03 ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY. ..JULY 18. 1SS1 ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday Excepted!. l. C. Irctitml, Editor and Proprietor Astorian ISniMhuj, (kw Street. Terms of Subscription : I served by Carrier, per week .....2& Coraa 1 sent by mail, four months .... 5 OS j i-nt by mail, one year. , Free ef Po?tazo to Subscriber. etr Advertisements inserted by the year at the rate of Si .'() ior square per month. Transient advertising, by the dfiy or viottk, fifty cents per square for each insertion. Thi' Weehlj Astorian Is a iiminuiolli sheet, nearly double the size of tlie Daily. Jt is just the pa per for the fireside, containing in audi tion to all the current news, choice mis cellany, agricultural matter, mailed re ports, etc. It is lurnished to single ub beriber.s at $2 DO per year in advance. ;3?A limited numocr of small advei tusements inserted at established rate.-. THECIT. fiiK Daily Astoktan will In Rt li mall rt!75Ht a monW.lresnfjtortagr. Read er who contemplate aheace from the rly can tni9e. TifK As-roitrAN" follow litem. Daily j.r Wrkrly dtfoa to any pfHt-office leKi out udilt'Umal oriow. AddrtC may he enawjed an oftrtt dMtrnd. eave ordrr. at the counlina rorm. Tlje IVrorom was taken to sea yes terday. Simon is mayor of Portland, after all the fus. Mr. Wingate relumed yiwterday by stoamor State of California. Tins .steamer Slate of California arrived at half-pant five yemoruny afternoon. Advices from Hongkong sny the ship Xenia is loading at thai port for tins port. Tlie steamer Astoria made her successful trip to the rock and ImicI; before noon yesterday. A young lady visitor at the Soa View house named her dog Penny, because it was one sent to her. Tlie Kate and Anna arrived ft urn Alsea on the 11th. Tlie Alpha w loading in Tillamook bay for this port. The Oregon Improvement, com panys steamer is to rim on a throngh line between Seattle and San Fran cisco. The army worm has made its ap pearance in places in Pacific county, doing considerable damage to growing crops. Anothor cargo of fir wood arrived at Grays wharf yesterday. Wood is scarce. Speak early: first come, first served. -xjv. juaKor received dv vesicruavj iir& , crkril,' rif fmiHimi lirtinnrt .V. - .jl.l'I'A.S X, .JC'tV ! Virt Afresh from Folkts "Bros., San Fnnicisco. The steamship Augusta is at Nanaimo for coaifor Portland. From Portland she will carry a cai-go of flour to Hong-kong. There are two xossible things greatly dreaded in Cathlamet just now. One is a beor famine, and we have forgotten the other. Mr. Dilge, of Portland, came down Monday evening for the purpose of removing the old fog bell at cape LTancock light. It will bo taken to Pugct-sound. The reason they are called star routes is because the man who fools with them takes a nasty risk. Read this carefully seven or eight times and you will be rewarded. The Campana, from this port January 13th, arrived at Hull on the 25th, and the Archer at Queenstown on the 7th inst. Tlie Archer sailed from Astoria February 28th. Thomas U. Foss informs us that after a very careful and searching ex amination into the government re ports on forests he has discovered the average wood-tick requires no sleep and we believe it. It costs 10,000 a day to keep the New York legislature going, in order that Conkling and Piatt might be de feated. And this does not include the money expended on bribes and putting up nasty jobs. The Journal of Commerce and the Commercial Reporter have merged, consolidated, pooled "issues," etc., neither one of whom had very much of a commercial turn to boast of previous to the pool. Who knows but that the willow treo in Astoria, belonging to Capt. Hustler, may become as famous as tho one in Third avenue, referred to-day in an article in The Astokian, upon the history of the willow in America. A woman in Kalama sent a three cent stamp for "twenty-five useful ar ticles" and received twenty-five pins. They gave her at least twenty-five points of useful information, one of which was that advertisers are not apt to give a fortune for a three-cent stamp. Mr. Ostrander left a small fish upon our table 3'estcrday which fell from tlie clouds, alive and kicking, upon the street during a rain shower on Monday. It shows a well de veloped head, but we are unable to classify it, and have sent it to our fish expert, Mr. C. J. Smith, Brookfield. j Real Estate Transactions for June. : Moses Rogers to U.J. LLuison and , Olny Hanson, lot 8, block 44, Mc- Cluros Astoria; 81,250. Trustees of M. J. Kinney t Pythiau i Land and Dullding association, lot 4, j block 61, McClures Astoria; $1,214. J W. S. Kinney to trustees of M. J. j Kinney, lot 3, block 2, McCIuros As ' teria: Si 00. w- D- Hare J G- C- Fkvo1-- Iots 7 and 8, block 73, McGIuroa Astoria; 2,000. GeQ y, t G p G40 - - . , -, . . . acres in secuuiiH o aim u, mwntniu 8; SI ,387 20. .Mate ot uron to 1. L. n. 11 (J acres in section J1, towttiwiip 8:1 $290 47. State M Oregon to .1. V. Wan-en, 80 acres in section 21, torhip 8; 200. A. C. Kinney to Jane liauollut, lots 7 and 8, Mock li), McCluro Astoria; J 5i o(jn j v Mai v.I. WcMi to .Joseph Ostroni, if o 1.1w.i--t Ktri. a.:.-i-ji .!, , sii'wu ., .J.w . v-., .- uninm, t.v,. A. Dielohlaweck to J. P. Classen, lot 7, block r4, Shivelys Atori; 525. TljeTetnple Enr sailwl June fit h fron Rio for this port. Tlie Rival is en rout to this port, having left San Francbco on Sauda. The Dalles ptoamer Idaho wa3 brought over the Cascades for Port land on Monday. - Tlie door key, picked up on th street duly -rth, aad advertised in The Astouian, was claimed by Mr. .loBoph Charter.. The little daughter of Lieut. Jones, whoso death occurred at fort Oanby on Monday morning, will be takon to Sun Francisco for burial. Tlie steamer lien. Canby brought the troops up yesterday for transpor tation to Sun Francisco by the Elder to-day, in Major Th rock morions com mand. . Key, pin sJutpcil ornament, ws picked up on tile street yusftuilny and left at Tin: s:oi.vptficcfor the owner, on prof A profibrlv nd imv- ment fiM Huk no ice. - Roach combing '.a ironfahle busi ness now, and a lo thnt tviUitiaLen j cord of wood i uorlh having. So is a hg thnl will yield ten or twelve cords worlh fighting for. Letters by the steamer Slate of California yoetei day will be answered by the Elder to-da'. Thus, instead of losing a day by the doiay of the Elder, correspondence gains five days. Mr. II. S. Wheeler has returned from Puget-souud, and is superintend ing the Tillamook rock work. He made a trip to the rock ami back ye rerdav from Aatoria. Mr. C. W. rHolt remained on Puiret-sotmd. Butweon twelve and one o'clock yesterday morning burglars were sur prised in the act of robbing a safe in a business house on Chonnmus street, j They were discovered too soon and got awaj-. They enterod the promie throngh a trap door from a boat. On Wednesday of last week Mr. H. S. Wheeler, superintendent of construction for the Thirteenth light house district, and Mr. C. W. Holt, master builder, proceeded to West point whore they selected the exact location for the new lighthouse to be erected on Puget-souud. A man who signs himaulf an "upright piano maker" in Now York, offers us a snide advertisement on the due-Bill plan. His Williams are not wanted. An upright piano maker is tuo often only a man who makes up right pianos. It woull be grand, if this one were absolutely square. The Widow Bodott company sail away to-dy by the Elder. Their visit hore was profitable all 'round. Every body who attended the show declared a dividend of 331 per cent, of fun on the investment of a dollar a ticket, taking it out in expansion of the facial norves, and fresh deposits of oily concrete upon the coverings of their thoracic cavities. Good bye, Bishop; call again old woman; Elder, take cure of yourself; Totty, lata; all hail; farewell. Thorc is a moral to the little story of Jay Goulds visit to Gouldsboro, and the secret of it all is in properly understanding it. Astoria never has received any benefits from its founder, John Jacob Astor, nor any of his family; but if there arc any Jay Goulds, or Henry Yillards floating in the mists and haze of our future, let us take them by the hand, in true liber ality, with what we have got here; and divide with them. There are two sides to all quos tions, and "the other side" makes a statoment with respect to Mr. Qiiiuns net and boat, picked up on the north- beach, an account of which was pub lished June 22d. It appears that the parties who picked the boat up and rescued the mon are responsible citi tizens, and the matter of making any thing out of the transaction nevor en tered their heads. They took hold with a willingness to aid in the matter, and there were five men who left their other employments to work in saving the wreck. We are confidont that in justice has boon done them by the first publication, but inasmuch as no names were given, it is not necessary to do so now. Newspaper Thieves. Tlie trifling sum at wlricli-rrint j Daily Astorian is furnished, fventy five cents per week; j&luiubf entitle ofory citizen and faiunr uitlie place Ui a copy without nyl oe stealing it; but we regretto iiy there are! 1 t P I i newspaper thievb- m Aona, whom J we give due andlnmely iktice will be I Constantly on hand, and in quantities roBf.,,f., tn tU. t..ii-.Li ,. :f.h LvcrjKol factory tilled. Day prosecuted, to tl lullestlextont, it we cmvSK.t and lwI p-0!ind. at catch thorn in the act. A detective is I Geo. W. Hc.mks. on track of thoin now. Flrht-ClnHs Vntcli Kcairinc. f A. E. Cutteiltcl ha arrived, and is j now prepared Udo aM kinds of Watch j Ueiwuring. atulAYaltfi .Mak'nis in all 5t- .vmill.,,ae $ rMH.ias. tle. All work arraifled to give satislac-. 1IOM. at IinCS lOUMV COmpCllllOn. .l Carl Adlcrt Jloolf autl Variety Ston. j leferviii! When v merchant w Speak a good wonl for a carrceiiecallysuiiiised to know tlie parut-s. Here 1ms neen a een- tleman ilinoiig usbubfoVa vouk,aiul all we lt6ariof liim lslhii he is a reliable menfhunt. We 'rlsh him prosperity. Mr.s." Lip.thV wife of the gentleman. win in .liOff. anu ladies will have dm? uotice. ?.otice to Fishermen anil Otlicr oii the Coliwnhia Itiver. M oungest vm, four jear.s old, blue eyes light hair and complexion, fell from the wharf at Clifton on Saturday evening, Julj Wh, i8l. A liberal re ward w ill be paid for the recovery of his body. Vixck.vt Cook. Clifton. Oregon, July 10, 1831. onice. to Rent. Single or in Miitcs of two. in Tjik As touiax building. Prices reasonable. Coarse Liverpool Salt For sale by the ton, at San Francisco price at Warren ami Entous Astoria market. Take Notice. On alter this date an additional JO cents k.t conl will be charged on all oidei.s for sawed wood not accompanied liv the ca-h,al (Iias wood vaid. Julv M.wsi. l .V Xcw Delicacy. Mr.J.T. Borehcrs has just prepared a choice lot of spiced salmon in oo-poimd kegs. They are tle finest eating for lunches, etc.. to Ie had. Call at oee ami secure your .supply. AMUSEMEXTS. Hill's Vai:iktik. Ceo. Hill, proprietor and malinger, Fred Cere, stage mannger. Tho. Ciilleu, leader of orchestra. Ceo. Lambert, leader or brass band. Cook and N'ickerson, tle j rting mokes; Miss Lou Cook in song and dances, etc. New lirt pari. New olio, and new acts. ( pcn air concei t at p. m. 1 'crformance commences at s ?v v. m. Entrance on Benton street ; pri ate boxes on Chciianttis. The finest quality of Harness Oil is kept at the harness shop, for sale by S. Gray. Icecream at Rococs oyster and re freshment saloon in Occident hotel Week. Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar ket, has made arrangements to keep all the fiw-4 fresh fish, etc., in their season. P. Wilhelm. Iks saloon. npMMiu llic Clarendon lintel, Portland, Oregon. Zephyrs in all Colors and Shades at six cents an ounce, at the California store, post-office corner. A tremendous stock of home made candies, at the Astoria Candy Factory, next door to the City Book store. C)h posUolhe bell tower." The Xcw Testament authorized edition revised, for twenty-five cents at Charles Sleens and Sons Citj Book soie. Charles Stevens & Son are in le ceiplofa fine stock of mouldings, and are now prepared to make picture frames to order. Call ad inspect their mock. P. J. Coodman, on Chenamus street, has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladic.s I mots, shoe, etc. To celebrate joyously on the coming Jth. go to the Astoria "Candy Factory and get some of the fine mixture made for this occasion. Opposite the bell lower. J. II. D. Cray is now selling Wheat. Bran and Feed of all kinds at reduced rates, and has also a fine lot of Ash and Yhie Maple Wood on hand for sale. Says one, Kendall's Spavin (Mire is the best linameiit for human flesh ever used. and thousands hae extolled it in similar terms. See advertisement. The best Carter's Cape Ann oil clothing, rubber boots, etc. sold at San Francisco wholesale prices at the San Francisco clothing store. S. Daii7igcr, San Francisco clothing store, has the largest and best selected stock of clothing iu the city. Also, gents furnishing goods, hoots and shoes, trunks and valises, hats ami caps. Caramels, Molasses Chewiug Pep permint, Coeoanut D'ltalia, Cocoanut Ice. Butter Scotch, aud a lot of good things at the Astoria Candy Factory, opposite the bell tower. Before purchuiinggoodsof anybody call and inspect my stock. You are welcome. I will gladly show my goods, no matter whether you buv or not. New goods by every steamer. S. Daxziorr. Before purchasing your sewing ma chines, call and examine A. Van Dusen fc Co.'s stock. They have just received a new ami elegant lot, which they are offering at bottom prices. Charles Cratkc has always on hand No. l XXX Premium Ale and first pre mium Lager Beer from the Albany brewery, San Francisco, at his saloon on the Roadway. Capt. J. II. D. Gray is now prepared lo supply the best qualities of fir, hem lock, vine maple, spruce limbs, etc. Leave orders at the wood yard, fool of isentou s,ircci. S. G laser & Co., succ.sorsto F. Sherman & Co.. having boiifiht the meat and vegetable markt ItF. Sher man A; Co., would rescclilly ask i continuance of the iiatronaiy bestowed on the former proprietors. ! Don't drive a spavined horse :ts lonir as you can set Kendal IV Spaviu Cure for -SI a bottle. As a iwwerful linameiit for deep-seated pains on both man and lea.st, it has no equal. Head advertise ment. Peter Wilhelm has established a first class saloon in C.IL Pase'.s build inir, on Smiemoqhe street, near the bell tower, and hns appointed Messrs. Win. Dock & Co. his agents. The best of everything in the line of wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc-, -will be kept on hand. Having made arrangements in New York and San Francisco for tho pur chase of all my goods, my facilities for buying are such as lo enable me to undersell all others. I defy competi tion. S. Danzlger, Snn FrancIco cloth ing store, Astoria. Furnished" Hoonss to Ict At Mrs. Munson's lodging house. Xoticc to KlKheraieii. J From one to 1,000 iiounils of black spawn from .sturgeon wanted daily, i jmid at .1. T. Jk)i:ciu:i:s Dew Drop '. UUSJl Inn. Salt. Salt. Urick! Crick! Uriel;' 1 have on hand a large amount of brick for sale at from So to S pur thousand. Call ami examine, near Astoria ceme nr. .Ioiix Williamson. Slicrniaii SJron. Kiri'.ss .. ii hi ito-mi- imi.- .ii mi- .-imr iii i. (as for upjKr Atonn or any other i wnm uicciiy. i.eave vmir oniers wi the lle and the will he promptly at tended In. ItiiHrofH A'ew Place, Komim. tlw' iMijudar caterer, inviios all hi- iii jwtrons. and as mimv new one- as may 1h ideased to laake liiiit a visit, to call at his new Ice Cream Sa loon, on Clteiiamit4 street, Occident hotel block, which lie has mst j:Jl uu in llr-t ela-s style. X. 1 Ire Creaui. It iisMkcs all the dinereuce j:i llic world where you get ice cream as to quality. All who have tried it, every body, pronounce Frank Fabers the hot in quality, So. 1 Ice Cream, and equally as notch 'to the dish in qunntit) . The Central Hotel. One of tiie finest, cleanest and ltet kept hotels in Astoria, situated near tin steamer landinir. with first ela, airj l noiiis, uood board and er reasonable rates. "Uni and billiard rooms. The be$ of wines and liquors, and an evccl Irnt glass ofSan Franciseo lcer. Am (UN Riki.oii, Proprietor. M iJIiatnsport I roper I . tircat iKtRSiiusarchow ofieivd in the city of Williaiw-jmil Tor any ier-ons wishing to locate from one lot to five acres. It is well adapted for gardens, dairy ranches or nleasHiit Ihiiiics: well eloalcd. situated one mile south of Astoria on Youngs bay. with a sinmI graded road to the place. For fusilier information call at my residence near the cemetery. John Williamson. To Iiivc 31 et. Tin: AsroniAN has now reached a circulation which places it at the head of the list of Oregon dailies, and insures In advertisers thereof more benelft for llie amount paid than maj lie secured elsewhere. To Htnsc w ho wish to reach tlie largest numlK'r of readers at the smallest expense, we offer the columns of an aitracthc ifciily. the success of which from ilio very stmt has bren far iM'yoHd the expectations uf the mo-st sanguine. A I'nir Proposition. From this dale the Astoria ph(Hogrr.ili gallery will conduct business on the follow ing plan. We will take negatives of any lady and everybody that will favor us with a call, we will print a proof of the same free of charge, no one wing under any obligation to order from siM-h negaliu unless they desire to do so. We will take the Astoria engine com nies and all lodges anil societies, anv time they will assemble for the purHiie. and present each lodge or Micicty with oik' picture of siieh group, either taken all together or in separate pictures ami ground aftci wards. We will take views of residences and buildings, h(U-ls,cauiiciie-. mills, etc on the same terms, viz: We will lake the negatives free of charge. We do this in order that our work shall stand on its merits, as we are pre pared to do good work. Xo one need wait until they go to San Francisco. Koi.LowiNO ai:i: en: riunts: Per dot. . dnz. ,' or full length lK)udoirs...sv 00 s4 .".0 w cabinets... 4 W J .10 cards 2 .Vi 1 si Bust pictures and boudoirs. 7 (jo ." 00 tgnettes cabinets .", () :: in cards :: no 2 00 Titos. (;. Rkooks, A- Co. i-T'AII eitixeus of Oregon who desire lo inform their friends m the states of the condition and progress of this state, can have no more complete nmlcompre hcnsUc volume of facts to send them than by subscribing fur tins journal, audlia'iug lis mail it weekly to their friends. We mail it as directed. For STi no in advance, we mall three copies j of Tin: Weekly Astouian one year. For a first-class oyster stew, fry, pan-roast or fancy ioiist,go to Roseoe's Chenamus street. Occident hotel block. Families supplied 1 the hundred or the sack, ojh'U or in the shell. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old BourlKiu. and the besl of wines, liquors and San Francisco liecr. eall at the Gem, opimsite the Ih1I lower, and see Camp bell. JLAGNrjiS G. CROSBY, Dealer hi HARDWARE, IHOH, STSEL.j Iron Pipe and Fillings. Goods and Tools, SHEET LEAD STRIP LEADBoiiershop I SHEET IRON Till AUD COPPER, Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER, PLUMBING utml STEAM FITTING Done with neatnass and dispatch. None bat llrst class wortuac a cmployci. A Iar;e assortment of SCALES (ViuaUujlly on hand. XKE, S, KANT, THE rOPULAB Merchant Tailor AND CLOTHIER SUSCELLA2TEOUS. CARL ADLER'S jKWSIC STORE. Pianos and Organs Of all Pluto's constantly on hand. Alo a full stock of YIOLINS. GUITARS, BANJOS, AC- CORDEONS. CONCERTINAS. HARMONICAS, FLUTES, Also a large stock of the best of VIOLIN AND GU1TA11 STRINGS, SHEET 3IFSIC. AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, As well as e en tiling else belonging to a First ( 1-s.s Mumc Store. 1'unos and Or-ans sold on Use monthly in stallment pl.:ii or for rent. CARL ADLER'S1boOK STORE. riic largest stock of Bhink Books and Stationery Of eerv descriptlnu. Sehti.. Rooks. I'.iWos, Toetieat Works. AlbiiiMs aud Hold Pens, lU'idts a full and compete skK df t-M-ni ins usually kept in a well regulated Rook Store AIo news uepot and agenev for every paieraud H'rioI:cal laiblislieil. CARL ADLER'S VARIETY STORE GZjt. w at dies. Clocks and Jewelry, rJsnrifiil'ockft a,Ml 'ra,,le Cutlery, rV :uikee Xothms and Toys. It. .'jrftrieturt Frames and L'hromos. lQstii.SJI5.b Carriages, a complete a- 4f ,,. n.ssnrtmciil. Archerv, etc. N'ew givnts b i cry steamer. The public an' hiMted to examine my stock ami prict. CI IE AMI'S ST.. - ASTORIA. OREGON. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. A..I. MKUI.KK. r. s. wuicht cciii:.T iioti:l. .MAILERS: NVRlUlIT. I'mpriatori. Atloriu, Oregon. mm-: i'i:oiai:iicroi:s are haitv to JL joohhhrt that tbealmveliotelbas been repiuntedaiHl n'fiirHislK'tl,addig greatly to Ibecntwfixt of itsxut'sts&tid isimw the best tHtel worth f Sah I'mneisru. C. W. KNOW LHs. Al- ZIltr.KH. cT.A?:2:.to:v iuvtv.t.. r)RTI,A.ii. - - - OKEtlUiN ZIEBER d. KNOWLES, Proprietors. Free eoac'i t and from the laiuse. iKtTiik Daiia Astouian isihi Hie at the CiarembHi Hotel reading room. Pioneer Restaurant Hotel. MAIN STREET. - -.'lis. S. X. Arr&feii. - ASTWtlA Proprietor rjlilETIt.VVEI.IXC ITRI.IC W'UA. FIND ji. iih' i Mim-er arsf ei lit ,iu respecis.ami a share of Iheir iNlnH:ae is respectfully sotiHteil. t38"lonl athl !o.gkx!) ILei'.-i, or week. Pair Wind Coiico Saloon - IMi- ckop so.u:sEf WATER .STREET, ASTORIA. Net bor to Dr. KiiM",. CoSfec. Ten and Chocolate, with Cake. IO Ccii In. C!ioiss C'ooUed lo Order. Fine YVIiicm. Liquors, and t'isnrs Of the best brands. HaiiiK jHst oieiied the :iUie establish ment we cordially invite wcr friends and the liilbll -tf nubile jtciic rally lophe us a trial. hilARII ft: kva.v.sox. ROSCOPS FIRST CLASS Ovstci' Saloon. MAIN STRKirr. o mill: 1 XDEKSICNED A.STOEIA. I'l.EASED TO JL aiiiHHiuee to t!.e Ladies and Gentlemen of this City riiat be is now -jreil ,t IiuiihIi for tlioni. In first class sly h. and every style, oyste::s. hot coffee, tev. etc. T T1IK Ladies and Gent's Oyster Saloon, MUX STREET. Please jeiie uh- ji -l. ROSX'OK DIXON. IToprietor VUXDT & PEROriEN, A.VTOEIA. OREOON. The Pioneer Machine Shop EI.ACK.sMin I .-XZFZ, ISIIOP'V m kinds of lENG-IEE, CANHERY, AN1 STEAMBOAT W0EK Promptly attended to. A siecialry made of rejairins CANNERY DIES, XEAK KIXXEY'S ASTORIA FISIIEEY.- Piles for Sale. Mr. A. R. McMillan is prejmred 1o fnrnLsh Fir or Hemlock Piles IX ANY AMOUNT TO ORDER. AND OX SHOUT NOTICE. Ieave orders at the store of Trenelrard & Ujhur, Astoria. Or address. A.tt.McMILLAX. OIney. Oregon. gA fiirife-ft . V li&xcxzi&S&A i&ffi I a f J V. TALK IS CHEAP BOYS l : BUT IT Money to Buy Whisky i I ' """-........................ It Also Eeqires Money to Pay Expenses. I cannot sell Goods AT COST and pay expenses, but isiE33saa:asii5eicsaHB3SHiiaamiMi-aMsjniaiBniaiiiniiiiii:ajnaiMiiiiiia 1 1 CAN AM) WILL I tfiitiaiasauaeijcsiasaaaaBsraiaisjBxsaiaasramaaijaisiaaaimajai.asaaaaaaaaxaaaaBtaia&a Sell at Lower Pries Than certain Chatham Street Style of Merchants, who come before the public in flaming- advertise ments only for the purpose of SWINDLING THE PEOPLE Notwithstanding- the fact of since my arrival in Astoria, I have nearly doubled my sales, which has only been attained BY SQUARE DEALING. RECEIVEIJ BY EVERY STEAMER. Rememlev the Place, Hie, Old and Reliable ONE PEIOE I X L DRY GOODS ANB OhOTBlNQ HOUSE Main Street, near Parher House, Astoria. . C. K COOPER,, The Boss Coffee and Tea Pot l'TvTf'tt ' ii.. iVT?Jg -3 3, R. HAWES TWO DOOBS EAST OF OCCIDENT, CHAS. HEILBORN, MANUFACTURER OP FTIPJSJTTUKE 55 BEDDING AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings, WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every" branch. THE COLUMBIA r, & Bi is sri-EUtoi: to jiost. ami is JOHN HABLN, - CHENAMUS STREET, 'O CBSDnlers left at the CERMANIA BEER HALL will be promptly attended to.-ga ASTORIA BREWERY! M. MEYER Proprietor. HAVING EVERY FACILITY FOK tide. I am now prepared to furnit LAGEEBEER, AT .'IO CEXTS VKK (JALLO W JgQXiES A TiE. JSiamilies and keepers of public houses promptly and regularly supplied. M. MEYER. Proprietor ASTORIA. OREGON. First Class Saloon, l CHICAGO BREWERY DEPOT, On the Roadway, opimsite tlie Oregon Rail- j way and Navigation Co's wharf. i The choicest brands of foreign and domestic MIXES, IiiqUOItSAXD CIGARS. SSrBcHt Chicaso Bcer."att Take Notice. John Rogers, Centra! Market, Has received a large invoice of liAllRELS AND HALF BARRELS of the best quality, And know ready to supply Butchers Can neries and all others, cheap for cash. A SWEEPING REDUCTION Made on the choicest and best assortment of MENS. YOUTHS AND BOYS CL0THIN& Alse: The Finest Suits Made to Order and Warranted. TAKES this being the dullest year P3P MAY RE HAD OF iE.RHAWES SOLE AC.ENT. Also. Ascnt for the celebrated MEDALLION RAKGB, ASTORIA. OBEGON. BREWERY kxcei.i.ed i;y .none on this coast PKOPKIETOR, ASTORIA, OREGON. HE MANUFACTURE OF A FIUST CLASS AH. the public with tho finest fluidity, for cash. BOTTLED BEEE, AT $1 so i:k dozes. ASTORIA, OREGON. BRICK LAYER TLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PTiA &"J?3E12L3E1JEI. Orders left at the Occident Hotel, or at my Warehouse, foot of Benton Street promptly attended to. LIME, SAND, BRICK, rLASTEE. LATH, Cement, aud all materials in my line, furnished to order. f3"Speclal attention paid to Furnace work and Ranges. Cistern work warranted good or no pay. earAgent San Juan and New TacomaLime. ' . JL -r . , v v t "