3 J 2?hc g-aUai sttflmi, .ASTORIA, OREGON: PJ&IDAY DEC. :;. 18bl ISSUED SVERY MORNING. (Monday Excepted). J. F. HAL.LORAN & COMPANY. PUHLIsIIintS AND PllOrXtlKTORS. AsUrrian HuUdiiuj, 0as3 Street. Terms of Subscription : served by Carrier, per woek..........-.-5 Coals -ant by mall. fourionth3.................S3 TO sect by xnnll. cno year... .................... 9 00 free of Postage to Subscribers. sVAdrertisoments inserted by the year at ih rate of SI 50 per square per month. TrsndJont ndvertLrinc. by the day or week, fifty cents per square for each insertion. THECIT. Tuk Daii.v astoriax ICill 1C unit by mallat75ccnlM a month, frccof portage. Read ers who contemplate absence from the city can have TnK Astoriax follow ihern. Daily irr XfRKKVY editions to any post-office icfth ou additional expense. AdAresaex may be cr.angcd as often as desired. Ixave orders at th? counting room. Small pox is ravaging Iowa and Illinois. Several letters held for pontage Id the postoflice. Tuike.w, geese and chicken, a Warren and Eaton's. What are yon going to do to morrow evening. Hot, cold and .shower bath at the Occident hair dressing saloon, twenty five cents. The Ttiver Ganges and Dnnard wero taken up stream yesterday. Fine assortment nuts and candies at the Astoria Candy Faetorj. Walla Walla thinks it needs an opera house as badly as Astoria. Selig's .stock lias arrived and his Auction Uazaar is a success. He is just slaughtering goods. Go and .see them. The Columbia, went down to the point yesterday, but was unable to cross out. The Columbia came back yesteiday morning for the sole purpose of. allow ing the ladies on board to get another half dozen boxes of bonbons at Adler a. Head Holden's ad. in this morn ing's issue. The property is tnost desirable. Xmas, New Year's, and birth-day cards, the finest ever in the city, at the City BookJS tore. Mrs. Itappleyea advertises that she is prepared to make dresses in the latest style. Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc., in their season The stomach of the defunct G. W. Teller is a cause of anxiety to the Polk countyites. A new and specially assorted list of jaaics' aim gents7 masks, all from San Francisco, at very low rates of rent, at M. D. Kant's, Merchant Tailor. The fine quality of the water is the subject of daily congratulation on the part of those who uso it. The Orient Baths are far .superior to any in inc city, iverytiuug new ami neat Chenamus street, opposite Hol- den's auction rooms, doe G. Charters, proprietor. Yesterday was dark and gloomy; the clonds hung low and tho atmos phere had considerable body to it. Frank Fabre has oysters in every style. Slew and pan roasts a specialty In tho Police court yesterday John Stephenson was fined ten dollars for using abusive language on the stroet. Selig's stock of holiday goods are to be sold without reserve. You musii't forget this. Largo numbers of Chinese are ar riving in San Francisco, from whence they go to work on the Canadian Pa ciGc railroad. Fresh candy every day at the As toriifcaudy factory. Attention is desired to the adver tisement of the Chicago Brewery, of which Mr. Strauss is agent for this state and "Washington Territory. Of the '15,630,8-1 tons of ship ping entered at our ports from abroad during the fiscal year of 18S1, only 2,919,14.9 tons were American. Max. Wagner's San Francisco Na tional brewery beer can't be beat. The British bark Angle -Norman was yesterday added to the list of ves sels ready for sea. She has 43,385 bushels of wheat, worth $-3,150. Chas. Stevens and Son have a stock of mouldings and moulders tools which can be bought cheap for cash to close out thnt branch of the business. The first barge of the Transporta tion Compaivy is building below Kin ney's cannery. It will be 170 eot long, 42 feet wide; 9 feet depth of hold. When D. P. Thompson gets to Washington, his five days trip from Portland to the open sea, will form a good argument for improvement of the bar. MUllMIWWtllMiWWWWWW! Popular Pimento i Everybody knows what an um brella is, and can tell of what it is con structed; but fow aro aware how largo an industry is represented in tho stick of this useful and generally missing property. Au official estimate, made in September laet, in Kingston, Jamaica, showed that there were- a lit tle ovor 500,000 sticks awaiting ex port to Englaud and the United States to bo mado into umbrella han dles. These sticks were almost with out exception, pimento, and it is not surprising to be informed that owners and lessees of pimento walks are be coming alarmed at the growth of a trade which threatens to uproot, in a few years, all their young trees. Tho export returns for the past lire j'ears show that an average of 2,000 bundles of sticks has been sent out nf tho island annually in the ordinary course of trade, and tho returns for tho first three-quarters of 1881 show an export cf over 4,500 bundles, valued at 815, 000. When it is remembered that each bundle contains from 500 to 800 sticks, each of which represents k young bearing pimento tree, the ex tent of the destruction may be real ized. For handsome holiday presents, sucli as toilet cases, cologue sets, per fumery eases, line soaps, etc., go to Conn's drug stoie, opposite Occident Hotel. Mrs. Twilight and Mrs. lllsley have taken charge of the Pioneer Restaurant, which has been thoroughly renovated and refitted. Mrs. lllsJpy has charge of the cuisine- Good eoflec a specialty. Philadelphia in to celobrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of that city by ringing the State Ffouso bell 200 times on Xew Year' night. That will be grand. Auction sale of Holiday and Christ mas goods at Solig's Toy Bazaar this evening and every evening at 7 o'clock. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder. Now will be jour ohanee to get cheap presents for your children and friends. Remember nothing reserved and put under the counter. There is a present demand fur at least one hundred more houses in Astoria. Rents can be obtained which will pay the builder une and a half per cent. Who will build them? Villard and Adler have formed a partnership; it has no connection with the Astoria and Winnemucca rail road. It's a 'monopoly," a monopoly of first class goods and a monopoly of inc patronage oi everyone wno imys on the merit of the ai tide sold. Frank T. Jordan, one of our "comps," is a passenger on the out going Columbia to San Francisco, where he will spend the holidays. The best wishes nf the boys and :t merry Christmas, ".lord v." For the genuine J. II. Cutter old llourbon. and the bet of wines, liquors and Sail Fnumisco beer, call at the ("cm, opposite the hell tower, and see ('amp bell. Henry Ward JJeechcr has come out strong in favor of free trade. This is the severest blow that that party has yet received, but the general cor rectness of its views will enable it. to overcome any such accession. A few more chances left in that raf fle at Adler's for the finest doll in Ore gon. The detention of the Columbia is a matter of considerable inconvenience to many of ub. Wo believe had she crossed out yesterday, she would have sailed en her return trip on tho 28th. As it is, the matter is problematical. noliday goods 200 per cent, cheaper at Adler's than at either of the Cheap John affairs. i Last night's mail brought us San Francisco papers as lute aB the 4th inst. We are in atrong hopes of re ceiving papers of tho ."th or may be the 0th, by New Year's. That .beautiful doll at Adler-. will be raffled at ii o'clock this morn ing. Four bits may win it for vour lit tle girl. The Methodist Sunday school will have their Christinas tree in the new church to-morrow evening. The public are invited. Presents left there properly marked will be put on the tree. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus sheet, has just received the latent and most fashionablo style of gents ami ladies boots, shoes, etc The Standard is printing alleged poetry in original Irish. The Stan dard says it in "a gem:" Hibernian "gems' of purest ray serene The Standard's local column oft hath shown. What this especial Gaelic ''gem" may mean Must he deciphered in some other zone. The third annual masquerade of the Kescue Jubilee Troupe, at Liberty hall Dec 26th, will be conducted as hereto fore. These parties aro the best con ducted and most enjoyable of anything during the year. A flume 400 feot in length and five feet in width has been built to carry the water from the swamp at Fort Stevens, and a scries of fascines composed of spruce limbs weighted down with sand bags to prevent the erosions of the swash channel, under the supervision of O. Holt. Plenty Wheat The "Weston Leader -ays: It will tako ninety days' carrying, at the rate of ten cars n daj', tu lciuore the wheat of Reese A- Co., at present lying at Blue Mountain Station. Resides this they have a great deal more to haul. But as the number of daily cars is only about seven since tho large engine h:m been demolished, there is a long tiuio ) yet to be devoted to hauling. A6 the cars running to Blue Moun tain Station are of the narrow ir-iuge pattern and oiilv cam- seven tuns each, it is evident that Reese -v Co. have 6,300 tons at Blue Mountain j Station, and many tons yet to be hauled there. Grain dealers so v that there are tons nf wheat at even sta tion between Cold Spring and Snake river, and other tuns at the various Snake river landings, yet t be hauled out of the country. One conservative dealer estimates the total amount r.f wheat and flour now in the country between the Palouse and Umatilla rivers, awaiting shipment," at :5,000 tons. In addition to this large quan tity of wheat, there are several thou sand tons of surplus along the line of the X. 1 11. II. and in the Yakima country. The following is .-elf-cxi)lnnatorv : PoinT,A-n,-)ee. 19. fast. To Rescue Jubilee Treupe: -Will be on hand for the masquerade with the best quadrille band in the city. .!. II. Itoos. P. S This quadrille band consists of violin, cornet, clarionet and piano. 1 have ju.-t received thefinest assoit ment of fancy goods in my line ever brought to Astoria, consisting of per fumery cases, toilet sets, toilet ease", tine perfumeries, fancy soaps, combs, brushes, hand glasses, and toilet articles of all kinds splendid presents for the holiday. Call and examine goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, at .1. W. I'oiinV. drug store, opposite Or-ci-dent Ilolel. Astoria. Oregon. Col. Hurlburl, of tiie O. A- C. railroad surveyors, expects to mnke the Siskiyou mountain tunnel 200 feet lower than decided upon la&t year. The tunnel will be a mile long. It is also thought the -line, of the mid will run nearer to Ashland than :it first expected. H A large invoice of parlor, cook j.1o es and ranges at J. A. Montgomery'-,. la the interests of the public the following simple rules for punctuation, as given by n compositor, are given place: "I set up as long as I can hold my breath, then put in a comma; when T gape I insert a semicolon; when 1 sneeze a colon; and when I want to take another chew of tobacco, I insert a period." Whip-., curry-combs. biM.slics; new sterk: first class unoiU. cheap for cash. .. liKAY. Ill a report mi tho forests of British Columbia, Professor Dawson, of the Geological Survey of C.mada, dwells upon the importance of the timber trade of the Dominion. The Douglas fir. or Oregon pine, is the most valuable tree he refers to; it is often more than eight feet in diameter and 200 to 300 feet high, forming dense forests. The Western hemlock and red cedar are next in importance, and also grow to a great size. The New Testament authorized edition revised, for twe.ity-five cents at Charles Stevens and Sons City Hook store. The Secretary of State sent the following message to the American charge d' affairs at St Petersburg last Wednesday afternoon : Tho President desires you to make provision for im mediate relief and return of thcofliceri and men of the Jeannette. Cable promptly the amount of credit you require and it will be provided by the Secretary of the Navy and mysulf. Also cablo what steps can be takott by this Government for the recovery of the crew of the missing boat. The City Hook Store, has on exhibi tion oneof the finest election of holiday goods over opened. Call and evamine for yourselves. Jacob Tesch, oue of the oldest porsons on the Pacific coast, died near Jacksonville, on the 12th inst. He was about JU years old, and was herd ing sheep when he became unconscious and in a few hours passed away. Ho at one time had owned a large portion of the town site of Cincinnati, but was pursued by mischance, until he sought to bur' himself in a new region. This he did effectually, having been in the employ of one man as sheep herder for twenty years, and living in almost entire seclusion. The following vessels aro now in the Columbia river: Wealthy Pendleton, Thunderbolt, Indiana, (Jlcnpadam, E. T. Crowe.lI, Seringpatatn, Dnnard, Bellona, Diana, Santon, "River Ganges, Corina, Rainbow, Berwickshire, Peeb leahire, Dochra, Oiniara, Beecroft, Olive S. Southard, Belle of Oregon, Almira Robinson, Anglo-Norman, Orient, Loch Fergus, Algoa Baj Lin dores -.bbey, Antarctic, Kirkwood, AstracAii, J as. A. Wright, Annio Main, and Oregon. Fifteen of them are ready for sea. The thirty-two ag gregate about 20,000 tons. Gratifying Nows- In the appointment of Congressional Committees, we notice that M. C. George is on tho Committee of Com-. inerce, and Page, of California, is chairman of the same committee. Both are in favor of the improvement ) ,,f . -,-!- -a. By the kindness of tho builders tho now Methodist church was occu- i pied for an entertainment and bazaar on the evening of tho 20th, mid again, ,(-v 1. ib --. -iiewmir- 1 ... Jl... -. rut. . lnS eny "- .--' -d- f tl,e church j 3 manm'3t m tfle awptoy ami gen- era- arrangemenL; and a generous on rrj irirj grnip . r.n P" responded to their call. The"-"- "All DlMF LfcAU, receipts of tin- fit at evening were &79 and of the second, 890, which will give the society a net result of $120. This will he used for furnishing the! church, which includes carpets, chan- delicrs, furnace and organ. Great credit is due the ladies of this church I for their noble efb-rts in this direction. The entertainment, for half an hour each evening, consisted of choice sing ing and excellent readings and recita tions by some of the best talent of the city. On the second evening some of tho merchants kindly furnished fancy articles for the bazaar table, and al lowed a liberal commission. In view of these furore we are requested to thu.s publicly thank all who con tiibutcd in any way to the ehuroh for this occasion. Many complimentary remarks wero made concerning the neatness of the building and the ex cellence of the he-iting apparatiic This church will probably be inform ally opened in a few weeks, and dedi cated in the spring. - Hotel Arrivals. oe.riPKm. . II li Ward Clatsop; M F Uuiuian and wife Kt Stevens; Mrs Peiglo Ilwaco; Mrs I'mwii A Knapp A F Ccitter D C Pyckman Knappa; Mrs S O Spear Clifton; Chas Thomas and wife Upper Astoria; .lames Graham Thomas Thompson Westpoit; James Strong Portland. I'AKKCtt nor.sK. O- Smith C W Ituflell C Seamore H E Hausen city; J Peterson W Ban Oysterville;CRentaF Krosel Young's River; C Anderson New York; C Whiteman city; W Aloam Salem; R M Wooden Q S Gragg Nelnlem Val ley: S Stoing Lewis River. "asusca? i:tt's cocoa ix , I.'nllke nil Other Ilnlr Ii-csHiii;M. Is the best for promoting the growth of and beautifying the hair, and rendering it dark and glossy. The Cocoaine holds, in a liquid form, a large proportion of deodorized eocoanut oil, prepaied ex pressly lor this pin pose. No other com pound possesses the. peeuliar properties which mi exactly suft the various condi tions of the human hair. The superiority of Ji'i:xi:rr"s Fi.av 01:1x0 J'Ixtkacts consists in their per fect puril and great st length. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath .ccured by Mulo's Catarrh Uem edy. Price .TO cent-. Xas Injector free. For sale by W. K. Dement. Sleepless Nights, made miserable by that terrible eoimlhShilo's. Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. Iv. De ment. ShiloV Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold byW. K. De ment. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron Bren chitis: immediately relieved hj Shilo's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement.' Shilo'.s Vilalizeris what jcu need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. lriee 10 and 7"i cents per bottle. Sold bv W. K. Dement- The price 01 subscription to Tin: Wi:i:ki.y Astokian has been reduced to2per annum when paid in advance. If not paid in advance the obi price of -?". will be charged. Another of tbo.se fine A. 1. ('base organs at the City Book Store. Warrantee deeds at Tin: Avroui x office. Julius llulbsgiith. music teacher for piano, ortian or voice eultun. Cleaning organs will be properh attended to b leaving orilcis at Adler's book anil variety store. The Peruvian syrup lias cured thou sanib who were suffering ft 0111 dy.spcp sia, debility, liver complaint. ImuTs. hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets irec to any address, .setn . r ow it k Sons. Boston. Will yon suffer with Dtspepsia and Liver Complaint'.' Slnl' Vitalizer is guaranteed tu eure you. Sold by E. Dement. For lame Hack. Side or 1'he.st u-e Shilo'.s Porous Piaster. I'riee ." eeuls. For sale by W, E. Dement. That Hacking fomjli can he m quickly cured b Shilolfs Cure. Wo guarantee it. Sold b W. K. Dement. Notice. itot!ck is hi:im:i;y oivkn that an i- animal meeting of the stockholders of the FiMiennons I'.u-kiitg Comiaii v. ill be he'.d at their ulilee in I'pper Astoria, on the 29th day of December, l.ssi. at 11 o'clock a. t. for the purpose of electing a Itoanloi Direc tors for the enduing ear. and such other business as may eoiue before the meeting, Uy order of the Piesidcnt. Mil 15K.Y,!. YOUNG. Sec. O ANN E R Y FOR SALE. THE BUILD-NO. I'l.ANT AND SUI' pllcs or the IJIUTISH COLUMBIA 1'ACI-INO COMPANY, near New Westmin ster. Fraser River. Applv to JAMES F1NLAYSON, SIS Front St.. S. F -lrn HOr r. BIRRELL, on the premises. - I 'MAGNUS Q. (1R0SBY. Dealer In , , . , ,, lifiDVABi , IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Pirate anQ Steam Fitters Goods and Tools. SHEET IROH TIN AHD COPPER,. PnnTinmr mid TCinhmmmnn fir UuilllOl V Qliu lUuIlGlliujllu 0 ies StOVeS, Tin Ware 3fld HOUSe Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but mt elaxs workmen employed. A lan:e assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand O. I.MXKN WKltKK. A. A. 'OllX. K.sr.r.i.isUi:t 1RC3. LcintMiwcbr & Colin, ASTOIIIA, ORE(iON TAMERS AND CDBRffiRS, .M::tmroturrrs :::jtl importers ot A 1.1. KINDS o. IJL.'F? A ,a?3E-E3E3-gL AND FINDINGS. W holesaie Dealers la OIL AND TALLOW. -J-Hislirsl cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. W EL 23-2IVE--3-r,3- fg ASTOK1A. OKKftOX fr DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. l-j-"l'r'senjiliiiiiN carahillv eoinpoiindedjat all hours. C37"Homro':ui'ir Tliii'iures ami lVHi-ts, and Itumplirej'sNperilirs alo kept. Stephana Varieties ! GRAUTJ OPENING. a IiIVkly i-:.ti:rtaiii:.t. Haea new Imwlins alley, the largest and best in tow 11. Admittance free. 2Vf--ELS IDIESIEl.re'X" , IlKAI.KK IX New and Choice MILLINERY, Deslies to call the intention or the i-idies of Astoria to the fact Umt she has roeehed a laruc awirtmnnt of the UTKST STYLUS OF Hats. Bonnets. Trimmings, ASH Corner .Main ami Squemoqhe Streets. S. C3r-Et.3."-r MAKKS VI' riKST CLASS STOCK INTO Harness and Saddles, And will fit joiioiitinheltor.sljSeand cheap er rates than any other man in Oregon. A full liur of WIilpM, Curry Comb, ete.. 011 band. ASTOKIA J-'lUX: 1KIAIIT3IEXT C. J. TRENCH AIM) Chlcr Engineer F. 1. HICKS 1st Asst. Engineer J. O. IIOZOKTH ..2d Asst. Engineer TIOAltn OF nKLi:OATKS. llegnlat meet ing rourth Monday 111 eacu monin, at 7 w r. at., at hall of Alert Hook and ladder Company No. l. OKrifKits. 1'. .I.Tavlor, President : F. 1 Parker. Secretary ; A. W. Berry, Treasurer. Dklf.ca rKs. W. "W. Parker, .1. Strauss, I. Bergman, of Astoria Engine Co. No. 1 ; A. A. Cleveland. W.J. Bam. Chas. II. Stockton, of Rescue Engine Co. No. 2 ; Ed. D. Curtis. A. W. Berrv. F. J. Tavlor. or Alert Hook and Ladder Co.'No.l. .i.S-TOKJ.l EXG1XE COMPAXY Ao. 1. -tegular mcctint; tirst Monday In each month. Of Fir K us. W. W. Ihirker. President; I E. Selig. Secretary: William Bock, Treas urer; B, F.Steveus. Foreman, S. (J. Ingalls, 1st Asst. Foreman. ,lie. ii. Charters, 2d Asst. Fort-man. RESCUK EXGIXK COMPAXY Xo. . Regular meeting tirst Monday in each month. Okkickiis. A. A. Cleveland, President ; J. A. Montgomery, Secretary; F. C. Norris. Treasurer ; Chas. II. Stockton Foreman. A. McKenzie. 1st Asst. Foreman. J. W. Brown, 2d Asst. Foreman. ALEUT HOOK AXDLADDER Co. Xo. 1. Regular meeting second Monday in eacli month. Ofkiceks. J. O. Bozorth, President ; C. Brown. Secretary ; Jay Tuttle. Treasurer ; J. K. Thomas. Foreman, F. B. Elberson. 1st Asst. Foreman. F. W. Ferguson, 2d Asst. Foreman. MISCELLANEOUS. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. H.---a..i.-33:c.r5'jjii..s...3.r3H.ic.i.ixitiBHJun; I O TO THE ' m S.;.-i.a!z.z3.3s-B2R3-3.n.i.H.s23ii..imnamMas EIIlllIBl....IS..3BII33!-I33C....:H35,lSI.MtI.-.n.lIIIIIII.lIIMHllUllliaM 9 IX ak 1 A JL S llEZlISUS!IlI-S-..SSa..l...S23U.BB.UU:iIlSSltlilUC.Ulilt.iIlIIMlU8IIIinillIII ! FOR YOUR A SI) jar w :s.ai..a...:ii2jn-3i...i.!.a-i.i3..ui:siia.uiiaui.ii3ussaisii I PRESENTS I --ssinE.ai.3S2-..ii..a2asa.asaisizs.t.B..ataisiisuisiiuiiiuiii M Buy your Children and Friends something that will be of service to them I have " received- a large consignment of Genuine Sold Jewelry Which 1 will sell at wholesale 'rates. Buyers will save money by purchasing of me. a m COOPER, I X L Stove, near Parker House, Astoria. TheBossCoffee and Tea Pot - P2L !? B?TB" jjH &" ktX bM-.a 2i-a -- a -s-a TWO D0011.S EAST OF OCCIDENT, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTUKEIl OF FITBNITUKE 5 BEDDING AND DEAhEK IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, "WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN TOLES Complete in every branch. THE COLUMBIA LJkCySR IS SUPERIOR TO MOST. AM) l. lACEI.I.LH VA NONE ON THIS COAS1 JOHN RAHK, - - PKOPKIETOK, CHBNAIiIUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. ira-Orders left at the GERMANIA BEE!: HA U. will be promptly attended to.-Sa ASTOBIA M. MEYER ASTOPvIA, 31EDUCTIOX OF WIIOIJuSALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS. LARGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Callon Bottled Beer, - - - SI SO per Dozen A3Scckuattentiuu paid to order from Public Huilsi-s and Families."- Washington Harket, Main Street, - - Astoria Oregon 'llERGMAX A- JilJinir TDESP.ECTFULLY CALL THE XL Hon of tho nublic to the fac ATTE-i- ublic to the fact that the i above Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY , t FRESH AND CURED MEATS'. Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale aad retail. Special attention pivea to supj-b e &ms)i. TORE TM AS MAY i:k had of E.11HAES SOI.K AOKXT. Also. Agi'iir for tin- celebrated MEDALLION RANGE, & WES, ASTOKIA. OREGON BREWERY JS) BREWERY. Proprietor. OKEGON. a IS ECI-AHED WITHOUT FI'IITIIRR XOT1CK j. And no terms of peace until even- man in Astoria has anew .suit of clothei aiAI-K BY JIF.AXY. Loot v the prices : t Pants, Uenuine French Casslinere - 1200 rams 10 oruer irom Suits fnuo I The linesl f " "" nne OI samples on the coast to i select from. Main street, opposite Parker House, Astoria. r ----- -3 If SSsi. "- - 3 4ri