CO 'Bmy & tlti Vol. xvi. Astoria. Oregon. Thursday Morning, November 10, 1881 No. 35. UMATILLA RESERVATION. There is probably not a finer or! more productive tract of land in Oregon than that embraced within the limits of the Umatilla reserva tion. Several attempts have been made to get rid of the Indians, and much have been promised by some of our members in Congress, but nothing accomplished. The entire reservation from Pendleton to Centerville, u distance of 30 miles, is good land, in fact the very best that can be found anywhere. Pendleton, the county seat of Umatilla, is rapidly improving, and it wotdd do so . much faster were it not from the fact that the reservation runs into the town, and a portion of it is located 5n lands claimed by the Indians. The title to the town site ought to be quieted as soon as possible, and we are confident that the Govern ment could make acceptable terms with the Indians to get them to give up their tribal relations and talce up farms. This is the case with the better class of these In dians, and the great value of the j lands thev now hold from the whites, should be sufficient loin - duce the Federal GoveramenL at least to make an effort to throw it open to settlement. We have no data to go bv, but believe that each Indian now on that reserva- tion, including squaws and chil- dren.have reserved lor their use at least G40 acres. It is true a portion of this land is cultivated .' but what is, is a trifle, and not ' vxrrkriri manfinntiiff WIiiIa u "VtHI im AAlV1411111 I! III1U Mi; tilV on the Indian reserv we may as well sriv " the reservation system. It is the j most ridiculous policy any sensible. Government can devise. Under ! it, we are not only making loafers ' and worthless people of the pres- , ent generation, but the white man who has tovork for his bread, is taxed to raise a shiftless and worth-1 less lot of young Indians They I " I are taught under this reservation plan to rely on the General Goy-1 eminent for their sunnort. and I h. nn ;,iM r rWn- fco ,.. ! ing. If, when the present tion died off, there would be a change, we might tolerate the in-. mU WfLnnncnW will be as trifling as the present, 1 ii !. ii denendents and not force them to ' rely upon themselves for their sup- port. One thing is certain; these lands, whioh are some of the best in the State, ought to be divided up and given to the white men for homes. Stayutard. . Concordance. Don't you know that Bob. In-: ,, J n , . , j gersoll gets most of his best! . f , .,- thmgs from the Bible. In fact some of his finest utterances are ! snnDlv naraohrases of Bible truths. ! See here "Honest industry is as good as pious idleness," says the colonel. Well that's all right. That's orthodox. The Bible says the same thing, and said it long before the colonel thought of it. fcaith ' without works is dead. "Christ believed the temple of 10w Inen- Lingersoii. God to be the heart of man." fin- "Ye1 tl,at,s perfectly orthodox, gersoll. For if ye forgive men their tres- Yes, that is orthodox, too. We ! passes, your Heavenly Father will "must worship him in spirit." ; also forgive you; but if ye forgive "Know ye not that we are the ' not men their trespasses, neither temples of the Holy Ghost?" ' wHl your Father forgive your tres- "If 1 go to heaven I want to posses.' ;For with what judg take my reason with me" fin- j ment ye judge. ye shall be iud-ed: gersoll. j and with what measure ve meet, Of course, and so you will, "for ; sVd be ineasurej to youv now can we see through a glass . upon the shadowy shore of darkly,but there faceto faee; nowj(lenth the sea of troul;ie casts n0 I know in part, but then I shall j wave flno-ersoll. Know even as i am Known.- Liwr-: inthians xiii. 12 "Fear is a dagger with which hypocrisy assassinates the soul." Ingersollt x - ' That is good gospel, and "per- fect love caste! h out fear." "If I owe Smith ten dollars, and I that would prompt any citizen of God forgiveth me, that doesn't j this state to object to improve pay Smith." (Tngcrsoll. ments on the Columbia ami AYil Correct you are; the prayer of j lamette rivei. As an important Christianity is "forgive us our debts as we fonjive our debtors."! uOwe no man anything." "Reason is the light of the soul, and if vpu haven't the right to follow it, what have you a right toof the locks at the Cascades. It ' follow?" Ilnjrersoll. J "Vet in the church I would rather speak five words with my understanding, that 1113' voice might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. Brethren, be not children in un derstanding, howbeit in malice be yo children, but in understanding be men." Corinthians xiv. lO-O. "If you go to hell, it will be for not practising virtues which the sermon on the mount proclaims." Ingersoll. That's all orthodox. "If ye know these things, happy are ye if yo. do them." "The men who saw the miiacles all died lonr aero. I wasn't ac- ! qua-""" wii.i any 01 em. in- 's1- i Same w:l.V w"-- mn wIl w -"'etus burned. But the I coloncl most fil,n,.v hd' tl,at iScrvetus was burned. i "A ,ittle miraole "w.riff--t "e J"51 a ,ht, one would do Inore I . l i r 1 15 I r toward the advancement of Chris- t,a,m-v lh!,n a t,,p Poachers ot j thirty years." f Ingersoll. j - , y hear not Moses and the I'll m,(;n nnct; ! prophets, neither will thev be per-, rvation question, j r t,.. .,..:..... fisuaded though one rose from the ive our views ot 1 ; .1 ,i 11 rr ..1 ....:: ! uwlu- LJ'UKi . . m Xl I,iere. ,h :l ou In UH ,ini' verse ne w, "01 tamn an nonest ,nan-" fIn,so11- "A fa,se ba,ance 5s an abo"''ft- tlon to lhe Lord' ,),u a illst weht ,s ,lls lellS,,L Proverbs vi. 1. "There is onlv ono tr,,c worship, and that is thc V of justice." rr - 11 LInocr:30U t:Retler therefore uutq C:esar the "'S8 w,licli be Cs d 1 God the things which be l genera-piod's" K-kcxx,23. j 'God will not damn a good citi-j en' a fal,,pr w a -no, f,h'n,L" flngeisoll. Certainly not; 'man. nor any Hood "A good man showeth favor and "lendeth ; he will guide his affairs j with discretion Surely he shall) j not he move" ferever: the iighte- 3 jus shall be held in everlasting pi r -j . Viim remembrance." Psalms xxii, 5-0. lilUlllUGlu ClllU OLuQlU illllGlil "Study the religion of the body j in preference to the religion of the , .... - . I soul. A healthy body will give a i ,,, , , , ... - , healthy mind, and a healltiy mind -u i.- -. - n will destroy superstition. ' Ilnirer- n. ' ' I That explains why the Indians j : i,a"p::rihf ;::: , mM souls make the most fuss about j saving them.' ingersoll. ! ! Of course, Colonel; they are the J lurdest kind to save. . "I will never ask God to treat! me any fairer than I treat my fel- in rr it The Coloncl must have b singing that good old hymn, "When 1 can read my title clear,5 in which occur the lines: "And not a wave of trouble roll Across my peaceful breast." I It is selfish and unpatriotic follv factor in the state's commerce, we ' must all work for such an cud. But what we, east of the moun tains, are specially and ately desirous of is the completion ' is worse than childish for the dif- ferent parts of the state to be an tagonizing the improvements of the otiier; iet each work for what it wants, but not against the needs j of others. Weston Times. J Bald heads hab al'ers been re spected. De oln bald-headed , prophet was so highly 'specled dnt I when a lot of chillun laughed at him an' said, "go up ole bald-, head," she b'rrs come out outeu de woods an' 'stroyed forty ob de! number. A "rent deal can be I 1 said 'bout bald heads, but den I discovers a slight discrepancy when 1 sees a Ivild-headed man j groanin' anion at church, 'an den ! see him occupyin' a front scat at! a short -dress show. Hunt. The Brooklyn Kagle says: Mis. Hayes is said to have been the best ; match-maker ever in the White ; House. During her four years there she married off all her eligi-. ble nieces, and helped along all' the 3'oung girls 01 her connection. ; It used to be a remark- when a ' vouiiH- lailv arrived at the White! Vj- . u-vtM . , , House, " hat, young man has Ar n - v, 0, ! .Mrs. Haves in view nnw' She , , P in .1 has lots of namesakes ail over the . , . - . . country, and is one of the most popular women in America. The Central Pacific Railroad, company is preparing in earnest for construction of a railroad east-j ward from Corinne, Utah. Eniji-1 . . . ... 1 ueers are working from t. onnuo east, and from the Missouri west. It is supposed that connection will be made with the Chicago and Nort h w este rn . Oregonian. MISCELLANEOUS. (JJg (; (JROSBV Dealer in JHARDfARE, 1BDH, STEEL, HAtlJJ W AM , lUUfl, Uh j Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IR0NT1H AND COPPER, m m mimm supplies Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP- PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with r.eatness and dispatch. None tint first das, workmen eiiloeil. A large assortment of SCALES liiiM:uitl. ! luiiii ASTORIA. ORKHOX W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, PATENT MEDICINES, ETC. tSTrescnpUons carefully conipoitncledjat allHours. -JIomeopathlG TinctiKes and Pellets, and Humphrey's Sp'eciacs also kept. 1Iiih4j- J I.oun. lU mi .ml real estate security. In-1 nulre !" .1. Q. A. Uowi.r.v. ruiimi. sr.j In Hoiit f C.ij.l. CmlianiN a pur-cl Call at till- ofticc. in.e iioi,crtv:ind ihi Hinrvs I ii chnrjres Xoliee .fust received per Mcanier Columbia. U filnr!0.ti,!.,,,'if,kfir H Uvl"1 p1" lnliit' HanlM-at K..v COC-. ( eCldei!t block. Xotlre. We .-.till ollVr nnothei piizeof -even dollars to any person making the bc,t score in siv "shots with the rifle, anil thiee dollars for the hot with IhopNtol : payable the l.V.h in-d.. after which there will he turkey hoolint; up l the 2::d. at the Aloria Shooting (Jallery. ('iiai:ti:i:-. & Moirro.v. Prop'-. Buy I he T;ih Wki:kia Avroi:iA. for tin week i- full of ju-t such iuforiiiation and news of the country a- our friend- 111 the tii-t want to ce. It has ery few advertisi'iiieiii-. ami i.- chock to life muzzle of information (hat no famil can siifccsfnlly .Mjuee.e alon; without. Two dollar?, will hny the whole wad for a year. SI ."Mi for my inonths.or ten cent per eop. mUITATlOri OF Till?. SIM 1j!. An Authentic Testimony. Ucntlcmcii. For five years I hac been urcntly troubled with d.utdiuli". with a sccre ilehiir-jof the scalp, and my hair falling out. I have tried almo-l every known reined,ull proving worth-le-s. .tviujr t'oco mm: and Itnixirrr"- ICali.I'-tox adverttM'd. I procured a bottle of each, and am happy to stale that the dandruff i- eomplctch removed, ami no itchiim v.'hatecr re mains. J, K.Cavkx, Kansas Cit. Mo. lli:i:xirrT'.- Ki..yot:ix. Kxti:.its are the best. 1 l'rriiviaii Iiitfr. Ciuchon.i Kubra The ( mint Oiiiehon w:ij liu .SianLli Vlcoroj in 1'eru in KCO. Tlii. Coimti'S.-.. his wife, as)rotratod iy nn intermir lnl l"'vcr, from which he was lri'cd by thfUM'oftho native remotty. thc IVru vian baric, or. as it was called in ih language or the country. 'Quinquina (initeful for her recovery, on lier return to Kuro;,e in lrcy. she iiitrodupfil tin remedy in .Spain, w here it was known umler various uauics. until Iiiini3-u called it Cinchona, in honor of the lad who had brought them that w Inch wa" more precious than the gold of the Incas. To this day. after a lanc of two !uin dred ami fifty years, xMence has aiven us nothing to fake it, ulacc. It cllVctu ally cniesa liiorbid aimctite for Mimu lanLs. by rearing the natural tone of the stomach. It attacks cxccssixc love of Honor as it docs a fever, and destroys bothalike. The powerful tonic irtue of the Cinchona is preserved in the Peruvian Hitters, which are as en'eclive against malarial fever to-day as thev were in the da,of lhe olil Spanish Viceroy-. We guarantee the ingredi ents of the..c hitters to In- absolutely pure, and of the best known quality. A trial will satify you that this is the best bitter in the world. "The proof of the pudding is in the eatintr. and we willingly abide this test. For sale by all ijruggisls, aroeers and liquor dealers. Order it. Ijlanks, Promissory notes, bonds for deed, quit claim deeds, mortgages i and warranty deeds, at this oftice. ' ' The Peruvian syrup has cured lliou sands who weiesiuTering fmln dy)ep sia, debility, liver complain!-, boil's. In: mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to anyaddrcs. Seth V. Fowlr &Sons.lU)-toii. A cuiigh. cilil or sure throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion. IJrowifs Ihoiichial tiochesdo not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act diredly on the in llamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in asthma, bronchitis, roughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public speakers are -;iljcet lo. For thirty years lirmvifs bronchia! troches have been recommended by physicians, and alas give perfect satisfaction. Having "been tested b wide and constant use. fur nearly an en tire generation, they have attained well morited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. .Ndd at IT-cents a DOeer where. f " CELEBRATED V IftiRS IHmiuished Visor Is reinilmrsed In groat measure, to those troubled with weak kidneys, by a judicious use or Ilosteiter's Stomach Bitters, which invigorates and stimulates without exciting the urinary organs. In conjunction with Its Influence upon them, it corrects aciditv, Im prove apietite. and Is in every way con duct, c to health and nerve repose. An other marked quality to Its control over fever and ague, audits power of preventing it. For salo hy all druggists and dealers genorallav. Sitf-V j Kticni.heit Hooms to I.ct At Mr. Million's lorisiii! hou-e, .; iuu a oi ice. " !,nr l""" ,,.:ilt!:iu a(liliti(na!!( tv,,,N '?r w,nl,wi11 "' carKwl on all ruers for .:ived wood not accompanied Jy the ea-h. at (Inn. won I yard, duly IS. .-v.. Kntern AllolllIT lilll- lilt frf Etl-ril OvMl iul JVC,.;VtM, st Ko.coc. per steamer M)r...m n,.,.i,!..iit l.lrw.b Kriek! Heiek! Itriek 1 have on liand a lare amount of brick for snh- at from cF." to fsS per thousand. Call ami examine, near Astoria ceme tery, .loitx Wr t.t.i am-ov. A'oiice to the Ladies switches, curls and frizzes made from enmbinn- or cut hair. Call on or ad-. '. dres- Wm. 1 m.i:xu a i.t, j Occident hair dre-siiu; saloon, i Astoria. Oregon I f'lioiri Valley Fruit. j Cap:. .1. II. D. i;ra has just received . a choice lot or pears and apples, fresh j fioni the orchards f polk and Marion : counties, which will he sold in Ils to -nit pureliasers. , Sherman Urns. Ilxprcsn I Will receive orders at the store of I.' j W. Case for upper Astoria or any other part ot the e:t. Leave our orders on j the shite and they will be promptly at-1 tended to. k Notice. ! 1 wish all parties indebted to me to' ' m-rke immediate pa ment. a.; I want the , j money. .V list of indebtedness will be ( i found at .1. V. (Jearhart's; that gentle- ' man is authorized tocollect all bills due. Prompt attention will save costs. S Fi:i:. SitKr.M.vx, j i Laleof ('ity .Market. , To Ilve 3Ien. j Tin: Astoriax has now reached a circulation which places it at the head of the list of Oregon dailies, and insures ' to advertisers thereof more benefit for : the amount paid than ma be secured J elsewhere. To lho-e who wish to reach j the largest number of readers at the 5 smallest we otter the columns1 i uii ituiiiri ii- ti:ui, i ui- sui cess in which from the verv start Iuls been far bfjond this expectations of the most .sanguine. VI'itllaniHport l'roperty. (real bargains are now offered in the " city of Williamsport for anv persons I w isinni: to ineate I rum one lot to live acrc.s. It is well adapted for gardens, dairy jam-lies or pleasant homes; 'well elevated, situated one mile south of Astoria on Youngs baj. with a good graded road to the place. For further information call at my residence near the cemetery. .loux Williamson. Ity t'nirt-rsnl Accord. A r.ns r.vrii virnc 1'u.r.sare the hot of all jmrgativcs for family use. They arc the product of long, laborious, anil successful chemical investigation, and their oxtenshe usi by physicians in their practice, and bj all ciulized na tions, proves them the be.-t and inostef feeltial purgatixe Fill that medical sci ence can de is. In intrinsic value and curative power no other Fills can be compared with, tin m, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in perfect trdcr. and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, seai ehing and effectual. the are especially adapted to the needs of the digestive" apparatus, derangements of which the prevent and "cure, if timely taken. They are" the best and safe-t phjsic to employ for children and weakend constitutions, where a mild and effectual cathartic i required. FekS.u.i: k am. Dk.m.kus. MISCIILKAXEOUS. CRXTKAL MARKET. Ci'iii-nd ::ssn:tiiuiii or lab'e stitck coiislaiilly a iinatl. siith as ('ainit'd Fruits and Jelly, Bacon. Hams, Shoulders, Lard, VAttis. ik'tti:k; ciii:ksi:. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, fish. iouyriiY Ayn uxsik In the seaM)n. ClftAKK AAI TOBAC'l'W. Ufst or vriTSKst .im r.iti'oi:s. All chi'up foi CASH. (Jomls sold on cum iiiNmihi. iMitMisiit f. W. Case's store. .!. KODCKItS. II. K. H I.BKIL.. T.V.. EiTro Astoria Market ! COR. CliKNAMt'S ANI HAMILTON STS. I t ASTORIA. - - OUEOOX. WAItKKX' A r.ATOX. rronrlelor.! Whr.lesalo and Rstail Dealer? in Fresh and Cured Meats A full line or FAMILY CROCERIES, FLOUR. FEED HAY. CANNED FRUIT. VEOE- ( TAULK, ETC. j ir Butter, Kggs, Cheese, oto. constantly on hand. I " Ships supplied at the lowen rates. ' MISCELLANEOUS S. AllNDT & FERniEN. ASTORIA. - OREfiOX. The Pioneer Machine Shop JtTJSSSi jt- . i" irA Boiler Shop y All kinl ol ENGINE, CANNERY, AND- STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT 111-' l.AFA KTTK 8TKKKT. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ISknton Sti:km Xkai: Pi:kki: Hoi'sk. Astoni . - oi:i:con. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS.- Lii'l)liiiHi!EEl(ilPS Boiler Vork. Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. 1. Wass. President. .1. ;. Hi Heeretarj. I. V. Cash, Treasiirer. lou.N Fox, huperiiitcudeiiL Iff TT T T A TUT "C Tfc " A& T3 W llililiUrl & JJl3iiil, Corner Main and ChenamusHtreols, A5TOKIA OKKUOX DI.I.KIt I.S" CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celelnaled JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGUSK CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE VOSTENHOLM and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Keershaum Pipes, etc. A line stuck i.f Watrhe anil .Jewelry, .tluzr.le anil Ilreeeh l.oadiu; .Sliot .'iiii.m i:jiiI Klfles. Itevolver... l-istols, and Aiuiitiiiiition .-IAK5N: (.'LASSES. A KINK Assortment of line SI'KCTAfJ.KS ami EYK U.ASSKS. New Millinery Establishment MRS. E. S. WARREM Has a eumplete stock .r at lier estalilislinient. Corner I'ass and Jenersou streets. .Vstona. Hats, Bonnets, Dress Trimmings, Zephyrs, Ribbons, Etc. SAN FRABTGISCO Nation al Brewoiy Beer Depot. .max va(.ni:i:, - - a:i:nt ASTOlMA. OUKCOX. Is lueiKired now- to ileliver beer to hi- ciis-lonu'i-s; in the city Willi his own romexamv IT IS GUARANTEED THAT THIS UEER "WILL NEVER SOUR CAN RE KEPT FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME. Irip4 ii- Itai-i-el r Tliirlj i (Dillons . :....S ot) ! I.cxh Onnnlities .iui Thirl v allor.M.. i OO -,. I. Our ." Gallon Kca: I ""Seiid in yonr oiderv. MAX AVAOXER, At the (treat Jlistem. i I. -"W. CASE, . : rMI'ORTRR AI Wtlfir.VSAl.R AXTi IIP.' TAlb i-KALKU IK GENERAL MEBCEAHBISE Corner Cfipnanuts ami C:isi streets. ASTORIA . - - OREGON I ft rirai it'll . m n - v v - BUSINESS CARDS. TVC. IKKI.AX1. Ofllce ill ARTORfAX building. Room Xo. 2. up-stairs. T V. IIOIiDKX. notauy rur.Lic, AfrriOXKKK, COMMISSION' AND - Sl'KAXCE AOF.XT. T A. ."tlelXTOSII. MERCHANT TAILOR, Oppiil'Mit ITotl r.uildin?. ASTORIA - - - OREGON V. T. lUKCLW. T. II. HATCH. HATCH & BARGLAY, COMMISSIOX MERCHANTS. No. 10 California St., San Francisco, Cat. D K. .11. I. .7F.XXIXS. 1'HVSICIAX VXD SURGEON. Cr-ulunte Cnivcrsity of Virginia, nuai l'liy.sichui to Rav View hospital, Baltimort Cilv, lS-'Ti. O'fuck In faize & Allen's building, up .stair. Astoria. TL CRAX. .11. !.. "rJlYSItJIAJTAND SURGEON, Itoniu Xo. :t. Awtorian Itnildinc:. trv jt.ui:.s.) 1'KMOKNtK Comer of Ronton and Court streets, Astona, Oregon. FAY TFTTIjK. M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OKKicK--Over Hie AVliite nome Store Rksiiik"'i: At Mrs. .Munson's boarding hoiL-e. Clienaimis street, Astoria, Oregon. 1(1 ,V. illCKS. DENTIST, ASTORIA. --- - OKKUON. Koonis in Allen's building up stah.s, corn? of (': ami Sienocilie street. Q. A. KOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ClienainiK Street. - ASTORIA, OREOOtx C. 11. IJAI?i it CO.. DKAIJCIt IX Doors. WindoivH, JSlIads, Tru soniN, liumber. Etc. All Kinds of Oak Lumber. Glass. Roat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Oea. evie ana Astorstreets. WII.T.IA31 FRY. ntArrtcAi. ROOT A3il SIIOF. MAKKR. Ciikxmua Stkkct, opiosite Adler's Book store, - ASTOlUA, OREfiOK. J2Ierfcct lit, guaranteed. All work warranted. Che me a trial. All ontar proinptiy liliei'.. J. H. D. GRAY, VhoIesale and retail dealer in. ALL KTXJ)S OF JTJSE1), Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. (leneral storage and AVharfaie on reason able terms, rootof Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Lot and Improvements for Sale. LOT EICHT. IX BLOCK SEVENTV five in Olneys Astoria, together with A Coott House and IVoodshett FOR XIXK IIl'.VDICKO DOI.IiARS. For paiticulars innnire of M. SERRAor-W. II. TWILIGHT. A!orta. July U. 1S1. Take Notice. John Rogers, Centra! Market, Has received a large invoice or RARRELS AND HALP BARRELS or the best quality. And is now ready to supply Butchers Can ueiics and all others, cheap for cash. CITY BOOK STORE. We :nc ooiistantly rcccivinjc new additions to our. stock and have the finest and Iarp-st jissortment of variety iHls in the city. I Combs, Brushes, i Stationery, Frames, i Celluloid Goods AH our "nods are marked in plain tljnircs. Qall and.eaiiiiiie muddy and note prices. CILVS. STEVENS & SOX Mis. P: 31. Williamson , 1IK.VI.KK IX i DUESS TEIMMINGS, All kinds of WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, -lames underwear, etc., Corner ot Cais and Jefferson streets, Astoria : order. ' 1 lt2Ctnninlnri nttr? Twaa TnUltr fn.k r Xff. 41 . .. J' -,