OJ t ;zl$& $ftJ f '. . -O ; tx Vol. XV L Astoria. Oregon. Tuesday ormns;, November 1, L881. 5To. 27. ale Mr. Fleming's Change of the Time OuHlQcirQ. When Mr. Sanford t?u.,;., Fleming, says the Toronto Glohe, first , broached his plan of the establish nient of a common meridian and "time zero," the idea was scoffed at as impractical. But the Inter national Geographical Congress latelv held at Venice has con sidered the subject, and declared it worthy of adoption. An inter- j national commitee has been np 'pointed to make arrangements for si conference to be held in "Wash ington, in Ma', 18S2, at which further steps will be taken to in duce all civilized governments to take action. Mi. Fleming proposes to do away with the present system of each locality having its own time, and to substitute a common "cos- mopolitan time," to be reckoned from a line which should be, not j only the "time zero' but the prime ; meridian from which all degrees of longitude should be calculated. It is unnecessary to follow Mr. Fleming in the arguments he brings to prove the necessity for the change. Suffice it to say that the railway time tables published in North America give seventjf five different times of dav which the traveler must observe. Mr. j Fleming would divide the earth j into twenty-four meridians. At j each one of them he would have ; the time move forward or back ward an hour. The twenty-four standard meridians would be let tered after the English alphabet from -A to Z, omitting J and V. Tfee time at each place would be that of the nearest meridian. 1 1 is proposed 'also to "abandon the double enumeration of the horn's from one to twelve, and substitute an enumeration from one to twenty-four. Mr. Fleming does not . suggest any method of lightening the task of counting the strokes of the clock in the present "wee sma hours ayont the twal." iesand other places will be electrically connected, so that the dropping of time balls will give the time to each. Mr. Fleming sums up the benefits of his system as follews: "The times of places widely dif- errnjr in longitude would differ onlv bv entire hours. In all other -j respects standard time in every longitude and latitude would be in perfect agreement. In theory, every clock in the world would in dicate some one of the twenty four hours at the same instant, and - there would be perfect synchron ism with the minutes and seeonds everywhere around the globe. ""By the system proposed, in stead of an infinite and confusing number of local days, following the sun during each diurnal revo lution of the earth, we should have twenty-four well-defined local days only; each local day would have a. fixed relation to33joothers?.xind all would be governed by the position of the sun in Tespect to the Prime meridian. These twenty-four local days would succeed each other at intervals of one hour during each succeeding diurnal revolution of the globe. The day of each local ityvould be Known by the letter or other designation of its standard meridian, and the general con fusion and ambiguity which I have set forth as the consequences of the present system would cease to exist"' Railways in Russia. In Russia alone railway travel ing may lie said to have been all gain and no loss. There is no line in either hemisphere that comes up to the comforts and luxuries of the Moscow and St. Petersburg line .., rooniyj nd lofty saloon carriages, - -a window seat,a fauteml lit, light luggzge nefrtfoKjevery traveler, a .toilet room at tho carnage end. mnnlnn l..l(l- n nnniv.niniil intor. i i ,i i! u u . !vah. the finest stations, the best supplies and cheapest refreshment rooms, and loftiest, widest, cleanest j platforms to stretch ones legs in, and everything everywhere con trived to protect you from winter cold and summer heat. A great improvement is all this upon the cramped open sledge, with the thermomer thirty degrees below zero, and the cold creeping in and curdling your blood under your fur coat, cap and boots; the snow and sleet pelting 3'our face, a pack of wolves howling in your rear ready to catch the hindmost; the motion of the sledge over thesnow Turrows causing you to bob up and down in your seat like a log on the waves, with an upset now and then and "many passengers regularly seasick.1' Vet, even all these miseries are preferable to summer traveling, with the stifling heat and blinding ghue of twenty two hours day, and the dust, both stifling and blinding, and the jolt ing that broke every bone in your skin. The Russian travels fast, and with happy consciousness that neither in town nor in country does he leave anything behind him worth loitering for. A Scandinavian Marriage. Preparations for a wedding feast begin weeks beforehand, and are so extensive that M Du Chaillu was utterly amazed at the quantity of solids and liquids lie saw stored againsi an approacniug man uige i - feast. Invitations to weddings are sent out well in advance of the hap- py day, so that the guests may prepare for two or tinea days!-ab- sence from home; and the poorest person invited is never without a wedding garment. The happy couple eat, drink, and dance with j everybody; and it seems never to have occurred to the people to in quire how they do it. There is a limit to the endurance of the native head and stomach, and this is gen erally found on the third day; then the guests, on bidding good-by to the bride, tender their wedding, presents, which always consist of i monev, and are deposited, without , . ... . . . . being examined, ma lox which the b.ide wears at her side. How man v American frirlc will wish 0.. only to themselves that a similar custom might prevail here can not be easily be estimated, but all of them will understand why there are but few bachelors in the laud of thc mulnight sun. J ..on the wedding festiutie.s, those of Christmas far exceed them, for! e , . . , . . . i'"" 5 charming are some of tho attend- J ant ceremonies. John IIakek- iutt.-niiS ami mil ai l- imuismuiisn ; i nis mates iiuugs nioie picasaui. an mciirauie lung Uiseaseor coitsumi- kept up from Christmas-eve to jail around again, ami tl Twelfth-night, and puaitit and ; education once more booms. ! and halsanis. hut act directl on the in- ton, in Harpers Maatizwe ror't j.r "i T 'I T7 s -j- O A T T7 November. ! H ( ) K, S A I, H, r ,J -7 -- -LJ-J.J -- Big Range. The stock range of one firm in the south end of Grant county is fift' miles wide and one hundred ; and twenty-five miles long.. This firm b' taking advantage of the nefarious swamp land laws of Or egon, now hold possession of the watering places in this vast region, and as effectually keep settlers out, J as if they had a patent to the whole region. There is much valuable lands in this region on which set tlers would gladly locate, but for the superior claim of these cattle kings. Six thousand two hundred and fifty square miles held by one rich company IS Startling Out true, The poor man who wants 1G0 acres of 4,000,000 upon which to make , , - .. - . a home lor his family, soon finds tW Iia ic rnworlx;i rn pnnrnnrl for that he is powerless to contend lor his rights and sadly moves on. ., . ,.... . There is a condition jo affairs in Southeastern Oregon of which our' 1... .!.- 1 . : t w norant as of the domestic affairs. 0f tiie inhabitant of the moon. A immigrant who settles n that 1 j.i.,,1 le to feel that rcjrion is soon ma.' a timer niiir i tin rinitr rr tin ln...ni .,. r l,: . i:ti- 1,,11,.i.. laweu out ot Ins little property.! The result is that nobody does' ,iiHr...uMCi.i . ..mc ..., long this conctition ol allairs is! : .,.:,. ..,. . t. n w,.,, i gomgto exist, no man tell. Moun-, f ameer. ; How to Lift 1,000 Pounds After a year's exercise with dumb hells or otherwise, as pie- . , , viousiy siiKgesto men a man wno , is not ruptured or otherwise in-' . jureci can commence a systematic 1 ... f critnn. ct....;.. ,.;tli o ' course of lifting, starting w ith not , over 100 pounds, which he can lift as. inanv times a dav as he is dis- , " , . " it TT i .p. r.i.iis- i.r, ,., ri...:.i..i ., fioin the oicliaitls of I'olk and Marion posed lo do for one month. lie can! . liifc A-nn :ia has now reacluil -I,.,,,,,,,!,.,, which will he sold iiV lot n . . . . . iciit'iilalioii which places it at the headi . -V ,.' i. "V ' thou nrhl nnotlinr fiHv nnlliwis IntllP l aiming an auuniunai 11113 nuuiiu -. .: . . - weight each month for twenty j nionths when he will be able to ; . lift the great weight of 1,000 i pounds without any danger of in-. juring himself. This is a general , ruin tmrl i rASiiIf nnv niflii Willi :l I , . , 1 t t f 11 sound body can reach if he follows the nrescribed course and never tne piescnoeu course, aim neer tries to overdo the thing. Tf the, weight will not come up with . . out too much strain, stop, for it is too heavy : for von at that alnli,g- r: point of your trainin A.- e l communication from the i. - .n . . p rench i department ol Uommerce, states that the attention of the d partment has been called to danger to which consumers may be exposed by using food con- tamed in cans or lioxes sou ere, ,n the inside and made with other than refined sheet tin. It further! states that French canneries have . , been prohibited from soldering their cans inside, and from using any but refined sheet tin. It lias also been decided, in order, not only for the purpose of protecting the public health, but so that French trade may not be' put on i: inferior footing with foreign cont-j petitors, that all cans imported i into France which do not comply; I . , . , . mi i with tne new legulation will be detained by the custom autliori- i ties - j I (Jhinjio-o has euneelled the order l which forbade the employment of - 1 . 1 it 1 1 :.. .1 . loadveitisors tlii'ieol nioie henelit for ' weiglit to lie hftetl during the sec- j . amomi, v:m lhan m:n he seemed , ond month's exercise, and so on,'l,,s'x,"'m, To Hinsefe impish toieach ' the largest niiinhor f readers at tne .1.1? ... .. Jl.IZi t I tl .. ........!. II . -. .".. I. . 1....... j uianied women as school teachers, ' I5looi. sec advertisement. ami xv. single schoolmarms are' Have WistarMiaKun or wild cheiry i sending out postal-card notices tojiuoncmtisxVln'M.piiiugVu'erp?!!:- as are.4l.A-.- 1.1 ln- ;r, .;.,., il,, that the coast is once more clear n.v.i . i".) ..... """-3 ..... iml rlmt. tlfv j,n rriiow tlw .ioo-. ... MISCELLAXEOUS. THE WELL ESTABLISHED 1,,ou "",l ,eel- "ardwarc- ,M,,e r - .,,.. Stove ami Tinware ItnKi HCHH Of MAGNUS C. CROSBY. To any one desirous of entering lln luiincs, no better cImiiicc can 1w fohnrt ; trade in creasing all the time. Stock amouutM to 7,000. Apply to .MAtJXr.SCCHOSBY. j Astoria. Oregon. ! Take Notice. Jnhn Rftnprs Central Harkpf JUIIll RUyei&j UCUirdl mdrRCl, Has nceh ed a large invoice of 1IAKKELS AND HALF JtAllRFJiS of the best quality. And is now ready to supply Butchers Can- iiAriPi riiirt fill ntlnr rhinn for mJi. neriesand all others, cheap for casli. j ;grThen lsnot 110U. any betler liews. paper, nor one more consistently tle- voted to the building up of the country than Thk Astokia.y. At the price of Two Dollars per year it is the cheapest, asTrell asi,ebest. With your aid and euconragemeut we shall be able to make I further -improvements to enhance its I field of usefulness. Wan fci! utiinmi rn lf (Anunl tiniintvr.r!- . miwII fanil. N ill jiv20a month. l'liii.tr Covnir. ,wk skipanou. Oieyon. j What is all Tins About it i-.n iw.u.in.r i.o..i i.t-,.1.. 11..H 1 I ; 1 no l. ,,jr lacis pr u 1 . 1 in.. 11. .... i. ...... ti ,i :... u 1 lnn IJottlril liivr Kt'il nlVHV.ii hanil Pnv (;i:ikp X t ici in the J':itlic. AtfliTtliiHiIati.tIiw will lM-ii,.iii..n-iOnsiii. sour .San Francisco Iwer wild at the Mint Saloon. Xothinjr hut MiKvMu.-r voMtralca Atorl:l ifn-iu-rv li-r will nakent. OjijKioItctl.Oreni! ami Navigation ciiiims iloc ion Kailwav roi!iji-tm shock. i k. ;u,.,i inu. i aiu ah-nt from tlii-..t ! Mr. Anton liicluh n my aiithoritd ;r..io... niUr. i,.n i!i. 1.;... r.,r ti.'..) 7,.;,. ;;,;;;,. lyaueniim ". .1. tk rs-. : Aent for O211. and W.T. i, s.. aiij orders for Iw-r fimn the interior, ideasp address: .I.STi:r. 1 caie Axto.v r.n.ruir, Astoria. Ogn. To fjivc Men. it tlio lUt rr rtrnmi liilii riinl insiir. Miiuuesi expense. Mr oner ine cimuniis 'of an attrnnlhe dailv. the sueeess of hieh from the er start IiiLsheen far 4,y!' Uw xpo.i:nioii- ot tm- inos, sanguine. 1 -------- : Peruvian Hitter. ('inchoni Kubra The Count (iiuchon was the .Spanish Vicrw-nv in Pi-rn in lirai T!,e I'mintc his wife, was prostrated bv an iitteunit-, tent fever, from which she was heel hy ,lu' -i,'the native icineuy. t.ie ivru- . . , . . . . t, language of the count r. -Quinqitiii:i- Cniteful for her recoerv. on her return i to Euro-,e in 1(m2, slie introduced Ihej remcity 111 .spam, where it was Known; under various nauies. until fjinmcii: called il Cinchona, hi honor or (he lady : ,ivincin" e-irs cue sicl-ness dis- '" lw ha(l bought them that which was , ; J;"" ' r " J . J ' V'dN'no' u i J01S ri?U!"hn" lUrfl " f!1 VX ! Sra !!:,: !e ft nS 11 e1 la r gri . "V ,?'J !n.VL:1 ,?,,.1 "f,voJ,.u' Tiauil either of them inclines it to'shJd it iiiiii 11 1 1 iciiis. si-iciice iiius i;it -ii i ,,. ,,othing to take its nlace. It cirectu- ,,.......... i i .... ft r .. ..:..... ' Vi-er Ve a,,vU;, the ingwll- j JSm V trial will Kills ,, that this'is iii,.f not miter in nn woiiu. i n,' i.riMir oi the nuddiuj.' is in llu eating." ami i willingly. ahidu this tst. For sale h all druggists. rirer.s and liquor dealers. Order il. . , Max. Wajnier"?. an Kraneisco Xa-; tional hiewery heer can't he heat. Hot. cold, and sliower Iiaths at the Occident hair Iressing saloon, twenly five cents. ju.?veil 'hTthe Male'oM.iifonda at Tom Smith Oyster Mjoon. Main i A line assortment or little t. s tm-j hans and winter eaje.. the latest sih-s. ( fflrl?iawUSiiiV.t! l."Vu fa"-0'. ." one for jour hoy. s a mild, lml effectual la.v.UUe. as jgd nuena. cons unpuon. ami an iiiroai ami innn comnlainls. ih certtsiind 1 a hot- tie. A cough, cohl or Mire throat should hv 'stopped. Xegh'ct friqueuth nsiilt- in ! named nans. auaMiig irruaiion. "ie I relief in asthma, biouchitis. coughs. ' catarrh, and the throat troubles which ? singers and public speakers are Mittjeet !!" 1 r thirty years Rrown's hronchir i troches have heen reconnnended h I ldivsiciaus, and always ghe jK-rfet satisfaction, llaviug heen tested h oronclual by et by i a ide and constant ue for nearlj an en tire generation, uipy nave attatneit wen 'iSfflLHn'nT st?,I!,J mK cvervwhere. taple a King of the Blood is t !'." it t a Mood-punfiernnii tonic ii,,pUntyotthel)loodi.IsoiLstliesvs. tern, deranires the eirculallnn. nml thin: In. duces inanv disorders, known bv different names to distinguish Uiem according to ef fects, but being really brandies or phases of that great generic dlsonler. Impurity ot Bleed. Such arc DiJjfpin, liillioitxnw, r.irrr fiiiiiiilnintfyinntinnflini AVrr.ii n;- order. Headache. Backache, General Weal.- ! i..'1..i-i ni.... iv..nl.,i f-,i...,. i-ir ... .- Ill, ilLIIII inu''L1xrjljr.t JYIUIIl jyiAllr, Pilot, Ilheumatbun, Catarrh, Scrofula, Shin Dimmlm, Pimple. Ulcer. SicelUng, Jie.. tr. Itins: or the Blood prevents and cures these by attacking the caue. Iinpuritv of the blood. ChemLstsand physicians agree hi calling it MheTnost senuine and efficient prc)aration for the purpose." Sold b Dnig glsts. SI icr bottle. See testimonials", direc tions, &c, Invamphlet'TreatLse on Diseasts ol the Blood." wrapped around each bottle. D. BASfcOM, SON & Co.. Props. Buttalo, X V. t: 1 vr. ri, v ,hA'nA r: it,,,,, f " P1' '" JT '.'oi. hlat-k, :is inay e. Ihestomaoh. Jtatlaeks exevive low '.T. S : ., "5 S"m L? V the i:o!h,,.,tnkr The'nmSrfni "tSnie rt?i ft" ' I:"'lr'V ''101S-l,M- Doin alike, l lie nowcriui ionic iruui.,. ;,, r..n;..., i...:.. :.. wi.,.,i .....i l&)tt.U SFnil. nTllin; Hl.,ml fa all against malarial fir l.lav a h,? IKyjM HI ti I were in the days oi the old Spanish iffi'"' Viffi,... ?.!h. t t3"sy Km l'tirtiKlifil Hnoms to Let At Mrs. Myuson's lotlyintj house, T.ikc- N'oiicc. On after this date .111 additional It) rents jkt cord will W charged on all rdcrs for s.iunl wood not accompanied , lhl. ,,,. al ,Jra xvwil v:mL! Jul) " ! I'.a.iern OjMers. Vuitthcr line lot of Kastcrn (Jvsters ju-t rtvciwd :il lIoMdnw. per steamer Occident block ItilrU! Krick! ItficK ! I Inn on h.tnil a lai".' aiuouut or brick formic at inun lo .ss per l iiousanii.t fors-.ileat frai " to AS per thousand. o;Iim' to tin l.niti. " twiw. rtiriN ami rnzzc-. mane n out SuitHii's. rtirls and frize-. :;om.,ln or ..t hair, rail on or ad- cii-.-i.i.-nt imi-.ir.Cimr tifnoii ' " lit. nt iai. li-,nr ojn Astoria. Oregon 'lioii-i Valley Fruit. j (il..l. II. 1. (!ni hs just received a choice lot of jie:trs :inil :iiples. ftesh t '-''-'-'' J Sherman ro. i:xiii-csh r7iT.ni,,. tnr,. ,,r 1 ', l neeje orders at the store of 1.1 ! f .tw. Till, fllklla... V lT fktll III mil iltiiil! "" I.'"""" '- ; !'" --" ' , pan ol theeilx. Leave your orders on the slate and Ihej will he promptly at- .,....,....... Uilliaiuspoit Property. (ireat bargains aie now offered in the eitj of "Willianisport for any persons wishing to locate fioin one lot to live arre.. It is well adapted for g.udens. 'r nuiehe.s or ldeasant hemes: well elcated. situated one mile south .of " . ' " "-N ,.,,-' i',n ? T.1" Uniileil road to the place. For further lufoimalion call at my re.sidence near ' 'euieierv. .mux n ii.i.iamm.. - Various t'anscs- ,.,.,,,...1 .,,.,,,, "" !"i A:,- Avi:rs ILvu: Vu.or. will loiuii- limiii or "my , lijjht or red hair or sickly In hOm whicl a k L1,?. 1 .,...: , ;:',.... ... Ai" .; e.. u " l. -."lllii, tllill l ). I Itlll ,llllll 1IJI llll Mitl liistiv and richness of tone it im parts. It contains neither oil norde. and will not soil.nr color "white cami.ric: ; vi it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it ire.-u ai.u irrous. Fei: .s.vi.i: nv ai.t. 1)i:.vi.bi:s. MISCELLANEOUS. you will mm -mi: -Tin: m) BEST FINEST AKD BEST LIKE BOOTS AND SHOES. The l.iUM and iinet of HATS AXI) CAS. TIhmihwI iMiinpli-teas'Mirtiiieut of Foreign, Domestic Cloths and Cassimercs At Hi IimeM maiLi'tjiricesat IH.D. KANT'S, Men-liatit Tailors Il-.tablilniient, Main Street. Astoria. CKXTUAL MAIiKliT. (tenentl assort nienl of table Mock constantly on n.unt. sitdi as Ciimied Fruits and Joll.v, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, La'rd,1 s:;.-.s. Bi'i-rins. ciikik. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, risn. ponr.TKY axd Air In tin season. CKiAlSS Al TOUAC'i'O. iicsi r vixs; xxn i.iiti'iss. All cheap Jr CASH. Roods sold on com mission. opiHimr 1. V. Case's ston. .1. UODCKUS; l. R. W ARRK5. -T. W. Et s Astoria- Market ! OPPOSITE pCCIOKNT IIOTEl , AST0H1A. - -, - - OllEC.ON WARltEX i tLVTOX, rroprictoiss. (SuwMti m Warren JbMcGuiie Wh6le?aIo ami Itct.til Dealers in Fresh and Cured ' Meats a ruii line or FAMILY RUOCEKIES, FlWn. l'EEli HAT. CANNED FRUIT. VElIE- TABL1S. ETC. sarButtor, Ectjs, Choeso, etc. constantly on nana. iband. . ., &" Ships supplied at the lowest rates. .VIPCELLAXEOUF. S. ARNDT & PKRCHEN, astoijia. - oi:i:nox. The Pioneer.Machine Shop ULArKSMITU S II 0 P5E .. fi & Boiler Shop &$. 7&? AHkinuvof .-,.-. ---, -.---- . I CTTT S "rVTR A fl T "WrYD TT w j. JJHiaiJ j a. jl vwjlvxx noiBlIl5 :iUt.n(l0(l t0 Vsjei t'cialty made of repairing OANNERY DIES, XKAK KINNEY'S ASTOKIA FISHERY. ASTORiA IRON WORKS. UiiNToxSriSKKr, Nkai: 1'vi:ki:k Hocsr, VS'IORIV. - OIMIttOW GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDXMARIKB BNUIKBS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. 1. Wass. President. .I.e. Hi.sri.Ki:. Secretary. 1. W". (. sk. Treanrr. John Io. Siiperlntenilcnt. WILLIAM EDGAE, Corner Main and Chonamus Stroots. ASTOUIA OREOON. DEALER. 1.1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO, X t ill' vh icuriiiru JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE EK6USH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlory. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Illeershaum Pipes, etc, A tine stock or Watelie am! .Icivclry, lUnzr.le nml Iti'ccch t.ondinx Sliot mis mid Klllcs. Kovolver.M. Pistols. mid Aiuuiiinitioii JIASSKS. AI-SO FINK. Assortment of line SPKCTACLKS and EYK RL.VSM:. New Millinery Establishment MRS. E. S. WARREN Ilasa complete stock of at her establishment. Corner C.tss and .JclTeroii streets, storia. Hats, Bonnets, Dress Trimmings, Zephyrs, Ribbons, Etc. SAW FRANCISCO National Brewery Beer Depot. HIV l t I V.l. :i:xt ASTOIMA, OKKCO.V. , Is prcjiareit iiov to deliver neer tf his cus lomcrsin thei-it with his own comeanee IT IS GUARANTEED THAT THIS T.EER "NVILL NEVER SOUR. ' CAN RE.KKPTyOR ANY LKNGTn OE TIME.' , lirlccs peS IlarrcI,or Thiriy inllon-x OO Ijos Quantities per Thirty t.'nllons O One ." iaIlon Ivo ,.. 1 SO H?Seml in r orders-. 31AX WAOXKi:. At the C.reat IvLstern, I. W. CASE, impertki: axii wholesale and he tail -DIIALEK IX &EM8AL MEBCEAMSE Corner Chennnuis and Cass streets. I ,' 1 ASTORIA OKEOON iffUM" sfc.As.anKry f BUSINESS CARDS. T C. JRFJAXD. Oflice in ASTORIAX buUdlng. " Room No. 2. up-stalr?. E. C. HOLDEX. NOTARY PUBLIC, AITTIONKF.R, COMMISSION AND SfRANCE AHENT. T .. UelXTOSH. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel Buihtlnfi,c ASTORIA - - - OREGON M RS. Jt A. noKwrs. DRESS MAKING AND SKEWING. CHEXAMUS ST., ASTORIA. Oniwlte Mrs. Mnnson's LodRlDgTHouse. iSfB-Cutt inland littinjt. and paper'patterns roin nieasurcineni. I. T. KAKCI-V V. T. H. HATCH. HATCH & BARGLAyI COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 10 California St., San Francisco, Col. TTi:. M. I. JKXXXXGK, PHYSICIAN AND SUKCEON. Rnulnate Unhenity of Virginia. ih6s Pliysician to Bav View hospital, Baltimore Citv, tsoa-'TO. Offipk Iii Paste & Allen's building, up stairs. Astoria. p rilAXU. M. D "physician and sukgeon, Itoom Xo. :t, AHterian BhiKIIbx (rr staiks.) Kksiojok Corner of Benton and Court streets. AMoria, Oregon. TAY TL'TTIiK, 31. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office Over the White House Stor. ItKsioKNCE Next door to Mrs. Muusau's Itoardiu house. Chenanius street, Astoity Oregon. X,l V. II I C KM. DENTIST, ASTORIA, - OKKROW. liooms in Allen's building up .stairs, cornr of Ca.ss and Sqeinocqhe streets. I Q. A. BOWLBY. AT1'0RNEYAT LAW Chenamus Street. - ASTOKIAjjtKUOh p IV. FI'IiTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - OKKOOA onice over l"ase & Allen's store, Cas.s street Q II. IIAIN & CO., DKAliKR IK Doors. WIndowH, Bllrnds. Tim fteuH, Immber, F.te. All kinds ot Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat Mh terlal, etc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Beu eive and Astor streets. WITXIA31 FRY. PKACTICAL ROOT AXI) SIIOK AIAKF.R. Ciikn'amus Stkket. opposite Adler's Book .store. - ASTOltiA. OREOOX. tST Perfect fits guaranteed. All work warranted, (live me a trial. All orders promptly lilied. :ej. A- QTJiairar. dealer in VXSllTX OROCERIES. ivaii-s. niir.i. feed aisi hay Cash iaiif for country produce. Small profits on casii sales. .Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Kquemocnhe. streets. .1. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale. :utd retail dealer iu. ALL K IX JDS OF FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw; Wood, Etc. Oenemlstonme and Wharfage on reason able terms. Koot of Benton street. Astorln Orejion. Lot and Improvements for Sale. T OT EIC.HT. IX BLOCK SETENTY- U fire in Olnej s Astoria, together w Ith A f.'ood House and WesdRfaed OR X1K JllMKED DOLL A KM. For paiticuhirs inquire of 51. SEKK A or W.H. TWILIGHT. Astoria. July 11. 18SI. T. G. JRAWLINGS, WHiolesaie and retail dealer iu California Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables . OX HAXD EVERY DAY. Main street, opposite Loebs clotbln? store. Wanted. 1!sl AAA POUNDS RAGSJOF all kinds 0VA clean and dry, at the Umbrella stioji. Main street, by J. JOPLIN. Get your legal blanka at Thk Astoriax oflice. A full line of over two hundred styles. m. s -