aV2T - "V i 4 Ik- UJ ;W avir v" .-.r. . iia ' U" IP ' L- 'r, I -s- ft , r?-r Vfc S " - -ST - i CO Tf spi0j0iirti' Astoria, Oregon, Thursday Morning, July 28, 1881. No. 75. Vol. xv. W7:, 1 i MM -t j- THE COMMERCIAL 1TLSE. coxniriox or ttu: sax frax- VISCO AXD OTI1 :? MA liKE'PS. (REVIEW OP THE PROSI'lUTS 01" Dl'l'l' WATER NAVIGATION A'l CAL- VILSTON. UV .MAH. AMTKl.KORt'ir. Sau FmurUro. Choice milliiur wheat w in ad vance of quotations. Tlie past week has been unusually dull, and there is nothing that palls for special mention. Dealers appear to. be confident of a ieival of business soon, as there is more lone to the KiuHish markets. Oats are saleable at quotations, but the market is quiet and weak. Wool is in nominal demand at quotations. The best fanev grades are held at ?,0t 31 c. $ lb. Hides to command prices must be well handled. The new steam collier AVillamet arrived July 20th from Seattle with coal. She is the first of the fleet of eellieis of the Oregon Improvement company, and will freeze out the sailing vesels from the coast coal trade. Six vessel cleared during the week under review, and seven were added to the list of engage ments. Of the above list of ves sels twenty-two were chartered prior to arrival. There are only two disengaged vessels in port at the time of our writing. On the corresponding date last year there was 12,000 tons disengaged ton nage in port. The tonnage under engagement for miscellaneous busi ness is about 5,000 tons. The total tonnage loading for and on the way to this port from foreign and domestic eastern ports is about 378,000 tons, includinc all deep water vessels. Some little business has been transacted during the past week in bags outside of the combination at lower rates than asked b' the latter, say 9j. for jute and 10c. for Calcutta. The combination wrices have been 10(71 lie, but under existing circumstances, while bags in any considerable quantity can be had on the outside for less money, and so long as the offer ings by auction continue to un settle the market, the combination will have to remain inactive. Vultesluu Harbor. The Galveston News has infor mation that inquiries are being made by the management of the Southern Pacific railway of Cali fornia, as to the possibility of se curing deep water at Galveston. It is semi-oflicially suited that if deep water can be secured, the Southern Pacific will spend from 85,000,000 to 3,000,000 to insure it and make Galveston the eastern terminus of the road. From in vestigations already made, there seems to be no doubt that deep water can be secured on Galves: ton bar, but of course the railway will want further testimony than this from the best engineering talent. If this is favorable, we may hope to see deep-draught ves sels at Galveston wharvesin a very few years, certainly in a much shorter time than if the govern ment took the matter in hand. There are many reasons to believe that the deep-water scheme is not only practicable, but that it will be adopted. "When it is obtained, the rapid growth of Galveston as a commercial center will astonish even the best well-wishers. A cm York. The wheat market is good at n 261 30; hides, 2323Ac; wool, spring fine, 27(g,32c tft lb; burry, U24c; pulled, 3240c; fall clip, 1517c; burry, 12 (a 15c. Money is easy, government secu rities regular; stocks firm. Ckicngo. "Wheat is advancing; oats a shade higher; rye quiet; barley unchanged; corn active and higher; pork steady. "Wheat, July,l 13; corn, 49c bid, July; rye, 9ic cash, 83c August. The creeks storms have interfered ma terially with the weeks business, as evidenced by the fact that the .clearings ere only 38,000,000, ai , though they still exceed those of the same time last year. Jobbers, however, repoit a fair business in most depaitments of trade. The financial world continues .satisfied with the present state of allairs, and plenty of money K iuimIv loanable at good rales. I.itrrpoul. Wheat, . California, 9s 5d(Tr 9s Sdg3 ctl; red American spring, 3s fldfoi) 3d. Floating cargoes, firm. Cargoes on passage and for shipment, quiet but steady. Pa cific coast cargoes off const, -JUs Gd y 500 lbs; just shipped, -Ms; nearlv due, 4Cs. Steamer on Klamath Iake Asltlain! TidiHg-v. The steamer on Klamath lake has been chri.stened Gen. Howard. The Gen. Howard ct about 5,000. It ib sixty-eight leet long, twelve feet beam, ami draws about five feet of water; it is built in regular tug style,and would ride the seas of the Pacific -vxith safety; the engine is of thiity-hor.se power, and the boat will make twelve miles an hour with ease. Joe Beach has cominand,and John Bur nett is pilot. The steamer was launched on Tuesday, and "Wed nesday made heririp to ihe mouth of Wood river, thirty miles in three hours. This is within four miles of the agency. At present the entrance to Wood river is closed by a narrow bar, but a chan nel will be cut thiough and the stream made navigable to within a mile of the fort. The steamer will make regular trips between Link ville and the reservation, carry pas sengers for the agency and the fort. The scenery along the pic turesque mountain shores is de scribed as grandly beautiful; and pleasure parties from various por tions of the county, and from Jack son and aiskryou counties will be visiting Linkville through the sum mer for steamboat excursions a new feature of life in the interior of southern Oregon. Oregon and California Surveys. Yrcka .Journal. When Coi. Uurlbut was up in Hie Siskiyou mountains, he rode down to Cottonwood 10 look at the country. "While there he told, some of the citizens that he would he back to Cottonwood iu live or six weeks locating the road from the canyon to Cottonwood. The survey just made runs down Cot tonwood creek, passing through the whole length of the Urickhouse ranch, and thence to the Klamath opposite ami along Willow creek. This route would take the line across Oregon slough to the red lulls beyond Shasta river, and through the opening along the river towards .luliens, a distance of ahoutseven miles east of Vreka. The exact route to be. decided on from Cottonwood will probably depend upon future surveys, many having an idea that the route may be found to suit by Anderson grade and lower ferry, which would bring the toad around the west side close to Yreka. Cascade Work. Walln-walla Journal. There are only about eighty men employed on the locks at present. The present high stage of water will deter them from prosecuting the work with great vigor. When the water recedes, a large force of men will be put on the works. The little town shows some signs of improvement, but its business depends greatly upon the activity of the government works. At present the line of coaches, under the management of Mr. Borthwick, which conveys passengers between the landings on the opposition line, creates quite a little stir, but no substan tial commercial life. Dr. Chitwoodj of Ashland, came into unpleasantly close contact with a streak of lightning last week. He was driving down the valley below Eagle mills when a flash of lightning knocked down one of the horses of his team, and stunned him so that he was un conscious for a few moments. "When the mist cleared away he found the horse just clambering upon its feet, and, finding it all right, jie drove on down the valley. Itnpoitaut Surveys Seattle.I'oM. We have positive assurance from authoritative souiees that railroad surveys will be at once commenced across the Cascade mountains via the Snoqualmie pass to Seattle. The work will be under the supervision of FI. Thiel- son, chief engineer of the Oregon Hailway and Navigation company, and T. B. Mortis will have imme diate charge of the survey. We can also state that a corps of sur veyors will, within a short time, begin the work of surveying a railroad line from Seattle to a point of connection with the North ern Pacific at or near Tacoma. In an interview with Mr. Oakes, re cently, he stated that Mr. Villards interests in Seattle were of so important a character that he! would protect them; that the statement in the article of incor poration of the Oregon and Trans continental company were abso lutely true in letter and spirit. The fact that the above surveys are soon to be commenced, is ad ditional evidence of this truth. The Upper Yakima. Record. July 25d. The tie drive of the Northern Pacific started on the 12th of this month at the head of the Yakima. At present they are engaged in putting the ties in the river. This will take some time to accomplish, as immense quantities are banked at different noints alonir the river. ! It will be some time before the drive will reach this locality. With the exception of Mr. John sons contract, getting out ties has ceased on the upper Yakima. This gentleman has yet his con tract of 11 5,000 to complete. Geo. F. Smith has yet about a million feet to finish on his contract. This will take but a short time. When these two contracts are completed it will probably finish the seasons work. The public has not heard much of Edison lately, but he has been hard at work all the time, dividing New York into districts prepara tory to the introduction of the electric light. Tie has almost fin ished putting in the wires for the first district, bounded 13' Nassau street and the East river, Spruce and Wall htreets. lie expects to have his engines leady in five weeks, when thirty thousand lamps will be lighted nightly. When his illuminator gets under way the price of gas will fall amazingly. A Fair Proposition. From this date the Astoria photograph gallerv will conduct lmsiiiess on the following plan. Wc will take negatives of any lady and everybody that will faorks with a call, we will print a proof of the same free of charge, no one being under an obligation to order fi oin such negatives unless they desire to do so. We will take the Astoria engine com panies and all lodges and societies, an time thej will assemble for the purpose, and present each lodge or society with one picinre oi micii group, uiuut liihtu II 4 ,4Mn Ata a. , .itAliiHA-i .... I ;iu mxi-iiK-i ui jiineiiui.uuiiii-iiiiv-s .urn roupeti uiierwanis. We will take views of residences and buildings hotels, canneries, mills etc on the same terms viz: We will take the negatives free of charge. We do this iu order that our work shall stand on its merits, as we are pre pared to do good work. No one need wait until they go to San Francisco. For.r.owixo aiiueui: piucks: IVrdoz. Sdo. or full length loitdoirs...$ 00 M .vj cabinets... 4 00 2 J0 " cards 2 M 1 X) liust pictuies and boudoirs. 7 00 3 00 Vignettes cabinets r 00 3 00 carits 3 00 2 00 Tiios. G. Urooks it Co. The Human Hair, How to Pre serve and. Beautify It. Manv persons abuse this delicate and bcautihil ornament by burning it with alcoholic washes and plastering it w ith grease, which has no affinity lor the skin, and Ls not absorbed. Burnetts Co coaine, a compound Cocoanut oil, etc, is unrivalled as a dressing-for the hair is readily absorbed, and is pccnliarlj adapted to its various conditions, pre venting its falling of! and promoting its healthy growth. Housekeepers should insist upon ob taining Burnetts Flavoring Extracts, for they are the bef. IVilliatHKport 1'ropcrty. Great lianraius are now offereil in the city of Willlamsport for any persons wishing to locale from one lot to five acres. It is well adapted for pardons. iairy ranches or pleasant noines; wen elevated, situated one mile, south of Astoria on Youngs hay, with a good graded road to the place. For further information call at my residence near the cemetery. John Wili.tamov. The Central Iletel. One of the finest, cleanest "atul best kept hotels in Astoria, situated near the steamer landing, with first class, airy rooms, good hoard and very reasonable rates, liar and billiard rooms. The best of wines and liquors, and an excel- leju.giass ot ban x rancisco hcer. ANTOixBiELont Proprietor. IVruvian Witter. Ciuchonx Knbrj. The Count Ciurlinn wn the Spanish Virerm in 1'cru in UftO. The Countess, his wife, was prostrated 1 an iideruut liil fexer. fiom which she was freti! Ii ihe use of Ihe native reiued. the Peru vian bark. or. as it was called in the language of the countr.. -Quinquina." C rate-fill rorhcrrecowr.x.on her return to Kurope in liCt. she introduced the renieih in Spain, where it was known under arioiis nanus, until Liniueiis called it Cinchona, in Junior of the lady who had brought them that which was more precious than the gold of the Incas. To this dav. after a lapse of two hun dred and if fly j'ears, science has given lis nothing to lake its place, it effectu ally cures a morbid appetite for stimu lants, h restoring the natural tone of the stomach. It attacks excessive loe of liquor as it does a fever, and destrojs both alike. The powerful tonic irtue or the Cinchona is preserved in the Permian Hitter, which arc us effective against malarial fever to-dav as they were in the du or the old Spanish Vicerovs. We guarantee the ingredi ents of these bitters to be absolute! pure, and of the lcst known qtialitj. Atrial will satisfy ou that this is the best bitter in the world. -The proof of the pudding is in the eating. and we willingly abide this test. For sale b all druggists. gncers and liquor dealers. Ordrrit. lly I'nivcisal Arrord. Avi;i:s C.vniAKTK Pit.i.sarethebest of all purgatives for fainil uc. The are the product of long, lalwrious. ami successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use b physicians iu their practice. and b all civilfacd na tions, nrovcs them the best and most ef fectual purgative Pill that medical sci ence can (lev ise. in intrinsic vault: ami curative power no other Pills ran he compared w ith them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will emplov them, when needed. They keen the system in perfect order, and maintain in health action the whole machuicr of life. .Mild, searching and effectual, the aie especiail adapted to the needs of the digestive apparatus, derangements of iv Inch the prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakend constitutions, where a mild and effectual cathartic is required. I'on S.vir. nv a i.i. 1i:ai.ki:s. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are j on disturbed at night -ami broken of your rest by a sick child sufferiu anuoning with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth '.' Jf wi, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Wilislow's Soothing ."syrup, it will relieve the poor littlo stif- icrer imiiicui;uei tiepciiu iiikjh u; there is no mistake alout it. There is not a mother on earth who lias ever used if. who will nut toll on at once that it will regulate the IhuvcIs. and gie test to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like niamc. It is perfeotlj safe to ue iu all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the pre scription of one ot the oldest and best iemaie piivsiciaus auu liurccs in iiiu United States. Sold ever where. !!" cents a bottle. The Peruvian syrup lias cunil tliou sands who were stiffen n from ilv.-jH'p sia, debility, liver complaint, Iwifs, hu mors, female complaints etc. Pamph let free to any aduress. Seth V. Fm I & SOU'S. I'OstOll. Methitseh'h died aged !. lie con tent if you live one-tenth that time liy keeping jour blood pure and inactive circulation by use of Kinti ot the Blood. See advertisement. The proprietors of Kendalls Spaiu Cure hac hundreds of letter on tile speaking in the highest terms of the lienefit" derived from its use. when j on find one ease where it hsu fail it 1 to give relief then' are hundreds here it has proven a sucee-vs. Kcad their advertise ment. King of the Blood Is not a "cuir all.' it ia blood-purifier and tonic. IinpunU of the blood iMii-ons the sn tcni, deranges the elrrnlatiou. and thus in duces main disorders, known bv different names to ift.tiuguish them aetonlingto ef fects, tint being reall) liraiielies orplnwsof that great cenerle disonler. Impurity oi Blood. Such arc J)joH7Mr, IHUUmah'-, JArer Complaint. C'HisliiMiliou, AVrrom Di unlcr. llaulnehe, IlaelMchc, delimit Weah hcx. llrarl Ditac, Dit;kj. Kidney Dtiear, File. itiieuiiiiitiin. c autrrn, .Nrruiiin. ..in ' lyifltiriff, j iiniMin. i iiuv. .?it(fiinil, t.. rr. .M.rM. fitlmJa. i7?.. OiM.ilfa.. c (r its or the itinod prevents and . cures thev bv altackins the raw?. Iiuiiunlv oitheuiooii. rueiiasisaini iiivsieiaus;igree iu calling it "the most genuine and efficient preparation for the punx, Sold by Drug gists, iI per bottle. Pee tcstliuniilaW. direc tions, ic., in iwmphlct, -Treatise on Diseases til the Wood." wraniied around each IkUile. 1). RANSOM, SOX 4 Co.. l'miK. Ittitralo. X. . tuff's aAHHHBBBBBi PILLS wmmmmmmmmtmL INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE, THE GREATESrWEDIGAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiom of appgtlte.'N&tisea.bowelfl costive, Pain in theHeadyseith a doll wnaation In the bacfc part, Pain under the shoulder- blade, iullncaa after eating, with a cliaiB- elinatfqn to exertion ofbodr or mind. Irritability of temper, Iow spirits. Iosa of memory, with a feeling of having neg- lectod some aniy. weanneag, xnsaiaesj, ICCWU PUmp UUtJt reimOTCi jj.mjJ, FTnttiring ofTlieHrtrrJotinbTfore the eyeifYellq'W' aicin, Headache, Itegtlcav- ness at night, ntgniy coioreo unao. rj THtx"riixrjrefi juts uitheesed, SERIOUS DISEASES WU1S0ON KDEVaOPED. TU'lTS "SILLS " especially adapted to such caiei,one dose effect saelaackaBge of feeling a to astonUk tke sufferer. They Iacreo the Appetite, aad cause the boar to Take en Fleh. ta the ayrtem 1 aBHihrd.uid by thclrleBle AeUeaon the t)fgnUTergaHa, KegjUar Steji arepm- duced. Price X cents. Jb ct s. MJBrni;au..i.i. TUTT'S HAIR BYE. T ray ir atr or Whisk eiw clMUMtei to a. OLoa Bijick by a single aupilcaUea f tWsDrx. li imp&rti salnral color, acts Jjuta&laneously. Jold byDrujxUU,orebtl)y ttjita rlj&riL Ofnce, 35 Murray St., Hew YorK. j Br. -rem xiscil t tuuu ttMtua .i ! Irii u ivlm hakm. MISCELLANEOUS. M. D. EANT OFFEKS A GRAND CHANCE FOi: ALU 25 PER CENT REDTJOTIOIT OX A 1.1. CLOTHS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, KTUU i-rr. M. D. "KAISTT. Merchant Tailor and Clothier. TIN PLATE. BLOCK TIN For sale c Warehouse at AMoria or Portland by ltAIiFOrit, (UTHKIE & Co. &Mf Portland, Oregon. liolcsalr agent for the RED CROWN FLOUR Made li the new piwe. The bet I'lonr in the market. Y. ery sack guaranteed : if not xod a.s reptvtyited ou can return it. MerrliuuK will Unit it to their adaut:i' In sell thus Flour. KUAN, SHORTS AND CHOP FEED AImi for sale. IVrsom uKliiitjc Flour or Feed wilt find me at m neu Drug Store, at o. It. &. X. Co's doek. Astoria. .1. W. CONX METROPOLITAN Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon. On the Koaduaj next to I. Poller's saloon. The lieM of Uif.icthHi xuunuiteed. I lair (.'lilting. huinx MinmiiooinK, DvelngfroUi 25 to 7i A HlriknilU!irpirtliPtmt'e,ultitru. V. IU DAY, rropriotor. MRS. S. T. MeKEAN, 1IFVI VK IN' DItKSS TUIlHanNGS. VII Kinds or WOOLS, ZEPHYRS, LADIES UNDERWEAR, ETC., Corner f fass anil Jeirersnn Mrets, Astoria. J2r"Stauipinfiiloiu' older. WILLIAM EDGAR, Comer Main and Chenamui Streets, ASTOKIA . OREGON. DEALER 15 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. The Celebrated JOSEPH RODCERS & SONS GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY AND THE GENUINE W0STENH0LN and other English Cutlery. FAIRCHILD'S GOLD PENS Genuine Meershaum Pipes, etc. A fine stock of Watrhen and Jewelry, ItinxKle and Kreerk JmhAImk Shot Gmhh and UIHch, Kevelverti, PI.ntelM, aad AHmniiItIeH MARIXE GLASSES. AtSO A FINE Assortment of fine SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. 4SSk A General Reduction OF TWEVTY-FIYE PER CEXT. OX ATX Clothing and Furnisliing Goods. BAKK1SG AND INSURANCE. BANKING ANDJNSURANGE. BROKER, BANKER AX1 INSURANCE AGENT. ASTOK1A, ... OREGON OFFICE HOURS: FKOUS O'CLOCK A. IT. UNTIL 4 O'CLOCK P. AT. Hume Mutual Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. .1. K. Houuutox... , ('HAS. 1C. STOm h Geo. ! Storv.. . Presid eat Secretary .At!nt Jor 0on Capital pnl up in r. S. gold coin $ 200 UW W) I IV. CAMI, Aj;ent, Chenaimisstieet, Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AND LOHON" AND GLOBE, XOKTII BRITISH AND MERCAN TILE OP Ii'ONDON AND EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMTANIES. Representins a capital of $67,000,000. A. VAX DUSEN. Agent. 3IISCELLANEOUS. A Merciful Man is Merciful to his Beast. ' OXIiY 2.1 CEXTS. 650,000 ALREADY SOLD ! !t A treatise on the And his Diseases, by B.J. KENDALL, M.D. Fall of Valuable and Practical In. formation, and Containing; an IM)EX OP DISEASES. NVhlcli gives the symptoms, cause and the IJe-t Treatment of each ; a table gi inu all the principal drugs used for the Horse, with the ordinary do-e, effects, and antidote wlien auoLou; a table with an cngm1ii:ot the Horse's teeth at different ages, with rules for telliugthe agent the Hene: Kl engrav ings .showing the imiwrtant ioiuts in the stnictnre of the horse, abo illastniting posi tions assumed bjsick horses Ii different dLs eases. A valuable collection, of receipts. many of which would cost a horse-owner tnree to ne uouars eacii. EVERY FARMER SHOULD OWN THIS BOOK. Thousands who have seen it commend It and many good horsemen have extolled it iu tue nignesi. terms, cen siaung mat tuev prefer It to books which cost.." 00 to $io U). Do not throw away your mouev iu the pur clutse of costly books on the llorse, which are .so iiiu oi l-iun purases ami lecunicai tenasas to be rtninteuigihle to the average reader but, BUY KENDALL'S TREATISE, A book of ICO pages, in paper covers. gi ing you more practical information than Ls con tained in .some large ohirne at far higher cost. Having exaniiued this book thoroughl) wcarevitislled no HORSE-OWNER Would hesitate a moment about limiting 2?v cents hi its purchase, if lie did but know the value of its contents. Kecngniiingthe de sirability of having .such practical informa tion as our farming friends daily need hi their business, provided at reasonable cost instead of being obliged to pay the enormous profits demanded l the IubILshers of most Agricultunil Uooks, we have secured Several Hundred Copies or this valuable little TreatLse on the Horse, single copies of which we shall be pleased to mail to any reader of this paper, postage pre paid by us, on receipt or 25 OEWTS. Kemittances may be made In currency, sil ver or stamps. Send all orders to 1. C 1HELA.1. Astoria, Oregnv Son-r or the Albany Beer! Respectfully Dedicated to and Soid by CHAS. GRATTKE. - - - - ASTORIA. Good evening kind friends, just listen to me. And when you have heard me, I'm sure you'll agree, I will give you a story, and sing it out clear 4.1.1 Mia nAhia T ,.i CIIM ! tflA i MM W BEEI. You can find it all round In this city of gold. And the way that they make It has never beeH told. That's a secret they keep and hold very dear. For the whole conntrv Is drinking that AL15AXY BEER. The brewerj' ! hUo aml l',e machinery's fine. And every order Is sent to you right up to time. They get all TUnds of orders from far and from near. And every one's healthy that drinks AL BAXYBEER. For every thing there' looks so clean and so near, And their beer Ls so .sparkling, it cannot be heat. If vou are feelfug bad or thehhiesdo appear,. You can drive them away by drinking AL BANY BEER. I have an old father. who's nowclghty-three, And thla Is the advice he gave unto me. He spoke to me kindly with a voice bright and clear : "If yon want to be healthy, drink ALBANY BEER." Since then I lucre done so, and I'm hearty j AtthrSd'age of fiftyl can always be found At my dally Libor before the sun does appear And each dav and night I drink ALBANY BEElt. Also, on draught, THE CELEBRATED BOCK BEER. C. GRATTKE, - - "WELCOME SALOOX, Roadway, opposite O. It. & N. Co's Dock A mr fii& us oi up JiglL W JH; H) Ik BUSINESS CARDS. V CRAXG. 3C. D.. "PIIYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, Itnom Xn. a. AMorlaH BHilding.J tfl' STAIBS.) RKSiDKNCK-Corner of Eenton and Court streets, Astoria, Oregon. JAY TUTTI.E. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Okfick Over the White House Store. ItKSiDKXCK Next door to Bfra. filunsoa's boarding house, Chenainus street, Astorl ' Oregon. TR. ir. I. JEXXIXGS. rilYSICIAN AXD SimOEOX. Graduate University of Virginia. xSC3 Phisician to Bay View hospital, Baltimore City. 1SG9-T0. Ofkick In Pue & Allen's buildln up stalls. Astoria. TCI l HICKS. DENTIST, ASTOKIA. - - - OKKOON. Kooins in Allen's building up stairs, conff or Cass ami Sqemociilie streets. I Q. A. BOWLBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Cuenamus Street. - ASTOKIA. OREGOU ft W. FULTOA. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ASTORIA - - - OREtiOX' Ofllce over Paj;e & Allen's store, Cass street "P C. IIOLDKX. AUCTIOXEER, COMMISSIOX AXD INN SURAXCE AGENT. T A. STrlNTOSir. iEERCHAT TAILOR, Occident Hotel Rnildlns. STORIiV - - - OREGON I'.T. KARCLA.Y. T. 1J. HATCH. HATCH & BARGLAY, COMMISSIOX MKRGH.VNTS, No. 20 California St., San Francisco, Cat. Q ft. BAIA it CO.. DKAI.KR IN Doorn. "Windows, ItlindH, Traa- 8omN, Lidmber. Etc. All kinds of Oak Lumber, Class, Boat Ma terial, etc. Steam Mill nearVeston hotel. Cor. Oen ewve and Astor streets. UHTiEXHART &. SOIIOEXE. Occident Hotel Hair Dressing Saloon ASTOKfA - OKECON. Hot, Cold, Slum or, Meant and Sulphur BAT1IS. "Special attention given toladlea'ana children's hair cutting. Private Entrance for Ladles. WIIXIAItt FRY. PILVCTICAL nooT an snei: MAKER. Chkxamus Strkkt, opposite Adler'.s Book store, - Astouia, Okkook. St-perfect fits guaranteed. All work, warranted. Hive me a trial. All orders promptly lilted. W U M'CAKK. Astoria. .1. A. BROW' Portland. BKOW.V Jb Mft'ABK, STEVEDORES AND RIQGEKS. Astoria oniceAt E. C. nolden's Auction store. Portland oQlct--:M B street. 13-tl 3EJ. ua.- QXJI3ST3ST. dealer iu VA3I1TA" GROCERIES. IVAITS, ITI.r. FEEft XXI HAY Cash paid for country produce. Small prollLs on casti sales. Astoria. Oregon, cor ner of Main and Suuemoctihr streets. First Street Bridge Saloon. HENRY ROTHE, DEALER IX FIXEWTXES. LIQUORS Rkkr, Ciciarm, and best brands or KENTUCKY "WHISKY, 100 South First street, Portland, Oregon . r-BeslSan Francisco lol Table on the premises. "the dew drop ThhT" Oh, fishermen, all hear the good news ! A fine saloon Ls started with best of Liquors, Wines and Beer, AXD FIXE FREE LUXCH UXOTJATtDKl). The Grandest Caviar and Cheese, IX SAXDNVICH THICK AXD THIX And willyou spend a pleasant hour, drop hi nt the TEV DROP 1XX on Concomly street. J.T.BORCHEP.S, AHtoria and KHappten. Regular Mail and Tassenger Steamer XOSP.TTA, W. "YA YE . .-.MASTER jwWiU leave Knannton for Astoria and Lrctnni dally. CARRYIXQ THE U. S. MAIL. Also have a lighter which enables her t carry wooa or ireigni any Kinu. For charter, freight or passage, at Hr-, inz rates apply on board, or at I. VV. Cue a store. I. Ws CASE, PORTElt AND WHOLESALE AND K TAIL DEALEIt IN IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE AND RK- GEHEBAL MCMMSE Comer Chenamu and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OSIGONv N. LOEB MfT W H-." ft , ' 3 fGL Tu J s-1 't,