to Star .- -r., .Jz Vol. XYI. Astoria, Oregon. Tuesday Morning, November 22, L881 STo. 45. 11- - iff - IB & UeS !1L' 2 . 19 . a SA THE ASTORIA LAUD GRANT. Nothing could better illustrate J - the baneful effects of a monopoly of railroad interests in anv countrv . than the management of the Asto- ria land ornnt to aid the construe t 0 tion of a railroad to Astoii land grant was made by Congress, . wu irnve jiij uuuui, iur mi-reawu.-. , that Astoria is the wain seapoit of . Oregon, und it is the natural entre-j pot of a great river, and that there j anu in its vicinity aretne principal . urovernment worKS ann aeienses to a vast inland region, with which it was believed it was the interest of the Government to have rail ioad communication And in- inarang tne grant 01 .anus me a (owjl th(. first njad Vidme. of Congress designates a route ; that would most develop the re- Grain Statistics, sources of the country. Hut all ! As no hUmil,ing U) f the wlteat these considerations, and every fm,i0(,ic i,as V1.L )00u luilio by the consideration of public interest press of the Xoitli Iciiif, we liavo have been wholly ignored by the ' al inufill lronl),0 obtained the fol npglecl of the company to lake lowhx whidi mav (1 ncC(.I)te(l us any steps toward constructing the W)10HV relmble, as the work was rosld. entrusted to a reliable and compe Mr. Villard at, the head of the ' tciu peion. j, ...slimatod thai German bondholders, has been in W. hei(1 ovor u, Aui,.nst istj 1SSJ, control of this land grant for nearly ' tj10 f0owii5..-: ten years, and nothing has been Dcription. Tm. ilnno in nil this, limo bill in nile Valloj Wlirat .'0.0(I0 uone in an ims unit uui 10 pue jlst Orcoii an.i WaMinsio jo.ow one morto-fl.rp after another on ton ''"'I' of isi. :illy i;c,0CD one uiuiigdgb .uui uuuiuii uu tup Jlast oBn & Vahinstn iCi.000 of each other, and make one deed ... , . - 1 lota! .. SU.,030 after another of this vast land mm,., nore.-Hm ;,, whuit for 1SS0 a grant of over a million and nl.r,01, f ,w.roc KM fi.nt .,rti' quartei ol acres, so that now it would take a Philadelphia law- yer to find out who, in fact, has the last or best claim to it. The Villard monopoly have not only refused to comply with the Act of Congress and build this ' road to Astoria, but dog-iu-the-, manger like, they have refused to let anybody do anything to- wards building the road. The people-of Astoria somo years ago organized a company and s,pent many thousands of dollars in stir- veys,and and after proving that there was a practicable route, pro - posed to Villard that if his com- pany was not in a positiou to ouua tne ro.ati, mat 11 ne would assign nis contingent interests m the grant (the time having run out J within which the road was to be '. built) then the Astoria company 1 would build the road. But this ; -.- p - . .i , t jjiupusinou so lair 10 lhu pcopic 01 uregon, and lair to the Govern-. t,ert. ..,, fjg Cnp:iblt' of carrying ment that had granted the land,was;j0nce n;sf7 tons, althoutrh. ol fflfArl of l-r r11l s1tm i-l n11 uuuiuuttiuj maiu, rmu uituunj ueciarea that 11 ne could not build 1 1 . 1 , ! 1 1 ! the road, nobody else should. But more than this, we have been informed that a coal com- pany which was organized in As - toria to develop somo coal lands in the Nehalem valley on the line f tba ,.,.. 1 A ,.,t ,l.:l. . pujiu iuU, ,.u nuiwlnga balance to Do piovided forot desired to secure title to some coal lands covered by the railroad grant, in order to aid in the con struction of this road, did actually propose to jvoenier vuiard s Ure- gon representative) that the coal company would construct tne road from Astoria out to the coal mines, about thirty miles, and give the "Villard company all the timber lands and farming lands earned of this grant on the thirty miles as a free gift., and. allow the Villaid company to connect with this coal road when Villard did, build through to Forest Grove, on a pro rata tariff of rates, provided the Villard company would sell to the coal company the coal lands at a fair price, and this was refused. The coal company offered to do all above proposed, and as soon as Villard got ready to build through to Forest Grove, they would sell their road to Villard at its actual cost, provided he would haul their coal to Astoria at a fair price, and this, too, was rejtiscd. And so this valuable grant must He there to await the pleasure of our royal master, unless the peo- t pie in their majesty telnll arise and I send men to ,'onTe.- and the , , ., T :i ...i.i icnuLf, anu uj inu ic-iiu"i-5 " j shaU (leman(1 lhftt ths ,rcat land ' . . i. i .1 .. .i. gram snail now up rwion-u nunc ig" i " ' jihh uic- b,. 4onia1n ami the poorer gon and Wa-hin-ton early in the . , ..... , ' .Jr.., fiM. .,. i ,- " nomesteauer.- nave a cunue lu - u. Tl.wi.. . .. ,r. , , .. jtaKo up .11.1. viunr.t na so ; lolg con(ejnl)tuol:slv l)aSSOtl by. J As ;t 5 ou j,0 grant not only j lt tH, ,. ma!i frojn jrct- tlng n nnnUN pr,.ftm. settlement f t ( ,)Ut h MVvents oti,er me iko thp Astf,rj ; COm-j r , i.11;ij;,. ., ,.rt-,i i v. i hm vae hy r;fnsini? xh(i right Lf wav ov;r tu.M. rajIOJl liW, land bv threateninir t build .1. 1 ..i.w,.:.i.. ,....! J......L- : ililiJlilt;! Iliilil iil'll".-inn- im 1111 .m ! according to the census, was Ore-1 ,,, ,.,,. , ... i jron, 4-il,Glj. acres, and this year was not intt.riallv increased The yield was 7.30(1,011 bushels, or an average of nearly 17 bushels per acrft according to census estimate. This makes :2i.Sfl8 tons. Wo ship eil oroln of Uds i24,437 tons . leavinr-oir hand 102 .401 tons. , In order to havo tw ostimated res;nm. of ; 0,000 tons of the 18S0 - cropwo must 1ave dipped to Onliforniei 3-,.ilil tons, lf there is Mo j)e senL ou, Cohimbia uateway ; 303,000 tons, as abovo estimated on hand, we must have 20:J vessels icaci, awvyiwr 1.300 short tons, j We , aire;i(v b ent awav forciQ.n 15 vessels carrying- about 51 172 tons of wlle;il cquallin. . ccntais, ami of (olir .sx nartcaRro aml whop allloI1 to 39 802 barrels. We have at nrospnt $ vessels in tmrt which present o. vessels 111 poii wiumi .v:n ,.....,. ,.,,. ..l.mii if) 000 tmi! OU.UUU ions. Of vessels reported on the wav I ... fourse, some ;nav be orucnsU to I I : other )0rls am never arrive With this showing, wi: have 303,- 00o tons of wheat to shin, provid -mg nono is hpl1 ovpr aml we haV(i ,sll - ,)ped havo ships in ort aml j shjj)S rep0rted on the way hither, - L,iin0n t.-. nr...i 107 ooo t..c i,...i . .Vy....... .VF W. fc '..rV.',....7, !,,. ,-I . . , . 110,171 tons, or about -10.171 tons mnt-n ili?in uvic lir-.ll ArAr fi'mn llinltlinrft Cflll lift yield of 1880. In our opinion i : ..ik .. . .. .i." lb SUIil'JUMll lOllliagC OU llie way and coming to move all wheatj foreign, that will bo required, as j much flour is bein-r manufactured, j -in(i quantities of wheat it is re-' ported will be shinned to San ported will be shipped to San Francisco. The vessels .sailed, in port and reported on the way, are capable of carrying 7-1,492 tons more than wore shipped last year all told. By making special inquiry of the agents of the railroads and at the offices of the different docks in the city, wc are able to give a correct estimate of the amount of the amount of wheat and ilour now in storage and in transit to vessels now taking in cargoes. In the warehouses are as follews: Dock. Wheat Flour ions. 1.350 300 :o 1.000 120 60 Lastside G,93J (J reenwieh ....... c.OW Portland Wharf Co :Wi Columbia rtA) Pacific . .j.oji) Alnsworth soo 0. 11. & . Co.'s coo Commercuil 50 Total. .780 iUi-Q The daily receipts of wheat by the Instide road are . 500 tons; by the cststdc-roatHiO ton, and by i. n t . v r:.,; :,". ''' i'- . v-u.;- .nun.-. K-wJiiin are undiminished ,ineo the tide 1 .. . ... r. i.-..,.. r.. iuu. mo uuinuuu wr ears mi-r !., ..., .1 - ., .- me -,asiiuc: roau ior 1110 myt- meut of grain is as great as at any time since harvest, and there is littl if auv diminution in the do- maud-, upon the Wostside com-, pany.- hen connection is made . between Portland and The Dalk-sj"' by rail which is promised during; the coming year, a great increase will be demanded in tliis city in warehouse facilities. Portland Journal of Commerce. Tlie Press. Henry Aratterson gives out some ideas in the following extract which are worthy of observatien: Wo are passing through an era of j r..T,cW;riii Tl,n cnllmAnf.,! .inll ' raiisition. 1 lie sentimental poll- j ics of the sectional epoch is nrettv ", ". tr; tics well worked out. With us there Mess. Seeing Rii:xK"rrY: Cot eaixi: ami' ,.. . , ,, ...... ... J!n:yKTTs Kai.i.istox aclverti-wl. I ' is mue eise mau iimivinuai pon- lice, u.p two nartios iiein.r for the ' i 1 most part aggregations of interior ' nnisrriiin I itiAC I I in r-sir? The which ,..-..,.....,. .... r.., "-- has vast power and capabilities. know; the use of neither. As a nnblic force it is f,v,io,,tlv a puunc is iie-pieum a curse instead of a blessin"-. It is a vehicle, not merely of disjoint- ,i i,n.. .l.t. Ki Ar . ...1 ...1 ed thought, but of mean and pal- try thourrhts spnsatioii'il and un- ,rJ luo"ani!,i beus.1uon.11 aim un reliable 111 its news; coarse, feeble ' ... . f and splenetic in its wiu too olten lnerneivirr -md nnininnles: nnd and opiuioniess. and frequently underbred in tone. rti ,i 1 1 1 lucre is no rnougiuiui journal- Mst who does not M thls ' hc ' true; and yet what vast onnortu- lants, by restoring the natural tone or .., ,, . . ",. . the htomal'hlt attacks excs,ie lovo nitics for self elevation and foraUriiquorasitloej.a fever. and destroys' . ,. , linflmlH-P. Tl.. iMiu-.-i-fiil li.nic vii tmis- ' great puuuc service, are enjoyeu. by the newsoaoers of the tiresentl day. It ought to he tin- master . ... . . . . instead ot the slave, ol the tele - it? 1 11 spite of all its muscularity, "vvliicli makes it feared, it is secret knowledge that a man is a journal i it hah to be ovcicome before he j can remove a certain half-uncon- . .. . . scious prejudice ixisung 111 memory ol those who oji get the lewd, fickle ami I 1 1 r . ..-..-.I. .1? icuurai:ier ui mi iiiuch m our cu- t tempomry journalisin Tt is not nleasaut. for one who is nothing if not a iournalist, to say; ,.",.. , . i this. But it is true, and it ex- j . i presses tne re sennmeiii etuei- taincd by the best intelligence of the countrv. As a rule, men are ience of '" ' -i -i i.. ... .1 .i.:..i. :. airaui to say j-o; mu um ihuik u, graph and railroad monopolies; it ' le and of the best known quality, the cemetery. .foux Wii.mamox. 0 Jt . ; Atrial will s;,tisfv von lhat this is the - - -: ough to rank in respectability l he-t bitter in the world. "The proof of i;y I'oiverwal Aeconl. 1 .. ., ... .1 1 i. the pudding is in the cat ins.' and we A I with the pulpit and the liar. Uoes willinslv abide tliis test, h'orsale bv vm-,, r vn x,rT,f..f:,...fl,..l,(.,t I 1,0S3,340 ! -J' "esptscd iy the puouc, and, 111- san(U who wm.sufferbig from dyq.ep . their pmctice. and by 'all cfvilized na- " au "4 " nJul ,e" ir ' -'"-'-'' - ...,.,!. I Stead Ol DClUg a passport tO tlie Imi""., iii tumi.....:, iu. .... ..m., iiuuin m uraimmiuu ic. - - csseis I r 1 1 mor i.M!i!i!i pimilriiiil Mt. 1'iiiiiiii- ioctii!il imn:.tlvi. Pill tlmf nl sci-. ..... ... .. . i.tln.r 1 consideration 01 strangers. Hit- lets free to anv add re-s. heth W.l-owlf mice camlet isc. In intrinsic value and: ., H. u,.., """ vJ.i)li.sieiaii". and alv.ajs giw pcrieeL journalists realize it, hatisfaelio... Hating been tested b.v J wide and eon-iJaiit use f.r nearly anen- 3 no reform. 1 take' tire generation, the, have attained well - j and, until I I leave to say as much because 1 am; I nuin n niriA nii i...,c ir.1.1 1 '- ioi nic an mv; miuuuio -"" about me. and am inditterent toj liar-. '. The- press of the South which has been accused of a want of I enterprise has, perhaps on that account, escaped at least a part of the offensiveness characteiiFtic of' the more "advanced" journalism 1 of the day. As it advances, lot usi try to be equally responsible and decorous. Gentlemanhood is not at a discount yet, even with the lowest classes. To be amusing, it is not necessary to be indecent. To be strong, it is not necessary to trample down the weak. To be newsy, it is not necessary to invade the sanctity of private, life. After a while the public will awaken to its own defense; and, when it does, thorough reliability and absolulo cleanliness will become indispen sable to newspaper success. Warren & Eaton have moved to the corner of Hamilton and Chcnaums streets, in the building formerly occu pied by Trenchant &. Upshur. Xlt !. .Jiit iceem-d cr Muamcr (.'ulajiiliia. fine lor 01 t-auni oysters, which vrllli be -erveu no m lirt eJa5-lvj:;:u j:o-5- em-. 'ei-idm bl.,,. ' " Aotiee i ihe Ladle 1 .Switche.,twlsniid Irizze. .made fioin i nut-buigs or cut unir. can on or an- dress Wm. riiMiN-iiAisr. n.-ciil.-ut hair dressing miIooii. Alnriii, Oregon j Volfre. I uMial! panics iialehtnl to nit- to make iniuu-1 ate payniPiiI.:to I want the i;tf .r ;ii.i.!.ti..irw -in 1..-. ' fuml aI j. v. ihwliarl: that yenHc-, man ij autlionzeil tocolleet al! hi!I lue. roij)t attention will save eo-s K 1:1:11. Suj:i:m v. Lateot Ct ir.irkrt. t. . Xolloe , ;r , ! ""IIIJ IIJIl'I ilJHUil. 1 ill lv 111 -.-I-Jl dollars to any person ai::l;:i:4 the he-i score in i: Mints with the rill., ami; i.., . .1.11 r. . .1. . 1. .. . :. 1, t.n ..:. 1..1 . """..V.VVi". ,i V. "V.? "; ' X "' ! i''." "c '" ,-H". '"'" ' . '" ". ' will he luikev shootiim up Jo the 2."m. at the Astoria Miootmg (tallerx. Chautkus v- roiiTo. Trop' KKIIWTSOX OV TJIK SI AI.i. An Aulltcntlt Te.liaioii.v. Gentlemen. For Jive 1 hae b(HMl U'iXl ' 'f'5'?,l W''' l.UldriUr. ' wIth a M.v.n. m-hinpnfthe scalp, and mv nair falliiiif out. f have tried almost every know 11 remedy, all proving worth- ,,roeurod aliotllr of each, ami am hai.nv " tate that Ihe tlanilrntT i- -om;i!eie main.. .1. K . (' vi:x, Kansas Cil. M. J Ili:m:it. Ii.avokixo Kvtuviis ar4. 1 ,. lP,i. ......... tt... " 1 ' . .-u.choBRi.ra The Count Cinchon was the .Spanih: Viceroy in Peru in !. The Countc-s, lie. wile, was prostnueu in an lniermu- tent fever, from which she was freed h the use or the native remedy, the 1'eru- viaiihark. nr. at it ias willwl in the; language 01 me country, I'liimuiiiia. ..-,. f . 1V(,(,v,...V.,m her leturn to Kurope in UKy. .she introduced the. remedy in Spain, where it was known umicr" various names, until Linmetis called it Cinchona, in honor of the ladv ,loIiaa llloH!.hLth0UI lll:I1 ,vhi(.h wus more lircciuu. than the gold of the Ineas. ' tw lliniil,lll I l l.l irr L Wll Mil V. iUK'I I.lirsi 11 HUI HUH- ,red and tift 3 ear., science has aiven Slvm&lX. fiSiSit r .... ,,..,,,.,. v ri.,..,.w.,i ;., 11... Peruvian Hitters, which are as eucclive we're 'hi tlie days ol the .ltd Spanish inni-fiv Yd. mmi on 1.... in.. Mirrr.ii. ;. ,-?,. . , "?nM. 0,J,1flr,Ijpi"'t!- "rn('or' :,n,! h,l",,r l-a'ri. tJ.-;"n:. 10 inform tueir lriemis 111 tiie slates of -the condition and progress or this state, i can have no more complete and compre- m i hk it kkkm astiiuiaxuih- yiF. A cough, colli or sore throat should be 'MU'1. .egiect tieqitciiuy icsuiisin, tllll IIICUl.lUIC illll" IIISI-.i-ilMII ruiisimiii- ii i ill vii auir iiiii uiTinr wi .iiuiiif . tion. I'mwu's Uionchial tvoches-do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act direct. on the in : tl.imed !:arts. allnximr irritation. ?ive . n.Iief in aMhiua.bionchiii s. coughs,! catarrh. and the throat troubles which; ratarrh.j i h. "For m- nifil tiiiMlir. ir-ilr ni .uliuwtt Forlhirtv veins Hniwn'. iirinieliinl I"" .-"J , troches haw been i.'Ciimmendcd b . j,i,JS-tfj.,... : mil alv.ajs giw perfect, I ini"t-ili1 rritilr iftimir llu f.iin" cfmla t remedies .f the a"e. '".sold al S cents a1 mix everywhere. 1 no iiriivi!iii svriin mis cimcii iiuiii . uieir cxicnsivt' list v nuvsicians 111 . ... . . ... tvoons. iiisiimi. ruraiive nwci i uincr x 111s can uu .... ............u.. iii,lieiisie oluaie ol tacts to send tliem ' life. .Mild, searching and effectual, they ! Assortment of line SPHd'ACIJ-S ami IYK tlt. l. ciiltw(.?lki..r 1... tl. fi.i. .,. I ... .... .?..!. ..U......I ... 1. ...ft. nC . fll.KS1i ami hating us mail it weekly to their the digesthe apimratus, derangements ! dastardly fiiumN U'o mail it as Hr-llI. For or ivyiM. ami cure, if flayy MUIinerV Establishment .. vi 111 .iiiwinvi. .- man iiui'i; .uj'"-. I IHIICI ;iKI'II. 1 IIC Jirt llll UCSl illUl HOSTETTEftc n CELEBRATED H A P STOMACH 8lTTEBs Diminished A'isor Is reimbursed in great measure, to ihe troubleil with weak kidnes. bv a judicious use of Hosteller' Stotnac'i Hitters, wlilch Invigorate, and stimulates v.ithout exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with its influence upon them, it corrects aridit , Itn proves apietlte. and is in eveiv wa cou tliicive 10 health and nerve reinw. An other marked (iiality Is its control ovor fcterandagup. and Its jvowerof preenting it. For sale by all druggists ami dealers generallav. iKfSi 1 tjM H ITPi sr jMJrMt)M 11 "T"OiWiBBiy 2iirnirtheil Itooin to Let At Mr.. Munson's lodging hoiue. - Katern Oyter.. Another fine lot of Eastern Ov.sters just rocidved at Roscoe ner steamer On.n. Occident bloJ " --zz-- .. .. rnrmmjwni. Inquire of F. Kroel. Notice. ""Wi"1 afl,M;I,ce ?CKU0,fJ1rs Ie. - h '" & ' Ar,afton w,n 1a-v ' llni-imr iiit- ;ilirim atnoL-lwil.turc in ' ineir:i-smeiii 10 1. . iase A. J. 31 KOI. 1:1 J. .See, tli ! Brleli! Brick I h.neon hand alaramoiuitof hrlck , ltrsaleat from ?." to $S per thousand, j :ill ami examine, near Astoria ceme-i, telX. .IOIIX WILLIAMSON'. Orient Bat hiiic Kooiun. The tinest bathing r.o,ns in the eity: im.i - itliln hing llr-t class. Hot and cold! fi..m T "a. m. to y p. ju opposite haths llohlen s auction sioie. .Jo Ciiai:tki:s, Proprietor, j Take A'otiee. On alter IhK date an additional 10 (VllLS JHT Cfd W ill bit Charged OU all orders for sawed wood not aecoinpaiiitd U the cash, at wood vanl. July To 1.1 vc .Men. Tin. AvrouiAX h;e now reached ut the Ii-tof Oregon dailies, and insures , 10 aueniiers niereoi more ceneni ior the amount pauiihan niaj ue secureit ebewhere. To those who wish to reach llti. hir"!'! iiiimlwr of ri-mlnrs :t flu I smallest expense, we offer the columns' of ( an attractive daily, the -success of j uhieh from the ery start has been f;r beyond the expectations of the niost -iiii-iuiiie. . Buy the . eel r, - Buy the Weekly. r.r.ivi. .-iuii week is full of just sucli iax for thi. uch information and news of the country as jour friends in the east want to see. It has very few advertiscmeiits, and is chock to the muzzle of information that no family can successful!.. s,,cee along without. Two dollars will buy the whole wad for J" "- " hihi' -vu t. pcrcop. Villiam;ioi't Property. .(.real barjia 111 city of illiun: Wishinjr to local aie. now olfered in the nisport for any persons acres, it is well adapted for "ardens. tuury raucnesor nomes; wen Astoria nu Youngs bay, with a good cr.ideit road to the place. For turther information call at my residence near of all iiiirtiwj, for ftuiiiljj u Thcj . contparc't with them, and everj person, ; kunwin-i then- irtiH. will empoy them, when needtd. they keep the vstcm in pi rn-et order, and maintain in health v action the whole machinery of Kiuiwnm their irtue,s. will employ? sutist piiyu lo oni weakeud constitutions, where a mild j ! aluI ctfectual cathartic Vs reouireu. rir..Si.i:nv vi.i. Dkai.kii- MISCl-'i.bAXF.OUS. fit'YTP A I U4Rr;i?T "- ij i . . . 1 ''n.-ra! aw.rtmre.tof lablestoi-W u tirrtil. siteli as succcsstui chemical investigation, and , iiov lorcuiiurcu una 1 -t i i -r :('nnm(l Kpuits itlltl ,)-IlV jlNatlOlial il'eWery v ',1'l " nuiniuiuiMiii j ! Bacon. Hams. Shoulders, Lard, ' I KiUiS. ltrTTEK. CIIKKSn. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, riNii. imu'ltky asd uAur In llu sea-urn. (IC-AItS Arf TOUACCO. r.rsi or vi!:s aad lkioks. Mi.-he-ipfH: CASH. Good sold on iniit i.i! 'ij,.i!tr 1. w'. Case's More. .1. KODGKItS. .. amkfs. T. W. Kitom j Astoria Market ! I (OK. I'Ht.NAMrs ANU HAMILTON STS. ASTOItlA. - - 0P.EGON. "IVAKHKX A KATOX. Proprletorn. Svcccir 111 jriiivu Jr HcGuinl Whole.-salo nrul ItoLtil Dealen in Fresh and Cured Meats A full 'line of FAMILY OKOCEi:il"S, FLOUK, FEED HAY. CAXXEB FRUIT. YEOE- TAKLE3, ETC. a Butter, Errs. Cheese, oto. constantly on band. tar Ships supplied at the lowest rates. .MISCELLANEOUS S. ARNDT & FERCBEN,d c.emsd. ASTOItlA. - Of'KGOX". tl rv ni L ,01 I he PlOneer .IVlaChine SllOp . - , ,,.. ziiswrwa ..-.M,.wv.,.... jjSfflSfcW SHO RnUor oUnn B0,,er S,,0P Ml 'r.nuU of ENGINE, CANNERY, S3 JLiliXlliXJUL. WVXIIL Prompt 1 utti'iittett to. A specialty made of i.-palua (JANNF,KY TIVS H l-Ii IlHiJS FOOT OP LAl'AYKTTK STKKET. 1 ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ISF.vio.N'Smi-Kr, Nri: I'.i:ict-it IIovsp. .WloStlA. - oi:kox. .nCUEDAI MAPUmiOTC Aun alULHUIHl. iIlHUiIllilUlO Mrtu BOILER MAKERS.! I iVTI i JJ e) I W WIVftliVflM1 Ijftft H lUillHiU'j l!lUlluh .Duller W0TK, oieanlOOat WOrK and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D.A ass. President. .1. (J. Husri.F.ic, Sccretarj. I. W. Cask, Treasurer. Joii.v Ko. Superintendent. WILLIAM EDGAE, Corner Main and ChcnnmuuStreoU, ASTOR I A OREGON'. m-ita.: i. IPIADO AMR THDAOPH U I urtllO , rt 1,1 UnuUvj The Colchratcd JOSEPH RODCERS &. SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other Ersluh Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Geilllinfi JHcershaiUIl Pipes, etc. A line stock of 31AK1XK (JIiANMFX ALSO A KINK MRS. E. S. WARHEM H:is complete stock of ! at her estalilisluiient, r Corner Cass and .lelTersou si reels. Astoria. j Hats, Bonnets, Dress Trimmings, ' Zephyrs, Ribbons, Etc. SAN PRABTGISCO beer Depot. ; M V U i:.'lf ASTOIMA. OK EC OX. Is lircnareit now to ih-Hfi-I.i'i-!.i !ikck- I toiiiers 111 the eity with his own cone:iuce. IT IS GUARANTEED THAT THIS 11EER WILL NEVER SOUR. CAN RE KEPT FOR A.VY LENGTH OF TIME. j Priee.s iht SInrrel or Tliiriy nlloisw. inS OO !.es; tiintitiliOK jut Thirty nlloiiN ii OO Ou 5 f.'ullou ILvg I .IO 3r?Se!irt In jour order. . .MAX WACJXEi:. At the Great lasiern. I. "W. CASE. I.MPORTEK AI WHOIiESALK AXD P.K TAIL iUvALClt IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE Coiner Clienntiti'.t and Cas.s streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON Ji$3? isp3-a I .tccnrtmnnf f ?-& 42ll.,,'l t BUSINESS CARDS. OiTlce in ASTORTAN buildias. Room No. 2, up-staJr. T C nOJuDEX. NOTARY PUBLIC, ArCTIOXF.KR, COJIMISSIOX AND " SURAXCE AGENT. T A. .UelXTOSH. 3kIERCnAT TAILOK, OrrtrtPTit Hotel lluildiDR. -AhTORlA - - - OREGON I'.T.CUiCUV. T. H. HATCH. HATCH &. BARCLAY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 10 California St., San Francisco, Cat. TTK. 31. I. .1KXXTXGH. PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON. Graduate University ot Virginia. iSSj Phlclan to Hay View hospital, BaltUrorr City. 18C0-'7U. Office lu l'age & Alleu's building, up staus. Astoria. T"i CRASW, M. .. "VIIYSIUIAX AND SURGEON, Kooni Xo. :i. Astorian BuildlHS. (VP STAIRS.) l.KsiiiKXCE Corner ot Benton and Court streets. Astoria. Oregon. 1AY Tl'TTLK. M. . PIIl'SICIAN AND SURGEOS, Oi'fick 0cr the T'hlto House Store. Kksidkxci: At Mrs. Iilunsou's boarding house. Chenamus street, Astoria, Oregon. Tjt I. HICKS. r-KNTIST, ASTOItlA, - - - OKKUON. Kooias in Allen's building up stairs, corur of Ca'sand Siemoeqhe streets. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT liAW. -Clienamus Street. - ASTOItlA. OREU( Q II. It. A I A 4fc CO., DK.VLKK IX Doors. AViiidowfl, UlindH, Tru MOint, liuber. Etc. All kinds of Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat M tcrial, eie. ""Steam 3tlll near Weston hotel. Cor. 0n chvanil Astor .streets. Wir.T.IAJI FRY. PKACTICAI. BOOT AJ.1 SHOE 3IAKKR. Ciikxamcs stukkt, opposite Adler's B6o store, - Astoria. ORFGON. Perfect fils guaranteed. All Work warranted. (Jive me a trial. All order promptly illicit. X K D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. A 1.1. K1XDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. General . storage and TOiarfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street. Astoria. Oregon. Lot and Improvements for Sale. TOT KIOHT. IX BLOCK SBVEKTY J live In Olnejs Astoria, together "With A 'ooit Ilonse and lVeedMfaed FOR XIX K HIL111ED DOLiLABS. Fur iaiticulars inquire of M.SEllKAprW.H. .TWILIGHT. A)tona. July 11, 1881. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, i received a .ELS j-rj j huge Invoice ot HALT BARRELS . of the. best quality. And t-s now ready to supply Butchers Can At 1 EXT neries and all others, cheap for cash. BOOK STORE. We are constantly receiving new additions to our .stock and liave the finest ami largest assortment of variety goods in the city. Combs. Brushes, Staikreiy. - I j r i Celluloid Goods All our goods aie marked in plain figures. Call and examine quality and note prices. CIIAS. STirSI-NS & SOX- Mrs. P. M. Williamsoit llRATuER. I." DRESS TRIMMINGS, All kinds of WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC. Corner or Cass and Jefferson Streets, Astoib. f&-Stampinc and Dress .inr.a t i order. - . 1ro