" . . C4J - m ' -, . ma 3& Sails gtstatfm ASTOSIA. OREGON: SATURDAY DEC. 24, 1S81 COMMERCEAND TRADL PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SKA. AnsloKomiia, Br bk. Queenstown Dec 52 .las A'Wrixbt Bm bk Queenstotvn Dec 21 Annie-Main. Brbk. Queenstowti Doc 21 Alcoa Hay Krsli llffl Quecnstoivn Dec21 V.'oodball Br bV Quocnstourn Dec 20 Kirbtvood Brfeli Sinotl Quecnstoun Dec 20 Wealthy Pendleton Queenstown Dec IS Peebleshire JJr bk "5G Reed. Qneenstnwn Dec IT Rainbow Br bk Queenstown Dec 17 Lindores Ably Br bk Liverpool Dec ! Santoa Br bk Rogers Quacn&tovrn Dec S Di&n&iBr bk 715 Queenstown Dec" LdcS'ForGus 6JP Qneenstown Dec 7 Antarctic. Br bk. Queenstown. Dec 7 Befccrolt. Br sli. Christie. Liverpool Dec ." SAILED. Oiy-of' Chester. Sjf Dec 13 Chipraan Br fill Queenstown Dec 4 Trnfaljrar'Br sbSS53 Johnstone Queenstown Dec! Steinvora Br fah Mcintosh Queenstown Dec 4 Oracle, Br sh 1359 ton. Morion. U K Doc 4 Saranac Am ltk luSl tons Shaw Queenstown Doc 3 Harry Mown Am. sh lIrooks.Quepn-.town. Dec 3 (,'ruiumock Water Br bk Queenstown Dec 2 Herwickshiro BrbkQueostown Dec 1 Astra can BrbkflTil'ajge Adelaide Xov 'SI lanKtone Brsh Queenstown Xov 21 Melancthon bktn S F Xov 24 I.yttelton Br sh Otazo Strang l.icerpuol. Xov 23 Modoc bktn SKXorSJ Olencaber Br bk Liverpool Xov 23 ('lias. Worsley Brbh 1S6 Morgan V K Xov 23 Ubcron Br bk. USO tons. Queenstown Xov2i Strathblano Br sh Queenstown Xov 22 .1 C Munroo Br bk U K Xov 22 lnveresk, bk. Queenstown. Xov 22 Derbyshire. P.r bh, 1300 tons. Jones. Queenstown AorX! 1'strcIIa de Chile Br bk Brisbane Xov IS Xorth Bend bkt 37G tons Mcrryman. s V Xov IS Alden Besc.Ambk. 842 -tons, Xojes. llongkonz. Xov IS Temple Bar Cr bk 833 Holies Liverpool Xov IS XapierBrsh 993 Wilson Queenstown Xov IS Trongate ,Br bk 319 Campbell Queenstown. Xov IS Taltsing Br bk Crorapton U. K Xov :i ARRIVALS FROM SKA. Kiver Uaiices, Brbk. Kil Manzanillo. Dec.2t'. Dochra Br bk. Stti. Sydney. Dec. 20. Uunard. Br bk. Pirio Cape Town. Dec. at. Bellona Br bk Warren Rio Dec. 20. Orecon ss. 2335 tons. Pohlman. S F Dec IH Corina. bk.S20 Stewart X S W Dec 12 Clenpadani ISr bk 109 Dec 3 Merwanjeo Pram jee. Br sh 1079 llidwell I.iverpoo Dec 3 Oimara. Br Mi. 1553 tons, Simpton.lVdminzton Dec 1 Serincpatau: Br sh 112S Carrei- X'ov 'li Almira. Am bk. Robinson. Xov 25 C. Hurlburt, bk. 1 100 tors X . Xov 23 Olive S SouthardAm sh Philadelphia Xov 21 tt B Handy schr S K ov 12 I'mmaT Crowell bk 1127 tons X Y Mavi'i Indiana, ship. i&Stons Morrison X Y Oct 21 ShubricicU S Licht-houEo t-tr. Krerson. ouv. JOct 7luo Hello of Oregon'bk IKS tons ?,U. rjnnan X oct C v : I'KSSKLS OX Till'. YA Y. from American Iorts. Arcadian Br Mi I.ondonderv Annie 11. Smith 1501 BartleU liila. Arctic Br bk Austin Caldcra - it 15 Carnegie. Br bk San Diego K T G Br bk Williams Liverpool Oct 15 (Ireat duiiral I57C Thompson Phila ("erten.sh. Philadelphia, Jan 13 India Ijrt Pattoa Philadelphia Ocl Ida Lily 737 Rastm.'tn Pliila. Ivy.h. Xpw York, Sept 15 lane Fish. sh. New York. Sept, Levi P. Curcoss.sh, Philadelphia. An;.- 1 ' Lam oi bk Philadelphia loading Mont Washinston. Mi. 1217 tons. X Y Sept 7. Orient, bns. 312 tons. Williams. S F Sept 1 Pactolus 1201 Burnam Philadelphia Sept II Philip Fitzpatrick. Am mi. Philadelphia. Oct 2n Reporter, sh. 1330 tons VVttan X Y Juce2 Sonoma 1CC3 Xewberry Phila. Santa Clara, sh. Xew York. Sept. Sparrow sch S F March 1C Vesuvius bk 813 tons Call X Y loading WoMern IJellclttSFMiN. Y. Amjitiilrit) Dutch h HI0 Xoucastlti.liil) 3 Abbey "owper.Bi bk. (i"M Queensland Adoll. Swe. bk, (!25 tons. RinsmansAoii, Gotten lmrs.,Oct IS lloltlen. Br bk Liverpool Ballochmylc Brth Table Bay Oct Co. of Inverness Bruli IC25 Capeloini Oet 1 Castle Head. Br bk. Valparaiso Corsica, Brbk, Buenos Ayro. Oct 211 City Camp Br bk Buenos Ayres Sept II Ohiloc. lr bk. 457 tons. May 21 City of Manchester, br bk 78u Uins Km Duke oi Connaucht. Br sh. Cape of Good Hope Oct 10 Doon. Brbk 877 tons. ( I ranee. Brisbane ICdderside. br k. Liverpool to Astoria direct. lUmereldn. Fr bk. Montevideo. Sept 7 Frith of Tsy.Brbk. Auckland I'nrnpssAbbey. bk. luS3, Liiiby. Yokohama. Go. F Muntr Gentian bk fc!5 Ilonx Kou:: 2lasKlyn Brbk Buenos Astor Sept II Manitoba, Brsh Buenos Ayns Sepl !l Lynton. Br lik. Montevideo. Sepr 17 Malacca br bk .591 tons Japan Monarch Br. sir. Barrow. Bng. Au.3. Xaviuitore It bk fiOShieldri July ?1 Prince Patrick Brbkiai9CallanXov3 Peter Stuart Br sh 1417 Yiotoria Sept S River ames br bk Ml tons Christie Iquhpii San Stefano. Br sh, St Xczjiire Scotia. Br bk Buenos Ayrer. Sept 3 Torbocke. Dutch sh. Newcastle, via So irahayu. June R Valparaiso, br bk Liveritool. Sept I Wanloct. br bk.740 (on. Liverpool (o Astoria di rect. Oct 4 . Win llales. Aji bk. HouckouK 111 addition to the above list the following vessel are Icnown to be on the way to this port : ' Xames. Tons. Whero from. .Jennie landless . ...l.r.57 Cape Good Hope piary Graham i7( Hull tl'arknnnk c 8T-7 Guaymas Duke of Abcrcon.. 1,150 Livcrnoo Clydebank 803 Chile f Vide table foii astoria From tables oi United States Coast Survev. wCi-aMisi; llibK Wator. Luir Water. - D5tS5 ;a.iv. v. y. I a., m. p. m 22 2 03 1 12 7 y 8 SO .23.. 2 4S 1 a!t 21 3 24 .3 27 2 47 9 10 10 CO 2 .. 4 0.1 :: 411 10 00 10 23 ;.. 41 4 411 10 Kl 11 14 27 530 S .-i2 .. 0 01 2s ,C 2C 7 0C (I Mi 1 11 2U i 7 2a 8 2 . 1 o:: 2 20 -a)....., s 21, . ii :wi 2 o.i... s:ii ai 9 20 10 47 1 a os 4 37 BILL HEAD PAPER, jTF EVERY GRADE AND COLOR. PRIX 4ea3r plnin.at lowest rale?, nt I'm: AsToau.s- offiee BLANK J00KS TKINTED AXD BOUND TO AN i alt. X and ruled to any order, at Itk Astoria office LETTER HEAD PAPER, PRINTED OR PLAIN, OF THE BESI quality ' at Thk Astoria office. ColuxaMa Rivor Exports. Biixrararrs foreign. KECArrTULuVTIOX Br TtlOimtS, 1S51. JAXUARV. -J Cargoes value FEBRUARY. 7 Cargoes value MARCH. 3 Cargoes value S 187425 202,-41 Aririu. 4 Cargoes value 2l2,lPr. ltKCArrrri.ATiox. may. Flour, 49.KKI bbls. value 224410 Wheat, 2S3fiSi ctls. - swm Salmon, 12,400 cs, :A2sn Total value-;, 14 cargoes. SftI!.7:H RF.CAPITITLATIOX JCXK. Flour, 30.137 bbls, value SI l4,ss- Wheat. 107 .&44ctls, - i.-ijiOo Salmon, 5t),4i:; fj;, ' 117.s41s.1 Total G cargoes .7i!;;ai7 RF.CAPrriTLA.TIOX JULY. Flour, 28.142 bbls, value Sin;S02 Wheat, 81,335 cUs, ' 114.915 Salmon. 838G cs, 4- rMjUS Fruit, GOO cs. - -',400 Total 8 cargoes. .. $7r2,745 ItECAPITL'L ATIOX AUG CST. Flour, l.VrlS bbls.. value S ."2.7r, Wheat, 2224132 ctlsM - 327.072 .Salmon, 59,403 cs.. - 2117,015 Total, 11 cargoes muw: RKOAPiTCLATiox si:pti:.mp.i:i:. Flour. 41.02.3 bbls value $isi.2.v. Wheat, 245,021 ctls., :i.H5 Salmon. .-2-GRc " 312,s:hi Lumber 8l9"lf It.. ' 7.37G Lath, 141,-00 ft, - 2115 Pickets, 4S5bdls., 170 Total. .$X3d.0li RECAPITULATION- OCTOl'.KU. Wlieat, 35021 -lis., value SrtH.nrj rioiir. 9.4.T4 bl)lS., " . 47.170 Salmon. . -files. " ?.,W Total, 10 carKoes. .sr..nr7 KKCAPITULATlOX, XOVKMIIKK. iiirixs centals wheat .SHiH.tfcls 44.CX) barrels Hour ;ir:.P.r, c.811 CLses salmon :;l.o7o 1.016 eases driPd trait r.aw Total 21 cargoes DKCKJIBKIL I To Quccnstmrn per Stcinrora. I'rom Portland 20" ells wheal .... ' Astoria 13,051 " .$1,210153 12,780 ,.. 21i'ifi -.i;tji3i: Totals 30,4(W 2 To Qucciwtmcn per Trafalgar. From Portland 40.053 ctls wheat " Astoria 17,053 " ' Totals 57,100 5 To Quccnatmcn.pcr llcccnifl. From Portland 10.001 ctls wheat 13,300 bbls Hour From Astoi in !,233 bb's Hour 7 To QuccnxUncn per Diana. From Portland 21 4133 ctls wheal... - Astoria 2-S " " .jr.fi.MK) Nv-aw I J .vj.2io ..5HU50 .. Ui.'.r.l 517.170 .sV..i.ai .. s.T!Ki S-VEl Tola! "Sipll To Qiieenklown pa' Antarctic. From Portland 18.740 ell wheat....... A!tona 2ai .$aa.ui . 1021 ToUtl. .'i.mi fC.lATll j 7 To Queenxtoim per JJxh Feign. i'roni I'ortland. 22)10 ctls wheat 5i,s:.7 Astoria .ri,C43 13,000- Total j&jsra itfUXu S To Quccnhtnicn per Sanlon, I'roui I'ortland 1CJB21 ctls wheat ri-T.ti'. 15 To Lircrimoljier Lindore A blwit. rmi Portland G.1S9 ctls wheat SIO.WJ 7,710 libK ilour. 3-.I.IP0 I'niin Astoria :i.C71 ' " 1S.S22 Total .?as.ttt t 17 To Quecuxtoan per 7lainloic. Kroin Portland l8.(W7'ctl.s wheat .j2S.W Asoria rns 14.52J J Totals i.,902 . 11,023 j 17 To Qmenxtuwn 2er I'ceJilchirc. j From Poitland 25.0: ctls wheat ?I.t,"!oi1 j " Astoria 7,.V5; 12.8KS Totals JS&QJ 5C,3ftI 19 7V QMrcnnfoieii 7f r 11'calUiU Pemtictwt. From Portland 17.744 ctls wheat Aai.iot Astoria S.0S0 l:,7:a. ToUds 2Tj?2l il-2;i0 20 To Qucciixtown per Kirkicootl. From Portland 23.744 ctls wheat ::9.177 " Asttiria 1511 " " . 21i2 Totals .-a.css .-I.ff 20 To Queenstown per Wwnlhall. From Portland lfi,42:i ctLs wheat .ft-.'T.ww Astoria 7,sr,t i::,uo Totals -24.27 1 .40.Ifi0 22 T.) Queenstown per Algoa Hay. From Portland 45,094 bis wheat. Sir..i:57 Astoria 22,127 " " 22.127 Totals r.3,121 sirr.r, 1 21 To Qucenlown per Annie 2lain. From Portland 2S.020 has wheat ?27.IW 2t Tti QncnsiOini per Jas. A. W'r'ujht. From Portland 2S,0M bus wheat .2.-tls " Astoria 20."j0j " " 20.r.y1 To aLs IS.KK SSSii's 22 To Qurctiblown per AiiQlo-Xorutan. j From I'ortland :S,21! bits wheat., .. 4.2SU $43.ir0 Tolais 43js MISCEI.LAICEOTJS. CLEANING and REPAIRING XKAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BY ;EOItK LOVETT, Main Street, op;osite 2C. Loeb's. School Tax Notice. mo THE TAX PAYERS OF SCHOOL JL District Xo. 1, Clatsop county, Oregon : Yon arc hereby notified that the assessment roll for the school tax in district Xo. 1 for the year 16S1, is completed and will be in my hands at my oRIce at Brown & Co'.s dock for the next sixty days from date hereof. Pav your taxes in time and save costs. J.G.HUSTI.KK, Clerk of School District Xo. 1. Astoria, Oregon, Dec, 1C. 1SSL Common Council. Regular meotines second and fourth Tues day evenings of each month, at "S o'clock I" Persons desiring to havo mattors acted upon by tho Council, at tiny roular tnoetinc must present tho same to tho Auditor and Clerk on or beforo tho Friday evening prior to the. Tuesday on which the Council holds its romilar moetinR?. F. C. XORRIS. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria Lodge .No. 40, L O. G.I. Regular Meeting every Tuesdav Evenin? tttTVt o'clock, at Good Templar's Hall, Chc namus Street. Astoria, over C L. Parker's Store Members of tho Order, in goodrtand nc, are in vitod to attond. Degree Jiieotinc 1st Monday each month. By order W. CT. Temple oage, wo. 7A.P.A.ii. Rezular CommunicationB first amlYY third Saturday; in each month. at7J4--v o'clock, p. it., at the Hall in Astoria. ' Members of tho Order, in rood standing, aro invited to attend. ItyordaioftUe W.M THE MARKETS. MISCELLAKEOUP. I k. --..'Asr;-. vrTrWr "- Silver, at iar. Com exchan-c on San Francisco rcr cent premium. Coin xcaanso on Ncu- York bayins pnr: Ecllins.Htol percent. Lcgxl Tenders par. Tclesraphic transfers on Now VTork 1 per cent. irmini:i. AHt:rr: JInrUeis. JIKTAIS. . Fi.oou. Miperfine 55 S4; Kxtra &): Corn .Meal V i-irt. 3 50: I'.Bckwkcnt f ewt i r. itrn-j k-ChhlcD rll. :'-" eU. i- " CRAKsr.-i'lati-up dairy iSc Fh;a-i.-7-ftJ cts t. dtt. Chicken. 1 . I'i:jc-ii .Mxais.- Chitku euU. i.amb. I0o; Hoof KJ.J0: Pnrk 0; Muttosi S-.iM. ISy the carcase Kc. Mr. its. Uronkfa.-'t bticon lMi&l' per If-: i"idei! irijrtl I'c: hums ISSlTc; Moulders 10312c : smoked bcof 15ytCic: curned beef S:S12 V bid.; corned pork 10e .. IiUAXs. 31 eta. Lui'. In tins and caddie I70IR8VS'. IIoxbv. In frainos-iOc: in sintwOo. 1)i:iki KitriTS. Blackberries 2-e: Prnnss 126lc. M11.1. Fkki. Bran $ls$o - ton : chop feed SJltur.: hoiu 52.V.27 5a : Hay i&P S2211 ton. Oatjj. Aceordini; to itmlity. iiriccj mnce from $1 l"o iiorewi. Vi:ci:rti.E. 5Viateej V , ct. ; onnn"eU. San Kraaeisfo (:iotatto:!s. LV MAIL A.VH TKLXOJ:l'H.l Wn hat Xrt. 1. si ; 1 per ceiilal ; (Ut .1 .-jii.fi ri'ti oil. Wtxii. Oiviiiiii. Vallev 2Ka".l rts. 7 8 . luite rnO rop 1 , 2(H2i ". IIidks ileaw salted lO'e: !ii;Itt, tin UWloe; sailed ealf.!),1 lw. Family 1i:ovimox Uaeon. 15153 cts: clear Oregon side, 13ftl3WTc: bams". i7fti cts. F.arlrv Coast fecl. 551 42tf 1451P ctl. r.rewin.si 50ficl V ell. K;rss California, 2i&& V ilox; Ore gon. 22(r'2.'IC tf tlOZ. Flour Oregon extra, 5 00; .Super fin k, 53 75. BuTTKR axu Ciikksi: Extra fancy Butter, 45 cts. t? U: Fresh roll, i0f'l to choice, vcur 40cts.? lb. Sunns Flax. lQ;ic fi tb; Canarv, 3:Wr: Alfalfa, iiMd17c; Timothv,.sti'! 1 iK- y i). ! Pint t-.! ool-i? ll.-.i.. ,...(.,!.. gunnies, 13;(7.llc; .standard jrmin nom inal. Fruit Dried apples. -;e; els. v It. for ors.: 'Vftftii ferslieetl: lVars..Sfi 10s-; I,hims.5(a(J, pitted 1315; i'eaehes. ii(j l.;e ; peeled, lieV-U Sat."mx. Columbia river fish are quotable at Si :ui ", ltz. l-lb tins on the spot : on the river. 1 25 y loz. Sae rnmentoSL20(i(.L 25- 1 Siv.ai: Itciinerv. terms net cash: iCube. banels, J34': Crushed, l.'S'e; I r.xtni rnwuereii. inns., i.i'e: Pine I ('nislied. hh l.'jytj; Prv Cran::IatetI. Iilils., i:u: Extra Cranulateil.lihls. TJje': UJolilwi (M)1)1s.. ll.-iV: 1). hhU. or .S. 1. L-nrc n... l.'vlro I lilil Mt'i.- Ilolf. bbls 'jc more, ami bxs. e more for all kin.K noMKSTir Kxvoms. 'I'.'ie receipts in ban Francisco, of cer tain articles of Oregon produce from .January lst,JS.Sl. to Dec. llth, inclu sive, have been as follews: Flour qrslcs . ..ZGSJil Wheat, ctl-. 3S0.7ft: Oats, tils ..17l,12S .snimoii. bids ; 1.71IS hf bbls 7!r cs 222,0V. , pkRs an; Apples, ripe, hxs . is.O&i J:tter, pkRs. .. 14 1 Potatoes, .sks . .. S1.207 Wool, bales.. 27.7?2 Hides, No 7o.nR lauow. pi:j;s . " ;sn Beer. Wil .-. .7 lUvr. mimed, os .. . 10s Fruit. dried, pkgs ..... tt'Ui leather, pk-s 2--.fi Iir.t.cs. r.i Bacon, cs .. ,........M..M . .so Meal, .sks jfor, Hojk. bales .. Mt:i Hams, pkjes :r2 Bran, sks . 12.WI Ohee.ie, 1; ...,m M ' Flax Seed, sks ::lfl ( anneil "itUMls. is 2J Bailey, etS IS3 Shorts. ks :a!ti ISANKIXU AND INSURANCE. IAHK KG ftKHI i- vi.-- CSJS, BROKER, BANKER INSURANCE AGENT. ASTDlflA, - - - OliEGON OFKICEllerKS: FitOM 8 O'CLOCK A. 31. UXTIL 1 O'CLOCK P.M. Hone MnM Iiiirance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. .1. F. Hoikihton .. .....President Ciias.R. Stouy. Secretary Gko. I aroitv. z. Agent forOt;on Cipital paid up in U. S coin .. ,................. ,'Old S 200 000 00 I. W. CASi:. Agent, Chenamas street, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. ' LIVKUPOOL AND LOTrON AND GL015E, NORTH BRITISH AND 3IF.RCAN- TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OP HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Slenrcscntinj: n capital of S87.CC0.00O. A. VAX DUSEX, Agent. le Lion iniiiGe Coipany OF LONDON, ENGLAND. I INSURANCE CO. OF EDIXRURCU, ' - . - SCOTLAND. "WM AGENT, LOEB, ASTORIA. MSa MTTIN ROPE lHHffiiffi'SPoBiN(rais. o BHE Or THE OLDEST AND K0ST RELIABLI , REMEDIES IN THE WOULD fO.1 THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Every affoction of tho THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including: oorasuMPTiora. A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: " I: docs not dry up a cosh, and lcac th c-u.i tcJiwil, as is the case with most preparation, Ia bMcns it, cleanses the lungs and albw irritation Cxas rcinax'ing the causcof coinplaiat." DO NOT UK DECEIViiD by article Ir ng sintiLtr names. Be sure you get Dn. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERKV, ! ith tSc signature of " I. HUTTS " on the wrarT-er 50 Onts and SI. 00 a iloltle. Prepared by SETII V. FOWLi: fc SON'S, 1 :. Mass. Sold hv dwesiits and doWrs RcnrraS I BEVlARE OF W R M. U ! TTsicntK!! joii nrv ?Ji:jc SWINDLED! DNn'piiiuble parties atvj)ffeiinj: and vhinji under FALSE PR ETEWCES A i-hcap, tnishy iiiiitiition iif o:;i Pinlayson, Bousfieltl & Go's -kxiji:k2-: When yon buy see thai the naniix. of S-'SSIiAYSO?-, IIOtlWI'IKI.IJ A .. .Fohn Stone. Kent innd. r .1. it. x.5:i:ox a ro., SioMott. Aie on each paekase. XEVII.LE & CO.. Awiils. San Fnmei-u-o. fab i -- B. B. FRANKLIN, UPfiDSRTAKER, (inner Cass and Stpiennfnjte streels. ASTORIA. - - - ORECOX llKAI.KK IN WALL PAPER .VXD VINDOW SHADES AXD UNDERTAKERS GOODS. KILL'S TARIETIBS. CEO. HILL, - - - PROPRIETOR CHAS. KOnLER, - STACE MAXAOER Open all Hie Year. I'eiToriHimri r.v- r.v .Vlshl." i:mlrc Clmnsc or Iro- srcitiuic Onrc a Week. Comprising all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. The theatre is crowded nijthtly. and all who have witnessed tne entertainment pro nounce it to he equal to any given elsewhere. air? Hill as a, caterer for the public's amusement can not he excelled. Anybody wishing to spend a pleasant evening and see sparkling wit and beauty without vul garity, should improve the opportunity and come. Open air concert every evening - perform ance commencing at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street ; private Ikkcs on Chena mus street. : f. d ? -2 c B5j o p. 3 y m Jl r. -j Waa -1-1 T rH - 5 - gn r-i 3 z s i 1 . fs ,q si ro 'Z o W&i M . co - 5 w T. A fiSt f0 c cd z a r3 - tot - -J 1 - "v r 1 --- - j 1 1 1 in --- Hi 1 m -- - 1 11 11 1 1 n iii 1 in 1 111 111 1 11 1 1 1 1 t .. J-'f-" PACIFIC GCW3T i .ut.: . -.r: fIOTLS AND KESTAUKAST?. a. .r. aiKKi.Rt:. i..s. ivkicht MWM.KIt r '.VKN.HT. Propriotors Afiinrio, Or a you. 7Mi r::oiiiiKTOUs akk ilmty to .a. aiinoitnivtiiat tin aliovt hotel lists been wpamteil uml n-funrtslwHl. aritlhix "reatlyno iM-vmiiiiiinu iis"iifisaiii: isiiow lilt llM lnu.1 smiili of Fan Fniueisco. Fair Wiiul C.niWv Saloon I -axu- 'ohop hotjset ; atf.i: sTKinrr. astoria. Nevt door to Dr. Kins . 'ofl"r. 1V:i am! Cltocolatt. with fake. IO fonts. 'hopv. Cookfil to Onlri'. r'itir Wiiios. Liquorf, ami 'isars OfthebitbniniK if.-U FOARD & EVAXSOX. PARKER HOUSE, J3. ii. IVtSilil'K. Sroii.. ASTOUIA, - - - OKi:(J0X. FIItST CLASS HOTEL. AM. MODERN' IMPROVEMENTS. wT imp rri! r oatuc Good Billiard Tabic, and Frst Class Sa- j 00j stocked with Fine Liquors. j ttTFRKE COACH TO THE IIOFSE.-ffu j Campi's Restaurant. American and Italian Style. I hae taken eimrgeoftlus Popular llcsfau.ranit. , ' 'l And will serve all patrons in a FIRST CLASS MANNER. . , , . , . , All the market at:ids served neatly and! 'l,l,Ck,y LL'IOI SERRA. I ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Ovsf.'i' Snl.mn. I) CflENAMrs STREI-rr. ASTORIA. milE rXDEKSIONED IS PLEASED TO ' .JL announce to the ' Lac 2s and Gentlemen of this City I fliat . is now jirepared to furnish for them, in first class style, and every style. I OYSTEi:. HOT COFFEE TEA, ETC. AT TUK I nJ!A n rl Ounl.. CL.. iuuiu: aiiu uciu uyaicr oaiuuii, iiitviiiiv trnt.M.T V..........U.1.HI.I..... Please give me a call. i:u(J"K QlAO.N. l-roprieior . RA ft1. A?. . SCANDINAVIAN BALL WII.I. KV CIVKX ,vr Liberty Hall. Thursday Evening, DECEMBER 22, 1881. 1'I.OOK fOMMITTKK : Adolf Christenseii. O. Xelson. Clias. Wick.strom, .I.M.OLsen. invitation c(3iMrrTi:i: : J. 1. .lohnsou. O. Xelson. TICKETS. Adolf Christciisi-ii .1. .M. Olsen ?1oo PERUVIAN BITTERS. CHINCHQtlA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, Or THE AGJC. See; our local columns lor parlieiilars, and as you VALUR HEALTH, REAJD! i,Q JJiiL (,J.iJsAJ.J!.SJ Scllwood. East Portland ; Mrs. Kirk Shel- (!'n, IJast Portland : Mrs. Jud. HilLsboro ; T-i-i-v-r- 4 -r s-v rri-iv-f r--T K- Lyman Cook, Mrs. L. A. X'ewbv. Me MEDICAL DFSC0YER1 5.nnvile: Mrs. A' (L Parsons! MrirJLW. V J.'.''?i'E (V-'?. lfWHft.1E?-liBJXir.7W! 5' 7, W zt&i vea'.r-Z r K 5?-si!l ' "-3- ? SKIPPING NOTICES. - ! FltOI flel-AWft aSa4 "Q LSljUiJLa bJ UUlLl-U. AJUUXLj Vfocdvjtads Landing, Tokcs Point, Day Center, Oystcrviile, Light House Cove, and all Points on Shealiuatcr Bay, where Business Calls. M The new steamer SOUTH I JEN I), Al STREAM. - - - MASTER AVill connect fojoilarly at I'te head of the Bay wilh lifniiess Mage line from llwaco. on Tuesday and Friday OF EYERY WEEK. PiLssengers from Astoria will thus be able to make the thronght Irij. in one day. Retiiiuing. the steamer South Bend will connect at the head of Shoalwatcr Bay with Ileimess'sttmes for llwaeo. on Tues das and Friday.s."making the through trip to Astoria from "South Bend and intermedi ate points on the same da;.. JSTThis steamer has never yet missed a trip in making her connections 'at the head oftncRay. All sfitements to the contrary an false." JS"For freight or passage apply on board oral theoillceof .JOHN WOOD vs: CO., -. .-nPH.il it-nil, ..v..rc,... ..... ...,. , i i....:k,. r... ,! . tim: xkw ti:mf.i 5liysN Clara Parker, aEs- EBEX P. PARKER. - - MASTER Is now ready for bnshics,. For freisht or charter, aimlv to the C:tn- tain on board, or to II." B. PARK Kit. ; ForYaquina Bay, Tillamook and ' Cray's Harbor. Direct. 1 The new Coasting steamer fe YAQU1HA, JMpW. JAMES E. DEXNV. - MASTER Will leave Astoria for the above i-orts 'r3IITKSIAY. !ec. tJ, ISJ3. For freight or iKtssae anulv at the office (Hillock. r.J.TRKNCHARD.Ageiit. 'Z S. S S S5lT iii:vi.ki: in ITarj 0a.tSj Straw. Ume, Brick, Cement and Sand. Wood S5ellvreil to Order. Drayiny, Teaming and Express Business. Horsrs antf Carriages for Hire. iiK.i.i:i: iv WINES, LIQUORS AHD CICARS. ( ; 13 ! T1 TVi'R"! . TliT1 t "C ?2,T I s.A.Aca, -w.-ckx J5. s; ! rrrvnTrrBi a t j O.AJSiT 1 JL iJLJL, ASTORTA. - CHIV Cinf? millS IXST1TTTIOX, CXDER CARE OY JL the Sisters of Charity, is now ready for' the reception or patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of I any desiring them. I I'atieius miuutteil at all hour-.'day or night, Xo physician has exclasive rmht. everv . imueiii is inn to ami nas me privilege oi j employing any physician they prefer. t'nited State. 2arino Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at thisilos I pital diinug .sickness. Permits must lie ob- . t.t it t- .i.u.4,.; .ll.u . I. .111.1.11 ! tameiuor united states aiari irines at the Cits-1 torn House, SlSTEKS OK ClIAKTTV , LOOKHERE! CHINAMEN MUST GO. j Wa.sliiiir Sialic VMxy hy the I'se of .... ,,,,.. - afona! Wasnmg Povders, . For wa.shing clothes without nibbinir or boil- ing, haves Labor. Saves Wear, Saves Time. We. the undersitmed. h.ivo npl tti.. i'a-. ders and find them as recommended. Mrs. A. C. Oibbs. Mrs. J. X. Dolph, Mrs. W. P. Olds Mrs's " Sedlnl" Mrs. Lichtentha'ler. MiCaiit V sinbnrn Mrs. E. A. Hellion. Mrs. Dr. Josephi. E:tst Portland; Mrs.l jiowariis. oayton : Airs. .1. J. Harney. Mrs V.vu.- iAeu' 'uayette: Airs. Gelhvick.JIrs. )) . A. Cummings, Independence ; 3Irs. O. A. I Chapman. 3Irs. Vincent. Cervallis: 3Irs. Capt. Apperson. 3Irs. AVm. Elliot, Oregon M RS. FELLOWS & 3IRS. BELL, rop s and .Manufacturers, cor. C. ami 2d sts. . Portland, Oregon. :S or .sale at all the G.-oeery Stores. gEg may l)c found on B3 Efi file at Geo. 1. "St Roivf-U. & C.n't Xewspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprnco ai reci .wiiorc aavcr iWngcontractsmay t ..J r.i: ls a-" Jiz TUAXSPOfcTATIOX" LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation C03IPASV. ockax invisioar. Between San Francisco & Portland. I.K.WKSSAN KKA.N. LKAVI rOKTLAXI). AT 10 A. M. AT 12 :05 A. 31. O C rt C C2 ai s. 5" 5 i- - g : s-s Dee 2 Dec 7 Dee 12 Dee 4Dee 9 Dec 14 Dee 17 Dec 22 Dec 27 Dec 19 Dec 24 Dec 29 .Tan 1 Jan C.Ian tl Jan U Jan 8 Jan 1 1 Jan 10 Jan 21 Jan 20 Jan 19 Jau 24 Jan 29 Jan so Leaving Portland at 12.05 A. M. instead or 3 A. M. Due notice will be given or any further change. Right is reserved to change steamers or sailing days. TDROUOn TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities in the United'States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Willamet and Yamhill Riveis FEBRCARY 1, 1831. Leave Fort 1 i land for Mon Tti. We. Thu. Frl. I Sat. .M TAM GAM TAM GAM TAM TAM BAM PAM I lama. Tac-o ma.S)PattIel BAM BAM BAM Vic.ri3.N-,- Wcst'mstr BAM t'atlilamet, I5ay A'icw, M;amota ura. Urook- lielil W est port. (J 1 i i t on. K n appa. Dtvton Salem, and intennedi- ntc points. Toints no Snake Kiver BAM JCAM CAM CAM BAM SAM TAM 6 am Sam 6 am 5aro OKXKKAIi OFFICES : Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. MrCRAKEX & Co.. Agents State uf California, A. I.. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. R. & X. Co. JOIIX MUIR. Ceiieral l-'ielght and Passenger auent. C. II. PRESCOTT. Manager ilwaco Steam Navigation Go "WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, Il waco, Oysterville and Olympia. (?fr Until further notice tho Ilwaco -?fc&.--- Steam Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CAKBY, W. P. WIIITCOMB ALiSKH AVill Icnro Astoria On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays At 8 A.M.. for Fort stevcas, Fort Cnniiy, and ilwaco. j Arriving at Fort Canby at 10 A. ar. and touch- aviiiini; ai I'linuuiuyni iu A.ai. anuioucn ing at Ihvaco for passengers and mail. He mming, win leave fort canby at 11 a.m. arriving at Astoria at 1 1. m. Only a limited amount of Freight CarrIed on those Days. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. The steamer' :ls formerlv. nr :is r'n'envt not being con lined strictly to . schedule time. I tare to fort htevens ... BOCtS .... SI 00 e3"Hvaco freight, by the ton, in lots ot one ton or over, SU 00 per ton. 8"For Tickota. Towago or Charter apply either at tho otBco of tno Company, Gray's i wnan, 1001 oi iienion street, or to we captain on board. J. II. D.GRAY. Asent. Oreron & California R.R.Co On an aftor OcL 11, 1SS0. trains will run a3 fol lows, DAILY (Except Sundays). EASTSIOE DIYISIO-J. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. UAH. TR.V1X ' rriTTT? A-DTfTirL j Portlnnd...7V30 A. M.Rosobur(j7:0O P. W Rosobure.-3:00 A.: M. Portland 423 P M albany express train. Jj l.iV Xt. ARUX V .. Portland .4:00 P. M.l Lebanon 0.20 P.M I Lebanon 1:13 A. M.JP' Portland...lO:05A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 0:15 A. M.l Junction....6:0O P. JI : Junction 5:43 A. M. Portland 5-iSP.UI ! Tho Oregon and California Railroad 1; erry makes connection with all RcsularTrams on 'I Eastside Division. WESTSIDK D1VI3I0X. rrom lortlaud to Corvallls. HAIL TKAIX LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland S:00 A. M.ICorvallis ..3:00 P. Jl Corvallis S:30 A. M.'Portland 3:20 P.'M Close connection? are mado at ROSEBURG with the Stascs of the Oregon and California Stago Company. CS,rfricketsforsnlo to all theprincipal points in California and tho East, at tho Company's Office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Storage will bo charged on freight rexnain n? atCompanys Varohou30 over 24 hours. Freight will not bo recoivedfor shipment after 5 o'clock P. 31. on cither tho East or Wcstsido Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Gon'lSnp't HP. ROGERS. Gon'l Freight and Passenger Agent R . KOCHLER, Manager Dalle-!. Wal la Walla. Umatilla. and ao riv er points.. I Astoria. Ka- oe maue for It tnllbEI 1 VIBSa