00 m QMlE&ity gusiosfcrn. - ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY- : OCT. 16, 18SI COMMEBCEAND TRADE. -sJPORT OF ASTORIA. READY FOR SEA. Oityof York. brsh, Adelaide. Oct J4 SAILED Temple Br br bk 88S tons Yaujthn Rio Oct 1 Buenos Ajres. r'r bV. 603 tons. Bordeaux Oct 15 t 8Uram&r. Br bk Norton Newcastle Oct 11 I VOrecon s. 222 tons. Pohlm&n. S F Oct 10 HtrrettHome B bk WT tons. Williams Qoeeoft- Oct 10 -AlpKf.seb. Starr. Tillamook bay Oct 9 Colnmb'la. as. 2721 tons Holies. SF. Oct C Lockett br bk McNoah Qneenstown Oct fi - Zfairnsbire. Br bk. 1706 tons. Niren Queenstoirn Oct. 3. ..djBKite 1. Davenport, ah. 12 tons. Mallett W'" Melbourne Oct. 3. f Y t . '. j& t ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Scottish Knljfbt. Br. bk 912 tons, fm Rockhamp 5 ton. Oct M "Benfretrshlre Brih Williams. Wellington Port Pirrrie Oct U Oberon Br bk. 11S0 tons, Honolulu Oct 14 Chas. Woraley li"C Duneden Morgan Otaco Oct 14 Napier Br sh 933 Wilson Port Chalmers Australia ' Oct 12 flity of Chester. S r' Oct 12 Harry Mor seAra. ah Brooks. Rio Janeiro Oct 11 , Bute of California. b8. i20U tons. Debney. S K cU10 Grasaiere, Br bk. Thompson-, Pern, Oct 10 r' JkfIry Low Br bk.Xew Zealand Alexander Oct 10 Lyttelton Br hh OUco Strang Oct 1 Sbnbrick, U 8 Light-bouse str. Krerson. south. Oct 7 Inrereak. bk. Rio, Oct 6 Belle of Oregon bk 1169 tons Mem-man X Y Oct 6 California. 674 str. tons. Carroll. 8 V Oct 10 Umatilla, as, 3000 tons, "Worth. X Y Oct, 2 I Lanarkshire, br bk79I tons, Livingstone. Letuka, Sept 29 Doxford. br bk. 632 tons. McDonald. Liverpool. via Victoria Sept 27 Saranac sh 1081 tons Shaw N Y Sept 22 Bankfields, Br. bk. 833 tons, Venus. Liverpool beptfc! Oracle, sh 1550 tons. Morison. Philadelphia Sept 22 LochDoon br bt. Mainland Auckland X Z Sept 17 jArjrb.br bk (34 tons Humbel Liverpool Sept 17 - Derbyshire. Br ah, 1300 tons, Jones. Singapore Sept. 17 .forth Bend bkt 37b tons Merryman. S r" Sept 17 Countess of Rothes. Br bk. 733 toes. Rotser. Car diff. Sept 2 Geo W Bluer, ss. S F Aux 23 Alden Beese, Am bk. 842 tons, Xoes. lIougLong inay 22 Coloma,Am bkB-U tons, Xojes. Hongkonz Slay VESSELS OJV T11E VA i . Front American PortK. Annie 1L Smith 1501 Bartlett Phila. C. X Hurlbnrt. bk. 1100 toes. N Y.June 13 Emma T Crowell bk 1137 tons N Y Ma? 23 - ;Great Admiral 1576 Thompsbn Thila Oerten.sh. Philadelphia, Jan 13 Ida Lily 757 Eastman Phila. 'Jjllndiana; ship, USStons Morrison X Y May21 Ivy, sh,Xew York, Sept IS Jane Fish. sh. New York. Sept. Levi P. Burgess, sh. Philadelphia. Ail? 12 Lamoi bk Philadelphia loading Moint Washington, sh. 1217 tons. X Y Sept 27. Orient, bri. 212 tons'. Williams. S F Sept 1 Olive S Southard Am sh Philadelphia March 24 Portland, bkt. Gage S F Oct 7 - Reporter, ah. 1330 tons Wilson X Y Jun2i .Sonoma 1063 Xewberry Phila. Santa Clara, sh. Xew York. Sept. Spanyw sob. S i' March 16 'Tarn 6'Shanter. bkt. S. F. Sept 14 Vesuvius bk 813 tons Call X Y loadinc Walla Walla. s. .ViO tons. DaWoIfe. Xew York. O K 4 X Co. Sept 14. Western Belle 1123 Iiah X. Y. Froai Foreljru PortM. Annie Muir. Br bk. Liverpool, Aug 19. Adolt. Swe. bk. 623 tons. Rinsm&nsfcon, Gotten- bnrg. Oct IS Adderside. br k. Liverpool to Astoria diroct. AatrecanBrsh 975 Paige Adelaide Auk. 3 City Camp Br bk Buenos Ayres Sept II Cblloe. br bk. 437 tons. May 21 City of Manchester, br bk 78C tons Rio Corina. bk. X S W Sept 17 ( Orummock Water, bk. Singapore. Aug. Is Poon. Brbk 877 tons. Grange, Brisbane Edith Lome. bk. Hobart Town. Aug. V. Farglen Br sh, Wellington Ang 23 Furness Abbey, bk. ItSJ, Libby. Yokohama. Glen Gaber. br bk, CSC ton. Liverpool. Ma 12 Glaaglyn Br bk Buenos Ayres Sept 11 ' Manitoba, Br sU Buenos Ayres Sept II Langstone Br sh Wellington Sept 1 Lynton. Br bk. Montevideo, Sept 17 Merwamjee Framjee, Br sh, Liverpool. .Inly 12 Malacca br bk 2194 tons Japan Monarch Br. str. Barrow, Eng. A ug. 2). Hiver Thames br bk 501 tons Christie Iquiqui Beecroft. Br. sh. 15SC tons. Melbourne Auif. 31. Scotia. Br bk Bnenos Ayres, Sept 5 Thunderbolt. Br iron. 1200 tons, ftu cape or GooJ - hope, due Sept 1st. Torbecke, Dutch h, Newcastle. ia .So;ralay. June S Valparaiso, br bk Liverpool. Sept 13 Wanlock. br bk.74ti tons, Liverpool to Astoria di rect. Oct 11 In addition to the above list the following t essefs are known to be on the way to this Prt4 . - f5Xamea. Tons. Where from. Jennie Landless 1,357 Cape Good Hope Estrella'd Chete 53C . Brisbane Olraara 1,333 Wilmington Lanimerlaw 71C Xew Castle Alary Graham 67C Hull Alcoa Day .. .1,130 New Zealand l'arknook . 835 Guavmas .Klrkwood .1,279 Sydney -Itlver Ganges-. C72 Manzanilla .SerlngapaUim 1,128 Cipe Town Lindores Abbey 863 ........ . Adelaide Diana :....: 715 Brisbane Loch Fergus 840 Port Chalmers Trongatc 949... ... Adelaide Duke of Abercon.. 1,150.. Liverpool Trafalgar 1.7C5 San Diego Clydebank SC3. Chile Dochra 9CC Sydney I TIDE ABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables xtt United States Coast Survey. iligh Water. Low Water. - -Date. ii. a. u. .11 51 . .1 5 47 C32 0 271 C 23 7 23 0 37 7 11 H 07 2 00 8 11 8 31 2 401 8 40 10 10 3 251 9 23 11 03 4 18 10 20 11 53 5 17 11 20 . - 6 171 0 4L... 0 20 7 19j .: 1 34 1 23 !! R Ji :7. u Vi... 1 00 2 32 10 12 13 . 4 15 i iu..... 11....... U K.... J 16.7 51...... Astoria Lodge No. 40, L O. Q. T. 'Regular Meeting every Tuesday Evening s ai7J4. o'clock, attiood Templar'a Hall, Che- namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. Parker's btore Members or the Order, in gooastana ,ne, are invited to attend. Degree meeting 1st "JMoaday-sach month.. By order W. C. T. Regular Communications first and ""third Saturdays in each month. at7H o'eiocK. f. M., at tne liall in Astoria. jiAeaioers 01 me uraer, in gooa stanuinf. are g.are Y. M. ' invited to attend. By erde: of the Y Common CounciL Regalar meetings second and fourth Tues- day evenings ef each month, at 7J.J o'clock " Persons desiring to have matters acted upon by, the Council, at any regular meeting mast present the same to the Auditor ana Clerk-on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holdB its r .regular meeting).. F.C. 'ORRlS, "" ' " Auditor and Clerk. " 'u, Warrantee deedsaf-THE Astoeiax "OffiCjL CalaBi'biA River Exports. sniPMEXTS FOREIGX. KKCAPITULATIOX BY MOXTnS, 183L JAXUABY. A Cargoes value FEBRUARY. 7 Cargoes value MARCH. d Cargoes value Al'KIL. -1 Cargoes valuo .S 187,423 . S71.29D . -0241 . 1M2.195 RECAPITULATXOX, MAY. Flour, 493.' bbls, value .2-24jEH0 Wheat, Zttsxr ctis, zwju Salmon, 12,400 cs, u . . .. .'40 Total values, 14 cargoes. 631.71 RECAPITULATIOX JCXE. PIour,C0fl37"buls, value S1143S2 Wheat. 107,844 ctls, - 132JSM Salmon, 56,413 cs, u 27885 Total G cargoes S."4oyW7 RECAPITULATIOX JULY. Flour, 28.142 bbls, value Sl.Ys802 Wheat, 8135 cUs, 11443 .Salmon. 8380 cs, u ZOIJXS Fruit, GOO as. 4 2,400 Total 8 cargoes. .. ....5732,745 RECAPITULATIOX AUGUST. Flour, l.'5,348 bbls., vnlue S 52 SIG Wheat, 222r32 ctls., .127,072 Salmon, 59,403 CS., ' 297,015 Total, 11 cargoes $b7G,Gt!3 RECAPITULATIOX SEPTEMBER. Flour, 41,023 bbls value : .181.255 WJieat,245,G21ctls " 381,115 Salmon, 52GGcs " 312:W Lumber 819,545 ft- 7rT7G Lath,14100ftt - 295 Pickets, 485 bdls., " 170 Total. .S88G.041 OCXOBF.IU 3 To QueensU)icn, jcr Loch Dorm. From Portland 20,432 ctls wheat ,75o GTo Quecnxtoxm, per Jjochett. From Portland 12.171 ctls wheat .. .19,478 Astoria 5.553 ' 8,900 Totals 17,72(5 23,378 10 To Quccnstown per Harvcxt Home. From Portland 10,310 ctl wheat 2C,C00 It To Quunstoim per CHy of Tor;. From Portland 21,803 ctls wheat- $34,900 Astoria 11,041 - " 2100 Totals .35,849 S5C.4O0 15 To Bordeaux per Buenos Ayret. From rortland 15,484 ctls wheat $23,744 Astoria 0,637 " " 11,720 Totals 22,121 $33,470 IC To Qun8fow per Temple Bar. From Portland 17,917 ctls wheat $37,741 " Astoria 12,483 " " 19.919 Totals 31,40 S50.C90 DOMESTIC EXPORTS. The receipts of domestic exports at San Francisco, from Astoria, from Jan uary 1st, 1881. to October 4th, inclusive are as follews: Flour, qr sks .274,785 Wheat. CttS 254,257 Oats, ctls G0.402 Salmon, bbls . . . l,49i hf bbls 590 cs 203.053 t)ktrs .. 232 Apples, ripe,Tn5rr.ri7iz.7r.v.v.v.". i3,wi Butter, pkg . 129 roLttoes, sks . 30,551 Wool, bales 25,997 Hides, No a. ..... 58,750 Tallow, pkgs 1,80:: Beef, bbls.. 419 Beef, canned, es 1 C Fruit, dried, pkgs . 3,121 leather, pkgs . . 211 Lard, cs ... .. .. . 50 Bacon, as.. .... IC Meal, sks- 384 Hops, bales .. COS Hams, pkgs 32 Bran, sks . .. 1 ,242 Cheese, cs . . 28 FlaxSeed.sks :3.18 Canned goods, cs ...... 2.029 P. W. II. JAMES. P. B. I.PITO.V. AJC03IATIC Gl k l -x r i a 1 r I pJ Ca H K ALt "" y Supt ilor to an j other on this coast. lV.r sale at all flrsl class saloon. - AXt Sparkling Champagne Cider. GUM AND RASPBERRY SYRUP In quantities to .suit. Manufactured and bottled by Columbia Soda Water Company. I.rrTOX & JAMES. PROPRIETORS. Foot of Main Street, - Astoria, Onnoo.v. SLX3NT7 MARY'S HOSPITAL, ASTORIA, OREGON THIS INSTITUTION under' CARE OF the SLsters of Chanty, Is now ready for the reception of patients. Private rooms for the accommodation of any desiring them. Patients admitted at all hours, day or night. rsp physician has exclusive right, even' patient is free to and has the privilege of employing any physician they prefer. United States Marine . Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are enti tled to Free care and attendance at this Hos pital during sickness. Permits must be ob tained for United States Marines at the Cus torn House. StSTKUS OK ClIAUITV. To Whom it May Qoncern. TAKE NOTICE THAT THE ORF.OON Kail way and Navigation Company is the owner of the following described property in the City ot Astoria, to-wlt : North 55 feet of block 133. and all of block 132 Shhrely's first addition to Astoria, north 50 feet of blocks 8 and 9, and all -of blocks 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12. 13 14 15. 10. 17. IB. 19, 20. 21 , 22, 23. and 21, Shiveiy's second addition to Astoria, as recorded by him on his revised plat. Any person pur chasing such property of other parties will purchase at lus peril as the company will defend its title to die utmost. Obkgox Railway & Navigation Co. 30d by E. A. Noyes AgeiiL OPILES. The undersigned U preparedto furnish a large number of Spiles and Spars at his place on short notice, at reasonable rates. Apply to C.G.CAPLES. Columbia (Sty Warranty deeds, quit claim deeds and mortgages, for sale at this office. THE MARKETS. FlnnaclRl. Silver, at par. Coin exchange on San Francisco i per cent premium. Coin exchange on Sew York buying par: selling, H to 1 percent. Legal Tendera par. Telegraphic transfers on Xew York I per cent, premiuiii. AKtortH .tlurUrts. lurr.vu. Flock. Superfine $5 O); Kxtri ,i :a ; Corn .Meal r cwt. S 50: Buckwheat r rwt IGCO. BuTTr.K Choice roll. ?3 . V a- Citf.RSR.-lat.oi dairy 18c. Kcaa. CO cts V dor. Chicken. S-i ij. Fresh MrTS.-CUoice cuts. Lamb. ICc: Beef S18 : Pork 10 ; Mutton SUU. By the carcase 8c Mets. Breakfaat bacon -13Jtgl.", per B; aides 13d144c: hams 12"S17c: ehouldera I012c ; smoked beef 153lGjc: corned beef S10igl2Vi bbl.; corned pork 10c?. Bkaxs. 3(g4 CtB. Lakd. In tins and caddies 1718c V- P. IIoxey. In frames 40c ; in glass 50c. Dried Fruits. Blackberries 25c; Prunes 12Ml6c. Mat, Fkcd. Bran SI&3S20 V ton : chop feed S21S21 ; Shorn S25G27 50 ; Hav S20K. ?22 ton. Oats. Aceordinar to iuality. prices range from Si 90 per cwt. Vegetables. Potatoes I1-,' ct. Trt Tb; Onions 3c "& B. Wan FranclHoo quotatloyn. CV MAIL .VXD TKI.EmtAPII.1 Wheat X0.1..51 40i 42K percen tal ; No. 2. $1 :i2K&i 37 c. Oats Si 35i 35? ctl. Wool Oregon, Vallcv2527 cts. 9 lb. Eastern Oregon, 1927. Hides Heavy salted lOc; light, lo Family Provisioxr Uacon, 12i:; cts: clear Oregon sides, l.'isc; hams. 11(0.1.1 CIS. Barley Coast feed, 92K(97 rts: Brewing Snol 20 5) ctl. Eogs California, 2G(ij28;' y do.; Ore gon, rjKKJC uoz. Flop p. Oregon extra, .?4 75; Super fine, $3 753 25; Walla-walla extra. S4 50. Butter ash Cheese Extra fancy Butter, 28 cts. ? lb; Fresh roll, good to choice, 24(?2G cts; Pickled. 221; cts. lb. Seeds Flax, 22Jfc ? B; Canary, 33c; Alfalfa, 1G17c; Timothy, 8 19c U. Bags Wool sacks. 44(R50c: iotato gunnies, 13;.l4c; standard grain nom inal. Fruits Dried apples, 5J0 cts. lb forqrs.; 5KG for sliced; Pears,8l0c; l jiiiu.i. invo, iiiicu ia.i;; i-earnes, nacfi J.'to; peeled, 1720. Salmox. Columbia river fish are ouotable at 5?1 4'7?ai 30 3V iliv. i-tt. tins, 011 the spot; oh the river, for for ward deli very, 31 22X6U 25 tdoz; Sac ramento river fish, Si 15(54 20 Ioz 1-& tins. Barrels are quotable at $7 70; nan uarreis, ts W(a,i m. Suoar Hennery, terms net casli Cube, banels, I0J40: Crashed, 13tc; Extra Powdered, bblsM 13)c; Fine Crushed, bbls., MJc; Drv Oranulatetl, bbls 13c; Extra Granulated. bbls. I2jc; uolden u. bbls., lljc; D. bbls. or S. I. keas, lie: Extra C. bbls. 119fc: Ilalf- bbls ,'e more, and bxs. c more for all kinds. BANKING AND INSURANCE. THE Scottish Union M National 1NSUBANCE CO. miiis company is amont. the oi.d- JL et and strongest companies in the world. Adding its subscribed capital, .subject to call, amounting to over S20.0OO.000. as availa ble to the last dollar for its liabilities. It I stands at the head of all companies doing business in America : making in all in actual reviurces33.7C7.800.C, and every pol- ' icy Lssued pledges on Its own face, and in its contracts binds its actual fire assets. i orv 1 dollar of its authorized and subscribed capi tal of S30.OO0.000 to the payment of !t lire J losses. WM. LOEB, Aoknt rei: astouia a.vh Vici.vitv. The Lion Insnrance Company OF LONDON, ENGLAND. CAriTAI.. 85.000.000. WM. LOEB, AC EXT. - - - ASTORIA. BANKING ANDJNSURANCE. Z. W. CASS. BROKER, BANKER AND INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FROM 8 O'CLOCK A. ii. UNTIL -1 O'CLOCK P. M. Home Mntnal tarance Co., OF CALIFORNIA. J. F. lIouanTON Chas. R. Story....J Geo. L. Sronr. ......President 1 Seci etary ..Agent for Or-on Capital paid up in U. S. gold coin $ 300 000 UO I. TV- CASE, Agent, Chensmus street, Astoria. Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON AND GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. Representing a capital of S67.00O.OOO. A. VAN DUSEN Agent. The price of subscription to The Weekly Astoriax has been reduced to S2 per annum when paid in advance. SniPKIdiIn adjance the old price of W "will be charged. MISCELLANEOUS. H" 'CELEBRATED lX 1 vPPPEltPyl H STOMACH 8lTTERS "Iminished Visor Is reimbursed in great measure, to Une troubled with we-'ik klduevi. lv a judicious use of Ilosletter'n Stoin.ieh Hitler:, ulilch invigorates and stimul:stN without exeiting the urinary organs, lit conjunction with its iiilliienceupontlicin.it corns-is widit ,iiu proves uppetiti. and is in omtj wayeun ducive to health and nene n-pox. An other marked qualltv i in contm! over fe er and ague, and its jmwerof pn fitting If. For sale by all 4lnijrit'ts and dealers generallaj. aLvTcya Curos and never disap points. Thoworld'a great Pain Rcliovor for Man and Boast. Cheap, quiok and roIiaLle. PITCHER'S CASTORLA. is not Xnrcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers like, and Physicians recommend CASTORIA. It regulates tho Bowels, cures "Wind Colic, allays Feverish n ess, and de stroys "Worms. HI WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy, By Absorption. The most Important Disoovcry since Vac cination. Other remodion may relievo Catarrh, this euros at any stage hoforo Consumption sets in. Vitalizes and Enriches iltc Itlooil, Tonci up the System, Mrtl.rs iLts v.'tuU Strong, Builds up th Ui-ukiji- dowu, Invito rat. thi Ural n, and CURES Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Gen eral Debility, Neuralgia, Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Bemittent Fever, and ML DISEASES ORIGINATING IN A EAD STATt OF THE BLOOD, 03 ACCOMPANIED Btf DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN uciixu river. tkj.i A1.V.UIKI1., : tcrir ing effects are ne: followed by c rrc-caJL tt don, but are permanent. SETH Y. rOWLC & SON'S. Proprietor, Jlamsoa Avutucj E tea. Soil by all J -u2iu HANSEN BROS., ARCHITECTS ANI BUILBBB.S. JoLbin; and Repairing ' ON SHIPS, HOUSES, ETC., Attended to at the Shortest Notice. CORNEK CASS AND ASTOR STREETS, ASTORIA. - OREGON. Wanted. IK (W POUNDS RAGSJOF all kinds J,JJJ clean and dry, at the Umbrella saop, Main street, by J.JOPLLN. mmsfi a m. f-'-avt. i -J -J OS .fa Gtft); r s efPiVJ$ . - . -r. r- cj .v: rrx- en -.tv r.--vE nnTTVKJ ttnoS? r -f o W rc rt'i ? J. 1 AGEriTS FOR HOTELS AND KESTAUIJAXTS. a..t. MKfiLKK. n. .". wnnsirT OCCIDENT HOTEL. MEBLER & WRIOIIT. Prowicton. . . . AHlona, Oregon. milK l'KOl'RlETORS ARK HAPPY TO JL announce that the above lintel has been riiniliitn.1 tttnl .tr..M.S....'l ...lt.... a.......!.. .A tbe comfort or iLsjiuests ami is now the best hotel north or Sanrancisco. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAlNSTRECT.; . ASTORIA 3rr. H. X. Arrlsronl, l'coirIetor rilHE TRAVELING I'UBIJC "WILL KIND JL the l'loneer first class in all respi-cts. and a shan. of their patronage U respectfuiiy solh'ited. ruiiiru. ay-lloanl and lodnlnicby the day or week, C. W. KNOWLKS. Cr..VKEXIOX AL.'ZIK!!KR. HOTEL, PORTLAND. - - - - OREOON ZIEBER KNOWLES, Proprietors. Free coach to and from the house. earTjiKDAiLV Astobian Ls on file at the Clarendon Hotel reading room. Fair Wind CofFee Saloon -ASll- GHOP HOUSB, WATER STREET, ASTORU. Next door to Dr. Klnsey's. CoftVe. Ten and Chocolate, with Cake. lO Cents. Chop 'ooked to Order. Fine IVInes, lilqunrx and Cigarx Of the hot brands. 5rt-tf FOARD & EVANSON. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. THE UNDERSlONED IS PLEASED TO announce to the Lad ?s; and Gentlemen of this City That ie is now prepared to furnish for them, in first class style, and every style. OYSTERS. HOT COFFEE AT THK tea. mo. Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, CHENAMUS STREET. Please give me a call. ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor. B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Cass and Squemonhe streets, ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON DKAI.KU IX WALL PAPER AND WINDOW7 SHADES AND UNDERTAKERS GOODS. Wilson & Fisher DKALKItS IX LUBRICATING OILS, COAL OIL, PAINTS AND OILS. Sheet, Round, and Square Prepared Rubber Packing. PROVISIONS, MILL TEED, GARDEN SEED, GRASS SEED. Which will be exchanged for country pro duce or sold at lowest prices. Cornpr Cheiiamus and Hamilton Streets ASTORIA. OREGON. GERM ASIA BEER HALL AXD BOTTLE BEER DEPOT CHKXAiira Street. Astoria. The Best of L,agev5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celeliratej ColnmMa Brewery Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. . -, r'Nociieap aanrrancisco oeersom at plaC8 nnmr -D ' -J ITJtl. UUUii., i luyncwjt. SMi .fnVSu' st?H&$J& .- Jt - - r A W I !! I1 i s - m LMr mAr t - &aBUstimJim$ p riiammHmsasi8-i8L$-toMram'mm Ciiv7-..ii5' i i i m mmmmm i n i i i ! i i Mi ii k rti u r- .'Vfj.vt.iv- KSESSHnt lohw m HPM -f fsnnqinfr fiAfisfk1 imsnwatszz. c V ?vr&-T&' js S3'3 jgg)icgrsi wtmj yy a, sj IS )& ;lwi 1 R. LEESO I CO . BOSTON: fro SHIPPENa NOTICES. Fitor j . f AStOHa 10 bOUtll iSenCl, j ,. . . .. ... t ' nooawaras Lctnamg, tones roinc, nay Center, Oystcrville, Light House Cove, and all Points on Shoahuater Bay, I , 0 n ! where Business Calls. ' ThcncwinuT SOUTH BEND, . AL. STREAl PIASTER ! -.vm ' n-V, " , conuect i-eenlarly at the head of the Wl,n "pne5S siae line iroin iiwaco, on j Tti cr? o rr orifl 1?r 1 fl Q TT OF EVERY WEEK. fSr 1 .uvsenKei-s fnim Astoria will thai be i able to make the t brought trip in one day. "Returning, the steamer South Bend will connect at the head of Sboahvater Bay with Ilenness stages for riwaco, on Tues days and Fridays, making the through trip to Astoria from South Rend and intermedi ate points on the same day. TliLs steamer has r.eer yet missed a trip in making her connections at the head of the Bay. All statements to the contrary EtFor freight or passage apply on board or at the office of JOHN WOOD & CO.. South Bend, Pacific Co.. W. T. Important to Travelers. rilHE CNDKRSIOVKI IS s5 X now prepared to sell THROUGH TICKETS FROM Astoria to all Points in Europe Via Overland Railroads and Steamships of the following first-class lines rrom New Yerk: WHITE STAR LINE. NATIONAL LINE, ALLAN LINE. RED STAR LINE, AMERICAN LINE, A. T. BRAKKE, Of C. Timmons & Co., Astoria, Oregon. Yacht Blue Skin. Clipper built, copper fastened, double mast essel. lies at Case's wharf. Readv to re ceive passengers, f reiglit or ex cursion parties to all parts of the Columbia river and vicini ty. Charges moderate. JS"For further particulars inquireof John Rogers, Central 3Iarket. Or of CAPT. WOODS, Master and owner. FOE PORTLAND. FAST TIME. THE STEAMER FLEETWOOD Will lea e Wilson & Fisher's w hai f every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, AT O A. 21., CARRYING FREIGHT and PASSENGERS. Arriving at Portiandat 1;30 f.ii.sameday. Returning, leaves Portland on alternate days arriving at Astoria at 1 :30 r. ir. -Pafcsengers by this route connect at Kalama lor Seattle. XU3IBER ONE Eastern Oysters Received by steamer to-day at TOM SMITHTS Main Street Oyster Saloon, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. O. LKINK.VW-KRER. HIRAM BROWX. ESTABLISHED 18C5. Leinenweber & Co., ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMES' AP CURRIERS, Manufacturers and Importers of A LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS and SHOES jHlBhest cash price paldifor Hides and TRANSPORTATION" LINES. Oregon Railway & Navigation COSIPAXY. OtiEAX DIVISION. Between San Francisco & Portland. fjtoat roRTLAyp. from .sax frax. Steamer. Date. Steamer. Date. Columbia Oct. 20 Oregon Oct. 18 Oregon 23 State of Cala " 23 State of Cala ... " CO Columbia......... " 23 Columbia Nov -1 Oregon.. Nov 2 Oregon " 9 State of Cala... " 7 Slate of Cala . ' 14 Columbia ... . " 12 Leaing Portland at 12.03 a. m. instead of 3 a. Jr. Due notice will be given of any "further change. Eight is reserved to change steamers or sailing days. THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the prin cipal cities In the United States and Canada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Yiilamet and Yamhill Rivers FEBRUARY 1, 1881. Leave Port-I j land for Mon Tu. We. Thu. Frl. I Sat. Dalles. Wal la Walla. Umatilla. and up riv er points.. Astoria. Ka lama. Taco ma.Seattle Vio'ria. New :am TAM 6 AM 7 AM 6 AM 7 AM 7 AM SAM 8 AM 6 AM 6 AM est tnntr CAM CathUmet, Bay View, Skamoka- wa. Brook field 6 AM ( Westport. GAM u 1 1 1 1 on. Knap pa. Dartoa Salem, and pointa. Points on Snako Hirer 6 AM GAM SAM AM 7 AM AM 6 a in 6 am 5am 5am GENERAL OFFICES : Corner Front and D Streets, Portland. J. McCRAKEN & Co., Agents State or California, A. L. alAXWELL. JOHN MUIR. etagentO.E.&N.k (Jeneral I-'relght and Tassenger agent. C. II. PRESCOTT. Manager. Hwaco Steam Navigation Ct WINTER SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, II waco, Oysterville and Olympia. ?i Until further notice tha Ilfraco bteam Navigation Co's steamer GENERAL CANBY, W. P. WHITCOMB MASTER Will leave Astoria On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays At 8 A.M., for Fort Stevens, Fort Canby, and lltraeo. Arriving at Fort Canby at 10 a. ar. and touch ing at Ihvaco for passengers and mail. Re turning, will leave ort Canby at It a.m.. arriving at Astoria at l v. jr. I Only a limited amount of Freight Carried on those Days. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays The steamer will leave Astoria at 9 a.m. as formerly, not being confined strictly to schedule time. Fare to Fort Steveni... ......... " " Canby and nwaco.. .. Mcta ...SI 00 J aa-Ilwaco freight, by tho ton, in lots of one ton or over, Sii oo per ton. strxroT uicKets, aowage or Charter applr either at the office of the Company, Qray's wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Cap till on board. J. II. D.GRAY, Awnt. Oregon & California R.R.Co On an after Oct. H.igSO, trains "will run ns fol lows, DAILY (Except Sundays), EASTSIDE DIVISION. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURQ. WAIL TRAUt LEAVE, ARRIVE. Portland .7:30 A. M.Ro8eburg7:00 P. M Roseburff..5:00 A.M.lPortland 4:25P M ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 4:00 P. M.ILebanon 9.20 P. M Lebanon .4:45 A. M.Portland10:05 A.M FREIGHT TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland. :15 A. M. Junction 0:00 P. M Junction 5:45 A. M Portland 5:25 P. M The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains oa Eastside Division. - TVKSTSIDE DIVT3IOW. rrom Portlnmd to CorvallJs. HAIL TRACi LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:00 A. M.ICorvallis 8:00 P. M Corvallis 8:30 A. M.Portland 3:20.P.1M Close connections are made at ROSEBURQ with the Stages of the Oregon and California Stage Company. aaTicketsforsale to all tho principal point in California and the East, at the Company's Office, Corner F and Front Sts.t Portland, Ogn Storage will be charged on freight remain nzatCompanys Warehouse over 24 hours. Treight will not be received-for shipment after 5 o'clock P. M. on Eastside Division, and 0 o'clock P. M.on Weslside Division. J. BRANDT, Jr., Uen'ISnp'L E. P.ROGERS, . Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent Buy Thb Weekly Astokian in post-paid wrapper for ten cents, and send it to soraeirlend in the- east. It Is better than a letter.