m - -... lie ailB slosaais, C. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY ...JULY 15. 1SS1 i ISSUED EVERY MORNING, Mmty Excepted). It. C. Ireland, I'dittir and Proprietor ,f.Urni Btildiivj, (" Siritoi. Terms of Subscription : served by Carrier, per woek.. ..2b Cents -ont by mail, feur inontk?-.................5S 00 ont by mail, oho year .. .................. S X) roo of Pacuiee t Subscribers. -e Advertisement issertod by the yr at j tbe rate of 51 w per snsare per laMttfc. Transient adrortisinr. by the dny or Meek, fifty cents per square fr oach insertion. The Weekly Aslnrinu !. a mammoth sheet, nearly double the size of thp Daily. Jt i ju4t the pa per for the lireside.Yontainhig in addi tion to nil the current news, choice mis cellany, agricultural matter, market re ports, "etc. It is luruislted to single sub scribers at S- Os) ikt year in advance. 2?"A limited uumoer of mali ader tiemontft inserted at established rates. TIIECIT. ' llIK D.WIA AiTOKlN trtU I- xnl itf muilatlZetnts Mfmth.lrtt'ttf jftMagr. ltrni era wlm mt:)Hi4itetOtttce ;hm tkr rijf eon ititv Tine AsroniAN UAbtH :1kih. Daily itr Wkmkly iiUlhti . tiny it -v WW mit iidiiiUtHn! crifnr. Ad4rr" lr, cnatttud an tifU'H fl nVf i vf. Wfe wderx at Via c-uuutiiiu rtmm. Xotlce to Fishermen and Other on the Columbia Itiver. M oungest mh, four jears old. hlie eyes, light hair and complexion, fell from the wharf at Clifton on .Sn(nxl evening. .Inly I'lh. issi. A libei-al re wanl will bejiaid for the recovery of his body. Yixckxt Cook. Clifton. Oregon, .July 10, lsSl. Astoria loads the big ships. The JJoUaporte crossed out to aea yesterday, Columbia towing, Latham pilot. Dr. An". C. Kiiinev will iN'obably arrive home to-morrow evening fiHm the interior. Thanks to 3lr. .Joseph Surpre nant, one of Astorias lest ineehnnias, for special favor.. The ship Goo. F. Maii&su will load for the return trip to tbe Pacific coast at Liverpool. The schooners Rebecca ami Argo naut sailed from San Francisco for Shoalwator bay on the 13th. The barken tine North Bend ar rived from Sun Francisco yesterdaj', Sol Thomas towing, Malcolm pilot. The gross earnings of the Oregon Railway and Navigation company for 3Iaj', were 4U,G00; net, $2:54,000. The steamer Clara Parker will leave Portland to-morrow morning for Astoria and llwaco, with a iwrty of excursionists. Mr. C. A. McGuirc is so ill at his Skipanon home, as to require the services of a physician. Dr. Baker attended him yesterday. Mr. S. 3. Smiley, Admiral of the printers fraternity in San Francisco, has associated himself with Tatum Bowen, 12 California strcot. The cargo of the Bellaportc foots up an aggregate of $150,200; 12.i,100 from Astoria, and $34,100 from Port land and other places interior. Mr. S. T. McKcan has taken the clerkship for Capt. Flavel," and Mr. Anderson has gone to llwaco, with the Aberdeon Packing company. The close of the fishing season draws on apace. Fourteen daj'.s will end it, and it has been the worst sea son the river ever knew for business. Miss Edith, daughter of the late 1. U. Uarr, deceased, now a young lady, is on a visit to the home of hor childhood, Astorin, at Mrs. C. II, Bains. There was not a quorum prcaont at the adjourned meeting of the com mon council yesterday, and the board adjourned, to meet on Tuesday even ing next. The Glonporis, which came here under charter to the Salem Flouring Mills company, has been re-chartered and will load at Astoria for Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Mr. C. II. Bain hasroturned from Portland. Ho is improving in health, but is unable to attend to business, lie has passed through a vory serious spell of sickness. The Fearless took throe of Simp sons vessels to sea from Coos bay dur ing her three days call at that port, and on Wednesday last took the bark entino Webfoot to sea from Unipoua, bound for San Francisco. Mr. E. A. Taylor has been ap pointed to a position in the Astoria custom-house, and has purchased the house of Mr. W. B. Headington, at present occupied by Hon. C. W. Ful ton, preparatory to moving into the city from his Clatsop farm. Bice is declining in price, owing no the large amount received here of late. Within a short time 250,000 mats ".have been landed from various ships .trom Hongkong. 1 csteroay tlie price plftcQ thoir mnin dopendonce for pre dropped Qve cents per sack with iserveSi elc. jjlackborries will be prospect of a further decline. Capt A. M. Simpson arrived yesterday in one of his tugs from San Francisco, the Fearless, on a general tour of inspection. He put into near ly all the leading ports from San Trancisco to the Columbia river, and will continue north to-day. Win. Chase, cotiriotod of forgery, Prints on a Tramp- has been pardoned by Gov. Thayer, j J ml lioyakin, in the Idaho Demo--The LuriinawiirW Ari. fr! crat- thus noil a ""'P1 of 0ons Portland Monday at imlf jwwd, six j o'clock A. 7. Who is authority for the state ment that a garter will cure cramps? We don't take any atockin' it . The Vancouver Independent says Mr. W. W. Newlins wounded hand has recovered &o far that it is not Kkelj' any iwrtion may liave to be amputated. -The improvements of Squemoqhg, Water and West-sixth streets, are now aspired. The ordinance will nass the i council next Twesdav t-rouime. awl j work will proceed at once. Bishop Haven, who lias bison lying j at the residence of Rev. J. X. Den-' nison at Salettt for isari two weeks . with Uilltous inun wit icat covering. Mi, ifavett from San Francisco. Ztner, is re- J ha arrived, ' - m , .. 77, ,, .. 1 few advertisements, and is ehock lo the Tltefchootingm tlie Prelwui est t miizrio f information that no familv aueii a glwMM nver the tatorsfor the! J!"'1 sHeeerfully squecxe along withouu ... , . . it r -, . 1 w dollars will huv the whole w5d for 4Ut, that many of tbe.H faUi lo aj-, M year. 1 so for six moiith,or ten cents pear. Mr. MeAlimtir W a far as!!". IWroy (Hi Ilia vmy to Mareng... but ntTaTch It7alfin. returned n accmnt of tin' sad nawa. I A. K. ttuttcniekl has arrixed. and is The citv marshal at Walia-wiilht. ! ' prepared toloall kinds of Wntcli ., , , . , . Keimiring, and atch Making in all its saw the cornet alnwt tlw same time brands Alo, .lewclerj' Work and our I!r. Norria sow it. The Watch-' Kngnu iiitf done up in lirst-elas stjie. Norm sow it. Hie Watch- 4lT, ,. 11 1 ! Due noiKx- will be iven j MHriiy f claim : the j man buy sliould a hour ami the. 3200 price laetablLshel bjT oithur. Wu believe Serg. Richard Burkett and ir city marshal auw the comet a 1:1th past midnight of .Juno 22d. Come fork over!" Resident of Neah baj- had no mail last week, for Umj simple reason that the carrier on the sound forgot to leave the aaek. Readers sometimes complain because they mias got ting an issue, and the uoxl course is to blame the publisher for negligence. In most case it. will be found that there m some irregularity in the mail. Pythian hall will be a line struc trucfurc; the lineat in Astoria. It is to be erected near the city hall, and will be 9S.vlS feet in aize, thretj stories. The first story will le sixtoeu foet in I the dear: the second, fourteen feet: and the third, eighteen feet. The firat Hoor m be for stores, second lkor for otiice, third Uoor for hall. Mr. A. W. Ferguftoti is drawing the plans. j - The Standard calls .lames Gleason "truthful .James," ami rihtfnHy, be cause why: Walter Rurrell, H. F. Bingham and .Jimmy returned from a fronting excurshw to Eagle creek, Clackamas county. Jimmy said hoi caught three fisii, and as this is prob ably tlc iirat instance n record of a fisherman Idling the truth in regard to his catch, hu deserves thu title. His companions caught several hun dred. Seattle must be either a nows papor paradise or graveyard. Hither to there have boon two dailv, one tri-weekly and two weekly papers pub- j hshod there, all apparently well pat ronized. Last week thc'Fm-Back, a bright tri-wookly hcal paper, blos somed out into a handsome, crisp, seven-column daily and wcokly, of appropriate siac. May the Fiu-Backs prosperity be as great a ita name is singular. Our friend of the Walla-walla Watchman lost his boy, but found him again. He saja: ''Master Ohas. Tlioo. Basserer, a young man of about eighteen months, fat and chubbj', got lost last Wednesday, and with a lit tle tin bucket in hand, strolled otf toward Wood river. Thanks to Miss Ooodwin, who picked up the estray in his forlorn condition and restored him to an almost frantic and dis- iracieu motnor. loosing a child is, after all, no chihls play." -Capt. Reitor informs us that the bar buoys lime been s jdaced thnt the automatic buoy, the outer bar buoy, and the mid chatnml buoy are all in line r .. 1:. and v. s. w. A lii'st class can buoy has been .substituted for the spar biiiiy marking the channel across the cut oif, and placed about an eighth of mile westward of the former po sition of the spar lmoy. A second class can buoy No. 4 has been .sub stituted for the first-class can buoy, marking the north channel. Cheering reports are heard from all parts of Oregon and eastern Wash ington territory, 111 regard to the liar-1 vost prospects, the soasou having been a most favorable one for grain. The liny harvest is delayed in some sec tions by frequent shower?. The out look for orchards is not unfavorable. Partly on account of the ravages of the sculc insoct last year, and partly from late frosts, the apple crop will be a very poor one in most localities, and in several an entire failure. Cherries were a poor crop; strawberries, ditto; blackborrics about half a crop. Wild blackberries appeared to be plentiful. Thft nlnin eron nnnaani lo bo a yood 1 x 1 ., one and on it hou60wivot will have to 1 scarce, because we propose to spenu noxt Ttiesda3 oursolf, in the biggest patch on the const, near Brookfiold. The best Carter's Cape Ann oil clothing, rubber boots, etc., sold at San Francisco wholesale prices at the San Francisco clothing store. Buv a com oiafeiiK Whekhy As- I TOitrAX to-day. boat printers in search of a fertune: 'Messrs Frank Kasterbrouk and W. Walker, of Oregon, passed through tlii3 place laht week on route to Wood river. Both once resided in Idaho, j the former leaving in 18G4, and the lattor in 1S70. Frank worked in the News office at Idaho city under Tom j Butlers roigu; since that time he hast hold a case on the daily Oregoniau. If e came up hero to get a sniff of pure mountain air and pick up a silver ledge: but he want to see his wife nti w nwtnl bad. rt e were ap-t prentices together in the seet iong ago, and to meet him was like meet ing a brother. Ue is one of the best and liiort roliablemcn we ever knew." Kuy the IW0UI3. Tj vri:K,;v a-toi:ia. for this week is full of jusi such iuformaliou and news of the country as jour friends in the cast ant to Jv. "It ha very r.ngnu m none up in nrsi-ciass stjie. All work warranted to give satisfac-S ,iolu ,,, 1)ric(S lo (lcfv ,.0,lipeiition. At Carl Adlers Bed: and Variety Store. ohiccm to item. single oi in suites of two. in Tins A toiciax building. Prices reasonable. Cciarsc Ijlverpool Salt For sale by the ton. at Jsan Francisco prices at arren and Eatons Astoria uiMrkel. Take Xot Ice. On after this date an additional 10 cents ier cord will be charged on all onlers for sawed wood not accompanied hv the cni. at Gra'.s woh vard. Julv 1-t, IKsi. A Xcw .Delicacy. Mr. J. T. Borchers has just prepared a choice lot of spiced salmon infiU-pound kegs. They are the finest eating for lunches, etc to lie had. Call at once ami secure joursuppl. AUUSKMKXTS. Illl.ls Yakiktiks. Gen. Hill, proprietor and manager, Fred (Jere, stage manager. Thn. Ciillen, leader of orchestra. Geo. Lambed. leader of brass band. Coel: and Nickerson, the joung mekes: 31i.. Lou Cook in songs and dances, Vic. New first part. New olio, ami new acts. Open air concert at i. m. I'crfonmuice commences at ssw i. m. Entrance on Benton street : pri ate lwcs on Chenamu.-. Dr. Baker received by yesterxkrys steamer a supply of genuine Bovine Virus, fresh from Folkes Bros., San r rnncisco. Max. Wagner's :Snn Francisco Na tional brewery beer can't le heat. Tlie finest quality of harness oil is kejitatlhe harness shop,.for sale hy.S. (J ray. lee cniiin at Roscoes (ivster ami re- freslunent saloon in Occident hotel block. Zephyrs in all Colors and Shades at six cents an ounce, at the California store, post-ofllec comer. Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar ket, hns innde arrangements to keep all the finest fresh fish, etc in their season. P. Wilhelm, Boss saloon, opposite the Clarendon hotel, Portland, Oregon. The New Testament authorized edition revised, for twentj-five cents at Charles Stevens and Softs Cilj Rook store. --A tremendous stock of home siadc candies, at the Astoria Candy Factory, next door to the City Jtook store. Op posite lle bell tower. - Charles Stevens A- Son are in rtv eeipiofa line stock of mouldings, and arc now prepared to make picture f mines to older. Call and inspect their slock. P. .J. ' toodman, on Cheiininus street, has just received the latest and most fashionable stj'le of gents and ladies ImkKs. singes, etc. To celebrate joj'Oiisly on the coming 1th. go to the Astoria Candy Factory and get some of the Hue mixture made for this occasion. Opposite tle bell tower. .1. II. 1). (Jraj is now selling Wheat. Rraitund Fcedof all kinds at reduced rales, and hasalso4i line lot of Ash ami Vine Maple Wood on hand for sale. sajs one, Kendall's Spavin Cure is Uto lcst Iiinnnent lor human llesh eer used. and tliousands have extolled it in similar terms. See advertisement. S. Danzigcr, .San Francisco clothing store, lias the largest and best selected stock of clothing in thecitj'. Also, gents furnishing goods, lioots and shoes, trunks and aliscs, links and caps. Caramels, Molasses Chewing Pep permint, Coconnut D'ltalin. Coconnut lee, Jhittcr Scotch, ami a lot of good things at the Astoria Candy Factorj, opiMisite the bell tower. llefoi-epurcha-inggoods of anybody eall and inspect in j stock. You are w elcoine. 1 will gladly sliow mj' goods, no matter whether j'ou buj'ornot. New gofMls by evcrj-steamer. .S. I)an.ioi:il ilefore purchasing your sewing inn- chines, call and examine A. Van Dusen & Co.'s stock. They have just received anew and elegant lot. which thej-are offering at bottom prices. Charles Oratke hasalwaj'.s on hand Xo. 1 XXX rreiuiuni Ale ami first pre mium Lager Beer from the Albany brewery, San Francisco, at his saloon on the Kondwaj. Capt. J. JL I). Graj- is now prepared to supply the best qualities of fir, hem lock, vine maple, spruce limbs, etc. Leave orders at the wood vanl. foot of 1 Benton street. Don't drive a spanned horse as long as jou can get Kendall s .spavin Cure tor bi a uottie. as a powerful itnauient ?or PCIcateu pains oil IM)Ill nmiianu i beast, it has no equal j uicnt. Head advertise- Peter Wilhelm has established a first class saloon in C. II. Page's build ing, on Squeuioqlie street, near the boll tower, and has appointed 3rcssrs. Win. Dock & Co. his agents. The best of ovcrj-thing in the line of wines, liquors, I ucer, cigars, cic, win oe Kept on nana. Having made arrangements in New York and San Francisco for the pur chase of all my goods, mj facilities for buj'ing are such as to enable me to undersell all others. I defy .competi tion. S. Dnnzlger, Snn Francisco cloth- j Ing store, Astoria. ' " - FiirnlBlteU Hoouis to Ict At Mrs. Mun.-ons lcljiin? house, notice to IMshcrmeu. From one to J.W0 poumi.s of black hMivn from sturgeon wanted daily. Cash nitl at .1. T. Bokchkks Dew Drop Inn. Salt. Sail. Coiudantly on hand, and in ouamltn to suit. Liverpool factory filled. Hay coarse, and halt ground, at Geo. W. IluMr-s. Krick! Briclc! Ilrlck! J have on hand a lare amount of brick for sale at from S5 to .S per thousnud. CaU and examine, near Astoria eeuie txiy. Jonx William-ox. Nherman ISros. Kxpre. Will receive onlers at the tire of 1., W. Ca-e for npjer Astoria or any other lrt of the city. Leave your orders on the slate and ilie will Ik.-prompt vat tended to. KnxeocM Xin l'Icee. IJueo. the ioi;ilar caterer, iuites all his old jmtrons.and as man new ones as may be pleased to make him a visit, lo eall at his new Ice Cream Sa loon, on Chenamus street, Occident hotel block, which he lias just third np in fir-t ela5 style. So. 1 Ice Crcaui. Jt makes all the difference in t la world where j'ou set ice cream to (paililj. AH lni have tried il.evfcry bod. pronounces Frank Fahers the best in u'uulity. No. 1 Ice Cream, and c".iuiliy as much'to the dish in piautit. The Central Hotel. On. of the finest, cleanest and !k1 kept hotels in Astoria, situated near the steamer landing, with l!rl c!a-.. nirj nanus, good boitnl ami er reasonnhle rates. Bar ami billiard rooms. The best of wines and liquor, and an excel lent shcJsnf.San Francisco beer. Axtoix BiKLOii. Proprietor. Ynilianixport lropcrty. Great iHiRmins are now offered in the cilj- of Williamsport for anj iK'r.on; wishing to locate from one lot to lie acres. It is well adntcd for gardens, dairj ranches or pleasant iimws: cll elevatcil, situated one mile Miutli of Astoria on Youngs ba. with a goKl graded road to the place. For iiirlher iiifonuatiou call at nij residence near Ihecemcterj-. Jonx Wn.i.tAM-o.v. To Jiivc JIcii. Tin; Astokiax has now reaehed a circulation which places it at the head of the li-t of Oregon dailies, ami insures to advertisers thereof, more benefit for the amount, nnid than m:i lie seen red ! elsewhere. To those who wish to reach the largest number of nflders at the smallest expense, we offer the columns of an attractive dailj-. the success of Inch from the verj start has been far Ik'J'oikI the expectations of the nnwt sanguine. A Fair Proposition. l'nini this date the Astoria photograph gallerj- will conduct business on the follow'ing jdan. We will take negatives of anj lady and everj'lioilj" that will favor its with a call, we will print a proof of the same free of charge, no one IKMUg under anj obligation to order fnim such negatives unless tbej- desire to do so. We will take the Astoria engine com panies and all lodges and societies, any time they will assemble for the purine, and present each barge or sHiet' with one picture of such group, either taken all together or iirepanu pictures and grouped aftcrwanl-. We will take views of residences and buildings, hotels, canucric. mills, etc. on the same terms, vi: We will take the negatives free of charge. We do this in order that our work shall stand on its merits, as we are pre pared to do good work. No one need wait until they go to San Francisco. FOLLOWING AKKOl'K IMllCKs: j 1'erilot. . dez.i ff or full length lK)udoirs...?0 on si .to t cabinets... ti w cards ri 1 rt Bust pictures and boudoirs. 7 00 ." "0 Yigneltes eubineis .". ai .". ix cards :;m 'ji)ii Tiios. (j. RnooKs & C. c-o? A 1 1 citizens of Oregon who desire to inform their friends in the states of the condition and progress of this state, can lime no more complete and compre hensive otume of facts to send them thau b subscribing for this journal, and having us mail it weeklj to their friends. We mail it as directed. For So u In advance, we mail three copies j 01 1 iik it i;r;ivj.i .isiwuia uin- .o. For a first-class oj'ster stew, frj, pan-mast or fancj mast, go to Rescue's Chenamus street. Occident hotel block. Families supplied by the hundred or the sack, open or in the shell. For the genuine .1. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best of wines, liquors and San Francisco beer, call at tlie(!em, opimsiie the bell tower, ami Mwe:imj beil. jIACtNIS 0. CliOSBi , Dealer in HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings. III MUM; Goods and Tools, QUCCT IPAn QTRID ICAnin- o.. '&&. uiilli llhu uiiiti uunu, nnrrT mnu tiii ninnnnnrn ontti liiun im amu uurr-tn. Si Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET WON, TIN. C0P- PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness and dispatch. Xonc but first class workmen employed. A lnrze assort incut of SCALES Constantly on hand. IVI. D. KANT, THE POPULAR IKEercIiani Tailor AND CLOTHIER ' . MISCELLANEOUS. OAKL ADLER'S IBSXJS SOHE.I Pianos and Organs Of all makes constantly on hand. Also a full stock of TIOLISS. GUITARS, BANJOS, AC CO RDEONS. CONCERTINAS, HARMONICAS, FLUTES. Also a lare stock of the bet of VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, SHKriT .ULhlt'. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, An hII as exeniluns ele lielonghie to a F1rt Cfcis Music Store. l'iaiu-.ai.d Oncutt-. m)M on lie monttitv in -M.tlliis'iit i.Iau cr for rent. CARL ADLER'S BOOK STORE. Tiif laixt tock of Biunk Books ami Stationery oreeiS iicicrlptiim. SvImk1 U(Mks, llibles. l'iVtical Works. Alliums and (old IViw. i:ideo a full and complete lwk of eviTAt'inR usually Kent In a well resulated Itook Stn. lo iiw depot and agency for eer :iH'rand lK-riodical Hil)litict). CARL ADLER'SVARIETY STORE C52 Watclas. Clocks and Jewclrj", N5 1'iK-ket and Table Cutlerv-, It Tft Yankee Notions and Toys. iC"" "J12 llctiire Frames and Chromos. 'yxr , Ijfe lhih v Carnajies. a coinpleto w. .. aortincut. Arciiery. etc. New Roods l. every steamer. The public are united to examine mj stock and prices. CHKNAMCS ST.. - ASTOKLV. OREGON". IIOTEI-S AND RESTAURANTS. A..1. JlK.OI.Kl:. C 5. WhlOlIT OCCIIILT ikti:l. .MEdLBlt fc V.'UP.MIT. ProKietors. Anion a, Oregon. nmiK ri:oiM:iiCT(ii:s ahk haity to X announce that the above liotel has been ri'ixtitiiftliOKl refuniMied. adding greatly to the iHiiofort if itsjtie.sts and fs now the best Itotel north of San Franciseo. ;. W. KNOW I.Ks. . U 7.1 KIIF.K. CLIUKSDOS IKiTKE.. POItTbAXJ). --- 0KK00N ZIEBER 3. KN0WLES, Proprietors. Free ctKieh to aad froia the Uoilsc. oSTTiik Daily Astokian Is mi file at the Clan'lHbHi Hotel rcadiHROMHo. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STKKKT. - ASTOKIA X'rnprlctor I 31 ii. S. X. Arrlsoni. riiiiKTK.vvKi.i5f: I'tni.ic will find JL the Iltsteer first rl:i- in nU respects. and a share of their patronage f respectfully snHttel. Sloard aiHl hnkcineby tUttny or week. Fail- Wind CoiTpp Saloon -VMi- W.VTKK STKKKT, ASTOKIA. Nel oNwirto Dr. Kmsc's. Coffee. Tea and Chocolate, with Cake, to Cents. Chillis Conked to Order. Flue Wines. j.iqnorM and Cigars Of the last brand. llain just oiKMied the alKe estatilLsb meut we eo nl m!l Invite oar friends and the public penendh to give us a trial. oC-tf FOAKD & KVA5.S05. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon. .MAIN STICKI?!. ASfOl.MA. riniK JL an i ndkk.sIi:ni:i is im.kvskd to XtllHHIIKi' fo the Ladies' and Gentlemen of this City flial he Ls now K.'nvd to funu!i for tliein. 1a nrst eaiss st ie. ami every stj ic, oystkks. nor riii'i'KK. tka. irro, T nir Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon .MAIN STKKKT. I Tease -lie lite a eall. KUSCOK DIXON. Proprietor S.ARNDT & PKRCnEN. ASTOKIA. OKhCON. Thp. Pinnp.p.r Mar.hinp. Shnn rKS.MITIl wrf o f te&i J a uvi y$ 1 DOIier Oliop C?-S" All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AN1 STEAMBOAT W0EK rri)inptl attended to. A specialty made of repalrliiK CANNERY DIES, XEAlt KINNEY'S ASTOKIA FISHERY. Piles for Sale. i )Ir t 1 A. K. McMillan W pnwrcd to furnish Fir or Hemlock Piles IN ANY AMOUNT TO OKDKK. AND ON SHORT NOTICE. Ixmve orders at the Upshur. Astorin. Or address. tore of Treuchard 5; A.R.MiOIILTVX. Olnej. Oregon. CO o 'A O 55 SZG 35 Hi W&k' Siffiftto; TSimm jjna3a WkWti STALK IS CHEAP BOYS! BUT IT ! Money to Buy Whisky!; It Also Beqires Money to Pay Expenses. I cannot sell Goods AT COST and pay expenses, but iimiiuuesiisisieiuMiuixiiiisBnMaEiiiijaiiiiiuiiziaiuiiiriiiBBsaiiHsiaaiiziivit 1 1 CM MB WILL j iESiBiaiaaaEacEaiasB3SBaa3EaE3siieBaai3SfanaaiBiiiaaiitaaaaiii.aia3isaaasaiitaisiAc Sell at Lower Pries Than certain Chatham Street Style of Merchants, come before the public in flaming advertise ments only for the purpose of SWINDLING THE PEOPLE Notwithstanding the fact of this being tlie dullest year since my arrival in Astoria, I have nearly doubled my sales, which hgs only .been attained BY SQUARE DEALING. RECEIVED DY EVERY STEAMER. Remember the Place, the Old and Reliable ONE PEIOE I X L Dirr GQOD&AND CLOVHim HOUSE Main Street, near Parker Jfouse, Astoria. C. IT. COOPER, The Boss Coif ee and Tea Pot rfjicsuj f m B 1 ' 1 Kq K.M H TWO BOORS EAST OF OCCIDENT, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OF FUE-jSTITURE SS bediming AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete hi every branch. THE- COLUMBIA LASER Aft is srri'Kiei: to most, and i facki.i.kd i: none ox this coast JOHN HAHN, - - PROPKIETOR. CHENAMUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. carOnters left at the GEKMANIA BEER HAI.1. will lie promptly attended to.15 ASTORIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. HAVING EVERY FACILITY FOR tide. I am now prepared to furni " LAGER BEER, AT :iO OKXTS I'ER GALLON W JLOXj1SAXi3. jStamilies and koepers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor ASTORIA. OREGON. First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail way and Navigation Go's wharf. The choicest brands of foreign and domestic 1VlXES,IiliUOKS AXI CIGARS. C3"Bet Chicago Beer.'Sa Take Notice. John Rogers, Central Market, Has received a large invoice of BARRELS AND HALE BARRELS of the best quality. Ami s now- readvlo sunnlr Butchers Can- I ncries and sdl others, cheap for cash. A. SWEEPING REDUCTION Made on the choicest and best assortment ot MENS.. YOUTHS AND BOYS CLOTHING' ' , Alse: The Finest Suits Made to Order and Warranted. . TAKES v ho o ooos MV UK HAD OF E. R. HA WES SOl.K At SENT. Also. akciiI lor 1 lie eelelmited MEDALLION RANGE, jSL iSaf "E Si ASTOKIA, OREGON. BREWERY HE MANUFACTURE OF A FlnSTCLASs Alt. the public with the Guest finality, fur cash, . BOTTLED BEER, AT $1 50 PEIt DOZES. ASTORfA, OREGON, BRICK LAYER l-LALX AN'D ORN.V31ENTAI. 3P XjAS T 3E3 ZFLIE2 DEL I Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my I ie.wilirtiicfk f-ut ft Uiiiitnn Slrof nrniisntlv I aondeu;. o LIME, SAND. BRICK, PLASTER, LATH, Cement, and all materials in my line, furnished to order. tra-SpecIal attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good or no pay. 83-AgeutSan Juan and NewTacoma Lime. :