(3) gh aU$ staatfaia. -- ASTORIA, OREGON: ; I k; iski I FltTDA-i .dec. - ' ISSUED SYKRY MORNING (Moadfty ictKr. J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, PnitLiriiir.ns ani I'kovkiktoks. AaUrrMH liuildiwj, Ciuta Stitet. Terms of Subscription ; served by Carrier, per week.........i Cenu nt by mail. fourmontli-.............S? 00 -oat fcy mail, one year ... .. 3 00 Fro j of Pohiaxe to Subscriber-. c4T a drertifiomentB inserted by the year at borotoofSlO per scjnoro per month. transient advortiainc. by the duy or week, ifty cents ier Baunrofor ench inertion. THEJOITY. tint Daily astouxax will in. m7j fry mailat 73 cnt a month. J rceof postage. Bead' crti icho contemplate ahxtnee from the city can have Tnrc AsronrAX follon them. Daily r Weekly edition to any pot-oftcc u Ith out additional expense. Addrwc maul tnimacd a oflrn avfml. fcarr order ot th vtmntina roam. Lively daj' yesterday. Three new telephones am badly needed. Four vessels outside xrith pilots on board. -Candy and Huts at Adler'.s. That he saw Lincoln and GaiGeld dift is Col. Rockwell's claim for fame. Holidny goods in eudless vniiety at A dlers. -Capt. Flavel is having built a atorerom 30x50 on Chenatnus street, adjoining his warehouse. Fresh candy every toria candy factory. day nt the As -The capital stock of tho O. E. & N. Co. is to be increased from 12, 000,000 to $18,000,000. -The Jubilee Tioupe have engaged a tull Quadrille Band from Portland, the best in that city. The Slate of California took away 300 tonB of wheat and 500 cases of salmon yesterday morning. For your sweet hearts, go to the A lorla candy factory. Did you ever hear ot a hsuso famine? It's a good sign in a ioisn; but dreadfullr inconvenient. The mnskeis' tickets arc going off lapidly, but we shall have lots left. Call and procure yours, and encourage others to do the same. Lieut. Sparrow, for some time past detailed at Furt Stevens, went up ro Vancouver yesterday morning. You would be surprised to see how fast Adler is selling those beautiful toilet sets. D. C. Ireland goes to Ilwaco this morning. The cares of life and a gossa mer overcoat sit easily upon him. A laige consignment of new poods on the Columbia, for Adler. A New York judge deoides that "cigar smoke puffed in one man's face by another is assault and battery." Now then. Lost. A bunch of five brass and hoa keys, yesterday. Pleaso nick them ut, somebody, and leave them at Theo dore Brackke'.s and you'll be rewarded. CapL M. M. Oilman's many friendB will be glad to knfcw that liia health is much improved by his recent California trip. Another of those fine A. B. Chase organs at the City Book Store. Among the postmasters appointed by the President last Wednesday, was "William C. Vance,1' at Astoria, Ore gen. Such is fame. Max. Wagner's San Francisco Na tional brewerv beer can t be bent. -San Diego exchanges to hand chronicle the sailing of tho Carnegie from that port, in ballast, to load wheat in the Columbia. -All parties desirous of masking at tho coming masquerade can .secure all necessary information from Frank L. Parker. The discovery of human legs and other portions of poor humanity in Walla Walla lumber yards, agitates the citizens of that burg. Procure your suits early and not -be disappointed by a freeze up. The masquerade will not freeze. Articles of incorporation were on tho 12th inst. filed with tho Secretary of State, incorporating the Salem and Waldo Hills Riilway Co. .J. A. Montgomeiy, agent for the Mn gec stoves nud ranges. . First-class workmen constantly employed. The British bark Lindores Abbey :s ready for sea. She has 11,387 bbls. of flour and 0,159 ctls. wheat aboard. Her cargo is worth $08,021. Fiesh Puget Sound Clam Chowder at Fabre's, from l'j to 5 p. m. Opposite Hume's saw-mill. Gov. Perkins, of California, lec tured in a San Jose church the other day, and they wouldn't let him in till he naid his little four bits entrance fee. rsud Announcement. To the i public of Astoria, one and all, ( lane nonce oi ino louov, nig aisiiaieii x i received last week from ono of tho lajShotisia In San Francisco. dealing altogether in holiday goods, toys, etc. ! Mi:. ,. E. Srr.io. Astoria. Or. i Deak Sue: Having received our noli-' ! !.n'7 " " "i"V."fV.T ' j would like to shin you Three Thousand i dollars worth, which you may dispose of regardless of cost, as we need money annnavcto taKetuis metnoaot receiv ing the .nmr. Answer immediately. IlADCS. DOI.PII & Co., San Francisco. Having accopted the above offer I will open this large- lot of Christmas and holiday goods regardless of cost, on Moudaj-, Dec. 19, 1881, at the sign of the red flag on Main street, next door to the White House and opposite X. Loeb's. This Is no humbug, nor do I Intend to slve the public any taffy. Look out for further announcements. Respectfully, yours, L. E. Selig. P.S. My goods and tp.ices wilt. S ATISPY THE PUIJLIC THAT Til EY HAVE NOT DEEX rCitCHASED IX I'OETLAXD. The 2sez Pcrces 2sews wiys that all up river freight now lying at Day ton will be transported to its destina tion at half regular ratea in order to equalize through rates. Fied. C. Hyde, lato with Jw C. Charters, has associated himself with L. Older at the 1'aiker House baths and barbershop, where they will be pi en sod to serve their friends. Florence, the actor, says that President Arthur is the best salmon fisher in America. Xetv York Bun. Bring him out here; there are boys in Astoria that will go him coin that he isn't. The ladies of the Presbyteiinn church lull give another of their deservedly-popular sociables this even ing at the house of Mra. John Hob son. A hearty welcome is extended to all friends of the church. Tickets for the masquerade may be procured fiom any member of the troupe. We are informed that in some instanceR the railroad "oiupany has given permission to persons to cut off the timber on what is called railroxd land. The company cannot give title, an.l after the timber is oft" some of the laud would not be worth having. Tim Whelan, who arrived in Portland about threr weeks ago from California, has so deftly and rapidly arranged his future as to be sentenced to five yeurs in the penitentiary last Tuesday by Judge Stott for assault with intent to kill. Frank Fabre lias oysters in every .sl le. Stew and pan ioafc :i specialty Vheic aie you going my pretty maid V 'I'm going a shopping."she sweetly .said ; "And where ?" 1 asked,scarcc in surprise, "Oh, anywhere, wheie they adveitise." Obserrlng jtntt . The San Francisco Bulletin of the 7th reports the British bark Lizzie Perry and the coasting bark Enoch Talbot outside with pilots on board witing for a favorable chance to gut in, the former since tlio 4th and the latter since tho 3d hist. Stranw. Fiesh lard, of their own manufac ture, at Wan en & FatonV. Most of the public buildings, Pythian hall, jail, Methodist Episco pal church, etc., are being finished up; several now buildings commenced and a great many othera well under wy. A dozen or so of small dwelling hous es, if begun now would find tenants at once. Scotch butter, liussian apiicul and lots more of those celebrated randies and sweet meats just received at Adler's, lrcsli lrom tne laetory. The owners of the bark Belle of Oregon, most of whom live in Port land, have decided to load her on their own account, and have commis sioned Messrs. Sibsou, Church & Co. to furnish her cargo. This is the first vessel owned in Oregon which carries wheat owned by Orogoniaus to the European market. OwjtutLiii. Jackins and Parks will open a stove and tin store in the building op posite the Walia Walla lestaurunt the first ol next week. In a letter to the Columbia Chronicle, Gen. .lames M. Hunt says: "Sand Point is on the noith shore of Pond d'Oreillo Like, conuected or to be connected with the south i side by n pile bridge over two miles in length, on nhi'jh they are now working with five Ftosm pile drivers, and n large force of carpenters, and expect to have it completed by Janu ary 1st, 188 Chas. Stevens and Son have a stock of mouldings and moulders tools which can bo bought cheap for cash to eloe out that branch of the busmen-,. Salmon of fine quality reached London a short time ago from the rivers that empty into the ca on the coaKt of Labrador. The steamship Diana, which earned thtfni, sailed from Glasgow in June last, and dur ing tho month of August stirwed awny in a freezing-room some six thousand fish, weighing in all about thirty one tons, or an average of fourteen or fifteen pounds per fish. When the refrigeratiug-room was opened in Lon don, the salmon were found to be in perfect condition, mi 1, on beiug cooked, wore pronounced excellent by all who tasted them. Death of Judge Fuller. The followm;; from a California , - , , , - i exchange is but a just tribute of re- J gr.r(j io tm, lucInorr 0f a 0i.a friend- ! , , and an honest man: Th -mldon nA ii..ti..i .i..mJ .tof .T.,,1,,.. M,.f;.n vii..r ,f p;,...i, of Jiidge Mortimer Fuller, at I'iocho, 2fcv., on the 29th of November, at the ago of fifty-eight yeais, rocnllstoi his friends some of tiio distinguishing i I traits of his "unusual character. He came to California in ISoO, encoun tered the usual vicissitudes of early life in the State, but by his untiring energy and integrity won financial succe.3 and moral recognition. Dur ing a residence of ten years in Yuba county he was sent twice to represent its interests in the Srate Legislature. Afterward he went to Nevada and settled in Pioche, where, although not educated in the law, his judicial mind was recognized by his friends in the Republican party, and despite his re fusal, based upon distrust of his own qualifications, lie was elected to tho office of District. Judge, the duties of which he discharged to the satisfaction of the bar of the district and of those who elected him. In his private life Judge Fuller was remarkable for his strong practical sense, outspoken opinions, steadfast friendship and generous impulses, all of which brought him the respect and true regard of those who knew him. P. .1. Goodman, on Chciiamui street, has just received the latest and most fashionable stylo of gents and ladies boots, shoes, etc - The editor and proprietor of the North American Review announces that the Review will be hereafter pub lished at No. 30 Lafayette place, and will appear uner its own imprint. Ho states that he has found it impossible to conduct the publication in the spirit of the motto adopted by its founders, making it a forum of inde pendent thought, and extending, at his discretion, the hospitality of its pages to thinkers and scholars of all creeds and forms of brief, and at the same time to maintain relation with a publishing house hnving extensive school-book and other interests of iLj own to promote. This change of im print will involve no alteration what ever in the organization or service of the Review. The New Testament authorized edition revised, for twenty-five cents nt Charlo-. Stevens and Sons (Jilj Hook store. The Eastern coffee drinker knows all the grades of berry nnd prepara tion s a silk mcrchank knows the xpiality of silk; tha caffeejeii knows that to roast it a shade bej'ond tho point where if breaks crisply under the pestle is to spoil it, and when tho slow pulverizing is done, each measuro goes into its little copper ibrik. re ceives its dose of boiling water, just one of the tinny cupfuls, rests an in stant on the coals to restore tho heat lost in the ibrik, and is poured into an eggshell cup, and k it comes, each cup in a gold-enameled holder. The rule in thee lands seems to be that all things are worth doing wnll, and there is no waste of life and material by over hasto. Hotel Arrivals. OCCIDENT. J West Jr, T Thompson, J Graham Weslport; V Evans Glaslyn; C A McGinn Skipanon; G G Gannuane, John Fox Portland; Miss Duall Knappa; E Semple St Helens; Dean Blanchard Rainier. fARKEft HOUSE. IS Femer, Tims F Neil! City; 11 Pander, Peter Binnell Portland; Win I).ry T'pper Astoria; T Driscoil West pott; TLaughlan bark Rainbow; Capt A Cotter bark Lindores Abbey; Gui Oner Maraeiles; .lames Kyletuii Glas cow; Wm Predenburg Ilwaco; E O Doud, Ange'o Rismouds E Portland; R M Wooden Nehalem. School Tax District No. 9Upper Astoria, SCHOOL '1AXES l'Oi: THIS DISTINCT kj are now ilue and navnlile nt the oilice ot tiio uuricrsittiifd. W.M. B. ADA IK. Clf rk of Dfrfrirt No.ii. 1-isi. d-lm .toru. Dw, FARM AND TIMBER LAND. .133 ACItKtf. Hast s - of Hubbard claim on the Walluski for .sale. Six miles from town by water or county road. Inquire of (5KM) F. r.VKKKU. oratthisonlce. tf O ANNE BY FOR SALE, rfim: building, plant and ,up- X piles of the BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINC. COMPANY, near New W.Mmiu--ter. ITsmt Klver. Apply to JAMKS b'INLAVSON. ais Front St.. S. F. d-lm Or P. P.IKItr.LL. on the premise?. CLEAKIIffG and REPAIRING NK.VI. THKAP AND QUICK. BY 'KOaK LOVFTT, Maui Street, oj osit N. Loch's. LETTER HEAD PAPER, OKINTED OR PLAIN. OF THE BEST. uimlitr at THK ASTOBCAX OIUCO. The City Book Store has on exhibi tion one of the finest selection of holiday goods ever opened. Call and examine for yourselves. tnbt.! A small cold shirt stud. Finder will confer a favor bv leaving it at the O. R. & N. Co.'s office, and bo suitably re warded. 3Zask C'o8tnnie. r.i...,.M,frnvni'. ni.nrv low rates-the latest and finest style just from San Francisco, Cail at once and take your pick. I'urnlNlictl Kooins to Iet At Mrs. Mimson's lodging hoiiv Wanted A small house furnished or unto- nlshed. Address Ecote. A5Top.ia. office. 1 - i ?iotice. .hist received per steamer Columbia, a fine lot ot eastern oysters, which will be served up in first class .style at Ro coes. Occident block. Take TVotictt On after this date au additional 10 cents per cord will be charged on all orders for sawed wood not 'accompanied bv the cash, at (Jra-.s wood yard." Julv lSt.lK.Sl. 3Totiee. All pei mi:s indebted to the late linn of Trcnehard & Upshur will please call at mv office nnd settle accounts- immedi ately. J. Q. A. i iowi.n Y. ":iNtfni Osterw. " Another line lot of Eastern Outers just received at Hoscoe-s per steamer Oregon. Occident block. Aotiee to the Similes bw itches, curl anil frizze made from combings or cut hair. Call on or ad dress W.M. I'lII.ENHAKT. Occident haii'dre-slng saloon. Astoria. Oregon .trasqiterade Suits. Any one desirous of procuring u suit for the Masquerade Ball on the 26th Inst., can be supplied by leavhfg their order at Mrs. S. T. Mcrtean's. All or ders should be in by the 2Ut Inst. TVotiee. l.i. E. Selig is hereby authorized to eol- lect all bills due me nnd receipt for the for the Baker .same. Astoria. Dee. 8, IBS! Du.W.1). Arrteoui l.oil:it Houhc, laud. Oregon. I'ort- New house and first elass in iK ap pointments. Third street, in It. R Thompson's block, opposite Capt. Ains worth. Rooms bv the day, week or month. Mrs. E. Aerigoxi. Notice. During m absence from Astoria, Mr. . J'.-.'seiitr wilt act as mv agent, ah ior p: will to I.. K. Selig, which will 1 r promptly attended to. I. Strauss, agent for Oregon nnd Washington ter ritory for the celebrated Chicago beer. Mperial Notice. The iindcr.signed w ishes to announce to his patrons and many friends that he has secured the services -of a baiber, who will be here- on the next steamer; one of the beat on the coast, and fur su perior to tho one ho had last, particularly in hair-cutting and dyeing. Yours respectfully, .Ioe O. Chartes, Proprietor of the Orient Bathing Rooms, the finest in the city, opposite Ilolden's auction store, Astoria, Or. Mr. Twilight and Mrs. Illsley have taken charge of the Pioneer Restaurant, which has been thoroughly renovated and refitted. Mrs. Illsley has charge of tho cuisine. Good coffee a specialty. The inhabitants of Tforthwrst nrd W"-tern Oregon, including twelve coun liis, of the State, and embracing the great valley of theWallamct nnd its ' forks," enjoy ieven months of spring, vummer nnd autumn weather that are almost equal to southern or eastern Oregon for bright and cheerful weather and a bracing and healthy atmosphere. The Cvo winter months, from November to March, bring a bountiful rain that produces, in due ieason, unfailing crops. Thee rains re tard, but icarcely prevent, labor outside, in any department, and of 150 days ol winter, nt least a third of thorn nrodry and bright. Merchants or others finding inac curacies in our shipping list will confer a favor by reporting the same to this office. As a compendium of news and miscellany no publication of the north west equals The Weekly Astorlot. A splendid number now ready. For eale at tho counter with or without wrappers for ten cents a copy. (JSgrMBooks, Pamphlets, Lawyer's Briefs, and in fact every possible style of Pkinttng is done as well and as cheaply at The Astobtah Job Rooms as anywhere else in the State. Call and examine specimens and prices. laiTjer clnnflauononfhe l Ad VertlSingi Columbia river than any other state paper. nnii-Tiiic ) EQFAL TO THE BEST, AND mini Ma uncap aa tne uneapest, at Tqk Astobux Officx. PHOTOGRAPHIC ENVELOPES. A LARGE STOCK JUST OPENED. AND will bo cold by tho bunch, or by th thousand, at Tiie Astouiax office. BILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS, Receipts, and all kinds of Commer ciaLPrinting, done at tho Astorian office. CALi. EXAMINE, ORDER.' CORRECT PRINCIPLES Demand that bills be rendered promptly, and to do it nicely, get your Bill paper aai Statements printed at T11E ASTORIAN Office DO NOT SEND AWAY For Printing of any kind until you have tried THE AST0R1AN Offic. OLD PAPERS. HAYING DETERMINED TO CLOSE out oar stock of old papers coir is too tinn to swore a lot for handy purpcies, at Thb Astoeux office. Wanted. A woman to do plain scwiug. at this office. Inqulro Choice Frnit. All or the choicest kinds of apple.-, in s the larset li'ixos for sale nt .. n. D. UrajS. Jhr rniau Xtrov. KxpreH Will reeehe orders at the store of J. s V. Case for upper Astoria or any other 5 part of the city. J.eavc vour orders on j the slate and tlwy will bo promptly at 5 lauded to. Williaxusport Property. Great bargQln5 novr offered in the ,.;? m- -crnHomc,- v. t- VZ . " " l" w lull JJGISUXI3 TTishlDg to locate from one Jot to five acrei. it is weJi adapted for gardens, dairy ranches or pleasant homes; well elevated, situated one mile south of Atnriu on Youncs bav. with a pood graded road to the place. For further j information cull at my residence near the cemetery. .loirx Williamson. Whips, curry-combs, brushes; new stock ; first class goods, cheap for cash. S. Gray. J. W. Conn has removed to tho old stand of Warren and Eaton, opnosite the Occident. The Jubilee Troupe have engaged a quadrille band from Portiand. to play nt the masquerade. Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep nil the finest fresh fish, etc., in their season Julius Halbsguth, musie teacher for piano, organ or voice culture, uteanmg oruans will be properly attended to bv leaving orders at Adler'.s book anil variety store. Xiua-, New Year's, and birth-da cards, the finest ever in the city, at the Citv Book Store. Hot. cold, and hower Baths at the Occident hair dressing saloon, twenty live cents. MISCELLANEOUS. MAGNUS C. CROSBY, Dealer In HARDWAEE, HON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIH AND COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None but urt cla workmen employed. A larco assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand S z ? -v d I -2 i cfj 8 "?. '- - ID s! o3 bB S t JP - hn - 5 - ' Qfl - ? "-! " - 1 Q Z BEWARE OF FRAUD FIjli'pinu jou nre BcIiik SWINDLED! Disreputable i.trth?s are otterinj; and selliug under FALSE PRETENCES A cheap, traihy imUatlon of our Finlayson, Bousfield & Go's SCOTCH XWXSSfEL licit u buy o that the names of FI.X'L. tYSO, UOUSF1EL.D & Co.. John Stone. Scotland. Or J. It. LEKSOX &, Co., BoHton. Are on each package. NEVILLE & CO., Agents. San Francisco. Blanks. Promissory notes, bonds for deed, quit claim deeds, mortgages and warrant v deeds, at this office. 1 A JL ip II The largest stock of goods ever brought to Astoria is now exhibited at, '" .-.the-jleadinq" .. Dry Goods I Clothing House OIF" m m Fresh- arrivals by every Steamer, conse quently I get. the Latest Eastern Novelties. .QrPT3 Tf itt v r JO-LJLljJLVy JLJU1 WJLNJQj J7TUVJrj and ALWAYS THE LOWEST. 1 1 i mil in ii hi mi egigaa3ffiiaiaaHigamMMmaaBlaal EgKDo not fail to get my prices and examine goods before purchasing. a m cooper, I X LISt ore? near 'PavJter Souse, Astoria. The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot & TWO DOORS EAST OF' OCCIDENT, iifclfeiPiilii2 JSbJ&m STfei CHAS. HE1LBORN, JIANUFACTUKRR OP FURNITURE S5 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CDRTAIN TOLES Complete In every branch. THE COLUMBIA IS :L'l'EIill)i: to MOM. AND IS 1 JOHN UAB - CHENAHUS STREET mr Orders lull at tho GEUMANIA ltEKi: ASTORIA IW. MEYER ASTORIA, - REDUCTION $7 50 PER BAKKEL OF 30 GALLONS. LAIIGE OKDEKS TN LIKE ritOTOUTION. Less Quantities, 30 Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - SI BO per Dozen es-SpecIal attcntiou paid to orders from rublic Houses and Famllles.-Si Washington TSarket, Alain Street, - - Ahtaria Orejjoi BEltGMAX & HKIIIIY RESPECTFULLY OALL 1IE ATTEN. tion of tho public to tho fact that the p.bove Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY REST QUALITY j JK FRESH AND CURED MEATS! Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale IXL nd Winter 1881. IO 'Vn ?1 TT T "TT that MAY BE HAD OF R HAWES SOLE AGENT. 1I-M). AKont ior tde celebrated MEDALLION RANGE, HAWES, - - ASTORIA. OREGON BREWERY Y7 f l.l.I 1 D I: .NONE ON 'IH1H COAS1 JKOPKlETOKr ASTORIA, OREGON. HALL will be pumptly attended UCW BKEWERY. Proprietor. - OREGON. OI-VIIOLESALE PRICES. wa f.cix,ved without FritTHRU NOTICE And no terms ot peace until evt ry man In Astoria has a new suit of clothes i .1AIK BY 3IEA3BY. . Look at the prices : VanVi t order from -lant-j.(!euulne French Casalraere - $8 00 12 50 Suits from - -- -- -2500 E The tajst line of samples on the coast to 5J7 . 4 & S