, and repair are needed for -tho engine, but an tho chairman dis- likes to have discussion over such ho feels dis- act in the ! r matter nf repair. A a a fire is liable; to break out at iiv time, it will bo' essential to safety to have the engine ' put in trim as soon as possible. ::z::.2r.3:sra3zss2 saHatss233S2uuaf2auiHiui5 a nainful illness. De- before tho days of .mnrliil tlin cinin vi hr.-iin" tuifiirft tflK i. ? x: ... it. ..".. ..1 I l."l"t- ,,-. ..-.. ". ?.. ....! 1 icjiuuw iiibsiuuv, ii " ......v .... t canv cmiuraituii acroaa nio uiiuus. .u- j uma, ..w ihimuui i community as mitigated liars ana mv- - 7 '.j,,, ,,. .,.,.: meditated slanderers of our wmhI name.! moat forty-seven yeara ago. In the j pw-cd t lot tin- (.nniu-il and the Troupe will imj :i liaiviMiim' vcar 1834 six men cumo out with Cipt. reward to anyone who will furnish u r the name of the party who first tartd Nftthauiel Wyetn to establish a trad such report. jn2 post, who remained aficr ho had wj!d out his goons io the Hudson Ray i e.ii.uum- ilii. nniu vc-ar Rev. Jason Top citveonncil met in reeiilnr scviLceand other missionnries of The M. ; sion last Tuesday evening. After the jE. Church crt-sard the plains in iicnnl -nrAlimiimrii"! tin- uartiRcfite.s of Wvi'ths c-iuiDJi'V: tlKTC was also a street Supt. and street committee as- 'sailor sved fiom a wreck; nn English cepting the work of J no. Hobsuu, sailor also crossed tho mountains; the Geo. Flavcl and J. SV. Welch woro j brig Maryland. Capl. John H. Conch, received and tiled. '. brought several men,-and i party committee KKroins. caii)o overlnnd from California uuduv w S;jc;i;!:32'J.tiraia2j:5;:n5;33:niKS3iiJi333tEiiM- GEissszzszscsassssisssajssuesEtscs&aEecsBsaszsaszaisssaisaMsinsissKiaisszitSMSUU TORE A report was received from commit- j the guidance of Ewing Young, who Mrs. Twilight and Mrs. Illsley have taken charge of the Pioneer Restaurant, which has been thoroughly renovated and refitted. Mrs. Illsley lias charge of the cuisine. Good coffee .1 specialty. An oxchauge starts in poetically to announco that "tho days go by, one by one.'" Yes indeed, ono by two tho onions fade, three by four the jugs run dry. Chas. Stevens and Son have a stock of mouldincs and moulders tools which can be bought cheap lor cash to close out mat nrancn 01 1110 nusines. Tho bark Shooting Stir, of 073 tons, once so well known on the Pa cific coast, has been sold at Hamburg for Russian account, and has had her name changed to Ellen. The Chico Enterprise is the fresh est and liveliest of our California exchanges. Ilot, cold and shower baths at the Occident hair dressing saloon, twent3' five cents. Municipal elections are "passing off quietly" all over the State. Gone, but not forgotten. Articles that sold last week for S2 at Carl Adlcr's, are marked down to Si 50. Si 50 articles to Si, and so on. Tho British bark Sidlaw that sailed hence Aug. 4th, arrived at Liv erpool Dec. 26th. You can get some nice New Year's presents at Adler'.s for less money than last wesk. Tho Bellona and Doon went up the river yesterday; tho Castlehead will be taken up to-day. It is not yet too late to get your girl a nice writing desk and some stationery at Carl Adler's. Grace Church school. Miss Uewett principal, will reopen Jan. 9th, 1882 The select nature of this school makes it deservedly popular with parents. The department at Washington has decided that Lombardy Poplar and Balm of Cotton wocd is not timber in the sense that the law relating to timber cnlturo requires. The goods, chattels and personal be longings of the late San T. Clans, de ceased, will be sold at Carl Adler's to day and to-morrow. We hear more reports of good coal finds in tho country southeast of tiB. This will be a shipping point for coal some day when those extensive veins are opened. For handsome holiday presents, such as toilet cases, cologne sets, per fumery cases, fine .soaps. clo go to Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Ilotcl. The Dayton Chronicle declares that there arc girls in that place who put feet four inches wide into shoes two and one-half inches wide. This is indeed too too and a half. tec on wavs and means, to whom had been referred an ordinance prescribing certaiu duties and fixing the compen sation of city attorney, was received and filed. Various ordinances were read and passed. It was moved by Councilman Spsxarth that the matter of improv ing West fith street, or refunding such money as has been paid in for such improvement, be referred to street committee to be reported on at next meeting, carried. CLAIMS. The following claims wera ordered paid by warrants: Astoria Iron Works J. W. Gcarhart Thco. Bromscr ..... Jno. llobson Geo. Flavcl J.W.Welch The following were referred: Carl Adlcr W.D. Baker Judges and Clerks of election. . . Theo Brocmser On motion, council adjourned. Better go than wish you had. Where.' Why, to Adler's to get goods at : per cent, discount. Charley Vays he just delights 111 snowing goons. Up country papers complain that the railroad men wont tell them any thing. It is only justice to say that railroad employes are in one sense like telegraph operators; they are sup posed and expected to be reticent; and garrulity i3 fatal to promotion. S4U :u . lODG . 8 50 . 20 00 . GO 00 . 10 00 8 50 5 00 ,r. 00 C75 was a notable cnaracier in cany nays, i With tiiis last company canio Joseph Gale, the subject of our sketch, who seems to have been 0110 of the very earliest of tlwso who were neither missionaries or connected with the Hudson Eay company, who bocamo permanent citizens of Oregon. Mr. Gale was undoubtedly ono of those who petitioned congress in 1S-10 to establish a territojial government for Oregon. We find honorable men tion of him in proceeding of early set tlers. About 18il the enterprise of building a schooner of forty tons bur den was successfully accomplished uu der great difficulties, and r:as assisted by Capt. Wilkes of the Exploring Ex pedition, who furnished materials for rigging it in part. When completed the vessel made voyages to San Fran cisco, or Ycrba Buena then railed under command of Capt. Gale, which confirms the belief that he was a sea faring man, and na such originally vis ited this coast. After returning from California with his vessel, which was traded there for a large band of cattlo, Mr. Gale was elected by the settlers in 18-13, with Alanson Beera and David Hill, an ex ecutive committee- under a provisional government, and this fact ha caused the report that 1ms was one of the early governors of Oregen: That com mittee wielded the executive power and the title was not really misplaced. d an Ilackmeiack." a lasting and ra-: is2riciss;:-35, giant perfume. Price 25 and o cent. '. .sold by W. K. Dement. The Eureka fired iier gun and J The British bark Muriel, Muir I master, forty-four days from Guya- juil, arrived in yesten. Why will you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10cLs50ctsaml$. Sold by W.E. Dement. :ss.'iE;ES33:s:n:!:2:2E3s:sc2sm!3!aEz:einsiiin3iaifiii3MHHtHH -FOPv'.YOtTK- A Skipanon note of tho 28th says they expect an interesting debate at the Sea Side Lyceum on Saturday, Dec. 3lst. Subject for debate: Re solved, thai the spoils system known in politics is a curse to the Govern ment of tho United Stutes. A. E. Allen, affirmative; M. E. Newport, negative. ASI Br m .v TEAR ias just received the latest and most So it appears that Joseph G ile ha oots. shoes, etc. " honored name m. early times, was in fact ono of the very earliest to reach The State of California leaves Portland on her downward trip at eight o'clock this morning. Persons desirous of getting skates can be accommodated by leaving their number with me. Gr:o. Koss. One is a mere bug, the other is a beer mug. Thero's j'onr ready-made answer. Make up your own conundrum. Captain Houston of the Duke of Connanght, has a little Rtranger on board his vessel, who arrived on the 1st of Dec, the ship being in lat. 12 N., long. 123 W. He calls the little fellow David, and the parents are proud of him. Shiloh's Catarrh llomcdj a posi tive cure for Catarrh. Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by A . E. Dement. As usual no mention was made of some of the finest sustained characters at the masquerade last Monday night. Among the dczen or more wu heard of were Uncasand the squaw which, wo are told, were incomparable in make up and bearing. Shiloh's Ci;i:i: will immediately relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold by W. 15. Dement. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness. Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin V Shiloh's Vital izer Is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. A gentleman who had not visited Astoria siuco '78, called into one of the stores yesterday to find what pre mium they were paying on twenty- dollar gold pieces. On finding that it was pretty much the "other way and that folks were glad to get bilvcr in ex change, he manifested tnuoli surprise A Xasal Iniector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh. Kemedy. Price 50 cent. Sold by W, E. Dement. List of Lstters Remaining uucalled for in the Post- office at Astoria,' Oregon, December 29, 18S1. :c;:i::;i:j:3a:;i2e:;i52Siis:!233ara323riEii3iEaj333E2HimaiMiM3 1?' ENTS.I -T '4 Crocker, 11 B Cum, Jno Davis, Daniel Gates, Lafayette Goodridgc, Chas L Ilatcheson, John Harmon. Geo Harrison liarl Isaacs. James Johnson. Xeltie V Kelley, Henry Leathers,! M Laughlin, Bedford Marshall, Chas J Persons calliii!! Mathlem, Marie Majors, Miss Jessie Nye, Miss AHc Newton, Thos Oliver, Albert Peterson. P P Barasey Miss F Bogoeo Frank Steele, W R Sani, John P Smiley, Mrs J L 2 Sherman, Frank Stone, Mrs Annie I Yangcison, Henry for these letters 3g;a;3;;j;5ztsi23gaggga5MEM3agnii;aM3iuu3UMMiiiimiiim Buy your Children and Friends something that will be of service to them I have received a large consignment of Jewelry Which I will sell at wholesale rates. Buyers will save money by . purchasing of me. C. H. COO FEB, I X L Store, near Bavliev Hoicse, JLsboiu. TheBossCoffee and Tea Pot There are a lew more chances left yet to win one of those lovely dolls which are to be raffled at Mrs. Derbv's, New Years eve. Wheat ia piling up rapidly in Portland. There will a whole fleet come in somo fine day. They're out there. A few moro chances yet to be taken for that fine graphoscope at tho City book store. A thing of beaut j-is a joy forever. Any one 01 tnose beautiful things at Adler'.s will be a present and perpetual joy if you buy and give it to the one you like nest, j There are now ten surveying par ties at work locating the lines of the O. & C. R. R. and C. P. R. R. be tween Roseburg and Redding, and the cost is not far from 81,000 a day. ror the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the Gem. opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. The Dayton Chronicle man tells of an event that happened "eighteen hundred and eighty-five years ago." What a wonderful memory the D. C. m. has. You ought to buv one of those illus trated works at Adler's for your brother ana sisier. Statements are again going around the country about the first man who publicly suggested a Pacific railroad. The first man who publicly agitated that question was John Plumb, of Dubuque, Iowa, in 1830. Those writing desks at the City book store are tho best in the city. They are something nice and durable, and just what most young ladies would appreci ate irom me giver. Speculators, and airy other per sons desirous of securing valuable im proved property, should not fail to attend the assignee's sale of the Bailey lots and residence at the Court House door this afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The Vancouver Independent says the commander of the Columbia has received a very flattering letter from tho geueral of tho army eulogizing the troops in this department on the efficiency they havo attained in rifio practice. It will be published in general orders. Mr. John Hogers of the Central Mar ket, ha. made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc., in their season Up to the 16th inst. 110,000 tons of wheat had been shipped from Port, land. This, with what shipping now in that port, represents over 4,000,000 bushels or 3,000,000, and, sa3-s the Uaj'ton Chronicle, furnishes a power ful argument for tho improvement of the mouth of the Columbia. Julius Halb.sgnth, music teacher for piano, organ or voice culture. Cleaning orcans will be properls attended to by leaving orders at Adler's book and variety store. Thirty persons were recently poisoned in a Michigan town by eat ing sausages. This comes of leaving brass collars on dogs, a most pernici ous custom. Poor Santa Claus is dead. 113 many friends will be pleased to hear that Carl Adler has administered on the estate. Congress, by special enactment, has made Monday, December 2Gth, 1881, and Monday, January 2d, 1882, legal holidays. Deeds, notes, and such papers, made on those days, will hare no yalidity. Mrs. Bob Ladd, from Portland, a test medium of great power and experi ence, is at the house of Mrs. Job Rns. where private sittings may be had daily. Public circle, for which 25 cents admis sion win lie ciiargeu, every evening this wceK. From the Oregonian we learn that the O. R. & N. Co. carried down the Columbia from July 1st to Dec. 20, 62,214 tons wheat ami 10,518 tons flour, of which 10,000 tons was held over from 1880, making the amount of this year's crop dolivered to market here 62,732 tons. There is yet to be shipped 49,356 tons, making the total surpluss of 1881 112,038 ton3. The Pendleton Tribune asserts gleefully that Senator Grover is going to get a bill through the Senate to re imburse the State for 131,000, ex penses in the Modoc war. The Tribune should remember that it is not consonant with prudence to exer cise its vocal propensities while still surrounded by a boundless contiguity of shade. The Rev. Geo. U. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind- says: ''Both my.self and wife owe our lives to Shiloh's Coxsumption Cure." Sold by W. E. Dement. In July, 1877, the 2f . P. R. R. forfeited its railroad grant by not building certain parts of tho road which were to have been finished by that time. A petition is now being circulated over Washington Territory, asking Congress to declaro their grant forfeited, and a part of the public do main again. this region, and no doubt assisted in its development wish earnest ofiorts. He leaves few, if am', of the ban 1 who met lic-iY! in 1834. to lament him. ihe fact is strongly impressed ufiou us thai very soon the Ia3t of the early pioneera will h.we met in the hen-after to i-'Sibb there the memories .f th.f liy-que davs. ' ' In 1879, says the Walla Walla Union, M. C. Moore & Co., of Walla Walla, loaded the Hanna Limits and Alice Cooper, with Walla Walla wheat and sent them from Astoria to tho United Kingdom on their own account. Tho two ships earned 4000 tons. Portland merchants have just sent their first ship to Europe, and it was a small one. General Miles has issued orders requiring each post commander in the department to assemble his otlicers once a week and havo read to them a portion of the army regulations, etc. , of the new revised code. An out sider, judging by the size of the book, thinks the readings will be finished about the time the youngest lieuten ant is placed on the retired list During the first tuentv-two davs of the present month vessels with 529,489 centals of wheat on board, cleired for ?ea at tins port. Two of them, currying 96..0 centals, went out; the others, with 432,983 centals, are still here, and all the tugs in tug dom couldn't take them out. Thre is another article i-n the Columbia ha-. Wo look to Washington for an an swer. There will be a courco of lectures in the M. E. church onunencing on the 17th of January 1832, when J H. Acton will lecture, to be followed by J. A. Gray nn the 2ith, and G. W, Izer on the Slat. As the proceeds aro to 1)0 applied to the bencfiL of the new church it 'will be a success not only for the merit of the lecture but in consideration of the disposition of the accruing fund". During tho year just past about fort' thousand acres of State land have been sold in Baker county dis trict. There is now in the hands of the State Land Register about ninety thousand dollars in notes given in pay ment of State lands, which bear inter est at 10 per cent, per annum. About one-half of the 500,000 acres granted by Congress to the State has been sold. Most of the Stato land in Union county has been sold, but large quan tities are still held for sale in that and Umatilla counties. must give the date they are advertised. W. Cilo-oh, P. M. -- r I havo Jiet received the finest assort ment of fanej uoods iu my line ever brought to Astoria, consisting of ner fuinery cases, toiict M'ts. toilet cases, fine perfumeries, fancy soaps, combs, brushes, hand glares, and toilet articles of all kinds splendid presents for the holidays. Call and oxaminegoodsar.il prices before purchasing elsewhere, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occi dent Hold, Astoria. Oregon. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. F C Congdon Portland; John Ellis Clatsop; Mr Mills Bay Centre; G S Rowling barque Antartic; F George barque Woodball;S R Smith Skipanon; Cotter Landores Abbey; Roy Oimara; RS McEwan Skipanon; J Houston Duke of Connaught; O Hitiman Forest Grove; J Kahn, R S Freeboon Pertland: J Miller Cathlamet; Chas Grant Portland. PAKCKK HOUSE. George Watson John Day;F A Davis Oregon City; George Lohmau Win Field A M Twombly city; Capt O It Staples Mir Alice; Fred Stucke T M Taylor Portland; P A Seaborg Ilwaco. MISCELLANEOUS. , ir 1 . 1- iu . . 1 i.Ti t; JPIiiir1 iSk'i IMS MAY BK HAD OF ?-'iE.K.HA"WES- SOU-: AtJENT.- Al-o. AKtMit for tli celebrated! MED'AUION RAflGB. EAWES, TWO DOOllS EAST OF OCCIDENT, - - ASTORIA. OREGON CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF F TJBNITTJRB 5 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Vindow Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in overy branch. MAGNIK V. CROSBY, Dealer 111 THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS SUl'EKIOl: TO MOST, AXI JS EXCELLED BY NONE ON THIS COAhT HARDWARE, IEH, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, Pirate anfl Steam litters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIH AND COPPER, Cannery anfl Fisliermens Supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTINQ Dona with neatness and dispatch, .Xono uutnrst class workraca employed. Alarge assortment of SCALES Constaatly on hand UN HAHfi, - GHEWAHUS STREET, FKOPKIETOR, ASTORIA, OREGON. esrOrdcrs lclt at tlic GERMANLV BEEK 1LLL u ill be promptly attended to.-ga ASTORIA BEEWBKY. M. MEYER Proprietor. ASTORIA, - - OREG ON. SPEOXjSlIj JKT32Cl-rBa"0ElM:EJDiffia7. DEDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 G-ALLONS. lakge' orders in like proportion. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - Si 50 per Dozen BSpccIal attention paid to orders from Public Houses and FamUles.-g Washington Harket, Vak is ieceabei without Jin Street, - Astoria Oregon BETiGMAN l JSERIiY -r-kPSPWTTKULLY GALL T11JS ATXKA' .tVtion of tho public to tho fact that the ESPSCTKULLY . ttnn of the rrn'a above Market wul always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED KIEA7SI Which will bo sold at lowoat rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention KiTen to sappu -as shiss. 'i;kthkb notice x fj .nu no terms w peace until ever man In Astoria has anew suit or clothes :iaia: by measy. Look at the prices : "Pants to order from - - S3 oo Pants. Gt'uume French Casslmere - 12 Be I Suits from - -- -- -2500 The flnost line of samples on the coast to select from. P. J. MEANY, Main street, opposite Parker House, Aatana, 1 1 ' S5? ' 0 ,2 It " iTr -j ' -s-