V gfte StaKs g,st0rlutu ? ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY , A Good Example. ' i Astoria. Nov. IB. lxst. , 1'uitei: Atoj:i A2f : t TnEitE is & sleep which knows j NEW TO-DAY. aumwsam.' WLW-wrwtw..j:J MISCELLANEOUS LMJ4L4"9IX : MISCELLANEOUS ms vrv it iRi no warmer- ..v . . i., , J. V. HAIAOKAX So nlso there is a T- -it. trr- i -i? i ... j ivip v an vv mKiiian aiuniDor winch ...Editor. continueth lonff hut not for evor. , A, ,r Tlm first is common to all men. Speaker, of the House. ,m , 1 he latter often steals upon com- The next great whirl in the na-. :.:. tmrtcf or.aa a c CO CO cs h CD ? CO Z a 2 5 'A. '. I!. IV(.B. ' LU tional game of -politics will he to. benumbs the intellectual faculties see who can gain the speakership of Us victims that Jt reqllires a oi the house oi representatives i very sharp and SU(Wen shock toj forthe Forty-seventh Congress. Jt;3rnn- tll- Kr :UCit .,,,, n J is universally conceded that he prolonged slumber Portland has I -will he a Repubhcan.Frye,Conger, latel Wn aroused. and liko Uolo ni in Cant. flnrfiplfl nil . ..,,.' . . . LL. "u"'' "" w-.w, .. jgjant retresuert she is malcing Mich j leaaers in tiie law; nouhe naviiisr , energetjc efforts? in a practical been elected to the Senate, leaves j common sense waVj to reap lhr but few Republican leaders for the benefit.of a1 her natural advan. coming session. t may therefore J tageSj prestige and position that be styled a scrub race. The latest j carrjes tjie conviction to our mind reliable calculations give Jlepubli- j that jn her V0CabuiarV) henct-forth, cans 140 votes, the Democrats 137, tlcre js no such word as ra-,f the Greenbackers 0, and 1 hide- Witncss the determination in fu pendnt; 4 of the 0 Greenbaokers j ture to dredge her river bars hcr will go into the Republican caucus, i seif instea(j 0f trusting to ihe and 5 will vote Republican. Hence fickle onances 0f an inadequate there being 151 Tlepublicans in , government appropriation The' caucus the man who can secure determination to send a special 70 Republican vote can sit down 1 representative in the person of the in the Speaker's chaif and make j indefatigable Dave Thompson, to himself at home for two years, "Washington to watch over its in feeling that between him and the j rcrests imt to urge its cRm& for Presidency there is dui onei-nMrnnP:Bt:,WQ l,fom tlio nmnor authorities and committees. And last, but not least, its sensible and successful efforts to infuse new life and energy into its local board of trade. Yesterday's Oregonian contains more than one hundred names of prominent business men who have recently applied for membership in that influential but heretofore limited corporation. In reading the names published, one (cannot help but wonder that those gentlemen did not ere now reeoo;- s O B "- -z -ZL 5 5 2 5 w 5 u - j; W T3 j 01 LIVV. (si t'fit.ns, k k. s. J..r.i:N.) .VH.'rt.tt,MHil !KftU dijHli'i's in Geo,W. Hume r: co c -.1 ul o M o o S Z i 2 Vholesale and Retail Dealer iGROCEKIBS,1 'Provisions. Lumber, Hi y KTC. ETC.. KTC. ii n:- in w Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. V ;ri enil Asiortnu-nt of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Afjcnl-. for Magi1! Stoves and Ranges Tin net in tli :n.irket. lMiiiilunR good-, of all kJuds ou hand, .fob work doiit in a workmanlike manner. (.'OltAKS: Oi' 3SAIX A.l .KFFi:itSO STltEETS. ro visions, Tf I; O .1 "C - - I SBLKPT PARTY :i r j: 'jm PisliernuMis and Cannory SUPPLIES -M J Glass and Plated Ware. A srKCIAJ.TY. man (Little David.) In this fight 'there is no North nor South" but evidently there is an East and there is a est. 1 tie fir5t glance would indicate that of course the mat West would win, but the East has the advantage at the start in having but one candidate, Frank Tliscock, of N. Y. He will iro into the caucus with the G8 Eastern votes, lacking only 8 to secure the nomination. The South liaving 13 votes and no candidate, it is claimed will give enough to Hiscock to elect him. Therefore if the West is to gain a sectional success it. will have to call a caucus of the friends of the half dozen Western candidates and agive to present only one Western man. Undoubtedly this will be done and either Kansas or Iowa, Dennell, of Minnesota, or Keifar, of Ohio, will be the coming uihii. lvasson looks the Speaker, SOCIAL SOlHi'lE riillll! Tuonan .NI wniKsitr aoknt for Tin: or AvroiriA. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.: At Liberty Hall. Thanksgiving Ev'ng. Thursday. November 24-th. riHcciiiiT wiiii j San Jose Fruit Packing Company. r. i. INWr.VllON t OM.UITIK1-. r.uKi'r. 1I.Z. rirsiiMin. l: I. Tract. rt.nei: (wunnKK. Thom:i 11. Cnm. C. C. hidir.iilMHi. Ytnes, Litiuors, Tohacco Cifrars ; AND THK San FranciiSco Ohomical 'lh tsrj;i".t mid ml cninjl.-l' MiwK of. j oods hi lln'it lint'to t).- fmiiu: In tlc i'1'y. ) -wascs, i jfiL. B&. I I, St I . . I MigsiF J- ! Frank Tfc I'sireor. Tickets. M. Y lreiitMtH. St ."J. nize it to be their duty and for their interest to become members of the board, but having been so long asleep we suppose they may be excused. 1 am afraid. Mr. Editor, that Astoria is still enjoy ing her Rip Van Winkilian siesta, and as she fell asleep before Port land had an existence, her chances of awaking are small. Without some extraordinary effort is made to arouse her we fear she will and is the Speaker, so far as ex-istimber on to the crack of doom, pt-rience, legislative intelligence, uall you, Mr.. Editor, suggest any- parliamentary knowledge anu so cial popularity gees: but years ago he leaned to the side of free trade and cannot expect tho vote of tariff men. Dunn ell's strength in his strict integrity, plain simple manners, good judgment, honest! and fair in .every particular. Kei fcr has but little experience and it Is thought the true inwardness of his candidacy is to secure for him a good chairmanship. Hiscock w not strictly a stalwart, but it is aftid that President Arthur will not in any way take pari in the contest. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE. Valuable Building Lots in Shivc ly's Astoria. Friday, M 18th, at 11 A. I. thing that can be done to awaken this people to a due sense of thej growing importance of Astoria :u j well as of her sister city ot Portland.'' Had we not better organize a board ot trade? or shall we let hr IS iv. liisliuctcil 1 3ti..l.M.Shtielj. I will oiler at l'nlilif Auction, at nn annum nmnis. ih ll!nwui Valuable City Property. Lots 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11 and 12. in Block 4: Lot 9 in Block 2; These Mucl.s front north on the il:inkeil roadwaj to Upper AMunn. Lots 1.5. 10. 1 I ami 12 in Moek lO Same Mock in which .Inn A. l)elm. 1I.. has ins resilience. Lot's it. 10. 1 1 ami 12 in hlodt 55. Irt-in- one liluek south of the Human Catholic church. Messrs. C.infiii:iii ami llailej hae n-sidences on this Mock. Warranty ilccit. Plat of propenj can he seen :it inv ofllce. Tcniis :ii suh. 11 ('. HOI.DKX. Am tioiiecr Corner of Cass ami Kmenio.ihe Street-., j A.SlOJilA AhioniA. oi:i::ox. OKKGON. Dakota. U.NK of the first questions with which the Forty-seventh Congress will deal, will be the admission of Dakota. The admission of a state! is generally a question of popula tion. The ratio of representation at 'the. last si-smou of tin Forty ixth Congress was one representa tive to 13J,00O population, though this has been on several occasions set aside, notably in the case of Xevada, which was admitted in October, 18G4, with a population of less than 4r,000, to give three more electoral votes to the Kepub lican party in the Presidential election which took place in No vember of that year. The Silver State was admitted, therefore, purely for party reasons, the Re publican majority in Congress at that timti overruling all opposition. Though Dakota lias now 1.10,000 population, yel her admission assumes the "form of a party ques tion, as she would, if admitted, un doubtedly send three Republican members to Con gross thus giving that party a.eertain majority. It is claimed that Davis will act with the 'Administration party through out the session; if so, the admis sion of Dakota as the thirty ninth state in the American Union is a - foregone'cpnclusion. A Wamiixoto. special sas that it is rumored that among the schemes to be brought before con gress is one asking for a subsidy in aid of a line of steamers to be established by Villard and others on the Pacific, in competition with the Pacific Mail between Califor nia and Panama and with the Pa cific Navigation Company between Panama, Callao and Valparaiso. UxitKi: California's hoodlum constitution, which was adopted two years ago to "get even' on tiie monopolists and the capitalist., the j state tax is twenty per cent, moie j than it was under the old umiti-'. - i union. 1 tint is the natural out- jcome of an organic law that ii- tually makes it a crime to own property. "Prxisii our leaders at rebellion in states" the motto of the new Portland paper, which has been like a prize conundrum at the head of its editorial column, is solved. The initial Fetters form the name of the paper. Who are theso dreadful leaders that need chas tisement? Maybe it'sMahone. BEWARE OF F R A XI IM Kiliruiii j on :tr lt-in;j vS-WTNDLKD! Iiisn'piitalilc paith's aie ull.'n:iu mol s Inns nniler FALSE PRETENCES V cheap. ti:ish innt.itlon of our Finlayson, Bousfield & Co's (;i:.r:.i: SCOTCH XTATXaSTE:. heii win !ni see that Ihe namrs of FI.VLAYf., BOr.SFIKM) A Co . John Stone. Scot I:mil. Ov .J.K.I.KKNOX A. Co, Huston. An- on cum paeliase. MA'II.I.r X. .. Viiils. San Francisco. arbour's IRISH Ml THRUMS' Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, ail sizes. Seines Made to Order, . Fiax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackie, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS 511 3!:trlctStret'i. San Frmicinco HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. -SK roi: UNI0N INDIA RUBBER CO'S Purr I'.ir.i (iinn 11ns spare i rcserwil lor CARL ADLER, Who U now too l)tts opening his slot k of iHOLIDAY NOVELTIES To write an A if. THE ASTOMAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FAiSTJSST AYJ) BEST P1UCSSES, AArD TYPE OV THE LATEST STYLES. I'.e Rubber Boots and Coats. r.i:w vui: of litiTAiiov inc tlie ltoots :ut sl.iiniKil t'UAf'K i the lieel, and haethe rritKi PRRCni HITTERS. CHINCU0NA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY, ruimr on lU'ir Sl'UlXfiS on Ihe loot and Instep. which presents thtir enicKiu or iireaKiii;. j 'lhe will 1.M twice as Ien: as an otln-rs :..r ...... .i I rei: sm.i: jjv ai.i. iv.i.i:i:s. all kinds ki i:nt:i: i:i:ltin;. I'Afit- ii:. itosi:. sim:ixs. cloihim:. ttoors axii sttois. rte. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. i:. h. i'i:AM:..tr. m. i:i xx. Agents, San I'ranclsco. IIOLMA.N!S PAIJ. Dipcrssiox of Canadian annexa tion is again revived. These Uni ted States are larsje enough now. There are certain portions of Brit ish America that would yield good American citizens, but the majori t' of the Canadian are not de sirable material to make Republi cans or Democrats of. THE GllEATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY Or THE AGE. See; cur local columns r particular, and as von VALUE HEALTH. RTAll citizens of Oregon who desire to inform their friendsin the states of the condition and progress of thi-. state, can have no more complete and compre hensive volume of facts to send them than by subscribing tor this journal. iTlrl Viafiiirr no moll tf ..l.l.. ... .1. -. The farae of "trvioff" Guitean friends. We mail it as iilnvt.,1 t-. is now in progress .t WMUoghm. 48StfS3S&3HSSSS5S." REAJ3J Astoria Market ! COM. OllKXAill'S Vl HAMILTON sTS. .ASTORIA." - - Oiu::ox. WAltKKX A EATO.V. Proprletoi-v. (Svtcfteor to Wartiii d- McGulffX Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fresh and Cured Meats A full line of FAMILY mtOCCKIKS, F1.0UK. FKKI) j HAY, CAXXED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES. ETC. a-Butter, Eggs. Cheese, etc. conftantly on hand. WW Ships supplied at tho lowest rates. rrt L V J fei: HIE TXAOE MM5K. STOMAGH, LIVER, j AMI 'kidneys. &ir V pniohase r.iporrmit. iiKr,anit othi-r mitteitnlsor the niaimfartiuen j&Jt XjOTcroBSt 0iJS3bL JES-tos, Ami Mn tlu-ii fort nfiVnl to n-. as wo alus tin. tin liost uiliilos. white rl'.aiglii OOSTX IfeftOX3ESaE:S.a.,3?3 XEIXOSSS. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. (U 1.1'lViyCW'KUItl! II IK AM 1JROWX. THE KVERV DAY WANTS Of THK COUNTING ROOM AND THK WORKSHOP Alttf SUri'LIBD AT PRICKS WHICH CAN NOT' BUT GIVE SATISPACI'IUN TO ALL THE ASTOE'TAN In all eases of hilliiuisiiess ami malaria in er foim. a jirevontati c nmleure of elillls. fecraml dunihagne. Dr. Ilolmun't Fail Is a perfect Micctss. Ami for ilysjcisi.i. s!ek hcailaclio ami nervous prostration, as the pad Is applied ncr the pit of the stomneli, the ;rreat nenous centei.lt .inuihllates the disease at once. ttrejznlatcs tlielhorand stoin.tch so sne wssfiilly that digestion becomes perfect. Frof. 1). A. Iomls ijs : "It is nearer a 1 uuiets.-i 1 panacea titan anvthini; in medi cine." Ihislsdoncon the prineiple or ah vntlnn, of which Dr. Iloliunn's Fail is the only true iiKucut. For all kidney troubles, use Dr. Ho!m:in itcnai or ivinucy ran, tlie nest remiMlv in the world and reeoinmemled hv the niedieal f.icully. Beware of Bogus Pads. Each Kcuuiue Holman's Fad hears tin' vatcrccmiostamnof thellnlman Fad with tho above trade mark printed In jjroen imyunne wiiunut it. For Sale by all Druggists. hru:usiii-ii in;". Leincnweber & Co., ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMEBS kM CURRIERS, .Manufacturers and Importers of 4 LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS'. W holevnle Dealers in OIL AND TALLOW. ma x v factui:i:i:s of BOOTS and SHOES! gggi;5!ls3,feaiaA'l.ti' .fcv .DAILY AND WF.EKIA TS JtISIECTKn AND COMJIENDED UY ALL E0R;iTS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability & tWHihest c:ls1i price paid for Hides and j nn- J iallow. j W E. UEHSSEWT1. THE PAPER FOR THE COMMERCIAL ilA2f, FOR THE FARMER. FOR TILE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON ASTOF.IA. OKIIOOX Dr. Hobnail's advice Is free. Full treatise sent free on application. i J1U1.MAX FAD tl) .,. . .. rv nnri.miiA TlUlroadway. New York DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Address : F. O. box 21Ii G.. A. STINSOX & CO., ! Toilet and Fancy Articles, BLACKSMITHING. I PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. At fapt. Holers old stand, eorner of Cass : and Court Streets. ! JS ,, 'all hoi I.1II.V ASTORIA TLRMS: BY MAIT.. (I'OSTAim I'REi: TO AM. SCBSCRMKIW.) Ship and Cannerv work, llorseshoeiuji. Wagons made and repaired. Good woik guaranteed. Frescnptions carefully comjioiindedJ.it hours. PW-IIomeoDathlc Tinctures and Pellets, and Humphrey's Specifics also kept. i DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR S9 00 DAILY'. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS S 00 .-Sample copies or either edition 10 cent. Address : j. t ILAJLLORAX &. Co. Publishers, Astoria, Oregon if H-Fostraasters are authored to act as agents for Tiie Astoria-.