0) gte gniXg sicrism. ASTORIA OREGON: FRIDAY OCT. 14. 1S81 J. F. UALLOHAN Editor. " Shipments of Salmon. A correspondent having written for information respecting the catch for the 'past season, th'e ship ments, etc., we have collated the following, statistics. During the season of 1881 there were 546,393 cases of salmon packed. - Of this araount58G,660 cases were shipped direct to Liverpool, 172,133 cases were shipped to San Francisco, the Lanarkshire, now loading at Brown's dock, will take in about 33,000 cases more, leaving about 45,000 cases still in store, which will probably be taken by va rious outgoing vessels before the close-of 'the year, at least long be fore th'e'opening of next season's fishing. P rom the most authentic sources we learn that the total of las tf season's, .catch at other places, " Sacramento river, Cal., Fraser river, British Columbia, Puget sound, "W. T., Rogue river, Ore gon, and other places, was 447,- 290 cases, making with Columbia river's produce an aggregate of 994,383 cases of 48 pounds each. or 47,728,384 pounds of salmon packed on the Pacific coast in 1881. These figures look large, and they are, but -we have the world for a market, and the demand to-day is beyond the supply. Liverpool has been, and probably for some time to, come will be the distribu ting.point for the foreign market. 'During the last two seasons quite a demand has sprung: up for canned salmon in southern and eastern Europe, and the indi cations point to an increased de mand in.the season of '82. From wnat we can learn canneries are being built at ever' available point on the North Pacific coast. Here new canneries are being erected and increased facilities being placed to meet the great and grewing: demand. Below we append some figures concerning the annual pack on the Columbia for the -last sixteen years, which vjill igiyia very clear idea of the growth of one of our leading in dustries. Price per case, Year. 18GG 18C7 1863, 1869u... 'l87d?S.... So. eaten. .... 4,000.. .... 18,000... .... 28,000... ....100,000... ... ,150,000... ...,200,000... .816 00 . 13 00 . 12 00 . 10 00 . 900 . 9 50 . 800 . 700 . G50 . 560 . 450 . 5 20 1871W&-... "1872F??K 250,000 1873 250.000.... 1874 .. 350,000.... 1875 375,000.... 187G 450,000.... 1877 460,000.... ,1878 460,000.... 5 00 - a87U- .......480,000 4 CO 1880 , 530,000 4 80 1881 54G.393 500 - ; M Monopolies. Considerable discussion is at present going on in this State rela tive to "monopolies;" what they arewhat causes them, how to pre vent them, how to get rid of them, etc. In relation to the discussion it may be characterized as the same'" thing over again. It has been said and resaid a hundred times. In the articles referred to 'what is good is not new, and what is new is not good." It seems to be inherent in the human mind to monopolize, and generally the loudest complaints come from those in whom the measure of de sire exceeds the ability to compass their desires. Selfishness and dis- . regard for the rights of others "wn'en opportunity is presented for successful disregard of those rights lie at the bottom of all monopolv. ,And until the millenium arrives and all that is not angelic has left man's nature, monopolies will ex ist and flourish. How they can be -held level, how resisted and kept irom encroaching on private rio-ht and individual property is an open question. . JjRGIrA ClTT paper appends XwAh&nainRS W persons dying in that place, as officially recorded, the name of the attending physi cian in each case. This is very reprehensible journalism. It might engender in the breasts of these medical men a spirit of jealousy and rivalry, and cause a corapeti tioaamong them as to who could supply "th'e most cases. Xorthern Pacific Land Grant. A5TOBIA, Oct 12. 18S1- En. Asioriax, Deas Sir: In your editorial of to-day, quoting from a San Francisco dispatch, it is stated that along the Portland branch of the Northern Pacific the grant takes one-half of a belt of forty miles width in Washington Territory and twenty miles in Oregon. This I believe is a mistake, un fortunately for the people who live south of the Columbia. The Com missioners of the general land office have reserved to the North ern Pacific railroad a belt forty miles wide in Oregon and forty miles wide in Washington Terri tory, on account of the company filing its intention to build and its location of route on the north bank of the Columbia river between the mouth of the Snake river and The Dalles. If, however, the N. P. R. H. Co. should build on the south bank of the Columbia river be tween the points named, and as the O. P. & N. Co. have done it, the N. P. R. R. could only obtain by a parity of procedure one half as much land on either side of the river. Thus it will be seen that our representatives, without In tending it, offered a large land subsidy premium to the N. P. R. R. for building outside of the State of Oregon on the north bank of the Columbia instead of on the south bank of the same river. This should be remedied in our next Congress in Washington, by an amendment to the Northern Pacific railroad bill, when it is brought up for an extension of time. I have been over the lands my self many times, which are situated on the south of the Columbia river between the twenty mile and forty mile limit, between The Dalles and Umatilla, and although unset tled as yet, I predict that they will be found as rich and valuable as any lands now settled in the Co lumbia river basin. An amend ment can be made giving the N.. P. R. R. Co. the same amount of lands as if the railroad were built on the north side, leaving it dis cretionary with the company to choose the side on which it will build. Coming further down the river wo find that within the next six months the Northern Pacific is to be built between Portland and ivaiania. lue sule ol the river chosen here between these points for the location of the road is likely to be on the north or east bank on account of the additional land grant to be earned by that location. But the circumstances here between the points mentioned are different, and the extra amount ef land grant to be secured is trifling. On the south or west side of the Columbia river, be tween the last-named points, all the lands are reserved to the As toria railroad by a grant prior to that made the Northern PaciGc. These last-mentioned lands, situa ted between Astoria and Forest Grove, and between Tillamook on the west and the Columbia rivet- on the east and north, include a sufficient value of coal and timber lands to more than build the road between Forest Grove and Astoria; but cannot be diverted to anv other road without an act of con gress, ihey cannot be justly or leirallv earned bv the North- era Pacific. The unearned rail road lands lying between the twenty-mile limit and the forty mile limit east of the Columbia river,between Portland and Kalama are limited in extent and value,but probably of sufficient value to in fluence the Northern Pacific to build on the north and east side of the Columbia river if some amend ment, as I said before, is not made to the N. P. R. R. bill this winter, giving it as much land when built in Oregon as when built in Wash ington Territory. Cusctux. The thousands who have read his works with delieht will reoret to hear of the death of ,L G. Hol- landthe essayist and novelist, who uieu suaaenly m New York city on the morning of the 12th, in the 63ra CPSr rP K?r ,- J w u gc. What course Arthur intends to j pursue in the make up of his cabi-' net, and the giving of the ninny j offices at his disposal is still a mat ter of uncertaintv. As the Wash-! inirton Post savs, when a man lias j nothing to lose by doing as lie pleases and nothing to gain by doing a somebody else desires, he may be generally expected to take the course most consistent with his own wishes. This is a truth un un eoubted: and it applies to a Presi dent just as readily as to a common j mortal. "Leaderlette" is the latest! word coined and current. It is used as a name for short edi torial paragraphs. :miscellaneous. Free to Everybody! A Beautiful Book for the Asking Bv appH ing personal v at the nearest omco Ot THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO.. (or bj postal card if at a distance), and adult Hereon will be presented with a beautifully lustrated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED, OK THK Story of the Seiiw Machine. Containing a handsome and costly steel en grav ing frontispiece ; also, 28 finely engrav ed woodcuts, and bound in an elaborate bluo and gold lithographed coer. No charge whatever is made for this hand.-ome book, which can be obtained only by application at the branch and subordinate offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co. Principal Office, M Union Square. NEW YOP.K. THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. The undersigned respectfully notifies the public that ha ing been appointed agent for the NEW IMPROVED SINGER, He is now prepared to offer these unn ailed Sen ing Machines on such terms as cannot fall to meet the wants of everybody In need of this indispensable article of household furniture. liberal discount made on cash sales. To those desiring It I will sell on the Instalment Plan. Fle dollars a mouth. 17 cents a day, (less tlian It costs a smoker for cigars), w in soon purcnase our wne a singer. The Best Sewing Machine Ever Put Together. Old Sewing Machines taken in exchange. Attachments. Needles. Cotton. Oil. etc.. al- wajsonhaud. Call and examine the Singer hewing juaewno ana mevaneivoi wonc u can perform at E. C. IfOLDEN'S. Agent Singer Man. Co. New Millinery Establishment MRS. E. S. WARREN Has a complete stock of saxx-x.iJs:ER.ir at her establishment. Corner Cass and Jefferson streets. Astotio. Hats, Bonnets, Dress Trimmings, Zephyrs, Ribbons, Etc OREGON BRASS WORKS, D.M.MOOU1:. - - PROPRIETOR, HA Ht. Bet. C A I. Portland. Brass, Bell and Composition Castings, Of everj description made to order. Cooks and Valv es. of all kinds, made and im paired. Steam Whistles, Oil Globes. Hy draulic Pipes and .Nozzles, Babbit Metal. Cash paid for old Copper and Brass, Lead aud Zinc Particular attention paid to all kinds of Ship Work. THK KW MKAMXlt Clara Parker, EBEN P. PARKER, - - MASTKlt Is now ready lor business. For frelcnt or charter, apply to the Car tai.- on board, or to 1LU. PARKER. NEW TO-DAY. Ordinance No. 433. 4 N ORDINANCE TO PREVENT ANI .oL mala afflicted with anv contacious dis eases from being at large. The City of A f tor la dot otdain an felluia: Sectiox 1. That it Hhall be unlawful for the owner or owners of, or person or per sons exercising ownership or control over any hordes, mules, cattle, sheep, swine, dog. or other animal, afllloted with the glanders or the disease commonly called the distem per, or with the disease commonly called the epizootic, or with any other contagious or infectious disease, to be at large within the corporate limits of the City of Astoria, and any person or persons, being the owners .r owner of. or who exercises ownership or control over, any such animal or amlmals afflicted with any such disease, and who per mits such animal or animals to be at large wlthiug the corporate limits of said cltv. up on conviction thereof before the Police Judge or said city, shall be Qued not less than ten dollars for the first offence, and not less than twenty dollars for the second of fense, and not less tnan fifty dollars for each subsequent offense, and in every case shall be Imprisoned in the Jail of said city until the fine and the costs of the action are paid, not to exceed twenty das. Tills ordinance shall be in force from aud after its approval by the Mayor of this city. Passed the Common Council Oct. IS. 1C81. Attest: F.C.NOKRIS, Auditor and Clerk. Approved Oct. 13, 1881. dit-wlt D. C. IRELAND, Maj or. County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY Tniim n Till' fill fVintltV OrrlPFS tlTO- sented prior to April Ht.lBSl. All such or ders will cease lO uraw nucrav inun nuu iu ter this date. CHAS. HEILBORN. Treasurer of Clatsop County, Astoria, Oct. 14. 1831 dlw TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE West Coast Packing Company of As toria, Oregon : You are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the abore company will be held at the office of4sald company on Monday, October 21, 1831. at a p. ar. of said day for the purpose of electing s board of directors for the ensuing year. ? w.ULKHATi, (Uwtd Secretary, ailSCELLANKOUS. A. V. At.T,EN. '. II. PAGE. Page & Allen !trVB.vtOK.S TO K. S. ljUUKi.) Wholesale and rrtiul iVaif r u - Pr(rteitms3 Glass and Plated Ware,; TROI'ICAI AND DOMF-STIO j FRUITS AND VEGETABLES.! ; Together with i fines, Lipors,ToliaccoCiprs! The largest and most comnlcie stock of goods in their Una to be found In tin) city. Corner of Cass and SquemiK-qhe Stirets. ASTORIA. OBEfiOX. . Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Cork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, all sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS, SI 1 Market Street. Kan Fraurloro HENRY DOYLE & Co.. .Manners. ASK 'OK- UNI0N INDIA RUBBER CO'S l'ure ram um Crack Proof Rubber Boots and Goats. BEWARE OF IMITATION I Be siiro the Boon arc tUimnctl CRArK PJIOOF on the heels, and luuethe PUTIE uum afiiias on tne loot and instep, which presents their cniiXiug or breaking. They will last twice as Ions " an others in.inuiaciureu. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS RUBBER RELT1NG, TACK ING, HOSE, STRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. II. PEASE, Jr. S.M.RUNYON. Agenti, S.ui Francisco, LIBERTY HALL. LAST NIGHT ! Entire Change of Programme ! Johnsoir& Harper......Lessee3 and Managers John Bailey stage .Manager Engagement Extraordinary ! Of the renowned Kentucky Jubilee Singers ! Who will appear In their original Jubilee Sons, Choruses, Duets, Dances. Planta tion Acts, Sketches, &c. This troupe numbers 11 (ELEVEN) 11 GENUINE COLORED PEOPLE, And Is the best combination this side of the Atlantic slope. See our BIG 4: BIG 1 Three Iloura of Coutlnnonn Fun and Merriment ! 140 Laughs in 180 Minutes! General admission. Si. n rfm oiinir. for reserved seats, which canb secured :it Carl Adler's. Doors open at 7 ; curtain ries at 8 o'clock. "Secure seats earlv and moirftlip nish at the box ofllce at nich't. L.MORT.SLOCLTM. dl3-2t Business Man.ieer. n. b, P2lrzce:r. DEALKU IX Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand. Wood Delivered to Order. Braying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ancf Carriages for Hire. DEALER IX WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. MISCELLANEOUS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer' fGROCrEBIEfL Provisions. Lumber, j ETC.. ETC., ETC. vf&w&'yi,isiermeii.s and Cannery ! SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. AGENT FOR THE i ' ' Johnstons Imptoued SOLDERING POT. - i AND THE Sail Francisco Chemical WORKS. ASTORIA - - - OREGON. CARL ADLER'S Pianos and Organs Of all makes coastantlv on hand. Also a full stock of VIOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS, AC- UUItUi.UiNS. UOtf UiSKTLNAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTES, ALso a large stock of the best of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHEET MUSIC, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As well a eer thing else belongine; to a i' irsi ciass .music store. I'lauus and Organs sold on the monthly in stallment pian, or lor rem. Carl Adler's Book Store. The largest stock of Blank Books and Stationery Of eery description. School Hooks, Uibles, Poetical v orks. Alliums nna Cold Pea. Besides n full and complete siock oi ercrjiiiing auauy Kent in a well reculated Hook Store. Abo. news depot and agency for eery paer:uui penuuirai iiuuimiicu. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STOfcE "Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Yankee Xotioas and Tojs, Picture Frames and Chromas. jfyxjiEuaDy larnaces, a complete --assortmcnt. Archery, etc. Xcw goods by eery steamer. The public are iimted to examine my stock aud prices. CHEX.VMUS ST., - ASTORIA, OREGON. Chas. Stevens & Son. CITV HOOK STORE. BROWN'S BUILDING opposite the BELL TOWER, In room lately o-cupied by Schmeer's Confectionery. Largest and Best Assortment Of novelties in the stationary line usually found In a first-class book store, consisting of BOOKS. FINE STATIONERY. GOLD PEN GOODS, ALBUMS. CHROMOS. FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES. DIARIES. All of which wHl he sold at prices which DEFY COMPETITION. P. S. The latest Eastern and California periodicals constantly on hand. CHAS. STEVENS & SON . W E. I3iEXE35fT, ASTORIA. OREGON. W DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, . PATENT MEDICINES, ET0. -Prescriptions carehiuv compounded at alihours. T-HomeoDathlc Tinctures, and Pellets, I and Humphrey's Specifics also Kept. 46 Jac&ins li5ittBaIvI?''?Ld? r Sri isfifi&il -MEM. ti&liz H COB.r.R OF 3IIXVX1 MISCELLANEOUS. MAGNUS C. CROSBY, DeahT in HAM ABE, M, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Ploita ana Steam Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, SHEET IRON TIN AHD COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnisbing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER. PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. None hut first class workmen emplojed. A large assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand PARKER HOTJSE, U. II. PARKEB. Prop., ASTORIA, - - - ORKGOX. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. HOT AND COLD BATHS. Good Billiard Table, and Frst Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. Ka-FREE COACH TO THE HOL'SE.-Wt BAY VIEW FACTORY F0 SALE. M Bay View Factory, together with all the stock and fixture thereto belonging U offered for sale as it now stands. If not disposed of at PRIVATE SALE prior to October Blst, 1881, It will then, on that day be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises in separate par ccl, to suit purchasers. E55""Tlns sale will be without resene to ; tne nigiiesi uuwier. Au Imentory of the property Is at TiiK astoki x omce. R. D. HUHE, 30O X 311 Sacramento St., San Francisco, California. Delinquent City Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I the undersigned. Chief of Police, have been furnished with a warrant from the city council requiring me to collect the taxes as sessed for the car 1881, and now delinquent upon the list, and make retuni of the same within sixty dajs. 'All parties so Indebted will therefore please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. "W. J.BARRY, Chief of Police. Astoria, Oregon, August 17. 1831. HOLMAN'S PAD. FOR TIIE STOMACH, LIVER, AND KIDNEYS. TRADE HARK. In all cases of hliliousness and mnlnrtn in i every foim. apreventative and cure of chills, fever and dumb ague. Dr. Holman's Pad Is a ueneci success, Anu lor dspepsia. sick' headache and nervous nmttrarinn na tim i pad Is applied over the pit of the stomach, thecreat nervous centpi.it nnniiiiHtna t disease at once. It retaliates tholherand stomnph en n. cessfully that digestion becomes Derfecr. Prof. D. A. Loomls says : "It is nearer a universal panacea than anything in medi- cine." JLDJs is done on thenrinr nln nt nh iple sorption, oi which Dr. Holman's Pad is the only true exponent. For all kidnev troubles, usft Dr. TTnimnna Renal or KIdnev Pad. the best rpmprfv in th world and recommended by the medical faculty. Beware of Bogus Fads. vEach genuine Holman's Pad beat tii pri vate revenue stamp of theHolman Pad Co with the above tnule mark printed In ereeti Buy none without it. For Sale by all Druggists. Dr. Holman's advice is free. Full ti-AiticQ sent free on application. AQaress : HOL5LAN PAD CO. P.O.b0X2112. WBMd jujyi b ' Montgomery, PKALERS IX Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A nererat Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for 3Iagee Stoves aud Ranges The Best in the market. l'lumblng goods ot all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. JEPFEHSOX STKF.EfS, MISCELLANEOUS. EC XT IE. JEL J3l FOR TIIK Mew Shooting Gallery I Next door to Joe Charters Ilalr Dressing establishment. ' CHEN'AMUS ST., - ASTORIA, OREGON. Pistol and Rifle Practice For both Ladies and Gentlemen. CHAHTEB3 & MOETON, Proprietors. TO-DAY! TO-DAY! NORTHWESTERN MARRIAGE INSURANCE CO., -OF- P0RTLAND, OREGON. Capital Stock, - $100,000 Incorporated Jtily 9th, 1H81. This is a eiy fine opportunity for youn people to secure a Marriage Policy from $1 000 to $10,000 for a ery little outlay. 5yAnv Innnlrif ariilwxwed to th undM-- signed will receive prompt attention. II. J. HAXSES, Agest. C. H. STOCKTON, I aous&, sxoar AND I - CARRIAGE PAINTER - r PAPER HANGING AND WALL COLORING A 8PECIALTT. GLAZING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. earShon next door to Astorian Office, In Shuster's oulldlnsr. D. K. Warrks. T.W.Eatoh Astoria Market ! OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEt, ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. WARHES Jt EATO.V, Preprletara. (Succeison to Warren l?McQuirt Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Fresh and Cured Meats A full line of FAMILY GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED HAY, CANNED FRUIT. VEGE TABLES, ETC. 3" Butter, Eggs. Cheese, etc. constantly on hand. s Ships supplied at the lowest rates. IV All IS DECLARED WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICJB And ao terms of peace until every man in Astoria has a new suit ef clothes HAD: BY HEANY. Look at the prices : Pant3 to order from - - S8 09 Pants. Genuine French Cassimere - 12 60 amis irom - -- -- -saw The finest line of sarnnles on the coast to select from. P. J. MEANY, ! Main street, opposito Parker House. Astoria. ! PERUVIAN BITTERS. j CHINCH0NA RUBRA, AND CALIFORNIA GRAPE BRANDY THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. See; our local columns lor particulars, and as you VALUE HEALTH, READ! GLEANING and REPAIRING NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK", BY GEORGE JLOVETT, Main Street, opposite N. Loeb's, Cocoanut Caramels, fresh to-day, at the Astoria Candy Factory. ff Qjra fJJBvFfiC