THE ASTORIA N.i - ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY OCT. 'Si, 1SS1 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (.Monday Excepted:, J. F. HALLORAN i COMPANY, Pci:limiki:s avi ri:ornii7roi:s. Axtortan Untitling, Cass Street. Terms of Subscription : zetvd by Carrier. per veok .." Cents lent by mail, four rannths........M.....S3 00 csoiit by mail, one year.................... $ Oil Free of Potnse to Subscriber. TA(lvorti3otnents inserted by the year at the rate of Si 50 per square per month. Transient advertising, by the day or ireek, fifty cents per square for each insertion. THECITY. TnK Daily astokiax icill he nd hy mail atlo cent a month, free of ptKitauc. Head en ivho contemplate absence from the citu tan hare TnK Atrraixjxs follow ihem. Daily in' Wkkkly editions toanu pot-oftct with out additional expense. Addreex intiv lie cii'inutd ij? ojlcn a tle.sired. Isarc order at the nmntina room. The Lingards are coming. - Dr. Crang informs us that Mr. Wilson's little boy is convalescent. It was 4,000,000 feet of lumber that Ross Bros, cut on Blind slough. A full house greeted the Lingard troupe last night. S.F.Call Oct. 1 ',lh. -Services at the M. E. church at the usual hours, llcv. A. Wheeler officiating. -Frou-Froti was witnessed by a large attendance at the Baldwin. .S'. F. CIi if i niclc J, Hli. --Services in the Episcopal church to-da, morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Wood ofliciatintc. A. J. Megler, Secretary of the Odd Fellows Building Association, gives notice of an assessment in an other column. There will bo a social at the resi dence of Mrs. F. Sherman next Tues day eveniug under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. A cordial invi tation is extended. The Rov. Mr. Wood, of Dayton, W. T., will officiate at the Episcopal church to-day. Mr. Wood is very highly spoken as a man of large and comprehensive views, and a 'good orator. -Sea Side Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W., have ordered about one hundred books, including the complete Ency clopedia Brittanica. This is a sub stantial addition to the society's li brary. The British ship Steinvora, 1107 tons register, Mcintosh master, G5 days from Panama, arrived yesterday, Columbia toning Malcolm pilot. She will leave for Portland in tow of the Alice to-day, Capt. Ferchcn piloting. The fever-stricken invalid who may have had fiis recovery retarded bv infantile weakness will rapidly recover under the influence of Fellows'sHypo phosphites. The yellow-visaged suf ferer from Fever and Ague can calcu late on a speedy and permanent recov ery from his disease after all else fails. The following persons arrived home by the Fleetwood yesterday from Pertland: Hon. J. D. Merri wan, Col. Taylor, N. L. Coffinbnry, Mi, and Mrs. S. Mathews, Mrs. C. Brown, Mrs. Lewis and Miss Ella Campbell. Dr. Lockhart makes a Mtecialtv of the medical and surgical diseases of women, ne is a graduate of the Jetler son Medical College of Philadelphia, formerly Superintendent of the Indiana State Hospital for the Insane, and Pro fessor of pathology, clinical medicine and physical diaenosis in College of Physicians and Surgeons in Indian apolis, Indiana. Rooms over the Citv Book Store. The British bark Trongate, 049 tons, 88 days from Adelaide, Campbell master, arrived yesterday, Astoria towing, Hanson Pilot. Capt Camp bell reports passing an iron ship about 1200 tons Sept. 3rd, in latitude 13 deg. 27 min. south, longitude 125 deg. 19 min. west, apparently burned, no masts standing. He sent a boat alongside but the crew could see no signs of life on board. The Swale's Ocean Wave Power company has incorporated in San Francisco to furnish power by means of the action of ocean waves and tides with which to supply salt water for watering streets, flushing sewers, sup plying public and private baths, ex tinguishing Gre, and other public and private purposes; for driving ma chiner, compressing air, generating electricity, and for all manufacturing purposes. Something after that fash ion will be a good thing in Astoria, "poco tiempo." ,TT- , i Our old flame. Alice Dunning Liu- ard. over whom wc both have gushed I nnn,1p.llv. dnnr MsiiVp. is h.irl-1 strain: this' time without ...' ialHvI?CN!riptive ttf t,,e Willa,:l Valley' M appurtenance-cither lrasbaiidop 1-r W1,m, T foil vn ihl h ... pence in "Frou-Frou,"' I know your first question will be: "Whit did ?hc wear" That is every one's first ques tion when they speak of Alice Lin gard. Let me whisper to you. dear girl, something wliich she does not wear. She is not like the -Little Nellie Nelliconl In her white petticoat. of our childish conundrum . The pop ular every-day garment she leaves in her dressing-room. That is why she continues to look like Juno, even when she is swathed in satin draperies, for they cling, and there are no bil lows of starched domestic muslin to intercept the clinging. Her first dress, a white one, is trimmed with gauze embroidered in Australian bugs or beetles, as you like. All actresses, who go to the south seas import the Australian bug, and a handsome fel low ho is with his bright-green back impaled upon white gauze. Of the other costumes the most impressive was a batin, all of vivid red, which she wears in the Venetian scene. It is red even to her finger-tips, for she wears long red mils. S. F. Argonaut, Oct. Ml,. Bethel Service There will be divine service to-day on board the ship Deiby.shire at the Farmers dock, at 4 p. m. and at Up per Astoria at G r. m. Mt-v. J. Mc Corinae officiating. Hotel Arrivals. omnEXT. (1. W. Fonner, Willuski; 1L liehre nals, San Francisco; Thos. E. Tecgar din. Rev. Ernest Wood, Portland. IWKKKll nor.!:. J. X. Stark, Bruceuori; J. W. Brewer. City: .1. Rowan, Crooked Creek; .X. Wisner, .John Days river; F. W. Curtis, San Francisco; T. U. Rue, Wallapa; Frank Weber, Walla Walla: Chas. N. Cole, Knappa; Frank .Morev, Tillamook. -The pilot schooner F. C. Cousins arrived in from sea yesterday. The Tarn O'Shanter left .for Port land yesterday. E. N. Cooke towing, Reed pilot. Mr. C. T. Thonies and wife leave for Portland to-morrow morning, to be absent eight days. Preslij'tcrian church. -Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7 r. m. Sunday-school at noon. All ait-welcome. -The ilrilisli bark Thunderbolt, 1 180 tons register, .larvis master, from Cape of flood Hope, in ballast, ar rived last evening, Brculiain towing, Herman pilot. The Odd Fellows' association have purchased the property on the south cast corner of Cass and Squemocquha streets, directly opposite Thk A.v tokian building. The lot is ."0x100 feet. It is the intention of the Asso ciation to put up a subMauli-il brick building on this properly. --We are glad to notu that Mr. C. P. Troy met with good surce-ss in dis posing of his paintings, a fine collec tion of which have been in the Occi dent block on Friday and Saturday. The majority of them were works of real merit, being painted by artists of acknowledged skill and reputation. Mr. Troy goes to Portland from hen'. The convention of the Woman Suffrage association of Oregon, which last Friday adjourned after a four day session in Portland, elected for the ensuing year the following efficers: President, Mn.. II. A. Loughary, of Yamhill; Vice-President, Mrs. A. S. Duniway, of Multnomah; .Secretary, Miss Maggie Foster, of Linn; Cones ponding Secretary, Miss Annie L. Fcaraside, of Multnomah; Treasurer, Mrs. E. .Johnson, of Multnomah; Ex ecutive' committee, Mrs. H. A. Lough ary, Mrs. A. S. Duniway, Miss M. T. Foster, Miss A. Fearnside and Mrs. C. A. Coburo. What .in all ThiH.About? It i all nothing. Facts nrmc that 1 keen the best beer in Astoria, the rccrn- lar Albany beer. Alo the genuine Al- naiiy iwuiieu rscer Kept always on hand. Cir.V-!.(iKATKI. Vol ire to the Public After this date there will be no more sour San Francisco beer sold at the Mint Saloon. Nothing but MikcMers celebrated Astoria Rrcwery Beer will be kept. Opposite the Oregon Railwav and Navigation companvs dock. An one willing plain sewing of any kind done, would do well to call up .iairs over the (Jem -saloon. Also gloves and laces eleaned at cr short notice. Entrance opposite city jail. Those hats and cans for little fellows are selling rapidly at M. D. Kant's Mer- cuaiu lauor Establishment; no wonder, though, they are new and nobbv stvles and very cheap. Notes from the Willapa. ' Yi:ks Vkmrik. Y. l. Oct. l."i. lfl. I 1 V - '-""' mjkia : i previot.s letters to Thk A.tokian, si.-l7vc confined ccl"slb' u I t,,e "PI"5' Waia, but I do not wish to be understood as assertiii" that this section is the only one worthy of tho immigrant's attention. The valley of the Nasalle is said to be unexcelled for timber, and good agricultural hind when cleared. The tide lands of the lower Willapa furnish an abundance of very nutritions gras3, and ha- for stock raising and dairy purposes. North river valley, also, contains a few quarter sections of very good farming land, but the almost utter impossibility of getting into, or out of, this valle' will probably deter immi grants from settling that section for many years to come. There is, no doubt, some good tim ber on that river also, but the river being unnavigable renders .sawmilling an impracticability. The lime will doubtless come, however, when this beautiful region will be settled by an industrious people, and small mills erected to supply the local demand for lumber. But, in the meantime, I believe the upper Willapa offers extra ordinary inducements to settlers, com bining as it does the richest fanning lands, with vast forest, of fir and spruce sufficient to supply the excel lent mills at South Rend for genera tions to come. There are now six settlers in this region, where one year ago there was but one, and two years ago none at all. A good wagon road traverses tho en tire length of the valley; a school dis trict has also been organized, and one term of school has already been held. The people are hospitable and charge nothing for showing immigrants the best locations. There are several other matters to bo considered by those seeking homes. Pacific county is out of debt with a surplus in the treasury, and as a con sequence the rate of taxation is com paratively low. Partisan politics is almost entirely unknown, the people voting for whomsoever they consider the best man for the place, thus giving us, at all times, an honest and" efficient set of officers. There are now two steamers plying upon the Willapa river and Shoal water bay, with the almost absolute certainty of a canal being constructed between the head of the bay and Unity in the near future, thus placing the most desirable Astoria market within easy reach. In this connection I would like to ask, is there such a thing as an immigration society in Oregon or Washington Territory? It will be re membered that in tho year 1S73, occurred the great Europeaum imi gration to the United States and in '74 and '7o the.tide of immigration set toward the Pacific until California was filled to overflowing. These scenes are now doubtles to bo reenacted, as the foreign immigration of the current year far exceeds even that of 1873, and in a year or two the living stream will again be pouring into the Pacific states and teiritories with n resistible force. Oregon and Washington can, by proper effort, absorb the greater part of this most desirable influx. The Astokian is doing its whole duty in this matter; are other papers doing the same! N or should this mat ter be wholly left to tho press; let even man advertise his particular section in every manner possible, be ing careful to state the whole truth, and not overdo the matter entirely, us has been done in the case of North river and some other sections, as this only results in injury to any section however good. Let immigration so cieties be formed, statistical and other information furnished, and show the world that the great Northwest cannot be surpassed in agricultural, mineral, grazing and lumbering resouiees. What we want is plenty of settlers; capital will soon follow. The upper Willapa can hardly be excelled for lumbering facilities; thousands of acres of the very finest fir and spruce, stand within easy hauling distance of the river, which is peculiarly adapted to driving purposes; in fact, there are several creeks tributary to the Willapa of sufficient size to drive logs, with fir forests growing to the very banks in many places, while in other places the firtile bottom lands stretch away for one and two miles in width. One logging camp has already been in successful operation for two years, and athers are talked of for the com ing season; while the South Bend mills furnish a ready cash market for all the logs that can be cut. Stock raisers will find a ready mar ket for their cattle, either at Astoria or Puget Sound, this country being about equi-distant between the two. The distance to the Columbia, as the I crow flies, is about twenty nule3, and it is said, navigable waters tributary to the Columbia can bo reached in ' twelve miles, so that it is safe to pre dict that in a few short years this will be our shortest route to market. I have seen mention in a recent mini-J ber.ofTHKAsTOKiAxof the fact that j a railroad was contemplated between Olympia and Hwaco. I, of course, the directors of this mad read j Thi: Astokian, and 1 would like io suggest to them that a natural pass exists between the Chehalis river and the Willapa. and that, a railroad be tween those two points via this pass would pas through the Boisfort prairie, cross the Chehalis at Mor-' mon's prairie, and traverse the entire' length of the WilLipa valley. Nearly the whole distance would be through a rich tanning country not now enjoy ing facilities, and the entire j route lined with the lin.-t timber in the world. A word to the wise, etc.' As 1 may at some future time re sume this subject, I shall say no inoic at present, but would like to xiy a few words in regard to North river, in a previous communication I charged that letters had appealed in several different newspapers, giving a highly coloied and overdrawn description of North river valley, which letters, in my 'opinion, had a tendency to injuie not only North river, but the whole of Pacific county, inasmuch as many persons after being drawn hither by reading the letters above, rcfeiied In found the actual facts so enlitely differ ent from what they had been' led to expect, that they could not be induced to look farther, but left as soon :i possible and gave the whole country a bad name abroad. I did this with no intention of'opening a newspaper con troversy, or of injuring Xorthfjriver valley, but merely -as a warning to im migrants, and to rebuke a man whose veracity was in nowise able to cope with hi3 imagination, and who, how ever good his intentions, was doing more to injure Pacific coiiniy than he was to build it up. The information upon which I base Ibis charge I leceiwd from good, re liable men, old residents of Pacific county, and who are perfectly familiar with North river, and also from stran gers, victims of the aforesaid letters, who had come long distances to see this famous valley; some of them with steam sawmills running riot in their busy brains. In the Orvguiuaii of September 4th, I noticed a communi cation from Isaac Smith, and signed by the entire population of North River valley, "without regard to i ace, color," etc., in which he charges me w'th being a slandeier and a falsifier; first, because 1 stated thai North river valley was not a paradis-j; second, bt cause I stated that the river was not navigable; and third. becaue I said the valley was walled in by hills. In regard to the fii.t statement, 1 am in clined te think, on mature reflection, that I may pof-sibly have been mis taken, as North river valley certainly possesses one very striking character istic of parailise; it is exceedingly hard to get into. In regard to the navi gability of the river, a gentleman who has followed logging in Pacific couuty for many years, informed me that he logged on North river when he had to wait for full-moon tides, to raft his logs, in the mouth of June. I am also informed, on good authority, that that "elegant steamer" ran aground one mile below Smiths houae. his being two and one-half miles from the mouth of the river; he stales that the river is navigable from its mouth to within one-half mile of the falls, but neglects lo stale that the en tire distance aggregates to the aston ishing number of hat o." ui.r-Iialf w(hV.y. A fiue place for the milling business, truly! In regard to the third cumI, if North river valley is not walled in by hills,it presents an anomaly in the way of valleys. As I said before, I do not j hoik. so to be drawn into a profitless newspa per controvery, and in ouler to r.cttlc the matter once for all, I will make this proposition to Mr. Smith: If yni will iepubli ih your letter to the ( rogon ian, under date Match 20, KS3I. and procure for it the endorsement .f the snrvoyor ami his assistants now, or recently, in your valley, I will make the atneade huaimihle so far ar likes in my power; but until you do this you must not expect "You Bet' to take any further notice of you. Respectfully, oi 15i:r. Choice Candies, fresh maile ever, uaj . at the Astoria Caml y raeti ir . Coco.inut Caramels, fresh Imlav. at the Astoria Candy Factory. ,. 5x-Warner-;, San Francism . tional brewery beercaift he beat. I'euanehee Creams and Opera Caia tnels at the Astoria Candy Factory. Wauled A woman In do general housewerk: small family. Will rve $-i) a mouth. , , PlHLll' CoN-nrr, 1WK - Skipanon, Oiegon. MISCELLANEOUS. Geo. Wo Hume wholesale and Retail Dealer ,N GTiOf'EBJES, Provisions, Lumber. ETC. ETC ETC. FisTit-rnHMis and C;mnmr SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. A(li:.'T KOK THE San Jose Fruit Packing Company. AND THE San Olirinioal worses. ASTORIA - - - UKKdON. Free to Everybody! A Beautiful Book for the Asking T. :iiiIi! at Hie neatest olikv of tllK SINCHi: .MAM'KACTL'IttXt: (.. oir l MV;a! canl if :it a distance), ami adult jmtmhi will lie presented with a beautifully illutr.ilcd f of a New Hook entitled GENIUS REWARDED, -ei: -in ii Story of tie Sewini Machine. Coiitaiiiina handsome :tud collv. steel en i:tiu; front Npicee : aNo,lSHneiyenj;raed wood cuts, and bound tit an elaborate blue and riiM Iitln;,niplied coer. No charge whateerisiiiade for tliK hundtotue boilk. wltieii can be obtained inl bv application at tlte braurli and sulmrdtnate lilflees of The sinor Manufacturing 'o. The Singer Manufacturing Co. I'llueiitalnnk' I nion Squat e, i:V YOKK. . THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. lite tinderMyiieil nj-eifull iiolilio juiMii Hut li:;n. been aiioiutetl .e:eiit for tlte tlte NEW IMPROVED SINGER, Me i now pri-paicd to offer theMMinmnllcil Sewing Maelniie on mh-Ii terms as cannot r.itl to nii-et the wants ol everjbodyin need nf this indispensable article pf household furniture. Liberal disemmt made on cash sides. Tii llinsfib'sniiiit T will soil on the instalment plan Iie dollars a month. 17 eentsa d:t.iless Hum it oo-dsa smoker for eiji.irst. will si uni purchase your wife a Singer. The Best Sewing Machine Ever Put Together. Old Sewinjj Machines taken In eschanue. Att'ieliniiMils. N'crdles, Cotton. Oil. etc.. al wajson hand. (Jail ami examine the Singer Sew in; Machine ami the varietvof woik it rati pei bum :;i 1 V. HOI.DHN'S. "cnt Singer .Man. Co. V$5kr KIX Q-ZjOVJSS (PATZXTZD JU.N3 1STII, 1376.) FOR SALS BY C X., PARKER. Corn Husk Mouthpiece Cigarettes -IX lT.KHjn-:. AM) HA ANA. V1KCIMA Tob.-iceo, ihc purest and healthiest C'lOAK KTTKS in iim For sale at UK. C. SMITH'S. Ihmi. r,i:i VM. .Manager. The New Testament niitho'rized edition reiised. for twenty-five cents at Chailes, Mevrns and .Sons Cit Hook stoic. Yincuar 01 the very net quality can Ic had or M:i W amier. in an qitnniU at r'Jieenls per .gallon. Ma Wamier has had his nlaee re painted, and it is now more aitraethe than ever. Mop as juu go uy. u For the genuine J. 11. Cutter old i:ourioii.:iiul (he best of wine.s. liquors and .San Knun-i-sco beer, call at theOem, opposite the bell tower, and see Camp bell. I. .1. ibKiduian. on Chenaiiius it;ect, ' bus jiinI received the latest aid most . fashionable stIe of gents aittl ladies j ImioIs". shoes, eic. If von want the of fruit and veiiclaldcs. fresh ccr day. call at T. (J." Rawlins's fruit store. Main street, opposite l.oebs. Charles bteu'iis & js'on are in re ceipt of a fiue stock of mouldings, and are now .prepared to make uielure: franu stock frames to order. Call and inspect their Cfggpgg il'XI and Winter 1881. The largest slock of goods ever brought to Astoria is now exhibited at . THE LEADIiMG Dry Goods i Clothing- House OF O-. JHL COOP Fresh arrivals by every Steamer,-- conse quently I get the Latest Eastern Novelties. r STRICTLY ONE PRICE and that ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Do not fail examine goods before purchasing. . C. H. COOPER, T X L XI ore, near Parker House, Astoria. The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot fMv XS. R. HA WES, TWO nOOKS EAST OF OCCIDENT, - - A8TOEIA. OBEGON CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF EITRNTTURE S? BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames aM Mm Wiiiit, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN PdLES Complete In every branch. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY IS M'I'IIKlOl: TO aiOS'I. AM) I KXCKU.Kn KV NONE ON TB1B COAhT JOHN lIAHft, - - PROPIOETOK, CHEWAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON.' ec-Oiders lelt at the UEKMANTA BHKU HALL will be promptly, attended to." ASTORIA M. MEYER ASTORIA, gp-riTAT. A3!j:Bg'OTJ3yo:Eijra:Eiagp. REDUCTION OF WHOLESALE PRICES. $7 50 PER BARREL OF 30 GALLONS- LAI'.CK OUDKKS IX L1KK PROPORTION. - Less Quantities, ' - - SO Cents per Gallon Bottled Beer, - - - SI 50 por Dozon ffirSpeetal attention paid to orders i PUes for Sale. ll. McMillan is prepared t Mr. A. II. McMillan is prepared to furnish Fir or Hemlock Piles IX AXY AMOCXT TO OKDKR, AND OX SHORT NOTICE. liiKhnr. Astoria lUVe OnitTa ill lilt: sunt- ill ik-iiiu.ihi u. i! Mrtnri iv A.B.MciULLA.v Olnej . Oregon. Or address, IXL to get my prices aDd MAY BE HAD OF E.R.HANVES HOLE -AGENT. Also, Agent for the celebrated! MEDALLION RiNgE, BREWERY. Proprietor. OREGON. from Public Houses, and FamlUeg. OREGQK BRASS jWIWCS, j D. M. MOORK, - - PROPRIETOR, j Sit Mt. Ber. C Jt O. Psrtlsa. RmQQ Roll nnrl f)nmrvaii!nri Ortatinno Of every descilptioa made to order. Cocks and Valves, of all kinds, made and re paired. Steam Whistles, OU Glotws. Hy- uinuiktlJn lUU .AUiXlCS, AttUUlk JtCUU. Cadi paid for old Copper aadB43L8ad aud zlnc particular attention paid to all knd3 of shlp Wotk sW3j r t