m ygyeyw ;uw tg AiJiMfcJCsaaB iepgL jj. mbuuh Rh WM.n.nimw.rti'iTa Jgfte S'ftalJi stafcm. ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY- NOV. 21, 1881 J. T. HALLOUAN. Editor. Tliauksgmnsj Da-. Thanksgiving day, and from thousands of American homes go up fervent thanks for blessings en- home; and in all the last years the The Worth of Lire. In a recent sermon by Darid Swing, of Chicago, ho said: "If the grave is the end, then the march of man, otherwise made with flying banners, and with rich caparison, and with victories as sured for to-morrow, becomes a funeral march before we have journeyed far from our childhood Trade, there was soundness in their !- AIISCE L.L ANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. joyed, for dangers averted and for a future full of fair promise. The sunshine that irradiates all na ture as we write, falls not more rently to the earth than do the thousand little unnoticed blessings into our daily lives. Those bles sings are to the current of our ex istence what the color is to the flower, beautifying and permeat ing its every part, and whatever may be the lot we individually are east in, there must certainty be much for which Ave can be thank' ful. Though loved ones perish, storms overwhelm, and disasters threaten, yet every cloud carries with it the elements that make the lainbow, and though infinite toil can not disperse a mist, yet we can rise to a higher plane of thought and action and from loftier heights of calm endurance look down without pain at the gray shroud that wraps the past. This is a day of family reunion, f social cheer and joyous fellowship, and is national in its observance. It has become the distinctive American feast, but as yet it is al most without traditions, and con sequently, without a literature of its own, such as attaches to Christ mas. Tn its associations there is little for the imagination to in dulge in; the very origin of the dav having something of the hard realityof pioneer life. But, like Christmas, the occasion has feat ures and surroundings which po etry may sometimes soften into song, and custom invest with pe culiar attractions and :i softened tinge of romantic attributes. If we inquire into the history of Thanksgiving Day the story will prove a meager one, its celebra tion being generally traced back tol he, first harvest of the Plvm- outhlColonv. ll was in Decern herlfeO that 'A band of exiles mooted their baik On the w ilcl Xew England shore." With the warmth of summer came smiling fields and in autumn came a-harvest of golden grain. Then it was that the heart of the settler turned instinctively to God in the spirit of thankfulness, and old (Jrovei nor Bradford bent four men into the woods to sean-li for game that there might he a day of spe rial tejoicing. In tliis fact is probably the ex planation of the turkey becoming the emblem of Thanksgiving. Al though history is silent on this - point it is to be assumed that it was these wild birds of the forest which served for tiie first Thanks giving dinner of the Pilgrim Fath--rs. This gallinaceous fowl was eonsequently domesticated that it might become a part of every Thanksgiving, and .it follows as naturally that every American eats tuikcy on Thanksgiving" Day a that h observes the day itself. The first- National Thanksgiving flags must be furled and their stalls pointed downward, and the music must be hushed into muffled drums. Follow education and law and a powerful will and lofty ideals as our youth may, many of them die in early life, and many live long, only to fail of finding anywhere the smile of their Father in Heav en. If we must limit this human experiment to this brief earth, then our logic fails, and all our olo quence must turn into a lamenta tion, to end with the sad werds: He is dead. Given such a sudden termination of the human career, and all logic and rhetoric fail. The lips of preacher and orator and thinker, the aspirations and hopes of man, grow silent in an ticipation of that perpetual silence just at hand." advice. Tho lois now of three cargoes A of grain and tho wreck of the sev real vessels prove it. The fact that the largest vessels, and ospnrially ! wooden vessels, tin not, cannot ' "" come, testifies K tho-same. The difference of nine cents per bushel, or 4.00 per cargo, on wheat be tween San Francisco and the Co-1 lumbia river show it. The one to four weeks detention of ships now ' Iving in our harbor, waiting for an t iW"N. c. u page. I w Geo.W.Hiime Il6H Wholesale and Retail Dealer (.WtrCKSSrtRS TO K. S. T.A1WKN.) 'tuilik':ia r.TftU dmlfn in Fa.ofi:ins 5& XKZanfg -PSA i JXXA V '.ill J W. All CI, . t$lg-EBg3gff.-s I '" rnl,inSRohr PKMVKs 1N Tin. Sheet iron and Copper Ware. tin rial Assortment oi HOUSEHOLD GOODS. AKt'iit for jla'ec Stoves and Ranges Scotch Immigration. Alex Sixcla.ii:, editor of the Glasgow Herald, who lias been making an extensive tour of the United States, going as far west as the Rocky Mountains, says the desire to emigrate from Scotland to the United States is greater oppoitnniry to yet to sea; the long detention of vessels outside demonstrates the same. W- may say the wind failed at the critical moment; the piioL should not have cssaved a crossing in the night thus, or without a tug, or when Hhero was a swell on, or the tugs are too small logo against the swell: but these are all based on the premise that there is dan ger, an obstruction in the way which should be avoided, and if some of these "ifs" had been fol lowed, trouble and disaster would not have occurred. That obstruc tion consists of two shallow, tor tuous channels with shoals between and around at the entrance to the Columbia. Jn the channels the water flows in opposite directions much of the time, and the tides set over the sands instead of between them, so that vessels cannot drift in or out on the current. Combine tho two channels and there would be a straight and deeD channel through which a vessel could be &afelv ZroGBrsedj Provisions. Lumber KTC. ETC.. KTC. in tln market. nil kinds on hand. Job work done in :i workmanlike, manner. ' (JOK.tr.lt OF 3!AIX.AXI .ir.FFEKSOX STREETS, gsass3 Z-iiarr-. FroviSionSi M.. ; Fifthermens and Cannery C?oekery' SUPPLIES W I: O Glass and Plated Ware,! TltOIMC.U .NP DOMfS-tir A. SPECIALTY AGKNT for tiik FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.! TAKrthcr uiiii San Jose Fruit Packing Company. WiBeUiporsJokcolCipKj AN,) THE .San Francisco Chemical wooers, than formerly, especialh among the better class of fanners men and without delay taken by wind who have a little money. There is growing up a feeling of inde pendence, a desire to own land for themselves, that pervades all the members of the Scottish farming communitity, due in part to the land law agitation, to increasing enterprise and to the fact that American beef and dairy prodncts have become their rivals. The Columbia Bar. Astoria, Now -21, ism : Mil. Kditoi:: Different people express them selves differently. Some say the Edith Lome was lost because she did not take a tow. They forger the Dilharre that went ashore with two tugs holding her; the bark Rival, a small light vessel that parted or slipped the tug's hawser; the ship Nimbus that reached the sea but sunk in the ocean a few hours after from the. -effects of bumping as she crossed the bar; the bark Pilgrim, that bumped at the same time going out and went into San Francisco for repairs, and tho Aberystwith Castle which also bumped but continued on her voyage; the steamer Ajax that knocked her rudder post off; the steamer Great Republic a total loss; the thumps that the present San Francisco steamers get in crossing but which are not pub lished in the papers. Some say that the tugs aie nor powerful enough. What has that to do with the striking of steam ships? What" had it to do or steam; and on the current of which a. vessel without either pro pelling power would have an even hauce to be borne in or out to 1 laces of safety. Col. Gillespie estimated the cot of the work at $430,000. The wheat to pa& out this year is esti mated at o05,000 tons which at & per ton extra fonts up 015,000, or double the amount on one year of the permanent improvement. One favorable point in the im provement would be thaMio portion would depend cpi the completion of the whole to become effective. Every foot of the dyke would do good whether the whole work was ever completed or not. The hirptst ami most pniplrl stek of! titunU In ittclr Jim : be found In the city, j Comer or Cass and Suemocihe Si i eels. ASTORIA. OKliGON. t I c 1 0 S ' SHfe?-'' .-JOB I Fmiitf ina ASTOKIA OltKOON. Oi:i.i:viit. lm: butteau larcc still goes on at Washington. On Tuesday Seo ville opened for the -'defense,'' and gave a biography of the wretch, who frequently interrupted his counsel and appeared through out to enjoy the notoriety that he has attained. Jle keep up the insanity dodge pretty well, and it's within the limits of possibility that some dolt on the jury may make a mess of the verdict. 9. IRISH FLAX TllRRJDSi Salmon Set Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, aii sizes. Seines ftlade to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS THE ASTORIAJS" STEAM PRINTING HOUSE i i ! For the benefit of thoe ladies that have aithi t lie openm? ol certain new Koods CAlil, ADLEli Informs us that ieen waiting t he oneninsof. certain new lie will open Friday forenoon the finest jiajouen. .amniaymorn- ! Mccnrtinnnt nf Wf T Sit 3larki Street. Sau r'rniu'im-o j a ncat htoclc oC .Japanese goods; in HENRY DOYLE & Co.. l4iiws-rv. -ASK FOU- th'e afternoon Apliquets Work, Patterns for Kmbroiderv. etc.. also a lame varic- ty of jjlass heaus.sheii beads pe" ueaiw j and heads of all kinds. Monday, Tue-- UNION day and Wednesday 1 w ill open one of NEW TO-DAY. MAKKS IT KIHST Cla.SS MOt K I.VlO Harness and Saddles. Ami will 111 nu out hilolti-i iIia:uIc1u:iii er rails than ::y ntlici man in (iivgoii. owned bv one of the owneis in the tugs? What had it to do with the strikinir of the three vessels that with ' -- tuil "" "f ',,,I. C'sirrji Cutuits. 1 ..f. ftfl It'ltlll. the bark Kival, a small coaster and - Mni. nnnnrn Pn,o the finest, Iarpest and host stocks of sil rtUIA nUDDtn uuo vcr Ware eer brought here, every piece warranted and sold at manracrturers lnee. uespeetiuny. AIUi .Ul.iU. HAS THE FASTEST AND BEST J'JiESSES, AiYlt'TWE OF THE LATEST STYLES. as - Urv" V jtiiii-liftx- 1'apPi-. (Y.id'i. Ink, suil ttlir niiitoil.il': of tho i)iniuifnrimM m I'nrc I'jra tjinn Rubber Boots and Coats. r.r.WAtti: of imitation : r.o siiio tltt Hoot8; ato "it.iiiipoit CllACX PlinOF on tlie lipeU.and liavctlic VITREI tTM Sl'RIXQs on the fnoj. ami instep, whit li prorcnts their cracking or hioaklnR. Tlicv will lattwie af lon its :tn otln-rs iiKin'nfnctuix'il. FOIt SAI.K 11 Y ALL HK.VI.KUS. ALL KINDS KLT.HKK UKLTIXO. TAtJK- IXC, IIOSK, SWriXGS. CI.OTlllXi:, BOOTS AXIl SIIOKS. Kto GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. IMI. n:.VSK.Jr. s.3i.itt;xYox. A;cnt s.Han Francisco. HOLMAN'S PAD. fllPi pi ochunation was issued hy George struck at the time the Nimbus Washington of truthful memorv. I sank, loaded with jrrain? Power on the first of Januat y 1795, re- ' commending "all societies and de nominations, all citizens of the United States to meet together and render sincere and hearty thank to the Great Ruler of Na ture for his signal and manifold m ere" es." This proclamation named February 19th as the day of public Thanksgiving: it was is sued to 4,000,000 people, on a lit tle strip of Atlantic sea coast. To day, from Maine to Mexico, from the sunlit waters of the Southern Gulf to San Juan de Fuca straits half a hundred million -people 'Praise God from whom all bless ings flow," and hold a joyous anni versary. "Lieut. Berry reports from St. Lawrence Bay proceedings to Her ald Island, and making search for traces of the Jeannette, but with out success. in tugs cannot put water under a ship's bottom. Ship owners will say that vessels drawing over seventeen feet of water should not come to the Columbia river. The bar pilots formerly' said that it was not safe for vessels drawing over eighteen feet to cross, but it was met with the statement that the tugs were light. The Portland Board of Trade issued circulars to the world that vessels should not come drawing over eighteen to nineteen feet, but it was said, one of the board was interested in small vessels, and the whole board in having only such vessels come to the Columbia j river as could ascend to Portland. The trouble is with the bar the entrance to 'the Columbia river. Whatever selfish interests may have been entertained by the pilots and the Pprtland Board of .LA nipotln of .stockholder ot ilu SraiuU- nuwan racking t. will be ltcnl on rmS4l:t. Dec. j:;ui,:u i . at., a;, uu wiicc hi vaiu eonipanv, for the purpose of olectlns a llnar! of Directors fot the ensuing jear. anil t lie transaction of siiHi other business as may come 1 fore the meelln. Jly onlerot ihe Fre-blcnt. II. FLA'lir.Sicretaiy. L"pHr Astniia. Xo.22,Ul. llil Masonic Land and Building Asso ciation Notice. XfOTU'E IS HERKIiY OIVKX Tll.vr the i.1 annual mcctlii; of the stockholders of the Masonic L:iud ami HuihlinK Association of Astoria, will be held atlheolileeof Ceorpte Flael. in Astoria cm Werfncsdav. the 2lst of December. Kl, at o'clock F.'M., for the punose of electing a board of dire tors for the ensulucjear, (consisting of seven mem bers) and for the transaction of such other business as nmv come before the meeting. Hy order of the Hoard of Directors. rt-:d S. T. .MeK 1LVX. Sec, GERMAKIA BEER HALL AXI IJOTTLK RKKR DKi'OT. Oh s-Aiirs Stri I.T. ASTOltl l. The Jicst or Layer 5 Cts. a Gloss Orders for the fh) rei: Tin: JtO TRADK 1IKC. STOMACH, LIVER, j AM 'kidneys. And can theiefore attiud to u-e. as we uluas do. Hie besi lullcles. while fhaigliif: OKTX.1T 2l3:030aS23BL-a.r!,3S3 PHIOSS. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. ! HOSPITAL, THE KVEKY DAY YANTH OI? THK UOUSTINO ROOM AND TMK WOR1CSHOP ARE Siri'I'LlHD AT VltLUKS WHICH CAN- NOT BUT GITE SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE ASTORIM, ui all cases of billiousness and malaria in every foim. ni)reventatlc and cun or chills, fever ami dumb acne, Dr. Ilolman'.s Pad is a perfect .success. And for dysjiepssa. .sick headache and nervotK prostration, as the jiad is applied oer tlivpit of the stomach, the great nervous ceutei.it annihilates the disease al once. It regulates the licr and -nom.tcli so suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. ASTORIA, OREGON miiis iNsrirnrioN UMinn caim: of JL the Sisteis of Chanty, is now ready for the reception of patients. Priinte rooms for the. accommodation of anv desiring them. Patientsadmittcdatallhours.day or night. No phMcian-has eclu.sic-right. oerv patient Is free to and has the prU ilego of einplojingany plixsjclan they prefer. I'nited StntrH 3Iarino I Seamen who ia Hospital Dues.aiv enti- 5Ji!s'ias; t DAILY AND WEEKLY) TroL I). A. Loonus says : "It Ls nearer a tied to Free cure and attendance at thUlios universal panacea than mi) thing in mcdi-jpital during sickness Pennits must be ob cine." Tills Is done on the principle of ab- tallied for United Mates Marines at tho Cus sorption, of which Dr. Holman's iad U the torn lioue. I only tnie exponent. Sistkus ok Chawtv i TS UKSlK?Ti:i AfD COMMENDED IJY ALL FOPSia'S Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability For all kidney troubles, use Dr. Holman's llenal or Kidney Fad, the best remedy in the world and recommended bv the medical facultv. Beware of Bogus Pads. Each genuine Holman's Fad bears the pri- i vate reenue stamp of the Holir.au Fad Co.. ( with the above trade mail; printed in green. 1 Tint tti it tiis.i.fr : 4J tIl4V ltllllUUl II For Sale by all Druggists. Full treaU-e -WTa E. rtEIWCE:! ASTORIA. OK CO ON Celeljratefl ColmnMa Brewery U a D33JbJJbi. Dr. Holman's adice is free, sent free on applieatieu: Aiiuress : HOI.3IAX FAD CO. 711 Krondwnv, N'ew York box 2112. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ET0. Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. th 3yNo cheap San Francisco F.eer sold at as place tt'M. BOCK. Proprietor. LETTER HEAD PAPER, The A3T0RU3 office TRD.'TED OR PLAIN, OF THE BEST j. quality at G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, 0rrescnitioiLs carefully comiwundedjat all hours. JSHomeopathic Tinctures and Fellets, nmi iriimTihrov'j? Snecifics also keot. I' : : : I rtTTiMTv-rrrvTrt j DrDATtJTTTn t Cant. IfnfPts: ni.l ct.in.i .,.- r nn UUj-nJ.JJ.vr ouu uiuoiuuiv THE PAPER FOR THE COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE PARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON liAltX .lSTORIA' TEIMIM: 111! 3IAir.. (POSTAOR KKP.K TO ALL SL'BfItXUKSP.) and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing, wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK. BY GEORGE JL.OVJKTT. Main Street, 'opposite N.fLoeb's, DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAIt v - 59 00 I DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 3 00 EySample copies of either edition 10 cenN. Address : ,f, F. MLAJAaORAX 4c. Co. Publishers, Astoria, Oregon Postmasters are authotlzed to act as agents for The Astoria:. w