The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, December 09, 1881, Image 1

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agautcjMiii 111, i , BJvnyTvirwig'-jma
J . '
Vol XVI.
Astoria, Oregon, FrHay Morning, December 9, 1881
So. 59.
lS- w A?' -ww& w&
Lr--&rj- VV" JSf? s? IS 7 w
LORENA'S LOVER. J For "It ttc try v.c may forget,"
History of the SoTtbat Carried All cre words of thine long years .,
' ' Yes, these were word-, of thine, Lorcnu, ,
Abut the vcar 1858 there up j They burn within my memory yel, i
,. " .... ... Tliev touch some, tender chords. Lorena,
peared-in the musical cities of the wjllch t,irjll aml trcmb(. w5th wpiyt.
West n song which for twelve j There ' a future. 0! thank God.
vears had a run rarel v attained bv 0f llft" lhis ls s0 sma!1 a I)art' ,
. ... ,; . , ",. -T"s dust to dust honenth the sod.
popular melodies. 1 he music had j Rut Uim UI, thcrc ,, hpart t0 Jiwm ,
a peculiar charm, the words were j Tho effect of this separation was j
singularly touching, and their to crllsn t,e young man, and writ- j
length, extending to eight long jng to n r-wnt f1Vfc years ago,'
verses, suggested to the reader a j twenty-five years after the occur- j
story back of them, fn fact, the rence he says: "I doubt if all'
extreme pathos of the; words con- i jj. iim.s a'r erased from my
tributed as much, perhaps, as the heart yet." lie resigned hi pas- i
music to give the composition its jtorate and sought another field,
wonderful success. It was sung
everywhere in parlors, in concerts,
on the street, and in the camps of
the contending armies. In the
Northern army it was immensely
popular, and found its way south
through Louisville and Cincinnati, j the composer, who, though of the j
and during the Rebellion itwasjhamp name, is no relation to him. j
the only piece sung in Southern j They soon became very intimate.!
homes, and excepting martial airs, j j, p. Webster was writin"- son"
about the only one sung in the j music, and was troubled to find
Confederate camp. Everywhere appropriate words. J lev. Mr. Web
. was "Lorena." A steamer on -the jster told him that he would write
Ohio was named Lorcnu, engines a ;.on an( rwo jayS he pro
on the Western roads were called (icef, tj entitled "Bertha;' a mere
Lorena, and a person now some-; fant.v liaini when tht; corn
times meets in society young la-. pose"r cami. lo sot jt to mus;c ,e
dies named Lorena, called that by j wat0J n name of thr.-e syllables,
mothers twenty years ago. The acCented on the second, and the
song had a story nearly every one m,thor then mad. uu the name of
familiar with it supposed, and sup-' "Lorena."
posed correctly, and it may not be i The young lady's nam.- was not
uninteresting at this late day to j j -orena uoMJertha, but Ella. It
give the admirers of the famous j is sa?(1 thHt she i05t her beauty and
melody the facts in the love affair. ;sunnyi wilciling wavs after they
The author of the words was j partefli anil nover rejraied them,
Rev. n. D. L. Webster. He stud- and diat she is Jin; a wxd sicky
ied in the Columbia Academy and I wofnan. past lhe priluc of i;fe.
Collegiate Institute, and was edi-pV,,en asl ,,oar, frOKN howoverj
toroME3 college paper. In the sevoral months a2o, she was tray
year 3848, being then twenty-four oHnff in Europo. Uev prou( Jlmi
years of age, and full of poetry hanghtv sisler has iong rfnce
and romance, he was enjoying his passed ovcr lhe river, where "'tis
first pastorate in Zanesvilie, Ohio. J heart to heart aiul not doilar to
His leading parishoner was nd0nar Hot- brother-in-law died
wealthy manufacturer, whose resi- J onTv a fow woocs .,00. Mr. Web
dence was upon one of the many at also pas?t tho prilllo of nf0j is
hills which surrounded that smoky jmarried a , livCa , Xeenah,
town. The house was about half
a mile out, and the eminence upon .
which it was seated was the one :
referred to in the seng:
'Twas llowery May,
When up the hilly slope we climbftd
Tf TV.ltoli llm rtviinr nf lhr Arwr
And hear the distant church hells
There lived in his family a
younger sister of his wife, and who '
was the loading singer in the choir, j
She was nineteen years of age, j
small of stature, had blue eyes ,
and light brown hair, and was as :
fair as a lily. She was not only h j
sweet singer, .but she was as full
of romance as her pastor, and they t
soon became very much attached.
Their loving did not.howevor,"pros-;
per well," for the family were ,'
proud and aristocratic, and "had 1
higher potions of the girl's future ' roses, and who has so twined hi ra
dian to sanction her marriage with sell around the tendrils of their
a poor preacher." As she was de-: heart that parting without hopo of
pendent on thera for a home, she ' reunion would blast and wither
was forced to j-ield to their conn- their lives.
sol Mr. Webster says ho now He teaches the llaxeu-haired
thinks it wise counsel and the' ' boy, just emerging from the flow
were obliged to give each other er-bestrewed pathway of childhood
up. It was, however, tho strong and entering tho dangerous chan
wlll and proud spirit of the sister, nels of knowledge, as, heart-broken,
more than the opposition of the he clasps his dying mother in his
brother-in-law, that- separated arms, that the promise she whis
them, or rather that kept Lorena pers with her expiring breath (my
from him. Lorena seems to have ' darling we will meet in heaven) is
been passive, indecisive in char-j the infatuation of ignerance: that
acter, and submissive in the hands there is no heaven, and that all her
of her strong-willed sister. Mr. . virtues, when the breath leaves
Webster saw her for the last time ; her, perish forever,
at her home, learned of her sis- Ho teaches tho wife, at the im
ter's unconquerable opposition, . pending death of the father of her
heard his fate, and took a quiet children, when sho offers a grief
but painful farewell, very little be-1 stricken prayer for mercy to her
ing said. That night she wrote ! Creator, that her act is as brainless
him a last letter in which sho used as that of the dog that bays the
the words, so well remembered by j moon.
those familiar with the song:: "If He teaches the husband nnd the
we try we may forget." It was little ones, kneeling around the
eight years afterward that lie bedside in prayer to God that the
wrete: dire calamity of mother's death
smothering his pain by hard study
an(i work. And the onlv sign of'
pajn t.he world ever saw was the
heart-cry in the song of :'Lorena."
In 185G he was residing in Racine, j
"Wis., where he met J. P. Webster, j
!m a m-,nister aud tie editor of
a loeai paper. Boston Slar.
What Ingersoll Teaches
Ho teaches the young mother
lingering over tho lisping prayer
of 1,or first-born, "Now 1 lay me
down to sleep," that the faith of
her childhood, strengthened by the
experience of riper years and a
yirtuous life, is a delusion; that
there is no merciful and responsive
ear to answer the innocent appeal
of her darling,
Ho teaches the family mourning
over the body of the father on
whose brow the everlasting imprint
of death is stamped, that the icy
body soon to be reduced to death
is all that is left of the noblo life
that strewed their pathway with
may be avi-rtvd. that the bavhiiiif
war-whoop of a Ciinmnclif Indian
would be equally si effective and
appropriate a their prnyr.-r inr
He teaches mankind to let go .
the anchorage that makes life bear-
ablo; that in this age and country j i
cultivates and encourages all the
noblo emotions, and is the main
stay of all the moral forces of so-
cietv, and oilers nothing as a sub-:
siuuie tor ms niasimg pnuosopny.
lie teaches the world that the
Sabbath chimes, which for many
centuries in mauv countries have
from ignorance.
rr . . ,
He teaches nis generation that1
there is no hope beyond the grave;
that all that is vital is the body;
that, we are created only to strug
gle and suffer for three score and
ten years; that whether our lives
be glorified by all the vices, a
common and eternal epu!cher
yawns for all. Statesman.
Our Indian Policy. !
Secretary of the Interior Kirk- j
says: 'cl earnestly recommend
two things in case the present
number of reservations shall bo
maintained: First, that existing
reservations, where entirely out of
proportion to the number of In
dians thereon, lie, with the consent
of the Indians, ami upon fair and
just terms, reduced to proper size;
and second, that the titles lo these
diminished reserves be placed by
patent as fully under the protec
tion of the courts as aro tin- titles
of all others of our people to their
land. I would so arrangi that the
Indian father of to-day might have
assurance that his children as well
as himself could have a home. As
an additional inducement for heads
of families to take lajid in severalty
and engage in farming provisions
should be made to aid such of
them as do so in building houses
thereon. Tho sum of $0, care
fully expended by a judicious'
atrent, will enable an Indian on
called chnstian fanuhes to worship, judgment i.r tin- .oinuifesitii.. ,.! jn-l.n.rls'nnTTFizzes made from J STEAMBOAT WOSK I IW In C. u I'urkert bulldln?. oa Bantoo
aro a device of villainy; that the be wise, then tn ircommond the . comiiina-. ir i-i:: hair. Call on or ad-' ,.,,. . stecot, opiMwltp Custom Iloase,
,.i:r. .u.:..i ... .1. 1.:.. : ...-.. ..r ....--.:... n"'.'- ji. I', t srrmff, .... nnrcnv
t:uiiu-i-.i icuiv.-iiiuu in iijv; uiaiiii : uunuL'iui juiun m -.vtT.tii: A.iiau jot-'i.-iii ititu !.::!; saloon, i A-jM-csMty nmUir rtnairliiK '
nf I lr tliritl!)ti fiil nrn nlinrnnl. 1 ,w-rn.ri -w w.ft, llint unit nrnnfirlv ASIOria, U tt,OIS .
:;; r r,y''r . . : ' z J - --- -'-- c ja wtwkv irw. .iAi ...
nouses num. ny wages oxionca ! do iior.f. ami tne reuuciiou 01 tue "'"' ( .. -"' j PHYSICIAN AND SURQEOK
wood'3 report to the FrCMiliMit has TIiu Count Cinclinii was tilB Si.nnish l,''!i,A i.1:""0.!
been completed. The most inter-1 l-l 'wi SoS An d l,v -m i n. Wn ; 1' "' n r Oro"on ,,a,Hc3 a,!(l InsurC5
esting por ton ol it relates to the fr Jo amoHnt an a be secure,.
Indians. After giving a hMory of vian hark or as it callnl !,, th, -fet numlof ndtst1 tS
the peculiarities of th, red in he S VS f AS Z ,wi-"r$ .t,f!'m5
-. ., .. -1 ,. j card-, the linest ever indlfeilv, at the:
many of the reservations with lnsnjjv i;ook .store.
own labor to build a house as com
uuust: u until-
.n o
piea bv manv
1 '
fortable as those occu
of our frontier settlers. If a lib
eral sum were placed in the con
trol ot the Indian oltice every year
to be expended lor this purpose'
exclusively, tin? effect would bej
torrics west of the Mississipi liver
102 reservations, great and small.
... i.i- ,
on which are located, m round
numbers. """-1,UUU Indian-. 1
Tho numbers on the dillerent
reservations vaiy from a few hun
dred to several thousand. There
aro attached to those reservations J
sixty-eight agencies, each with its j
staff of employee?. There are also j
established near them, for tho pro- j
teotioa alike of the. whites andj
Indians, thirty-seven military posts, 1
with larget or smaller garrisons.
The transportation of supplies to
so many and so widely-scattered
agencies and military posts is very
expensive, aud our army is so
small that the garrison at many of
the posts is not suflicient either
.to prevent outbreaks or to sup
press them promptly when they
occur. I am strongly inclined to
believe that if all the Indians west
of the Mississippi were gathered
upon four or five reservations our
Indian affairs could be managed
with greater economy to the Gov-
11 . - I'K, .-!:.. :.. Stopper.. .M'UVl lUMjllenwy I- lit I ..,.-- ,,. oi' --- .. I .-1',. " . .ini.i;.iu..,.,i,
excellent. A wise liberality 111 j an rm-urahle Juhk dis.-.iM.;.r e.,ii-iiinp.: il?-a- ' t-FU AW ...". Astoria, Oregon
this direction would, in my judg- "P21- j13"""'? l"hil troche- do not j ' iEKMAII REFR IIA I L
.' j & jdiMirder the stomach like eoiiyh si rujr,; iii --son. f 1-ii.urtiw.i iej.u iwi.i,
ment, be true economy, there and halloas, but act direct l on Hie in ; , ., r,,,.. ....... Kii
mo now in thp tates and Terri- 1,a.,.ni?1 - 5nrs"fi ! irritasjoi.. KiiVs n'KN "'' i.iaic. ftOTTLF. IJEKU DKl'OT
ate now in tne riau.s aim 11 in r0 l0r .,. asthma, bronchi is. eomihs.! f
imiiiihhiI :i;.il re:itrr Iw.nel't to tlusj
Indian.. In imv tho Facts.
staled a- u existing n- -rvations, '
i revomnni:d ;imt Congress ni
jjsked to en-nte h mimnissioii ofi
tlnee ir fnr eminent citizens to
vif-it during- the next year the res-
ervntnm w-t l" tin .Missisipp
nwr for the purpose of recou,
mending t Omgrcss, if they situ
deem it wise to do so, the conceit-j
tnition of the lniians on four or!
nve largo reservanoiw, to uo select- j
;.. i.nrk nf tin. ioci
in dille.ei.i parts, or the vest,
which I he difiVren J 1 1 ibes shall
be located, and if this shall, in tin
area of others to dimensions pro--
, , '.
port 1011:1 K to tin: uumbiir of In-
dians now located thereon.
Mm-:..., ..-..!.... r..-. o-; Mr 1
I.. ICSefif,' will act' :':.s my a'ent. " All"!
! ...-.1..- ...., i.n :.....:... ..i.i .. ..i.i. .
t'iiii-ir uuiii tin; iiiit-iii'i ifii.i-i- .nnui-
10 is. r.. ovnj;. which vim oc hiii;iii
aiicniicii 10.
.1. SjTII M""-.
spoilt for Oregon :nd Washington tcr- ,
rilory for the oeh'lnr.led Chicajio Wit.
--. :.-.- -
I'rruvaiii Hiltfc.
Ui Europe in 1K2. she introduced tin1
r .Tiv-V 4 -,; wil, r T L l , 1
remcuy in Sipaui, where it v. as a own
under various names, until hummus
called it Cinchona, it! honor of the lad
who nau oroauoi iiH.'iii inui v.hich was
more precious I hanthf oId of the I nea;. ,
To tins da v. after a laji-.e of tv.o hint-
ihi'il :ini fffiv c:m. si-ii!if-. ln 'i-cn
f ns within; to take i.s .Jac... it cIlVclu-
lallvcnrtsamorhid aniu'thc for -Unm-'
Ilillll-N, u ii-ituiiii 11. i- liaiuiiii iimii- "l .
.. 1. .. . .
me -.lomacn. 1; auacj; cm-cssivc nr
of (loo a fever, and di-drny-
fI inn IN'bri
iMHhalik'. li:' nuv.erir.i imnc iitn.-. rie
of the Cinchona f. niv-H-n-d i.i i;..''1:--
l'ertnian Hitters, which are :n cn.-dhe
aminisl malarial fever io-da lie-
mint fim ril fin. !.! I'liin
trial will. on that Hii- i- Jlie
Ordr it
The lVriivinn syrup 1ms eurcil :hou
Minds who weresiuTermn from dy.-rH'ji
Ha. debility, liver eoiiiilainl. lioiK hu
mors, female conndainls. eie. I'amp'n-i
lets free to anvadiire-.-. Selli W.l'uulf
.t Sons. Ito-lon.
--A a mild, bul eiTectital laxatixe. asj
a safe hut sure tonic. bkKul purinVr and ;
yeecKal stri'iisthener. u.-c ICintr offcU;e ;
lllMd. .SeeadvertiMMH.'iu. w j
I Xma., Now Year:., and hirth-dav
-arrm: wixku astoimax i- an
- , , . , . , , ,.
independent nt'W.Npaper,tleftiod wholly
aud solely to the commercial aud malo-j
rial interns of Oregon, and win be s,.nt j
on trial siv months lo an :tdi!io-s nil
the ITniled Slates on receipt of .-t bo.
Acoiih.cohiorMire tlin :i..!.i i -
catarrh, and the throat tronhhs v.hich
singers aud public pea:;or- are i:sjoet i
lo. l-'or thirty year- IJrmvn-. lironcnial
troche.- have been recommended h
pi,v,ieini.s and aluays ive jH-rfee:
1 satisfaction. Having been le-tcd h
wide and constant two for nearlv an e-1
lire ireiii.rjftiniK tfii'V bneii tit-iim-!' u-i'l!
meriuHl rani: amoiw tl.- sV -u.p!e
remeuie-of the ae. sdd at .. cents n
imv nv-nri-wlmrii
. a
King of the Blood
Is not a "nor nil." it u a IdiHM-piiniler.iP.d
tonic. IiiipuntvurtliebliHMiiHii-oiis tlicsj.-s.
tC-m, deranges the oircnlatttiii, and tints In
duces many disorder-, known : tjirterent
nanu-s to ilistiniiWi Ihcai aivontiim to ef
fects, but being really oridtae-ur
that great ta.-m-rie ih-onler. linpiirtt t
Klood. Sudi are 1)11111(1, ItiUhiiuaw,
Ltrtr Complaint, Coiwiljuitiiin.XirriHii -ortlcrx.
Haidachc. Itael.uehr.
weie i.i me oaj.-. 01 me 010 rit,!ii-ii --"i . -....-. iwimi.i, .vi i i, j. jujtjtvi- r Wist IIS ri ills i I r7
Viceroys. We "uanmlee the in-r...f:- -l-Hl and Hin-!.. always rclievins! ur.JbtiflS CBlUClon UU li-a
cuts of the-e hitter- to iv ah.-o:utel;. i -"""cruitf. and otten .-aini life. The.p j GENUINE W08TENH0LM
nest niiier in ll" worni. " l iie pnl 01 i-n-n m m- Kt-pi iim.v. uu
the pudding is in the eali:r'." and we : hand in ever home. No person can
willinqly abide this te-l. l'nr sale hv -slT rd t-. he wilnout it, and lluwewhojp
nil ilnirrU!s. .ntM..-i-am5 liMiiiii-ile:il..i-. 'hai oiee u-etl il never will, l-roiu
''HtpMw.ii"u.Kiiuuiiiiw,FfQsh and Cured ftfteats
Pcx, .ftein.irtKicm. 1'iittirri. .Vn.rii.i,.sV.f wmiww iwi.
intnmcre. I'tinuic.. L'rrrx. .i-t,'fjij;yf ,vf..
Ac. Kins ct the fltootl picreuts and
cures these by attacking the cait.-c. Impuiiu
ofthebloiM. Cheiul-tsaiul i!i.slc:ansaTee
In calling it "the most gcnuini' and erllcient
pn-panithin for the piinwe." So'.il bv Drug
gists, SI iter bottle. See ielhiinni:ds, direc
tions. Re., lu pruuplilct. "Treatise on Diseases
ot Un l"lood." wrapppd around each bottle.
D. BAA rifl. SOX & Co., Prop?.
Buffalo, X .
rumlMieii 'toom to Lei
At r. Mun!iV lodging hou-o.
Want mI.
.A small house, furnished or unfur-l
IhllC!.'. AUOTrtiS Jil-OTK. ASTOniA.V
I'ro Bono j'nblieo.
31. d. Kant. Merchant Tailor has jtiat
ifinrajied th services of a eomieteiit
:cuisaml tallor an(1 w, Suarajeeall
! Karments to suit in style and fit.
Xtir to tln l.nilic
All ieiins mdehtoii to tue late lirm
:if Trt-iiHuird & llmr will ideasficall
at mvuniiv ami sftth' accounts imniedi-1
.!. O. A. Ilowr.nv.
r-Iaorii JystrM.
f Aimthrr iImi led of Kastern Oysters
just iceiMwd at Kosones. nor steamer1
newi. M-id,nt block.
1 ". 7" z zu
- -
A lltinf iitt-l.-fil :m ni:ir llio Pnriiipr.-.
wharf oil of November. Owner'
can have lhe ssuuf b payim: 01100.
Iiniure at (Vntral lintel.
To I.ivo .tin.
whieli from tin- very start In
i,ni..i .j, . ..-.v. iii: - nf
I ' J1" Wtel
M"ln"" .
start has been far
ions of tin most
1" tin- Vioic t5ir.iocy of .litHlicine
. . ; ,
.N" lHi'oar.Uion has ever performed 1
such man clou-, care-., or maintained .so
wWe a lvpatation. n Avr.ifs C'ltnnnv
.v .. .- ......p,...,. .... ..., ,
.......i,iv- . ....... I.- 1 11 .!:-..;,.. r.C 1... i
".- ". ...... ""
mroai. aim juii. us ionj;-cniunici ;
serie-. of wonderful cures in all climates.
Iia- made it universally known as a safe
and tellable aseni t employ. Aainsl
rdinary cold-. yhi-h are lhe forerun-
' lhnal and :-he-.t di-ordeis, makes it an
their hnowied.ueof h com portion audi
eiVeeis. phy.-ician- 11-e the Cninntv
rEcrunvr. eten-velvm their practice. .
,nd eleivmen iceommeml it. It is ,
,ah - .olctelyeeir:u:i 111 it-remedial effects'
: and will :ilwas cure where cures are'
possible. " ' '
kei: .ai.k v .vi.r. oi:ai.i:ik.
'h-n!in.s:.rtnii-iit nt 1 able stock i'i.n.tniiit .
.hi n-uul. sueh a
.. , .. .. , c 11 1-
-Jainir-tl lU'ints iiiid .mmivj
, . ,,, , , T .
Bacon. Hams, bhoulders, Lards
r:(;c;s. iir'rrKis. ,
1 Fresh fruits and Vegetables, of Vt'J.'VS'.S AV1 LKtilOKS.
1 ,'!'. V L-u 1 V i'L
u""Hl- 'muMu L '- jk.Timskks.
( A. STj NH()N & CO..
' j
. ... ...-,........ i
bLAbUbrVll I illNli.
I . . ,. . ! . .. 1 ...- nt fnc'
. ,L iin. iij;'-i- iii -i.miii ii'iiHi ..-
anil i.iH'.n Mrecis
ship and C-umcry work. Horsc-liochipr.
Waitoii- made ami n'palreil. i.'ood work
K. tt.ShiL.
T. V.. ExTrtr
Astona Market i
XVAKKi:r A J..VTOX. l'rojirletoi-n.
f.sH,-vrtfo H"rn a HiGuift
H hole-a'c and Itctail Denier.-' in
A fall hue of
KM!I.V lIKOfKltll'S, Kl.Otri:. KKKIs
TABLl"S, inc.
Gtr Butter, Ksccj. Cheeao, ew. contant!y
on hand.
S3" Ships supplied t the Iottoji rate.
,-...-..... ! JU.APVMTIf liS'XJSKC - , . .NUTAKI X'UiSLrlU,
:! . . , t X.-.-JL..i ArCTIOXEEK. COMJnSSION AND
i .1111 ri'cfi vcit wt steamer Mmuuoia. 1 u s- e ej yJ3&fa&ttil&Fr-x
' j a fuu !6t or eastern oysters, whieli will j Q 11 J 1 V-" j SUB.VXCE AGENT.
1 ut-.-rmii 11 1 111 jii.-m rja- six ii';u wv i j . . 'flf i'l&iai ?: .
! rnrc. (Wiilcnt h!.i.k- ' a.s: r -Jt,ftfa.-S.,AS:
111 nil ;ikiiiii.ti v- nuin, 1 hi- auui-Cda ui
m oioie-iioii it aiionis. :i us iinaav uc 11;
ASTOltLV. - or.EOX.
hn U onrrn lUlonhmn ?hr.n .
i no i iuuci uiaiiiiiic owupj
AH xlll.l HI
1?:lfTT0T' P. && Tff'ff'PV
j -J'w j v&l li 2&IS, L , 1
foot of i.Af.w irrn-: stueet.
npsro.v vti:i:ft. Xfaj: Pakkku Horsn.
VtfTOlilA. - oitEfiO'.
, j- ?T5 1-, ,nr.-n.-r n. -t -
-- -f-'KVvl
I .
I Boiler Work, Steamboat Work,
' and Cannery Work a specialty.
A. I). Ab3. l'reIdent.
J. (S. HCSTLEK, Socretarv.
I. W.'Cvse, Treasurer.
John" Fox, Superlnteadeiit.
. V 7 A "RfT T1TN P
VV AJUAii.iili. JiiilJHX&sL,
Corner XI ain and (hcnHinus .Streets.
ntoADP AMn TflDAPPfi
timAnO fU lUDMObl'i
The Celehmteil
5 and other llncluh Cutlery
JsnuiRO Pleersfiaum Piue3. etc,
nm- m.h-s 01
Vr.tehe and ,?ev.-elr.v. Slussclt au.l
,cei J.oui.inir ?.:t .un ami
t:it:, Revolvers. zlMtols.
. -. .
-:urt Ai:im:iion
, Av-orliuoat of fine STKCTACI.KS and KVE
For Sale.
IVr lit hart. anlock" due at Astoria
March 1st.
? Iflfl Tnn Tin. 1 nipnrarnnek ?hnfph
i .
J Pig Iron.
n t-.. c..i:-i. rr j.. ni.
jj-u iuhs tuyusn ruuuuiy uuru.
350 Tons Best Hard Steam Coal.
OiiRv wm Stkhht. ASTOm.i.
2,', J,w 'ff0"5 ttA " wf'"
I onirw for the
; k M t,,,s Ha- V-1U lronuxly attend-
j etl to.
' f"' .""-Hi-Ill Jlll t-niUl'LVII liL'tTMIHI ai-
; flits 11.3ii;
WM. i;03K. Proprietor.
11. how":.
None but taebct lituor'aRdcisariipa.-,!cil
,-er Ihelinir '
over the bar.
TAIL xiKALl'lt. IN
Gorner. Chenanius and Cass streets. '
-ij:f c-nni inn nii !-rtj:
, fgfjssgggjgsir3 WLAHSKH
D .
' omcc "l ASTOBUN bulldinj
-" Boom No. 2, up;Stahb.
- p o.
Ocoldfnt Hotel BuildliiB.
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Ovfick- Oor the "White House Store.
IU-idkncj: At iti-s. Munson's board In tr
j house, Chenanius street, Astona, Oregon.
SO CRASi. 31. !..
ISomu Xo. a. Astorian Building.
Kksiukxi k Corner of Benton sunt Court
streets, Astoria. Oregon.
I:iijis In AUimi's bulldinc un stairs, eonn
of Uasand Saeniocqhe streets.
ClK-mimas StrcPt. - ASTORIA. ORlU
Q 25. I1A1A & CO.,
Ooorn. IVluilows, BILadK, Tru
Nom, liUHiber, Etc.
All kinds of Oak Lumber. Glass. Boat tt:u
terlnl. etc.
Meant 2HII near A eston hotel. Cor. (Jem.
e lvc and Astor streets.
.1. H. D. GRAY.
Whotesale and retail dealer In.
Kay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc
(loucnil storage and Wharlage on i"PJWon
able terms. Font of Benton .street. Astortn
Take Notice.
John Rogers, Central Market,
Has received a largo invoice of
of the best qualitj.
And is now ready to supply Butchers Can
nories and all others, cheap tor cash.
.We arc coiutnntly receiving new additions
lo our stock and have the and
largest aortment of variety
goods tn tho city.
Combs. Brushes,
Stationery, Frames,
Celluloid Goods
All our good, are marked In plain figure
Call ami examine quality and note prices.
Wilson & Fisher
Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared
Rubber Packing.
Which will be exchanged for conntry pro
duce or sold at lowest prices.
Corner Chenanius and Hamilton Streets
Mrs. P. M. Williamson,
Ail hinds or
Comer of Cass and Jefferson streets, Astoria
"Stamplns and Dress Making done to
ordeTr '- - ?: