01 gftc SHq gloria &. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY. DEC. 21, 18SI J. F. HALLOKA..V.... .Editor. A Jiew Phase of an old Fcatnre. It is now thought by a good many thinking people that behind all this great interest manifested in the maintenance of the Monroe doctrine lies the usual "job;" that .the most of the noise which has been heard since De Lesseps first began to demonstrate his earnest ness has been occasioned in the in terest of certain syndicates who are concerned in foreign specula tions. The doctrine, which is rea sonable, patriotic, and deservedly popular, is just as good to-day as it was half a century ago, and should be one of the cardinal prin ciples of. our policy. But it looks now as though it were being made a pretext for a certain line of policy never contemplated by its originators. The way public senti ment is being at present manipu lated, the Monroe doctrine is be ing given a degree of elasticity that is at variance with its nature. There seems to be in some of the Washington fulminations an im plied threat of war against civil ized mankind outside our limits should Lesseps be backed up in his intent to cut the American con tinent in two. It does seem as if all these appeals to patriotism, passion, and prejudice were for the nurnosc of influencing" a biff scheme, or a big steal, or engi- " O neering a big subsidy scheme through Congress. Lesseps, how ever, is working away at the canal, and the probability is that it will be ready before the men who scent spoils can work the thing success fully in Congressional lobbies and influence legislation at Washing ton. A stiil farther unwarranted perversion of the Monroe doctrine is shown in the present South American squabble. It is said, and with great show of truth, that all this waving of the starry ban ner and talk of "enforcing the set tled policy of the United States" in interfering between Chili and Peru, is a s'stematic attempt to capture the niter beds of the latter country, an attempt that must have the sanction of the Peruvian gov ernment to be successful. If the Monroe doctrine can be made to cover such a variety of projects as enterprising Wall street and . "Washington speculators seem to think, it may also be made to afford a -solution to the Trish ques tion. Let the societies and sym pathizers with Ireland in this coun try organize a fund to influence Congress to declare that "a due interpretation of the Monroe doc trine indicates an unwillingness on the part of the United States to allow further domination of Ire land by the English." It would be just as consistent to interfere un der pretext of adherence to that doctrine in the case of Ireland as in the case of Peru or Panama. Railroad Coiamissioiicr's Heport. A Washington dispatch of the 19th says: The report of Joseph X. McCammon, commissioner of railroads, has been received by the secretary of the interior. It says the indications are that within a short time there will be five dif ferent routes to the Pacific coast, where less than a year ago there was but one. These railroads will be instrumental in developing the countr' rapidly. -Capital has been invested in large sums, and still the tendency is towards iucrcased de velopments, principally in the west and southwest. It is believed that operations in railroad construction this year will exceed those of any previous year, and in consequence large tracts of mineral and agricul- . tural lands will be made accessi ble The commissioner takes up the question of compensation to lanSfgrant railroads for transporta- , tion ot troops and government supplies, and says: "I have reached the conclusion that fifty per cent of the tariff for ordinary rates of companies would be a compensa tion just aliko to railroads and the government, and proper for per manent application. Engineer Blackstone, while recognizing the general good condition of Pacifio Railroads, says there is still left much to be done in order to bring them to the standard condition, and that true economy in their maintenance and operation which he suggests. The engineer criti cised severely the faulty construc tion of many bridges and says comparatively few of them are supplied with proper safeguards against accidents. In conclusion he said the action of Congress is invited to the fact that there is no uniform system of railroad signals in use, which, is the source of con fusion and should be remedied by appropriate legislation. A Precedent. Lonn Denjian presided at the trial of Oxford for the shooting at Queen Victoria, and delivered an important and elaborate charge to the jury impaneled in the case. The defense "was, as with Guiteau, the insanity of the prisoner. Lord Denman said: "But, although he labored under a delusion, if he fired the loaded pistol at the Queen, knowing the result whicli would follow his conduct, and, al though forced by his morbid de sire for notoriety to the act, he would be responsible for his con duct and liable to criminal pun ishment." A Loxdox medical journal !c- -1 i.l.,1. I.. 1 I cmreb u.1 ,ne Sr1 pruva.em-e m neuralgia, or what goes y mat name, should be regarded 'as a warning indicative of a low con dition of health, which must neces sarily render its subjects peculiarly susceptible to the invasion of dis ease of an acjgressive type. It is always essential that the vital forces should be vigorous, and Use nerve power, especially, in full de velopment; but neuralgia indicates a low or depressed state of vitality, a poor and weak bodily condition, that should be promptly placed under treatment". In a recent anti-Bourbon speech, Judge Mackey gave this descrip tion of the kind of prosperity Bourbon rule has given to South Carelina: "The average planter at the end of each year is so poor that ho owes for the clothes he wears, and the average laborer so ragged that if he were to attempt to cross a forty acre field and were caught by a heavy northwest wind he would be whipped to death by his rags." The Judge evidently thinks that the Palmetto state is ready for a new departure. The Cincinnati Commercial thinks it probable that worthy soldiers get as much as ten per cent, of the amount paid out of the pension fund. Shipping- Grain in Bulk. EniTOit Asteriax: I conclude that "Resident," who advocates carrying wheat in bulk, presumes that the wheat will be carried in bulk from Astoria to Liverpool and Great Britain by steamers of 6,000 tons capacit'. If the grain will not be carried to Great Britain in bulk there would be no particular advantage in having it. come from the interior to Astoria in bulk. In fact there are disadvantages in having it carried in bulk which I will name later on. The grain is not now carried in bulk from this coast to Great Britain, because it has been tried by the farmers of California and it has failed. The long vo--age around the Horn of four to six months, passing through the trop ics twice, has been found to heat the wheat and breed the weevil, whilst grain in sacks keeps cool. Hence a cargo of Oregon grain in bulk arriving in Liverpool will not sell for near the amount of mouev as a cargo in sacks. Now, it is true that a steamer vo3age from Astoria to Liverpool will bo onlv about 70 to 80 days against 120 to 160 days as at present, yet I think it will be found too risky for the wheat owners to carry a cargo j in that wav, until the Do Lesseps i canal shortens the voyage to Liv !a. erpool to 30 days. That canal will probably be finished in four years. But grain in bulk will be j the next thing for the California I. shippers by way of Galveston and New Orleans and the new line ofj the Southern Pacific. There is a I chance for thof-i: who wish to try shipping in bulk to do so with the j odds against their favor. By the S way '"Resident" is calculating that j Villard will build to Astoria. Has anyone ever heaid him say In was jjoin": to build to Astoria. Ciia.muui:. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. y THE UNDl'IZSIGXEI), HEltEIJV CZ1VE JL notice that for tin future all iv r.rsi xess will In conducted at the Scandinavian Hotel, corner of Lafayette and Conconily streets, having rcnuned from the old stand known as the California Saloon and lZestnu rant. O. II. WIXCKNT. Astoria. Dec li. ISM. Notice, mm: rAirrxEUSinr iiEKirroFoitKox- JL Ming between C. K. .laekins and .John A. Montgomery under the lirm name of lackins & Montgomery. ' leeii this day dKsnhcd by lnuttril coiwnr. .John A. Montgomery u ill collect and M-Stle all ac counts of saul firm. CIIAS. E..TACKINS. .1NO. A. MOXTfiOMEKY. AMona, Ogn. Dec. u. 1S1. d-aW Masonic Land and Building Asso ciation Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the JLH annual meeting or the stockholders of the Masonic Land and Hulkling Association of AMorla, will beheld attheoilicoofCeorge Fl.ivel. in Astoria on Wednesdav. the 2lst of December. 1SSI. at 2 o'clock 1. M.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year, (consisting of seven mem ber.) and for the transaction of such other business as mav con.c before the meeting. Hv order or the Jtoard or Directors. i' -:Wd S. T. McK MAX. See. Notice. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN" THAT AN li annual meeting of the stockholders f the l'ihcrmen Packing Company v. ill be hi-id at their oilice in rpner Astoria, on the 2lh day of December. IbM, at u o'clock . M. for th purjHJse or electing .i Hoard or Direc tors for the ensuing o.ir. and such other business as mav come liefoie the meeting. Ilv order of the Problem, d-td BEX.r. YOrXG.Soe. Notice. .MEinVANMJ'.H rilAMGEE' mm: ship Jl IS now discharging cargo at Broun & Co' wharf. Parties owning said merchan dise are hereby notified to take their goods. away Immediately or the goods vni be stored at their risk and expense. KODUEKS. MEYER & CO. .l.G. II nstter. AgenL A-stoiia, Dee. 10, 1SS1. d-tf Notice to Cannerymen. FOR THIRTY DAYS FROM THIS date I v. ill contract to make fish boe.s of sat isfactory quahtv in any quantity at the fol low nig pi ices: boxes in the shuck 12 cent each ; nailed boxes 1 ;' cents each, deliv ered at the "West Shore Mills. .1. C. TEl LLIXGER. Astoria. Dee. lo. iSl. d-lm School Tax District No. 9 Upper Astoria. SCHOOL TAXES FOR THIS DISTRICT are now due ami inaluV at the oftlre ol the undersigned. W3I. 15. ADAIR, . CUrlcof Distrirt No. 9. Astoria. Dee. .", 11. d-lm SHIPPING TAGS rpiIE REST OUALITY, H ILL BE S')LD JL by the hundred, or by tho bos, printed or plain, to Hiit customer.1, at Tin: AMARUS oOico. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OK the Columbia. Vancouver R:trmeka. Y. T.. No.J. 1SS1. written proposal-. ill he reee:i.l by the uitrieraxited. at Vaeo ver Rarraeks, v. T., until M:treh:mr. 1882, for the rt"ht of exe'u- sno .seiiunr on the Port Stevens. iPoiul Adams) Military Reservation, daring the next fishing season. The riht lo reject anv or all bids, us maybe deemed best, is ie sened bv the undei signed. O.D.C.RCEN. MnJ. and Ass"t Agt. General, lirevet Briga dier t ! enentl U. s. An uy. d I f School Tax Notice. rnO THE TAX PAYERS OK SCHOOL JL DMriet Xo. 1. Clatsop county. Oregen: You are hereby notified that the assessment roll for the .school uix in district Xo. I for the year 1SS1, is completed and will be in my nauds at my office at Rrown & CoV dock for the net sKtydajs from date hereof. Paj voe.r ta es in lime and save costs. .T.C.. Hl'STI.ER, Clerk or School District Xo. 1. Astoria, Oregon, Dee. 10. l.sbl. Sheriff's PJotice. mm: state, couxty. and state JL School Taxes for the earl SSI, are mm due and er.n be paid at mv olliceat theCourt House. A. M. TAA'OMRLY. dtwtf Shcrin and Tav Collector. Wanted. APERSOX TO MAXAC.K A SALMON Cannery I n Rrltish Columbia. Services required at once. Application to be made bv letter, inclosing references and terms. "Ad dress -. TCRXER REETOX & Co.. dtf Victoria. iire it. THE IEEEY ASTDRIAH TOL-xsar. iirTIirce weeks for Tucnty-rlc Cents Siugle copy 10 cents. One year for $2 CO Cti3h in advance. Painter and Eufiher, di:at.i:us ix PUjIKTO-, OLXEY, OKEGOX. Wotice of Copartnersiiip, TE. THE UNDERSIGNED. HEREBY 'I I give notice that we have formed a co partnership under the firm name of Lcineu webcr&Coiin.totransact the buInessof tan ning, In Astoria, Oregon. CLEIXEXWEBER, A. A. COIIX. Astoria, Oregon, Dee. C, 1651. d-30d MISCELLANEOUS. II. VAC.?.. I s J 'OdTtt A hW (SlUrOBSSOlWlO V.. .S. J.ARKKK.; Wholesale and retail deaJ.-rsln' Ogfi0a , Provisions? Giass and Piated Ware TltOl'ICAl. AXD DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together v.itli UipMiaceoiuiprs 1. The largest and most complete stock of soori? in their Hue to be found In the city. Curiier of Cass and Suuemocqhe Streets. ASTORIA. OREGON". a1 118 JUt IRISH HLAX THROBS Salmon STet Twine. ClQtton Ssine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton letting, ail sizes. Seines Made to Order, Fiax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. 8ARB0UR BROTHERS 511 2Ir.rkrt Street. Wan Frnneixco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. ASK FOR UNION INDIA RUBBER C0S Pure P;ri t.ir.n Gs?afe Ps?of Rubber Boots and Coats. NEWARK OF IMITATIOX ! Re .sine the Boots nro stamped CHAGK I'llfiOF on the heels, and luuelhe PlTJtE OUM SP1HXGS on the foot ami instep, which prevents their cracking or breaking. They ulll last twice as long as any others m:iuuf.icturcd. FOR SALE UY ALL DEALERS. ALL K1XDS RUI5BER 15ELTIXG. PACK IXC HOSE, SPRIXOS. CLOTH IXC ROOTS AXD SHOl-S. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. II. PEASE, .lr. S..M.RUXYOX. Agents, Sail Francisco. HOLMlN'B PAD. 4 FOR THE STOMACH, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS. In all cases of billiousucs and malaria in every fouii. a preventative and cure of chills, fever and dumb ague. Dr. Holman'.s Pad is a perfect success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nervous prostration, as the pad is applied over tho pit of the .stomach, the great nervous centei.it annihilates the disease at once. It regulates the liver and .stomach so suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. Prof. D. A. ioomls says : "It is nearer a universal panacea than anything m medi cine." This is done on the principle of ab sorption, of which Dr. Hohuan's Pad is the only true exponent. For all kidney troubles, use Dr. Holmnii's Renal or Kidney Pad, the best remedv in tho world and recommended by the liiPdical faculty. Beware of Bogus Pads. lvach genuine Holman's Pad bears the pri vate revenue stamp of the Hobnail Pad Co.. with the above trade mark printed In green. Buy none without It. For Sale by ail Druggists. Dr. Holman's advice is free. Full t re.it ise sent free on application. Address : HOLM AX PAD CO 711 Broadway, New York. P. O. box 2112. a. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMlTHiNG. At Capt. Itogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. -I sjj toj t ' ajuj-j.wtfaBWHbuaHWMeiLiwiaiiiid ii urn 1 1 ,i.4muuwJiiL.u wmuKwjjwmtJWMBsw MISCELLANEOUS. Hume eo. Wholesale and Retail Deaier I . I I Provisions, Lumber, i ETC.. ETC.. ETC. Fishermeiis and Cannery SUPPLIES AISVECIALTT. AGHN'T TOJ THE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND THE San Francisco Chemical ASTORIA - - - OKKGOX! C'APvL ST4LL KECKrVIXU CONSIGN AIEXTS 01' Jewelry, Stationery, Dolls, Toys, Albums, Books, Celluloid Goods, JET, SHYER, GOLD, Work Boxes, Escritoires, Pas sementerie, Plaque, 3ijouterie, AND A YAKIETV OF ELEGANT DESIGNS TN OKNAMENTAL WORK OF EVERY KIND Til AT WILL WELL RE PAY A VISIT. COME AND SEE US. THE SIWGER SEWING MACHINE. The undersigned respfctfully untitles the public that hauug been appointed agent for the NEW IMPROVED SINGER, He i now prepared to otfer these unrivalled Sewing Machines on such terms as cannot fad to meet the wants of everybody in need of this indispensable article of household furniture. Liberal discount made on cash .sales. To those desiring it I will sell on the instalment nlan. Five dollars a mouth. 17 cents a day, Uf t:i it costs a smoker for cigars i, w lit boon purcnaso jourwuea oiugcr. The Best Sewing Machine Ever Put Togcthor. Old Sewing Machines taken in exchange. Attachments. Needles. Cotton. Oil. etc.. al- wavs on hand. Call and examine the Singer Sewing Machine and the varlctv of work it can perform at 1. C. IfOLDEN'S. Agent Singer Man. Co Piles! Piles! Piles! A Sure Cure Foximl at I.asl ! IVo Ono ZVccrt Sufl'cvl A sure Cure for Ulind. fHecdinjr. Itchhur and Ulcerated Tiles has been discovered by Dr. 'Williams, (an Indian Itemcdy), called Dr. AVf.liam's Indian Ointment. A single bo has cured the worst chronic cases of 'Si or so years standing. Jo one need suffer fic minutes after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotions, instruments and electuaries do more harm than good. Wil l!ams Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly at night af ter getting warm in bed)t acts as a ioultice, cites instant relief, and is prepared only for riles. Itching of the private parts, and for nothing else. lteait what the Hon. J. M. CoDinburry or Cleveland., says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I have used scores of Pile ! Cures, and it affords ine pleasure to sav that I have never found anything which gavo such immediate anu permanent reiiei as ur. William's Indian Ointment. For sale by all druggists or mailed on re ceipt of price. SI 00. HEXKY &. CO., Prop's. Cleveland, O. Hodge. Davis & Co.. Wholesale Agents, Portland, Oregon. JDImER . SsSJxt: r&X:6i&'iKi2:afr'fe4'ibx isrrcE?jo!: to .i ckixs & montcomeuy. 'fllSfe fcJrr'utTT!l--. '-'T-g,VtTi uAru.. !' 1 1 I I Utir ::rrr: ti 5"-yTS2ES-1 Gis-5:!rst5Sfe. :f Aflt'iAXD JOB rL-IV3K-if!ti-::rrr: ti -y-eKCES-1 ill - i f r "; ' THE ASTOBIAN"- STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AND VEST PllESSEti, AXDfYPE.01? THE ZATESTl STYLES. C2" We purchase Paper, Curds, ink, and jLx XiOkrojst And can therefore afford to use, :is we onsrxaE" :&3:o:h3:e:s.j&i?:e2 frioss. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, TflE EVERY DAY WANTS OP THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORKSIIOV ARE SUPPLIED AT PRTCES "tt'HICH CAN- NOT -BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. T HE AS IDAILV T S RESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FORJITS Impartiality, Ability, THE PAPER FOR THE FOR THE FARMER, " FOR THE MERCHANT, 1AITY ASTOKIAN TERMS : BY 3IAIT.. (COSTAOK FKEE TO AtX BUUSCniRKIlfl.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR 9 00 DAILY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS W S"Snmple copies of either edition 10 cent. Address : J. h BAIiliOKAST & Co. Publishers, Astoria, Oregon . aarTostinasters are authorl7ed to aet as agents for The Astoriax. IMWI.E1W IN Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Ot'i eral Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Eauges The Best hi the market. Piiimbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. .lEFFI'KSOX STREF.TS, other materials of the manufactuiers Casli m Hates, W alwaj"do. the best aiticles, while charging Bill Heads and Letter Heads. TORI AN, AXD WEKKLY) Fairness and Reliability COMMERCIAL MAN, ' FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PER80N rlMi aft ea - ?-