r ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY DEC. 18, 1SS1 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. Mouduy Mxcbi'to.1. J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, PouLnnKirs Asn ri:ori:iirroirs. AitUrrmu HuUdiiuj. this St mi Terms of Subscription : sei red by Carrier, per week'.............i"a irciiu ifint !y mail, fear months......- . ..53 00 ect b.r mnU. une year. 9 00 free of i'oztauo to Subscribers. " Advertisements inscrtod by tho .year at tic rate of SI Vi per squnre per month. Transient aJvortiBinR. by the day or ivoek, illy cents per equarofor each insertion. TBtECIT. THK iJAtl.Y A.VTOKIAN icili he rCni ' maiJatneenl a month, frcenfjnlagc IUaa ertt iclto cuntfinjtlateahe:iccfrom the city can have Thk Astokian follow them. Daily r Wekkia ulitions to any jiod-offlce icith out additional expense. Aa(lrse may le ennnncd n ujten an dtAired. Antra order at tUc counting room. The Seringpatain was towed dovui yesterday. And now tho folks begin to think about Christinas. Fresh candy every torla candy factory. day at the As- The Ocklahama brouglit down tho Emma T. Orowell yesterday. For jour sweet heaits, go to the As toria candy factory. Flowers are blooming in tho open air in several places through the eitj Another of those fine A. J. Chaw organs at the City Ioolc Store. It insults a man, in Dead wood to tell him that he isn't worth lynching. Hot. cold, and shower l'atlis at the Occident hair dre.-ing saloon, twenty-: li e cents. A strong wind from the south; hoavy rain and little prospect of clear ing up. It is said that no ship that has carried the name of Jasper has ever made a second voyage. Fresh lard, ot their own manufac ture, at Warren & Eaton's. Bethel sorvice on board the Algoa Bay at Flavel's wharf, at 4 r. m., Tie v. .1. Parsons officiating. Frank Fabre has oysters in every style. Stew and pan roasts a sp ecialty Walla Walla fishermen catch 200 pound sturgeon and sell them for twelve and a half cents a pound. .1. A. Montgomery, agent for the Ma gee stoves and ranges. First-class workmen constantly employed. The Seattle Chronicle states that the tug Tacoma would leave there for the Columbia on the loth or lGth inst. Xmas, Xew Year's, and birth-day cards, the finest ever in the citv, at the City Book Store. The- Glenperis which sailed from Astoria August 11th with 201,500 worth of salmon on board, arrived at London on tho 7th. The maskers' tickets are going off rapiuiy, out we snau nave 101s icit. uau and procure yours, and encourage others to do the same. The schooner Rebecca, from Shoalwater bay to San Francisco, re ports passing part of b wreck with n large spar attached. All parties desirous of masking at the coming masquerade can secure all necessary information from Frank L. Parker. The reason that the new county jail is being painted white, is that the contractors have employed men to paint it that color. J. W. Conn has removed to the old stand of Warren and Eaton, opposite the Occident. The barks Peeblcshire and Ram bow cleared for Queenstown yesterday. They have on board 50,f01 centala wheat, worth $100,390. The Jubilee Troupe have engaged a quadrille band irom Portland, to play at tho masquerade. Services of tho M. E. Church in the Baptist church to-day at 11 o'clock by the pastor. Mr. Parsons did not go to Clatsop plains as he iutended. The Jubilee Troupe have engaged a full Quadrille Band from Portland, the best in that city. The manufacturers of oleomar garine butter have struck a now wrin kle. They now mix in hair with the fat and things, and defy detection. M. D. Kant will telegraph the last batch of mask suits next Monday; none later accepted. Africa doesn't export wheat to Europe as Oregon does, but 1,500 pound of diamonds went over to Lon don from the dark continent last year. There was a wild rumor afloat yesterday that Megler & Wright's laundryman had opened a laundry in Seattle. When last scon he was head ing that way at a lightning rate of speed. Grand Announcement. To tlie public of Astoria, oho and all. lake notice of the following dispatch J received last week from one of the JarpcU houses in San Francisco, dealing altogether in holiday Roods, toys. etc. Mi:. L. E. Semg. Astoria. Or. 1)i:ai:Sii: : Havintr rcceive-l our lioli- jdaytroqds behind time thisM-ason. we wumu jiuuiumiiw you uirw liiimsauu dollars worth, which you may dispose of regardless of cost, as we need money and liavc to take this method of receiv ing the same. Answer immediately, ll.vur.s, Dor.rn & Co., San Francisco. lla ing accepted the above offer I will open this large lot of Christmas and holiday goods regardless of cost, on Monday, Dec 19, 1881, at the sign of the red Hag on Main street, next door to the White House and opposite X. Loeba. This is no humbug, nor do I intend to cive the public any tally. Look out for further announcement. Respectfully, vours L. 1L Seiag. P. S. MV GOODS AND PRICES WILT. ATIr Y THE Pl'IJLIC THAT THEY HAVE not i:i:e pntciiASEO ix i'orti. vxn. Opening of M. B. Church. Un Tuesday evening next, the 20th inst., the Methodist Episcopal church wili introduce tiie public to their new building by holding a dime sociable and bazar in the same for its bene fit. Tho entertainment will consist of vocal and instrumental music, recitations and readings. Suitable refreshments will also be served. Tho sum of ten cents will be charged for admission; no collection will bo taken and all who wish to aid so worthy an enterprise and .spend an onjoyabie evening will Jo well to at tend. In the afternoon thehazir will bo open for those who wish to make purchases. Any person wishing to donate anything can lea tho same at J. W. Conn's drug store. List of Jurors List of persons drawn to serve as jurors at the January term, 1882, of the Circuit Court of the state of Ore gon for tho county of Clatsop, drawn December l.", 18S1, by A. M. Twom bly, SheritT, and It. K. Spedden, County Clerk of .said ceunty: Andrew Anderson, Henry (Jist, Philip Condit, H. Canmhan, Philo Callender, Job Jios, .lames W. Welch, G. W. Parker, Frank Byrd, Moses A. Riddle, (.J. W. Coffenberry, H. O. Graff, Charles Grotke, James McGce, S. B. Howard, Frank M. Sweet, J. F. Kindred, Henry Powell, Uriah llapcll, P. IT. Bagley, James McCann, F. Bartoldcs, Joseph Gib sou, Josiah West, W. A. Foster, S. B. Barrows, Charles Brace, G. B. Mc Ewan, A. E. Turlay, Benjamin Young, W. J. Franklin. The third annual masquerade of tho Rescue Jubilee Troupe, at Liberty hall Dec 2lh, will be conducted as hereto fore. These parties are. the bet con ducted and most enjoyable ot anything during the year. Go to the Presbyterian church this morning and hc-tr a calm, candid, christian view of a Christinas bail. Max. Wagner San Francisco Na tional bravery beer can't be beat. Presbyterian church services at 11 a. M., conducted by the pastor. Text: "A time to dance.'" Sunday school at noon. Mrs. S. A. liebert will ouly remain in Astoria this week. Ladio- wishing to purchase will do well to bear this in mind. Work upon the 1. S. N, Co'?, new boat will be stopped for some ten days, awaiting the arrival from the East of drawings of a portion of the machinerj'. Warren fc Eaton have moved to the corner of Hamilton and Chenamus streets, in the building formerlj occu pied by Trenchard & Upshur. It is iterated and reiterated with great show of truth that "you might as well have the game as tho name." But how manifestly unjust to some of tho old Egyptians -Pharaoh for in stance. A hew aud specially assorted list of ladies' and gents' masks, all from .San Francisco, at ery low rates of rent, at M. D. Kant's, Merchant Tailor. The Marquis of Bute is a. sensi ble fellow, lie ran n daily paper over in Cardiff, Wales, and losing 80,000 conclmtcu lieu iuit the newspaper business, which the same evinced great presence of mind on the. pari of tho Marquis. The Orient Baths arc far superior to any in the city. Everything new and neat. Chenamus street, opposite Hol den's auction rooms. .Joe (J. Charters, proprietor. There was a good attendance at tho Presbyterian social given on Fri day evening at the residence of Mr. John Uobson. Though stormy with out, within "all went merry as a marri age bell." The evening was spent in sociability, games, music ami literary entertainment. Fellow's Hypophosphites differs from all hitherto produced in compo sition, mode of preparation, and in general effects, and is sold m its eng: inal form. It was developed from actual personal experiment, embra cing many months, while tho inventor was suffering from pulmonary con sumption, and nervous debility. The good results following its first use have since been ropeated in numerous other cases. Merwanjeo Framjee. Tins fine clipper which is discharg ing u consignment of salt, and tin at Hustler's uliarf, is owned by Samuel Johnson & Co. Shu w:w built at Glasgow, on tho Olydo. by John Rfcid A: Sou and launched April 18G3. She is classed A a 1 , which subjects her to ordinary inspection once :n four years and n thorough inspection oiico in twelvo years. Her length is 217 feet. 35 feet beam, 22i feet depth of hold, and 1079 tons register. She has three compartments and an extra bulkhead amidships. She al?. has collision bulkheads at each end. Her ribs and deck beams are extra close and strong; her deck arc further strengthened by n system of radial iron bracing. A set of sectional deck beam?; which can be removed gives her unusual facilities for civrying large. machinery. The plates of which her hull is constructed are three-quarter inch, extra strong. Her lower musts and lower yards are of iron. She carries three chronometers; one of them, a fine one by Carter of Comhill. Loudon, was presented her by Mer wanjee Framjee Pandy. a wealthy Parseo merchant of Bombay, in whose honor she was named. No doubt the aforesaid merchant was a good and kind man, but his jaw-breaking name has certainly caused untold agonies. She has had but two masters; Capt. Pike sailed her till 1868, then her present Captain, Bid well, took charge of her. She has the reputation of be ing a fast sailer, having made the trip from lindon to Auckland in 72 days, which i the quickest passage on record; from Gravcsend to Auckland in 75 days; from London in Mel bourne, two voyages, 73 and 75 days, and once to Adelaide in 75 days. Capt. Bidwell has commanded her for thirteen years, and although she is an old ship he spare neither pains nor paint to keep her in as good re pair as the new clippers. After her cargo is discharged it is the praetice to wipe her out thoroughly with v.et flannel. There is not the slightest disagreeable smell of bilge about her. and the care bestowed upon her is ap parent on inspection both above and below. Brace up the whole .system with King of the Blood. See advertisement. - -Police court. Act 1. Can-ie. Woods, drunk; lined 5. Act 2. Chinaman drunk, forfeit S2. Curtain fell. At the regular election St. John's Chapter No. 14, R. A. M., held Dec. 15th, tho following officers were elect ed: Jay Tuttle, M. E. II. P.; E. R. Hawes, E. K. ; A. P. Anderson, E. S. ; A. W. Ferguson, C. of H.; B. Van Dasen, P. S.; F. Baltes, R. A. C; E. M. Hall, G. M. 3d Y.; F. W. Eergn eon, G, M. 2d V.; D. G. Ross, G. M. IstY.; A. Van Dusen, Treasurer; A. Anderson, Secretary; and L. Hart wig, Guard. P. J. Goodman, on Chenamus stieet. has Just received the latest and most fashionable stylo of gents nutt ladies boots, shoes, eic. Hotel Arrivals. OreillEXT. F E Taylor U S A; 1) 0 Ireland Ilwaco, J It Goutte; Mark Willuski S F; J L Stout Sea View; C M Bed dish New York; L Murr S F; Chaa Hoffman, Mrs H M Plant Portland; L L Williams Hillsbro; A ICnapp Knappa; W B Formau Bonita; NY O Young John Days. IMKKEK HOUsi:. It 1J Espy Oysterville; John Hopkins Heppner; Nich George Hephner; Geo. Smith City; Cipt. Henry Baitleape Amazon; Thus Jonc3 Knappton; Johu Peterson Stockholm; G Grant New York; John Hume Eagle Cliff; J P Miller Grays river; .Fames Cammerou Citv; Capt John Davis Kinppa; T II McGill Walluskia; P Barney Portland; A P Mathews 3 F; Win Anderson Mt. Collin W T; B F Coffey J X Coffey Knappa; Lewis Ohlsen Grays river; Peter Linquist San Joso John Ben der Knappa. VilllaniMport Property. Cleat bargains are now offered in the city of Wllliamsport for any persons wishing to locate from one lot to five acres. It is well adapted for gardens, dairy ranches or pleasant homes; -well elevated, .situated ono mile .south of Astoria on Youngs bay. with a good f ;raded road to the place. For further nformation call at my residence near the cemetery. John Williamson. Warrantee deeds at Tin: Astoriax olllee. Wjiips, curry-combs, brushe-.; new stock; first class goods, cheap for cash. . Gray. The New Testament authorized edition revised, for twenty-live cents nt Charles Stevens ami Soils l'it Hook store. Julius Ilalbsj-uth, music teacher for piauo, organ or voice culture. Cleaning organs will be properly attended to by leaving orders at Ailler's book anil variety store. Chas. Stevens and Son have a stock of mouldings and moulders tools which can be bought cheap for cash to close out that branch of the business. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the beat of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call nt tlieueni, opposite the bell tower, and see Campbell. HanrrlaRC InMurancc. Attention is directed- to the peculiar advantages oifered to the unmarried by the Northwestern Marriage Insurance company. In other insurance com panies you've got to die to win. lu this you derive a benefit from yourinvest taent in case of marriage. EXAMPLE. James Brown, at tho age of 22, take- out a policy for $1,000: paya SO down ana S.J-J3 mommy xor is nionius, in 343. If he marries during the last 1 of the rear, he will at the cl se ot that year be entitled in S22G. which as one- fourth of the amount of his po!ic less four annual premiums of to each, winch are deducted. Had he deferred mar riage until the last half of the second yestr. paying one annual and 12 monthly premiums more as in the previous year, he would receive at tlie close of that year, one-halt" the amount of insurance, ii? ihr.i iimiAid annual meminms. vi2: JvSOOless sb or the net .sum of 13"..';! ami at the elo-e of the third ear. paying and mui rying as before, he would re ceive thrlv-fmirths the amount of in surance, le.-s i wo annual premiums, or the net sum of 57:w, and upon like con ditions at lue close of the fourth year, he will recer. c M,0J0, the entire henetit. And in like manner according to age, :t polie for ?i.XK) will require the pay ment' of twice as much annual and monthly premiums; for cs,000. three: times as much: fer: 4,000. four times as j much, and so on; while the henefits will e aiso in me .same increased iirouoi i iuii. lly referring to the table of annual and monthly premiums, which shows the amounts required to be paid, accoidiug to age. on eaehSl,(flX, the exact cost and accruing benetits for any amount of in surance required, may he easily com puted. AMOUIA FIStK OKlV.HT.IlEJiT ('. J. TKEXCHAKD Chief Engineer P. I. UIC1CS.... - 1st Asst. Engineer J. O. UOZOKTII .2d Ast. Engineer UOAllD OF DELEGATES. Regular meet Imi fourth .Monday in each month, at 7 :20 v. m., at hall of Al"it Hook and Ladder Company No. l. OrFicrns. F..I.Talor, 1'ivsident; F. L. I'.irker, Secretary ; A. V. Kerry, TrcnMiier. UHLKOATirs. W. V. I'arker, J. Strauss, I. Iterxmau. of Aitorla Engine Co. .No. I ; A. A. Cleveland. V. J. Uarr. Chas. it. .Stockt.tn, of Itpaciie Engine Co. No. -'; Kd. 1). Curtis. A. W. Kerry. 1. J. Tavlor. ot Alert Hook and 1-adder Co. No. l. ASTOJilA EXG1XE C03IPAXY A'o. 1. lingular meeting llrst Monday in each month. On-icm:. . W. I'arker. Vrcldent'; I, E. Selis:, Secretary: William Unci;, Treas urer ; H. F. Sievcus. Foreman, s. O. Ingalls, lsi Asst. Foreman. Joe. C Chart en. -M Avt. Forrinan. RESCUE EXGIXi: COMPANY Xo. 9. Regular mer-ting llr.t Momlav In each month. OrFiCEH". A. A. Cleveland. rreMdont ; J. A. Montgomery. Secretary: F. C. Norrls. Treasurer; Chnsll. Stockton Forenuiu. A. Menenzie. 1st At. Foreman, .1. W. Crown, 2d Av!. Foreman. ..LElir JIOUK AXD IIDDER Co. Xo. I. Regular meeting eond Momlav in each month. OrKlcnna. J. 0. I'.ozortli, I'resideiit ; C. Unnui. Secretary; .laj Tattle. Treasun-r; I. K. Thomas. Fo'reman, F. C. Elberson, 1st Vsst. Foreman. F. AV. Ferguson, 2d Asst. Foreman. LEG A h ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. milE FARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE e JL Ntmg between i. E. .lacking and John A. Moiiteninery under the Una name of Jackins & Mont eomery. has hee.i tins dav dKvlved lv miitu'd consent. John X. .Montgiunery'v.lll cidlecr ami vettie all a--eouniNof said liint. CIIAS.F. JACKINS. JNO. .V. MONTGOMERY. Astoria. Oku. Due. 9. l,M. d-SXl Masonic Land and Building Asso ciation Notice. TVJOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT the -Ll annual meeting of the stockholders of the M;tonIe Land and Cuildlng As.iopiatlou of A.stori.1, will he held at theonloeoriSeorgp Flael, in Astoria on eiiiiOMlav. the2lstof December. Ih81. at 2 oVSoek F.'.M.. for the purmse of electing a board of director for the eiuuuig year, (consUlin of seven mem bers) and for the transaction of such other business as mav eon.e brfore the meetiug. Uv order of the Board of Directors. d-KM S. T. Me KE.VN, Sec. Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY OI VEX THAT AN annual meeting of the stockholders of the Fishermen1 racking Coinpanv will be he.dat their otllce in Cimor A-torfa.on the 2:ith day of December, i&si. at i) o'clock a. m. lor tue pui-ue ot electing a iso.iru or Direc tors for the ensuing year, aud Mich other lmsmev? as mav come before the meeting. Cv order oi the President, d-td IJENJ. YOUXO, Sec. Notice. nnunsiiip- MEUWAXJEE FRAMOEE JL i- now dlsehargini eareo at Broun & Co's wharf. Parlies owning said merchan dise :uv hereby notifled to take their goods away immediately or the goods will be stored at their risk and exieiie. KODOEirs. M EVER & CO. .1. l. Hurler. Agent. Astoria, Dee. 10. Jt-'SI. d-tf Notice to Cannerynun. TL101! THIRTY DAYS FROM '111 IS d.Uo i. I will contract to make tii!i boxes or sat isfaction onalitv in anv ouantin at the fol lowing prices: boxes In tin linek 12-. cents each; na'led boxes 11. cents each, deliv ered at tin Vt Shore Mils J.C.TRULUNOER Atri:. He-?. 10. issi. d-lm Oity Treasurers Notice. "fraOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT all 1.x city wairants endorsed prior to Maxai, ISM) will be paid on presentation at the City Tre.iMircrs otl'cc.and that Interest on such warnuits.ue: heretofore advertised, cease from this date. December!), lwi. W.I. DEMENT, d-iud CityTrca-Miivr. School Tax District No. 9 Astoria. -Upper 8CHOOI, TAXES FOR THIS DISTRICT are now due and payable at the olhoe ot me iuiersinei!. YM.J. ADAIR. Clerk of Dwrict No. 9. Astoria. Dec. 5, l$il. d-lm FARM AND TIMBER LAND. 333 Ai'KKV. East i or Hubbaid claim on the V.-dlu-,kI for .sale. .Si mile-, from lowu b water or count, road. Iimuircor OEI.O P. 'PARKER. or at IhisoKice. if SUI1-P1NG TAGS rjMIE REST OUALITY, VILLBES')LD JL by tho hundred, or by tho bo.x. printed or plain, to suit custom ora, at Thk Astokuw olSco HCAl)Qt'Ai:TEi:s DEPAliT.MENT OF the Columbia, Yanco-ivcr Harniclv-H. "V. T..Xov.Si.lSSl. Written propods will lie rooelvwl hvtho uiulcnlKiieu. at Vancovver Barnicki, W.T.. until March :1M.1SS2. for the r:htof oxclu :ve .seiiiini; on the Fort Steven-;. (I'olnt Adams) Milltarj' ltevn-ation. dunnj the next tlPhhif- season. The riht to reject any or all bids, as iua be deemed best, is re served by the undersigned. O.D.GREEN. Mai. and Ass't Ast. Geueral, Brevet Briga dier General U. S. Army. dff MISCELLANEOUS. MAGNUS 0. CROSBY, Dealer :n SlIARBIARE, IRON, STEEL,! alp ' ' M ron Pipe and Fittings, anfl Steal Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET iRON TIN AND COPPER,! QfniPC Tin Wtpp nnri Unnco Olovesi J,n wa"8 HOUSe Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON. TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but ilrst class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand DKALKK IN NeAV and Choice MILLINERY, DoIum to call the attention or the Ladies of Astoria to the fact that she has received a large assortment of the LATKST STYIiKS OP Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, and Corner Main and Squemoqlic Streets. HILL'S VARIETIES. GEO. HILL, -CHAS. KOIILRR, - PROPRIETOR STAGE MANAGER Open nil flit Year. Performance. Ev ry Msbt. Knslre (hangc oT Pro zrniniue Onre a "tYcpk Comprising all the latest SONGS, DANCES AND ACTS. The theatre N crowded nightly, and all who ha, e witnessed the entertainment pio nnunee It to be eouul to any gl eu elsewhere. 7ir. Hill as a caterer for the imbiic's amiHemeut can not be exeeiled. Anybod wNhing to spend a pleasant evening and sco xparkling wit aud beauty without vul garity, should improve the opportunity aud come. Open air concert every evenlmr ; perform auce commeueln at 8; entrance to theatre on Benton street : private boxs on Cheiui mu1 street A UHAXD . SCANDINAVIAN BALL WILL BE OXVKX AT Liberty Hall, Thursday Evening, DECEMBER 22, 1881. floor cofIITTF:: Adolf Christenseii. O. Nelson, Chas. W'Ickstroni .l.M.Olacn. INVITATION COMailTTKE: J. B. Jehus.ii: O. Nelson. TICKETS. Adolf Christensen, J.M.Olsuu. 1 00 THE WEEEY ASTOSIAN Ta-BAY. eThree wet!ks for Twenty-five Cents SInj;!e copy 10 ccntn. One year for ?2 00 Cash in advance. Sheriff's Notice. milE STATE. COUNTY. AND STATE JL School Taes for the year lf31, arc now due and can he paid at tn oflleeat the Court House. A. M. TWOMBLY, d&vrtf Sht'ritl and Tax Collector. Wanted. A PERSON TO MANAGE A SALMON Cannery in British Columbia. Services required at once. Application to be made bvletter, inclosing references aud terms, "Address : TURNER BEETON & Co.. dtf Victoria. Notice of Copartnership, VTTE. TIIE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY TT give notice tliat we havo formed a co partnership under the linn name of Lelnen weber& Cohn.to transact the business of tan ning, in Astoria, Oregon. b CLEINEN WEBER, A. A. COHN. Astoria, Oregon, Dec, 6, 1831. . d-0d ,1 A Jj i i sP & 1 1 &Q Sfl 5 i &iyy ci,i The largest stock of goods ever brought to Astoria is now exhibited at m THE LEADING BryOoodsi OIF HI Fresh arrivals by every Steamer, conse quently I get the atiac.( STRICTLY ONE PRICE and that ALWAYS THE LOWEST. ..nrr-i... l...,JTO.m Do not fail examine goods before purchasing. C. J21 COOPER, I Ji! L Store, near Parker House, Astoria. The Boss Ooffee and Tea Pot , hl n a vw z: TWO OnOPS EAST OF OCCTDFNT. CHAS. KEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE S? BEDDING AND DFAI.ER IN Carpets, Oil (Mtli, Wall Paper, Mirror Vindow Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture frarm . -' v WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN luLt Comple.tc in every hraiieh. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS surEHion TO MOST, AND lb EXCELLED by none on ibis COAM JOR KARA, - - P&OPttlETOl. GHSBJAKUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. carOnleri lelt :it the GEItMANIA BEEl: II ALL vill be promptly attended to.-u ASTOlilA BliEWEKY. M. W1EYER Proprietor. ASTOKIA, - - OREGON. jSIE'SSSOXXj VjXrrOTJJ3Q"OJS3MES33"37. REDUCTION OF HOIESALE PRICES. $7 50 PEK BARREL OF 30 (GALLONS. L.VRGE ORDERS IN LIKE PROPORTION. Less Quantities! 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, -' - - S I 50 per Dozen KS"SpecIal attention iiald to orders from Public Houses and Families.- Washington Market,, A)ai7L Street, - - Astoria Oregon ; BERGMAN C BEHUT RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATfEN. tion of tho public to tho filet that the abovo Market will always bo supplied with a FULL VARIETY CEST QUALITY FRESH A?4D CURED FflEATS ! Which will bo sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention uivea to suppb- ne shiui. IXL Winter 1881. Clothing House astern Novelties. to get my prices and MAY BE HAD OF E.R. HAWES SOLE AGENT. Also. Aj:eut for the-cfl'.nsc-Hii MEDALLION imi!' ASTORIA CBFniA IT A It IS DECLARED TYITHOUT KlTItTHTEIt XOTICE And no terms of peace until every man In -Astoria has anew suit of clothed KADIS BY 3IEAJSV. Look at thp prices : I i-ant? to onier irora I'anLs, (Jemilne French Cas.ilmere - S8 00 12 60 1 '""- '"" -- -- -2500 I SV -Jli1 UnQ of samples on the coast to Sffi- JESS n 0i.t t ? J-MEAN'Y, 1 aialn 9t"et, opposite Parker House, Astona '-- ll '