w. -5F Vol. xvi. A.storia, Oregon, Tuesday Morning October 11, 1881. No. 9. i J' JP J JI'Jlll' II ly OCEAN FREIGHTS. How the Pacific Slope Fanner Per mits Himself to be Skinned. It is only on the Pacific coast that the American Sampson is shorn of his strength and has be come the full prey of monopolists. While the railroad exactions com plained of in the East exist here in an aggravated form, it is well known that our farmers do not derive anything like the same counterbalancing advantages from the general railroad system of the continent. The through routes for the great staple, of the Pacific a slope farmer are. very fortunately, as one would suppose, on the ocean highway. But strangely enough, while the Eastern farmer is attacked exclusively on land, the Pacific farmer is most exten sively victimized b' sea. 1 f Uncle Sam should impose an export duty of $5 per ton on wheat it would be regarded as a terrible blow to the chief industry of the Pacific slope, and yet it" would but feebly express what tho farmer has suf fered during the last twelve months, and what it is now pro posed to subject him to during the present season. An export duty, if it did not fall to some ex tent on the foreign consumer, would at least do nothing to lessen the supply of tonnage. But allow a few men to rule the freight mar ket and self-interest naturally prompts them to exact the largest tribute from the farmer, and with the view ot perpetuating their reign, to limit the quantity of shipping. This freight monopoly not only impoverishes the farmer, but cripples the export miller, and has & blighting effect on the gen eral prosperity of the coast. The most remarkable circum stances connected with our ocean freight monopoly is that, with a temerity unknown in the Eastern States, it always places itself com pletely at the mercy of the farmer. This corner in freights is nothing mofe nor less than "shorting" the wheat surplus of the Pacific coast. Yet this operation, although one of the most reckless that can pos sibly be attempted, has been so long tolerated by the farmer that it is now undertaken without the slightest apprehension of danger and with a confidence which is born pnly of a long series of un broken success: To fix the rela tive price of wheat before it is even reaped is common enough among the bulls and bears of Chicago; but to sejl, in effect the entire surplus in advance, is a ter rible sacrifice to the farmer, and without making him a party to the transaction, is peculiar only to the Pacific coast The tonnage now in sight, and that which will in evitably follow, to carry away what will remain this month of the entire wheat surplus of this state, are intrinsically worth no more, and could be made worth less, than what the majority of ship owners are willing to accept. In placing, therefore, an exorbitant value on this tonnage, the freight gambler laTs himself entirely at the mercy .of the farmer, who, in stead of meekly accepting ridicu lously low prices for his wheat, may at an' time insist on the high figures he was accustomed to be fore the present method of freight speculation was invented. Owingto the extraordinary forbearance and docility of the Pacific granger, speculation, instead of being on his side as in the Eastern states, is almost invariably against him, and, instead of being the terror, he has become a favorite mark for the monopolist. The fact that the freight ques tion this season was from the be ginning substantially settled in favor of the fanner has made no difference whatever to the freight speculator, who still continues to exact his five dollars per ton with the most delightful nonchalance. The small addition of from 200,000 to 300,000 tons register to the list of vessels on the way is now all that is necessary to enable the en tire wheat surplus to be exported within the season. The great dan ger is that a much larger quantity may be sent this way, despite the efforts of the monopoly, which to sustain itsrlf is naturally making use of every possible manoeuver to limit the supply after January. But whether there be an over or under supply of tonnage next spring, the result is certain to be lost to the farmer so long as he continues to support monopoly. The manipulator carefully watches the turn of the tide, and by dex terously transferring his interest from ships to wheat, collects the five dollars per ton directly from the ship-owners, but equally to the prejudice of the farmer, who in tho following season is once more confronted by a small supply of tonnage and again allows himself to be bound hand and foot by the monopoly. A spot freight of 4 and upwards is no real encourage ment to the ship-owner, as it very seldom reaches him, while a freight of 1 15s, when it does occur, is not even a temporary, benefit to the farmer, whose wheat by that time has gone into the hands of speculators. The safety and inter est of the farmer lie only in the open freight market, and this can be best secured by putting his foot down onSlaltiplonnage speculations. The most effect ive way to do this is never submit to an extortionate rate and by being always prepared to pay a fair one. Dayton JVeics. Brother Gardner on Croakers. "What T was gwine to retnail:,'' began the old man, as Elder Tools finally got his feet drawn back under the bench, "am to the efieck that one. haff of de solid enjoyment T could take in dis world if let alone, am split by a set of men whom 1 earnestly hope the next generashun will east into tie sea. I can't pick up a paper without bein' startled by the announce ment dat we eat too much, sleep too little, sit up too late, go to bed too airly, dress too warm or too cold walk too much or too little. De croakers are constantly at work to put the rest of us on de r:trged edge ot anxiety. One day we hear that cosumshun is our nashunal complaint. Next it am reported dat de fewel supply of de world am running short. Next fing we h'ar is that the average of human life am growing shorter, or dat eight men out of ten have liver complaint, or dat a comet am 'proachin' de airth. Darls something hem' hunted up and throwed at us ebry day in the y'ar, an' it has got to dat pass dat de man who lies down at night dreads dat he may never see do moon again, an' he gets up to wonder if de conflagration gwine on in de sun won't burn up his garden truck befo' night. "I has bin thinkin' all deae fings ober. 1 has been worried an' harassed an' half scart to death ober de drift period, de predicted climatic changes de astronimical changes an' de sudden diskiveries dat human life am shortening up like an old clothes line on a rainy day. I has got to dat pitch that I'm goin' to sot down in my cabin wid a pan of apples on de right han' an' a pan ob pop-corn on de left, an' let de world turn bottom up an' behang to her. If white folks want to go around worryin' ober science an' philosophy an! A RemarkableCoincidence. predickshuns an' prophecies, let, There is a remarkable coinci them do it, but my advice to de dence in the deaths of three gen cull'd race urn to woirv ober erations of tho Garfield family. nuthin' higher'n de roof of a house or deeper down than the bottom of a cellar. When 3our day's work am dun, sot down in de big cheer, light yer pipe, an' let the child'en an' de big dog loose fur a good time." Appreciative. The territorial governments are generally designated jis being "on the frontier," or "backwoods" ar rangements, in which no great amount of cultivation is Expected to be found. The man wlio bases his judgmenton such a presumption makes a mistake. It must be re membered that some of our mott enterprising, scholarly and deserv ing people emigrate to new coun tries to amend their fortunes, and that in this manner the territories receive a population, in many of its features, of advanced intelli gence and merit. Mingled with it are, of coursp, some of the rougher elements, but even these often possess a chivalry not always expected in men who follow a rug ged and adventurous life. Take Washington Territory as an ex ample, where the legislature lias just organized b' electing a lady engrossing clerk in the council, a lady as engrossing clerk, and another lady as enrolling clerk, in the house. Which of the states, with its older and more perfect or ganization, has ever shown a greater appreciation of womanly merit? Wiiat CantBeJDone With It Captain Hooper has taken pos session of "Wrangel Land in the name oC the United States. The Stars and Stripes have been raised there, and so the country is ours; i ' J ' not exactly by discoverv, because T -.. , .i i , a British captain saw the land forty years ago or more. Since that time many American whalers have seen the land. But to this day there is no evidence which settles the question whether it is a continent or an island. The theory is that it is the latter, and that the exploring ships which have gone past it have entered the "Hole" whatever that may be; that is, have found an open lead towards the Pole, but cannot find the way back. "Symmes' Hole" has been revived in theory by the son of the "Original Jacobs." There is one consideration to be neted: The Jeannette is really not due at this port until next summer. She is provisioned for fiye years. If not due for many months yet, then, for aught that is known to the con trary, she is about her legitimate business endeavoring to force her way to the North Pole. While we know nothing about the fate of this vessel,and proba bly will not know anything until the Rodgers brings some tidings, let us take comfort iu the annexa tion of "Wrangel Land. It is not a good country in which to raise cucumbers and melons, but the polar bear abounds, there are im mense glaciers sending rivers down to the sea. Amimal life being abundant it cannot be the most desolate country in the world. A few degrees higher, or as high as Captain Nares reached on the other side, there were few or no signs of animal life. Eternal sil ence reigned except wnen it was broken by the cracking and crush ing of ice. Having obtained Wrangel Land it is now open for settlement. Those who are tired of hot and malarious countries will be -welcomed to "SVrangle Land, where they can cool off and take time to consider what particular method of agriculture they had best introduce in that salubrious country. S. F. Bulletin. Thomas Garfield, the grandfather of the President, died suddenly while a young man, leaving a widow and babe. That babe was Abram Garfield, who died as sud denly in 18,33, leaving a widow and four young children, the baby being James Abram Garfield, whose untimely death the nation mourns. TheStaleMiian says that making ties in the Blue mountains has been discontinued for tin season. Camps have mostly broken up and laborers have been well re munerated for the summer's woik. Thousands of ties have been cut, and banked or rafted, and yet other thousands will be required to complete the vast railroad in terests now in contemplation. On the farm of Maj. Q. A. Brooks, near Linkville, is about an acre of hot earth, kept hot by some mysterious cause. Dr. U. JL Beach has built a house there atul has been utilizing the heat for the cure of various chronic diseases, remarkable cures are reported from its use. Peruvian Hitler. Cinchona Kutira. The Count Cinchon was the bpanish Viceroy in Peru in 1R30. The Countess, his wife, was prostrated by an intermit tent fever. fronnhieh she was freed bj the. ue of the native reined j, the Peru vian bark, or. as it was called in the language of the country, 'Quinquina.' to Europe "in l.sheJin,rod;,ced the remedy in Spain, where it was known under various names, until Linuauis called it Cinchona, in honor of the lady who had brought them that -which was more precious that! the gold of th&Incas. To this day. after a lapse jf two hun- ureu anu imy years, sciencejtuas given lrtiiotliiiiiMfitaktLibLnuice. it cirectn- place, it cirectn-Linakes ppetlfe for stiiuu - ally cures a morbuljnppetlfe for stlimi- lanLs. by restoring the natural tone of I the stomach. It attacks excessive love I of liquor as it does a fever, and destroys ished and supported. It makes the hair both alike. The powerful tonic iitue moist, soft and glossy, and is inisur of the Cinchona is preserved in the passed as a hair dressing. It is the most Peruvian Hitter, w hieh are as effective against malarial fever to-day as they were in the days of the old Spanish Viceroys. We guarantee lh ingredt- ents ot the.se bitters to, be absolutely pure, and of the hot lfuowu quality. a trial will satisfy you that this is the best bitter in the world. 4The proof of the pudding is in the eating."' ami we willingly abide this tt. For sale, by all druggists, grocers and liquor dealers. Order it. IIurnett'H Ooconlne, For Premature Loss of the Hair Philadelphiaifs Opinion. One year ago my hair commenced fallinir out until 1 was almost bald. After using Cocoaine a few months, 1 have now a thick growth of new hair. Ai.kxanii:i: IIknry. No. 814 Fast Cirard Ave. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts, alv.axs standard. King of the Blood is notaciiiYii but in all disorders attributable to im purity of blood and its defective circula tion, nothing else equals its effect. See advertisement. Have Wistar's balam of wild cherry always at hand. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, in lluenza, consumption, and all throat and lung complaints. SO cents and $1 a bot tle. A cough, cold or sore throat should be stoppedl Neglect frequentl) results in an incurable lung disease or consump tion. Brown's Bronchial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the in flamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in asthma, bronchitis, coughs, catarrh, and the throat troubles which singers and public speakers arc subject to. For thirty vears Brown'.s bronchial troches have been recommended by physicians, and alwavs give perfect satisfaction. Having "been tested by wide and constant usu for nearly an en ure generation, they nave attained weit- menteu ramc among me tew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 2T cents a oox everywhere. King of the Blood Is not a "cure all." It Is a blood-purifier ami tonic. Impurity of the blood poisons t lie s s tem, deranges the circulation, and thus In duces many dLsonlers. known by different names to distinguish them according to ef fects, but being really brandies or phases of that great generic disorder. Impurity oi Blood. Such are DijK)ta, WUUnmit, Liver Complaint, Cowtijation. A'errux Dfx onto. Jlrailaehe, Backache, General Weal: naw. Heart Dicat,Drojxy, Kldnoi nica.t. Pilot, Rhcumatltm, Catarrh, Scni'fula, Skin Disorders, Pimple. Ulcer. Sirelliuw, dc, &c. Kine or the ftlood prevents and cures these by attacking the cm.e. Impurity ot the blood. ChemLstt:inri physicians :igree in calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the purpose." Sold by Drug gists, 81 per bottle. See testimonials, direc tions. &c, Iu pamphlet, "TreatLse on Diseases ot the Blood." wrapped around each bottle. D. KASSOM, SOX & Co., Props. BuSalo, X. . Xotice. .Iiisi n'pj'ivi'il mr sieanier Columbia, "a line lot of eastern oters. which will he served up in first elass style at Kos u. O.-eideist bloel:. Eastern .VHter.. Another fine lot of Eastern Oysters just received at lioscoes, per steamer Oregon. Occident block. JJrlek! Hriek! Uriel; ! J have ou hand a large amount of brick forsnleat from ST to 8 per thousand. Call and examine, near Astoria ceuie terv. "" John Williamson-. Sure. Sure, Truly Sure!! I will .surely make yon ice cream Sat turdav and Sfuula,but don't disappoint me. If you do. jjood-hve. FlJAXK Faiikk. CImiee Valley Fruit. Capl. J. H. D. fira .hos just received a ehoico lot of pears and apples, fresh fi oin the orchards of Polk and Marion counties, which will he sold in lots to suit purchasers. . Sherman ilros. Express Will recehe orders at the store of I. W. Case for upper Astoria or any other part of Hie eitv. Leave your orders on the slate and they will be promptly at tended to. To I'lenMure Seekers. Any persons wishing to enjoy a pleas ant liioonlight drive can do so by leav ing orders at the Occident, for Butler has ahvajs on hand busses, buggys and saddle horses at reasonable rates. What ih all This About? It is all nothing. Facts prove that I keep tho best beer in Astoria, the. regu lar Albany beer. Also the genuine Album- Bottled Heer kept always on hand. Cuas. Gijatkk. StnsciteH Aew I'lace. Koseoe. the popular caterer, invites all his old patrons, and as many new ones as nriy be pleased to make him a visit, to call at his new Ice Cream Sa loon, ou Chenamus street, Occident hoM blJ,Ich he has just fitted up "' I,rvl ' J M' " ' Hall's YiioktarlkSiciliax II ah: Rexkwki: is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom. It re stores irrav hair to its original color. It tlia, scalp,, white and clean. It cures dandruff aud humors" alul fallimr- out of the hair. It furnishes the nntri- five principle bv w hieh the hair is nour- I - T..l ... .!. .. i' 1 reuiiiiiiiii-tii irj;u.iwuu t-ter uncivil iu the public, as Its effects remain a long time, making only an occasional appli cation necessary. It i recommended and Used by eminent medical men, and ofliciallj endorsed bj the State As-sayer of Massachusetts. The popularity of Halls Hair Kcnewer has increrscd with the test of man) years, loth in this country and iu foreign lauds, and it is now Kimv.ii aim iim-u iu an uiicivinzeu countries of the world. FekSai.i: nv a i.i. Dkai.kus. .MICKI!.ANEOUS. YOV Will FIND - THE- LATEST AND BEST STYLES -OF Men's risters. 3Iiis Lome foals. 3Ipii.s Otercouts. Youth Ulster. T5i3 s Oierronts, And a coiimU'tc line of Clothing, Men's Furnishing Goods. lint 'up. ltootn aitil MIioch, At the Iofst prices at M. D. KANT'S, .Merchant Tailor. Main Street. CENTRAL MARKET. (Jeneral aviortnieiit of table stock constantly on itant. such as CaiiiH-d Fruits and Jelly, Bacon. Hams, Shoulders, Lard, 1'f'f'K. BlTrEB, CTIEESK. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISH. IMHIITKY AXD AMK In the ieason. Clf.'AICS AXI TOBACCO. i Ke-t or WISKS AWI MQUOIIS. All cheap for CASH. Conds sold on conw iufchloti. OpposiP-1. W. GRoiSttFRS Washington Tffiarket, Alain Street, - - Astoria Oregon 11KHG3TAX BER11Y RKSlTCThTLLY OALL THE ATTEST tion of tho public, to the fact that the above Market will always bosuppliod with a FULL VA P.IETY BEST QUALITY OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to supplj. us ehipi. MISCELLANEOUS. S. ARNDT & PERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOPi AND Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, NEAR KINNEY'S ASTORIA FISHERY. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Brntox Strket, Near Parkkr House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDlillARMEBMJIl Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. TVass, rresldent. .1. (J. Hostl.fr, Secretary. I. W. Cash, Treasurer. .John Fox, Superintendent WILLIAM EDGAR 'f Corner Main and Chenamua Streets, ASTORIA , OREGON. DE1LKR IX CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LM and other English Cutlery, STAT XO WTEEOT I FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine .stock or WntcheM and Jewelry. Muzzle and Itreeeb Ioailingr Shut CiuiiH sad RIIIch, ItevolverM, lMxtelM, and Ammunition .HAUIXK UIiANSEM. ALSO A FIXK Assortment or line SPECTACLES and EYE CLASSES. P. K. JAfKlNS. J. A. MONTfSOMEIlY. FXONKKH STOVE AND TIN STORE Sole Agents for the Magee Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTORIA. - OREGON. SAN FRANCISCO National Brewery Beer Depot. MAX WAGNER, ASTORIA. OREGON. AGENT Is prenarpd now to deliver beer to hi cus tomers in the city with ! own conveyance. IT IS GUAKASTEED THAT THIS BEER WILL NEVER SOUR. CAN BE KEPT FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME. Prices per Uarrcl or Thirty ti n 1 Ions S OO lien Quantities per Thirty CiallonH O OO One 5 fallon Keg . 1 50 JSfSend in your orders. MAX WAGNER, At the Great Eastern, I. W. CASE, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - OREGON.1 kfTWmf IHtkR -wiS! HSRi m BUSINESS CARDS. E. C. HOIiDEX, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AND SUEANCE AGENT. .ai T A. arcIXTOSH. MERCHANT TAILOR, Occident Hotel Building, ASTORIA - - - OREGON jlTKS. E. A. CORWIX. DRESS MAKING AND SEWING. CHENAMTJ3 8T., ASTORIA, Opposite Mrs. Munson's Lodging "Housed a"CuUJng and fitting, and paper patterns roni measurement. P. T. BARCLAY. T. H. HATCH. HATCH & BARGLAY COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 20 California St., San Francisco, Col. DK . M. D. JKNX1XG8, PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEQN. Graduate University of Virginia, iim Physician to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City, 1S69-T0. Ofkice In Page & Allen's building, up stain, Astoria. T? CRAN6, 3f. D PHYSICIAN AND STJKGEON, ltoom o. 3. Asteriaa SaHdlss- (LT STATUS.) REsiDFjiCK Corner of Benton and Court streets, Astoria, Oregon. t TAY TUTTIiE. H. . PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON, Offick Over tho "White House Store. Rksidknce Next door to Mrs. Munson's boarding house, Chenatnus street; Astort Oregon. XI P. HICKS. PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON. Rooms in Allen's building up stairs, come of Cas3 and Sqemocqhe streets.'. i Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LATY, Chenainus Street. - ASTORIA., OREGON 1 W. FUITO.Y, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - OREGON Ofnce over Page & Allen's store, Cass street Q II. BAIft fcCO., ORALEB IK Deers. Wl&dawa, BUmis, Tra gems, IiHBiker, Etc All kinds of Oak Lumber; Glass, Boat Ma terial, vtc. Steam Mill near Weston hotel. Cor. Geu--evive and Astor streets. WILLIAM FRY, PRACTICAL BOOT ANB SHOE 5IAKER. Chrxamvs Strket. opposite Adler's Book store, - Astoria, OasaOK. 13ST Perfect fits guaranteed. All work warranted. Give me a trial. All' orders promptly ailed. 3. a- cTJiisnsr. dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, NAIIS, IH ITI FEED AND UAH Cash paid for country produce. Small profits oucash sales. Astoria, Oregon, cor ner of Main and Squemocqbe streets. J. H. D. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer In. ALL KINDS OF FEED, Hayt Oats, Straw, Wud, Etc. General storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Bentoa street. Astoria Oregon. Lot and Improvements for Sale. LOT EIOHT, IN BLOCK SEVENTY tlre in Olneys Astoria, together with A Good Ilomse aa WMdshed FOR XIXF. HUNDRED DOJjIiAKS. For particulars Inquire of M. SERRA or W. H. TWILIGHT. Astoria, July 11, 188L T. G. RAWWNGS, Wholesale and retail dealer in California Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables ON HAND EVERY DAY. Main street, opposite Loebs clothing siore. BOWLING ALLEY t GEO. HILL, PROPRIETOR Entrance on Chenamns Street. Astoria, Ogn. The best.quallty. of. Wines; Liquors and Cigars, and the best Alley In Oregon. - - 1.