(Z) gftc ga3 &sto& ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY OCT. 28. ISSi J. F. HALLORAX .Ldlter. Riter Bars. At the Villard meeting in Port land last Saturday, Capt. II. C. Gorringe, who has accompanied that- gentleman in his tour of in spection, addressed those present on the subject of river obstruc tions. He thought that a channel 100 feet wide and 25 feet deep could be opened and maintained between here and Portland by dredging, at a first cost of $200, 000 and an annual expenditure of $50,000. He -would apply the same contrivance dredger to improve, the bar at the mouth of .. 'the river. Upon this- point he says: "I do not believe in con cen tracting: river channels in ofder to deepen them by the scouring of the current. This system has been iried repeatedly and has always failed in the end to attain the re sults aimed at. Every river brings down a certain amount of silt and deposits it somewhere. Tf you I prevent the" deposit by artificial " ' means where natural conditions invite it, the silt will accumulate elsewhere, generally where it is not; o easily disposed of, and thus make matters worse. The inevit able result is the demand for more contraction of the natural water- way at an ultimate cost out of all , proportion to results, and gener ' ja.llywi.th disastrous consequences. 'Many European rivers have been so contracted, and we xead of dis astrous floods recurring at frequent . intervals: These floods never oc-"cur-in rivers that have not had the -natural .water-ways artificially con tracted. Notable instances of the " failure of this system are the mouths of the Rhone and the Mis sissippi.' Our exporience of the Rhone is of a very limited nature; ' but in reference to the Mississippi, Capt. Gorringe, in his statement, makes two mistakes. Floods do v occur in rivers that "have not had the natural water-ways artificially ; contracted" notably the one he instances the Mississippi, and man' of its tributaries; again he speaks of the "failure" at the mouth- of the Mississippi, which will be news to every ene: to none more than the Government enm- - i- -neers stationed there, who, though antagonistic to Eads and his pro ject, and on the look out for any ..failure -of contract, certify weekly Ftgf the Government that from (actual soundings he keeps a chan nel "200 feet wide and 2C feet ! 3 deep, and Eads himself states, un contradicted, that since its com pletion no vessel has been detained ne hour. However these are . lienor considerations and some what foreign to the matter that ' directly concerns Astoria and the Northwest; the improvement of the bar. Speaking of a style of i .dredger used, at the Sniez canal, Capt. Gorringe says: "The ca pacity; of these dredgers is three hundred tons a day, and T have seen them werking: while the sea cSvas very 'rough, and frequently . , breaking all around them. One of the.se dredgers on the Columbia ' -iyEp would maintain a channel thirty feet in depth, and if French , men can make them and use them T am sure Americans can. There j. are many other dredgers designed expressly for work in the open sea "' and capable of making a voyage around the world. The. question l- i?iiot.can a suitable dredger be had to work on the Columbia bar : ' 'in-moderate weather, but is it bet ter to deepen the bar by dredging i J ? or by contracting the channel? Contracting a channel to deepen a :fe5,r.s?.ines'tnat tue difficulty to he overcome will adapt itself to ;jdfcyjmroonvenience. ; .Providing ade quate dredge-power for any emer gency means that vou propose to ..A ,pursue.the difficulty to whatever - it develops." The results are of eteeratfc consequence. How efej53it?8 to -be done is or burner im- . portance. Each project has its -i supporters. There never was a more favorable titp.c than the pres ent to agitato 'his matter. The Portland prcs and the Portland people arc Apparently of the opin ion that they must deepen the river lwtween here and there themsr'.ves. It certainly looks that, ray. The point for Astoria to make is 'this: that whatever the means by which the Columbia river is to be improved, the bar at its mouth should, of necessity, be the initial point. The bar as it seems to us is iormed mainly by deposits of sediment brought down by the current from the interier: were it composed of sand thrown up by the action of the sea, its general appearance and characteristics would be very different from what it is. T, he fact of not being able to drive piles there shows this. "Were it quicksand they would soon sink out of sight if left to themselves: as it is, the heaviest hammer is unable to drive a pile. Now, if a dredger ot the greatest capacity were put at work at any or every bar between here and Portland to-morrow morning, what effect would it have on the bar at the river's mouth? Simply aug ment its difficulties. All the work that Portland purposes is to make it easier for ships to get to that place. At which end of the toute should the work be begun? The ships must get to Portland before they can go out. So that if Port land wants to hold her position she must make common cause with Astoria and unite in an effort to have the bar improved in the man ner that the magnitude of the interests involved demands. The "Polaris." Tue first number of the Polaris, a new Portland weekly, is upon our table. It is a clean, well printed journal, and if it does half what it promises, will be a power. The opening chorus is a little too lofty; probably after a mouth or so the machinery will run smoother. It classes ignorance among sereral alleged "crimes against God," and avows its determination to light against that and kindred evils. It might, en 2(iss(nit, be not wholly out of place to suggest that the editor bend his intellect to the preliminary consideration ol a spelling book; but then as orthog raphy is getting to be bimpiy a matter of private judgment, per haps that is of minor consequence. NEW TO-DAY. Special Auction Sale. Saturday, Oct. 29, at 11 A.M. OItIKItEI KAST. Iiistuieii'd by JJeut. Peter Leaiy. I'. S. A.. 1 will sell at my auction rooms, as above, with out reserve, household furniture, consUtinjj in part of One Bed-room Set complete, i Bed stead, i Bureau, i Wash-stand Bureau and i Toilet Table; i Large Cane-back and seat Rocker; 2 Mirrors, Etc., Etc. alie: One China Soup Tureen, Goblets. Cups and Saucers and Dishes: Lot of Kitchen Ware, Flat Irons, etc. ALbO: One Cow, Churn, Milk Pans, and Bucket; 17 Fine Fowls 'and one Turkey. Sale losltl. Terms Cash. E. C. 1IOI.DEX, Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS IN' rPFKIt ASTOKIA. TUESDAY, KOV. 8, AT II A. M. I am Instructed to sell, without icseive, at Public Auction, on the premises. I.otH 1, 2, a, 4, 5. G, 7 and H, hflus the whole or Block 35. In Him rapidly ffriring Town or Upper ANteria. Krcu Lot Belnjc 73x150 Feet. This eligible hulldinu siot is a third block from the river front, and Is one Mock 5. K. from the Public School building. Tlie block to the west of it has been reserved for the use of a Presbyterian church which will probably be erected In the uear future. Every" lot iu the'blocK now offered for sale, commands a grand view of the Columbia river from Tongue Point to the ojen sea, and lis elvevated position prevents the posi- bllity of any buildings being erected In front of It which shall obstruct tins splendid view. On the Mock fronting on the north tfudf of which was recently sold for 51100), five good buildings liave already been erected. Tennsatsale. If desired will Rive lime on part of purchase money. Title Indisputable. Warranty deed to every lot. Plat of the town of Upper As toria ou view at my office. E. a HOI JDEN. Auctioneer. Warrantee deeds at The Astoriax office. NEW TO-DAY. LIBERTY HALL. F, W. Stcchhan, - Lessee and Manayecr tAST CTXCS-BCT. Change of Programme. I Kt'l.L SCV.SH: KKFKCTS. Engagement Extraordinary. Alice Dunning Lingard. Supponed by a full and carefully -.elected compant will appear ILK feioesilay Evening Oct. 2StI, In the great emotional drama, entitled NEW MAGDALEN. t'sual prices of admW-ion. llov lieet now open at Carl Adler's Hook Store. X 11. No etra charge for ivsei eil ueaN. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC T II K- WfllTE HOUSE is now lecehlng tlielr XEW FAl.f. I.IXK OF tiOOIM. '1HK FINEST And brt irlff ted stock err brought in this plaor, i-oiiM-tiii" oX DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods and Notions, Mens ami Bovs 01otliii. FURNISHING GOODS. Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes. ETC., ETC The mot of which we receUe direct from New YuiK. Call one anil all, anil ex amine our good, as w HI as our KXTRKMK LOW PRICKS, Br.reiu: m!r-ham.(. a.wwiikki: ki.sk .S. SCHLTJSSEL, I'ortiei of Cneniiimi-v unit Main Mw!-, AHTOKIA. OKKUON' GEO. W. DAY. Ujjliolsterint and kepttirimi I'tiinituie. Cutting down BiUiatd and Peel Tubles- All otk tlnne inompllv and w.ur.intfil "atlsfactoo. Shon In J. W.Cearliarfs bnllilin, ujipoxile O. It. & N. To's dock. Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, lla rer-ehed a larj;e invoice of IlMtKKLti AND HALF KAKKKLS of the bfst iiuallly. And is now ie:ul to supply Butchers Can itrilesand all others, cheap fur cash. TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losaofappetlte.Ifftuseft.bowelflcoative. PalnintheHeadtWithadallBenBationiii E& back part. P&ln under the Bhouldcr- Diflae. iuiinesa aner eauay, wim a msm- Slination to exertion ofbody or mind. Irritability of temper, liow spirita, Iiosa of memory, with a f eelizuc of bavins nee fee ted some duty, wearlnesg. Dlzzinesa, Fluttering ofthe Heart, Dot a before the eyes. Yellow B 5HHT hiffhl: Headache, Beatleai nnna &t nis-ht. MsrhlT colored Urine. rv TTTCsv.'WA'Mrnros abetjwhxeived. SERIOUS DISEASES WHi SOON BE DEVaOPED. TUTTS PILLS a eipeclally adapted to kuchcasestone dose effects tachachango ur feeling as to astonish, the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take oh Flealt. thus the system Is Bourlahed.andbytlielrTanleAeUoBoathe DleeallTC Urirans. Kesrular Stoats arepr auced. Price a cents. aSMHrray8t..T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, ".iiAYHAiBorWHHiKKUs chanced to a U1.0s.sr Olal-k by a slnglf application of this Drit It inpans a natural color, acts Icstantaueously. IvM 1 j OrugeuK, or itul by ijm un tcipi of jt . Office, 35 Murray St., New York. 2 Dr.Tcrrs aiSCiL r ruiu ur-rm.tiwi fe H.mCI UaCUb W ulM IUt m yUUfc.Ji lee cream at Roeoes oyster and re freshment saloon in Occident hotel block. MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. AM.V.N. C. If. TAOE. Page & Allen NnvmisToK..s. lasen. Wholesale unit retail ileuli-rs in Groceries, PtovisioaSj Glass and Plated Ware, tp.ophui and no.Mhsric FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wiiies.I.iprs.ToliiiccofCiprs 'lhe largest and uioit complete. Mock r.f twrls In then line to he found in the cliy. (.'urner ofCavJ and Siiienie.hr. .SUerti. ASTOKIA. OREGON. Barbour's IRISH FLAX TIIRBABS Salmon Net Twine.! Cotton Seine. Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS, 311 Market Street. Nan Frauclaro HENRY DOYLE & Co.. .Manager.. -ASK roi: UNiON INDIA RUBBER GO'S Pure I'ara 1 .11111 Crack Proof Rubber Boots and Coats. IlKWARi: OF LAriTATION ! Be sure the Boots are stamped ('HACK I'fOOK on the heels, and haethe I'URK UUM SPHIXOS on the fool and instep, which prevents their crackim: or breakinir. They will last twice as long as auj others inauuiaciurca. FOB SALi: BY ALL DIIALKUS. ALL KINDS Bl'BBKK BKI.TIXC, I'AOK- IXfi, HOSE, SPBIXnS, CLOTHIXO, BOOTS AND SHOF-S. Hie. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. 1L II. PF.ASK. .Ir. S..M. KLNYOX, Agent-, San Francisco. HOLMAN'S PAD. FOB TIIK STOMACH, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS. TRADE IARK. Iu all oseiof bllliousii("v; and malaria in every foini. npreventathe and cun of chilis, fever and dumb ngxie. Dr. llolmuii'.s Pad Is a perfect success. And for dsjH?psia. sick headache and nervous pntnitlou, a- the pud is applied oer the pit of the stomach, the great nervous eentei.it annihilate- the disease at once. It regulates the liver and stnmarh ko suc cessfully that digestion becomes perfect. Prof. D. A Loomls sajs : "It is nearer a universal panacea than anything in medi cine." 11ns Is done on the principle of ab sorption, of. which Dr. TiolinanV Pail Is the only tine exponent. For all kidney troubles, us Dr. Hohnan's Renal or Kidney Fad, the b-.t remedy In the world and recommended bv the medical faculty. Beware of Bogus Pads. Each genuine Hohnan's Pad bears the pri vate revenue stamp or uip Holinuii Pad Co . with the above, trade mark printed iu green. Buy none without it. For Sale by all Druggists.' Dr. Hohnan's advice is free. Full treatise sent free on application. Address: . HOLMAX PAD 00 ,. . 74tBrn.iiIwav.Xow York P. O. box 2112. To Whom it May Concern.-. 'flAKE NOTICE THAT THE OltEGOX X. ltallway and Xarigatinn Company Is the owner or the following described property in t he City ot Astoria, tow It : North :r, feet of block 133. and all of block 132 Shlvelv's first addition to Astoria, north SO feet of lilocks 8 and 9, and all of blocks o, fi. T. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17, 18. 19. 20, 21 , 22. 23. and 21, Shlvely's second addition to Astoria as recorded by nim on hLs reised plat. Any person pur chasing such property of other parties will purchase at his peril as the compauy will defend Its title to the utmost. Oheoo Railway & Navio atiox Co. sw by E. A. Noyes Asent. ' v.j'AoT-af ' MISCELLANEOUS. Geo. W.Hume Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN IGE.CX'.EEIES,! (Provisions. Lumber ETC. ETC.. ETC. i ' Fislimiiens ami Cannery SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. AOKNT FOR THE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AN' I) TIIK San Francisco Chemical WORKS, ASTORIA - - - OREGON. CARL ADLER'S Pianos and Organs Of all makes constantly on hand. Also a full stock of VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, AC- COJIDF.ONS. CONCERTINAS, HARMONICAS, PLTJTES, Also a large stock of the best or VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, tillr;i!iT JlUSItJ. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. As well as everything else belonging to a First Class Music Store. ,Mk, IS??9f53VMa WVHJ SA Pianos and Oran sold on the monthlv in stallment plan, or for rent. Carl Adler's Book Store. The largest stock of Blank Boohs and Stationery Of every description. School Books, Bibles, Poetical Works, Albums and Oold Pens, Besides a full and complete stock of everything usually kentin aiell regulated Boot Store. Also, news dejot and agency for eer paper and periodical published. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE Watches-, Clocks and Jewelry. Pocket and Table Gutlerv. Yankee Notions and Toys, Picture Frames and Chromos. SfuiJBBBS111"!' carriages, a complete " " assortment. Archerj. etc. Xew goods by everj steamer. The public are invited to examine my stock and prices. Cf IEXAMUS ST., - ASTORIA, OKEGOS. O. I.KIN'KN'WKRKIt. IIIKA.M MtOWX. K.ST.BI.1SHKI IT'. Leinenweber & Co., ASTORTA, OREMON, TANNERS AND CURRIERS, Manufacturers and Importers- of A M. KINDS OF LEATECBR ANT) FINDTNGMt Wboles:Ue Dealers In" OIL AND TALLOW. MANFFACTUItEBS OF BOOTS and SHOES iarHishest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow.- EC XT DE "JEL L Saw Sliootiiig Gallery ! Nevt door to Joe Charters Hair Dressing estatihshincnt. CHCXAMl'SST.. - ASTORIA, ORECOX. Pistol and Rifle Practice For both Ladles and Gentlemen. CHARTERS & .MORTON, Proprietors. IA M iV ill Jackins & Montgomery, ' BMssVRiaasSBBIllSlllBlllllllIlT COILNKK OF 3IAIX AXD m x i PRINTIIfCSr THE STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS FASTEST Am) BEST PRESSES, AND TYPE We purchase Paper, Cards, Ink, and j&jt Xao-"t7t7-3r3t And can theiefoie anord to use. e OKTXj-Sr TvtOXjE5t.El FZUOSI8. Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF TUE COUNTING ROOM AND THE WORKSHOP AKE SUPPLIED NOT BUT OI VE SATISFACTION TO ALL. ,. ItillllSKiSSsjBkn THE ASTOEJM, (DAILY AXD WEEKLY) I S RESPECTED AND COMMENDED BY ALL F0RJ1TS Impartiality, Ability, THE PAPER FOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT. DAIIiY ASTORIAN TERMS: BY MA1X, (POSTAGE c'BRR TO A IX SUBSTRIBKaS.) DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR 89 00 DAILY. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 3 W t3BT"Sample copies of either edition 10 cents. Address : J. F. HALLOKAX Co. , Publishers, Astorl3, Oregon . jEBPostmasters are authorized to act as agents for The astoria Tin, Sheet iron and Copper Ware. A Ceiieral Avtortmcnt of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agent-, for Magcc Stoves and .Ranges The KeM in the market. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. JEFFERSON STREETS, m x i ASTORIAN THE OF THE LATEST STYLES. oilier mateilals of the manufacturers Oaslo. H.ates, always do. the best ankles, while charging Bill Heads and Letter Heals. AT PRICES WHICH CAN Fairness and Reliability. COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY PERSON - - A- . 4i?- 3 ts .