C23 itftfttHAa gto &il &sk&ni. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY ..JULY 2G, 1B81 .C. IRELAND .Editor. Condition of the President. In Washington, New York, and many other places, last Saturday, excitement was almost as great and painful as on the day the president was shot, in consequence of a chill which attacked the presi dent at 8 o'clock. This chilly shaking sensation lasted until 9 o'clock when fever set in and rose rapidly. His pulse went up to 130, and temperature 101. In an hour or so the fever declined some. The doctors were not able to de fine the cause of the change. The cabinet ministers were all sent for and there was a great deal of un easiness in the city growing out of the fact that nothing definite could be ascertained from the sur geons. At half-past one o'clock yesterday morning he was resting quietly. Jere and Bob. The August number of the North American Review devotes a liberal supply of its space to a polemical duel between Col.Inger soll, the great exponent of the un belief of the day, and Judge Jere miah Black, the eminent jurist. Col. Ingersoll is master of some of the most effective arts of the rhetorician and the popular orator. As an assailant of revealed reli gion he has more chance of suc cess of confirming the skeptical and carrying away the wavering than perhaps any other infidel of modern times. He is engaged in constant aggressive attack, and the audiences that applaud him afford evidence that he is produc ing effect. Judge Black is dis tinguished alike for his steadfast faith in orthodox Christianity and for the power and skill with winch he is able to sustain any cause in which his convictions are en listed. He is, like the challenger, a man of the world in his serious occupations and modes of thought. He is accustomed to contests in the arena of public discussion and to the use of all the weapons of controversy by which men are convinced; he is familiar with the arguments that have been used by the defenders of his cause, and he has the nerve and vigor of a born disputant. Gol. Ingersoll has made his attack and sustained it with all his force as an aggressive assailant. Judge Black has taken up the challenge as the champion of Christianity. It is well that the daring infidel should be called out and that he should be met 03- such an antagonist. The cause of truth can suffer notlrinr from a contest of this kind. Of the merits of the battle it is foran interested public to judge. W. E. Sheridian and the com pany supporting him, will visit - Oregon. On Saturday Virginia City, Ne vada, was modestly shaken by an earthquake. Lieut. Fred. G. Schwatka, of north pole fame, is coming on the next steamer. Infernal machines have been discovered at Liverpool in barrels shipped from America. The ma chines -were encased in zinc boxes, clockwork style, prepared with dynamite. The Nihilists assassinated one of their own last week who had been communicating with the police in St. Petersburg. This assassination enabled the police to make other important arrests. The steamer Dora, from Ouna laska, brought Rufus B. Bourdok ofisky, hereditary chief of the Aleut Indians, on a visit of curi osity to San Francisco. The Aleut Indians are suffering from a fatal epidemic which has carried of a large number of the tribe. We don't take any stock in the telegram which informs Mr. Nash that three steamers are en route to Yaquina bay from Cardiff with G000 tons of iron for the Yaquina bay railroad. In the -first place, steamers capable of carrying 2000 'tons of railroad iron would be un able to get into Yaquina bay; and 'again steamers would probably not be engaged in such business. It is a very improbable story. Ghief Justice Lord has declined to settle the question of title to the mayoralty of Portland. An earthquake occurred Friday morning at 2 o'clock in eastern France and Switzerland, and bells were rung at Geneva and houses shaken. No casualties. A Paris dispatch of the 23d says the nihilists liave held a great and solemn meeting of the executive committee, and resolved to warn the czar once more, and then if he doesn't heed it he and his advisers will perish. Every day strengthens the opin ion we entertain that work upon the railroad will begin at Astoria at an early day. Within thirty days trains will be running to Pendleton. They are now run ning from The Dalles to Dayton and Spokan falls. Before the Columbia closes with ice the city of Portland will be in communica tion with The Dalles. Men are so scarce now that work cannot be commenced here while there is such demand for them up there. Once here the work ean be pushed all winter to good advantage, winch cannot be done so well east of the mountains. A correspondent of the New York Sun, referring to how they "fixed" Theophilus French on his trip out here, says that French and his wife and niece and the two treasury clerks and their wives, were furnished with a hotel Pul man car from Washington via the Southern Pacific railroad to San Francico, and return via the Central and Union Pacific, and were amply and bountifully sup plied with wines, eatables and all other creature comforts so much envied by government employes upon such occasions as this excur sion proves to have been. The whole trip was made at the ex pense of the railroads, but vouch ers were all the same filed for ex p enditures made by the party and the whole amount charged to our jrood old Uncle. JIAJtltlED. Ill Astoria, July 24, 1831, by Rev. J. V. Milhgan, Mr. J. E. Thomas ana Jiias iua Brown. NEW TO-DAY. One Doll RCward. LOST. Al keys, OST. About ten u-spgo a bund, or ore in nfimV- Please retni to 3IRS. nJL WINGENT. .luly2T,iRst. JL Stockholders Meeting. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATJU ere J.1 will be a meeting of the Mockhe: the Odd Fellows Land and Building tlon of Abtona, Oregon, on Thursi, rust as. lssi. at 3 o'clock i. Jt IJv tinier of THE 1NCORPORATOKS. To Contractors. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDlNfi a Church, exclusive of foundation, will be received until August 10th by the TrusteesJT the Methodist Episcopal Church at XVMoriu. Plans and specification!, may be seefcmi ap nllaitlon to it. P.. Franklin. The nfhtto re ject any or all bids is reserved. F. P.. ELI1ERSOX. Secretary Roard of Trustees. TENT 3acL0vi:3Vi:3 For Excursionists and Others. CANtRE MAO ATI y 11 s THE ASTOKlAX SATTj LOFT OF A. 31. JOHNSON'. LOST. .lul 2d, in Tongue point shute, about from SO to 70 fathumtflils years net. ieii liamieu lines, to inesiies.1?o. iti-piy Harbours tw lne. The finder yill bKultal)ly rewanled on le:ixlnir the net. or iuff nnatlon where It may be found at S.I. Aikiirs can- nerj-. 1;. 1S. cut on one cork-on lie buoy hue. Ik EKtCKSON. July 22, ISSl. LIBERTY HALL Wednesday Afternoon, July 27. OKANl) MATINEE BENEFIT! -FOR- ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL, Given by the members of Mr. Ceo. Hill's Variety Company. A NPJLE.VDID PROGRAMME. For particulars of which see bills. Admission, to all parts of the house - 50 c Chlldreu, ---.-23c Doors open at 2i'.M. Curtain will rise at 2VS r. m. C5T"Ticketii for sale everywhere. FOUND. Fifty latho& thiAy-six mesh net, Manilla cork aJ0 leadlines, marked M. & J. on lead lines. Z)wniran have same on proving property jpd parlig charges. ANGIIERfl'AN PKG.CO. Astoria. July 18. 1681. f LOST. Sunday night. July 17th. on beacon B, above Tongue pAit. alfcut S20 fathom of -10 mesh net, aboat!l23 Jsathom ot left handed cork line, Jfucf tljft bahmce right lianded. Also a nieie oc Ubout SO fathom 40 mesh Belfast twine Ajryate neL Finder win icae tvoru ai jianuwroanLs. .July 18, 18S1. r AVM. WAnLGREN Girl Wanted. C IRL OR MIDDLE AGED "WOMAN. J Inquire at THIS OFFICE. Notice to Trespassers. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FOR bidden to trespass In any manner upon lot l, block 32, Olneys Astoria, uuder pen alty of prosecutloiu J. G. MEGLER. Astoria, Oregon, July 13, ISSl. Meeting of Pilot Commissioners. THE "WASHINGTON TERRITOr-Y board of Pilot Commissioners for the Columbia River and Bar will hold a meeting at llwaco, on Thursday. July 28, 1681. By order of the board. Cc-td H, C. COMEG YS, Secretary. LMCrsof AMOCia if.; Au- ri dneijs MISCELLANEOUS TRENCHARll & IIPSHIIR DEALERS IN SHIP CHANDLER PROVISIONS, mow, STEEL. GOAL, 0 Builders General HARDWARE, KTAILS, PAINTS. OILS, ETC. AGENCY OK THE Imperial Mills Flour and Feed. Chenamus Street, Near Olney, ASTORIA. OREGON HANSEN BROS., ARCHITECTS AND 3BUIXjIEIIIS. Jobbing and Repairing OX SHIPS, HOUSES, ETC., Attended to at the Shortest Notice. CORNER CASS AND ASTOR STREETS, ASTORIA. - OREGON. LATEST I TELEGRAPHIC MWS ! I i ' THE WAR IS OVER! -AND THE- CMcap Brewery is tie Victor ! -OVER ALL- SAH FRAKGISGQ BREWERIES ! And this Telegraphic News, will tell the ieo- ple of AMoria and vicinity that they can find a Healthful and Delicious IleeniKc ul THE OCCIDENT HOTKU THE OEM SALOON, THE OLD CORNER, AT At'O. DANIELSONS, " THE MINT SALOON. " ANTONE P.IELOIFS. - O.II.WINCENTS, " ISAAC FOSTER'S. " Dr..T.O'RRIEN"S, RANN LSTER & II AM I FEN'S. - PETER 11EISS N. .lOHANSEN'S, " FRANK RENTILA'S. .MR. DICKEY'S. in Astoiiu. Al CathlHinct. ATH.D. RIRXIE'S. At Oysterville. AT 1. S. JONES', 1). A. RODWAY'S. At llwaco. AT R. HAYDRN'S. J. STRAUSS, - Agent, -FOR- Oregon and Washington Territory. Any orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at Isaac Foster's, will be promptly attended to. SALMON FISHERY For Sale oi Rent. A SALMON STATION AT- Port Discovery Bay, Puget Sound, WASHINGTON TERRITORY. "Will be sold at a bargain. The property consists of Buildings, Tanks, Boats, Nets, Salt, And all necessary material for catching and. curing fish. The location is one of the best on Puget Sound. Fish arc abundant. The property will be SOLD cheap or RENTED for a reason. Apply to J. F. TUKEY on the premises or to J. A. KCHN, PortTownsend, W.T. r.T.2ABCiY. T. II. HATCH. 0 HATCH & BARCLAY, C0M3DJSSI0N MERCHANTS, No. 20 California St, San Francisco, Cat. FOUND. July 20th, 1881, a piece of net. new lines. Corks marked B. and X. irW lTT7 AtDeTlIn&do, LOST. Three hundred fathom of new net, with small piece of old net on each end, forty-six mesh deep, corks marked J. E. ana S.P.C.; was lost at Point Ellice July 18th. Einder wHl be rewarded bv applying to CTtTO JOHNSON. Scandinavian racking Co. Astoria, July 19, MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTANT i iiiiiSS HOUSE To make room foran immense stock of good i that are arriving b overj steamer. I will e!I for the -AT- Groaily RimIucimI Prices! My entire Mock. comprising the lutet styles or Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, CloakSjDolmans, Ladies and Ohildicns Shoes and Slippers ALSO: A COMPLETE LINK OF MENS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, ETC. ETC. ETC. Refore purchasing your goods elsewhere call in and examine my goods and prices, as It will pay you well for your trouble. S. SOHLTJSSEL, .WHITE HOUSE STORE, Corner Main and Chenamus streets, ASTORIA, OREGOX. Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. Will Jezue the Occident Hotel and Pages Allen's comer al Six O'clock A. EL, Daily, And each hour therealter. Will also Lcavo UpperTown from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Road, from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EVERY HOUR IN THE DAY. Saturday nights will run later to accommo date the public. TlicaboeilllH- the .stations forstartinsr. but this line 1ms been established for the accommodation of the public. and will carry piiSM-ngers. baggage or freight, to any part of either city that Ls accessible to teams, FARES. Tickets will 1k sold at the rate of lili cents jkt trip. Baggage and parcels at same riles. I.. G. BUTLER, Manager. Astoria, May 27, 1631. Washington market, Alain Street - - Asforia Oregon BERGMAN 0 JiEIiJiY RlSPi:CTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to tho fact that the abore Market will always bo supplied with a FP r.L VA RTET Y BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I Which will be sold at lowest rates, wholesale and retail. Special attention given to auppb Dg Shil)L S. GLASER & CO., Successors lo F. Sherman & Co.) MAIN STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON Is prepared to. supply Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Corned .Heats, Poultry, -Maine. Ktc. Also constantly on hand Fresh Butter, Eggs, Vegetables. SHI1S SUPPLIED AT LOWEST KATES. tsfFresh sausages made every day or to order. CENTRAL MARKET. General assortment of table stock constantly on nand. such as Canned Emits and Jelly, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, EGGS. BUTT.ER, CIIEESE, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, FISn. POULTRY ASJ CUIE In the season. CIGARS A5D TOBACCO. Dcst of 1VKYES AXI) T.IQUORS. All cheap for CASH. Goods sold on com mission. Opposite 1. W. Case's store. J. RODGERS. m, D. KANT, THE POPULAR Wlercliant Tailor AND CLOTHIER THE CALIFORNIA STORE, (The Cheapest One Price Stoi;e iu Astoria) Corner Opposite the Post Office. A CARD TO THE PATKOSS OF THE CALIFORNIA STORE. V iHt.Mt.l how a Nt .nr -dart, TO REGULATE THE TICICES OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING IN ASTORIA. Tin- we claim to have done, and shall continue to tlo so. We Orio-inatc, Never Imitate. I m A vom ou,! f0- n , n ' Blow your Trumpets inside Out, We Lead, Others Follow, j And Fire off your Guns. $13,756 I We have mined! price. In our slock tit the amount of Thirteen Thousand Seven Hundred iimvhnur. h pIiiiiuh !ii sat Moiipv. Remember a Dollar aivel is LADIES IOIFJt 2lCi:SS OODS lKIAKT3IKX'r eonsi,ls of lilaek and Colored Cashmere!. Mohairs. Silk and Wool Plnlds, Einnre Glottis, Brocade-.. Camel Hair Suitings, ami a bountiful supply of , Drevi wear too numerous fir tla .ttication. All at Cost lrlcr-. SHAWLS. LVCllM. r.'IKUVKAK. Flamiels, Hosiery. IJm-ii-.. Milluu-n i;hh1. dintsols. Fancy Hoods. AH nt :ot lrlrt. Ol.UAIv AM) Si'll' deiiurtmrnt consist, styles .if Dolman-. Sitei"s. Vnts.llaeloeks. ecr tlcM-nnlitm. a! Cn-t lric. I.ADIKS. .1I1SSIIS AM rilll.niCKXS SHOES in Frcneh Kid. Pebble Goat. C Kid. Sandals. Newport Ties, Infant Shoes, in fact every iluiitf appertaining to a first-class Slav Depart ment. (Julie-. Glove Ktd. try prrtU and beautiful to wear, a .Sperinlty. ANEW FEATURE, OUR COUNTRY ORDER DEPARTMENT. FIRST IKT THE FIELD! In consequence ol the great increase of prieeaiid who are unable to attend in person, ami iis:s hi prices, in person, who ticirc will receive Ibe same aim as if personally Our One Price System, Goods Marked in Plain Figures, Justice to Everyone, Together with the Immense Stock to select fniin, is a sufficient guarantee that the wants of all can be. supplied and een thelm.t rastidbtlls ((leased. DIRECT ALL COMMUNICATIONS, LOCK .BOX 248. THE CALIFORNIA STORE, (The Cheapest One Price Store in Astoria.) Corner Opposite the Post Office. MISCELLANEOUS. G.W.ITOIYIE i Wholesale and Retail Dealer: GE.O CE RIE S, PROVISIONS, LUMBER. i:tc. etc., - ETC., Fislicnnoiis and Cjiiiiutv A SPEPIALTV. AGENT EOll THE San Jose Fruit Packing Co., AND THE San Francisco Chemical ASTORIA. - - ORKGOX. SEA VIEW HOUSE. J. L..STOl'T, - - PROPRIETOR North Pacific Roach, V. T., Will be Open for Visitors July 4, 18SU It Ls one mile nearer llwaco than last season S. ARNDT & FERCIIEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop . -vflCS. BLACKSMITH All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANKERY DIES, NEAR KINNEY'S ASTORIA FISHERY. CLEANING and REPAIRING NEAT. CHEAP AND QUICK, BY UF.ORE JiOVETT. Celinatnus St., next Nicholas' Barber Shop. 03 z J j&a&j&HLr -a k n sho F-jaalk Boiler Shop SS AND- of the very latest and Linen Suits of consists of the cr Collars. Neckties. Scarfs. Studs, cull Bu Undershirts. Drawers Cost Price. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS A SPECIALTY. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, and all kinds of Portmanteaus. orders from the Country, we wish to inform that we have placed an ellicient clerk in inein. ami we gunrauiec to every person superintending then own purchase MISCELLANEOUS. A. V. AM.KX. C. II. PAKE, j Page & Allen i ." ) Wholesale and retail dealers In Qraoerles, Provisions, Grookery. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Lianors, Toljacco Ciprs The largest and most complete stock of goods in their line to be found in the city. Comer of Cass and Squemocqhe Streets, ASTORIA. OREGON. s. da vi?. o. nnowN. DAVIS & BROWN, Dealers in fipnpml Merchandise. Drv Grinds. GitocEKiKs, And full line ot Family and Camper sup plies, eisii iJnes, hooks, etc ( 1IAVACO, "W.T. ( Any article needed can be purchased at i Astoria prices, and there is no need for Lsi- tors to bring with them many article? which ' we can supply. , B. B. FRANKLIN, UNDERTAKER, Corner Ca and Squemofhe streets. ASTORIA. --- - OREGON! DEALKK IX WALL PAPER AND WNDOW SHADES AND UNDERTVKERS GQODS. Piles for Sale. Mr. A. R. McMillan Ls prepared to furnish Fir or Hemlock Piles IN ANY AMOUNT TO ORDER, AND ON SHORT NOTICE. Leave orders at the store of Trencliard & Viishur, Astoria. Or address, A. B. MCMILLAN. Olney, Oregon. A SWEEPING KEDUCTION Made on the choicest and best assortment of MENS. YOUTHS AND BOYS CLOTHM Alse: The Finest Suits Made to Order and Warranted.- - and Fifty-Sit Dollar:, thus sivinR intended .1 Dollur Kiirned. G-EISTTS MKXS. YOl'THS. A.l BOYS CtOTIIIXfc. 1E PAUT.IIKXT consists of a full line of French and) English Di agonals. Scotch Tweed, and Cheviots. Black Doeskins and Broadr cloths. Plain and Fanes Cavsimeres. in light and dark colors, all at "oit Price. HATS AXI) CAPS. In all stles and colors, at Com Price. HOOTS AXO SHOKS of Eastern. California, and Oiegou Manufacturers, at less than co.t of manufacture. (;KXTS TltMsHIXG GOODS DEPAItTMRXT latest st v Ies of'W bite and Colored Dress Shirts. uttons. Suspenders. Hose. Otershirts. Overalls and Jumpers, at parties desiring to purchase goods at cos this department, who will forward samples ordering lurougu mis department, mat tin ley MISCELLANEOUS. Barbour's IRISH FLAX THREADS Salmon Net Twine. Cotton Seine Twine, Gork and Lead Lines, Cotton Netting, aii sizes. Seines Made to Order, Flax and Cotton Twine, Fishing Tackle, etc. BARBOUR BROTHERS, .11 1 Market Street, San FrancInro HENRY DOYLE & Co.. Managers. MRS. H. A. DERBY MASONIC HALL. - ASTORIA, OREGON. Will open her new stock On Thurstlay, May 5111, 1881. Consisting of A FINE ASSORTMENT OF The Josephine Seamless Kid Gloves Warranted to be the best in the market. Also, a large assortment of Infants Wear and Ladies Dres sing Saques. A large variety of NEW MILLINERY GOODS Iurehased by herself 'Hats, Bonnets, Velvets, Satins, Ribbons, Ruchings, Collars, Etc., Etc., .MAIN STREET, ASTORIA. OREGON. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. RnXTON- STKKET, NEAK PaIIKKK HOU3K. ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND IMARINE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work, and Cannery Work a specialty. A. D. "Wass, President. .1. G. Hustles, Secretary. I. "W. Case, Treasurer. Johx Fox, Superintendent. First Street Bridge Saloon. HENRY ROTHE, DEALER IN FINE WINES. LIQUORS Reek, Cigars, and best brands of KENTUCKY "WHISKY, 10G South First street, Foktlaxd, Oregox SSBcstSan Francisco Peel Table on the premises. i