w BaMBQaaBHBBwaBwegaHJauJlLJJllC8eargaBwJl, iwptwb vmm gftc gailg siarintu ASTOKIA. OREGON: SATURDAY NOV. . 1831 J Have any of our readers iecn a copy of the indictment of Gui- iteau? Lt is unique, and for ver-j Ibositv and exuberance of leiral jnSCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. BEWARE OF H. PAGE. phraseology is unequalled. Here .If J3L J. F. H.VLLOU.VX. Editor. s a portien: "The said Charles J. Journalistic Statistics. off to, against and upon the said .Tames A. Garfield, and that the said Charles .T. Guiteau, with the leaden bullet aforesaid, then and there by the force of the- gun powder aforesaid, by the said Charles J. Guiteau discharged and shot off as aforesaid, then and there feloniously, willfully and of his malice aforethought, did strike, penetrate and wound him, the said James A. Garfield, in and upon the right of the back of him, the said James A. Garfield. Fkosi Montreal comes the news that the Pope contemplates leav ing Rome to take up his residence in Malta, as it i alleged ihe Ital ian government does not afford him required protection. His Holiness would hardly go to Malta, which is an English dependency; if he did move, it would probably be to Genoa or southern France. In the census returns for 1880 are included many specialties of which fuller and completer returns are given than in former decades. In the matter of newspaper statis tics, Dexter Xorth, to whom Supt, "Walker assigned that branch of census service, prepares a most exhaustive tabulation of figures referring to the growth and ex tent of publications. Of all publications issued in the United States there are, including maga zines, 11,-llS, W which 9S2 are published daily, 8,725 weekly, and the remainder emi-weekly, tri weekby, bi-weekly, monthly, semi monthly, and tri-monthly. XeAv York takes the lead with 1,412, and Illinois, with her 1,032, is the next most enterprising state, hav ing outstripped Pennsylvania, which used to rival New York, and now issues 930; Ohio has 777; Massachusetts ha- 432: Indiana, 474: Iowa, ."S3; Missouri, o31; Michigan, 4G0; California, 3G4; The other states vary from the 1)7 of Nevada up. All the Territories have their paper, even the Indian Territory has 3; Idaho, S: Wyom ing, 10; and Arizona, 17. These are divided into about twenty dif ferent classes. News, politics and family reading are confined to S,55G; religion, ."i?2; agriculture, 1G2; commerce and finance, 143; there are 1GG trade journals, il devoted to insurance and railroads; 145 magazines and periodicals, composed of general literature: 247 Sunday ncivspapers; medicine and surgery have 111 organs; law, 44; science and mechanics, 73; education, 23; art, society, music and fashion, 72; college and . school papers number 219; chil dren's magazines and Sunday school papers, 192; Freemasonry, Odd Fellowship, and temperance, T4fi; illustrated publications mini berj512; 49G conn under the head of jniscellaneoub, and of the - vhole"10,G19 are printed in English and 7G9 in foreign languages. Of the latter class thr Germans have GOo publicatiens: the French lol- i lows with 3u: there are three news papers in the Indian language, with a circulation of 4,3S."; the Chinese have two weeklies, with a circulation of J, 050: the Poles have two, Mipported by 5,000 of their race: the Welch have five, with a circulation of lil.SSO; the Bohemians have fifteen, subscribed - to by 2.5,150: and the Portuguese' find circulation for 10,300 copies j of their two papets. The Span- j HOLID A Y GOODS. iatds have twenty-six newspapers,! nupportpd by 02,830 readers; the? am.thi: t.A'iKst Svede, who, to the number of! 78,130, subscribe to the twentv- TetuumfittmuiuNtiuiiiuiiiuivti two periodicals; tlu Dutch have -ps, i -n i s- j -r:- j q 5 nine papers, with 11,075 subscrib- i -D V J J J j j O 5 nrs; the Italians four,read by 0,000; j u?umHtMOMuiuiuiKUM2MMufrx&i the Norwegians fifteen, with 44,470 i supporters, and there is also one! in ai.L'IHi: aiouss'1YI.i:s. Irish and one Catalan journal.' Out of the 52 religious publica tions 114 are unsectarian: the SWINDLED! & age & All JlN-OftJ-tOHl TO K. 5. l.l:KN.) Guiteau, with a certain pistol of! the value of 5, then and there charged with gunpowder and one leaden bullet, which said pistol he. the said Charles J. Guiteau, in his right hand then and there had and held, then and there feloniously, FALSE PRETENCES willfully and of his malice afore- v. heap. trj-h nn:iati a.rf..i j ClivOOl'-Sf thought, did discharge and shoot p(n!CT)I!n nmiafio'il fr .Ma'.'. '. w - ,....;.., U- t;i;.n.M: DiMepiimltlciurlk, ar.-offniijj nntHlie! under , WlH!rsalf JOI.1 l-tall d.toVls lu" Geo ,W. Hume Wholesale and Retail Dealer iC 'mi-" 3myi ilK G-JRO OE RI E 8. ! ;Mj!p, - ?C3&H - - ' eRHgy$ k smgyyigR.. -os UKVLtnt IN Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Oct oral Assoitiacnt of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magcc Stoves and Ranges Tin? Best In the market. l'lambm e,ooib.of all kinds on band. Job work done in a uoikmanlike manner. iI-'-ir-T- rt-i -i- r I -m-v i-vv-i (.L I U V L1U1I, LJlllliUOl , I L'OIcM:K OF aiAIX.A.Vl) JRFFERROX STREETS. uSuSTOXA. - WRES-SOIC. scotch Tvarxxsiz- hen vmi bu sec lb:it IV :nin-s of FI.Vl.AYssOX, U(L'SF2I-:i.X . '.. lolui Stoue. Scotland. oi- .. it. i.r.wa ct . 1 to-, to II. An-' -.i-h pakwR. NKVllJ.r & CO., As'Jils. San Francisco. ETC.. ETC.. ETC. ' KfoheniMMis and (Jaiuiftry sop;plsies A SPECIALTY. c. i.Hi.VKMvitr.Ki:. hii:aa! unr.w IS-rAIILi-IIHIi JMT.. Tiik proposed new State of Dakota comprises the southern half of the Territory with an area of ?f,000 square miles. Ti said that President Arthur's message will have a suggestion in it favor ing the admission. "Hkavex trims our lamps while we sleep,'' says a poetic exchange. Not much, it doesn't; least way not in this burg. Leinenweber & C)o., ASTORIA. OKECOX, TAMERS AM CDRRIERS, A Mannfnctiirors am! iuimri. nt 1.1. KIND OK Glass and Piaied Ware. ii:iMiv.i .vj i.iM.-.iif i I FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.; i l.Hjriiui y.i!b ; San Jose Fruit Packing Company. Wines, Idqnois, Tolmcco a Cigars i VNI,THE Hm B'raiicisa) OlitMiiical vartKJs, v . 15.,- AURiJV FOi: THE tsvs Cr "" xl -. w- a4s Seruvrzrrz-A'. i. ST-SSS.-. 4 0 & -'' I Tin- IniKVNt .iml ui'-t i-ii4itr s:'l. ni tiol Initu-ir itiif :i ! tViiu.l in nil -Hy. NEW TO-DAY. -! " A CITY 'election soon' to taki: 1m.ace xek!) not :auk you to fokoet that AND KIXJ11NS Vinciali' l)fn!cr5ii OIL AND TALLOW. MANTFACTl Kl'.HS l)F BOOTS jukI S HO KM ctTllilifM i-.isli irnc I'Uiil U.i Hm!.s .iml n jii.iu -I O.K. Wauiua. T. I:t.ii Astoria Market ! 0K. Clir.XAMU.N A: IIAMII.'ION ST. aSTokia. - - im:i::o t WWtltV.S &. i:A'rIrupriit4rx. (SuftfiMrfi irir. J Mitiulrr'. Wiii.le-aio im J Kstai! Doalois in Fresh and Cured rVJeats A lull lint- of FAMILY CKOOKKH-S Fl-OFi:. FKHD WAY. CANNED FKUIT. YEflK- TAULKS. CTC. utr Dutlor, Fees, 'Jliteiie, otr. oon-tnntly on band. titT Ship riupiilieJ At tbcluwest rato. .mvkus 1 1 ni:si i.s mhk imo Harness and Saddles. ConuT of Ckn anil SiiUf hmmvjIii Jnvl ASTOKIA. OKIICON. 9, ' . r. : w-tr. '- "?r! N rC rftoiir s Irish mi mmu: Salmon BTet Twine.! Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, aii sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flan and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. ASTOKIA - - - OUF.G0N. SAW FRANCISCO I National Brewery Beer Depot. i max w.vcxni: - - agent AS! OKI A. OKHTJOX. Is iiiiMtart'it nov. tnilolIVLT l'cr ift hUous-tmii-r in tin cit v?!tli liibiiwiii'f'ineyanco. IT IS GUAUANTEKO THAT THIS BEEK WILL NEYEll SOUR. CAN IJE KEPT FOU ANY I.ENC.TH OF TFME. THE, ASTORIAN steam; printing house LIAS THE FAXTIJST AXJ) VEST PJlSSfiSy AXDiTYl'E OF THE LA TEST STYLES. BARBOUR BROTHERS .III ."Market Street. M" Krntieifcro HENRY DOYLE & Co.. MnnaseM. T nnnnM- HAS A LAUGH AND CONSTANTLY IN CKHASING STOCK OF Ami v. Ill lil iiiiiitInlM-iUTU:i:lH-:ti-cr r.itc-. iiiuu :iuy otltr-r i:iii In Oin:iii. A lull line ol WlitpM. Curry uiIim. etc.. on Imtiil. Nenci: is nj:i:i:r. i.iyi:n that v liieolii::;!! ttocklinlitiTMif Ili hi-amli-ii:i::iii lckui;t'ii. ill Ih IieM i TupmI.iv. l)-f. J3tli..nt a A. Al.. .1: lit. iilf of :uil eomiant fiirllie iniH.eof ehvinmnUiMnl of iJin't'lor fm the ensuing u;r. :iinl llio tran-snetlim f Mich ihIut Ihimih : ma eoiiie liefoie Hip iiieetiiiK. I. rtnler ut tin l'ivitt-nt II l,Llll.N.vi'L-r. Ljijkt Alna. Nov. '11. ItM. ildl Masonic Land and Building Asso ciation Notice. vroiirii is iii:i:f.i: i:iin ihai i. Lx annual inert tux of the (kKIioMcino! the .M:uouic Juitl ami I'ltihliu AH'i-i;itioii of Astori.1, will 1 hi'M :itlheiiivnl Gentle Flael. 111 Astoria on WoIsioiIjin, tltei'lst of Deccmlier. lvl.at oVloo I. .M.. for the t)iirjxvof I'lertlnaa 1mu:.I of Uioctors for Uieeiisinn"e:ir,(consMiiu$iif leM'ii inoni-bei-.)und for the transaction or m-h othr-i liisines :ii m.i 1 uire liefore tti liiii-imtf. i:y unli-r of lii i:u.ml of JJhecior. il-DOJ S.'l M.'KCAN. Si M-A J O L I C A, Methodists publish To, the largest: number of any one sect; the Bap 'HtisVs 73; the Roman Catholics, G7; Ihe Episcopalians, 32; the Presby terians, 30; the other sects pub lish from two to 27; even the -Plunkards have three; the Spirit ualists and Mormons six each; the Shakers have only one, pub- J Kshed in New York. The annual product in dollars of these 11,418 publications amounts to S7,441,- 132 22, of which the dailies have ' $42750,034 03, and the weeklies and others 44,001,09310. The PLAQUE, BIJOUTERIE: In every stjle and finest qualli. vC &&s??s:ssy&- 'a " "1 14 TS 12 il T9 .-vKf.-gyy4gg; r?3? S 53 - sic i-'oi:-UNI0N INDIA RUBBER GO'S l'tire I'.int itiii l'riern per Itarrel or Tliirlj- bullous JsS 00 Lcsk Quantities per Thirtj Watlons i) OO One 3 (Gallon Kej: .... I ."50 SSentl in onr onlers. MAN WAGXKR, Vt the Great IListeru, RuhLer Boots and Coats. i'.iavauk or i.mittion l5-rr Hit UooLs are stamped CliAt'lC I'lUKir on the herts.anil li.itetlie PVUll fit'M Sl'JUXGS on the fiMt and mMon, uliirli iir.'xents their orru'kmt; or laeaktiiR. Tiii'.v will last tv. ice as Ion;; as .ui others maiiiifaftured. fei: ALK i:y all di:alki:. ALL KINDS KL'ltltCU ltlil.TIXG. 1'ACK-j ,. , ., , .. ini:. iiose. spkings. cloihim:. !Hats. Bonnets. Tninnungs, nri i :: t New and Choice MILLINERY, liesiie-i tuc.ill the. it trillion .f iht L.ntie of Astnru to the fsct thai she ha. leccived alnrue assort nionl of the L VTlLVi' MTVLr'M r' 1JOOTS AND SH01. F.I.-. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. u. ii.rnsi:..ir. S.LUU'NYON. AiMits.San FKincLun. jrLisEcz7r goods, Coru.T Alaiti and Sijuemoqhe Streets. HOLMAN'S PAD.! l IM HOSJITAL, rui: tin: ASTORIA, - - OltEGON milLS INSTITl TION, I MKK CARE OF Summons. TN THE CIRCCrr COURT OF TIIL Man defendant, To the above named defendant 'William ; State of Ore of Oreiroii. foi ClaLOD Conntv. A.. E. Huston, plaintiff, v. William lIit-ton. E INDORSED BY ?HYSiCA?, OLERGYKEPJ, A8D THE AFFL1GYS3 EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE'. SYMPTOMS OF A TOUPID LIVER, Loss ofappBttto.ITnusea.bowelscofltivo, tne back part. Pain uncler the shoulder- I Blade, fullness af ter"ea ting, -with aliTsrn- cbnation to oxertlon of body or ruing. uf mernory. witli a feeling oYhavlng neg lected aoniejlutyjjcyreariaeaa. Dizzineaa, I'luttering of tlio Heart, DbtBb"eforo tho ayea7YeIlow akin. HeadlCbhe, K estlesa- ness at night, highly oolored Urine. t t n- k .. jCtJ. t i iKB 'h .MrvW T1--UE MARK. .I..-. L?. . nf llLnMH .. ..i. ..nr... -.... Ss t t 1 A II I -- HI iJllO "l .4IU4llJtIS ul H.UU) 1V1 T U M A U H . ! the recei.lion of patients. 1 vinuii Pihate riH.nis for the ncciinuiodutlou of y-. ' anvdesinnn them. S - l-itl.mtc-iilmiltf.l .it -ill linnis. ilnv f.i-ttl.'tir. T. 1 XT Ti1 I Vii tihsioi:tn ha p1umi ilcrlit. eierv ft , patient L- fne to and has the privilege of t t t.tiiii!.in?anv puysictan taey preier 1 US' V- pmcha-sH I'apf-r, C:tid,Iuk. and oiln-r niaterlals of the manufacturer. -t Xox-srest KDsi&lx jEtiitOiE, And ran thiTtf.ae atfoiit to n-.-. as - alivaxs .!.. tin- ht-st :n titles, while ihar;lnj: 33?Cr.X4"S' lVS:OX:33E.rf&.'r3?:E3 jRlEtXOEJS. Gards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE KVKKY DA.Y WAIs'TS OF THK COUNTING ROOM ANO TflK ytOHK. SHOP AKE SUFPIilBD AT PRICKS VHIOH-(JAN-N'OT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE ASTORIA", KIDXEYS. In :dl eases or hllliousni-w and malaria in every foi m. a pre; entative and cure of chills, fever and dumb asme. Dr. Holman's Fad is a perfect success. And for dyspepsia, sick headache and nen-ous prostration, as the pad is applied over the pit of the stomach, thejireat nervous centei.lt annihilates the disease at once. It remilates the liver and .stoin.:h vi suc cessfully that digestion heconu-s perfect. Prof. 1). A. Loomis says : "It is nearer a universal panacea than'anv tiling in medi cine." This is done on the principle of ab sorption, of which Dr. Holman's Pad is the only tnie eionent. For all kidney troubles, list- Dr. Holman's llenal or KIdncv Pad. the best remedr in the world and recommended by the incdleal ( liu-iiiiy. , 1 a e ware 01 uogus raus. Each genuine Holman's Pad bears the pn- vate revenue stamp of the Holman Pad Co.. :i irnited Stntvs 31arln SiMmeiiwho pav Hospital Dues.aie ontI- tied to Freecjire and attendance at thW lifts- pital durinjc sickness. PenniLs muat be ob- taliu'd for United States 3Liruics at the Cus- torn House. I SiKrnn ok Cii.Mtrrv ! ?:K?5&22tofeii Srf fel fe $ ft. IDA1LY AND WEEKLY; TNTt S. EEZaVXESSTT1. astoria. oih:con DRUGS AND CHEMICALS,! Toilet and Fancy Articles, j PATENT MEDICINES, ETCJ TS 11KSPECTED AND COALMEN DEI) BY ALL KOASITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability dl hours. -prescriptions -arfnlIv conipo"iudedju 1 t Huston : In the name of the Sta .'.vpereentfcfee of receipts from ad-, son. you vertising on rite lormfr is o9.G9, ami the latler -1S.:)1. The per centaje of receipts from subscrip tion is: On the dailies, 4G.21; I with the above trade ntaik printed In rreen. ' -Homeopathic Tinctures and Pellets. ! FOK THK AfERCHANT, 1 uii nuiiu niiuuui 11. , :ij1(i jiumplirev s ftpeeua-s aiso kl-iju .! THE PAPKK KOK THE.COiniEROIAL ilAX, FOK THE FARMER, , FOR THE MECHilNIC, FOR -EVERY PERSON vtweklie and others, 33.79; 178, 1(35,951 pounds of paper was J J ubRdwiu'publishino; these periodi cals during 1880, and the public i .paid, 26,000,000 for news in the game year. answer tne complaint or tne above named j piauiiia luea against you miiieauovc enti tled suit, in the above entitle court, on or before the first day of the nest term of said court, which will be on Tuesday, the Sd day of January. 1&S2. If you fail to so nppenr and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, whicn is a decree dis solving the bonds or matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff ami lAfnHnnr Tli5 commons is Tiithlfchprt liv virtue of an order made by his Honor, ltal- ' SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SO OH EE DEVELOPED. TUTF8 FILLS aro cspeclallyadaptedto iuchcosesyon.Mlono effects sueltccliange of feeling as to astontih the sufferer. They Icrrenae tti Apisllte, ami cacie tha body to Tsxtcc on FIrali. Urns the system U auRrilpd.and by thrirTniiJe Adlonon the I)lCftlTv Orcant, llcrnlur Kloot are pr 1 dnced. Price 2 centi. C5 SlurrRy St.. Jt.Y. FOTi5: ifV Yt on the J5th day of November. 1881. :!, v K by a uia... .xt,luict,u., lt lh.s .,yK. :. O. n. r LUiy. 1 .,.- is a natural color. u : JiuUniautwL- .- 42-dCt-Fr Attorney for Plaiutiu. i j'firj?e:;t",urscuuivu:KMcurMri, . Office, 35 Murray St., Hew York. .-m . I 1. !. -I..ln. AnnA I wj s- ...v-...j w., .w. t w arraaiy uec-is, 4U11. vuui" ct-u 1 - D,. tcrrs xascil cr ruiuvu- itbnuun i 'ft and mortgages, for sale at this office. ma mmsu u tiwi rcuu . pjiitiUB.j For Sale by al! Druggists. XJ&XIaXJS'Gc. Dr.llolmau-.adviccisfn. tt.ll treaty. CLEANING Olid REPAIRING THr.roadwav.Xew Voik UEOUtJI'. LOVETT, I. (. box ill" 1 ' .Main Street, opposite y.grLb'j. G. A. STINSON & CO.. 1 BLACKSfWlTHING. At C'apt. Hogers old sta:id. comer of Cavj and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing, wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. FARM AND TIMBER LAND. 333 ACHES. ! Kasl j of Hubbard claim on the "Walluski for sale. Six miles irnm ipwn ovaier . countv road. 'Inquire of GEI.O t. PARKEK, oratthisoflice. " Warrantee deeds at The Astoria office. ftAILY ASTOniXS TEUaifei: BY. MAI. (postage frei: to aix .sunscnir.ER.s: DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR 1 S9 00 DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS ; 00 fi5"Samplc copies of either edition 10 eenti. ' Address : J. IV UAJiLOItAX & Co. Publishers, -Astoria, Oregon B5"Postmasters are authorl7.ed to act as agents lor The Astoriax.