- r TTjf i VI w "ig'i wt 4FF' "-" " " irr )yy sjf Ay Q JM Vol. xvi. ;toria, Oregon, Saturday Morning, December TO, 1881. - JSFo; 6'0: FHEDDIE AND 6.UNTIE. To What. JengtUs an Inquiring In fant May Go. tTcHclay 1 s&t in a car seat on the Lake Shore road behind a pale, careworn lady, -who was taking a little boy from Ceveland to Ashta bula. As the little boy was of a very inquiring mind, and as every thing seemed to attract his atten tion, I could not help listening to some of his questions. "What is that, auntie?" the little boy commenced, pointing to a heap of yellow corn. i:0, that's corn, dear," answered the care-worn lady. "What is corn, auntie?" "Why, corn is corn, dear." "But what is corn made of?" "Why, corn is made of dirt and water and air." "Who makes it?" ''God makes it, dear." "Does he make it in the day time or in the night?" "In both, dear." "And Sundays?" "Yes, all the time." "Ain't it wicked to make corn on Sunday, auntie?" "O, I don't know. I'd keep still, Freddie that's a dear. Auntie is tired." And, after remaining quiet a moment, little Freddie broke eut: "Where do stars come from, auntie?" "I don't know; nobody knows." "Did the moon lay 'em?" "Fes, I guess so," replied the wicked lady. "Can the moon lay eggs, too?" "I suppose so. Don't bother me." A short silence, when Freddie broke out again: "Fanny Mason sayh oxins is a owl, auntie; is" they?" "0, perhaps so!" "I think a whale could lay eggs don't you, auntie?" "O yes I guess so!" said the shameless woman. "Did j'ou ever see a whale on his nest?" "0, 1 guess so!" "Where?" "I mean no. Freddie, you must be quiet; I'm getting crazy!" "What makes you crazy, auntie?" "0, dear! you ask so many questions." The little boy seemed to be puz zled and thoughtful for a moment; but soon his curiosity got the bet ter of him, and, as the cars passed a pasture in which were a sheop and a lamb, he asked: "Where do lambs come from, auntie?" iO! from the old sheep. The old sheep has them." "Can little boys nave lambs?" "Certainly. I'll let you have a lamb, Freddie, when vou, get homo." "Will it hurt me, auntie?" vv natnurt you tho lamb.-" were sick that face would appear "No; will it hurt me to have it?" more beautiful than an angel's, lis ' "0, Freddie, do stop! You ask it hovered over you, watching' such fooHsh questions. I'm all j every opportunity to minister to! worn out. :your comfort, and cverv one of "Didyou ever have a lamb, those wrinkles would se'eni to be' auntie?" j bright wavelets of sunshine, chas- "Freddie,stop! Don't you speak ,;ng each other over the dear old again-for-halfanhour!" face. She wiU IeavQ vou one oi:: Then the poor worn-out woman j thoso dayP Thpge hXQta if not j sighed, and leaned her head on tho i;ff,i i. i....u. - r L. ,.,,:. ' w"" 1reak nor dmv- Those rough Freddie busied himself placing his hard hands that have done so mouth against tho window, andmftny Ulineceg8!lrv things for you ' soliloquized jn'fc sing-song tene: wilI be crossed - herHfelcss, "Marj- had a little lamb! j breast. Tll05e noj?locttjd li)S t,mt , "Sheep had a little lamb! j gave you vour first bal , "Auntie had a little lamb! ; be orevor close() and those . "O auntie! auntie!" , j tlred eyes win haV(J opened in eter ( "What is it, Freddie?" asked the nity, and then vou will iinnmninto . Ijoor woman, waking up. uix j.uu ever see u nuie uy eac sugar 31J "Yes, dear." "Where?". "Freddiei'.sit dow on that seat and be still, or I'll shake you. 1 won't be tormented to death. Now, not another wordP And the hdr pointed her finger sharply at the little bow as if she was froinc to stick it "through him. If she had been a wicked man she would navo , .;, , . , .. sworn; and still, notwithstanding we have eight million little boys like Freddie in the United States, oach one causinir morn or less nro - fanity, the V. M. C. A.'s tlnough - out the country denounce Herod as a biased man, when he ordered all the children killed except his own. Chicago Tribune. Hints for Girls. Corae here, sis, and sit down be side me, and let me give you a lit tle talking to. That is right. Sit clear at the other end of the sofa. It makes moro room for my gout and corns, besides being a good habit for a young lady to be addicted to. Alwa's pander to this habit, and 3'ou will in time find yourself walking through green meadows and beside the still waters of self respect. You mny be walking alone, to be sure, but will have fewer lawn dresses to do up on Monday morning. I wish to speak to you of your mother. It may be 3'ou have noticod a care-worn look on her face lately. Of course, j it has not been brought there by auj' act of yours, still it is your duty to chase it away. I don't mean for you to run at it and! shake vour skirts, and tell it to ! "shoo "as you would a hen, nor A man had a curious rue for do T pynpflt vnn in not nn itinilife near Mcndcii. Conn. He ., . , , . . . n . , ouner ijiue oi me lence anu tnrowj"""""" v "llf,,! ".- i mui- old oyster cans and pieces of bar rel staves at it, as you did at the cow yesterday. But 1 want you to get up to-morrow morning and get breakfast, and when your mother conies down and be gins to express her surprise, go right up to her and kiss her. You don't imagine how it will brighten ! her dear face. Besides, vou owe her a kiss or two. Away backjt an instant of delay warned j when 3'ou were a little girl she had ! ',nn that, unless he depended on j kissed 3-0U when no one else was miraculous help, there was no time j tempted b3 your fe ver-tainted to be lost on his knees. lie at j breath and swollen face. You ' length stumbled into the dolor's I were not as attractive then as now. ! And along through those vears of i childish sunshine and shadow she! was alwa3s read3 to cure, b3 the magic of a mother's kiss, the little, And then the midniirhf '-cpq with Ana men tue mian.ght hisses w ith which she has routed so many bad j. i i i I .ouu.,, auu luuiiuu over your, Al4-,r l...UU.. I 3 t xi ' ArA-nn rliatnrhojl nt ninlif iml Iimi1-..h ... Jf ,u .u uenever u,Cy 0fVr it by a sick dild sufferhig ; Sr" i ?"J & were injured m those Erst skir- and crying with the excruciating paiH ino, ;-V " nvt ,,1er tn 1Marc1''. bn,nK ., ..x ., , ,, ..of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and ' n twuntiful nun that piwluccs, indue misties with the rourrh old world. . rt o i.rtinf rc wi.iXi..-., i.i....! msioii, mifaihne crop-. T beo :ain n- fj restless pillow they have al been ",,at If Tll u"",:lt"I thu ,,0WL,-SV an,i .Merchants or others finding inac ..., , , i F,,"?1,?0 lK mothor. and rplief and . curacies in our shipping list will -confer on interest these loner, lonir vears.; health to the child, operating like magic, j a favor bv reporting the same to this r.. , . . w .litis perfect I v safe to ue in all cases, office. " - Ut course she is not so pretty and . and pleasant to the tatc. and i-s the nry ! - kissable as you are, but if you had K fe; .-Asa compendinm of news and dono your share of the work dur-' United .State. NoM everywhere. 2.-. miscellany no publication ofthenorth- : !. 1.i..i .v. ." i.j iiiu lasi imi years, me contrast n years, the contrast ,-e been so marked. I u mut ni.ii. . more wrinkles than I would not hav Her face has If , . . i . , , . ., J """ ""' v Miuuiuer?, win your mother, b Jt it will be too late. : m, . . - . . more, there, uon t crv; she has not left you yet. She is down in tho kitchen stringing beans for dinner, and if you feel so badly vou I miffht et) down and finish tKom uiiuv gu uown ana Hmsn them, I 1 and let her change her dress and I rest an hour before dinner. And after dinner vou might .)o up the dishes and let her lake a littlf nap. i Then vou miirlil take down her j hair and do it up for her. You need not wind it over your tinker , e t , .. , . and fuss to make little spit curls :.nr1 to fin will. vr.nVc K..U , ,..,. .,, give it a good brushing and wind i it up jyentlv and tenderly, as if you enjoyed doing it for her. Ttof&iiarSn Sll voung man down in tin- parlor tr. ' can wait until you navo perlorncd these duties. Pecks Stat Vow tiifli r.rprv 'ivMl-ihh. ,nnl- .o. mat ccr .i.tu.i!)l mcl, and and tree and fenco has boon made to blossom as tho rose with: suucnng punne. Silver coins being stamped bv the thousand! . , l - . . I with these advertisements, with I rW lil not Inttnrc tl,f .. 1, irA Ti.: . j enacea. lh:s stamp ncr does not 1 remove any ol the million, and' any therefore does not decrease the1 value of the coin. Hut it reminds' the nuhlif nt sicrlit of overv 'iiiur- advertisements of nills. nlaslei. J 12. ?.?"' S l?iI.J,ortltariy '" """ "ffn A powders and what nor, a new dc- , Yours resneetfuljy, .Ioe(J CiiAnms.! -l?-tTr . , . ' . Proprietor of the Orient Ualliinffltn-uiis,! .otice. mco oi ine paieni-.nedio.ne man ; die ;imt m tin- citv.iimi,ite IloWen's, All ,ersou, iudebte.1 to the late firm J 1 has been sprung upon the lon ' oi irencnaru a: i psmir will please call 1 r f" - .t - . nt Uiv nfflf-o miri anf Mi nnnnnntc i,i,mn)t ! i ' ii ,,-c' ... ". ! The Count Cinrhon was the bpani.sh ter that "I his cni will buv one Viceroy in Peru in KV. The Counters, hnv nf Pnir: PHIc-' xvhWn. thA i,.,ir fhis wife, wasprosTated by anintermit uox ot i uit s rills, u hup the half , tcnt f,.wn from whIcll she wa, ,rc0(1 ,IV dollar announces itself as the pe- l'"eofthu native remedy the Poni- 1 vian barl:. or. as it was called in the cuniarv equh-alent of a bottle of I language of the eoinitrv. -Quinquina. nr . i.v .-i r v mm ' Grateful for her reeover, on her return uack s quick colic cure.' I he, to Europe in iits. she introduced the Government will confer a boon by JSrrfeuf'namS: miiniJniS declaring this new notonu.'v tlodiro . , illeiral A le,T.,u,..,i i i - r swallowed a largo dose of mor phine, intending suicide, but iquicklv changed his mind and , . ,',. .." . , .. BWU 'r "- iiuart'M. puyMciau, . against malarial feveirtomrtv as'thev who was two miles awav. He fclt?" i.I.l.t,1l',-i!a3i? "r lh? i.1'1 ?PanI?I - 1 s drowsiness steaiintr I the dangerous drowsiness stealing over him, and ran with all his might. The exercise kept him awake, but his mouth became parched, his eyes filmy, and his strength less. lie stopped to pra3, officii and fell senseless on the' floor, but was saved b v enero-etic' " ( treatment - ."ttother ! :other!! MotherMl ! I ! I rts WW.V V AlkAO (tWlt ! KJWlUtULL vrup, it will relieve the poor I Uli sui-, fe-rcr" immedlately-depend upon it;i there is no mistake about it There is' not a mother on earth who has ever ' used it, who will not t-H vou at once . . . Hare Wistar's lialsim of wjlii cherry j ajwavs at iian,j. it cares coughs, colds, ' bronchitis, whooping cough, croup. in: , "" """ ( fluenza, consumption, and all throat ami . uui-iim, i.vin.-uiin(iiwii. .llllt .III llllOlll .1 'tie. IIU- iiOSTETT 1 CaEBRATED fcrffirts In Ho.sts of Families llUSLL'.l.er i OlUllliUJH UlllUl It .U 1I1UU1 iC garded as a household necessity as sugar or cotfee. Tho reason of this Is that years of, expcrJeuce have proved It to he perfectly re-' liable In those cases of emercency where a I Sromptand convenient remedy is demanded. , onstlpatlon. liver complaint, dyspepsia. In- iiC". ,j5fcV. ite SSL27KffiL 8Lv-r5fe ST- digestion and other troubles are overcome HYH.???EijMI2,"ed T0 CLOSE cut b?lt- For sal0 Drucslsts and dealers, to hoVcJ-o ffifnrh,1 Lpera noT tho tlmt vrliom apply for Hostetter's Almanac lor 1SS2.1 toscnr aiotrorbandypurposes. at las Astozus offiea. Xolic.r. L- 5: $f Ji liercbj authorized to col- .?l MU "m mvlFlRl tfT nn4 -.11 l.tlf . 1 1 .. Astoria. IM-. 3. isi. Arriaoni ijitiii- !inM,. ii.t.' """' Orwm. t Ou" "mit " wa in it nn- ponituienN. Third .street, in II. II ! Thompson's block, oppose rapt. Ains "" lWn "' ny, WWJfc ur ,om. .Mi:s. 1" Aisrkioxi 3aJiuer:ide Stilt. ins,u' can ,brc suMiedr b.i Icavluar their order at Mrs. S. T. Mceans. All nr- ucrs should lie in-by the 21st Inr. Special Xotice. im undersifmcu wishes to announce to his nations amrnianv frlLMuls thai i. S'iwl thu .Services of a barber, . . - . - ..fc , who will be here nntlienrcL stemm..- one of the bust onftlie coast,' and fm-.su - .. . rt - ----- ! . IMrInsr m. ateeiice from Astorln. Mr. j L. li. .Selig will act as my agent. All! orders from the interior please address V.' f"?"" " v' 'H'prompiiy attended to. .1 Stimi' t . v , ,.. 'otk.vlsn, lament for Oregon and AV ashlngton ter- ntory for the celebrated Chicago beer, i I'eruvian Bitter:. Ciccliosailcbra i called it cnicliona. in honor of the ladv , who had brought them that which was nmrii nroninna llinn f lin rrnlil if Itn. Immc I n' i.: .!.. n i ,r . i All IJII ILl.UIl-i U ltlJM' Id Ll ilUII- SgtakSu; lET it'lS ally cures a morbid annetite for stinni- lants, by restoring the natural tone of tnestomaoii. it attacks excessive lovo fflKir !1'? (of Hie Cinchona is preeived in the i Peruvian Hitlers, which are as effective I itnm. u uai.llL'l' lilt' iiigriiii- cnLs ' tlu3e bitters lo be absolutely pure, ami of the. best known quality. A trial will satisfy you Ihat this is the ! V uRii uhut in u'n worm. i ne mvooi ot the pudding is in the eating." 'and we willingly abid. thi.s tvst. For sale bv al! ilruggNts. grwors and liquor dealer. Order it c?nfjuLJ $t cVr in the city, nlThe itv 0k Store, ----(to your legal blanhs at Tin: Astokiax office. A full line of over two '"""trod styles. T:r inhabitnuts of Xortluus' nrd x"".r:i Oresii, inchsdinj: twoi -..un- "d- of tle .State, and cmbnieiis the great vr.IJey n the AVallamet and iu -1:'' enjoy -.cvtn months of spring, -ummcr ?' auutim wealhfr thntnn.Mi,..i.t rqual 'o -..iitlicrn or eastern 0n'O!-. n.r liriit niid cliecrfii weather and a l.niein and . It - V -- "n, '-"-carco.y prevail, laoor outside, ". n3 depattment, and of ICO daysol wmUr, at lcata third oltbom aredryand Dr,fint- " ."l-"- "" u.-i aoiuiiLva A splendid number now ready. For sale at tho counter with or without annn- r,. . . wrappers for ten cents a copy. && JLSOOKS, ramphlcts, i-awycrs I iirinis. .inrl in foot, m-nn- cC;M , style of Prixting is. done as well and ;us cheaply at Tue Astopj.vn Jon Rooms as anywhere else in the ouue. oau ana examine specimens and prices. The Astorlnn bas a I A J i lanjerclrculaUonoa tlio f ACIVertlSing, Columbia river than any other state paper. PBICTiy P 1 .EQT"AL TO THE BEST. AND rniiillsj 'Cncaji as tho Cheapest, at J Tun Astoria.1 OrriOE. PHOTOGRAPHIC ENVELOPES. A LARGE STOCK JUST OPENED. AND will bo sold by tho bunch, or by th tbomaud, at Thk Astoku.m office. BILLS OF LADING, WAY BILLS. . , KeccipU, and all kinds of Commer ciol Irintins, done at tho Adrian officfe. CALL. EXAMINE, OltDEK. CORRECT PRIKCIPLES . Demand that bill- be rendered KTflfSfi ?$ to d0 il .nIcoIy- Sct ronr U1 paper aa J Statements printed al TUE ASl'ORLVN Oflieo DO NOT SEND AWAY For Printing Af nm? L-fn .,nt;i you have tried THE ASTOriav nm- OLD PAPERS. -flTll f . - - ------ -v - .v ..wVVU..., .......vit.- i IU : Jiu.-i. .j.ij. a. UOWLnV. PurnixUcU Jtooius to Let At Mr. .Munson's lodging house. Wanted. A mii-.iII Ihiiim?. furnished or unfur- SfttoAV" Athtrc"s E, Astetkax: 1'ro Hoiio InbIico. M. I). Kant, Mercliant TailQr, lias just engaged the services oC a competent cutter and tailor and will guarantee all garments to suit in stvle and fit. Notice to the IailicH. oa A"03,' "r. a,"1 ir,f, "d? fr0,,n ..j. . .. - comoings or cut hair. Call on or ad-! rtrocc Kastern O.VHterB. nother fine lot of Eastern Ovsten just received at Uoscoes, per steamer' j lireiion. wecuieiuoioeK. i j -, Xotlce. A Doat jiiuked up near the Farmers wharf on thcSSth ot November. Owner ) can have the same by paying charges, j rntiuirc at Central hotel. To Live Men. Tin: AsTOiriATh. now ol.i I pirpiilntinn tvIii1 ttnni! if nf ! I,..,., I 1 Ltui:n,..rn jri? ., . ! of the list of Oregon dailies, and insures 1 1- , .- .t- - ' . -. uj anveriisers inereoi more eeneht for the amount paid than may be secured el.vwlsere. To those who wish to reach the largest number of readers at the smallestexnen.se. we offer the columns of an attractive dailv, the success of! which from The very start has been far beyond the expectations of the most sanguine. In tlu Wholr. History of Medicine No preparation has ever perfonned such marvelous cures, or maintained ho wide a reputation, a Ayek's Ciieruy Pj:ctoi:.m., which is recognized as the world's remedy for all diseases of the throat andIiinuscfc Its long-continued series of wonderful cures in all climates na5? maueit universally known as a safe and reliable accnt to employ. Against ordinary colds, which arc the forerun- SifvTiS!S" JSSSfe liSiu'lSroy throat and i-liest disorders, makes it an nvaiuaou- remeiiy to dc Kept always on hand in every home. No nerson ean jaffoidtobe without it, and those who have once used U never will. From their knowledge of its composition and eiiect.-. physicians use the Cncnnv I'KCTOitAi. extensivelvm their practice., and elergvmen recommend it. It is absolutely eertain in its remedial effects,' and will always cure where cures are! possible. wi.,i.l,l, in At.l. Uh.ALl.1'. .MISCF.l.L.NEOUS. CENTRAL MARKET. Ceaeml .isortnient of table stock constantly -vl oa tiatul. surh as f. , , , . i i , i Canned Fruits aiid.(!liy,j ; Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard,; i:s. iSTTTTj-K. i'liius-', j Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, j FlSSf. IMU'LTKV A'TO 3A3v In tftp vasoiu ClfiAKS a:v3 TOTttACCO. Rsi of WIXKS ASD I.KJIIOIJS. Al cheap for CASH. Good.-, sold on coin- """. minm- i. l.i.iim- sion-. J. KODCKRS. G. A. STIN80N & CO., BLACKS&1ITHING. At Capt. Rogers o!d .stand, corner of diss and Court Streets, hhlji and Cuinerj" work. Horscshoelnj:. WaKons mad and paired. Good work Kuanuitiie-1. . U. K. V VKK . T. W. ET.V! Astoria Market ! COR. CIH-NAMUS AND ILVJIILTON STS. aSTOKIA. - - OltEOOX. lYAItlSXX Jt RATO.V, Proprlotorn. (Svccft'-tr m Hnrrn .1- McGuirrl Whoteinle nml Ket.nU Dealers in Fresh and Cured Pleats A full linn of FAMILY OltOCEKIKS, FLOUR. FKKD HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEOE-. TABLl-i. ETC. esr Butter, Erkj. Cho&ae, etc. contanUj on hand. 1ST Ships supplied at tholowest rates. j .Votire. i P.LACKSMITH ffKj .lul ivceivcd per steamer Columbia. I Q XI r 1T3 yiSMwM . i a line lot of eastern oysters, which will - S J - tf3Zsi3&rM:hh ; be served up in first class atvle at Ros-; ;fE&5gS3R r eoe-j, Occident block. .s t s&&32&!$Y &f 3f. TJni.EXUART. MISCELLANEOUS, S. APuSDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OltnC.OX. Jfe pQneer Machine Shopj BE, CAHBEEY, WRIPjl H 3 m12 1 II FkI VTT-"-- "J V m&UBUiiJ&.L YJ UJKJa. Promptly attended to. specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, 'OOT OF LAlWYETTn STCECT. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. JBENTO.YHrnCRT. XR.V11 I'AKKKU ItOUSK, ASTORIA.' - ORKUOX. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. ' ! IitliVI) iilURIiVIi! ESfftlSHS i tii"' ?, lli.a a. B II JIJ till Villi Li JJ Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. V. D. Was3. rresldent. J. G. Hcstlei:, Secretary I.TP. Case, Treasurer. Jonx Fox, Superintendent. WILLIAM ED GAB, Corner Main and Chonaciua Street, ASTORIA-..'. OREtJOS. CIGARS AND TOBACCO, The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GESUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY THE GENUINE W08TENH0LM and ether Easliah Cutlery. 4-nr r ry--y-t -wt-to t- i AT.&Jv37 XhZlJiSjELSri I fatrchild'c; r.nr n ptttm & WLJ bNb Genuine STsershaiim ?ipe3. etc. r ' a ne s-tnek of vatr'ie mut .TtMi'drv Vawii. ind "air-,tM na cir. 3asn and Irp-Jl oaillns fitiot 5miN and KHIes, Revolver. IMstoln, . . . . ami ii.ni munition 3TAK1XK CS3iASKM. ALSO A V1XTZ Assortment r fine SITOTACI.KS ami EYE i'or Sale. Pcr Briush bnrK "Wanlock" due at Astoria Marcinst. 100 Tons No. 1 Glencarnock' Scotch Pig Iron, 40 Tons English Foundry Coke, 35 Tons Best Hard steam Coal. Apply to AUO.C. KINNEY, Astoria, Oa-jion. tr GERrAXlA IIEKR HALL HOTTLE BEER DKVU'L Ohvssxvva Smnrrr. AsTonu. The Best or JLaycvG Cts. a (Jhtus Orders for the Celeliratefl : CoWia Brewery Left at this placw v. Ill lc promptly attend ed tO. -y J2TXo chp.-ip S-m Frauchco CeersoM r.t tin place - - - VJi; BOOK.Pronrietiir. W31- ao'ivr BOAT BUILDER, AT THE-OLD STAND.'OH 'AY'STJUI LDINC FIRST CLASS WORK A SPECIALTY. . f JVliNT SALOON,- . OPPOSITE O. R. X. COMPANYS DOCK. V; - ?: Xoiirt tmtthe bet liquor and dears paised over tht bar. W.SCHljLDT. r W. CASE, importer a:;d wholesale and re tail DEALEU IS GEffiM, - MERCHANDISE i . Corner Chcnainui and Cass streets. I Boiler Shop $$!&z8m0$g All kinds of AST0BIA.-C '--- -- - OREGON ! BUSINESS CARDS. j jc. iEin. OlHro In AST0P.IAX- buihUng. RoomXo.2,uprStain. E.r- nOLDKX, NOTARY PUBLIC, v AUOTIOXKF.K, COMMISSION AD St'ItANCE- AGENT. ry a.iicimtosh. 31ERCHANT TAILOE, Oco'lUent Hotel Eullding; ASTORIA - - - OREGOM Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office In C. L. Parker's building; on Bentou stecct, opposite CustomHouae, ASTORIA. OBEGON. JAY TUTTIJS, 31. . PHYSICIA2T AND SURGEON; OwxcE-Over the White House. Store. liFjn pence At Mrs. Munson's boarding house. Chenanius street, Astoria, Oregon. jp citA5, ar. ., "PHYSICIAXASD SURGEON, Itoom Xo. 3. Astorlnn Bnildlns, (UV STAIBS.) lti-sniKNCK Corner of Benton and Court streets, Astoria, Oregon. "CT P. HICKS, PKNTIST, ASTOItlA, --. - OKKGON. Itoonis in Allen's building up stairs, conn of CovsHiid Soeiiiocqhc streets. J. Q. A. IJOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Chcnamas Street. - ASTOKIA. OBEGO Q 83. RAI3T it CO" I)H.LEK IN loor. Windows, filiads, Traa soma, Xiaaaber, Etc, All kluds of Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam 3U11 near Weston hotel. Cor. Go evivcand Astor streets. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KIXJDSOF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. Oeneral .storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. A.storla Oregon. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, lias received a large invoice of BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the best quality, rcadv to sunDlvBut And Is now ready to supply Butchers Can- nories and all others, cheap for cash. BOOK STORE. Wo are coastantly receiving new additions to our stock and bare the fibesfc and largest assortment of variety goods in tho city. Combs, Brushes. - Stationery, FrameSj Celluloid Goods All onr good.- are marked in plain figures Call and examine quality and note prices. CHAS- STEVENS & SON Wilson & Fisher DKALKttS IX TT A 3E1. PlAIiB. LUBRICATING OILS. COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. "s PROVISIONS, MILL FEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duceorsoM nt lowest prices. Comur Chenanius :ind Ilaiuiltoii. Strwtf ASTORIA. OREGON. ' iIrs. P. M. Willianison, UE.LEIt IX DRESS TKLMMINGS, All Kiuds of WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC. Corner of Cass and Jefferson streets, AKtoris orner. . : -.; v.v s