The Daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1876-1883, November 11, 1881, Image 1

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W-f' ff .A- -v. A.
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" j .'V. ' :v r
Vol. XVI.
Astoria, Oregon. L'n!ay. Morning November il, 1881
STo. 3(5
JJ .:
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L 71
J fa I
JUP JJL Ufc''A. ,'t v ..i'"
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' ' ' 11 I,..
The California Board of Trade
are taking steps toward further in-
ducemenl lor immigration. A re-
nmL toMmnd settino- forth thai
t . ,
n. -i oo no-i -.
aiuonnawiiiuuiis io,.oi equate
miles within its oomeis ana ;;u.
000,000 of acres of public lands
surveyed, in addition to a iaige
quantity of unsurveyed public
lands, and furthermoi e a very large
quantity held by private owners or
corporations who ha e assured the
committee that they are ready and
willing to divide it into small farms
and homesteads, regrets the fact
that there are but 800,000 inhahi.
tants, in a State which has room
for 20,000,000. ().n of this j-nial!
population at least 000,000 zesid.
in the larger eilies. The cla.-s of
immigrants required a.v the tlirifiy,
frugal and indusliious, who have a , Not to be Trifled WIth-
little money to start them in life- ! The habitu.d newspaper leader
Of the labeling cla-s in cities, j has supposed himself reasonably
without money, iheie is almost j well fortified again i all delusions
sufficient. The class lequired can : and imps set for him by the wily
readily be obtained by energy and j adversary; that is, we meanad
judgment and by making known ! veitiser. lie can steer reasonably
throughout Eerope the g.e:t ad-
througtioul Ki-rope the .erl :ul- clear .i tue piui.v.opiucai t"-q-J imbedded in all our islitutioHSiJr
vantages offered bv the marvelous isition upon the human system ..m incorporated in all our organ- tlieie N ik. mM-ikt-almut it. hivre Nj
i 1 -i .1-1 i i i . . 1..1. ... ..." . lint a unit tier "ii ean.i wlio n:e eeri
resources in the induslnal, aftn-; which cmlsm ailviMna lilra ' "'"li.alion-., mat it is inipowihli. t imiI ILwIm uitl ii.rti'll f..u at I
eu1t,,ralinll,i.rclia,,ct,.,k,ictPr,,,e,,. Ms , to , ,.o0civ.. r ,,,,,, vit ,til. To i? , '
of the State a bnd of unbounded i smell the hidden nit under those oliminale it would leave iiiaiikiml! V""!""" ' i
.,..,,,.,,. ,. , til -i . . J ll i- lerfeet! Mlfc m i: Ui .ill ra--e-.; Kimh Siiimmi v !
fertility and splendid climate. -)w-, smooth and eloquent tnhute.s to I without :i recognized authority. , and .lea-ant to the la-h. n:u! U the ire- L-ite (!m'!!v Mail l ' Rnilor Work ionrnhnnf Wnrlr
A .- .. p.. . m i i .. i i . f..i . . .. ..." 'MTintion of one ul- the nlthM ami h,st t - - " '!JUIIU "Ulhl oicaiuuuai uii
nig 10 inaci.on, newer states, wuu . oe.eaeo ...!. n.... -.ui - w::, unit a starling point lor law; flMlltlls. ,,h, .u.i:U:. aJi mirM i ,bt.j . :
inferior advantage, by the;r pe-'pl'an-., which are but umiiit intnv w:thout the ideas of just ve, right. rnile.l Mates, .sohl eei. where. 'J.-.J H " . and LanilCI'y lVork a Specialty.
sistent push and advertising of'duotions to a reproach of the de '
their lesources are obtabi'ng the parted husband and father for not
inunigration that should come to j having resorted at an early d.ite The report, after going) to Cranberry Bitters, or a toothache tie pas.siIIIIS f iuen. :,d leave j .."r" art ,V..ii.lier ..f umclprs at 'the.WTT T fi "iVf
into detail in these matter-, and 'pad audso have conserved Lis u- ,ilftlll iu, ailsolull. bbertv to do as't.i! 7&' llm -n,td ln. ,,: !r un;'35.". j; .jr the n.liunns . V Iilii.21i71
ctmwmrr th urnplnhn; nf ,.i,- ' f,.l tw! v-iSiimKI.. Wfn i.i U iiiniivii- .i. . .!.... mm.: ,"i l..,. . Jelil fcer. fnilii wliicli she vC.v tlTOil l ! !! i'i V. ,.',"! i!.V! ..'r,1''' i...! i,.? Ji'.V.. ...-' Corn or M.iln amU.hon
"" ."5 - I . liiu line iua -i. . n.-i." ,U. M.r llu. native i emed;..: he !Vi. i- ,""; "i"..: :.,:,. ;, f I , ! ' iw.i-m
taming just such a class as is J i,,g family. ture about, but common sense,, ylan Imik. or -as it a.Mlled in iImJ V iimI AS.hma
i i , i i i .i o . , 1 i r i , i huiKiiaeof the roiuilrj. (jiiiiiiiuii.i. .,"-," . . f okiur ix
tiAOflPfl In hmlrl mi 1hi it i : Kill c !m(i Mill sitiVfM 1 1.llur - ....... .,...... t. . ,ln.. ...:....! -... .r..i r i.,.- ........... .... !............. . . .
uosition eoual in wealth, influence I
' j
and pouer to any, makes the
,. . . , j
inllritvintr ;nfrnrpct.ioos.. I hnt. flip )
President appoint a board of '
twelve representative men, incie-
pendent and irrespective of poli
tics since there is no tinge of
politics in the movement to act
l 11 1 i -
agencies shall be organized 111 as
many places as is necessary. That
1, . . , 1 11
the members of this bureau shall j
11 -
canvass among all persons inter-;
t 1 t. 1 T-.t .. . i.1.A Oli.. -ll"
esueu 111 cuiuuiziug tue omie, auu -
-4 , .. , ., n. .
it is believed that a sullicient sum
can readily be obtained to make '
the hills and valle'S contain
fifty where thev now have only '
. " . .
one. This bureaUjhaving been fairly
started at worK, should aj)ply lo !
the Legislature for state recogni-1
tiou and stale aid. R should dis-;
seminate thoroughly the advan
tages offered to thrifty, industrious
and frugal immigrants with sufii
cient money to keep them from
want, to settle with us. As in
cities there are bequently persons
with moderate means desirous of
settling in the conntiy, some
scheme might be devised to assist
them. Ttalso suggests that the co-
operation of the press should be J
secured, and that to this end it
might be wise if a convention of
editors and publishers were called
to deliberate as to the best means
to be adopted to secure the needed
immigration. It further recom
mends that the transposition com
panies, especially the Central Pa
cific railroad, be requested to
charge special reduced rates for
immigrants and' half rates for bona
fide searchers after land. Resolu
tions should also be passed ask'ng
the representatives in Cong.ess lo
pass an appropriation for the pur
pose of having the unsurveyed
lauds promptly surveyed. It calls
attention to the fact that no great
political questions ac agitating
the country, and therefore that
thisi.s an opportune time to stai t the
movement. It further states that
indirectly connected and associ-
... .. w. r.... -. ... r... .. .... v ..... ..!-. .v... ..- -. - ..fTl HIIIIIII1I lilt lllll lll-IITI lllllll'll IIIIIll'llll III! I ir 1 . iri'JICIII ST- I II I ...I I t-. ... .1 r
as au immigration bureau, to be breadth escaoes ol the Koclcy please, I said. 'And what for, of the rinchona is reMr.'d in the 1 Geriilne Kaershaum Piues, etc,
organized under the State laws. mountain hunter from the claws "f! do you want the hot waierV; MM.r.SSS V "StaJ SX ,.f Himriii" 'SrnJiifntt '. ' l5" "r '
That the main o'lice shall be in 'the grizzlv, or the jaws of the ,shavin0 said 1. 'Ve canna have. V14' m Ul!' ""- 4,r "'' "hl ,:,!7!1 are the l.r.MhieJ .f hingJahnrintLs. and w.-iirhe and .Jewelry. Mtizzte :int
! f . J 01 ieeros. Ue guarantee the muiedt-l siieeefHl inesti"ntion. and 1 ....
an Francisco, but that by degrees 1 panther, only to find that if the u 1- hot water on the Lord's day for I ents ot these hitters (.1 h,. altdntelx I tlMir eii-iisive . hv iihsiei.uiH in -' s-i-attms: .sum t.ims umt
.atetl with tin immigration ques-1
! lion i another problem, vliieh isi
!f uch iinpor,aill.P lhut it has
figured in stah .politics for fifteen
more, and is now in na--o,te.
'. , ,.... mm.... : .- . .,.: i
uonai tiniiue.s. l inn is me im-siiii
m,so fa IIOW , a faJr w.,y
toward being effect which
... ,
there should be a long pull, a
strong pull and a pull all together.
It is further reeommonded that the
(California jepreM'nlaties to (on-'
gress do all in their power to se
cure the passage of a bill lesirie!
inr. as far . possible. Chi-
: : .:,... mm ,...:..
tee urs immediate action and an!s,,nPu Huen: i mi u.-auu ;me;
jdppeaf to lho )Uioplc of lhl. sl:l4 j
to give the movement their ear-j
nc-t and heaily Mipport. All of
which applies with equal force to
our own slate.
clear of the philosophical di-qui-
artful aid has become so cunuiuu-
of fence, so p.otean in .-hape, so
, , ...
citlif i :mil lu-iu-il in ite no-.
n, caches, that the most hardened ,
fairly brerthle&s with the hair-
' . ....
t . a r a 1
fortunate 1et1m of these ravage
beasts hail but applied Montana
,, . . . ,, ,
Magic Salve, he would not have
1. 1 , -i . . 1 rr
died afterward ol his wounds. He j
.!! 1 x 1 1 .Til. j t .
is ticuieii 10 laiignier wuu me '
. , , , 1 1 1 1
jest or the ancoil de which is old j
enough to be new, and discovers
thst it is but a literary eelpot
which seduces the hearer into 5
a contemplation of the virtue? and j
triumphs of the great Hop Scotch,
remedy. Thus stories of adventure j
and limit emprise, the romance of '
s i
love, the humors of domestic life,
love, tite nu mors 01 uoinestic nie,
the chat ol raihoad men, the say-
- , . . , ,",,
ings of celebrated persons, aie but'
so many devices to ensure the tin-.
vri3T into a net of information
about remedies, lotions, or othei
crutches and piaster to wejik ..nd
I miiiiiir ImmMtiilv t
I".- .'
... i
save bometnuig.
le man who something
e.verv vear is on the road to pros-
i" i. 1 mi
periU'. It may not be possible to
save much. If not, save a little.
Do not think a dollar or a dime is
too small to lavbv. Evcrvbodv
knows how little expenditures get
away with large sums. But few
seem to know that the rule works
both ways. If a dime spent here
and a dollar there .soon makes a
large hole in a man's income, so
those dimes and dollars laid away
soon become a visible and respec
table, accumulation. Tn this coun
try any man may make himself in
dependent, or keep himself under
the harrow for life, according as
he wastes or spends his small
change. How many things do
individuals and families buy that
they do not need, or can not afford.
Think twice before you spend that
small coin. Do not be stingy or
and seasoned newsiper reader ton. 1 had just got up mid n.ngjdmtaml g tC!1 7,Yi""" iT'I-m s-1 llV-rf-.... "ii;." " lm .UrillT n m1 W THE GENUINE W0STENH0LU
will, before he knows t, finds him- the bell for hot water for shaving, .allvcuresa limihid ajijietiie tor .Mium- j jiraded row! uthe ;ilnee. For further' and other rniih C'utlary.
it I . ,i .:io it-. -.. i n VT Maiits.h restoring the natstral tone of j " stioiii-Hli at 1113 leMilem-e near rT r.-.
self caught 111 the toils. He gels A waiter answered my call. -I . ti.M0maeh. it atl.tcKs ,.Wsmi' iot.. I hen-meter v. Mou.v W11.1.1 mmix.i SxirsXCsSTHZSri
mean, hut :i1m don't lip foolishly
sell - inilnlirem. The self-iii(lit!i,ent
person is fai more likely to .' mil
eiuMOiis than the MMf-d.iyin
The money wa.sted on hint-
,-.. ..:... ... ,::.....
unlive ;iiuut: nu- uii-iiii-im-i
!...... .
land drugs whieh mingle with our
diet in the lorm 01 tea, tobweeo, ;
111 1 .1 im .1 .1 !
aleohol and the like stand on the
very t!nehold of prosperity, ami
bar the way of thousands to a
home in their old age. i
. .
Societv "Witliout Cliriatiitnitv.
., . " . n. ,.
1 eihaps the most efleelive r.ns-
... . ,
wor to IniersoII is a slioit ami
' 1 . .' 1 1 ... I .1. . '
who belief and talk as he talks,!
" - Hy desiie to succeed in tin-'
eflbii thevare making? Does he,
of all forms of what we call so-
imKnfl.ln,l it. -.11 ...... M.Uil.,lin,.cl
truth, reveience, obedience, virtue, i
:mi without the sense of lcspousi-
bility. In short, it would unchain ;
,.,.; Cnw 11 .M.on.rl. il.:.f 1
.j..w'... ......" w..-j, -.
j wollui not do to put in practice. '
i ,
m truth, wan: to see t.linsl::initv ; ami ju-wuf jhenumtr. . ir frieiMl- ....i..-m....v,.:. -'ujju. jv juu,
I .. .. ii i i; j i in tlie tM-l V.aill M m. U ll IT vnnriu.- i uMiimr o-i'imt
overthrown.'' N ouid he abolish j fl... j... Hi.M,..i, .,,M i ,.!M.u it.,- .. i ,, - i i ii Hior oi a t-.l ll. MKKl.l.
uu miiitiiniiib.aiHi i iim tf im i ajit.. I. :!.!. tra lms jiil nvcivwl
religion iVoin the world if liei-oiild?! ,l' of ;f;riMthi tn.:t no faimi a rlniv lot i iifs aifil aiiples. fn?3li I - - .
m " - n t I.- eansiM.nfullj.HiMwwahMitfwilliiiui ,-,,,, the n-h.snl.s of IVlk ami .Mfuimi AQTHRIA IROWWORQ
Chnstianitv is the foundation of ' Two lul!nr will lm the nie .mI hr n,n(it whieh u ill Jn mM in lot t JiUni; inUIx ViUnriO.
wlrit we enll civilintion and re-! a""-1 "" UveK aHMtlhw ten ii-iiK lU jmn-haM-r-. .,
wn.u we can ciin.aiion, ami ic IlCrc,w. k . .. j i KnvrovsrirKwr. kk I'vkkii: Hoi -r,
ligitn of some kind the foundation , ,, ,,:........ shcrnmu rus. s:x:m i
elv. It is so interwoven with LrAA
state, the family, the nolitieaK aiu! f-ryinu with the evnu-.atm" imoj ,' ... . . .. : fK-inmnnilf m-
, , . , . . lot eiutnitrieeJli:' ll . m ai onei- .out ; , , . -
tral and social svstcms: it is so,.r,.t hittleof .Mr. W'inshiwV NiotJm.u "" l ' - -
It was at the hotel of nuiiilmM,
want some hot water if You
. 1 1 f
Me a thing as shaving, said the.
waiter, horror-struck at the idea. , !( i J- ! '. .1 " . I-! ""," ,M
.... . ... Ilieiinldui:;is, in tne mlise. a:d e
1 insisted again, but with the vanie ; willini alude tin; tel. hor.sle h.
, sT , 1 1 ,, all druyists.yroeei-saaj! liquor dins?ers
effect. 'Xa. na, &aitl he, "yi' iT
a . X a .1.1
canna Have 11. .eeessiiv is tnej
, . ... 1 ,
mother of invention, lis said, and.
this aroused mine. , 1 thought that
if I could arrange the oider in
such a wav that il would not affect
his leligious scruples, he would
bring it directly. I thereforo pro-
posed, that I should like ome
foddv, and told him lo bring me
' .. .
the materials for making it, con-j
the materials lor inaKing 11, con-(tie. .
sinting of whisk v and bi'ilingj Never 4 Iiojjiiii4 wttlMMd eon
, , ,, ! ,". .siiitiii4lheadeitisia4 eottiHinsof Tin:
watei. I liese he bi ought without) a-uokian. .The will tell ott where
the least demur. 1 gave him the' Su'ineuSnts X'a
wliiky, which he drank, and T used husines.
J - t he hot water. So conscience was
At ait editorial eouveiiiion re-1
it 1. i 1 ..i -.t .,1. 1 ..i m..
eeuny neiu au m au.isu. iu.,..ii.
. ... .
Kicliard Smith of the Cincinnati
'Gazette delive.-ed an adtire.s, in
NviMidi !io rfd-itoil ihe followinn- isi
"hieii he related uil louowing as
ja" ""'"lent 15'". ' ,e:!
"Whon the CJax.ette company i
I. . .1 ! . . 1 '
. ciianpecl lrom me cretin to inc.
cash-in-advance system, there were I
S0,000 due on the books fromi
weekly subscribers alone, that had
been accumulating for a third of a I
century. Of that amount not'
S0.000 cents were collected. We
employed a man and furnished
him with a good horse, and sent
him ofT on a collecting tour. In
six months the horse died, the sad
dle and biidle were pawned for
keep, and the man retained a con
siderable balance against the com
pany. Wc sold the books for old
paper and called those credits
(let your legit I hhmUs at Tim
Astokiax oflice. A full line of over
two hundred styles.
kipj t"J.w.. j
-d.-,ti,i ..! real plate Mviiritj. Jn-
1,,,,,,,,f ...... M.w.::v.
- y'L I
. ". ': .cikM a jHir-.
$ V V
t;i eisarses.
- -
.I11M H'ci-heu" iter sK-ftlHor C)imihi.i.
fi,lo tll ttl ,.jf., oysters, which -aiH
hihiS V"
V.oliJl effe: aither t.n-of MU?n I Ua-..-m Iw;:I.iI.u:-amoiuf orhrie1.;
I loila.. nn jhtmhi, iiKikin tlw ' j for sale l TtttM r, U AS wr thoiiMiial
mw in st NtM uiih Hie n H.-. : j i-aji -illM, ..amine. mMr AsSuii.i reme
j tlinvilolinifnr :n m-'i Willi Iln pistil :.jn .itup. Viii.imm
hnnabie tut l.4h ii!-J after tthit-h there;
Uvi'ii 1m tnrLiv h.:iiitr im ! thtti.Wi.::t i
111.' M.IVA sut.ttll'!.r. I
f urri:i:-A: M.m:i... I'rwi.-.
3tny Jh. t-k!y.
, ': "!:!:K,-V, A'TO,fI N"r "
iwrcki - . full t jH-l Mich inforHtsillim
- ?n,r. Hllinile till-lir mill. Mll-
'eiiNa hot lie.
Sr::jaji Ilifti'rj..
Cinehouk !:ln
!'-Hu.,"V!: j :r.s,!v,'lVu:',,,T!. !h::!
,-........ --. --- i iiMin tii i i4k i i imivii .iii Jtrniir tfiti i
ivnu'iiv 111 di;iiii. iieir ii :i" i.iiiii;. i
";-"r uuiu. naiji.-. "" '-'"'V'T : J.!l?r IhkS,
called it ( iitrhona. in lmnor of the la! :eil;. l i HUMitisjmii in .in jurNonst
.. 1,.. i,.,.i i,n..,i.!,i ih.onii.oi . i,;..i. .. i v!shni!f tn hieali" fri:ii inn lot to li(
.''fJiuu'niis it dfiesa rever.aiidih'sinnsi
hnth alike. 1 ne iw.v.vrful tonic vuttte.
uir .um 111 im ini si'tii iiiiiiu .
tual xxilKatisfi jmi Hmt llis i- tit- .ii.i .r iiin it..f 1 .. .iit
. I
i;ian..s. rioiuivsorx note. imuhIs
j, need, quit elaiin deeds, nioitw.-s
Ulant.s. Piomivsorx note. Im.ihIsI
' :,ls" w:,ir:,,x deeds, ai 1 his ot.iee.
: -Asa inihl.hiit eiui-nwl
' :lI,r'' l;"i -. Ii!hI wiritiei and
'.jeiieral ".ii 11141 iK'iier. k 1114 f ilie
Ulond. :ecadeiiisenient.
IIae istaiMmiaiu of wild i:rr
ihieira.eonsumjitioii.audHll throat am! j
j liui'4 conudanits. ..tieeiifs ::iMt-sl a lurt-j
"lt ou will send Us flu .siiUm-iUi
j ers for one er with s10 :id:tme
iiiiuent, at the rate of y; ci for e.uh
name, wewill siid one eojij jf Tin: .s-j
i"i:i.N tree, to an amiivo t ina 1
- - -
1 K've. and we will Mi:d an :ddilnit.i!
: Clll,v fr ,.aeh additional She names that
ou ma send to n.with lhee.ish in :ti
value of eoiiiM. for one eaj
King- of the Blood
Is not a 'nir i.'.,it i:iM-ii4i-piin;ier;;d
tome. lmpiml of tln.'h'ootlp1iisoii:i!iisV..
tern, denuttfes ilu eireut-itioii. ami Hois 1
d tiers many dtsoidcrs. kr.ov.u le. iliitereiti
iiaincs to tlMiiijjuMi llu in acinrdioti to e:"-
Ti'i'ts lint lii'iii" ri-ilH l.r m..!i... .. ..T. .. ..r
that zreat "etierie dUonlrr. ImouriTy oJ !
Ittooil. such are i;ji..;, ltiUioitiuA
jhvr Ciii)J(iiiif.('uiM'j.!M.i, ?..rrK JN- i
unlit, llciitiaehi, lUuhtuU . foment I Weak-
urxn. 7rnr )iVuxr,i)jni. Kidnm n;r,i-..
'iic. .irii;iiix;ji. i tii.iun, ficrufHlit. Skin
Diuiiler. Z'iiiiiifix. I'U; ia. SictlHwix, .tr.
.If. Kinr r the Islooit prewWds atid
cures these l altaeklujr the (.wr. linpttrit
of the blood. Cliemisl-aiiil plisiHausa"Tee
hi ralltiu: il tlie most uenuine" ami elllclrut
prepanitittii for the punOM.' s,4 ,x nrn.
iists. si per bottle. See testimonials', ditvr
linn. .(.. in pamiililel.4-Treat ise on !ie:iM
ot the I'.liMid." wrapped aroumt i4iob lu.tih.
U. I'.AXSO.M. S )X & Co.. Propyl
uuuaio,:. i
I"i:r:i!l:Mj iii)i:) lo
At M r-s Mmison's Jil:iif Iun-e.
al.i .Xiitloe.
Oti allcr :hU !.: an aili'itiuital in;
jh' vs n. nir;i.- wixni nni. .jiii
AiMher line hH or lastirn OvU'i-.
ji?st rtvehfi! at ii-eiK'. iter Mcauscr j
St-!fK! Trick! Jli-ii'til
Swileh.-urlsai!.lfri.-. tnaile m.m
jnmiiiin'4- ir rut hair, fall n i :!
Jtlrvs-N Vi. lii:.KMiAi:r.
tjin-iui ;ti Kair iio:Mi; :no.ui
Axlnria. ()iei:!i
, wMl M .Mrn, imh-htd to met..!
,..,. ;..,1,Ni.,rt .... .,., ., i ,. ,. .i... i
J,',,",;. "1'a7w or !nK!din-.i will".-1
I Tin. .Vtoi:i, ha now rcieheil a
leiivHlaiioii rhie hii!iiefit nl the heal
f llie list of Otvtion (l.iilie. and inurt.
! to.MKertiM'rs thereof more henetit fur
j Hm atiioimt .tul ih:tii ma he secured '
' ris-ftii.-n1. so uni- wiiii wish in rracii
w-iiiiaww i-P.y.
1 f(tr'l li'i Illlti U lilt ('IvilIZPII Ti:i
J ti',,,1. t.itx" lhi m tl ho"t .uul mo.f" r-'
. . -.- .-
j r.-r-uul j.ur-air.e Pill that incdieai sei;
j enee e.ui deiM'. hi intrinsic .ihu and -
t,.n,in4. ;h,,Ts il: other Pills can he'.
,.,,,..,,, ..,1 vo. t:,,..,. .iiul eei nerson I
T KiiV"iH itt-ir Viiim". Mill uuiplo E
iiieiu. viiivii Jitttifti. 1 ne hi'i-ii mi-
sami-ih hi . rreci i.ntei. ami maintain in
j itMMM aetuMi llu whole uiacmncrv or
life. Mt:il.4ari.iiii,rnn(l effectual. thej
an e,i.eei;ui mia'.neti in uie needs 01
o... .::.. .i.,. ...... .i... .i,.r... ...i.
of hieh the iinent and iure. if'
timelj t.tkeii. Thev are the het and '
ifest i:sie tr emio forehtldien and i
weakeml eon j inn ions where a mild
and effectual rathnil'.c is reqiied.
e 01: : i.r r. - 1.1. 1 n: i.r.i:-
il.tH-ml :. I iiu-ti i of l.tliic siiu k (iistnuiS J
oti 1: 1.1.1. so It :ia
Canned Krniis aud.iHiy,
Bacon, Hums. Shoulders, Lard,
um:;. in"r'vi:ii. "iti:mi:. )
rresii rruiis anu Vegstables,;
? j
rN'!2. S'OI'JS'ISY i'i CASH i
111 the s,.isfil.
.(si !'Wi?i5-:s-.vxi) T.iiroi:s.
Alt eheaj. ft CASH. CimhIs mii on coin -
iisiJU. iHNHJt.l.W. (Vise's store. .
.1. uoiu:ei:s.
n. K. V' XKUN. T. W. ILvton
Astoria Market !
cot:. cin:x."urs am Hamilton s-rs.j
ASTiliSIA. - OttKdOX.
iYAtsJlKX .V 5". Ti)X. S'rojivietnr.s.
(Surer-,- i K'ttr-fH . MtGfiilr'.
:n.Knle ami lut.til Dtxdorj in
Fresh v.nti Cured ftfJeato
A full htie of
-Italic ItaN. Cheeje.ole. constantly
3..: ........ .n..l
.K"iti:i. - oirrcov.
Pioneer Machine Shop
$0 tosivf&R5 -j jtpy-
v: rs& .X&&:
n ! i i-ttiStJ5S:
tinner nnn -v.1
' iS
At! km .;if
O i. iliili. J5UA1 W UJX1L
riininll :ilti'ii(U'tl to.
. V iii:iH ii:.iilii: ri'iMtr'm-
A. P. a.n. rnah'iit.
.1. C. Ill sn.ri:. Srcretary.
1. W. ( ' stu Treasurer.
lon.N Jn. Snperiiilcnilonl.
;o;ppw roqcw A OtJ1?
wv -- .win. t, uo
t:iileM. Itevolvej-s. iM-itol-
and Aiiinuiiiitioii
1 , . r . ....-.....,.. ..
'..; r.v; :;. "-
., .,..,. . . .. . "
UMU.V hliiltHUl V CbldUllblUIUJIll
I las a eoliljilete stoeU of
Sffi X 3U XVX 3XT 2 3ft XT
at her e-l.ililliiiif lit.
Corner C.iss nod .fenVrson streets, stori.t.
j Hats, Bonnets, Dress Trimmings,
Zephyrs, Ribbons, Etc.
Naii on al Brewerv
- L
i .Beer Depot.
.... u ....
! u b f t : .
Ispiepaieii now to deliver leei in his eits-
loiners in the eit with li!ouiioiie:uiv
it is (;uai:anti:kd that this
, n:i-:it. VIT.i.'Nkvki:our1j .
' - ' T.wVlTrrn'W TrT"lT"; " '
lii..Mt l Jl Ul 1 I.UJ-..
I'l-Iees- pei Itnrrrl or rThirl j1
.'aIIon.. . r...s )0
i luantitie4 "piu -.Thirty ,-.
(."nitons ...
1 .10
One ." (.'allon Ker
.ser.u ill our outers. f
At thetJreat liistein.
. i
:t: W: CAtilS-
li'OI'.Tl'i: AXD.WUOLIliAhK'ANp KK
r.AIh i'KAhEU'fX
i t. tr-, '
I ., 'fUlTO'-Vi m d w
i li.TXTTHT KA1 t1 .
' -- .1 I I-.' 31 . 5 V fr' 3 1 I M "
. j -uiiil. - ui,;.i;i.
j)ar. i
Uftln- in ASTORrANbniiaiag.
Koom Xt. 2,,np-MaIr3.
" A. Mei.yrosH.
opulent Hotel ruil(llnjr.
AST01UA - - - OltEHOX
iv Tt i:r.( i.. . tvu. hatch.
No. 10 California St., San Francisco, Cal.
-tt. jr. i. .ikxixs. t
Cnuliiate I'niiersity of Virj;inKU is1
riiyslclan to l.:iv View hospital, naltimort
(H'rieK In rage & Allen's-hutlillns,
st:ur. Astori.i.
i cit.vxt;. m. n
Koom Xo. .'J. Astorian Itnildiiis:.
UhMnKM'i Corner of l'.ontoti autl Court
sfreet'. Astoi Ta. Oregon.
Pkkick 0r the AVIilto ITiseStMe.
Uhj'inKMT At Mr". Muilsou's boauhn
house. ChenuiniLs street, Astoria. Oiecon
jp minutes.
liooins hi Allen V "biilldiiiK up stain, conn
of C'.i"s ami Soemocque street. '
Clitfiiaiutis btreet. - ARTOHIA. OIJKdO"
Q IT. A1 A CO..
Doors. WimloivH, Jillntm, Traa.
Moms-, I.uiuher. "Etc.
All Kiuil-i of Oak Lumber, Class, loat 11.".
terial. etc.
Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Oeu
e he anil Astorstieets.
Ctti'Nvuus SriiKKT. opposite Atlter's lleoV
' store, - AsroniA, Onmo.v.
CalT" Put feet fits Kiianinteed. All work
warranted, (live mc a trial. All oruVt
prumplly filieil.
.1. H. 1)7 GRAY.
WliolesjUe and retail dealer hi.
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
( storage and Wharfage on reasoti
ahle terms, l-'not of Kenton Ml eel. AstoiU
; Orejriiii.
Lot and Improvements for Sale.
1J inein Oliiejs.Vstoua. loKetlierwith
A l.'ood House anil IVoodshed
Mir 11:11 liciilars inquire of
.M.Si:UIaVor W. II.TWtrJOHT.
Astoru..lulyll. IsSl.
Take Notice.
John Royers, Central Market,
Has received a large invoice of
of the best iptality.
And Is mm ready to supply Butchers (Jan
neiies and all ot Iters, cheap tor cash.
We ate constantly rcieiviii neAv.addtUons
lo ourstoelcimt luno the tlnest and
' '
lanrest assortment of vancly
ioods lit the eitv. 'u' "
. jf r w
Combs, Brushes.
Stationery. Frames,
Celluloid Goods
Allour;ob(ls aienuirked in plain, figure-.
Call and eamine iputhty and note price.
Mi. P. 11. Williamson,
" All kinds of
Corner of Cass and JetTerson streets, Astoria
EeStampIng and Dres,s Jlakingdonato