- : i . 0) glxc 53ailij statfau. i -t " 1 ASTORIA, OllKGOX: SUNDAY. ... DKC. in. ISM ISSUED 2 VERY MORNING. 'Mouduy Ks-coi-ie-L. J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, PiriiLisintHs axu riJOr::i7roi:s. Astorian Building, Gtuu Street. Terms of Subscription ; served by Carrier, per week.............2b Cents cnt by mr.il. four months . .S3 00 ient Itv moll, cne year...... .... ...... 9 00 free of Postace to Subscriber. 0. Advertisements inserted by the year at tio rate of $1 st per square per month. Trausiem advertising, by the day or week, i fifty centt i,eruaro for each insertion. THECITY. Tick Daily astokian mil U sent by mail alio cent a month, frcsof jytoijc. Head er iclio contemplate ahtenec from the citu can hate. The Astokiax follow them. Daily or Weekly fdi'f ion to anv ynxt-offlcc tcWh out additional erpentc. Addrcttc maybe enaiiged a often as (forfrerf. Txare order at the. counttnu room. Winter. Clear and cold. Where's your sled? Ten vessels were reported out aide j'esterday. D. P. Thompson is on the Oregon and will try it again. All contract convict labor in Cali fornia ends .Ian 1st, 1882. W. W. Parker, Co. Supt. gives notice of a teachers' examination. Buy some of that nice silver ware at Acller's The Locust brought a scow load of hay from Adair's farm yesterday. Fine assortment nuts and candies at the Atoria Candy Factory. The Christmas number of the New Northwest is a credit to its pub Ushers. It don't matter what you want for a Christinas or New Year present, you will find it at Acller's. Services in the Methodist church, in the Baptist church to-day at the usual hours. Another of those fine A. J). Chase organs at the City Book Store. The fJnion Packing Co. havo re ceived 5,000 bushels of coal from Tort Clatsop. -Fresh candy every dav at the As toria candy factory. The Olmara arrived from Port land yesterday in tow of the Wonder, Fercbea nilot. Now conies the last day; if vou haven't been at the Citv book store vou ought to call at once. An 800 pound sturgeon was caught in the San Joaquin river, Cali fornia, a few days ago. Xmas, New Year's, and birth-day cards, the finest ever in thp.citv.at the Cit y Book Store. The Yaquina will probably sail to-m&rrow from Portland for Tilla mook and Yaquina bay. Frank Fabre has ovsters in every style. Stew and pan roasts a specialty. The City of Chester arrived in yesterday morning, and the State of California at 12:30 i ai. fho New Testament authorized edition revised, for twenty-five cents at Charles Stevens and Sons City Book store. One thousand two hundred pounds of iron were cast at the Asto ria Iron works yesterday. Mr. John Rogers of the Central .Mar ket, has made arraniremonts to keen all the finest fresh fish, etc.. in their season The British bark Frith of Tay arrived from Auckland yesterday. Capt. Woods brought her in. The City Book Store has on exhibi tion oneof the finest selection of holiday goods ever opened. Call and examine for yourselves. We acknowledge the receipt of cemplimentaries to the Jubilee Troupe masqtterado to-morrow evening. A large invoice of parlor, cook stoves and ranges at J. A. Montgomery's. Presbyterian church Preaching at 11 a. x., by Rev. J McCormack; at 7 r. x., regular quarterly Sunday school review and concert. P. J. Goodman, on Chcnamus street, has just received the latest and most fashionablo style of gents and ladies Iwots. shoes, etc Tho merchants of Astoria have unanimously agreed to close their places of business, for a half holiday on Monday afternoon in honor of Christmas. For handsome holiday presents, such as toilet cases, cologne sets, per fumery cases, fine soaps, ete, go to Conn's drug store, opio.site Occident Hotel. The Clara Parker came down yesterday with an assorted carge: this morning she goes to Tanzy point with 750 boxes tin and four tons salt for William's cannery. Aolice. As vt are about to complete our last contract, ve desire to announce that ve j are now in readiness to iuunwliatclv erect anv kind of buildings. " I " IlAX:3rBno.-tori:i.i I r'i,v;iin TnrL-..i- ' Christinas Turkey. Call at Central 3Iarkcl for the best of I turkeys, geese, chickens, fruiLs and vegetables, etc for Christmas and New Year. John Rogers, The music at the masquerade to morrow night will be the best the State affords. In tnis respect the Jubilee Troupe have shown splendid taste. Prof. J. II. Itoss will be the leader, and the orchestra will consist of several plece. Christmas Presents. Some genial philosopher has said that the best way to be happy your- self was to make others happy. A ,yoQ1 pxa,npifirntin ,,f this is found in the custom of giving presents at this season of the year. .More es pecially in making the little folks happy, when with parted lips and sparkling eyes thoy delightedly seize the treasures that loving kindness has provided for them. Hi the matter of presents among adults the matter is a good deal onii of custom. Every one gets semething: though, of courso, a great many gifts are intended as hearty manifestations of friendship and good will. Those who do not procure blanks previous to attending the masquerade, will be required to lifr their masks at the door, to enable the committee to identify them, and prevent the admis sion ot disreputable diameters. Blanks mav be procured bv applying Jo Frank L. Parker. The government team at Fort Canby took a notion to desert yester day while attached to a wagon lead of lumber, taking a lively run and cap sizing the vehicle. If you want to Ik serious, and re fuse to have a good time, stay away from the masquerade to-morrow night." J. G. Robeson will have a second trial commencing Tuesday, January 3d. Thompson and Bingham will de fend him, and N. 15. Humphrey will assist in the prosecution. The finest assortment of mask .suits arrived yesterday on the Califernia: a few left. Alsojtwo extra fine suits for ladies.. Call at once at M. I). Kant's and take your choice. The grand march at the masquer ade on Monday evening will begin at 9:15 sharp. Masqueraders as well as spectators should be on hand promptly to fully enjoy the occasion. Whips, curr. -combs, brushes; new stock; first-class goods, cheap for cash. S. Okay. Mr. Ai Lai, a native of the sunny islands of the Pacific, was arrested yesterday by Chief Barry for desertion from the Almira Robinson. lie will be taken to Portland to-morrow. Persons desirous of getting skates can bo accommodated by leaving their number with me. " Ojco. Bos. The floor committee at the mas querade to-morrow night will be H. G. Yan Dnsett, E. Z. Ferguson and T. H. Crang - all Jolly good fellows who will make every one happy. -Grace Church school. Miss llewelt, principal, will reopen Jan. fltli, 1832. The select nature of this school makes it deservedly popular with parents. In the last number of tho Pacific Christian Advocate to hand the editor says he has given sixty hours' editori al work to that issue of his paper. 'Tis marvellous how he put in his time. The Orient Baths are far superior to any in the city. Kvervthinc new and neat. Chcnamus street, opposite IIol- uens auction rooms. .ioe tr. Charters, proprietor. The city presented a lively ap pearanee yesterday afternoen: the bright sunshine bringing out crowds of ladies and children buying good and making preparation for to-day's festiv ities. Those writing desks at the Oit book store arc the best in the city. They are something nice and durable, and just what most young ladies would appreci ate from the giver. The Columbia was still in the stream yesterday afternoon. It the Oregon gets through loading wheat this morning and they both get out together, thero will be a chance for a race. Clias. Stevens and Son have a slock of mouldings and moulders tools which can bo bought cheap for cash to elo-e out that branch of the business. The pupils standing highest in scholarship and deportment in Miss Hewett's school for the term ending Dec. 23d, 1881, are Frankie Oorwin, Edgar Reed, Cornelius Crosby and Nellie Sherman. Four desorters from tho Anglo I Norman and one from the Almira Robinson were brought before the U. S. Commissioners court j'esterday and held for trial in the U. S. Circuit Court in Portland. The Almira Robinson lies at Kinney's dock where a now inizzeu mast is being made for her. Yester day she recoircd 040 tons of wheat by the barge Monarch and 490 tons by the barge Columbia. iiOt. a About ton da s asjo, a fountain pen, rubber holder -f "-..r;i?m.;- ri.e j r,mlcr "'J" confer a tayor by leavim tliel1- African n.u saineat the c lerks nthee. lyine; at the O. . .1. o. i;iwoi.tii. t 4 'clock, It Unwholesome Salmon. ! "A'ciating. ','1111'! .. nd, n,io.i i- at the fish market at thit place aro st now filled with a eoeeies f , l- smott nneauuu n. eptUL. m ai j that just mon that to the uninitiated Link re markably fine, but which aw in ie.il.ty a very poor fish. Jt is a kind known as inc. -uoaL samiou, ami wn:c,i breed at this time of year. The female : ing season is past and s-.eingihese fine, pJump-looking hsh, one would iiKtur- allvaiDiKMetherirere ne c.,d. ' tion, whereas, really, they are in a!v most unwholesome state, and unlit for human food. The "Coast" .salmon is fash aro full of eggs, and the egs with ' Rilev Knappton; S Baker jiecklana: milt, and 'consequent!? unfit" to nit. S. Ft,?"1VT LV;Jf'" Sa? FraT x- . ., . , T , j eisco; D P R-s U J Ross Jainea P Knowing that the usual salmon spawn- R T ?, McPllI.lflllf, the only specie, on this coast thuj Portland; John O'Brien A Johnson . spawns so late. They are rarely, iflNaselle River; A B Mlllau Yiungs ever, found in the Sacramento river, but generally in the smaller rivers of the Coast Range. A largo number are every year taken from Eel river. At this season of the year this species of I salmon is about devoid of scales. I have just received the finest assort ment of fancy goods in mv line ever brought to Astoria, consisting of ner fumery cases, toilet sets, toilet cases, line perfumeries, fanej soaps, comb-,, brushes, hand glasses, and toilet artichs of all kinds splendid presents for the holidays. Ca'l and examine tioods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, at . V .(.onii s drug store, opposite o-ei- dent Hold. Astoria. Oregon. -The Linn Co. P. of II.. a l a re cent meeting passed some whereases and resolutions, one of which stated that "a general election will transpire in this state next June." How an election cm ''transpire is nt quite clear to the average mind. Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy a posi tive eure. for Catarrh. Dipthcriu and Canker 3Iouth. Sold by W. !'. Dement. --The government steamboat being built in Portland for the use f the IT. S. Engineers on the Columbia and Wil lamette rivers will be ready for use early yi January. She will ply be tween Portland and the Cascades, and will do nil the towing and transport ing of supplies needed by the V. S. Engineers in river improvement. Why will you cough wiieu Slnloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts .TO ets and SI. Sold by V. E. De ment. The Pacific Union Packing Com pany w:is incorporated on the22d inst. by E. P. Hoir, O. Peterson and K. Wevang; business, canning salmon. The following officais were elected the same day: President, E. P. Hon"; Secretary. Angus Ger: Treasurer, O. Peterson. Directors E. P. Hoil", E. 0'"eidcnt jiar ,i,ess,ii- stiliwn. Iwenly Aiovang, O. Peterson. P. Brown, L. - - Nelson. SltlLOH's Cukk will immediatel relieve Croup, whooping cough and Bronchitis. Sold bv W. E. Dement. The Christmas Eve entertainment at the various churches last evening were enjoyed by the largo crowds present. At the Presbyterian church owing io the absence of Santa Clans, Mrs. Santa Clans appeared and most effectually filled the place of that ancient dispenser of gifts. At tho Methodist church Mr. Parsons was tho surprised recipient of u purse. - The North river colony, that lately settled on North river, at the head of Shoalwater Bay, have sent an agent to Portland to procure material for a saw mill. A good mill is needed the most of anything, by the settlers there, as lumber is hard io get for any purpose. Not so largo a number of settlers entered the region as was an ticipated or desired, but the otillook for the colon' is good, and its pros pects for another year favorable;. That mail box at. Foster's corner will be a mutter of convenience to residents in that part of tho city who want to get mail oil' on the morning boat. It was at Mr. Foster's earnest solicitation that it was put there, he having written and urged the matter on the attention f the postal authori ties. The box arrived yesterday and ho put it in place on his corner. It should be remembered that no mail is to be put in it except that which goes up the river. Tho laws of Washington Territo ry make it an ofiense for a man to many his father's sister, Iain mother's sister, father's widow, wife's mother, daughter, wife'd daughter, son's widow, sister, son's daughter, daugh ter's daughter, son's son's widow, daughter's son's widow, brother's daughters' or sisters' daughter, and for any woman to marry her father's brother, mothers brother, mother's husband, husband's father, son's hus band's son, daughter's husband, brother, Ron's son, daughter's son, son's daughter's husband, daugh ter's husband; brother, son's son, daughter's son, son's daughter's husband, brother's son or sister's son. Bethel Service- Then; will be divine service ou board j , A:nt.rican ,,..,. Eium!l T. Crowell ! : Iviut; at the O. 11. A jN. Co's wharf, ' cv. .1. McCornixe, ' ujassSRiiSfeSiSssrJ wlaicli has been thoroughly renovated ) and refitted. Mrs. Illsley has charge of . pnWxw f!ood coffee a specials. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. M, ynSj M;?s GnMJ.e p Chiar Fox, Mrs Laughlin East Petilaiid: H. ;Knapp:.: J F Halloran city: George, laylir .lr fort Unci; U li Allen Lapt QUCCT IDflll TIU Alin PfinnCD A O Hani, Fort Cmby O.l Bailey cl&Httl IKUN UN AHU UUPfttl! :S A; Hugh Cameron and wife; VY O or.ng John Days; O P, Wirt Clatsop, t r.vr.Km: itorsi:. . V M Sweet Bay Yieiv: I Winehell River; E Bi.rk city; William Hume J Knappton; D I Ross lvnappa; Ltd-j moods and wife Illinois; M L-imly 1 John Lnmly Kansas City; Mrs II L Pike llwaco; M B Shoudlv W P Deetz WF Slaughter Oak Point; A J Pal- j lard John D.ivs; H I) New berrv Ch. is Cole Knappa. " ' It L'ItXF.TT5i COCOA I X I-:. I'olike all Other Ilatr lressiu2;s. Is the best for nromotiug Ihegiowth of and iteautifying the hair, and reuderimr it dark and glossv. The Cocoaine holds, i in :i Iniii'd form, a large proportion of deodorized cocoanut oil. prepared ex- ,,0n(l possess(..s the peculiar properties wliioli m exactly suit the vari'.us eondi- lions of the human hair. The superiority of Bi::ni:tts Fi.ay om.vo Extkacts consists in their per fect purity and great strength. Arou made miserable by I tuli gpstiou. Constipation, I);..inc.ss,Loss of appetite. Yellow Skin V Shilolt's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale b W. K. DemcJit. For Dyspepsiaand Liver Complaint, vou have a printed iuaraulee on every bottle of Sliiloh's Yitali.er. It never fails to cure. Sold bv W. E. Dement. -A Nasal Injector free wilh each bottle of Sliiloh's Catarrh. Kemedy. 1 'rice .".o eent. Sold by W. E. .Dement. Banish Humors, and reinvigorate l lie stomach. Liver and Bowels," with King of the Blood. See advertisement. The Kev.Oeo. II. Thayer. of Bour bon, Intl.. says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to.Siiii.oii's"CoNsr.MiTio.v Cimm:. Sold by W. E. Dement. "Haeknietaek." a lasting ami fra grant perfume. Price 25 and .v cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Max. Wagner's San Franeico Na tional brewery beer can't be beat. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of vim. liquors and San Francisco beer, call at the ("cm, opposite the bell tower, ami -ee Camp bell. Turkeys, gee;1 Warren ami Eaton'.s, :ind ehicns a Hot. cold and shower baths at the I There are a lew more ehance.s left yet to win ones of ilnse lovely dolls which are Io he rallied at .Mr-. DerbjV. New Years eve. AiiPlion sale of llolid.n and Christ mas goods at Selig's To Bazaar this evening anil every evening at 7 o'clock. Everything will he sold to the highest bidder. Now will be your chance Io get-cheap presents for your children and friends. Remember nothing resencd and u! under the counter. A cough, eold or sore throat should be stopped. Neglect frequentlytrcsnlts in an incurable lung dispasp or consump tion. Brown's Bronchial troches do not disorder I he stomach like cough sj rups and balsams-, but act directly on the iu Ilamed par!?, allaying irritation, give relief in asthma, broueliitis. coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public speakers arc .-unieet to. Forthirlj ears Brown's bronchial troches have been recommended by physicians, and alw:is ive perfect satisfaction. liming been levied by wide and constant use for nearlv an en tire generation, they have attained v.ellJ merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. o!d at Scents a nox even where. .liiliu-. Hi;ll)s!tili. miisio leacher for piano, oruau or oict cnllure. ( 'leaning organs will be j.roperlv attended to by leaving ordcis at Adler's book anil ! varietx store. MISOI'LLANEOCS. School Tax District No. 9 Upper Astoria. SCHOOL TANKS KOi: THIS DLSTKICT aie now due aari pavaole at :lic nnire ol tlie inirieisfeui'i!. WJI. It. AOAIlt, Chr'vut District No. 1'. Asloi'a. Dec. ". lssi. l-n Notice of Copartnership. n. ijik i;xdi'.i:sii:xi:d. nr.i:t:i:Y T t ive uoilce thai we have formed a i- partutTsiiip under Hie linn name tu U'liici: Mcber&Colm.tolraiisnct tlie 1ui!ias nf tan nins, in Astiirta. crytiii. (J. I.KINKXWI'lIin:. A. A. roHN. Astiiri::. f ;reon. Dee. P, lSsj. il-:s) Notice. rfWIK I'AirrXKKSMI' lIIIIIi: rOKOUKex X KtiiislM-tuivu l'.F. .lackius and .lohn A. Jloutuoiacry under the linn name of .Tackius & Alcu:.o:iipry. lias lieea this day dissolved by nuitiid conoiit. .lolm A. MontRomerj will ndlec: and settle all ac couiils of said linn. CIIAS. i:..l.CKlXS. .INO. A. MO.VniO.MKUV. Astoria. Ogn. Dee. !, il. d-WM HKAUQl'ARTKRS DKl'ARTMKAT OF the Columbia. Vamse.ner Harracks . T.. Nov. 2d. 1SS1. Written proposals will be received bv the undcrsigiicil. at Vaiicnwer Uarracks. W.T.. until March rJW. 1SS2. fur the riRhtoI exclu sive seining on the Fort Stccns. ifolut Adams) 31uitarj Kcscn-ation. duriii"' the next ashliiK season. The risht to reject any or all bids, as may be deemed best, -is re scned by the undersigned. O. D. OR KEN. Mai. and 'Ass't At, General, Brevet Brlsa dler General U. s. Army. dtf MISCELLANEOUS. "" " Af Q'TT.S T. HP faSTOA- iu.il VI L JJ J. V LLVkjJJ J J Dealer in ha rmwabe ipiw wm ILiluJJ IT iHlJb , lflUil, 01 Mill , J iron Pipe and Fittings, Pinters and Steam fitters' Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, i pnrinnn nnrl P;nhniunnna Onnnlirn 011111101 Q11U I'iuUOlMGliu OlllJIJUGu St0VeS, Tin Ware and HOUSe ' Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN, COP- Kff PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING n . ... , , .. . , Oone uiita neatness and dispatch. None hut Htst cta-s workmen empluyeil. A hirac asboriinent n SCALES constantly on liaml C. LKINKN'WKUin:. A. A. "! I. V. Ksr.i:M.siiKii lPfK. Leinpiiwebcr & Colin, ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS AE CUBEIEBS, Manufacturers and Ini;inrter.scl 4 J.I. KINDS OK HsEJ-A."aL7ECE!E?. AND FINDINGS. Whole-ale Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. kI Ugliest rcHi price paid for Hides awl TsUIoc. ORAI.Kl: IN" New and Choice MILLINERY, Dashes to call the attention or the I-idics of Astoria to the fact that she lias icceived a lanjf a-rtnnnl or the iati'at iTYi.i:s or Hats. Bonnets, irimmings.i Ciraer Main and Suinoqlie Streets. JJHS. A. RAPPLEYEA, I'onr.crlj o( New York, wishes Jo an nounce to the ladies of storia that she is now prepared to do DRESS MAKING In all the latest stxlcs. A share of vour pat tiiiURi' Is resiecifiill. solicited. kooius npixisiie i.Hicnv Hall, ( licnaintis street. ClllflGO brbwbmT J.STK.U'hS. - - ai:xt. Is now ready to upll tie public with the Celebrated Chicago Beer In any piniilit to se.it. 1 h.ie alio this Vlelnlet (lilrao i.'eer l ltn(lir, Wldcit isnow very iitiil:iranioiii;"all fami lies and: saloons." Please MMid in our orders and they will have iy best attention. .1. STKAL'SS, s Astoria. Oregon. Ajicni fir Oregon and Wash. Ter. S- CS-3E.-A."5cT AlAKKS Cf Kll.'Sr CLASS STOCK INTO Harness and Saddles. And will Ht you out In better style and cheap- OIviln t1ln oiiii of Itr.a toon tt IMn.ii a in i,e or whips, curry combs. etc.. on hand. . Notice to Cannerymen. IMill TIIIUTY DAYS FROM THIS date . 1 wilfctiiilract to make fish boxes of sat- factory Quality in an. quantity at the fol - lowing prices : boes in the shuck 12' ' cents each ; uaUfd boxes it cents each, de'iv- ercd at the West Shore Mills. .I.C.TUULLINOKi:. Astoria. Dee. ui. li-st. cl-lm Notice. lots lor inc ensuing year, ami su.cn otner business as ma conre Ix-fore the meeting. d-d ,ink'r il ,h """'reN.T YOUNG Sec Assignee's Auction Sale, Satimtaj-. Decemtier 24th, at 2 1.3I. INSTIIUCTED RY I. CVSK, Esq.. as signee of the estate of T. Ilailcy. 1 will sell to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door at the hourof 2 f.it., the following cics cnliecl Iiupmved real estate: Lot i In block W. Shlvclv's Astoria, together with the hoasc thereon. Two-thirds (the same being 100 feet square) of lots Gaud 7 in block 111, Shivclv's Astoria, together with the sub stantial hard-finished dwelling house (late the residence of Mr. T. Kallcy), and all other appurtenances thereto belonging. The above lots and the street fronting are all graded. Also, lots 0 and 7 In block ill. In alcClure's Astoria. Titles Indisputable Terms cash. d2t E. C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. NffiiTiffS 50 PEE BAKKEL OF 30 G-ALLONS. $S8L.1$att& IAi:r.B ORDKRS IN LUCK VROPORTION. Sl Less Quantities, - - 30 Cents per Gallon 0. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. T s---- mmEtnmnzswmsnmimsnmmmnu I2:ae2xeas;:eie:e2a:sa:u::i::is::32:esa3xii::i:ae:aii:itaistiaasitimi7aaia FOR G h m 1 S T M A m I kii Jst- ?"? Jtj iJtr Ml, iJJaWi JEL, mizcsaKsaasiaeaszacBxataaacaaaiacEasasssaazaaeeaiiaaaaaaaasaaaaKiaaaaiiS s "iaa:st2i:s:taa:scc3ia: Buv your Children and Friends something that will be ef: service to them T have received a Genuine Sold Which I will sell at wholesale rates. Buyers will save money by purchasing of me. C. H. COOPEE, I X L Sto?'o, near Parker Mouse, Astoria. TheBossCoifee and Tea Pot Vi nliMBT MiiP t T & s JBh&H hCaU TWO DOOKSEAST OF OCCIDENT. ?Ki Kr a w a CHAS. HEiLBORN, MANUKACmiRKR OP FTTRNTTTJRE S BEDDING AND DEALEK IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW COBNIOES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. THE COLUMBIA rV II 3fP lr S.5 j JIS SL'I'Kl.'IOi: TO MOSl. AND IS ) OIii H A H I i . I ' 1 0HBNAHUS STREET, I cxs'Onlcrs left at the CKKMANIA llt'.Kl: I ! j nf . : ASTORIA fWSYER ASTOIUA, - REDUCTION OF o,jj.i-j bw Bottled Beer, - - aarSpeclal attention paid to orders t TTT- 1 " .J Til 1 A. I W aSnlllglOIl Ul?i,rKet, ,irt-., v,rPPt . . , Azinrio nrenm. DESPHCTFULIY CALL THE ATTK.V M.V 11U VI lUO MUUttU IV IUU Itttt IUUI iUC ViT "fnrrrnf Trill nltvnra Tift STinnlinrl iwifri n tion of the public to tho fact that the MV, v ....v.. -rf HVHH1-a...-w .... FUT.L VARIETY UF.ST QUALITY i ft.. I'ani to order from - - - S3 Co -.. . .. ,,- ,--,, ftmts, (irnnine French Cassimere - 1200 FRESH AND CURED Wl EATS! . Suits from 2500 Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale Hne r unplea on the 1 coast to aadreML Special auction 'nvXAjK sssaiBisiinsnaiicaaiiiiiEiiiiiHS is::xsi3SEiii3a:38X33iziniiiza3iBauaiiuaiuai I STORE i YOUR - HS1VTS I i - i m iscaaacsaiasesaasaasiiasagcaaaanifaaaaaiaaaaa large consignment of Jewelry 3IAY KK HAD OF :. TC. R-HAWES sm.i: aukxt- Ako. spiiI for the celebKitcil'! HKDALI.10N ftANGK. 33 Si ASTORIA, OREGON BREWERY e)Sii l.XiKLI.KD l'. XCiNK ON 1H1S COAST FKOPKEETOK. - ASTORIA, OREGON. .... - HALL will be promptly attended to.Tra BREWERY. Proprietor. - OHEGON. WHOLESALE riUCES. . c; t Rf qi- rnTan - SI OO per DOien f rom Public Huu-.cs and Famllics.-Wi. ;vai: is insmRKD withoct ITRTI1KK NOT1CK av n Aim no terms ot peace until Jir: - jA V7 1II.UB 4il.l.71UUl ,!- CV C1 sar-n tL.ZMi " " JV. Lvitr j.i 1rvt)tvo u 4? -,, W&Zfc ' V? MADJK BY XKAXY. l.ook at the prices : - "V T- - "-V5-J '. r S j