OJ ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY OCT. 23. ISSt J.F. IIILLOIMX .t:!Hor. TIip National DcM . IN the art of debt-paying the Government of the United States j is teaching the world a long-needed lesson. In September, 18G3, the national debt, less cash in the Treasury, was $2,750,431,571 43, tlie interest upon" which was 150,977.097 87; j but October 1, 1881, sixteen years later, the debt had been reduced, less cash in the Treasury, to Sl,798.885,925 77, and the inter est account to Gl,47o,S4r2 23, or one-third of the debt and nearly two-thirds of the annual interest had been removed. The average annual reduction of the debt .since 1865- is $5,093,805 9S, which re duction, ot course, is largely due to 'reduced rates of interest at which the bonds are placed upon the market. In view of the rapid rate at .which the debt has been reduced, is it not a pertinent question to ask: When will the national debt be paid up? On many con siderations such a consummation is to be hoped for. True, the na tional debt paid will necessitate "the invention of a new banking system; but that may not be an unmitigated evil. By comparing the debt state ment issuedby the Secretary of the Treasury for the months of Janu ary and September, we find that during the first nine months of the current year S100,3?5,810 22 have been paid. Jf the same rate shall continue for the last three, months of the year, the largest amount of an one year will have been paid, 5133,707,413 04 (the largest amount ''paid in any former year having "'been in 1807, when it was 127, 884,952 15.) H the payment of the present year should be made the average of future annual payments, then clearly the national debt will soon be among the things of old, for using the payment of this year as the bais of an estimate, then the Fourth of July, 1895, can be cele brated as a day of independence from debt; for all the greenbacks are incladed in this estimate, and the bonds' that form the basis of security for the issues of the na tional bank cunency. jBnt It is very far from probable that we Jshali celebrate our inde- Ipjeifdejiee of debt on the Fourth of July, 1895. The piobabilities ate 7. very much now in favor of Mottling I he debt in harmony with the principle of the sinking-fund law. TliVn when shall wv probably pay tlie Jabt. dollar under the provisions fof the sinking fund? If the estimates of the Treasury Department are to be trusted, under the operations of the sinking fund,by the year 1891 there will have been paid, in touud numbers, S521'O(X),Q00, and by the year 1901, on. the same principle, 'there will have been paid 1,250,000, 000,' leaving $54S,000S000, which will be paid by the ear 1907, which fact indicates that the man whoulrew up the bill for the bonds that may be redeemed in that year, had, figured upon the basis of the underlying principle of the sinking . ifund. -e are assured then, that, unless some untoward event oc curs, with the present provisions of the law, the national debt may rbe closed out during the vear 1907. J Collectok Mokris and Special gent Horr, with a suitable force, examined nearly the whole of the oargo of the California landed at Sitka and made large seizures of whisky and wines. A dispatch ' Js'jiys'thatgreat disappointment was manifested among the speculators. It is the intention of Collector - Morris to endeavor to put a stop to the wholesale smuggling in ardent spirits which has been prev- ' alentln Alaska for the past two velars. The merchandise will be ''forfeiferl and the smugglers prosecuted. Current Topics. The discussion of "The Chris tian Keligion," by Col. IngetoIl and Judge Black, which was com menced in the August number of the North American Review, is continued in the November issue of that publication. Col. Ingersoll now replies to the strictures of his opponent, and presents much moie fully than he has ever before done the logical grounds for his oppo sition to Christianity. The article will be received with interest by those who have read the first part of the debate, as well as by all those who believe that the caune of truth is best advanced by fiee discussion. An early number of the review will contain an ex haustive reply. In a Symposum on Presidential Inability, four of our most eminent jurists, Judge Thomas M. Cooley, the Hon. Ly man Trumbull, Prof. Theodore AV. D wight, and Gen. B. F. Butler, discuss the several weighty prob lems arising out of Article 2 of the Constitution. "England's Heredi tary Republic" is the title of a significant paper contributed by the Marquis of Blandford, and Senator George Hoar writes a statesmanlike article on "The Ap pointing Power" of the President of the United States. Land League. Lotto Derby, who is considei pd the wise man in British politics, has written an article for the Nine teenth Century, on Irish aflair, in which he declares his beliet that the Irish discontent will not be appeased by the Law Act, but that, on the contrary, it is likely to be more formidable than ever. The passage of that Act took place under the pressure of Irish turbu lence, and it is not unnatural for the Land Leagusrs to conclude that more turbulence will produce more concessions. Moreover, the Land Act has given the tenants a greater sense of power than they have ever had, and in this way has opened their eyes to their political possibilities. It has, in fact, made that which they eagerly desire legislative independence seem lo them far more nearly within their reach than it has ever seemed be fore. Lotd Derby thinks, there fore, that the struggle for this will now be continued with more vigor than ever. Kansas tornadoes tlo some in cotnprehen.sible things. The other day on of them picked uj a chair in which a fond mother had snapped her hahy while- .she washed the dis-hes, and raitii-d it without damage some hundred of feet, while the mother looked on in terror. Exactly why that tor nado didn't take the woman along' is one of the funny things the wind refuses to tell. It k stated that a larger num ber and greater variety of ideas can he conveyed, with more exact n ess, in a given number of words in the English language than in almost any other. This is strik ingly shown in the matter of tele graphy. It has been demonstrated that for all telegraphic purposes the English language is from "23 to 03 per cent cheaper than the. French, German, or any other language. A Massachusetts Judge has decided that the ringing of a church bell at o o'clock in the morning is a public nuisance, and, if people must worship at that hour, they should do so without disturbing their neighbors. Virginia City has started a microscopical society. If this so ciety is active it will make some discoveries in the upper, if not the lower, levels of the Comstock range. Thk Mississippi valley river im provement convention is in session in St. Louis this week; with a rep resentation of five hundred dele jrates. A DetkPvMINED effort is being made to "boom" Conkling into the Cabinet as Secretary of the Treasury. NEW TO-DAY. Notice. IWHKKKAS.MY WIFK I.OLIM-: t.OSO Tl lias It-It ni bed and board without just uuae or provocation, 1 hereby juu- no- debts made or i-ontntrled by her after this J date. .IOHV I.O':. i Knnppu. Ore-urn. Oct. -s".. l.vM. j irr iniiT i win mil iic rL'-uuiiMun- iui .m Notice. fllUU WKKCIC OK THK KKlTIhll Mill X Kerngleu" nnd wivcfaj:" th.it may c-onic ashon ill bf ?old at public auction to the highest bidder, on Satunl.i innrnini;, October :th, for rh-benefit of the conmlu-d. d-:tt K. U. HOLUKN. Auctioneer. a 10 THK STOCKHOLDERS OF THE . West Coast Packing Company or As toria. Oregon : You are hereby uotffled tliat the animal meeting of the stockholder of Ihe abow company will be held at the oibce of.sald company on Monday, OetobPrl'LISSl. at -2 I. M. of said da for the purpose of ele.ulmr a board of director fertheensutiu: ir. 1. W. I A HS AN. dtttd Secretary. Assessment Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN assessment or fifty per ccnt.ou the capi tal stock or the Odd Fellows Land ami Buil ding Assoeiotion of Astnua. Oregon, has this il:iv heen levied, oavable within lllirlv d.ls from date at the ofllce of the Secretary, or otherwise be declared delinquent. 15 older of the Board of Directors. A. J. MEOI.EK. Societal. Astoria, Oct. t2, lt. vo-:m Administrator s Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY C1VEN THAT the undersigned has been appointed b the Countv court of Cl.it op county. Oregon, ad- mintsirator with the will annexed or riulip C.earhart. deceased. All persons liavinjj claims auainst the iMate of said deceaseil aie herebv notified topiesent them to tlie undersigned at his store in Asioiia, within sis months from this date. Astoria. October IS. ISM. J. W.OEARHART. d&wCOd Administrator. Special Auction Sale. Saturday, Oct. 29. at 11 A.M. OICIKItKl HAST. Instructed b IJeut. 1'eter Leuij. I. S. A.. 1 will sell at mvauction rooins.as aboe, with out resen e, houehold furnituie, consisting in pait of One Bed-room Set complete, i Bed stead, i Bureau, i Wash-stand Bureau and i Toilet Table; i Large Cane-back and seat Rocker; 2 Mirrors, Etc., Etc. One China Soup Tureen, Goblets, Cups and Saucers and Dishes: Lot of Kitchen Ware, Flat Irons, etc. Ai.so : One Cow, Chum, Milk Pans, and Bucket; 17 Fine Fowls and one Turkey. S.de Positive. Teims Cash. E. C. HOI.DEN, Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS 1 l'PPKIC AttTOKIA. TUESDAY, NOV. 8, AT II A. M. I an instructed to sell, uithoul reserve. at 1'nbllc Auction, on the premises. Lot 1, , 3. 4, 5. . 7 ami H. beiutf the whole of ltlocL Jt.T, iu tlie rapidly crowius Town of Upper Antorla. Eut-h liOt Beinjr 75.vl.10 I Vet. This eligible building spot is a thud bloek frointlie rnex front, and Is one rdoek S. K. from the I'uhhc School huildiu;. 'the block to the wet of ithas been resetted for the use of a I'resln teriaii church uhich udl probably be erected iu the near future. Kterj lot in the block now offered for sale, commands a gmud iev of the Columbia rler from Tongue Point 10 the oK.'ii sen, and ltselveated iiositluu prexentt the osi blhty of uu buildings beiii; erected iu Hunt of It which Mudl obstruct this .splendid ie. On the block fronting on the north (hair or which tt.is recentl sold for SHOD), Iie jjootl bullding b:ie already tieen elected. Teimsat sule. If desired will gie time u lurt of puivluse mouc . Title indisputable.' NVartaulv deed to eci lot. Plat of the town of 'I pi-r As totta" ou Ier at my office. K. C. IIOI.UI.N. Auctioneer. Mm Til THE PHBLIfi WHITE HOUSE Is now leemiu llieir m:v imi.t. i.i.m: or coons. THK 1'lNluST And bet selected -lock t-cr biouht to this place, consisting or DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions, lions ami Boys Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, ETC. ETC The mot of which ie receive direct from N'ew York. Call one and all, and ex amine our goods, as wellasnur KXTREME LOW PRICES. kitokr rURuiiASiNG A.VYwiiF.iii: rxst:. S. SGKLUSSEL, Compr of CnerumiH and ilalu Streets, ASTOKIA, ... OKEGOX MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. ALLKN. t H. PACK. Page & Allen (Mf1!!KSot:- ro K. . i.i:nk.) Wlliili-t.de and rel.ilt ilt-uli-lslli Provisions, i Ml Glass and Plated Ware, TKtUMCAL AND IIOMI'MIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.! Together with fines, Lipoiii.Totao-gCiiars The laigost and most enmideto stock of goods In their line to tie found lit the ell.. Coiiin of ('as and ueiinie.he Streets. A8T0111A, OKECOX. Barbour's IRISH FLAX TIIRBillS ,1 Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS 511 larkrt Street. Nau FrauelHrn HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Maiiagen. ASK foi: UNI0N INDIA RUBBER CO'S I'me J'.ir.i i.uni Crack Proof Rubber Boots and Coats. i:i:v.uu: or i.mi ithi lie sure the Idiots :ire si.uuRd t'li.ll'K I'lHtOr on the heels, and huethe PUIiK ai'M SI'MXas on the ri.ot :iml instep, which prewnls their craekin? orlnenkliiK. The ulll last twice as 1uir as :ui others ni.in'ufaetureil. rei: sai.i: jjv am. ukai.kus. AM. KINDS KCMtKi: r.Kl.TINt:. I'AfK- io, iiosi:. sritiNr.s, clotiiivo. HOOTS AND SHOK-s. Hie. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. 1:. h. ri:..sK..ir. .M. Ul NYON. AKents.S.in rraurisio. HOLMAN'S PAD. run Tin: STOMACH, LIVER, A Nil K1DNKY8. TXAUK ilr.K. In all cases of blllinusncsN and in:il:iri:i in very foini. a preventath e and cure of ehilk. ieer auu iiiiinu ague. ur. iioiiuaus vm js a iterfect success. Aud for dsH'psia. ick headache and ncnous prosfnition. as the pad is applied ocr the pit or the stomach, the great nervous cCntei.it annihilates the disease at once. It regulates the lirr and stoinach so suc cessfiilly that digestion becomes perrcct. ProLD. A. Loemlssas: "it j, nearera unUersal panacea than anything m rncdi- Tliis is done on the principle of ab sorption, or v, hlch J)r. Holruan's hid is the only true exponent. For all kidney troubles, um- Dr. HolinanN Renal or Kidney lad, the best remedy in the ttuim iiuu reL-iiiiiiiieuiieu o me medical raculty. Beware of Bogus Pads. Kach genuine irolman's Pad bears the pri vate reienue stamp of thellolman Pad Co.. with the above trade mark printed iu -reen. .it., uuur iiuuut il. For Sale by all Druggists. Dr. Holman's ad ice is free. Full treatise -sein ireu on application. Address : IIOLSLVX PAD CO. 1. n 1 .. " Broadway. Xev York P. O. hoK2112. To Whom it May Concern. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE OltEGOX iauvay and Navlcnrinn r-nmninv r th ?inof.of l.h? rol!ins described property in i'ie WlP1 Astoria, to-11 It : North x, feet of DlOCK 133. nml nil nf liTul- lo CI,;, .i,.o r.-t I Jl xiuuN f, I f i err r"wt-al J di oIon 1 ASt9ri? nor,h feet of filocks 8 niir- m rs vi and 9, and all of blocks 5, c. 7. 10, 11, 12. 13. . IU-AA-M L J IO. 1C. 17. 18. 19. 50. 51 . V "T! mill l hir-olv' I rn-.i lij.;;.'. ' . 7-iiiifum.i3 ni?!0" "tscI Plat. Any person puf- cwuu iuiuiuon 10 Astoria as reconled bv -vTi: R au-"".ivperiv 01 oiuer names win SS2S-.,I!-P?ni..?s the company will Obeoo.v Railway & Navigation- Co, 301 byE.A.NoyesAent. MISCELLANEOUS. Geo. W.Hume Wholesale and Retail Dealer4 IN- iGROC'EPvLS,' ! (Provisions, Lumber ETC ETC.. ETC. Fi.shmiuMis and Cimnerv SUPPLIES a sri:o.irv. AHIWT for Tin: . San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND THK Snii PnuiCLsco Uhftinical WORRIES. ASTOKIA - - - OliEUON. CAKL ADLEK'S ,t?a jyexxsxci store, Pianos and Organs Of all makes constantly on hand. ANo a full stock of VIOLINS. GUITARS, DAN JOS, AO- COJIDEOSS. CONCERTINAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTES, Also a larg' stock of the best of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRI.NGS, SttJiJiT AlUblO. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, s v.ell as cvmthing else belonglnj; to a First (Mass .Music Store. Pi.inos and Organs nld 011 the monthl 111 talhiieut pksn.orforrent. Carl Adler's Book Store. largest stock of nT 'Ih : 3fskifa Blank Books and Stationery j Or eerj description. 1 seiiioi iMwtKs-. innies. j-oeiieat Works, Albums and t'old Pen-5, Uesoles a full and complete stuck of eerthmg usuallv keittm a well legul.ited I'.ook. Store. Also, news depot and agency lor eery paper and periodica! published. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE AVatclies, Clocks and Jewelry. Pocket and Table Cutlery. ' -Vft Yankee Motions aud To3, " "1k Picture Frames and Chromos. rirvL... flEiltabv Carriaees. a comnlete assortment. .Vrchery, etc. Xei gools by e ery steamer. The public an iuMled to examine m stock and prices. CIIKNAMl'S ST., - ASTORIA. ORKC.ON. !. I.KI V KN Wr r.KK. II I ISAM ISKOffS. Fsr.lSI.ISHKn 1PW. Leincnweber & Co., ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMERS AND CURRIERS, .Manufactuicrs and Irnporteis of I LI. KIXDS OK AND FINDTNGSf holesale Dealcis In OIL AND TALLOW. MAXUrACTUlUntS OF BOOTS and SHOES ftcrlligliest cash pi ice paid for Hides and Tallow. EC XT 3E2. 3E1. .A. EC iTew Shooting Gallery ! Xevt door to Joe Charters Hair Dressing establishment. - ASTORIA. OltEOON. Pislol and Rifle Practice For both Ladles and Gentlemen. CHARTERS & MORTON, Proprietors. iG?!SfflXv a 11! ti., " J&c&ms & IKIonigoxnery, CIt.F.U OF MAIX A.VI IASTORXA, - B p 1; ' i-iss,rft5s-EPrv eaUSitCV tZit T?s PRINtlHtt. THE ASTORIAlSr STEAM PBINTING HOUSE HAS FASTEST AND BEST FRFSSRS, . AND TYPE sa- We purchase Paper. OauK Ink, and J.t XtcXTe-ejst And eau theicfore tttford to uie. as we o3srxr ivi:oxEJ2i.a.,2?Ei phzosis. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, THK KVRRV DAY WANTS OF WORKSHOP ARF. SUPPLIED AT PRICES WHICH CAN NOT BUT OIVF. SATISFACTION TO ALL. THE ASTOEIAK, (DAILY AND WEEKLY) TS RESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL FOR'ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. TTIE PAPER FOR THE COMMERCIAL MAX, FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR THE MERCHANT, FOR F.VERY PERSON IMJtY ASTORIAX TERMS: BY 3IAIT.. (I'OSTACE i'REK TO ALT. SnBSCRII'.V'R'?.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAP...ZT. DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS fSy-Sample copies of either edition 10 cents. Address : WPostmasters are authorized to act as iri.hu i.nI Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A Oei end Assortment ot HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stoves and Ranges The Bet in the market. rinmbing goods of all kinds on baud. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. .IRPPKRSOX STREETS, ORECM2IT. m t il THE OF THE LATEST STYLES. other mateitah, of the manufacturers OeuatL Rates, alas do. the best aitlcles. hlle cnarglug Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE COUNTING ROOM AND THE $9 00 .. n 00 J. V. UALLORA.V Ot Co. Publishers, Astoria, Oregon agents for The Astobia-. JOB