v tt) gt&rAMaasrCi rusnen i glic iDnVlij slavSnxu '- " ' " I ASTORIA, OREGON: TKinNHAY " - .titty u. iss! ' ISSUED EVERY MORNING. '.Monday Excoiilftll. O. C. Ireland, Editor and I'roprlrtitr Adnrwn liviliUh's, n Street. Terms of Subscription : served ly Carrier, cr wcok............."3 Corns 5ent by mail, four inontbE..... .........? 00 jnt by mail, one yonr... ......................... 10 Froc f lV-taso to Subscriber. :f Adrortiiemonts inerted by the yser at the rate of Si M ier square ior month. Transient advcrtininp. by the day or week, 5fty cenU ier sjunro for each insertion. Tin lVeeKlj As(nri:iu 1 a mammoth sheet, nearly doable THE CIT. Tiik i)tiv vmns Kill itf I ' . ' r' ', .: ', ,j ,.. f.w ffl..n,6iNin.H-rt..jKWrti,v..4Ni. ir who amtcmvhitcahvMc from UkcHvcii ton Tiik .Vstoician h ihet. Iah.v nr Wkhkly It.'foH litanujHtrt-uificewHh- oik (inofi(Ha( (Tjicwe. .iarijcn iiuy we c'KtiwMt cix rn is ciof jyd. Jxuve order at tnf ciiuutinu rimm. Xoticc to Fislirnieii and Otlicx-s on the C'oluinliia Itiver. My youngest on. four jears old, blue ejeN, light hair and complexion, fell from the wharf at Clifton on Saturday evening, July tth. lsi. A liberal re ward will be paid for the recover of his hodv. Vixckxt Cook. Clifton. OrcJion, Julv 10, 1KS1. Miss Nellie Flavcl has returned from the interior. --The Elder sailed away at throe o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Glenperis began discharging her ballast yostorday, at Capt. Flavels dock. The Carleton arrived at San Francisco on Tuosda from Hong kong via ABtoria. Special conyocation ofySaints John k. a. ., this Thursday veiling at eight o'clock, gree. Work in r. m. do- Mr. James Gamble accompanies Mr. Oakes overland via. Northern Pa cific railroad. They left Walla-walla yesterday. -Among the excursionists to the east from Oregon yesterday, were two ladies from Astoria, Mrs. F. A. Fisher and Mis3 Gilliam. The body of master llalph Cook, drowned at Clifton, has not 3Tet bem recovered. Mr. Cook will be liberal with the finder of the hodv. The Oregonian says M. J. L. Stone ha3 laid off a town at Sca-Viow. The advertisement says J. L. Stout, j The Standard said J. L. Storct. -The Oregonian yesterday inti mates that Joseph Simon ma' et be counted out. It is a desperate fight for an "ornery"' office, Mayor of Port land. Look out for thieves. They arc in Astoria. One, a woman, is sup posed to have skipped by steamer yes terday, after putting up S100 for her appearan ce We told you so. "One hundred miles of road will be built between Portland and Astoria." Henry Yil lard, to Pioneer Press interviewer, St. Paul, Minnesota, July 55. 1881. Mrs. Z. F. Moody, Miss Libbie Brown and Mr. Drown, completed their visit at Astoria yesterday, dining with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holden. They return to The Dalles to-day. At an adjourned meeting of Alert Hook and Ladder company Tuesday evening, C. J. Trenchard was unani mously endorsed for chief ongineer and F. P. Hicks and J. 0. Bozorth were unanimously nominated for as sistants. Germany is in a fair way to un dergo an attack of the pedestrian craze. A Prussian grenadier has cre ated a genuine sensation in Berlin by walking, or running against race horses, and has undertaken to walk from Berlin to Madgeburg, more than ninety miles, in twelve hours, and to Vienna in four days. Of the 357 vessels which cleared with cargoes of California flour, wheat and barley, during the harvest j'car ending June 30, 1880, 247 have ar rived out, and most of them have dis charged cargoes and departed on other voyages. Many of them are on the way back, either direct or by way of other porUu Somebody has nearly carried away one of Mr. J. G. Meglers city lots. There is hardly a wagon load left on lot 1, block 32, Olneys Astoria. Jokes aside, this species of trespass is ruin to a good building site, and Mr. Megler de sires us to say that further tresspass upon that lot will be punished by prosecfltion. There is no joke about this. We told j'ou so. Tupper, Faure, Sir Wm. Thomson et al., now agree with The Astoriax, tliat the next exploration for undiscovered countries will be in the direction of the planets What old fools we have been to look at comets, etc., through glasses so long, when we might as well as not go by air ship3 and get the full benefits of the near view. Read what the Jall says. thesizeof the Dailv. It is jt the na- vn,,.( i , i:iu,. St.. JV i 200 54 m MeXK-m uolIaM, silver Intl- -- perforlho lireMiIe.Vniitainlnsin addi- i-cpon oi nu. .uuiei, viij .x- ,.,..,,. , ; Kw-w Xnv Pinw. lion to all the enrreiit news, choice nuV ton, for tin- month of June, was J",. golu oom and lust. Mml Japan oellany agricultural maUer, market re- readn JHiU''..1? ports, etc. It in turn ished to single sub- , ,. . i - i " li obi i:nn-.am( a-, main m-w ,cribiT.at.-s2O0i.crvarinadan5e. . on putitir property. ; j.'5rH,.nap,s Vatrli lttpairin. m a. m:i3 le ikiieil ! make him a OTA. limited utti.iiH.rol sural! atUt-r-, Ucpoit of W. K. DeMiem, Illy t ,. f, rr . , , . I wU' V hum7 l uSi tisciuents iiiM-rted at esUblishcd rates.lTiw.r rr il. nUI.for r.n.i;,,., 1 -- Iv. IIiUterlk-M has armed, ami is m h. on ummi-ih i . Mm-t. tc ineiii Common Council Proceedings. f-llk!l lilfli 1TI t'tfWVtllt CitCuiAM Mayor ). C. Ireland presiding, Tuesday evening. Councilman present I loading ' ton, Jiahn, spexarth, Taylor and j Wright. Absent Baker. In attendance 1. II. Card well, Auditor and Clerk, ami W. X I Barry, Chief of Police. ! Minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved. KEPOKTS OF I'OMMITTKK. Ueport of committee on health and police, on the petition of E. A. Quinn, was read and rejit adopted. KKI'OKT OK OKKH KltS. ! Report ff Peter l'um-y, Police ! Judge, for the month of .1 tine, was read and referred to committee on health and nolice. J onmmilten on wnvs Md Jiiean nr,-irv T it i M.;r fi 1 r ". ' ,-., n 7 ""r"" mm- prepared to do all kinds or Watch ""' ,,TK' W"V " "' "' J,,M ",H" "' June .j(). 18SI. was referred to ! lN.tiunin.r ,ui irt,ii Mi-inu ii u tiliii him Has- ?4vh i - - ? --j - t iiv'imii -r mii .tiikiii. -lit ! i - i - -.".. - "'All worlc warrantea to give salisfw- Police, statinir amount received j ttoii. at iriee to defy eMinnetitioii. At' It makes all the diifcreiief in tliol ' of ti-aiwitMit rii-ier ('! Adlers Uook ami Variety Sjmv. I workl wneiv yon et ice ,-rtam a- t.. lor Hoard ol tiatiPient piiso.it-ii, . x ..- jqaalitj. All who have tried it. even - was read and referred to eouimitteej oniccM to Kent. j lwHly.pniiMMiiK-es Frank 1'alM-rslhi-la'M (n licalth and jol:ce An ordinance coneennnjr 1- lenscs and disorderly conduct, was read the third time and pa-svd. i:ksoi.itio. t'ouiirilinaii Hahn ofierod a reso lution authorizing' the committee on public property to advertise, inviting- bids to grade a portion of the cit' cemetery, which resolution was adopted. Councilman Hahn oilcred a reso lution abolishing the street fund, which resolution was adopted. Councilman Taylor offered a resolution authorizing tin commit tee on lire and water, together with the Chief Engineer of the Astoria Fire Department, to sell the old hand engine, which was adopted. Councilman Taylor also offered a resolution instructing the City Surveyor to make estimates of the probable cost of improving Sque moqhe, Water and West-sixth streets, which resolution was adopted. siMtmi. OM.MlTTKi:. On motion of Councilman Tay lor Councilman Spexarth was ap pointed a committee of one to look into the matter of the failure of working city prisoners. V UST-S I XTl I STKKK'I . On motion of Councilman Tay lor the City Attorney was instruc ted to giw his written opinion in the matter of the improvement of West -sixth street. CITY li., VJ-Kr, XI MAI ill lbs. On motion of Councilman Uahn the committee nt public property was authorized to enter into con tract with J. W. Cearhart. for fur nishing oil, wicks and matches for the city. He being the lowest bidder. 1'I.AIMS AOA1XV1 Tlli;ITY. The following claims against the city were ordered paid by warrant: A rndt & Ferehen $8 75 K.C. Jlohlen 2i 00 August Miller -Hi 00 The following claims were re ferred to proper cemmittees: Tim: Dai i. v Atokiax s.-j iCi Theodore Itromser. 4. 10 (Jeon-c W. 1 1 tune ." 7(i Astoria Truck ami Dray Co J. W. (iearhari Thomas Logan, sjt. of .Street. 10 7." 14 01 ?." 00 On motion the council adjourned until Thursday-, July M, 1SS1. at 2 o'clock i m. Help One Another. Stick up for your own town; atand up for your own townsmen in basilicas first. Make one hand wash the other by encouraging home trade. It is not so much a question 'of whether we can save, for the moment, live cents on an article by going all the way after it to Portland or San Francisco, as is the question whether we, ourselves, shall be entitled to succeed in trade if we fail to patronize our neighbors, and if we forget to do as we would he done bv. Inhabitants of Astoria, as well as other places, who go from home to deal, thus withdrawing sympathy and material aid from their noighbors, do j themselves also a direct injury. Short I - i.i 11-..: n i.ii siuiuu iiusniuss jiiuu, iiiuugiiiiesoiuuii out of business, everybody in any way dependent upon anybody else, as friends, neighbors, well-wishors, who go oft' to Portlond or San Francisco to purchase that which thoy could pro cure at home, must not forgot, if others are to follow the selfish example they set, there would shortly be no ties knitting men and communities to gether. That if the divine command to love thy neighbor as thyself is to be laid aside, some people would have to look to Portland and San Francisco for their customers, or send there for hired mourners to follow them to their last rest. Lot us encourage home productions, and deal with our neigh bors. During the month of Ma, fifty five California wheat and flour cargoes arrived out at various ports in Europe. We expected about fifty would arrive in June, but the number reported is forty-two. Xearly all made good trips. The longest was only 1 75 days. There were only seven that exceeded J0 days on the voyage out, the other thirty-five making the trip out in from 128 down to 102 days. Most of these vessels sailed tn February, which ap pears to have been a favorable time fot catching good send-off breezes. Our Nevr Customer. The Chinese empire is gradually be- j coming a jn'Ottv lively purcltasar ofi -,-,. '.' i r I Pacific const niYHiucnons. In a tew I days we will we a cargo of flour cleared from Astoria in a steamer for Qoug Kong. On the 8th the steamer j Gaelic sailed from San Franckco for j China and Japan nith a cargo valued at 232,481. of which China took 213,148, including 12,344 bbls flour, 154 sks beans, 1,914 pkgs duck, 5,800 lbs ginseng, GOO flasks quicksilver, 1G1 cases salmon, 1,130 pkgs shrimps and shells, and "J.OM gallons whalo oil. J Japan took ?1S,2."i7, including 445 bbls flour, ami 510 cases extract log-1 j wood. Singapore t.vik merchandise j si .T17 uul MhihIIii iorrliniiilin4. -it at ., J i , ami .Manilla inorciiaiitiiw. .u S35I). The treasure list amounted tol &r ..vi r i ;...i.: .i. i !.:.. ... i.vm i late ami they will In- orotMOtlx at JJyo,t:UU ti,ot which Uhma tMk5.l.,- f..,M.i i braiM'hes. Also, Jewelers" Work ami done im in firt-rln.-v, tvk. Kagraving done up In firt-eInM Myk work warraiiteil to give satishw- .single or in iites of two. in Tub Al toician liHihliiig. Prices reasonable, j -ttz. , Coare Liverpool Sal I For Mile liv the ton. at ban Franei-eo j prices at Warren ami Katou Atnria market. Take IVotiee. On after lltK date an additional Jn cents jHT cord will lie charged on all orders for sawed wood not accompanied h the cah.at (SravN wood vard. JmIv W.1HK1. A Xcw Delicacy. Mr. J. T. Hirrchcrs has just prepared a elKice lot of spiced salmon in .pi-oiutd kegs. They are the finest eating for lunches, etc to he had. Call at oneu ami secure yoar supply. AMUSKMKSTS. Hill's Vakiktiks. (ico. Hill, proprietor and mamiuer, Fred Gere, stage manager, Tho. Cullen. leader of orchestra. Ceo. Lambert, leader of brass band. Cook and Xickerson, the young mokes; Mis Lou Cook in songs ami danco, etc. New tirst part. New olio, and new act. Open air concert at S r. m. Performance commences at 8:30 r. m. Entrance on Denton street: pri vate loc on Cltcnamu. Dr. Dakcr received by yestordays stoamcr a supply of genuine Bovine Virus, fresh from Folkos Tiros., San Francisco. The finest qitulHy of harness oil is kept at the haroe shop, for sale bv S. Gray. lee cream at Uoseoes oyster ami re freshment falcon m Occident hotel block. Mr. .John llogersof the Central Mar ket. has made arrangements to keep all lle linet tresh lih, etcM in their season. 1. Wilhelm, Iivs saloon, opKKitu theClarcmlon liolel. IVirllanil, Oregon. The New Testament authorized edition revised, for twenty-five cents at Charles Steven- ami Son City Dool; More. -Charles Stevens & Son are in re ceipt of a fine -toek of mouldings, and an now prepared to make picture frames to order. Call and inspect their slock. V. J. notMlman, on Chcnunius street, 1 has just received the latest and most fashionable st vie of gents and ladies boots, shoes etc. j To celebrate joyously on the eomiiig llli. go to the Astoria Candy Factory and get some of the line mixture made f.r this .K-casMiii. OpjMsile the bell, 1 "tr- j .1. II. 1. tiiav is now selling Wheal, i r.ran Mini Keeil nf sl! UimU nt relticc.l ! rato, and has also a line lot of Ash and Vine Maple Wood on hand for Mile. Says one. Kendall's Spavin Cure is tin bet liuamcut for human llcsh ever used, and thousands have extolled it in similar terms. See advertisement. TIh, best Carter's Cape Ann oil doming, rubber loots. etc sold at San Francisco wholesale prices at the San Franeico clothing store. S. Danziger. San Francisco clothing store, has the largest and best selected stock of clothing in the city. Also, gents furnishing goods, boots and shoes,! trunks ami valises, Mats anil caps. -Caramels, Molasses Chewing 1'ep-j permint. CocoHiiut D'ltalia. Coeoanut lee. Ihitter .Scotch, and a lot of good things at the Astoria Candy ractory.j oHiite the bell tower. ; liefore purchasing goods of anybody j . . nTirn . y. TTin1lT nnrrnT i'-rauiftnKiHARBfARE, M, STEEL, no matter whether you buy or not. New goods by every j4oiiior. S. 1)axzk;ki:. Uefore inirchasing yeursewinj: ma chines, call and examine A. Van Dusen ...I. . ... iraiivin I'""-'! Charles (iratke has always on hand . No. 1 XXX Premium Ale anil first pre- niiiiiu Lager Ueer from the Allmny i brewery, an Franeico.nt his .saloon on thcltoadwa. Cant. .1. II. I). Gray is now iirenarcil lo Mipnly the he.t qualities of. fir, hcin- lock, vine maple, spruce limb. ete , vine maple, spruce limb, ete. heave enters t Uentcu street. Leave orders at the wood yard, foot of lAiif 1rii n unnviiifkfl 1mro !; tnti as you ean get Kendall Sjiavin Cure , lor ."51 a bottle, as a poweriul linatncnt for deep-seated pains on both man and beast, it has no equal. Read advertise liicnh ... : r i i'eier n lincnn nas esiauiisnea a first class saloon in C. 1L Page's build ing, on Squemoqhe street, near the bell lower, and has appointed ressrs. Wm. Rock A Co. his agents. The best of everything in the line of wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc., will be kept on hand. Having made arrangements in New York and San Francisco for the pur chase of all my good, my facilities for buying are such as to enable me to undersell all others. I defy competi tion. S. Danziger. San Francisco cloth ing store, Astoria. - Mr. Davidson is displaying samples of some of the cabinet photographs whicn his braWi callcry nas already made in Astorira It iseven better than the sample's sjfo rn whf n he first open-1 ed here. Eaof i ( riginfl has received a dozen just lilfctl L-ni r.id so will every person who favo is 1m with an order. Mr. D.adetisel inhe first place that he would lad iJ' in good work at reasonable price.- aid dozens of Astoria people can testlfjypiat he has kept his word, and huudffQs more will be able to say the same tiling if present appear ances signify anything. I-'iirntHliod Kooisri to Let a I Mr. 3lituons Induing Iioum-. : Notice to Fishermen. Prom oiii' to l.MW kmuiiIn f lilnck i spawn from sturgeon wanted dally. Cas.li ' paid at .1. T. UoitciiKii-; Dew Drop Inn. .Salt. -:!(. ; Constantly on hand, ami in ottaniitie I to jmH. Liverpool factory rtllcd. Hay j coarse, and half ground, at I.ricU! Kriek! Itrlcli! 1 have on hand a larye amoiiut of brick fur -i lr lit fnim i In 5S ikt i!miihiiiii1. j Call ami examine, near Astoria eeine- lei. .Ioun Wll.I.lAMMiX. Sherman Itro. Kxjuvj " ul reeene ontcrs a. im- mw oi i. w CjM. for , ,Tn , y inker iart of Htccitx. Leave your orders -n .. X Ire C'rpnn: in Mtialii. Xn. 1 Ice Cream, ami itiiialiv ,Hm' ,uJj!,,sl! iJMantit. The Central Hotel. One of the iiitcM. eleanet ami 1mC Ke-rt ,M,,t!s "j Anuria, situated nearllH' steamer lauding, with first eias, airj room. gmnl hoard and verj reamahle rates, liar and billiard room-. The I Iet of wines ami liquors, ami an cxeel- lent glass of Sun Francisco beer. Axtoix l.iKLoii. Proprietor. Williamsport I'ropertj . (ireal Iwrsain-. are now offered in the city of WiIliaiiHiort for anv pertie wishing to locate from one ht to five aero. It is well adapted for gardens, dairy ranches or pleasant Ituuie: well elevated. ituated one mile south of Astoria on Youngs bay. with a giaal graded road to the place. For further information call at my residence near the cemetery. Jonx William-ox. To lave 31 en. Tin: AvroniAX ha.-, now reached a circulation which place It at the head of the list of Oregon dailies, and insures to advertb-ers thereof more benefit for the amount paid than ma Ik secured elsewhere. To those w ho u ish to reach the larget niimlHr of readers at the smallest expense, we oner the columns of an attractive daily, the success of which from the very start has Ikhmi far lieyond the expectations of the most sanguine. A Fair Proposition. From this date the Astoria photograph gallery will conduct biiiuess oh the following plan. We will lake negatives of any lady and evcrybodj that will favor us with a call, we w'ill print a proof of the niiiic free of charge, no one ieiuff under au obligation to order i from Mich negative-, unless they doin I to do so. e will take the .woria engine com jmnios and all lodges and Mcieties. any lime the.x will asMmble for the purKi-e. ami present each lodge or -society with one picture of -nch group, cither taken all together or in M-parate pictures ami I groiiKd afterwards. we will laUe vi2Wn ofi-fMiIciico ami lHiihling, hotels, caniierie''. mills. !.. on thesame terms, i: We will lake j the negathes free of charge. We do I His in order that our wi.rk hall Maud on iK merits, as we are pre pared to do good work. No one nerd wait until they go to San Fruucico. roi.Lowixi. aim: en: vv.u k: lVrtlaz. '.tlac ?i ' fH length IxHidoins. ...; oo i zu " cabinets... 1 no " cards -2 TAt 1 .v I'ust pieliues ami boudoir. TOO ." 00 Vignettes cabinets ." iki :'. 00 thirds :: im 2 Oti Tihk. (JIJimmmcs Ar (. --- l - z . zzrz :arAl citizens of Oregon who desire to inform their friends in the slates of """iinmimi aim pro;ros m mis muiu, ean have no more complete ami compre- iH-nsive votume of fact hi ; mmhI them than by subscribing for liii.- journal. and liavmg us mail it weekly to their friends. We mail it a directed. For $.1 oo in advance, we mail three copies nf Tiik Wbkki.y AsToin.wuiie year. i For a lirst-chi-ss oyster stew. fr. ian-roaht or fancy roast, go to ISum-ir" i iiennmus sircei. uccuiem noiei iuock. Families supplied bv tlie hundred or the i sack. oikii or in the shell. For the genuine J. H. Cutter old Dotirlioii. ami the best of wino. Honors and San Franci.vo beer, call at theCcm, j optiosttc the bell tower, and mm Cnmi- iHH . -.,., r, ,1T.Anm. i Af A Q. i f flI0iR I - "aJ -A UO U. UliUUJJl PeakT in Iron Pipe and Fittings. -iPliiliBrs aifl Steal Fitters Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD, initrrr innii -rm ninnnnnrn OH tt nUn 111 AttU bUfi'tn! Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Done with neatness anil dispatch. None but tlrst cln5 workmen employed. A larse assortment of SCALES Constantly on hand, j HI. Hn KAKTT, THE POPULAK XKIepchani TPailoi? AND CLOTHIER 3LTSCELLAKEOUS. CAUL ADLER'S Pianos and Organs Of ll Htatcc fon4iUitlv n hand. Ato a full stfta-k f VIOLrSS. GUITARS. BANJOS. AC CO I.DKONS. CON CERTINAS. HAiniONlCAS, FLUTES. Afcw a larjcc vt?k. 4 Ihf Wst tif VIOLIN AND OU1TAU STRINtJS, SIIKET MTSIC. AND .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As hM -crHnns lx llrtaK t a "W I'M-- MllM SttMV. Iiahs!)u Or.n !l n tii- iihmiII: in stallment pir.iitTfi rrcat. CARL ADLER'SB001C STORE. Tlir largst stck of Biank Books and Stationery if every ilerfitiow. St-luol ltook. HtMes. PvHical Vtrks-. Alliums nail (Ultl IVms. iVs,lcs full ihI eempiflr Mwk i.f evcrt ing lewially k i in a well reuntiel 1'ahk s;.ie. ,Ni ih's tlfiMt ami xfiicv Uk ecr p:iHr .iil ivri4MlScal iNiMNhc'l. CARL ADLER'SVARIETY STORE g5 W;itc lies. ClH-ks ami .Icwelr , rk kh-ki ami iaiie i uiivry. et -; aiiktH lotions ami Toys. .'J4? IVtuie Frames and Cltromos. kiTvstfSi;iiy i arraps, a cmnplcte . "nsMtrtiiifiit- AwImtv. el N'ewr soils 1i cvtry s-;uncr. The iHiWk' are initcil to cNamim my stwk ami prices. CHENAMCS ST.. - ASTOHIA.OKKKOX. HOTELS AXD i:iTAURAXTS. A. .1. MHl.Ki:. C. S. WUIOHT c'cir::.vj ieotki.. MKtlLRK X WKti.tlT. I'iKWtr. Al6ria, Oregon. 1 rKOPKIETOKS ARE IlAPI'Y TO JL aiMHmmi'tluit thta)Mveb4ellm; lecn rejmlMlc't ami refiiruheii.iMlUimc creatlv lo tlu itHHfort of its ttjr-4-s Mwt is mw t W 6est ImmoI mrth ofSttn KrancHeo. O.W. KNOWI.K. cF,.iK5:.vsnx I'OKTbAXJi. - - 41..ZIKIIKI:. fITKF.. - - ok;on ZiEBER -S, XX0WLES. Proprietors. Free cmci to nl fnau tin Manse. rtffTiiK l).ti. Astok:an hi H iMeat the Ctamulitfi IIiel naltt4 nwm. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STKHl.r. - ASTOKIA JiliTi. s. ?.'. Arrlsoni. t'rnjirietor rElHKTKAVtliJXC Vl'ltl.H VVII.I. IMM) JL tilt I'MHtee r Hrst efcts in .". ri-steet.aiil J a sunn. n,..r ;airi :.-. i r.iH'eiliiliv soihltcl. E-l"4rtl ait.i ItHl'.m: ie. I :-.;r or r-U. Fair Wind CofKv Saloon MI - WATKK STKKiri'. ASTOKIA. Net I tkH- to !r. Kiwc's. CotTee. Tea anil Clioeolate. with fake. c'ontH. t'lmiw "oo:.cil to Ot-rter. Fine Wine?;. Uijuors toJ ('i;ais Of t lie lest lKUhti. IiaiiMC JHt HciMt t!.e aifctve slal4s aioiit hc (Mtriliaily ittiletur frirr.ils a.l IIm iHiltlfc generally lo give us a trial. ;-ti S'OAIM) KVANmiN. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oysfw Saloon. L MAIN sntKKT. atoi:ia. niHK CNDKlUsICNKP IS 1:.KASKI TO JL amt4Mrc l lb Ladies' and Gentlemen d? this City niat w is mw tri iMni t fnmHli for tbfw, hi MrM 4a.- si) j... mmI f ry Mya. oyst:::. nr r-irVEK. tkv. irrr. VT THF Ladies and 6enf s Gysler Saloon. iai srntErrr. I,ka $tie mu" a rail. i:aCUK IHXON. I'murielK' S.xVltNDT & FER(1I1EN, ASTOKIA. - OUECON. The Pioneer Machine Shop cs I1LACKSMITH 1 3 H O P Boiler Shop j All kinds ..f IEKGDJE, CA20IERY, ( M- ! STEAMBOAT W0EK lYomptli attended l. A yjeeially made or rejUring CANNERY DIES, KEAU KINNEY'S ASTORIA FISHERY. Piles for Sale. .Mr. A. H. :i!c3iitlan U pnmrcHl lo furnisli Fir or Hemlock Piles I.V ANY AMOUNT TO ORDKK. AND ON SHORT NOTICE. Lrrave orders at tlie -tore of Trmclmnl j L'lHluir, Astoria. ur aiuiress, a. it. ;.irjiiLu,N. Otaey. Oregon. -g J .A i SmrSr' ,4V 5 45 S -Y s' JJ. j : ltllMMflll1MMaiMlakaklaicll.14)Mll.lgail(4.,atkkaaaa4aataMMM(tHa ! BUT IT TAKES ! -"""-"-"-""-.... Money to Buy Whisky ! I It Also Keqires Money to Pay Expenses. I cannot sell Goods AT COST and pay expenses, but i3i:5ssa!a:acr2ii2Di3riSiB3iaa8iiiiaiiiiEa3i3aiBiii3iiii83iaisaMiijajsnsMMuiMMu ! I CM AM) WELL I i:C33SI-135S2Stai;5SI23I!XE333233SS:eiJca3a233iai33ll3J33SSa3iailJ3aC333aS3UajaMlfla. iSI? em at Xa"we2? P'aics 2.l Than certain Chatham Street Style of Merchants, come before the public in flaming advertise ments only for the purpose of SWINDLING- THE PEOPLE Notwithstanding- the fact of this being the dullest year since my arrival in Astoria, I have nearly doubled my sales, which has only been attained BY SQUARE DEALING. RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER. B.emembGv the Place, the Old and Reliable TJ1 u PKICE Kmsb mv goodb Am clothing bouse Main Sh-eel, near Parker Mouse, Astoria. C. E. COOPER, The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot jp . 1 WilM'l'.SllTiii i c:v?ff er scjwsi3afsy7. r Bi.tiSflSjiifat' s mav r 3Eu TWO DOOltSEAST OF OCCIDENT, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OK 3TTTKN"ITUBE BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN TOLES Complete in every branch. THE COLUMBIA r &M c&cs b riti w IS St'l'KRIOR TO MOS"I. AXD I EC.'KI.I.K1 I5 NONE ON THIS COAST JOHN HAHN, - - PKOP&IETOR, CHSNABIUS STREET, - ASTORIA, OREGON. iMTOrders left at the OKU.MANIA REER HALL will he promptly attended to.-Sfc ASTOKIA BREWERY. M. MEYER Proprietor. RAVrNH EVERY FACILITY FOR HE MANUFACTURE OF A FIUST CLASS Ah tiele. I am now prepared to furn'H tbo public with the Cneat quality, for cash. LAGER BEER, I " BOTTLED BEER, AT .it) !KXTS PEtt GALLON AT 61 50 I'F.K lOZES. CffIramilics andkeoicr3 of public houo3 promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor ASTORIA. OREGON. First Class Saloon, CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opposite the Oregon Rail way and Navigation Co wharf. The choked brands of foreign and domestic VIXES, liKUOKS AXD CXGAIIS. J5B-IJest Chicaso Itccr.-sa Take Notice. tVS I jnnn tenners, pmn rnarxHi. W.ll. ..WJW.Wj WW....... , Has received a large invoice of BAliilELS A2fD HALT" BARRELS nf the best quality. Anil is now ready to supply Butchers Can ncries and all others, cheap for casu. A SWEEPING REDUCTION Made on the choicest anil best assort ment tr MENS, YOUTHS AND B0TS CLOTHING:.: . Alse: iThe Finest Suits Made to Order and Warranted." IS CHEAP BOYS!! w ho IXL .MAY UK ILVIJ OF WSK.H,. tLAWJUIb SOLE AttKX'l'. Also. Aa'tit lr I tie celi'btflteil MEDALLION RAN&E, J$L 1W 23 S ASTOKIA, OREGON. BREWERY PETER RTyJSFEiTr; ASTORIA. OREGON, (BRICK LAYER- ' PIAIN AND ORNAMENTAL IXajuS O? IE3 T? tt JL Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my iUviluitivt una ii i jiiuu kiui.t;if f ifij attennea to. LIME. SAND, BRICK, I'LASTER, LATH, Cement, and all material in my line, furnished to order. cwrSnecIal attention paid to Furnace work j anil Ranges. Cbteru work warranted good - j or no pay csrAgent San Juan and New Taconia Lime. 3. -vi "r t'. -f5- - X3