W w s& fgrJfPr rciara XZ &STORl0KEr ON: - -.r SATURDAY'.. DEC. 9, 1881 j.p.HAM JRA.W. .Editor. jt'lie President's Message. Feom papers received per steamer State of California, from San Francisco yesterday vre get the full text of President Arthur's ..message, to congress. The message, which is quite ex tensive in verbiage and import, opens with brief and fitting refer ence to the death of Garfield, and after discussing our relations with various foreign countries, it says, speaking of the Panama canal: "The questionsgrowingoutof the proposed Inter-Oceanic water way across the Isthmus of Panama are of grave national importance. This government has not been un dutiful of the solemn obligation imposed upon it by its compact of 1846 with Colombia .as the inde pendent and sovereign mistress of the territory crossed by the canal, and has sought to render them ef fective by fresh engagements with the Colombian republic, looking to the practical execution of the negotiations to this end. After they had reached what appeared to be a mutually satisfactory solu tion here, they were met in Colom bia by the disavowal of the Powers which its envoy had assumed and by a proposal for renewed nego tiations on a fortified basis. Mean while, the government learned that Colombia had proposed to the European rowers to loin in a guarantee of the neutrality of the proposed Panama canal a guar antee which would be in direct contravention of our obligations, as the sole guarantee of the integ rity of Colombian Territory and of the neutrality of the canal itself. My lamented predecessor felt it .his duty to place before the Euro pean Powers the reasons which made the ""prior guarantee of the United. States indispensable, be fore which the interjection of any foreign guarantee might bo re garded s a superfluous and uu friendly act. Foreseeing the prob able reliance of the British gov ernment of tho provisions of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850 as affording room lor a share on the guarantee which the United States covenanted "with Colombia four years before, I have not hesitated to supplement .the action of vay predecessor by proposing to Her Majesty's government the modifi cation of that instrument and the abrogation of such clauses thereof as do not comport -with the obli gations of the United States to ward Colombia or with the vital needs of the two friendly parties to the compact." The President earnestly recom mends the suppression of polyga my, and deals with the usual vex atious Indian question with good judgment. He recommends Gov ernmental aid to education, states that the tariff laws need revision, discusses at length the qualifica .Uonsrfor office and favors civil service reform. In relation to the important question of the presi dential succession he says: "The importance of timely legislation with respect to the ascertainment and declaration of the vote for Presidential electors was called to the attention of the people more than four years ago. It is to be hoped that some well defined -measure may be devised before another national election which will render unnecessary a resort to any expedient of a temporary character for the determination of any questions, upon contested re turns. Questions which concern the very existence of the Govern ment and the liberties of the peo ple, were suggested by the pro longed illness of the late Presi $ dent, and his consequent incapacity to perform the functions of his office. It is provided by the second article of the Constitution, in the fourth clause of its first section, that in case of the ro- moval of the President from office or by his death from assassination or inability to discharge the pow ers and duties of said office, the same shall devolve on tho Vice- President. "What is the intention of tho Constitution in the specifi cation of inability to discharge the powers and duties of said office, is one of the contingencies which calls the Vice-President to the exercise of Presidential , func tions? Is the inability long-con tinued intellectual capacity, or is it the broad import of what must be its -extent and duration? How must its existence be established? Has the President, whose inability is the subject of inquiry, any voice in determining whether or not it exists, or is the decision of that mo mentous and delicate question confided to the Vice-President, or is it contemplated by the Consti tution that Congress should pro vide by law precisely what should constitute inability, and how and by what tribunal or authority it should bo ascertained? If the inability proves to be temporary in its nature, and during con tinuance tho Vice-President law fully exercises the functions of the Executive, by what tenure does ho hold his office? Does he continue as President the remainder of the four years' term, or would the elected President, if his inability should cease in the interval, be empowered to resume his office, and if, having such lawful au thority, he should exercise it, would tho Vice-President be there upon empowered to resume his powers and duties as such? 1 can not doubt that these important questions will receive your early and thoughtful consideration." The message is characterized, throughout, by good sense and evident intent to convey an im pression of candid earnestness, in which he has succeeded. The document is a credit to our Chief Magistrate, and a satisfactory an swer to any who may have felt disposed to carp at or hastily criti cise his official course. The memorial calling for a res toration of the land donated for tho construction of the Cascade division of the N. P. R. R. and which passed the lower house of the Legislature was killed in the council. The Yakima Record calls for the ayes and noes, and wants to know who have been traitors to the interests and demands of tho people. Col. Sso. "W. Fokxey, protege and alleged son of James Buchan an, and for twenty-five years a prominent politician and journal ist, is reported dying in Philadel phia. His political correspondence, if published, will make interesting reading for many public men. It is thought that all the inter nal revenue officials will work against the movement in Congress to reduce the tax on whiskey. Testimony of "experts" in the Guiteau "trial" tends to disprove the plea of insanity. The entire system of convict labor in California ceases after the first of next month. MARRIED. On Clatsop Plains, at the residenco of Mr. J. West, Dec 8th, by Rev. J. Par sons, Mr. R. J. Morrison and Miss Mary H.Brickell. DIED. At Klaskanine, Dec 8th, 1831, Mrs. Mary A. Gray, aged 71 years, 10 months and 6 days. Notice of funeral in Sunday's issue NEW to-day. r-4 CANNEET FOR SALE. THE BUILDING. PLANT AND Sup plies of. the BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY, near New Westniln- JAilt S FINLAYSON. S18 Front St.. 8. F. d-jra Or P. BIBRELL, on the premises. Notice. THE SHIP -MERWANJEE FRAMGEE" Is now discharging cargo at Brown & Co'fi wharf. Parties owning said merchan dise are hereby notlfled to take their goods away Immediately or the goods will be stored at their risk and expense. BODQERbT MEYER & CO. J. G. Hustler. Agent.. Astori, Dec. io leei. f-tr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pile's! Piles! Piles! A Sure Cure Foaail at X.H!t I y.o Owe TYecsi PtsfTcrl A sure Cur? for Wind. B'fwUnjr, Itching and Ulcerate Pile has be on discovered by I Dr. Williams, (an IndUn irriwdy), called j l)r William's Inclim UirtmcitL. A Mnp'o j box ha cured the virt chronic roses 'f 'St or SO years standing. No one need suffer j flvo minutes atttr npplyiii; this wonderful j soothius mediciuo. Lotions, liwtrtum-nls iml , elec uarics do moro s.arni than pod. Wll- liam's Ointment absorbs the Illinois, allats ! the intense Itchlnz. f ortlcu?ariv at night a- ; ter cettinz warm in b!d). nets as a nonluVe. cives instant relief, and is nrct.aied only fur dy for id for no:hmgel? - ".". - I'lloc ITnmnrr rtl Hin iif.i t!n i.uic VTliI uir Cleveland, says about Dr. Wllham's Indian ' IllVIfl WITTir lilt! Iin'l 1 -tl I .JB.sI'llll.r? til i me uintment 1 nave tiea scors 01 me Cure', and It affords ine pleasure to say that 1 nave never rounu anyiuine wmeu save such immediate and penuaneut relief as Dr. William':) Indian Ointment. For .sale by all druggists ur mailed ou re ceipt of price. SI 00. HE.VKY A. VO.. Prop'a. Cleveland, 0. Hodge. Dais & Co.. Wlio!ale Agents. Portland, Oregon. Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE ex isting between O.K. .lack ins and John A. Montgomery under the im name of Jacklus & Montgomery, has been this day dbsoWed by mutual conecm. John A. Montgomery will collect and settle all ac counts of .said firm. CHAS. C.JACKINS. .TNO. A. MONTGOMERY. Astoria. Ogn, Dec. 9, lSSl. d-;0i? Notice to CannerymMi. TCTOR THIRTY DAYS FROM THIS date JD 1 will contract to make fish boxes of sat isfactory quality in any quantity at the fol lowing pricis : boxes In UieV.iuek 12i conts each; nailed boxes 1AV5 cnts each, deliv ered at the West Shore Aid's. .I.C.TRULLINP.ER. Astoria, Dec. 10, 1S31. d-lra City Treasurers Notice. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY G1V" THAT all -L citv warrants endorsed ' May SI, 18S0 will be paid on pre: te City Treasurers itlice, and r . i Mich warrants, not hereto! . tsc from this date, life n . . " i '. I'. I .NT. d-10il . i i iMircr. "ftTOTlf nr.;:t:Y given that '." j never a partner of . i , or transaction v.nat- 0. 11. WINCENT. 4rietnr Scandinavian Hotel. '; Dcc.S. lsSl. d-3t Am Wanted. I PERSON TO MANAGE SALMON Sen Ic xjl Cannery in Urili.li Columbia. Scnkv-s reuuircd at once. Annlieation tj pplieation t Ie made by letter. iiic!i-lug ief.Tt'nccs ami teims, Address . T CKNER BEKTON S. Co.. dtf Victoria. Wanied. ONE TEAMSTER FOR LOGGING ramp; one hook tender: one skiduer; one swamper, and one barker. Apply to .1. F. WARREN. d-tf Knapp i, Oregon Notice. NOTICE IS .HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN !. annual ineetin; of the stockholders of the Fisliermens Packing Company v. ill be held at their ollioc in Upper A-torm, on the 23th day of December, issi. at 0 o'clock a. si. for the purpose offelecting n Boaid or Direc tors for the ensuing year, and sucli other business "as mav come before tho meeting. 15v order of the President, d-trt BKN.T. YOUNG. Sec PRELIMINARY BFr jti i U il ii & jjjjWyj, TlfflEEHOUGH! HO HURRY! FOR KIND FABENTS TO BUY THEIR DEAR CHILDREN ! CHRISTMAS ! AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS "Wholesale Dealers on the Paci fic Coast are Overstocked AUoxcthci lti sea son -tiith HOLIDAY GOODS! ConsequcuCy there is Tiii NE CESSITY any longer TO PAY iKscEzzmc:c:csaEai:ss3s:nscs2:2issis:::rii 1 200 PES GENT I k m 2 ia.a:iiaKEccEC5s:e:ca:aE2s::::sfs:2..ii PKOriT On eerj' thing you have to purchase to keep up the good old cuto:n. Referring to the above facts, the under signed respectfully announces that he has received advices of a consignment made t him of an extensive and careiullv selected a.ssortment of FIKST CLASS HOLIDAY GOODS and TOYS, which are to be offered at private sale for a few days at Prices Trhich will Astonish Urn Saiivo.v After which on Saturday, December 24th, AU the .stock remaining on hand will be sold At Public Auction And the conslgnemnt closed out "WITHOUT EESEKVE. E. C. KOliDKN. Auctioneer. MISCELLANEOUS. .A. V. ALLEN- H. PAGE. Pi n 4?e &JLXsU MMH (.SUCOKAJK-S TO E. S. IAIIS5.) Wholesale and letnil lonlT la i a 4 43Pami&& yt.. y FtOYi&lQBS, A 0?$&ke?y Giass and Plated Ware. Ti'.OPIOAI. A'D DOMISTIO FRU'lTS AND VEGEFABLES. Together wnti Wines.LiQuors, ToMccoSCigars Tiie largost and most compIiMt -tock of goods In tlielr line to be found In :h? My. Comer of CaB ami Squeinocibe Streets. ASTORIA. OREGON. rs , mm flax num Salmon Het Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, ail sizes. Seines ftiade to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. tuuuti unuiifLi 511 2Ip.rkct Street. Ban Z'ranfiwro HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Mansujers. ASK FOU- UNI0N INDIA RUBBER CO'S Pure ram i.um ;s?eeis Rubber Boots and Coats. beVvakc or imitation : Be sine tho Boots are staintOii CRACIZ PROOF on tlio heels, aud have tho PURE GUM SPRIXGS on the foot and instep, whleh prevents thrtr cracking orbreakinjr. Tliey will last twice ai Ions a anj- otliers manufactured. FOR KALE BY ALL DEALEKS. ALL KINDS IIUBBEE BELTING, PACK ING, UOSE, SPRINGS, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. E. II. PEASE. Jr. H.3I.1UJNYON. Agents, San Francisco. o o CD C i to c C-TT-3 : Lu S : : ! h o 5 l o - e S3 d o E o o ctf e MAKES UP FIRST CLASS STOCK INTO Harness and Saddles, And will fit you ont in bctterst vie and cheap er rates than any other man in Oregon. A lull lino of Whips, Curry Combs,' ctc. ou hnml. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN -THAT A meettiiK of stockholders or the Scandi navian lacking Co. will bu held on Tuesdav. Dec. I3th,at 9 a. 31., at the oillce of safd company, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing Year, and the transaction or such other Imsfncs as may come bcrore the meeting. By order of the President. n.,,. oj x. H. PIATII. Secretary, upper Astoria. Nor. 22, 1K1. dtd JBlanka, Promlssbry notes, bonds for deed, quit olaiin--deeds, mortgaces and vrarranty aeeds, at this offlce. id; fa en z! I ft III I " lull MISCELLANEOUS. S"ffT 3F jProYisions, Lumber, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. jPislicreueiis and Cannery i SIUPSPLIES A SPECIALTY. AGENT'FOR TIIK San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND TIIK San Francisco Chemical WOHKS, ASTUltIA - - - OREGON. OAEL IS STILI. RECEIVING COXSIGK . lEXTS OF Jewelry, Stationery, "Dolls Toys, Albums, Books, Celluloid Goods, JET, SILVEE, GOLD, Work Boxes, Escritoires, Pas sementerie, Plaque, Bijouterie, AND A VARIETY OF ELEGANT DESIGNS IN ORNAMENTAL WORK OF EVERY KIND THAT WILL WELL RE PAY A VISIT. GOME AND SEE US. 3VESS.JS. zo3Es:o.:B"sr , DEALER IN NeAY and Choice M i L L I NJE R Y. Deslro? to call the attention of the Ladies of Astoria to the fact that she' has received a larqe asortmont of the LATEST STYX.ES Of Hats. Bonnets, Trimmings, Corner Main and Squemoqhe Streets. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. The undersigned respctfully notlfie1; Uie puonc mat Having ueen appointed agent for the NEW IMPROVED SINGER, He is now prepared to offer theso unrivalled Sewing Machines on such terms as cannot fail to meet the wants of everybody in need of this indispensable article of household furniture. Liberal discount made on cash sales. To those deslrinz it I will sell on the Instalment plan. .Five dollars a month, 17 cents a uay, iiess man it costs a smoKer lor cigars), will soon purchase your wife a Singer. The Best Sewing Machine Ever Put Together. Old Sewing Machines taken in exchange. Attachment j. Keedles, Cotton. OIL etc, al ways on baud. Call and examine the Singer Sewing Machine and thevarietvof work It can perform at E. C. ITOLDEN'3. Agent Siuger Man. Co LETTER HEAD PAPER, TJREXTED OR PLAIN, .OF THE BEST X quality at Tnc Abtorux office. "&"! liVS 1 . sKr-??; , Wholesale and Hetail Dealer ' KSSfS i QUO CEKI E S, !"&&3l i wit r To!in JIl. MTsfss-afertTw c-rw ! -ar -wamas-: iuura:i uaa.-w wr rr-n ara-mrMaai! -W X (.UCCESdOlt 10 JACKINS &- MONTGOMERY." Afivi mm?- f - ----"-- COIIXBR Of 3IA2&7AX1 &&.&&. - TH.E JOB STEAM PRINTING HOUSE J J AS FASTEST AND VEST PRESSES, es W'q purchase Taper, Cards, Ink, and ..-fc Jjowest And can tliereforo alfordfto use, as we o:Nrx-5r :&s:o23:h32el.l,3?:e2 phjeobs. Gards, Envelopes, Circulars, THE EVERY DAY WANTS OFJiTHE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORK SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES "WHICH CAN- NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE . (DAILY TS RESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY" ALL F0EI1T8 r ' 'it Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability THE PAPER EOR THE COMMERCIAL MAN, j. FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE "MERCHANT, DAILY ASTOIUAN TEKItlS; BY 31 AIL (POSTAGE rHEK TO ALti SCBSCETBUKfi.) DALLY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR .: S9 00 DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS -.I S 00 7" Sample copies of either edit ion 10 cents. : Address : J- H AliliOKAN A Co. . PubUshers," Astoria, Owgoa 5Po3tma3ter3 arc authortzed to act as agenta for The Abtoeias-, UCALKRS IX Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment or HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and JEtanges The Best iu theaiarket. Piumbing goods of ,&11 kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. .?EFFIJSOX STBEETS, OK&QOST. T 1 li -j" '. Wiix"i-v ' "zrtztr'i I .r, HTX1IQ. ASTOBIAE" THE t - ANDITYPE OF THE LATEST STYLES. oiher inatcrLtLs of th& manufacturers Osia. Rates, nlwaysjdo. tho best articles, while charging Bill Heads and Letter Heais. ASTORIAN, 11 7I- Ji. ihi AND WEEKLY) . FOR EVERY PERSON 'pS-SK? ;2wi2p5"'