C3) 'XIxk i' AiilonniL r-- - ----- . ----i ASTORIA, OREGON: i SATURDAY NOV. 19. ISSI 1SBCSD SVBFiY MOXN'ING. J. IP. HAL.L.ORAN & COMPANY, rnsi-isiiici:- axi PnorHtirrons. .rittii HhiUHhq, Cans Street. Terms of Subscription : roncl by Ctirnor. per weftk ..'" C'Mt nt Uy wail, lour wmh.. ......... $' ' ;i hv iMsil. cue jeir. "9 fra of i'oiUfica u :-Kbcriber.-. w-Advernieiuems inserted hy thj ywr nt ho rare f 1 . ;er sinro icr month. rraiHtiontailvortipinc. by tiiodny or week, i'.ty coat per siunro lor oach insertion. THEOFTY. OIK OVU.Y ASTOiriAN tCiit If Ott ttU frt.n'IaJ 7 cent amnntlt.fru of jrfj0 .V.f it er who cofripJfflr jwciiw from ffce rf.'ji; mn iimv Tiik Asyo:::a;c jj!!i them. Dai&v wkkxi.v ttlilim. ;n t?Mf '- ! luL-lilSoiMl TxiMW. .irftr4' hh ?" c;i ;:4ft i o;.V rff.-4r'. .-ir- nrdnr nt It , oiitaJHi rfti. -Xf. 2 engine is bein reiftired. --Steamer day; Oregon up, Colum bia down. 1 law on i-cii those cards ar Af Inr'-.. -J. 1. .Shivoly Jeve-s to-ilay for California. --A j'Otition jj beln eiiTulptMl for an additions! li"ht. -Snow foil on Fish-hawk mountain last Wednesday morning. Fresh oysters in every style ai 3Irs. rrijionr.s. " .1. W. .Conn is removing to the old stand of Warren it Eaton. The Algoa liay -went up atreuiu yesterdnj, Ocklnhama lowing. Mra. .7. F. Nowlen is slowly le rovering from a severe illness. Another of thoe fine A. II. riia organs at the Cit v JJook Moie. The Columbia was announced to leave Portland at twelve last night. Dean Itichmond, of Ilanier, ships the most of his lumber to Portland. Mrs. C. W. Shively is recovering from a severe fall some ten days since. Fresh lard, of their own mnnufae ture. at Warren fc Eaton's. Had Garfield lived he would have been fifty years old to-day. He's bet ter off. - Chas. S. White, adjudged insane, was taken up to the Asylum yesterday morning. What lovers swear To be true until death. What husbands swear unfit for publication. Iax. Wagner's San Francisco Na tional brewery beer can't be beat. The Temple Jar, Trongatc, Nap ier, Aldcn Bcssc and North l.cnd went to sea yesterday. -The Walla Walla people want (Jen. Miles to rescind his late order and let the band play on Sunday. The Langston, having lust her jibboom a few days since by collision. is having a new one made on shore. Hot. cold, and shower IJaths at the Occident hair dressing saloon, twenty five cents. One of the graudest traits of hu man character is to turn burlesque and sarcasm into a compliment and feel proud of it. What an age we live in. Now that Thanksgiving draws near it may not be inappropriate to call attention to the fact that there are some fine turkeys at .John llod jers' Central market. A large and well selected foe!: of the latest book, now on exhibition at Adler's bookstore. The Chinese government is going to build some railroads, and soon will be heard in the land the voice of the Celestial brake-men, "Hooppce! Yang-tze-kinu Junction! Tlain stoppce ton minutes eatce and dlinkee?" The Vancouver Independent states that orders have been received from the war department, increasing the commutation of rations for men traveling on duty from 70 cents to SI 50 por day, which comes nearer to actual cost on this coast. The largest stock of holiday goods ever brought to Astoria are now being opened at Adler's. On account of the prevalence of small pox in Tacoma, says the Stand ard, the trains of the N. P. ft. R. will not run to that town for the pres ent. Passengers for points on the Sound go by way of Tenino to ( )lym pia and thence by boat. On the 12th inst. at Ventor City, I. T.. on the line of the N. P. It. R., a man known as "Handsome Harry,' aged about 35 years, shot himself in the head, the ball entering the inner corner of the right eye, causing in stant death. vTrock of the Edith Lome. Tlit Hritisli ship Edith Lome it a The British ship Edith L "tal wreck oft Cits;p Sou. Shu ar- -'... .3 --. ..t- . ,A. .lr.t. f riven in .... pmt vc. -uuif train ner out wunout a tujj. At 0:30, Ine irind. which was from the 2sE, died away and the ship bewail to drift; there were no signals set for :v tug, and despite the letting go f an anchor the ship struck at 10:45 and at 12:30 the iifo-iwat keeper ftt the Cape iireda gun and signaled fr a eiew. Tlio Napier wliieli had stvtd out in tow of the Columbia but returned in com- s j jKiny with the Templf liar which Imu also started in tow of the T)renhain but likewise returned on account of the rough watr, furnished a crew who went to the rescue of Uip L-rne. She w.ts then ashore on the middle sands. Al three o'clock jdus h:ing our the jack, union down nl th life boat took off a load who were transferred t4 Erie Johnson of the (Ndumbia who took thorn to the Cape. and. reliirniti!;, got another load fr i the 1a( , landing j all safely at six o'clock. Tiie ship drifted during the night and at 12 o'clock yesterday wns on UlaUK'P spit about two miles xnd a hall S. S. E. of where she first struck, her yards spread and the waves ixdling over her, precluding ail pobility of saviug anything. The entire crow were to arrive on the Cauby last night. Con siderable comment 1ms Ihhmi made in roference to the disaster. It seems to be the geneil impression that the loss of the ve3el was duo to over confidence and lack of discretion on Ihe purl of the pilot. Small Fox. A Dayton dispatch says tli.u ihe (own is under guard, that new casus are reported daily; up to Thursday evening there were ninety-three cases and eleven deaths. Senli'o is quaran tined. There arc five twos at the pest house near Portland, three of whom the Oivponimi tayx will be dis charged to-morrow. So far no cases have been leporled at The Dalles or in the Willamette valley. Cliambsr of Commerce. A special meeting of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce will be held this evening at luilf past seven o'clock, at President flmrlby's oilice. Jlusi ncss, consideration of communications from Pouland Hoard of Trade. E. 0. iloi.pxx, Secret avy. Four inche of snow :n WHn Walla. -- Frosty wormm;: Jiriili'int sun shine. -The Salem woolen mills are in be rebuilt. Two nice rooms. suHhIiIp foi light housekeeping, over Cem saloon. Terms ery reasonable. 3Ii:- Ai.kx. CAMrr.iM.i.. No. 2 s engine will be out of ser vice from 7 a. y. till fi v. i. A now comet has been discovered, the seventh since January. It is in line between Polaris and Perseus. j I Employes of the O. 1?. Sr I. C". at The Dalles will levy a tax upon themselves and build u pet houe for the reception of any of their number who may be attacked by small pox. Picture frames in blue and silver: picture frames in morocco and velvet: picture In'ines in ver tie and finish atAdler- -The Y. M. C. A. meetings in the young men's rooms aie becoming moie j and more interesting; the audience each night increasing and the various topics discussed eliciting the must car nost attention. Subject this evening, "The invitation and God" time of ac cepting it." Everybody cordially in vited. The Wood river Miner says that a parly of surveyors in the employ of Villard are en route to seize upon, and survey the only practicable pass through the Saw-tooth range for a railroad, so as to get a precedence over the I'nion Pacific, who have been making surveys in that direction. Is thi3 the only isv that Villard is try ing to gobble? The ew Tclamenl amlion.ed edition revised, for twenty-five eenla nt Charles Stevens and Sons Cit l'oolc store. There is found in many localities in Montana a bird of the grouse spe cies known as the fool-bird or hen. It acquired its peculiar name from its tatneness. The sight of an eagle or hawk will drive it to cover, while it has no more fear of the human face and form than a common barnyard fowl. Its plumage is glossy and beau tifully variegated. A portion of its breast is of spotless while, and its back is not unlike the plumage of the mallard duck. 1 .-. . .... . . . - . V.XtlllllilVl V1AW Alta ... -..- ----- tlooarr j own m eailHSt: ncl wish lite present quotation to Liverpool , .. , , ., - . i ,-,i , .-,.- i i i i - i- ,.-, , , about a milo below this place tind in 23,01i contain wheat, ami HeartHl ' direct (us (d. and 0 to Cork. . . . , , . , x .: u , ...,..,- ,- ,- ... ' I mark-on Mrf omit' to muiciM! wv c : anpUincpttrsonailvnt tlir irom ncre .,, um : inw. m-r ears;.! i. iv. io a.ae:W,l iieot m port ..,. ., .. ,,.,,, lllhprtt :,,. .,., o TOK SISUKR MAXrf wasinBJisvtlj'ii Jlu. t'tim.rMnl T'limij. . wliv-no in.. U.. rt.n,l.n. M... .... . . . Hr oj po, -u earn u ai a Gwanc. ,... .. , o ... I, ni Shcht wound mi leit s ft'on wu ue presomea mu; a or London. At 7:30 a -j.. Thnrsdavt numerous arrivals tim inM ff.rtiMhf. . . 3 . . . . uhwtratod copj ofa N'R-Kookci ! ...:.. i,:i.. w ,., .J..i ,. ,..i" ....:,.. ,i. a........ .t... ,...., ' a lf urow oeinS y woun.i r .u......5t Lwb .,., ou,.itu. l.v- "" uBBUMiuio-uenn mm ex- , ..,;,, ., :a :,-,. f.v.f ,,,,.1 I IxJCiWlUa iilii WMUKH. Sau Francisco Freights. The S. F. Commercial Herald of the 10th savs: .V still further decline - - r . . ... .. 1 m gram ireigms is noicu wm ivetK. cceds 115,000 register. The Heet to arrive within the next few months lias dwindled down materially of late. Nevertheless, the aggregate is yet large, being more than 300,009 tona rejisttr, r mor than 100,000 tons greater than it was one year ago. The Oregon bound licet is much larger than usual, so that we can hardly e.- pUCt any relief from that quarter, as she evidently has all the tonnage thnt will be required for. some time to come. We do not look for any further decline in freights for some time, be lieving the entire licet here and to ar rive will he insuiiie'eut for our trants noticeably so should we have early ami copious nuns to induce our fanners to dinpose of their large grain surplus, which even at this late dale is placed at 1,000.000 short tons. There is no special inquiry for vessels to arrive. Nevertheless a few charters have been written for February and March can celing at (J53 for orders to U. K. Poor Fellow. A rich miner of Happy Camp, lately offered $500 to any one who would get him a wife. He came tery near getting married at Itocky Point a week after, the engagement having taken place by telegraph, but it was broken off by the young lady departing as soon :is she saw the would be groom arrive on tho stage. At least such is the substance of a statement in the Jacksonville Sentinel, which the gen tleman alluded to, Mr. J. K. Reeve, says in incorrect, in his card in the mine paper, wherein he says: 1 wa9 called from Happy Camp on a business trip to Grant's Pass, and while there I was cited to a nine and tasty school inarm, named Mollie Simp kins, of Rock Point, who was rep resented to me as being about thirty years of age. L immediately tele graphed her that L would come down and make her an offer of marriage, which she accepted and asked me to come at once. 1 started for Rocky Point next day, when I vas introduced to a young lady, but not the one 1 had been corresponding with, and then found out that Mollio had come to .Jacksonville to get her teeth Used, and now she still periists in c tiling herself n "young" lady. Wairen & Eaton hae moved to the .orner of Hamilton and ('hcuamus streets, in the buildim; formerlx occu pied by Trcnehard & Upshur. The Standard ropoiis that the forryboat Veto ha3 returned from the month of the Willamette, being com pelled to abandon as impracticable McBcan's theory of removing band bars by directing a stream of water against them. Anj one wishing to yet winter hoods, or any kind of sewing done, will do well to call up stairs over the ficiii saloon, on Mrs. Alex. Campbell. At the sale of real estate at Hold en's yesterday, eight lots of property were said nt very fair prices Several who attended in hopes of getting "bargains" were disappointed, the present demand for city property causing good prices to be bid for all in the market. Ad'crV. new stock of goods, now be iuti opened, is enormous. To enumerate the styles and varieties would be im possible. Take a look at them voursclf. I'. Wistar Morris, Bishop of the Episcopal Dioec-e of Dn-gon, will hold Thanksgiving service in the Episcopal church at thi.s place on Thursday next. Hy will als.i officiate the following Sunday. lt.u Mr. Alexander, recently from Colorado, will condnct divine service in that church to-morrow. Persons interested, should not for get lo paj- the first assessment on their stock in the Odd Fellows' Land and Building Association, on or before the 'J-Jd inst. -The Seattle Chronicle states that ths steamship State of California will be put on tlte Pngut Sound line next spring, as soon as tho "Queen of the Pacific," now being built for the Pa cific Coast Steamship company, is brought out to Sau Francisco. Par ties interviewed here have heard noth ing of the proposed change. It is reported in San Francisco that Stanford has gone to England to establish a line oi steamers between Liverpool and the Gulf of Mexico, to nm in connection with tho Southern Pacific railroad, and that when the" road is completed a Liverpool and Gulf of 3Iexico steamship line will be established carrying immigrants through from Liverpool to any part of California for S35. Coroners verdict. C.vtw.amkt, W.T.. .Nov. l.m ism l-.niTOK astohian : V.- lr tiMilnrirrmirl ?lirvltn.linvhl mbiiihiiiuucun-.- J 1 ..,,,. fnlinj : u,,, -:-.. V.XtlllllilVl VIW Alta ... -..- --- - f.L;iift j ' ww . . one-half inches tall, nose s.-joms at I some period to have been broken and points to right side. Age forty-five to fifty, wore No. (J boots; hair dark and short cut, slightly streaked with gray. He had dark colored woolen clothing not much worn, two cotton shirt over one checked. In his pocket were two J . .. , ,, einntv iniCK siviu imws, uiree siuau keys attached to a piece of biickskin, j one cent, one red cotton pocket hand-, kerchief. (Signed.) Foreman, J. A. Docker. ; C Dallas. S. F. Albert, :& j Kugene Cluchie. i J. M. (1 laCKi: i ' " r'.i i Justice ol the Peace. Hough at Tillamootc Tll.l.A Km i ui: A.toi:ia: Tii.i.A.sool.. -Nov. Id, l&H. I . . !i while Hottest gt Perhaps it is wort! what kind of weather w have bad in Tillamook this last six week5:. Many anxious eyes hae been watching the little schooner Alpha lying in tiie bay, riding the big seas like a. duck; but in spite of all she had to put her jibboum under water every once in a while. The bar has just been booming, it j was impossible to face it, and worst of all it still keeps il up. The little schooner has a very precious cargo of butter on board, over COO kegs and each weighing from fifty pounds up ward, besides a lot of other general produce. When sho can get out, heals the experienced eye of an old sailor. Jux. Hotel Arrivals. oc:inKNT. tl. K. White, E. Morgan, J. (. Morgan, Westport; J. G. Uos3, Knap pa; C. IS. Allen, Fort Canity t W. T.; E. Miller, Brookfield; S. G. CarnelJe, St. Helens; Silas H. Smith, Skipauoti; Buck Davis. S F; R II Thompson, Portland; Wm Jackson, Baltimere: Win Grimes and wife, MrsSheppmi, Clats'ip. fAKKKK lIOt'SF.. P M Linguist, .1 W llaskiii", Ivnappa: P Hoakins, Lewis & Clark; II Crawford, Westport; li M Wooden, Nehalem; T E Bellingbaiu, Lewis a Clark; S K Stanlv.CIat; W LSo.i,.-. John D.ivs R; .1 A Davidsoti, Port- land; G li Wheeler, Oregon Cit ; G P P.rov.er, city; .1 Foster, Cathl-um-t. I t'iioire Valley Fruit. ("apt. .1. H. 1. (J ray h just ivee.ivcd a choice lot of pear and apples, fre-h from the orchards of Folk and Marion counties, which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Xotlee. We till oiler another prize of .seven dollars to any person making the be-d score in six shots with the rtile. and three dollars for the best with tlte pistol ; payable the l.,th nist., arter-wineii mere will be turkey shooting up to the itd. at the Astoria Shooting (Jallery. ClI.VKTEItS & MOKTON. l'lop'-. Aatiee to the I.ndie.. Switches, curls and fric- niado from combings or cut hair. Call on or ad dress Wm. UnLKXiiAirr, Occident hair dressing saloon. Astoria, Oregon Mhei-mim Iti-us. xnre;N t Will receive orders at the store of I. W. Case for upper Astoria or any other part of the eitv. Leave your orders on the slate and "they will be prompt 1 at tended to. A splcn'did lot of Kastern 0.-teis just arrived bvthe State ol California at Tom Smitfi's Oyster Saloon. Main treei. The City Book Store has on exhibi tion oneof the finest selection f holiday goods ever opened. Call and evamine tor yourselves. I'nr lln rnTiiiini .1. II I'liMcs- ii'il Bourbon, and the licit ot wines, liquors! ninl Sau hrnneiseo Deer, call nt modem, opposite the bell tower, and see Cnmn- . I .Never go shopping without eon iitir tl ftilvnH i-iu"' i-iillllllllS nf' Till' ActciI'Iiv "I'Iimv wilt tell Mill whert'l uie ocsl ii:iik.iiiii .ue 10 oe mm. .urn n. what merchants are alhc busiiics-. :ii:u lining -Owing to the stormy weather. the daili express between here and San Francisco failed to cennect: but instead vc have filled our case with a choice lot I of crcam-and idhercauditsof ourown! make, at the Astoria Cand Factory. -.Julius llalbsgutb. a competent niiisie. teaciier for piano, orifnn or vocal nuiMC. lecommeniU bimseif to the kind notice of the Astoria public. Orders left at Vdler's book -tore will. receive prompt attention. o After the 1st. the aM-smenb in the: XprtluYcsteru jarriagc Insurance Co. w,jid, wiI h0 t.whallsl.a for country pro will be nr.ttfrir.lly increased, so if you dace or soul at lowest prices, contemplate taking out a jiobcv do so all .. , . 0, ll. once. In other insurance tympanies Corner Cheuainus and nnnilltou Streets you've got to die to -ot a dividend. In AsTOUI A . OREGON. this one yon need only get married.! . Inquire of IL.l. llansen.thc :vi't for this! mitti-r r i nnn iiiaw. MINT SALOON, rS-AH cjtiziMisof Orccon who (lesire; 0,.j.0S1T,.: n. K. s. X. COMfANYS DOCK, to inform their friends in the states of ' ' thocondihou andprosri'ssofthts state, can nave no more compteic aim compre - hensivc volume of facts to scud them than bv subscribiiiff for this iournnl. and having us mail it weekly to their mentis. c man it as uirected. t-or o 00 In advance, we mall three conies of TnK WKr.Kr.YATORiAXone year. jFree to EveiybodylT "V" T A Beautiful Book for the Asking ncvire.it otllce ACTUKING CO.. 2. aua adult oeautiluliv : entitled Story of tie Serin lacMue. Containing a iiaiidome and costly steel en graving frontispiece ; also,25llnely engraved woodcuts, and bound In an elaborate hlu I and gold lithographed cover. No charge j whatever Is made lor this handsome book. :it the branch and subordinate unices of The SinserManiilacturlmtCo. milieu eun lc oinaiiiea oniy Dy application The Singer Manufacluring Co. I'rineipal orti'-e.si I'nion Square. XKW YOKK. THS SIKGER SEWING MACHINE. ti. uwieriicd re-i ctfully notifies the public mat Imins been appointed asent Tot the WEW IMPROVED SINGER, Hi- is.n.it nr.-n-iri-il ! i i!Tir lln-. itni-iniUoil Sewing 5laohrnes mi micIi terms as cannot .' tall lo meei tlie wants ol everybody hi need f thi tndisiioiitabb article of household furniture. I.iiicral discount made on cash -ales. To ;IiOv deIiiu It 1 will sell on the instalment plan, rive dollars a month. IT cents a daj.dess than It costs a smoker for clears, will soon purrha.se your wife a Singer. The Best Sewing Machine Ever Put Together. Old Sew ins .Machines taken in exchange. Attachments. Needles. Cotton. Oil. etc.. al ways on hand. (Tall and examine the Singer an perform at dcwing.wariuncaim me varteiv ot worn it l:. C. HOLDKN'S. Audit Singer Alan. Co. JIAGNU8 C. CROSBY, IValer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, Flute aiifl Steam filters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD' STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIN AHD COPPER, CaiervaiFisIeraeis Smiles e. T. tAi . .. OlUVeS, Mil WartJ ailfl nUUSB Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING unci STEAM FITTING Done with r.eatnrss and dispatch. None but llrt class workmen employed. A large assortment of SCALES rotiitantly on hand. S3. B. FKANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Coiner ax, .unt -Mpiciiiocjhe streets, ASTOUIA. --- - OKECON ekai.fi: IK WALL PAPER vxn vNJ)OW SHADES AN U li K DEUTAKEKS GOODS. Wilson & Fisher DKAt.r.r.s tx , y -r--7r A T TF3 ,..r . n.--ifc. - -ww .. . i .-. . . LUIUMCATING OILS. COAL OIL, I . -vtti.. i TAINTS AND OIIS. , , , Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. j PROVISIONS, .MILL PEED, (JAKDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. ( None but thetiti liijiiorsand cigars passed : over the oar. j I - - V. SCHULOT. I5ILL HEAD TAPER, OF KVERY OILADE AND C0L0K. PRIN ?d or plnui. nt towest rat&s, at J?HE ASTGRUX 0EC8 , ei: TIIK F The largest stock of goods ever brought to Astoria is now exhibited at.; THE LEADING Dry Goods I Clothing" House OIF1 T'w, Fresh arrivals by every Steamer, conse quently I get the Latest Eastern Novelties. STKICTLY ONE PRICE and that ALWAYS THE LOWEST. unini Wnn gDo not fail to g-et lny prices and examine goods before purchasing. a m cooper, I X L Htore, near Parker House, Astoria. The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot jm.x SJ "- 'J - 1 "" "'" r-- JSm &h X Ml X wEltS TWO POOISS EAST OF OCCIDENT, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUPAUTURKR OK FITRNITimE 3 BEDDING AND DEALKU IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in evor branch. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS Sl'I'KltlOl: TO MOST. A.Mt Is KACKl.hKlJ H NONE ON THIS COA.nI JOHN HAH ft, - - PKOPKIETOK. OHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. firOrdcrs left at the OKltMANIA r.IIIilt HAl.L will tie promptly attended torfe ASTORIA 1W. MEYER - - ASTORIA, - IJKDUCTION OK- $1 50 PER BAKREL OF 30 (GALLONS. LAKOE OKDEItS IN LIKE l'UOI'OUTION. Less Quantities, - - SO Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - SI 56 per Dozen xn-Special attention paid to order- from Public Houses and Families. Washington Market,! &eo. w. day, Jlrt.V .Wired, - - Attdria .O.rin. ! Upholsierint, and P.epairinq Furniture 'TfT-lY i'r JlFiniY Cutting down Billiard and Peel Tables. Ri-mwiTirv -,,11 Tiir i-iTvv I All work done promptly and warranted? EaPi.CH t LL CALL THh AllEN s.5sf ..CinrY tion of the tmblie to tho fret that the t s,uts,'ir,orj abovo .Market will always be supplied with a j Shop in .1. V. Gcarhart's building. oppslre- t O. K. & '. Co's dock. . JULL VARIETY BEST QUALITY . FRESH AND CURED WEATS AThicli will beul.l at lowest rate, wholesale and retail, a'psclal attention siren tosupplj- ne snlDJ. IXL Winter 1881. ii irfMiiim i MAY P.K HAD OF i.K.RHAES SO Id. AC.KNT. AUo. AkpiiI lor ihe celebrated M1SDAU.I0K RAKGE. WES, ASTORIA, OREGON BREWERY. Proprietor. - OICEOON. I IOI.ES ALE PRICES. SHnING TAGS fliHE liEST QUALITY. WILL BKSfiDw X.oy tn nunuroa.orDy ta bos, prtBta qc plain, to suit .customers, at Z ASTORUS ofSct. & & ' t r "!"