-t ' t- - r -a .j, &3 ,. rt :cJAR .'JkK rt. JO ' t j- - 4i& -' -.,fn - J i -? .e Vol. XVI. Astoria, Oregon. Sunday Morning, October 2, 1881. No'; si. . JLsf" - . "'. . . '. Tl). :; -.srt" "- '" ' - - 'SET. - "-!-'" - " V - Hftili J THE SXAKE .D&XCE. DIVERSIONS OF THE MOQUIS First Lieut. Bourke, of the Thud Cavalry, U. S. Army, Aide-de-camp to Gen. Crook, was one of the officers selected by Lieut. Gen. Sheridan, some months since, to make "lvestiga tions into the habits, etc.. of the IndiSfiJB living within or contigu ous to the Military Division of the Missouri. The district as signed "to Lieut. Bourke was the southern half of the division, the northern portion being allotted to Capt. "W. P. Clarke, of the Second Cavalry. Bourke has penetrated into a"country never before trav ersed by. a white man, and has written to Gen. Sheridan a long letter, which contains a graphic account of a Curlouft ami llorrible Religion C'erc- : . . . , xuouy . . Among the remote and almost un known Indian ..tribe, the Moquis, of Northeastern "Arizona, a people whose identity has been preserved since they were first been, and par- 1 jtl l.xrlvr. flttAPC .1 inw lMt SUCICU lUUG) initio a. iuii wm audible prayer and sprinkles the ground again with water. The singing and feather waving are repeated and the first scene is over. Nothing at alU horrible has oc curred yet. But no time is lost before the second part of the cere mony commences. The choristers remain in their places with the High Priest, while the dancers, two by two and arm in arm, tratnp with measured tread in a long circle, embracing the sacred points alteady mentioned. lour Blood C'lilllit As you see held by the men on the left snakes of all kinds, wrig gling, while the right hand man keeps the reptile distracted by fanning its head with eagle feath ers. There is no discount on this part of the business. The snakes are carried in hand and in the mouth, and as 1 have already said, some of the rattlesnakes were so large, over five feet, that the dancer could not grasp the whole diameter in his mouth. As the procession filed past the squaws at faint as it was a few j falling to pieces like card houses, favor of speculators who paid him not .so minutes hours his eve will be wide open , be no Great Dipper, no Orion wi jifmln. nnd Tip will cliin.' as a star . his club, no Southern Cross. -e ' of the second magnitude. These airo. In three or four' In a few thousand years there wily $20 to $100 per policy. TVa'tson is partly paralyzed, and suffenng- The heavens would look like a new winkings of Algol, or the Demon, universe to one of us who revisited occur a little oftener than once m three days." "What causes them?" the earth in the ten-thousandth' century. Now, if we suppose that there are as many dark or dead "Ah, now you come to the suns as there are living, ones, itis strangest thiug of all. Is there I not difficult to believe that oc any thing in the appearaiiee of the jrasionally there might bacollisions skv. all o-litterine-with stars, that between them.- Of course,' the . o o 1 . . suggests to your mind that it may 1ms a vast cemetery? No, ridicu- tially described by Spanish Cath- g lhe kUer tbrew c"rn nnd meal ohc missionaries in louC. The rite before them Qn fa grouncl. These referred to is j snak when thryn to the carth) The SHnkc istture. ' ' " , . snoweu memseives m most cases to be -x Extremely Xrlons And struck at any one coming near. In such an event, a little corn meal was thrown upon them, and the assistants running up fanned them with the eagle feath ers until they coiled up, and then he quickly seized them back of the head. Aicr all the snakes had been put under the buffalo rolie covering theacred lodge, Lieut. Bourke says the Moquis had a procession divided into two parts, one of the choristers and gourd-rattlers, the other of forty eight men and children, twenty four of whom carried snakes, and the other twenty-four acted as at tendants, fanning the snakes with J eagle feathers. The horrible rep tiles are carried both in the hands and in the mouth. It was a loath some sight to see a long file of naked men carrying these sinuous monsters between their teeth and tramping around a long circle to j the accompaniment of a funeral dirge of rattles and monotonous chanting. After a snake had been thus carried around the circle it was deposited in a sacred lodge of cot ionwood saplings, covered with a buffalo robe and its place taken by another. Thus it was not hard to calculate the number used, which was not far from one hun dred, rather over than under, and Uulf the Xuiulier were Rattlesnake. The procession entered through an lous! 3ou say. Very well. You will not depute that the earth we tread is, from one point of view, only a great bun'ing ground, which contains the remains not only of countless generations of men, but whole races aud tribes of various animals and plants. Just so in the heavens above us the dead are mingled with tjie living. It is to my mind the most sug gestive discovery of modern as tronomy that the universe is full of dead suns suns whose light has gone out, whose fires have been extinguished, aud which no louger shed life-giving and lifc-prcscrv-j would be very, very great, and yet of fslnis that some of the cases have suddenly ' blared tint with and then MISCELLANEOUS. -BUSINESS CAUDS. astonishing .brilliancy disappeared may be accounted for in this way. To show 'Sou that there is no exaggeration in what T j am saying about the multitude of dead suns in the universe, see what John Lubbock said in his in augural address at the meeting of the British associationatts?Augu.st last: . " $. from rheumatism and heart disease. The policies on his life aggregate $200,000. He has signed 100 policies ana more are DemgtaKen out. The daily premiums on these policies are enormous, someco"m panies charging $100 per week fpr $1,000. These premiums are ruining holders of policies. This is only a sample 'of dozens of case's in "Western Maryland. In some cases there is good reason for believiug that obstinate lives which" have not ended as" speedily as they promised to when the policy , was, taken, have been cut short by foul' means. The temp tation lo win such Jarge fortunes, by the simple act tof 'anticipating by a few davs or weeks' 'the death of an old anil feeble person, when by delay, the money may go some- S. ARNDT & FERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OEEdOX. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop - All fclnrts of . ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT .WORK Prompt!? 'attended to". - - A specialty made or repairing " CANNERY' DIES,- NEAU KINNEY'S AStoRfA- FISHERY. E. VOWX. .r v:v SOTAP.Y -PUBLIC.,. , AUCTIONE1UV COMMISSION AND SURANCE AGENT. T) A. aCcIXTOSM, ' MERCHANT TAILOR, " Occident Hotel Biillding. -J$ ASTOBIA - - - OBEGOH M KB. K. A. COKWIX. D&KSS MAKING AND SEWIG CHENAilUS ST.. ASTORIA, JH . Opposite Mrs. Munson's Lodging Houae! .jsCuttlngandfltttn:. and paper patterca roni measurement. uig rays upon the worlds that may ad coA as Helmholtz tells us that p; "be imagined yet circling in cold- our sun itself wiU be some 17,000,-jli doom thintr. I believe it is generally conceded, though Prof. Newcomb seems to dissent, that tlie varia tions in the light of Algol are caused by some huge dark body revolving around at a frightful rate of speed; There are other variable stars whose phenomena can where else, must be terrible strong, j jf not quite irresisible1r'--Lt "The floor of heaven is not only i There are even professional thick inlaid With patiueffpf Jbright t fraudlm the game men who pre gold,' but studded also with ex-J tend to be decrepid or enfeebled tinct stars, on ce probably as- bril- by disease, who offer themselves as Hant as our own sun, buttaov dead "subiects" for nolicies. are well -. i I -4. p. Us us that I naid for ullowinp nolicies on their ' rf T I I lives to be taken out, and then suddenly grow voung and well, and with well-filled pockets, de part to play their game on-'some other asrents. -This triok is to 'the hand, circling about 'our own orijrinal mime, what sending earth, not an extinct sun, but a ! boxes of sawdust instead of. co.un dead world. The moon is dead, terfeit money to those who offer and has been ,dead these million ht0-i,uv the "queer" is to couater years. There thex astronomer, if'fpitinl ;LsPir t is a roiruefv j he fancies himself the world's sur- j jtWn a roguery, an amateur ras-1 Igeon, may study the effects of a Caf smarter than 'the professional Afn vanrc liiTin " about thein.:"""J,-"i' 1 ' . 'J5ut we nead'not wander oil in ness aud . "Wliot. Kbq tint; In An with tlifti ixr- ,- r j wt ..o.-.. 'space in search of? the. .sky's uh linking Demon? Why, every-1 . ,& j II I IIIUIUCU llt'ilu. II w lliivu Ii"llt (l at ASTORIA IRON "WORKS. ' . i BRHTOX.ST11EET, NEAR BARKER HOUBF. ASTODfA. - OREGON. P.T.BAKCUvY. T.KHATCH. , WATCH 4 BARGLA COMMISSION MEECHANTS. Mo. 20 California St r San FranciiefyCai. PHYSICIAN AND SUBQEON.' Graduate University ot Virginia, is Physician to Bay View bospltal, Baltimore City-.issa-ia Offick Jn Page & Allen's building, up jstaiis. Astoria. GENERAL-' MACHINISTS AND BOItEff MAKERS: o L.s ummmmmmu ... i Boiler Work, Steamboat jWprk, ' and Cannery Workia specialty; , r vA.D,'VAS9.PresIdeat. L y. G. Hustle a, Secretary. - - I. VwOASE,iSrreasHrer.L j ; . , JoiiK For, Superintendents WILLIAM EDGAR, Corner Miln and Chemmus Streets, there was another prayer and the second -scene ended. The third scene commenced almost immedi ately, and was as follews: The snakes were seized by ones, twos and. half dozens and thrown into the circle at E where they were coveted over with corn meal. A signal was given and a number of fleet young men Grabbed thrSiinlirsiiu HniidfuN, be accounted for in the same way. ma,:iu- "mt uu ""' ' ". , one.JJetrou Jfrte Jfress. and women, ewfer oMl5 flto; A,- "-f" erMViajBIttwtf In the case of (A1ro1 there is evi dence that the dark body is ap proaching the star, drawing nearer with every circle. AVhen it strikes, who can picture the extent of the catastrophe? Then, indeed, that mysterious dark bod' will become visible, blazing with the hundred suns, and unabl lcape from that it has brou unlike men and women, they have t no grave but the open and b less heavens." JV. IT. Sun. Graveyard Insurance. Cinchona Rubra. I'lin I'niinf llTfbrmwJ?lI fllS SnaWisll no grave but the open and bound-' Viceroy'in Peru InlKW. The Countess, ; His will, was prosiraieti oy an lniermu- tent fever, from which she was freed by the uie of the native remedy, the Peru- ian hark. or. as it was called in the i lamiunue of the country, 'Quinquina."' (rctetui tor ner recoery, on nor return Introduced the known mnieii-s of the' lady which was tholncas. two liun- dred and fifty years science has eiven win uttoiut-i ,V. , t . -j.i ln CralefulforherrecoNPry.onliorr elichtof a Whist nntl picfjuet are said to to Kurove iu l(i:t she introduce , , M i have been invented in France: remed in Spain, where It wan k fllllr. if OC. 1 mulnr ririniic linini. lltlMl I. Ill ,o. .. ... ...... . , -. " . "?""- :" :t :. 4 r.. ,i(,,:n cness in uiuia; poKer on a .uissibs- c:uied it Cinchona, nl Honor oi the fiery destruction ' . .who had l.rnusht them that w rouo-htuuon the star" PP r,V(?r -ste:im,,0:lt' an(l keno ,ni more precious than the gold of y " Chicairo. but Pennsvlvania has the To thus day. after a laitee of if ji ... ..t..K .iMi. i..irAM o vr" Ult-n- MlJ Ulllt r llurK """" linnnr nf orirnnatinor the new mime i,h niitliinir tn take it-, nlace. It effectu- T-. . r 11 1 1 il.. -I i IM.. ,!. 1 i .. OH O ra ..."". r i...i .. ! r .t lian at lull speeu uown me iiiiiiosl ukc tins Known ui iisuommicrb, , ,.,,--.l ;nciM.,nft" any cures n imiriim ayiicuiu lor aiiimi' . . y . . . - .. ! known as "graveyard insurance, ,-.. iiv-r,.K,rimr ti,A natnrni tono oi vertical paths in the face of the "Oh, ves; the great star Sirius , .j : .i, i:i.(1 a tilings of that sort the .stomach. Jt attacks excessive lov ,.... .,,,,1 imnn rnaolnmr He (Wit it i a f " .... ' f liquor as It doc a fever, and destroy mesa, and upon reaching its loot, ,s accompanied by a huge body of :s snrPfl.lino. to other stated. The hoth alike. The i.auerful tonic virtu let them go free to the north, the south, the east and west. Tlie arcade, marching; in the line of ar- j ., i . ' a . j young men then came hack at a row heads four times around the , great circle, embracing both the sacred lode and the sacred rock, and then formed in two single ranks, the choristers facing to ward the precipice and the dancers facing 'the sacred lodge. The "High Priest," as I called him, took station directly in fiont of the sacred lodge, and between it and the rock, which latter is a grim looking pile of weather-worn sand stone, twenty or thirty feet high, having a slight resemblance to a human head. At the foot of which Is a niche in which is a piece of black stone bearing a vague appearance of the human trunk. JUu.the base of this idol are many votive offerings to pro pitiate tlie deity to send plentiful rains. As the procession files around the little plaza Tkc Hlgk Priest Sprinkles the ground with water, usinc an earthen bowl and an eagle's feather-as a sprinkler. A second medicine man twirls a peculiar sling and makes a noise like the falling of copious showers. "When : the two lines arc halted facing each other, the dancers, who are at first provided with eagle feathers, wave them gently down ward to the right and left, while the choristers shake their rattles, making a noise like a rattlesnake, and at the same time singing a low and not unmusical chant. When this is finished the High Priest holds the bowl toward the full run, dashed through the crowd and on to one of the estafas, where we were told they had to swallow a potion to induce copi ous vomiting. t- ASTORIA OREGON. CfGA'RWND1 TOBACCO Tlie Celebrated ' JOSEPH RODCER8& SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND. THB GENUINE WOSTENHO'dt and other English Cutlery. STATION ESLiT KAIRCHILD'S GOLD ' PENS Genuine ffleershaam Pipes, etc. A fine stoek of f ,- Watrkcn ami Jewelry, Muzzle and Breerk I.oadiax Shot Guhh aud KlUefl, Jtevolveca. lflatt.1, aad Ammunition . MARXXK p CRAa,X. D "physician AND BURGEON, Rdera Xe. 8, Astarlaa Ballilac. (UP STAIBS.) RKsrDKiCT Comer ot Benton and Coun streets, Astoria, Oxegoa. JAY TUTM.E, Jtf. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGSON, OrKiCK--Over the "White Houw Store. Rk3IDK.ck Next door to Mrs. Muasafrt boardlBR &ouse Cuenaras? sree, Astorit Oregon. . Xl P. UICCiH. ' ? .DENTIST, A5TOKIA. - - Kooms ln Aliens jaulldiag iip ataua, corur otais an A Sqeiaocqhe streets." ORKQOX. J.? Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT h&Jf.-..v Chenamua Street. - ASTOKIA. ORKQOA ih. kind. It h not HowaWjBU11.111,yta pbyod by .ny n- SSSSt AgSfS?JUS (larK, ior wun mrpe leirscopes iu c .. i i a 1. iiiMiiiwr in-iifirini tuvnr irv-iin- na inpi- er oi persons, uir lar-n-r tni -7 "?..;.""";,-.. "J; ri ' ":t II i i . . wril" 111 lilt- tia in viiu uiu oynman can occasionally be seen glimmer-j,,...,,,. the better. It consists in VIiitu. We "imrantee the incrwU- ing faintly close to the star. As- bettinff in favor cf the chances of ,15"? ffttSg; tronoiners knew it was there he- old and illvaIid pectus flying Kia he prlof fore they got a glimpse of it, for it I within a short time; the man or the iiil.l.ii? U in tlu eating," aud we caused disturbances in the proper men holding policies upoji these SI "inuTKNts, irocern and "liquor dealers. OJ and to undergo inotion of the star. Another of persons live within the amount of Onh r It. other treatment to neutralize any I these dark bodies which .ihtrono bites they might have received. mers are sure exists, although no Of one thing I am assured, the human eye ever saw it, is dogging Moquis medicine man knows more the star Procyon, ene of the about snakes than any people on , brightest in the sky. You may the earth, the Asiatic snake charm- ' see the star now low down in the ers excepted. ' q north of Sirius and below the Twins. The invisible body that 3The Sky as ncmctcry. jhoveR. about. it is evidently of "J have been watching the star large size, for it causes considera called the Winking Demon," saidj lle perturbations in the star's the astronomer, as he extended I motion. Tt may onee have been a his hand to pull the reporter up sun as brilliant as Procyon itself, on the roof. "These autumn but now not a ra' l,mes from 5t mornings, are a little chilly, but the j Still, astronomers can point out air is so deliriously pure and clear1 the changes in its position, as its that one doesn't mind if it bites a' the nolicv- The tnonev is chiellv y ruivtrai Accora, supplied bv outsiders, who are not. AvKKsCATUATtTicTn.T.sarethebest t...:ff.i . ii, .,.r.ft Tlioiri f all purKatives for "family use.. They admitted to the game. he,r,are tiu-product of loujr, laborious, and duty is to nay five or more dol- successful chemieal investigation, and , ' - , , their extensive use by physicians in lars assessments whenever they' their practice. and by all civilized na- .i-,l r ita ,iiinil, nr tl.oco lions, iirovesineni tut uesi anauiustci- are advised of the death nl these ffV, ,.;..,. iiu timt mpiii.-ni sci- ... ,....n..... . ... ... ...- . I i it ..n 4i. ... .t.: HILT.U IIUU inui.i nit: Dial wviw 1.1113 little. Besides, it is worth the risk of catching cold to see the Demon wink. You are just in time to watch him as he gradually, reopens his eye. If you had come a few minutes earlier you might have seen him shut it." "Where is this remarkable de mon star?" "There, almost overhead at this hour. If you want to point him out to 3'our friends you have only to observe that he is a little south of that bending row of stars that markes the constellation Perseus, and that there is a little group of smaller stars near him. Now, you see, his light is pretty faint, but persons. Of course, since people i encc can devise. In intrinsic value and - . iiiiiauti; lannii nw nn,4 & , vw over -SO years of asje die very ; c-omparwT with them, and every person, K. ALSO A. SVSX Atuortmeut of fine Sl'ECTACI.KS and F.YK (iIjASSEH. " ATTORNEY AT LAW, . ASTORIA - - -' OESGOiN OMceoTer JP3efc AUea's storrCs. street Q H. MAIN 3c CO., DKJILKR TN Users. Wiiulawa, Blinks. Ttmm Reno, fjttJBber, JBtc All kinds of Oak Lumber, Glass, Boat U&. terlal, etc. Stc-unMIll near Weston hotel. Cor. Qtm evlve and Astor streets. .JU C. K. JACKIXS. j. a. itoxrooMynv. PXOXTKEia STOVE AND TIN STORE Sold Agenjs for the Magee-Standard Ranges, Etc. ASTOItlA. - OREGON. way and now that. "If space is filled with these mysterious dark bodies, collisions between them and living, or light- giving, suns are not impossible. You know that our sun is in rapid motion, carrying his family of worlds along with him in his flight. So all the stars are instinct with motion. Our lives are so short and their distances are so great that we can hardly appreciate these motions, yet they are swift beyond comprehension. Some of the stars are approaching, others receding, all moving in some di- ...... . t wmiwiii'' iiii'ir Yiiitit. wi rapidly, these outsiders soon get th(MIlj xhpI neC(joi. They keep the tirpd nf trip snort and refuse to svstem iu perfect-order, and maintain in tired oitne spore ami reiuse lo , llaU,lv acltion tho wholc. macInnery 0f nnv thnir assessments. Those "lift ilild. searching and effectual, they t f i .:i.o(arc eNpeciaiJy adapted to the needs of persons therefore, wiiose "risks ; tho aestlvc apparatus, derangements nn1- APnA nt tht time are!"f which they prevent and cure, if are not dead at mo I,me ,re tilut.Iy taken -T,cy are the best and "kenoed " but in that consists the safest physic to employ for children and. . , ,. ! wcakend constitutions, where a mild chances of the game. I he person , a,j effectual cathartic is required, whose "subject" dies first, lakes; FokSaiiwaix.kks. the prize, iust as the lucky winner j isurnetti CJocoalue. A luiys its the pools put up on a horse j Saved by it Use. Hair gets race. Iiurnett; Cocoaiuc will keep the hair Tn Marvland and Pennsvlvania I in a stroim and healthy condition by in Jiarj lanu .um em mi m stIni,llatjns the rooN of tne hair and rc. the excitement lias run so inguinal! farms have been mortgaged to pay a sm?le lM)ttlt: sae(i a jadys hair in a those assessments. Instances have I jjrtg. Wg "eat- been known where policies have been issued on the lives of persons who were already breathing their last breath; the object of each insurer being to get the most precarious and feeble lives it is possible to obtain. In Carroll Count', Maryland, a negro named Watson, aged 78, is living ia luxury and supporting his chil insurance ' success thousands of cases of baldness. dandruff. loss of Hair ana irritation ot the scalp hae 5 ielded to this remedy. The superiority of Burnetts Flavoring Extracts consists in their perfect purity nnd great strength. The Peruvian syrup has cured, mou nts w ho were sufferinc from dyspep sia. debility, liver complaiat, boils, hu- rection. The constellations whose dren and their families by signing forms are so familiar to us are ' policies of iusurance on his life in UR 3Et .A. Now Shooting Gallery I Next door to .loe Charters Ualr Dressing establishment. CHEXAMUS ST., - ASTORIA, OREGOIf. Pistol and Rifle Practice For both Ladles anil Gentlemen. gF CHARTERS & MORTON, Proprietors.' WIX.IJA31 FRY, PRACTICAL BOOT AXD SHOE MAKER! Chkxamus Strekt, opposit Adler's-Boo. store, - Astoria. Obkgoj. BT"?erreci ata guaraBteed. All wort warranted. tHve raa a trial. AHJoWew uro.Tiptly fllleil. 3. a. c-oiJTKr. dealer In FAMILY KCK1ES, r? 1IT, 3I.r. FEED AWD'HA-Y Cas!i paid for country produce. Sastt oroflts on easb sales. Astoria, Oregoa, cor ner or Main ana squemocque aire J. H. D. GRAY, Vftiqle&ale aad retail dealer hi. ALL KINDS OF FJEEp, Hay, Oats, Sttaw, Wm, Etc. , General storage and whanage oaraason- able terms, loot of Benton street. Oregon. .Asjorla P. W.H.J Ail K3. ' -AKOMATK c. b: lcptox. Lot and Improvements for Sale. LOT EIGHT, IX. BLOCK SEVXNTY fire ia'Olnejfl Astoria, together Ith A Geed House bA WmIiIihI roa" For particulars Inquire of M. SERRAor W. H.TWILIQaT. "Astoria. Jnly II, 1881. - - sands w ho were suffering rxora ilyspep mors, female comnlnints, etc Pamph lets free to any address, beth w. owi & Sons. Boston . -Never go ahopping without con suiting the navertlsinjr columns of Tue Astoriax. They will tell you where the best bargains are to be had, andJust what merchants are alive and doing business. GINGER ALE', Superior to any other on thta Coast. For .sale at all first clais galooat. AXD - Sparkling Ohunpagne Older; GUM AND RASPBERRY. SYRUR In quantities to suit. 3Tanufactured and. bottled'by Columbia LnPTON & JAMES. PROPRIETORS, Foot of Main Street, - Astobia.Obego. T. G. RAWLINGS, Whole-jale and retail dealeMa California Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Fresh Fruit and VjtHcfttris OX HAND EVERY DAT. , . Kaln street, opp'oslte JLoebs clotkla store. BOWLING ALLEY, GEO. HILL, PROPRIETOR. Eatrance.oa Cbenamus Street, AstorbTten The best auallty of "Winea, Lla-ra and Cigars, and tie bwt Alley la Oregon. i- J-H