5J-" CI J f Jt. 5ft Sails stcwxaw. ASTORIA. OREGON: THURSDAY ..JULY 14, iss: Astoria Lodge Wo. 40, L O. G. T. Regular Mooting cvory Tuosday I'roBinp at7J4 o'clook, atGoed Templftr'i Hall. Cfee namus Street, Astoria, over C. L. l'arkor' Store Alombors of the Order, in poetUtaiM' nc, aro id vitcd to attend. Decree weetane 1 Monday each month. By order W. C. lFt Temple LiOdge, No. 7, A. F. A- M. ,sA ! -r-f AA Regular Communication; first third Saturdays in oaeh month, at ti'nlock. v. u.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the Order, in pood Ptanding, are invited to attend. By erde: of the W. M. Beaver J.odsre No. 35. L O. O. F. Meet every Thursday evening. SJw5"j5S at o'clock, in the Odd Fol-3jdfe' low's Hall. cor. of Casnand Che- "" '"" nauius streets, Astoria. Members of the Order are invited to attend. Byorder. S. U. Common CounciL Regular meetings second and fourth Taoi day ovenings of each month, at 'i o'clock CS' Persons desiring to have watt ors acted ujonby tho Council, at any regular raootinp mast prosont the same to the Auditor and Clerk on or before the Friday evenine prior to tho Tuesday on which the Council holds it regular meeting. K. H. CA RD WKLL. Auditor and ClerK. SJ-Agood advertiser particularly puts his show-windows inio llie ih"a paper. ;SfMost people ''take a look xt tho advertisements.' If they rani tlio of other people, why will tliey w sw vours ? S5ls costs leas to print mlverrisc uiunLs than to send m:t taUsmm. A good advertisement is keen awl read by moie people in one day, than twos'. sal men call on in a year. jffrAn advertisement tell its own story. It makes no niWxkefc.as- a sol'ei tor might do, and states exactly what the merchant wants to say. mother jwwe nor less. Advertisements are hHt and faithful bewaiil. Sr"D hogs pay?" asks an ajjHcnl tnral correspondent." We know of s'.me that don't. Thev Miherile for a p:;f. read it for a few years for iMrthiit-. and then send it hack to the iHilli.l-r with the 1'. M.'s iiisoriptioii. reftiMMl." Sr.rh hogs as that pay nothing to an Uwly.il they ran lelp it. $3. 'Goods speak fm- tboMtaelvea," bid it is only after they are uoniil that they can do . An a'et ht aihvrJis lnf is to indiH'e ieople ti hoy 1Ihmi im! te.U them. If .umh!s sjwak for them Mlva. a oo(l advetliM'iwMt na a!-o speak for the smk!s. Jfiir.Sonie men can see tilings onlj ret'roaiKJetivelj. Instead of looking for ward to what "thev might do they Hdy look Imek to what tlwy might havf done. They learn from experfewce. after it lias liftftiin a lillie -Ait' in tlMdav. Hucli men are the non-advertiser.. "1'ook- larmeis were once despised ly tiM xIf ealled "pi-a-tieai" larmers. hut wImn the latter saw 11m former. ip. llwy ciiMiiged their luindh. ri'- - ;tm doing a good enough bM-4ne-N witlKHit advertising. No diUt ym an doing well enough lorunir jres rut needs, lmt do -oii iorgettm- auies, ih' ejieiting elections, the tim of -war ( iM.-tilence, or an of ilH!e many i'hiims which create dull terms of busi ness:' The.e must le calculated for and t diseijiinieil if ou would bridge tliem j over. One nuist make more than he needs, to make a fortune, and advertis- . ing is a K)wcrfni auxiliary in money- ' making. Jt-arlsn man shoukl deprive liinwifo and family of a jiood local er. They do not get o:t iroiu lme to Jearn 15m news as docs the huslMmland father, and the pajKT seris to relieve :1m o4lnr-ui-c lonely 1 Km' id' ids absence. Jt is the woisrt )Msi;ble eiicoiioiir to deprive the family of a pbami s easily and ben-tly iriMruiel. A:mI yet tlwre are iioa who n'iv that 11kv are too woor to tala- a imiMr; but lliey are not to Kr to J hpt-nrt twenty times I he mice of a naiier uvi:: imj iui vjiik mm unmvwi. .. . ..... i.... .. ....i i .i.i .. MO UK TRUTH THAN J'OKTJiV. Printing in black, Printing in white. Printing in colors, Of sombre or bright. iPrinttng for merchants, A ml land-agents, too ; Printing for any "WlnVvc iniMting lo do ; Printing for lankei?, Clerks, auctioneers, Printing for drnggisits. For dealers in wares. PriUhtg fordraptfre" For grocers. Cor all. Who will semi in their jote Or give ns a call. Printing of pamphlets, Or bigger books, too ; In fact there are few things lint what we can do. iPrintim; of labels, All colors we use, sirs, li"spccially fit for Our salmon producers. Printing by hand, Printing by steam, Printing from tvpe, Or from blocks by the renin j Printing of placards, Printing of bills, Printing of car-notes For stores or for mills ; iPrii'ting of forms All sorts you can get Legal, commercial, Or houses to let. Printing done quickly, Bold, stylish or neat. At the Astoki x OrpiCK, On Cass and Fourth street. AST0KIAN BUILDING. CASS ST1CKET W WEEKLY ASTORM -IS TIIK- BEST PAPER FOR OREGON rzS iYSX'C-fK StffiTSjSsi'- iS& WfflSBSI '& aisKiesstIi i&&f& 1s?&M&, wmms PRINTED IN OREGON. CALL A'D GET A COPY of ihls week's ts-sue lo send to some friend. 1SSLTKD EVERY TRIDAY WORX1XG. Ui'l'ICE IN THE ASTOIHAN EUILDINO, CASS STIIEET. '!.'. I It EI. AXD rum.isHi:. TKIUIS OF SUBSOItlPTIOX. sened by Carrier per montli ....... 23cts One Copy, four wontus... .... ?i oo One Copy, tivelve montlts......, . "Advertisements lnscrtflr; ur rbp v..-.r kt the rate of Si so per square per moat n, , For less time than one year, S2 Co per square ,(or the first. Insertion, and $1-00 per square tor each subsequent Insertion wUlVe cliarced. COMMERGEAND TRADE THE MARKETS. riiinucial. Sdvor, at par. Com exchange on San Francisco H per cent premiaui. Coin exchange en New York buying par: selling, 4 to 1 percent. Legal Tenders par. Telegraphic transfer on New Fork 1 per 1 oeat. premium. Avtorm .ilarkcts. FMHK. Corn Mc . SuperGno 51 oO; Extra $4 75; Moal Y cwt. S oO; Buckwheat p cwt Butter Choice rail. Go cts. V 1 CuEKSit-Clatsop dairy IGc Koos. 8 cts j?. dor. Ohickens, $4 00. Frrsii Meats. Choice cuts. Lamb. 10c: Beef Sgl t): Pork 10; Mutton SglO. By the carcase be Mrats. Breakfast bacon 13K1" per tt; fides 13)gl4c: hams 15417c; shoulders 1012c; smoked beef loglCKc; corned beef SlOei! bbl.; corned perk 10c tU Bbans. 3g4 cts. Lahi. In tins and caddies 1517c "i . Hoxkv. In frames 40c ; in glass 50c Dkird Fnoirs. Blackberries 2-ric: Prunes i24eicc. Mill Fichu. Bran SUM&SlS "it ton : chop feed 53IST ; Shiw SM9C : Hay S-,0sH2 fUen. Oats. According to quality, prices range from SI IK) ier cwt. VhgetaMjWi. Potatoes 14 ct. 9 Onions 3c ft. San Vrauclsco Cuotationn. BV JIAII. AND TKLKGKA 111.1 Whk.vt IJest Si 42 per cental; good hipjiins Si X 37. Oats 1 ZH&l 70 V ctl. Wool Orejjon. Valley J7Tfl cts. "j? B. Eastern Oregon. i.'w. ilinic Ueavv salted 10c; light, do flc; salted calf, y't 10. Fam i i.y Inoviioxs Uacon, 13W14. cts: clear Oregon sides, lsgi.nWc; hams, 1213 ctb. JAi:i.i:v Coast feed y0f)2 cts; Brew ing .l(4l l- P ctl. 15o; California. .rr47c y doz; Ore gon. .TiOc ? do.. Flolk Oregon extra, $4 87; Super fine. ..t S7'l PJi; Walla-walla extra, ?4 87;. Uittki: and Cm.i.K Extra fancy Ihttter, 4U cts. "p K: Fresh roll, good to clMdce, 4.n47.' cts; Pickled, 40 cts. Hi hBKi Flax,'J42ftC t) B; Canarj, m'c: Alfalfa, Mgl.'c; Timothy, 8$ llcff . IlAf. There is a good husincss in a johhutg way at XfHi&Uc for standard grain- litriT. Dried apples. .)(0 cts. Tr? S for iii-s. : . i6 is for si iced : Pears, HA 10c : 1'lum.rHAti, pitted 1"V15; Peaches, 11 I.V; HHhd. lifc'JO. Sk.ai: lJefinery, terms net cesh: i Cuhe. hanels, i.i'je: Crushed, li"rfc; Extra Powdered, hhls L'tli'c; Fine Crushed, hhls ISlc; Dry Granulated, Wds.. 13c; Extra Gnmulated.hhls. l2Jc; Golden Chid'.., ll"-t'c; I), hhls. or S. I. K(gs. lie: Kxtra v, dims. ii?c; Jiait- hbls Kc more, and bvs. "c more for all kinds. PORT OF ASTORTA. SAiutn. '. W IUur. SK .lulr is Merem. k. 1SI tws IttHl. I.iriHl..Ial) It Sotti-l AHinual. KrHV. S tm. Kpit. QuoerK- iku .ImIj il. Wtltette. .. jTM M, Vidmia. July 1 C'bliHM)M. tr. m tons Holies S K. July ! I' .1 'jiHm. i.e Ih S F. .iHtr 1 A Kill 'A l FJiOil SKA. ! tt 'hliM, .iuH n m.tti ten. Deli'i). sy Kktatt4 AiMM.tMH s4.2l toH-i, l.ut Jens. At- mf Jul J II .Shttbrtak. tT S l.iifkt-kOHi-e tr. Hvrron. 1'h- gri-nniiiil.lnly7 TatmloM. Ur k. Ms Imc. Arm4r6Hic HetiEUnDi:. ttlx fi .N.IIMom. 14. )WStMtlBM Hftspl.one.vHne I Citi of (im Wr M 7 1h 4an Dec l"j-a drM .Jw4r (.lHri. W Mk. Mi 1 .. Cl Mf C:oeJ-lfe. .IhUS Kt. 1. DavminH. h. Ils tH. .Mallett . V Jhmc SWUw. llr M. twin. M(ilati 31ttldl0reuth .iHtw s i,ur it. i iuvyjuw. i ,- -. - . . ... .. W II H. s. M.. m: leHH. lUrLnr. lluncLone , JurwrT j lrtlHI.MI. limm S I ,Ium I I'jm&y Sti'lmim.M!i. Knrfees. jH&e5 , (MhmIjm, tit ISM t. Huwphreij-.X V. JuboSI. SH44i Bnl. Urkk.StS t. I.Ktle. neoLhamp- I tM.HH- s , 4tm Hvf.Amhk, 1J ton. Ne. MeHslHs 1 Owlcniia. Am Wk M Im, X )4. HmtsierH: JUyiti i KIUiho. brW.. MOVUxto Tale. NeeaMlt.N ! W. Ala II VKSSKLS 0. TUK WA V. From Ameriraxi I'orts. Alttln. xjh.Marr. TillaHKWtl. lMkjr.Ial.v It Atioe llscfc. sh ltt teas Harriman X Y April 6 ltM et OroitoH Wc II) ten) Merrxtaan N V May 7 rfrrf W-.nk.WS tens I'hHadeiphia. Mch7 ' C. UtirHMirt. 14c. 1IW tv-. X Y. Jhbc 13 1!iNMM T Ctwfrt4 1.1. 1137 lnw X Y Mav Gerten.4i I'JliltMi. Jan IS ilonrj- i Stdfnt. h. 1 1 " tens, SI5Kr, X V Merorz Imitana. rtttp. U!! ten Oti- X Y Mat ? IMtiei I PfcUdeliia l4iB: MMi4tH. O. R. & S. Ce. sir X Y. Mar 21 t Xertfa Hand bkt 37(i tensMenrtnan. S 1" Julf 5 1 Urad1. t4t IV tn. Meren. PbllaJelpliia Apr ' Olivt S SonUiartl Am h PJiiladelplMa Maroh 2 PaltHyra . U. i ten Motet X Y Mareh i Rival, bk. 'HB ten. Adams. S. V. July 10 ItotMKter.sii.13W tons Vtlon X Y Janets Saranac bk )tH teas Shaw X Y April JT Sparrow nek S 1 March 16 Yirie Wk MX ten Call X Y leading From 1'orelsii I"ortn. Am Marie br bk JW term Swan Liverpeel A two brbi. Sti tens 11 umbel LWerpeel April 13 Atwe Main.br UV. Liverpool. June 2J Adelt. Sue. bV. hA tens. lUssmaaMen, Gotten- twrg, Oct IS lleHlciieM. Br. lk. 5M Urns Venus, I.ivoneo' April i) Ituoten Yale. Ur bV. 967 tens, BaeVinRham Yoko- lami Feb 1 CMIee. br bk. iS7 tews. May 51 I Oresefiefcl. !r. bk. MjO ten?. Itwart. Liverpool. March Sfi I Cenntess ef Itethifs. llr bk.7S tot. Rosser, Car ; d-ff. Feb 2 CowwteKi ef Prbj-. Ur b. 7M tens. Hunter. Car- aiti Jar City ef MBCM"4er, brbk 7S tens Rio Deen.llrbkbx tens. Orange. Brisbane j Dexferd. br bk. 6&S tens. MeDenald. Lirerpeel. jiarca s j FarncirS Abbey, bk. Itr33, Libby. Yokohama. Glen Gaber, br bk, E6 tens, Lirerpool. May 1: j Locket br bk Rio May l LowObwator br bk GOS tons Brisbane. I Malacca br bk Ml tens Japan j Oberon.bs. I ISO tons, Liverpool April 25 j River Thames br bk 501 tons Christie Iquiqni I River Aven, br bk. 1MI tens. Jeffries Liverpool, ! Mareh 3 j St Vincent, bs 1377 Thompson Honckon;. June , Templo Bar br bk OS tons Rio June a j Torbpokc. Hatch sh. Xerfcatlc, via Soirabaya, 1 Jane S ! Thomas S Stewo. br bk. GS6 tons. Kdwards. Xew- j coetle X & W May 19 IXenea, rfi. Uonskons, June Vancouver, b s 1053 tons, Xowcastle j Zon. brbk712 tons, Peterson, Liverpool Jan 3 TIDE TABLE FOR ASTORIA From tables of United States Coast Survey. Hich Water. Low Water. Date. a.m. A.M. p. if. S.. .10 2c a rci... -U as 10 52L. 4 10 520 .. C 32. 7 2C.. - 8 12 8 49 0 13 - 3 55 .10 Sfi .11 07 .3 41 -447 .5 52 . C&4 .7 51 .8 42 . 929 -10 19 .11 15 10.... 0 37 11 4Q n -. i soi... 12 0 37 2 13 ... IS 1 27 . 2 -ISL. n 2 ir :i 21 j... lfi .". 07. 3 Ml... 10 4 0t... 4 00... 17. 5 filS-. RILL HEAD PAPER, fV EVERY GRADE AND COLOR, PRIN Vj -ed or plain, at-lowest rates, at Tec AsTORUJ-oSce ColtaHibln River Exports. SIIirMKNTS FORKIOX. JVXT. ISal. 4 To Liverpool, jxr Hale Belt. From Portland 1S.275K bids flour...MS7S,109 C To Qucntncn,ifr AQftc Chicahi. From Portland 47AW ctls wheat .. BI.1W 11 To QiiccHtiCH, jtcrAryit. From Portland SS ctls wheat S5O.400 j 1 4 To Lirerjvmt, fur Marhtn Kiny. i From .Vstorla 41,113 es salmon .450lif! 1 IS To Qucai"(iiicH, jcr Clan -VrjiiWH. From Portlnnd 27.115 ctls wheat jas.uo at To UrcriHfA, iter (Ian Grant. . From Portland lljSfll IMs tloiir ?I1.7S2 1 Astoria ir,oo cs salmon .. 74,Kw Total .... u.l: ' .iut.. 1 To LitcrpvA, lr Elhel. From Portland C.72Cctls wheat .S 9,415 2.407 bids flour 27,431 Total 2 To Lircriool ;wr Mart Jin Flthrr. From Portland ftjtt htils Hoar. .",,092otIshot...M Total Portlnnd From Astoria 12.I4S s almon izr,$v.i ' $26 f&i . ciOOf ; ,..$32,CGS l3,40S 1 ..sia.W7fi .sn7Oi) ... 2I'X) - I.r0 Total value 11 To Lircrjtitot, jtrr Merimt. From Astoria ZiJOco cs salmon... - Portland ll71 ctls wheat.. .-J1 bids Hour.. Total -alue .$!4ij0ro 11 To QucenloiOH. per Scott Mi Admiral. From Portland 2S.701 ctls wneMt 4n.oon j:kc.iiti'latiox. may issi. Flour, 41)2) hhls. vaftie ?2244)10 Wheat, STAn ctls. 'MSJUi Silmon, 12,100 c. - 58iS0 Total values, 14 cargoes. dll.T.rl nECAl'ITriTIOX 15V MONTHS, 1K51. .lAXL'AItV. 4 Cargoes value s l.s7,4ii !'KUUl.I. 7 Cargoes value :7100 MAKC'II. Cargoes value AI'KII. 4 Cargoes value MAY. 14 Cargoes value 202rll 242.1IO :4 Cargoes, ."J months, , DOMKSTH KXI'OIIT; .?,i,ar,,im j The receipts of domestic exports at San Francisco, from .January 1st, 18S1. to dune 7th, from AMorin. is given as follews: ritiur. ijr -............ ..................ii". Wheat. ctLs H8,-S! j Oats.ctLs 25,79 Salmon, bbls 1.IS2 lit hbls ir,i cs.ofioi 15 pkps Apples, rie, b.vs ..... I 'utter, pkjr Potatoes, sks . ... Wool, lmlcs............ . Hides. Xo ... Tallow, pkgs .. 15ef,bbls Keef, canned. ...... Fruit, dried, pkgs leather, pkp I Jird, cs ........... Bacon, es .... Meal, k.s Hops. lales . Hams, pkes............. . . Cheese, cs ... . Flav Seed, sks . Canned goods cs.. .. 13.MS Hi .11.711; 4.22T. .t7,C0S 1,(W3 41 Id l.fcW 110 Z... it .T3t 4S3 20 18 38-0 1.077 "SFThere is not now any better news paper, nor one more consistently de-J voted to the building np of the country ' than The Astoki ax. At the nriceof! Two Dollars peryear it Ls the cheapest. as 'well as the best. With your aid and encouragemeui wesuau ucaiiic to uiaxe i further improvements to enhance its, field of usefulness. - --rrr THUJISDAY, JUNE SO, 1SS1. The price 01 subscription to Tin: t ..,..., ., , . , ., .. , Weekly Atouiax has been it-dut-wll V1??!'-. to $2 per annum when paid in advance. ,,M- ,ta ,rcvIoi,s to ,le,:,rt ,Inr If not paid in advance the old nrieeof K.,r pr..uiit -.r imcc.:. ....,.u-t. S3 will be charged. 6 MONTHS FOR. THE WEEKLY 3as TO "NYE WILL SEND THE WEEKLY ASTOR TO ANY ADDRESS IN THE UNITED STATES, PoMape paltl by u-. For the Balance of the Current Year, At the above rate Cssti in advauci. IM)XT I)IIIVY ACCK1TAXCE OK THIS OKKKI. THE ASTORI AN, iDAlLY AND WEEKLY) ("S RESPECTED AND COMMENDED 11Y ALL FOR ITS Impartiality, Ability, Fairness and Reliability. THE PAPER EOR THE FOR THE FARMER, FOR THE MERCHANT, DAIXY ASTORIAX TERMS : BY 1IAir (I'OSTAGK FRKK TO AIJ. SUlt:ninKILS.l DAILY, ONE COPY ONE YEAR S9 00 DAILY-. ONE COPY FOUR MONTHS 3 00 S3"Sainplc copies or either edition to cents. Address: i. c. IRKIjAXD, Publisher, .Vstorla, Oregon csrPostinahters are autnorlzed to act us agents for Tiik AbToniAX. THE STEAM PRINTING HOUSE HAS THE FASTEST AATJ) BEST PRESSES, AND TYPE OF THE LATEST STYLES. o "Ve purchase Paper, Cards, Ink, and other materials of the manufacturers And can tlierefore afford to use. as we always do. t he best articles, while charging . Cards, Envelopes, Circulars, Bill Heads and Letter Heads. THE EVERY DAY WANTS OF THE COUNTING BOOM AKD THE WORE: SHOP ARE SUPPLIED AT PRICES "WHICH CAN- NOT BUT GIVE SATISFACTION TO ALL. anSCELLA2"EOTJS. Astoria and Upper Astoria Freight and Passenger Line. Will lenw the Orrident Hotel and Page& Allen ronier'at Six O'clock A. M., Daily, And fjich all vni.it hour Jlierenftcr. Will also Leave Upper Town from Mr. Fords Place at the End of the Road, from Van Du- sens Store and from Mr. Johansens, EACH ALTERNATE HOUR. 1 Sjitnnlay nixlits udl run Inter to acciuiiiHo- late tne pnuiic. Hie nliove ill be the stations for .starting. but tbls line ha leeii establlslieil for the accommodation of the iiublic.and will carry pnenjers. bataseor freight, to any jwrt of either city that Ls accessible to teams FAKES. Tickets will Ih sold at the rate 0f il; cents jmt trip. Knggage and jMircels at same rates. 1 ;. r.l'Tl.KK. Manaser. toria. May 27, IKt. HANSEN BROS., ARCHITECTS AM BTJILT3EH.S Jol)l)iii- and Repairing ox SHIPS, HOUSES, ETC., Attended to at the Shortest Notice. CORNEK CASS AXIJ ASTOK STKEETS. .VSTOKIA. - OltEGOX. GERMAXIA BEER HALL AXD BOTTJE BEER DEPOT. CKK.XAMCS SteKET. ASTORI . The Heat of linger 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the Celebrates GolnMa Brewery i IN l t C Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. EDr"Xo cheap San Fmiicwo Beer sold at thLs pIhcc WJl. BOCK. Proprietor. For Port Townsend, Victoria, Nanairao, Fort Wrangle and Sitka. Carrying 1T. S. DInlN. THE STEAMSHIP CALIFORNIA, ! 5c I JAMES CABBObL ......... Commander Will leae Portland for the above ports from llander's Dork " En. C HUGllES. Purser. $100 AN COMMERCIAL MAN, FOR THE MECHANIC, FOR EVERY' PERSON. ASTORIA1T G. K. r'VAJTT. i irPAMUAR -r..i r 5 W'sO-BQly.V V 1 . . yr - i"' sai -BURIAPS,WX IKv.Vi ;m n rnTrnyrnna O ca 'j&fimy, rzJsii r. --'ZTT .V N m -j o ", e.';a? v. V- y i ppj;?J2 C3AG7 AQEKTC rF? 1 j. .MISCELLANEOUS. ;is 1 WA ' w Vitalizes and Earlcl:'j- ttn lilotxi. Tone up tlio Sy&teiu, 3I-kcs the WVr'c Strong, Unilds np lm V.rulivr.- doivn, Invlfrorntf- !: liraiii. met CURES Dyspepsia, Nervous Affections, Gen eral Debility, ITenralgia, Eever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com plaints, Liver Com plaint, Remittent Fever, and ML DISEASES ORIGINATING !K A BAD STATt OF THE BLOOD, OR ACCOMPANIED BY DEBILITY OR A LOW STATE OF THE SYSTEM. PERUVIAN SYHOP Supplies the blood with its Vital IVInelpIe, m Life lHcniL-nt, IKON, infusing tr?rtRlh VlRor and New I.ifo into all narti cf the ytcat BEING FREE FROM ALCOHOL, its cru.t:u ing effects arc not followed by corTtspoiuJ. g t jc Son, bu: are permanent. SETH W. FOWLC & ON. Proprietor,, & rlairisoa Avaac, Dostco. SuU by all Druggisu -Bfja8-a-aBgiiifcr'"rft- iMFl always Curos aad novel disap point. Tlio world's groat Pain-R-oliovci for Man and Beast. Cheap, ouick and isliablo. PITCiEKR'.S C'ASTORL-V is itofc Xarcotic. Children grow fat uiion, lilothcni like, :ind Pitysicians rccoiameud CASTOR L. It regulates the Bowels, cures "Wind Colie, allays Fcvcrishncss, :iud de stroys "Worms. WEI DS METER'S CA TARRH Core, a Constitutional Antidote for this terrible mala dy ly Absorption. Tho inost Iniportant Disoovcrysinco Vac cination. Other remedies may rcliovo Catarrh, this cures at any stago heforo Consumption sots in. BEOisrEnrD siaixuSj. 1S79. Bipiffllli BLOOD IS THE LIFE! For till season of the year with ehangeable climates, prevent all ort r Mckne-.s ihe THE UNIVEKSAL CKI.EKKATEU OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER. Tliis Herlml Kinedom. M-ientlllcnlly pre pared. U rapidly gaining In every" city on this coast, and the ninny astonUhliiB cures it lias effected have now establWied its efficacy be yond a doubt. Iltmeniber disease of the BLOOD OR LIVER AND KIDNEY, SKIN TROUBLES, A good medicine L,nl.vays necessary to oKect a cure. Try it : It will help yon. For further infonnntinn and particulars see circular around ench bottle. Sold by your dragglst. Price, per bottle, $1 Co or $5 00 for sit bottles. Directions in English, ('crmnn. French and Scandinavian. To-Xiglit. To-X'tght. GRAND BALL, AT MUSIC HALL, THIS EVEXIXG. AGENTS WAJfTED fok xew HOUSE BOOK Samples postpaid, 25 cents. Sent from THE ASTOEIAN OFFICE. Ksss trrr t??wiTSra tR0h 'BS3cr:--'i ir?55sii I ,M7VVASyEEffl?t i G&Z I f itKj3i! nv-Vi x w , cfll-S; SfTlTTSS s l&M 100101 8AMMB TWnBS R. LEESON & Cn: ?2ST9R. 1 xMISCELLANEOUS. Important to Traveler.. riiiiK uxi)Ki:sh;nki is now ninred to m-!I 5aS i THROUGH TICKETS FKOM ! Astoria to all Points in Europe Via Overland Kailniads ami Sc:iiti.!us of the fiow iitcflrst-i'hLliiH-s fn w erk: W1IITK STAIC LINK. NATIONAL LINK. ALLVX LINK. KKISTAK LINK. A.MEHICAN LIXI' A. T. IiltAKlvK. Of r.TiaiiiHUi-. vl Co., Aslia. Oregon. For London Direct. Tlie Al Irow rtniiie Scottish Bard, WJI. I.ITTLK. MASTKK t TIm aiMive esel . Hewreeeivin: freight for LONDON DIRECT. Having the hulk of her eargo ettgHgiMi he uill have quiek disjiateh. For tfrtH f freight, ete., apHy to SIIJSO?.. CIIUKCII A Vo.. Cor. Fnmt and Ah Streets, 1'ortlaiMl, OregoM. Yiuilit Blue Skin. Chpper limit, copjier fastened, double mast .esel. lies at Case's ultarf. l"stdy to re eetve lmssenei'rs, freisht or e- curHHt inies to all imrtsof? the ( .MHiuhla river and vieml ty. Charges moderati1 "rTorfiirthoriwrtk-iilars inquire ot John Ilogers. Centra! Market. Or or CAIT. WOODS. Master and owner. Shoalwaier Bay Steam Navigation Company. Tin new steamer HOi'TZI 15I'XS, joiix ltitowrc. - - - MASThi:. Will leave South Hem! for Sla- entei. Oy- tervilleaml the head oft he JJay flltflit I1M vilta V fftffeilK. kl'tHlk lilit nlul .t. . ".:.: : r..; ;?'' ..; L' " t; - "vr ii.iiin-i it'll v itiii'j ii iiniirvi ir .hm hi ' TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Pjfeimor- lea iws: Atriii mt fillwr of tloe daS(:iii rjuthiiiitsli to SHith Itfnd in mh day. For freight ami l rfly at the CouiiKiHysittthvatStHtth ltend, ortlie exp lain (Ml iHWKt. J&tj&ZZi 1DALLS -oKSJXWQiVi TluOlOHtSixccc.ssinl itemed' ever discovered, as it is certain mitsellects and loes not blister. Also excellent for human Hesli. Kciul proof below. From a Prominent Physician. Washingtonville. Oliio. June IT. 1SS0. l)i:.l..I. KlUII.T.&Co.. Cents: Kead- ing jtMir advertisement in Tnrf, Field and, Farm, of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and Iuulng! a valuable and speedy Horse which had been i lame from spavin eigliteen months. I sent to you for :i bottle by express, which in six I weeks removed all lameness and enlarge- nieni ami a large spmu mini auotiier iKirs', and both liores are to-day as sound as colts. The one bottle wits worth to me one hundred uo.iar, 'i-ST0LmM.Di KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE Ilarrbburg. Ia..Xov. is, 1SHI. Dk. It. J. Kkxdall & Co.. Cents : I ha e a er line nmre that has had a bone spavin for a long time, I tried every" thing man could deUi to cure It but all in vain ami S' fe S- Lj, . '-. -4rj" was about to give It up wlina friend of n ...., .ct.A K . . , , mine In this eltye-ame to me and recom- ' On an after Oct. 11, 1SS0, train3 will run ns fol mended Kendall sSimvin Cure which I tried i low?, DAILY (Except Sundays), ! ttHiiiil mjttlto tmunf iili tlkA It-mirk iliMt f ,, llll talUUU A ""I1, ,.l,, (, , -U. V.VfU and clean and then I sent 2T cents to yon for one of your dlnstnited ilorie Itooks and I think there is no better ltook printed on the horse and his diseases. I ha e taken great interest in it and have since sold l.s copies for yon to my neighbors and w ill try ami do a hat good I can v getting them for others. Yours truly. (;. W. 3III.LEK. wiii ;" -'-. " '"j, " ""- -.Vu KENDAU'S SPAVIN OX MIT-HAX PliCSH CUnL Kafccrsfiehl, Vr.. Dec., 28, lft79. , It. .1. Kkndali. & Co., Cents: I wish to add my testimonj in favor of our invaluable liniment. -KendaU's Spain Cure.' In the spring of 1S&: I slipped on the ice and sprained my right limb at the knee joint. I was very lame and at times .suffered the i most excruciating pain. I wore a bandage; on it for over a year, ami tried most every- i thills' III 111V reach, but could find nothing I that woiiiu give me permanent renei. neu i I overworked, it would pain me very much. In April 1S78 I began to think I should be a cmmle for life : out having ome of "Ken dall's Spavin Cure" thought I would try It. j i ilscu one mini ni a uume. auu experieuueii relief at once. The pain left me and has not troubled ine since. I feel very grateful to you and would recommend 'Kendall's Spavm Cure' to all who suffer w ith sprains or rheu- mutism. Yours truly, AIiw. J. Uoutell, Kendall's Spavin Cure Is sure in its effects, mild nuts action as It does not blister, and yet It Is Penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to remove any bony growlh or any other cntarKcment, if used for several days, such :ls .spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, rnrtin Anv intnpnpv.mn.1 'iiioninWrnoiits of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism m man and for any purpose for which a liniment Is used for man or beast. It ls now known to be the best liniment for man ever used, act-1 lug mild and yet certain in its effects. It Is i used full strencth with perfect safety at all' seasons of the year. Send address for illustrated circular, which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. Xo remedy has ever met with such unquali- fled success, to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. . J?c?.1T,P,tJ22.tt.,e' or,slx hottles 'w f5 ALL DRUGGISTS have It or can get It for yon, orii win ueseniio anyauure-ss on re- ceiut of price bv the proprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. &:-MmM WNG. aii Kl'llH'i'liVIiy.SIJI lr. - r3iV!vJ .-rrA ?S T? i&.lll -' '. --- -V - . TL Ar- fc- KILLS AT J3Hri3TGNS, SCOT'D. & GRAFTON, MASS. traxsportation lines. Oregon Railway & Navigation COMPANY. OflLW IHVISIOX. Between San Francisco & Portland. riiosi couTrAxn. moa saxfkax. Date Steamer. Data. Steamer. ,luiu 12 OreKOiiJune4 Oregon .hme !7...Stato of Cala .1 line 2 -Columbia .limetrr Oregon .Inly state of Cala Inly 7 -Columbia July 11 -Oregon .lulv 17.. State of Cala June 10. .State of Cala Juneiri. ..-Columbia .1 tine 20 Oregon June 2Ti.JState of Cala June SO Columbia July ."i Orepon .lulv lo.StateofCala July 13.. Columbia July 20 Oregon July 25...State of Cala .ImIy .uoiKuiuia Oregon !''y -7 Aiitr. I., state of Cam Autr. r. Columbia I i my M . uoiumuia Due iHvtiee will be given of any further baitge. Klglit is reserveil to change steamers or suiliiu tlavs. THKOL'Gir TICKETS sold to all the prin eiml eltio In the United States and Cauada. River and Rail Division. Columbia, Villamet and Yamhill Rivers. FEnnCAKY 1. ISSI. . lAmloft t laml for DaUasTvVa' . la Walls. I Umatilla. I We. Tim. FrLlSat. 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM RAM GAM 6AM SAM GAM CAM 6AM SAM 6 AM 6 AM 7 AM 7 AM 6 am Sam Moil Til. and np riv er points.. Astoria. Ka latna.Taco wa.Seattlo Vle'ria. l"ew AVest'nwtr Oathlamet. llay Vww, i'rook tieW Westp ort. O 1 i f t OH. Knappa. Davten .. . Salem, and peints. Points on AM GAM fiAAI 7 AM 6am Sam Snake Hirer GKXEKAI. OFFICES: Corner Front and D Streets. Portland. I J. McCRAREX & Co.. , Agents State of California, j A. -U AlAAUf.hL.lj. Ijohnmuiil tienerai rreigui ami rassenger agent. C.II. rKESCOtT. Viee President and Manager liwaco Steam Navigation Go SUJlMEtt SCHEDULE. Astoria to Forts Stevens, Canby, li waco, Oysterville and Olympia. Until further notico the Ilnrnco Steam Navigation Co's stoamer & GENERAL CiJSTBY, U'H ITC03IK MASTER Will leave Astoria DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, At9A.M., for Fort Sleteus Fort Cnnby, anil Ilnucu DURING THE SU3QIER MONTHS I TO ACCOMMODATK Excursionists to Ilwaco, Etc., The steamer Canby will connect The Same Evening Three times eah week with the Oregon Railway and Navigation Co's Steamers 1 From Portland. j Notice of the tlavs will be given when travel begins. ; connecting with I.. A. Loomia'atasea for Oya- I uerrdvay.aDd 0IympI!l onTuesday'3 and Sat- , Fare to Fort Stevens .... ........ 50ct3 " Canbv ami Ilwnen Sim narilwaco frelglit. bv the ton, in lots of one ton or over, SU oo per ton. E-For Tickets. Towaso or Charter apply cither at tho offico of tho Company, Qray'e wharf, foot of Benton street, or to the Captain on board. ' ' J. II. D.GRAY, ABent, Oregon & California R.R Co , pioxamc nivisiox. FROM PORTLAND TO ROSEBURG. jinr. Tni.x LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 7:30 A. JI.Rosoturjr-7:00 P. Al Kosoburs-5:00 A.M.lPortland 4:2.JP Al ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN. t t t it- a -a vrrc i Portland 4:00 P. Ar.Lobanon..0.3 P. Al ! Lebanon. 1:1" A. xM.Portland...lO:05 A.A1 FREIGHT TRAINS. T1,,rp it?tit P,fIl, r-'t-; a at ir,Mii md m ?""a;" '- i'i A ?f iH,S w v m J"n,ctln o!faA'M1:IPor5I5-V Tho Oregon and California Railroad t erry makos connection with all RegularTrams on Eastside Division. westside nrvisio.i. Vrmn !nrf!nnd to Cnrvnltis. MAIL. TR.IW LEA-YE. ARRIVE. Portland fc:00 A. ALlCon-allia ..S:00 P. Al Corvallia 8:30 A. AI.Portland S-OJP.'AI CIoso connections aro made at ROSEBURG with tho Stages of the Oregon and California Stasa Company. xttfTicketaforsaloto all the principal points ' in California and tho East, at the Company'! . Offico, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland, Ogn Stornge will be charged on freight remain- Bl"Vi,?p1Si V'frrZr , fr ,Kt affre1 will not bo received for "b-Rmrat i'ml-p if u nin I aml b cIock f'.1.? 4 stfido, w sw - P p pnnrifq D ' r" n b p ni t.,-t, a TJn.mn., a Gen 11 reignt and Passenger Agent ' ! ! For Youngs River and Knappa. The Steamer , , 3IAGAI-.T. n w iT-irrTr -tiqttt u w.uajiiaa, - - JiAaiiu. ! Will make regular trips to loungs Rlvei every Friday and Knappa every Tuesday, The Magnet is ready for charter to any i point on the bay. For frelglit or passage apply on board or at ! r W-Crso'sl BLANK iJOOKS PRINTED AND ROUND TO ANiT SIZE, and ruled to any order, at The Astqeus office. i I y fft? -r . .r.-Jjf, i