&) ASTORIA- OREGON: WEDNESDAY NOV. 10, 1881 4. F. H1IXOR l CiTil Service Reform. ..Editor. Tlte Other SI. A ConKroxi)ENi who thinks that the remarks in yesterday's is sue in favor of free trade -were hardly logical enough to suit his protective ideas, favoi us with a leno-thv communication in refer ence to the alleged impetus that protection gives home industry. He claims that the theory and ar gument of American protectionists have always been that a tariff on foreign importations would be somewhat of hindrance, or preven tive, of such importations, thereby raising and keeping more steady and uniform the selling pi ice there of, and.thu's i endeiing investments in iiuuie manufactures more cer tain of fair piofits, and therefore more likely to bf made by capi talists or persons otherwise dis posed to enter into manufacturing business. And although the im mediate effect of a tariff duty on import's would be to raise the price of such imports to the consumer, still, in the long run, on account of the competition between home manufacturers and importers, and the development of home talent, skill, acquired efficiency, and all other items of home resources, the enhanced price would be more than neutralized, and the same class of goods be produced cheaper at home, than they would have been made abroad and imported. "The protectionist, theory has proven correct. Xo one conver sant with the history and progress j . of the United States the past forty or fifty years can show wherein they were at fault. The cry is everywhere, even in the heretofore pent up Southern states, and in Portland, Oregon, where the Oregonian, for the past few years has so persistently advocated free trado (in railroad materials, etc.) foi more manufactures, more manu facturers, more manufactories, in the city. Well, they are sensible1? Thatprocess, whatever it is, which converts a pound of wool, worth "Jo cts., into four dress goods worth S3, or a pound of iron cue worth one-fourth of a cent into watch springs worth 300 cent-., or a cord of oak wood worth $2, into cabi net wares, veneering, etc., worth $50 or 500, is a very desirable thing to have in any country or eity, even; .and the two fire or ten intelligent artisans, mechanics or manufacturers required to do that converting, and who live in our houses, buy our city lots, and eat our produce, are desirable acces sions to any country, community or city. Which is the surer way of get ling such neighbors? to keep up the production or open our ports t? free trade? The time has been when protec tion and protection tariff laws Heeded advocates, when we had a Clay, a Webster, a Greeley and their co-worker. They did their work well. They won their bat tles, the American people have reaped too great a reward from their victories, to go back on them in otitis "feneration.' 'Our correspondent forgets that the tune to which the twenty-five mUlioiis of a generation ago marked time and kept step, is hardly up to the requiremeuts of the twice twentj'-iive million of the present generation. I.iMnm.vii:i.Y after the adjouru- Ex-Sechktaky YVtndom now.ment of the Mi.-.i-Mimi hivcr liu- publishes for the first time a plant provemont convention, which ad of civil service reform upon which. Mourned ten day-ago at St. l.oui, it is said, the President looked Uhe New Oilcans lonul of Trade with favor, but which could not ' paed a M-rie4- of resolutions :- dereinc: all that th" St. Louis con vention had dmi". and in witii tlieir noitliuin in the demand for an unobstructed hiffhwav to the sea. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. be discussed, much less inaugu rated, owing to the assassination of the latter about the time the matter was first thought of. The main features of the proposed innovation consisted of the allot ment to each state of its quota of appointments and the filling it, after a kind of competitive exami nation, by state beards: the ob ject being to secure in all cases competent persons, properly dis tributed among the several states. That some reform in the civil service is necessarv has jrrown to be an axiom, but so far all at tempts to improve the present system have been, as most of tnem were intended to be. total failures. The great trouble arises from the unwillingness of the "Ins" to make any change. There ought to be a fair division of clerkships among the states; theio should be no appointments of in competent persons, and neither! appointments nor removals should, in any manner, depend upon the political opinion' of the clerk themselves, or the political neces sities of the pary which happens to be, for the time being, in power. It is to bo regretted that .Mr. "Windom had no oppoitunity to proceed in the matter, as the plan; so far as developed, seems practi cal. His successor, however, can avail himself of the suggestions of the late Secretary, and can add to them if he should see fit. .ludge Folger's views on the subject are awaited with intercut. . v. vuys. 1'AOK. I A 8 Wholesale and Retail Dealer landing i brelluen i Or all the steamships thur ply j between the United State-, and ' foreign countries not one -ail j under" the American Hair. Coos Hay Kcxcs. That is a mistake. There has been an American line of steam ers plying between the Cnit-d States and Liverpool for i-ight years. Tin: St. Louis Globe-Democrat says that no ambitious ( 'ongr-.-nian can bono to succeed if he oppose the impioveineiit of the I Mississippi river. For ''MUms- i sippi roan LOlunitiiH, aim im expression fits the cae here. (MTft tW.sOU.sJO k. s. HUSKS'.) Wholesale and lelnll tfealer In 'r006i7& .iJtl PU K?3S55T.O, VH X A J V . .11 JA..1 JTj O, 'Provisions. Lumber. ' JaGliins & Ta f?sfiszsvi!?vi N.CM UKir-T3&4jr"r-i3.J 4B Satssiiipli315: rj a I us in Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A Ueieral Artilun'nt of - HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Audit-, fur Mngce Stoves and Ranges ETC. ETC.. ETC. The Rest in the market. I'ntiiibintf ijoods of alt kinds cm hand. Job v.ork done in a workmanlike manner. COHNKlt OF 3f.tIX AXJl .J F.FrERSOX STREETS. NEW A DVKI ITI CM VST. SBLBfT PARTY Provisions; 6 rookery. j Glass and Plated Warc.: 'lROlMCAl AKIM!MIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TP i cs Pisliei'mpns and Cannery SUPPLIES A SPEC! A LTV. Ml K N'T FOR Tin: Tiigtuipr mill ,San Jose Fruil Packing Company. AND THE Wiaes)Liprs)Totee?CiiaK! i.i r v. iiii NOriAL SOIREE CLUB or ASIOIMA. At Liberty Hall. Thanksgiving Ev'ng. Thursday. November 24ih. iwnwiov ioM:imi.u I". 1 l'.irker. E.Z. IVrgiiMHi. l:. I. l'r:il i uion wiiimi.u 'lhoiiius II. Cnms. '" '- Itii-hnitlMiii. Sau Francisco (Jhuinicall ! JSt T IP I S .--Z 5 1 JOB W If QB I I I i 'the largest and nnst eomiilflc -tk'k f : goods ill their line to be found in tin- ity. Corner of Cass and Sqiieii.tif.ihe Mieels ArrfOUIA, OUUCOX. ro5s:s. ASTORIA URE50N. FRIXTTIVQ AnjuTANT-General Drum, in his annual report to the Secretary of War, states, among other things, that .some five hundred photo graphs of all the general officers commissioned by President Lin coln during the war have been col lected, and supplements the same by a request for their publication as an illustrated army register. It is very doubtful if such a picture gallery would be interesting enough to the people at large to compensate for the expense of an illuminated army register in addi tion to the regular issue. 1 nere is not the slightest objection to the survivors of these live hundred gentlemen exchanging album-, in which their fire hundred photo graphs shall appear, provided they assume the responsibility for the same, and, what is of practical im portance, foot the bill. Frank I- Parker. Th kels il Z. lVrKiinutt. Sl .Ml It is amusing to see the rum t ship and attention shown to Yillard by the people of Portland, Astoria and the Sound, each one striving to rival the 'other in his praise and adoration. By each of them he is lauded to the skies and borne to the ethereal regions in winged chariots REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE.' Valuable Building Lots in Shivc-J ly's Astoria. Mai, Iv. 1811, at 11 A. I. liitnictci! Iiv JI1..I.M. Siiui'lv. I will oficr :it lnl)llc Aiulifiii. :ii m annum niis. ih following Valuable Vity Properly. Lots 4. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 and 12. in Block 4: Lot 9 in Block 2; Tlit-f Ii1ik"2i. front north lh i!aiKiil ro:ulwi to 1'iijior A-tona. I.ofs 1.5. IO. 1 1 ami 12 ia block 10 .s.ime Mock in wlnrh .1ti. Devlin. II-.... lias In, resilience. lAi . IO. 1 1 ami 12 iu I!o-!i ."55. r.cin oik lilock smith of the Kininnil'alhnlie clinrch. Messrs. ( aiifiiKiii :tnl llallex lt:ie residences on this block. Warrant tleed. l'lai of imMri e:m he s en at ni ofllee. T enits at iiU K. ( . HOi.DIIX. Am tuun er 7 l rt ? j? r , -i s ".i o IRISH PWX.THHE.HISi Salmon Bfet Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines fflade to Order, Fiax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. ' THE ASTORIAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AND BEST IJiES$ES, A AT) TYPE OF TIffi LATEST STYLES. s: McgggiyL INDORSED BY liy each of them lie M Quvciniius oi eanvucM -. remirded as a rod and thev smile: .,. ,..MnUn rttn.Uz,'t-.,J i in:: Arruuicu cwcrif wnct. i-, "if he but carelessly nod' on thorn It is just that he be treated with j 7 QREAfFSJ MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A u. Cakifokxia exchanges are still agitating "the old, old story," "How shall we. stop the Chinese!" After all that has been said and .sung about them, they still abide. f The laws of supply and demand are no more liable to violation than any other of nature's immu table edicts. Just as Iens: as the Chinese find employment here, just so long we will have them with us. If you want John to go, i don't, employ hi hi; no one is to blame for his presence here but proper respect, out their wal should not betray them beyond ' reason ami discretion. P. ( j liemizer. ) w:n .1... i -:.., .-. .... s twirffai ibs vr &&L m iu 1 11c 1. .. i. puuiL in uiu , LossMfnpp3tite.Kauaac.bo-arel3Ccaivt-. instance of Astoria's showiun- - j LmnithelTend.-itSarauIlaeDcat'onm ... "" J :he beck part, Pam under thoshouMcr- "courtship, or attentlon to the I 6fncle.ftinnepnfterpatTuc,with"nl!iain- T1i., . . I shnalion'to oxertlon of body or umd, person ill question. Tell the frill h, imtabihtv of temper, lZv cpfritti. Ix? man. It VOU Can. 1 wmemoryj wau i tuorjuot """"ty.V lecieu socib uuiy. Y;caring5at xiisiaea-i. Jk the reduction of the public debt proceeds at the present rate it will be wiped out befon the present generation of small chil dren get old enough to vote, it be ing estimated tffat the decrease for the month of October was more than fifteen inilliaps of dollars. The expense during the month, nensious included, were about six-1 iu K '' a ibi- aira ajio.i r fluo. . ' l ini-ans a. naiurai color. teen million dollars, -while the re ceipts were more than double, be about thirty-six millions. fluttering of the T HearfciTDote before t&o ;yea. Yellow Bkin. Headache! IteBtlecs oess at night, highly colored TJrine. FTHESEWAEHIKG5ABETJ5EEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WiaSOOS BE DEVELCFED. TTJTT'8 PILLS re especially adapted to iirh CHhrn.ane lo ctfe cis nucha change of feeli tip an to axtotiiKh the sufleror. Tlifj Inrrejo the Appetite. nlup.lia botlv to TaUr ou ricsli. thus llic sybte:i .3 niurUbotl.aiidlytJuirTonlcActlouor. Jin I)lirllToOitraii, ItrzuInrMtouJaare j 1 duced. l'rlc? - cpuw. U5 3Iurrcy SU, . V. BARBOUR BROTHERS Sit "iiarket ?JrM't. Snn Ii nnrini HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Mniiaw -rs. -ASK roi:- UNION INDIA RUBBER CO'S Iure I'jnt umi racSs Fr Rubber Boots and Coats. i:i:vai:i: of imitation lie sure til" UooK arc sLtuipod t'KAClx l'i:uor on tin' heels, ami lum'llie l'L'UH IJt'M sriilXGS on the fmil anil ln-ti-i. wltifli jirovnits tlieir erackms r ljieakinj;. They will lasttwhv a-. hus :e an others uiaiiiir.R'turetl. rei: sai.i: r.Y am. ii:i.i:i:s. ai.i. kinds ui'r.HKi: r.i:i;iiNf:. papk inc. iiosi:, spinxr.s. plotiiixo. HOOTS AND SHOILS. lltr. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. K. II. PKASK..lr. s.5i. i:rxox. AKents.Sait I'miirivii. Thi sjiaiv i ie--rel for CARL ADLER, Who now tun bu; npeiiin his stock of iHOLIDAY NOVELTIES to v.ritt- uu Ail. TIOLMAN'S PAD. rei: Tin; M V r o" Wtt iitiutlnue I'aiiai'.Caitls. Ink. ami r.thc-r nintetlalsor iUp inaiiufarfurei .-t XiOi3ros't Osla. Hates, Ami cm tlii-iefore atlonl to n. as wi always lo. tin host ankles, while ciiniftig Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. I t I.KIN'K.VWKIIIli:. ii i i:ai r.ROwx. TR.VD! iiWH. STOMACH, LIVER, AND KIHNTEYS. Ksrrvi'.U'iiiKlt IsT.. In Norway, it is said, the M-ec-tion of telegraph poles and wires scares all wolves away from the neighborhood, and many miles of line have been put up for the double purpose of securing rapid! TIITT5 H&tR nVf- :r.v1Tito'Wiii6"FsciiAiKril lat .- ' Dr i"ci"? r n r c i Office, 35 Murray Ss., Hcw'.cri: MINT SALOON, oppeiti: O. I.'. . X. POMPAXY.s IMH'K. None hut I In tct Iniiors:util visiirs imsscil oer tliohar. V..SCIin.I)T. IT"A11 citizens of Oregon who ileire to inform their friends yi iho states of Uio condition and promts if this Mate. -... .:..: 1 f i liin junir iniiiiuiu i-uiiiiiivn- anil I'liiiuirc- communication and immunity frotn I hexsive oiittne of faetsto send them the wolves. Large districts havejtha,nJ,i"-sul,,'cli,,in.T.f"r s iurnai, the state of society that first made thus been cleared of the dangerous friends. tVe mail it as directed. For o w iii ainiincc, u iiiaii unci: conies of The Weekly AsToniAXone year. his presence a necessity. and troublesome brutes. in all eases of lnlliinismws ;mil niulnri.i in c cry fnmi. nuicciitatitp ami ctin of chills, fever and dimib atrne. Dr. Holinan's I'ail is a perfect success. And for ilsH?psia. sick headache and nervous prostration, as lite p.td is applied oer the pit of the stomach, tlio great nenons eentei, it .miuhilates the disease at once. It regulates the Ihrrntit! Moin.ieli m sne crssfiill that digestion heroines jierfett. Prof. 1). A. Ixwmis savs : "It is nearer a tinh ers.il panacea than'am thing in ntedl cine. ; This Is done on the prim iple of at Mirptton.of which Dr. IIolina:i pad i the oniy true exponent. man s in the oriu ami rernintncndeii li the medical taeiiiiv Leinenweber & Co., ASTOKIA, OKHfJOX, TAfflEBS AND CURRIERS, Manufacturers and Importers ol A LI. KINDS OK 333.11? Fa fr-SJHL AND FINDtXGSt vt hiilcs.de Dealers in OiL AND TALLOW. MAXITACTI'JZERS OF BOOTS and SHOES THE KVElty DAY WANTS Of TlIM COUNTING P.OOM AND THE WORKSHOP AUK SUTPIIE1) AT PKIUES WHICH CAN NOT BUT OTrF. SATISFACTION TO ALL THE A.STORIAN, Por all kidney troubles, use l)r. Iloh Henal or Kidney Pad. the best remedy i ami rceoininendeit h the m y Bevare of Bogus Pads. llieli genuine IIolman Pad hears the tiri a revenue stamp of the Holipjin Pad Po.. ..i.iiiii.-auoveiraiieinarK printeu in green, i --, j. r-cwrTntcrm P.nv none without it. I Wl IS. I E US S W T juriflghcst rash price paid for Hides and Tallow. For Sale by all Druggists. Pull treatise ASTOKIA. OltECOX Dr. Holinan's :uh ice is free, sent free on application. Address: HOLM VX PAD CO I I-.0.1KIV2XI- 7K.uay.xe-York drugs AND CHEMICALS, Ct. A. STINSON & CO., Toilet and Fancy Articles, n BLACKSMITHING. PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. At ('apt. Rogers old tand. eonier of f'ass and Court Streets. I -Prescriptions carefully cnpoimdedJ.rt Ship aud Cannery work. Ilorsesiioeinp. ! :iU 0"" wagons made and repaiwd. Good work -Homeopathic rjctures and Pellets, guaranteed. ana Humphrey's Speclllcs also kept. T (OAIL AND WEEKLYi S ItESPF.CTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FOItJITS Im)artiality, Ability, Fairness aucl Eeliability THE PAP.EK FOR THE C0M31ERCIA.L MAN, FOK THE PARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR EVERY PERSON lAIf.V ASTOKIA' TERNS: BY HI AH.. (postaob rnni: to all srnseitiHKns.i DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR S9 00 DAILY, ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS S 00 Cr?5ainple copies or either edition lu cent. Address: J. F. HAliLOKAX & Co. Publishers, Astoria, Oregon HT-Postmasters are authorized to act as agents for The Astoria" t